NSF Product and Service Listings
These NSF Official Listings are current as of Friday, March 28, 2025 at 12:15 a.m. Eastern Time. Please contact NSF to confirm the status of any Listing, report errors, or make suggestions.
Alert: NSF is concerned about fraudulent downloading and manipulation of website text. Always confirm this information by clicking on the below link for the most accurate information: http://info.nsf.org/Certified/DWTU/Listings.asp?ProductFunction=058%7CArsenic+%28Pentavalent%29%3C%3D300+ppb+Reduction&
Note: Certain claims, such as Arsenic (Pentavalent) Reduction, appear as active links, allowing you to access additional information regarding the specific contaminants.
Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Treatment Systems
Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Treatment Systems
A.O. Smith Water Treatment (North American), Inc. | |
1900 Prospect Court | |
Appleton, WI 54914 | |
United States | |
800-777-1426 | |
920-739-9401 |
Facility : # 1 USA
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap [Pb] |
AORO-50 | S1448RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
Aqua Systems | |
7785 East US Highway 36 | |
Avon, IN 46123 | |
United States | |
317-272-3000 |
Facility : # 1 USA
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap [G] |
AQPC-35[1] [2] | S1448RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction |
AQPC-435[2] | S1448RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction |
S33201-PL6-AS[1] [2] | S357XX5 | 14 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [1] Serial number of 180000 or higher. [2] As of 05/28/2004. [G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
Aquion, Inc. | |
101 South Gary Avenue | |
Roselle, IL 60172 | |
United States | |
847-437-9400 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : Roselle, IL
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap [Pb] |
Rainsoft Ultrefiner II-FMV-BNFP[1] [2] [3] [4] | 51637 | 24.22 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction VOC Reduction ** |
Rainsoft Ultrefiner II-FMV-BNFV[1] [2] [3] [4] | 51637 | 24.22 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction VOC Reduction ** |
Rainsoft Ultrefiner II-FMV-CHFP[1] [2] [3] [4] | 51637 | 24.22 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction VOC Reduction ** |
Rainsoft Ultrefiner II-FMV-CHFV[1] [2] [3] [4] | 51637 | 24.22 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction VOC Reduction ** |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [1] F - Prefilter M - Membrane V - VOC post filter [2] Tested and Certified for VOC Reduction using the 51636 post filter for a 225 gallon capacity. [3] Base models are Ultrefiner II-FMV. Suffixes ( BNFP, BNFV, CHFP and CHFV) represent faucet type. [4] As of 1/15/2018. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
** The category of VOC (Volatile Organic Chemical) includes a number of chemicals that are both man-made and naturally occurring. Water from wells and utilities may contain some of these contaminants. Some VOCs are pesticides, herbicides, or insecticides that seep into the ground water after application. Other VOCs enter the water supply through industrial or other waste disposal. This category also includes total trihalomethanes, which are a by-product of chlorination.
A VOC reduction claim by the manufacturer means the system reduces the concentration of all of the following contaminants:
alachlor endrin simazine atrazine ethylbenzene styrene benzene ethylene dibromide (EDB) 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane carbofuran haloacetonitriles tetrachloroethylene carbon tetrachloride bromochloroacetonitrile toluene chlorobenzene dibromoacetonitrile 2,4,5-TP(silvex) chloropicrin dichloroacetonitrile tribromoacetic acid 2,4-D trichloroacetonitrile 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene dibromochloropropane (DBCP) haloketones 1,1,1-trichloroethane o-dichlorobenzene 1,1-dichloro-2-propanone 1,1,2-trichloroethane p-dichlorobenzene 1,1,1-trichloro-2-propanone trichloroethylene 1,2-dichloroethane heptachlor trihalomethanes (TTHM) 1,1-dichloroethylene heptachlor epoxide bromodichloromethane cis-1,2-dichloroethylene hexachlorobutadiene bromoform trans-1,2-dichloroethylene hexachlorocyclopentadiene chlorodibromomethane 1,2-dichloropropane lindane chloroform cis-1,3-dichloropropylene methoxychlor xylenes dinoseb pentachlorophenol
Atlantic Filter Corporation | |
3112 45th Street | |
West Palm Beach, FL 33407 | |
United States | |
561-683-0101 |
Facility : # 1 USA
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap [Pb] |
HR-35-TFC-4W[1] [2] | S1448RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [1] As of 05/28/2004. [2] Serial number of 180000 or higher. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
Clover Co., Ltd. | |
61, Simin-Daero 98beon-gil | |
Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do | |
Republic of Korea | |
82 31 425 8811 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : # 1 Republic of Korea
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap [Pb] |
30.64 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
23.39 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Lead Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction |
30.64 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
23.39 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
EcoWater Systems LLC | ![]() |
P.O. Box 64420 | |
St. Paul, MN 55164 | |
United States | |
800-869-2837 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : Iuka, MS
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap |
ERO-175[1] [Pb] | 7308297 | 14.76 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction |
ERO-385[Pb] | 7380639 | 15.75 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction |
ERO-385-BN[Pb] | 7380639 | 15.75 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction |
ERO-385-CP[Pb] | 7380639 | 15.75 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction |
ERO-385E[Pb] | 7380639 | 15.75 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction |
ERO-385E-BN[Pb] | 7380639 | 15.75 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction |
ERO-385E-CP[Pb] | 7380639 | 15.75 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction |
HERO-385-BN[Pb] | 7380639 | 15.75 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction |
HERO-385-CP[Pb] | 7380639 | 15.75 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction |
HERO-385PLUS[Pb] | 7380639 | 15.75 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [1] Model has a post filter that is also Certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 42. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
Franklin Water Treatment, LLC | |
5775 Las Positas Road | |
Livermore, CA 94551 | |
United States | |
800-339-8780 | |
925-456-7000 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : # 1 Mexico
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap |
Puronics Micromax 6000 TFC | 47-124001PRI 66-5706PRI 47-55730G2PRI |
7.82 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction Cyst Reduction |
Puronics Micromax 6500 TFC | 47-126001PRI 47-125001PRI 66-5706PRI 47-55730G2PRI |
7.82 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction Cyst Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. |
GE Appliances, a Haier Company | |
Appliance Park | |
AP2-120 | |
Louisville, KY 40225 | |
United States | |
800-952-5039 | |
502-452-5435 |
Facility : Iuka, MS
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap [Pb] |
GNRQ18NBN[1] | FQ18MN FQ18PN |
14.76 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Asbestos Reduction Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
GXRQ18NBN[1] | FQ18MN FQ18PN |
14.76 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Asbestos Reduction Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
14.76 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Asbestos Reduction Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [1] Model is a reverse osmosis system and is also Certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 58. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
GHP Group Inc. | |
6440 West Howard Street | |
Niles, IL 60714 | |
United States | |
877-227-4768 | |
847-324-5900 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : ShenZhen, China
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap |
20.3 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
20.3 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
20.3 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
23.3 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
23.3 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
23.3 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
23.3 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
VRO-3Q | VRFQ-RO | 20.3 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
VRO-3U | VRFU-RO | 23.3 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
VRO-4Q | VRFQ-RO | 20.3 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
VRO-4U | VRFU-RO | 23.3 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
VRO-5Q | VRFQ-RO | 20.3 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. |
HALO Water Systems | |
2075 Corte Del Nogal | |
Suite C | |
Carlsbad, CA 92011 | |
United States | |
800-591-0538 |
Facility : 1C
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap |
H-RO-PLUS | Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 |
20.1 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. |
[Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.
Hellenbrand Inc. | |
404 Maravian Valley Road | |
P.O. Box 187 | |
Waunakee, WI 53597-0187 | |
United States | |
608-849-3050 |
Facility : # 1 USA
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap [Pb] |
Millennium MRO-35[1] [2] | S1448RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction |
Millennium MRO-35GF[2] | S1448RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [1] Serial number of 180000 or higher. [2] As of 05/28/2004. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
Hydronix Water Technology | |
8630 Rochester Avenue | |
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 | |
United States | |
909-527-6996 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : 1C
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap |
20.1 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [3] XX= Faucet Finish AB - Antique Brass AW - Antique Wine BK - Black BN - Brushed Nickle CP - Chrome Plated IV - Ivory ORB - Oil Rubbed Bronze SN - Satin Nickle WH - White |
[1] Associated with a data transfer protocol. Test data results may be transferred to other manufacturer's systems if the systems meet requirements contained on the document entitled, "Data Transfer Procedure for Devices using Hydrondix Reverse Osmosis." This document is available from Hydronix Water Technology. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.
Facility : 3C
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Replacement Element: Plumbed-In to Separate Tap [Pb] |
HDGT-TW50 C[1] [2] [3] | N/A | 17 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [1] Associated with a data transfer protocol. Test data results may be transferred to other manufacturer's systems if the systems meet requirements contained on the document entitled, "Data Transfer Procedure for Devices using Hydrondix Reverse Osmosis." This document is available from Hydronix Water Technology. [2] Hydro Guard HGDT-45CP [3] Certified for a max usage of 1 UNIT/14.4L (0.07 UNITS/L) [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
Lancaster Water Treatment | |
1340 Manheim Pike | |
Lancaster, PA 17601-3196 | |
United States | |
717-397-3521 |
Facility : # 1 USA
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap [Pb] |
Brita Pro BPLRO-35 | S1448RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction |
CRO-350 | S1229RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction |
LRO-35[1] [2] | S1448RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction |
PRO-50 | S1448RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [1] As of 05/28/2004. [2] Serial number of 180000 or higher. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
Marlo Incorporated | |
2227 South Street | |
P.O. Box 044170 | |
Racine, WI 53404-7003 | |
United States | |
262-681-1300 |
Facility : # 1 USA
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap [Pb] |
TFC-35[1] | S1229RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction |
TFC-35M[1] | S1229RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [1] As of 05/28/2004. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
Master Water Conditioning, Inc. | |
224 Shoemaker Road | |
Pottstown, PA 19464 | |
United States | |
610-323-8358 |
Facility : # 1 USA
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap [Pb] |
Puro-35T[1] [2] | S1448RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [1] As of 05/28/2004. [2] Serial number of 180000 or higher. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
Microfilter Co., Ltd. | ![]() |
15-1, Gwinong 3-gil, Deoksan-eup | |
(162-1 Sansuri, Deoksan-eup) | |
Jincheon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do | |
27856, | |
Republic of Korea | |
82 43 536 5221 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : # 1 Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap [Pb] |
M9 3HA RO 100GPD | M92512 MC-FR M92512 CB-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR M92512 RO100-FR |
35.09 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction |
M9 3HA RO 50GPD | M92512 MC-FR M92512 CB-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR M92512 RO50-FR |
35.09 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction |
M9 3HA RO 75GPD | M92512 MC-FR M92512 CB-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR M92512 RO75-FR |
35.09 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction |
M9 4HA RO 100GPD | M92512 SED-FR M92512 MC-FR M92512 CB-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR M92512 RO100-FR |
30.64 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction |
M9 4HA RO 50GPD | M92512 CB-FR M92512 SED-FR M92512 RO50-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR |
23.39 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction |
M9 4HA RO 75GPD | M92512 CB-FR M92512 SED-FR M92512 RO75-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR |
30.64 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction |
M9 4SS RO 50GPD | M92512 CB-FR M92512 SED-FR M92512 RO50-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR |
54.44 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction |
M9 4SS RO 75GPD | M92512 CB-FR M92512 SED-FR M92512 RO75-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR |
66.35 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction |
M9 4SS RO 100GPD | M92512 SED-FR M92512 MC-FR M92512 CB-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR M92512 RO100-FR |
64.92 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction |
M9 5HA RO 100GPD | M92512 CB-FR M92512 RO100-FR M92512 SED-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR K2010 |
35.09 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction |
M9 5HA RO 50GPD | M92512 CB-FR M92512 RO50-FR M92512 SED-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR K2010 |
35.09 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction |
M9 5HA RO 75GPD | M92512 CB-FR M92512 RO75-FR M92512 SED-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR K2010 |
35.09 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction Turbidity Reduction TDS Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
Facility : Chungcheongbuk-Do, Korea, Republic of
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap [Pb] |
M9 3HA RO 100GPD | M92512 RO100-FR M92512 CB-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR M92512 MC-FR |
35.09 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
M9 3HA RO 50GPD | M92512 MC-FR M92512 CB-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR M92512 RO50-FR |
35.09 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
M9 3HA RO 75GPD | M92512 RO75-FR M92512 CB-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR M92512 MC-FR |
35.09 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
M9 4HA RO 100GPD | M92512 SED-FR M92512 MC-FR M92512 CB-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR M92515 RO100-FR |
30.64 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
M9 4HA RO 50GPD | M92512 CB-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR M92512 RO50-FR M92512 SED-FR |
23.39 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
M9 4HA RO 50GPD | M92512 SED-FR M92512 MC-FR M92512 CB-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR M92512 RO50-FR |
23.39 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
M9 4HA RO 75GPD | M92512 CB-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR M92512 RO75-FR M92512 SED-FR |
30.64 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
M9 4HA RO 75GPD | M92512 CB-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR M92512 RO75-FR M92512 SED-FR |
54.44 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
M9 4HA RO 75GPD | M92512 SED-FR M92512 MC-FR M92512 CB-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR M92512 RO75-FR |
30.64 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
M9 4SS RO 100GPD | M92512 SED-FR M92512 MC-FR M92512 CB-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR M92512 RO100-FR |
64.92 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
M9 4SS RO 50GPD | M92512 SED-FR M92512 MC-FR M92512 CB-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR M92512 RO50-FR |
54.44 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
M9 4SS RO 75GPD | M92512 CB-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR M92512RO75-FR M92512SED-FR |
66.35 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
M9 4SS RO 75GPD | M92512 SED-FR M92512 MC-FR M92512 CB-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR M92512 RO75-FR |
66.35 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
M9 5HA RO 100GPD | M92512 SED-FR M92512 RO100-FR M92512 CB-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR K2010 |
35.09 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
M9 5HA RO 50GPD | M92512 SED-FR M92512 RO50-FR M92512 CB-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR K2010 |
35.09 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
M9 5HA RO 75GPD | M92512 SED-FR M92512 RO75-FR M92512 CB-FR M92512 GC-FR M92512 GM-FR K2010 |
35.09 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
Microline | |
4462 Duraform Lane | |
Windsor, WI 53598-9716 | |
United States | |
608-846-3010 |
Facility : Windsor, WI
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap [G] [Pb] |
T.F.C.-335[1] | S1229RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction |
T.F.C.-335FS[1] | S1340RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction |
T.F.C.-335FSX[2] | S1340RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction |
T.F.C.-335X[1] | S1229RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction |
T.F.C.-3PL[1] [2] | S1448RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction |
T.F.C.-3PLX[1] [2] | S1448RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction |
T.F.C.-435[1] [2] | S1229RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction |
T.F.C.-435FFSX | S1340RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction |
T.F.C.-435FSX | S1340RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction |
T.F.C.-435RC | S1229RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction |
T.F.C.-435X[1] | S1229RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction |
T.F.C.-4PL[1] [2] | S1448RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction |
T.F.C.-4PLF[1] [2] | S1448RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction |
T.F.C.-4PLX[1] [2] | S1448RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [1] As of 05/28/2004. [2] Serial number of 180000 or higher. [G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
Pentair Residential Filtration, LLC | |
13845 Bishops Drive | |
Suite 200 | |
Brookfield, WI 53005 | |
United States | |
800-279-9404 | |
262-238-4400 |
Facility : Hanover Park, IL
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap |
Everpure Residential ROM IV[Pb] | ROM-PRE ROM-G75 ROM-PST ROM-PFK |
14.66 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
R.E. Prescott Co., Inc. | |
10 Railroad Ave | |
Exeter, NH 03833 | |
United States | |
603-772-4321 |
Facility : Windsor, WI
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap [G] |
ELP50-4 | S35715A-01 | 14 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
Rayne Corporation | |
4635 Ruffner Street | |
San Diego, CA 92111 | |
United States | |
858-292-1011 |
Facility : # 1 USA
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap [Pb] |
RaynePure Plus[1] [2] | S1229RS | 12 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [1] As of 05/28/2004. [2] Serial number of 180000 or higher. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
Reynolds Water Conditioning | |
24545 Hathaway St | |
Farmington Hills, MI 48335 | |
United States | |
248-888-5000 |
Facility : Windsor, WI
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap [G] |
QT-4 | S35715A-01 | 14 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
Senwater Systems, LLC. | |
Twentieth Floor | |
1300 East Ninth Street | |
Cleveland, OH 44114 | |
United States | |
216-262-0802 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : Windsor, WI
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap [Pb] |
DRO512 | S1229RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction |
TRO508 | S1229RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction |
TRO510 | S1229RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
Solventum Purification Inc. | |
400 Research Parkway | |
Meriden, CT 06450 | |
United States | |
800-222-7880 | |
651 737 1374 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : Stafford Springs, CT
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Replacement Element: Plumbed-In to Separate Tap |
3MRO501[G] | 3MROP411 3MROP412 3MROM413 3MROP416 |
23.92 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
Facility : Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap |
3MRO301 | 3MROP310 3MROP416 3MROM413 |
11.48 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
3MRO401 | 3MROP411 3MROP412 3MROM413 3MROP416 |
11.48 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction Fluoride Reduction |
CMTRO-3TFC | 47-55706G2 66-4706G2 |
11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
CMTRO-75[G] | 47-55706G2 66-4710G2 47-55710G2 |
23.59 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Lead Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
SQC4 Purificare[G] | 47-55702PC 47-55704PC 66-4706PC 47-55710PC |
11.48 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
The LeverEdge | |
1423 Gunn Highway | |
Odessa, FL 33556-5304 | |
United States | |
813-403-5100 |
Facility : # 1 USA
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap [1] [Pb] |
AvantaPure RO-450 | S1340RSX-LE[2] | 12 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Lead Reduction |
MAYTAG DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MODEL M-550 | S1340RSX-LEM | 12 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction |
Pro Elite RO-450 | S1340RSX-LE[2] | 12 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction |
Pro Elite RO-450 With Monitor | S1340RSX-LE[2] | 12 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction |
Westinghouse Drinking Water System A-450 | S1340RSX-LE[2] | 12 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction |
Westinghouse Drinking Water System D-550 | S1340RSX-LE[2] | 12 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction |
Westinghouse Drinking Water System P-550 | S1340RSX-LE[2] | 12 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction TDS Reduction Selenium Reduction |
Westinghouse Drinking Water System R-450 | S1340RSX-LE[2] | 12 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [1] As of 05/28/2004. [2] S1340RSX-LE consists of a S1340RS, a sump and an o-ring. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
Water Channel Partners | |
1890 Woodlane Drive | |
Woodbury, MN 55125 | |
United States | |
800-869-2837 |
Facility : # 3 USA
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap [1] [Pb] |
14.76 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
Ecodyne ELXROTU | ELXRM14 | 14.76 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
Ecopure ECOP30 | ECOROM | 14.76 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
North Star NSRO42C4 | 7287514 | 14.76 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
North Star NSROPS | NSROPF | 14.76 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
14.76 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
14.76 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
Whirlpool WHER25 | WHEERF WHEERM |
14.76 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction Copper Reduction Cyst Reduction Fluoride Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Turbidity Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [1] Model has a post filter that is also Certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 42. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
* This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic.
Water-Right / WaterCare | |
1900 Prospect Court | |
Appleton, WI 54914 | |
United States | |
920-739-9401 |
Facility : # 1 USA
Replacement | Daily Production | |||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | Module | Rate (gpd) | Claim | |||
Plumbed-In to Separate Tap [Pb] |
UltroWater[1] [2] | S1448RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction |
Water-Right® WRO-35[1] [2] | S1448RS | 11 | Arsenic (Pentavalent)<=300 ppb Reduction* Barium Reduction Cadmium Reduction Copper Reduction Fluoride Reduction Chromium (Hexavalent) Reduction Lead Reduction Nitrate/Nitrite Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction Selenium Reduction TDS Reduction Chromium (Trivalent) Reduction |
  * This product is intended for use only on water supplies that have been shown to be at or below the referenced concentration and valency of arsenic. [1] Serial number of 180000 or higher. [2] As of 05/28/2004. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
Number of matching Manufacturers is 26
Number of matching Products is 125
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