NSF Product and Service Listings

These NSF Official Listings are current as of Saturday, March 29, 2025 at 12:15 a.m. Eastern Time. Please contact NSF to confirm the status of any Listing, report errors, or make suggestions.

Alert: NSF is concerned about fraudulent downloading and manipulation of website text. Always confirm this information by clicking on the below link for the most accurate information: http://info.nsf.org/Certified/Lead_Content/Listings.asp?Standard=372%2DADD&Company=0H300&

Drinking Water System Components - Lead Content

Taco, Inc. 
1160 Cranston Street
Cranston, RI 02920 
United States 

Facility : Fall River, MA

Heat Exchanger [LL]
   (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)[1] [2]

[1] (1) Heater style
    C - Straight tube - fixed tube sheet
    E - U-tube, extended surface - 6" - 30" 2 pass, 150#, 375ºF
    G - U-tube - shell & tube - 150#, 375f
    *H - Hi-temp, extended surface - 6" - 24" 2 pass, 400#, 450ºF
    *J - U-tube - 250#/410f tube, 150#/410f shell
    *K - Replacement tube bundle, 250#
    L - U-tube - 150#, 375f - extended shell (pk) option
    *N - Replacement tube bundle, extended surface, 150#,400#
    *P - High temp., high press tubes (400#, 450f) tank unit and heat exch.
    *R - Replacement tube bundle (150#, 400#)
    T - U-tube - tank unit (150#)
    U - Replacement tube bundle, 150# (for. g code only)
    Rux applies pre-1974 liquid & steam, 4" - 12" units
    For use with schedule 40 pipe shells, 4" - 10" units
    W - Replacement tube bundle, 150# (2 pass only)
    For use with schedule 40 pipe shells, 6" - 10" units
    *Grooved tubeplates if heater style is h, j, k, p or r/n 400#
    (2) Nominal pipe size (inches)
    04 - 30 (even numbers except 28)
    (3) Number of passes 
    1, 2, 4, or 6 pass
    (4) Length of unit (in 6" increments)
    04 - 20 (length - code no. x 6")
    (5) Style 
    (-) ANSI (standard) 
    (t) Tema style ('t' is valid for replacement tema tube bundles only)
    (6) Shell style or tank unit
    L - Liquid/liquid
    S - Steam/liquid
    F - Fuel oil suction heater
    A - Tank unit w/ collar - ¾" tubes
    B - Tank unit w/ collar - ¾" tubes - cement lined applications
    C - Tank unit w/ collar - 1 ¼" tubes - cement lined applications
    D - Tank unit w/ extended collar - ¾" tubes
    E - Tank unit w/ ext. collar - ¾" tubes - cement lined applications
    G - Tank unit less collar - ¾” tubes - with slip-on flange
    H - High temperature - high pressure (heat exchange w/shell)
    W - Tank unit w/ collar - 1 ¼" tubes
    X - High temperature - high pressure tank unit w/ collar - ¾" tubes
    Y - High temperature - high press tank unit w/ ext.collar - ¾" tubes
    J - Tank unit less collar - ¾" tubes - with shipping flange
    K - Tank unit less collar - ¾" tubes - cement lined application & with shipping flange
    L - High temperature - high pressure tank unit less collar - ¾" tubes
    (7) Head material
    1 - Fab. steel
    2 - Cast bronze, low lead, SB-148 (4" - 10" only)
    4 - Cast iron (4" - 10" only)
    5 - Stainless steel - type 304
    6 - Stainless steel - type 316
    (8) Head type
    A - Threaded (4" - 10" only)
    B - Channel - flanged - w/ cover (4" - 20" only)
    C - Channel - flanged - w/ 0 cover (std)
    D - Channel - threaded - w/ cover
    E - Channel threaded - w/ 0 cover
    F - Flanged
    (9) Tube plate material
    1 - Steel
    5 - 304 stainless steel
    6 - 316 stainless steel
    7 - Naval brass
    8 - Cupro nickel 90/10
    9 - Steel b&g tube plate (4" - 12" only)
    A - D/W design - steel I steel
    B - D/W design - 304 s.s. I 304 s.s.
    C - D/W design - 304 s.s. (head side) I steel (shell side)
    D - D/W design - steel (head side) / 304 s.s. (shell side)
    E - 304 s.s. (grooved) if tubing is d, e, p
    F - Steel (grooved)
    G - 316 s.s. (grooved) if heater style is h, j, k, p, or r/n 400#
    H - D/W design - 316 s.s. (head side) / steel (shell side)
    J - D/W design - steel (head side) I 316 s.s. (shell side)
    K - D/W design - 316 s.s. I 316 s.s.
    (10) Tubing material
    A - Copper, ¢¾" x .035 wall - s875 20 ga.
    B - Copper, ¢¾" x .049 wall - s875 18 ga.
    C - Copper, ¢¾" x .065 wall - s875 16 ga.
    *D - 304 s.s., ¢¾" d - 049 wall - sa249 tp304 18 ga.
    *E - 316 s.s., ¢¾" x .049 wall - sa249 tp316 18 ga.
    F - Cu-ni90/10, ¢¾" x .035 wall - 58111-706 20 ga.
    G - Cu-ni 90/10, ¢¾" x .049 wall - sb111-706 18 ga.
    H - Cu-ni70/30, ¢¾" x .049 wall - 58111-715 18 ga.
    *P - Steel, ¢¾" x - .060 wall - sa214
    R - Double wall copper (smooth), ¢¾" x .040 wall - sb75-c122
    W - Double wall cu-ni (smooth), ¢¾" x .040 wall - sb111-706
    * Requires grooved tube plate (see position 11)
[2] (11) Separator & tie rod material
    T - Steel - (with copper tie rod)
    U - 304 s.s. - (with copper tie rod)
    V - 304 s.s. - (with 304 s.s. tie rod)
    W - 316 s.s. - (with 316 s.s. tie rod)
    X - 316 s.s. - (with copper tie rod)
    Y - Naval brass - (with copper tie rod)
    Z - Cupro nickel 90/10 - (with copper tie rod)
    (12) Separator spacing (inches)
    02, 03, 04, 06, 08, 10 etc.
    (13) Special order heat exchangers have the following nomenclature:
    4000 - 4" heat exchanger (6000 - 6", 8000 - 8", 10,000 - 10", etc.)
    S - Indicates 'special design'
    123  - Sequential number assigned to each special model
    E - Indicates two pass design (G - four pass design)
    0410 - Indicates standard tube bundle (numbers vary based on diameter & length of tube
[LL] Product conforms with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by
     California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water

Thermal Expansion Tanks [LL]
   CA$-&@P[3] [4] [5] [6]
   CAF?-&@P[3] [5] [6] [7]
   PAX#-%-@[6] [8] [9]
   PAX#-%@P[3] [6] [8] [9]
   PAX#-S*[8] [10]

[3] Certified for use on cold water side of the hot water tank onlly.
[4] $ is the tank size in liters and may be 90, 140, 215, 300,
    450, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400,
    1500, 1600, 1800, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000, 5000, 7500 or 10,000.
[5] & is the pressure rating and may be 125, 150, 175, 250, or 300.
[6] @ is optional and may be the letter "A", "B", or "AB" indicating additional tank options
[7] ? tank size may be 90, 140, 215, 300, 450, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200,
    1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1800, 2000, or 2500.
[8] # is the tank size in liters and may be 30, 42, 84, 130, 170, 215, 254, 300, 350, 425,
    or 500.
[9] % is the pressure rating and may be 150 or 175.
[10] * may be any numerical identifier.
[LL] Product conforms with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by
     California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water

Facility : Cranston, RI

Fittings[1] [2] [LL]

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark are Certified.
[2] Cast iron flanges and union connection flanges are not included in the Certification.
[LL] Product conforms with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by
     California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water

Miscellaneous Process Devices [LL]
   SPe-1 SmartPlus-e®[6]

[3] The 1600-031SRP, 1600-032SRP, 1600-033SRP, and 1600-174SRP are replacement part flange
    sets, which include flanges and gaskets, for use in the 1600 and 1900 series pumps.
[4] The 1634-038S/25 and 1600-032S/25 are bulk orders of flange only sets.
[5] The 1630-025SRP, 1630-048SRP, and 1630-054SRP are replacement impeller parts for use
    with the 1600 series and 1900 series pumps.
[6] The SPe-1 SmartPlus-e® consists of a 3/4" pump.
[LL] Product conforms with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by
     California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water

Pumps[1] [LL]
   (X)1506(Y) [7]
   (X)3011(Y) [7]
   (X)6011(Y) [7]
   (X)6013(Y) [7]
   1911ecm-SF VR50105-CD1-FSWXYZ[13]
   1915e-SF VR65120-CB1-FSWXYZ[13]
   1915ecm-SF VR65120-CB2-FSWXYZ[13]
   2400-Sxx-3P Series[15]
   2400-xxS Series[15]
   LoadMatch® L(A)-(B)(C)(D)(E)-(F)(G)(H)(I)[16]
   SPe-1 SmartPlus-e®[6]
   SXPB-1[10] [17]
   VM1212-DY1-UPXXXX[18] [LL]
   VM2644-DD1-RSXXXX[18] [LL]
   VM3450-DD1-RSXXXX[18] [LL]
   VR3450-DD1-RSXXXX[18] [LL]
   XPB-1[10] [17]

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark are Certified.
[6] The SPe-1 SmartPlus-e® consists of a 3/4" pump.
[7] The (X) in the trade name can be any of the following letter combinations: CI, FI, KS,
    KV, SCI, SFI, SKV, SKS. The (Y) in the trade name can be a C,D, or could be blank.
[8] (X) The first identification group is the pump series identifier: 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 
         11, 12, 13, 14, 15, or R
    (1)	Control Modifier 
        IQ  - Circulator with smart pulse control 
        MS  – Multi speed circulator 
        VR  – Variable speed circulator, outdoor reset (VSD-R) 
        VS  – Variable speed circulator, set point (VSD-S) 
        VV  – Variable speed circulator, 0-10 volt (VSD-V) 
        VT  – Variable speed circulator, solar (VSD-T) 
        VDT – Variable speed circulator, Delta-T (VSD-S) 
        Z   – Zoning circulator (115V/120V, 60 Hz versions only) 
        No Letter - No controller
    (2) Material Modifier 
        B – Bronze casing 
        S – Stainless steel casing 
    Cast iron casings with no material modifier are excluded from this Certification.
    (3) Casing Modifier 
         No letter – sweat or union pump housing connection 
          C        – casing threads for body mounting 
          F        – flange pump housing connections 
          T        – internal NPT pipe thread pump housing connections 
    (4) Revision Version. Any value is acceptable.  
    (5) Motor Modifier
        No letter – 115V, 60 Hz motor 
        A         – 220V, 50 Hz motor 
        R         – 100/110V, 50 Hz motor 
        U         – 265V, 60 Hz motor 
        V         – 220V, 60 Hz motor 
        Y         - 208/230V, 60 Hz motor 
    (6) Optional third identification group for non-standard changes.  Any value is
[9] Model of cartridge circulator - 006 (Small), 008 (Medium), 0011(Large)
    C   - TacoGenie™
    T   - Threaded
    F   - Flanged
    USK - Under sink kit
[10] Size: 3/4 - 1 1/2"
[11] Size: 2"
[12] All pump models may be supplied with or without flanges.
[13] WXYZ in the trade name refers to the following:
     W: Position Modifier (Motor rotation position)
     X: Color Modifier (A: Standard Color)
     Y and Z: Special Labeling Modifier (Software code, OEM Packaging)
[14] xx - 10, 20, 30, 40, 45, 50, 60, 65 or 70 for performance characteristics.
     -50S may be followed by a "/2" suffix.
     -70S may be followed by a "/3" suffix.
[15] xx - 10, 20, 30, 40, 45, 50, 60, 65, or 70 for performance characteristics.  S may be
     followed by additional suffix qualifiers.
[16] (A) Model
         0205, 0609, 0410, 0710, 0515, 0435, 1111, 1130, 1614, 1034, 1121
     (B) Motor rating
         Y6 – 110/120v, 60Hz
         B6 – 220/240v, 60Hz
         R6 – 265/277v, 60Hz
         Y5 – 110/120v, 50Hz
         B5 – 220/240v, 50Hz
         R5 – 265/277v, 50Hz
     (C) Casing material
         B – Bronze
         S – Stainless steel
     (D) Feature
         S – Standard
         D – Variable speed 0 - 10V
         E – Variable speed set point
         M – 3 Speed (multi)
         Z – Zoning circ.
         I – IFC
         R – Relay
         F – Variable speed set point + IFC
         N – 3 Speed (multi) + IFC
         X – Zoning circ. + IFC
         V – Variable speed 0 - 10V + IFC
     (E) UL Version. Any value is acceptable
     (F) Connection
         F – Flange, pipe mounting
         S – Sweat, pipe mounting
         C – Sweat, casing mounting
         U – Union, pipe mounting
         N – NPT, pipe mounting
         E – End Suction, pipe mounting
     (G) Fitting
         7 – 3/4"
         5 – 1/2"
         H – horizontal
         V – vertical
     (H) Pump and bracket position
         A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W
     (I) Feature
         N – None
         V – Viton seals
         L – Line cord (non-UL)
     Other identifiers denoting non-standard changes
[17] The Listed size is the pump connection.  Suffix groups indicate variations in non-wetted
     parts.  The -1 may be replaced by an alpha-numeric value indicating non-wetted
     considerations.  Any value is acceptable.
[18] XXXX in the trade name refers to any alpha numeric character.  They do not reflect
     wetted parts.
[19] 003B-RECIRC-DT, 006B-RECIRC-DT, and 006B-RECIRC-DT-IFC are kits comprised of Certified
     pumps 00(X)-(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)-(6) and a digital timer.
     1st 3 digits = circulator model
     B = Bronze casing material
     Recirc = application
     DT = Plugin Digital Timer
[LL] Product conforms with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by
     California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water
[LL] Product conforms with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by
     California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water

   HLV-1 Hot-Link® Bypass Valve

[LL] Product conforms with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by
     California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water

Facility : Komenda, Slovenia


[LL] Product conforms with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by
     California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water

Number of matching Manufacturers is 1
Number of matching Products is 179
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