NSF Product and Service Listings

These NSF Official Listings are current as of Friday, March 14, 2025 at 12:15 a.m. Eastern Time. Please contact NSF to confirm the status of any Listing, report errors, or make suggestions.

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Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals - Health Effects

Kurita Water Industries (Taixing) Co., Ltd. 
No. 18 Runjiang Rd Dev. High-Tech Park
Binjiang Town, Taixing City, Jiangsu 

Facility : Jiangsu, China

Aminotrimethylene Phosphonic Acid
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
OSMOTECH 1060 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 30mg/L
OSMOTECH 1070 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 15mg/L

Miscellaneous Treatment Applications
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
AvistaVitecâ„¢ 8800 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 12mg/L
AvistaVitecâ„¢ 8820 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 60mg/L
KURITA T-N715 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 60mg/L
KURITA T-NC780 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 12mg/L

Miscellaneous Treatment Chemical
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
KURITA F-7490[2] [CL] Other 70mg/L
KURITA F-R110[2] [CL] Other 70mg/L
KURITA F-R220[2] [CL] Other 70mg/L
KURITA K-1100[1] [3] [CL] Other NA
KURITA K-5030 Reverse Osmosis Membrane Biocide NA
KURITA T-N500 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 10mg/L
KURITA T-N560 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 10mg/L
KURITA TD-1050 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 5mg/L
KURITA TD-1900 Scale Control 50mg/L

[1] This product is designed to be used off-line and flushed out prior to using the system
    for drinking water, following manufacturer's use instructions.
[2] This product is designed to reduce biofilm on reverse osmosis membranes.
[3] The pH of the influent and effluent water should be monitored to ensure that all traces
    of the product have been removed before placing into service.
[CL] The residual levels of chlorine (hypochlorite ion and hypochlorous acid), chlorine
     dioxide, chlorate ion, chloramine and disinfection by-products shall be monitored in the
     finished drinking water to ensure compliance to all applicable regulations.

Miscellaneous Water Supply Products
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
Aktiphos 4160 Distillation Antiscalant 10mg/L
KURITA F-7490 Other 70mg/L
KURITA F-R110 Other 70mg/L
KURITA F-R220 Other 70mg/L
KURITA K-1100 Membrane Cleaner NA
KURITA K-6100[1] Reverse Osmosis Membrane Biocide NA
KURITA TD-1800 Reverse Osmosis Antiscalant 14mg/L

[1] This product is designed to be used off-line and flushed out prior to using the system
    for drinking water, following manufacturer's use instructions.

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Number of matching Products is 22
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