NSF Product and Service Listings

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Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals - Health Effects

Kurita Water (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. 
No. 89B, Jalan i-Park 1/10, Kawasan
Perindustrian i-Park, Bandar Indahpura 
81000 Kulai, Johor (Company No: 289658-X) 
65 6861 2622
Visit this company's website

Facility : Johor, Malaysia

Miscellaneous Treatment Applications
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
Antichlor™ 427[1] Dechlorination 8mg/L
Kuriverter IK-510[2] Reverse Osmosis Membrane Biocide 50mg/L
Kuriverter N-195 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 50mg/L
Kuriverter™ AC-427[1] Dechlorination 8mg/L

[1] This product contains sulfite.
   Sulfites have been known to cause potentially lethal allergic reactions in sulfite-sensitive individuals.
   The maximum recommended allowable residual sulfite level in the finished drinking water is 100 ppb (0.1 mg/L). [2] This product is designed to reduce biofilm on reverse osmosis membranes.

Miscellaneous Treatment Chemical
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
KURIVERTER IK-250 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant
Reverse Osmosis Membrane Biocide
VITEC 1600 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 20mg/L

Miscellaneous Water Supply Products
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
Avista™ 192[3] [4] Membrane Cleaner NA
Avista™ 204 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 20mg/L
Avista™ RC L211[3] [4] Membrane Cleaner N/A
Avista™ RC L212[3] [4] Membrane Cleaner N/A
Avista™ RC L403[3] [4] Membrane Cleaner N/A
Avista™ RC L811[3] [4] Membrane Cleaner N/A
Avista™ RC P111[4] [5] Membrane Cleaner N/A
Avista™ RC P112[3] [4] Membrane Cleaner N/A
Avista™ RC P303[3] [4] Membrane Cleaner NA
Avista™ RC P903[3] [4] Membrane Cleaner NA
Avista™ VT 1070 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 5mg/L
Avista™ VT 1400[6] Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 30mg/L
Avista™ VT 3000 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 7mg/L
Avista™ VT 4000 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 7mg/L
Avista™ VT 5100 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 13mg/L
Avista™ VT 7000 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 7mg/L
KURITA KV N-301 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 15mg/L
KURIVERTER IK-110[7] Other 46mg/L
KURIVERTER IK-110[8] Membrane Cleaner NA
KURIVERTER N-301 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 15mg/L
KURIVERTER N-302 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 15mg/L
KURIVERTER N-303 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 15mg/L
KURIVERTER N-500 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 10mg/L
KURIVERTER N-500 (2) Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 5mg/L
KURIVERTER N-501 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 10mg/L
Kuriverter IK-220[7] Reverse Osmosis Membrane Biocide 50mg/L
Kuriverter MC-200 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 10mg/L
Kuriverter MC-201 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 10mg/L
Kuriverter MC-202 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 10mg/L
OSMOTECH® 1060 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 30mg/L
OSMOTECH® 1061 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 30mg/L
OSMOTECH® 1070 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 5mg/L
OSMOTECH® 1090 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 15mg/L
RoClean™ L211[3] [4] Membrane Cleaner N/A
RoClean™ L212[3] [4] Membrane Cleaner N/A
RoClean™ L403 [3] [4] Membrane Cleaner N/A
RoClean™ L811 Membrane Cleaner N/A
RoClean™ P111[4] [5] Membrane Cleaner N/A
RoClean™ P112 [3] [4] Membrane Cleaner N/A
RoClean™ P192 Membrane Cleaner NA
RoClean™ P303[3] [4] Membrane Cleaner NA
RoClean™ P903[3] [4] Membrane Cleaner NA
Vitect™ 7000 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 7mg/L
Vitec™ 1070 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 5mg/L
Vitec™ 1400[6] Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 30mg/L
Vitec™ 3000 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 7mg/L
Vitec™ 4000 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 7mg/L
Vitec™ 5100 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 13mg/L

[3] This product is designed to be used off-line and flushed out prior to using the system
    for drinking water, following manufacturer's use instructions.
[4] The pH of the influent and effluent water should be monitored to ensure that all traces
    of the product have been removed before placing into service.
[5] This product is designed to be used off-line and flushed out prior to using the system
    for drinking water, following manufacturer's use instructions.  The system should be
    flushed with 5 bed/volumes of water, before being placed back on-line.
[6] Certified for use with nanofiltration membranes composed of polyamide thin-film
    composite with a minimum salt rejection of 97% (for MgSO4 at 2,000 mg/L and 70 psi).
[7] This product is designed to reduce biofilm on reverse osmosis membrane through continued
    injection (online) at the recommended dosage and shall be subject to the said maximum
[8] In the case to be used as membrane cleaner, this product shall be used offline and is to
    be flushed out prior to using the system for drinking water, following the
    manufacturer's use instructions. 

Polymer Blends
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
Avista™ RQ 3000 Coagulation & Flocculation 100mg/L
RoQuest™ 3000 Coagulation & Flocculation 100mg/L

Sodium Polyacrylate
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
KURITA C-556EA Flocculant 3mg/L

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