NSF Product and Service Listings

These NSF Official Listings are current as of Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 12:15 a.m. Eastern Time. Please contact NSF to confirm the status of any Listing, report errors, or make suggestions.

Alert: NSF is concerned about fraudulent downloading and manipulation of website text. Always confirm this information by clicking on the below link for the most accurate information: http://info.nsf.org/Certified/PwsComponents/Listings.asp?TradeName=mp&

Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects

NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated for Materials, Certification is only for the Water Contact Material shown in the Listing. Click here for a list of Abbreviations used in these Listings. Click here for the definitions of Water Contact Temperatures denoted in these Listings. Products certified to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 comply with the health effects criteria in NSF/ANSI/CAN 600.

3M / Electrical Markets Division 
3M Center, Building 201-2C-11
St. Paul, MN 55144 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Angleton, TX

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Pump
ScotchKote 134[4] [5] D. HOT PEC
Scotchkote 206N[2] [3] >= 2" D. HOT PEC
Scotchkote 206N Extra LG[2] [3] >= 2" D. HOT PEC
Scotchkote 206N Fluid Bed[2] [3] >= 2" D. HOT PEC
Scotchkote 206N Long Gel[2] [3] >= 2" D. HOT PEC

[2] Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 60
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 206N: 10 minutes at 400°F; 206N Extra LG: 16 minutes at
    400°F; 206N Fluid Bed: 10 minutes at 400°F; 206N Long Gel: 10 minutes at 400°F
[3] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 122.1 sq. in./L. for pump end
[4] Number of Coats: 1
    Sequence of Coats: N/A
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 60
    Maximum Thinner: None
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 25 minutes at 425° F
[5] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 122.1 sq. in./L for pump end use.

A. O. Smith Enterprises Ltd. 
768 Erie Street
P.O. Box 310 
Stratford, ON N5A 6T3 

Facility : Stratford, Ontario, Canada

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pressurized Water Storage Tanks[1] [G]
Global Pump (GPE Prefix) >= 85 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Gould Pumps Hydro Pro Water Systems Tanks (V Prefix and MP or PST Suffix) 14 - 20 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Gould Pumps Hydro Pro Water Systems Tanks (V Prefix) 14 - 119 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Pump Pro (PP Prefix and MP or PST Suffix) 14 - 20 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Pump Pro (PP Prefix) >= 14 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
State (MPT Prefix & SSB Prefix) >= 85 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Trident (TD Prefix and MP or PST Suffix) 14 - 20 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Trident Ultra (TDU Prefix and MP or PST Suffix ) >= 14 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Xylem Hydro Pro Water System Tanks (V prefix and MP or PST suffix) 14 - 20 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Product also complies with NSF/ANSI 372.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


A. W. Chesterton Co. 
860 Salem Street
Groveland, MA 01834 
United States 

Facility : Groveland, MA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1] [G]
150 Non-Split Cartridge Seal [2] D. HOT MLTPL
1510 Non-Split Cartridge Seal [2] D. HOT MLTPL
155 Non-Split Cartridge Seal [2] D. HOT MLTPL
1725A [3] D. HOT PTFE
180 Non-Split Cartridge Seal [2] D. HOT MLTPL
1810 Non-Split Cartridge Seal [2] D. HOT MLTPL
442 Split Mechanical Seal [2] D. HOT MLTPL
442C Split Mechanical Seal [2] D. HOT MLTPL
491 Rotary Seal [4] D. HOT MLTPL
891 Rotary Seal [5] D. HOT MLTPL
S10 Non-Split Cartridge Seal [2] D. HOT MLTPL
Single Non-Split Cartridge Seals [2] D. HOT MLTPL
Spare Part Kit (SPK) [2] D. HOT MLTPL

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[2] Certified for mechanical seals for use with pump shafts ranging from 1" - 12" in
    diameter.  Certified for equivalent metric sizes.
[3] Certified for use as a packing material in pumps with shaft diameters >= 0.625".
[4] Certified for mechanical seals for use with pump shafts ranging from 16-110 mm in
[5] Certified for mechanical seals for use with pump shafts ranging from 1"-8" in diameter.
    for equivalent metric sizes.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Pump
ARC S1 PW BLU[1] >= 1/2" CLD 23 EPOXY
ARC S1 PW WH[1] >= 1/2" CLD 23 EPOXY

[1] Colors: Blue, White
    Number of coats: 3
    Maximum field use dry film thickness (in mils): 45 (15 mils/coat)
    Recoat cure time and temperature: 6 hours at 77°F
    Final cure time and temperature: 7 days at 77°F
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of Part A:B is 2:1 by volume

2757 E Chambers Street
Phoenix, AZ 85040 
United States 

Facility : Anhui, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps [G]
101-XANN-YYG[1] 50x32 - 350x300 mm D. HOT MLTPL

[1] The variables in the trade name denote the following:
    "NN" refers to outlet size, ranging from 32 mm to 300 mm.
    "YY" refers to impeller diameter, ranging from 13 cm - 50 cm.
    "G" is an optional designation indicating High Speed.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


ACCOR Technology, Inc. 
3310 5th Street Southeast
East Wenatchee, WA 98802 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : East Wenatchee, WA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[G]
PushOn 113A Accor Arrester 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
PushOn 109A Accor Arrester 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Ace Hardware Corporation 
2200 Kensington Ct
Oakbrook, IL 60523 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Omaha, NE

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Ace Pipe Thread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT SLT

Adam Carbons Ltd. 
264, Grandpass Road
Colombo 14 
Sri Lanka 
94 72 7434464
Visit this company's website

Facility : Giriulla, Sri Lanka

Process Media

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Granular Activated Carbon[1]
AC Virgin Granular Impregnated [2] CLD 23 CARBON

[1] The carbon source is coconut shell.
[2] Certified for the following mesh sizes: All mesh sizes between US ASTM 3 - 325.

NOTE: Certified for water treatment plant applications.
      This product has not been evaluated for point of use applications.

Adhesive R&D, Inc. 
4603 Anderson Drive
Eau Claire, WI 54703 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Eau Claire, WI

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds
DFM 555 [1] CLD 23 SLT
DFM 63 [1] CLD 23 SLT
DFM 64 [1] CLD 23 SLT
DFM 65 [1] CLD 23 SLT
DFM 66 [1] CLD 23 SLT
DFM 67 [1] CLD 23 SLT
DFM 68 [1] CLD 23 SLT
FMB64 [1] CLD 23 SLT
FMB65 [1] CLD 23 SLT
FMB66 [1] CLD 23 SLT
RubberMAX iPipe 70 [1] CLD 23 SLT
RubberMAX iPipe 71 [1] CLD 23 SLT
RubberMAX iPipe 72 [1] CLD 23 SLT
RubberMAX iPipe 73 [1] CLD 23 SLT

[1] Certified for a maximum of 18.5 joints per liter.

Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG 
Produktmanagement Chemie, Postfach
74650 Künzelsau 
49 794 015 2007

Facility : # 1 Switzerland

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds
Würth® DOS Rohrdicht mit PTFE >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Würth® DOS Rohrdicht[1] >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Würth® DOS Schraubensicherung Hochfest >= 1/2" C. HOT TC

[1] Certification is based on a minimum cure of 72 hours at 75°F.

AERCO International 
100 Oritani Drive
Blauvelt, NY 10913 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 USA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

DigiTemp Sr. ADMS150 1 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Franklin, NH

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

DigiTemp Jr. V23NN 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
DigiTemp Jr. V55NN 1" C. HOT MLTPL
DigiTemp Jr. V71NN 1 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
DigiTemp Jr. V125NN 2" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


AHC Trading Co. 
2915 Jorie Boulevard
Oak Brook, IL 60523 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Zhejiang, China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

4016408 FLR CONNCTR3/4"MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016413 COMP TEE 7/8" LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016417 COMP ADAPT3/8X3/4FPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016419 COMP ADAPTR5/8X3/4FPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016425 COMP ELBOW7/8X3/4"MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016439 MALE CONN 5/8X3/8MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016440 COMP CONCTR1/2X3/4MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016451 COMP TEE 3/8MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016452 RDC TEE 3/8"X1/4" COMP 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016458 COMP ELBOW1/2X1/4MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016462 FLR CONCTR1/4X1/2MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016464 FLR CONCTR7/8X3/4MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016465 COMP ELBOW3/8X3/8FPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016467 MALE CONN 5/16X3/8MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016476 COMPRSN ELBOW 5/16" LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016477 COMP TEE 5/16" LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016478 COMP ELBOW1/4X1/2MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016479 COMP ELBOW 3/8X1/4" LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016489 ELBOW 90DEG1/4"MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016491 COMP ELBOW1/4X3/8MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016501 COMP UNION 5/16X1/4" LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016502 COMP ELBOW3/8X1/4"FPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016507 COMP ELBOW1/4X1/8"FPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016510 COMP ADAPTR1/2X3/8FPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016585 COMP TEE 5/8X1/2MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016594 COMP ELBOW3/8X1/2FPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016595 MALE CONN 5/16X1/8MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016596 COMP ELBOW5/16X1/4MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016598 COMP ELBOW5/16X1/8MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016600 COMP CONCTR3/8X3/4MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016603 COMP ELBOW 7/8" LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016610 COMP CONCTR7/8X3/4FPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016611 COMP TEE 1/2X1/2"MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016621 COMP ELBOW1/4X1/4FPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016624 MALE CONN 1/4X3/8MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016626 COMP ELBOW 5/8X3/8 LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016627 COMP ELBOW1/2X3/4MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016634 ELBW 90D 5/8X1/2"MPT 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016635 HEX NIPPLE 1/2X1/4MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016648 COMP ADAPTR1/4X3/8FPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016649 COMP ELBOW 1/2X3/8FPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016653 MALE CONCTR3/8X1/8MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016659 HOSE BARB1X3/4"MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016666 COMP ELBOW5/8X1/2"FPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016671 COMP ADAPTR1/2X3/4FPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016675 COMP ELBOW1/2X1/2FPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016683 COMP ELBOW5/8X3/8MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016690 ELBW 90D 1/2X1/2"MPT 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016693 COMP ELBOW 1/2X3/8 LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016700 ELBW 90D 1/2X3/8"MPT 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016708 COMP CONCTR1/4X3/8MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016715 MALE CONTR3/4 X1/2MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016719 SLEEVE COMPRSN BRASS 3/4" 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016794 COMPRSN SLEEVE 1/8"BRS 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016795 COMPRSN SLEEVC 3/16"BRS 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016796 COMPRSN SLEEVE 1/4"BRS 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016797 COMPRSN SLEEVE 5/16"BRS 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016798 SLEEVE COMPRESSN 3/8" BU 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016799 COMPRSN SLEEVE 1/2" BRS 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016800 COMP SLEEVE 5/8"BRS 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016801 COMPRSN SLEEVE 7/8"BRS 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016885 COMP CONCTR1/8X1/8MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016886 COMP CONTR3/16X1/8MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016895 COMP CONCTR1/4X1/2MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016900 COMP CONTR5/16X1/8MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016902 COMP CONTR5/16X1/4MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016913 COMP CONCTR3/8X1/8MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016920 COMP CONCTR1/2X1/4MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016927 COMP CONCTR1/4X1/8FPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016928 CONNECTOR COMP 1/4X1/2" 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016936 COMP CONCTR5/8X1/2FPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016938 COMPRSSN CAP 1/4" LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016939 COMPRESSION CAP 5/16" LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016940 COMPRESSION CAP 3/8" LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016943 COMPRESSION CAP 1/2" LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016944 COMPRSSN CAP 5/8" LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016946 COMP INSERT 1/4" BRS 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016949 COMP INSERT 5/16" BRS 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016966 COMP INSERT 1/2"BRS 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016967 INSERT COMPRSN BRASS5/8" 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016968 90 DEG ELBOW COMP 1/4" 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016969 ELBOW 90D COMP 3/8" 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016970 ELBOW 90D COMP 1/2" 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016971 ELBOW 90D COMP 5/8" 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016972 ELBW 90D MPT 1/4X1/8" 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016973 ELBW 9OD 1/4X1/4"MPT 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016974 ELBW 90D 3/8X1/4"MPT 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016975 ELBW 90D 3/8"COMPXMPT 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016976 ELBW 90D 3/8X1/2"MPT 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016977 TEE BRSS COMP 1/4X1/4" 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016979 COMP TEE 3/8X3/8X1/4" LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016980 TEE BRSS COMP 3/8X3/8" 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016981 TEE BRSS COMP 1/2X1/2" 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016982 TEE BRSS COMP 5/8X5/8" 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016983 COMP UNION 1/8X1/8" LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016984 COMP UNION 3/16X3/16" LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016985 UNION BRASS COMP 1/4" 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016987 UNION COMPRSN 5/16X5/16" 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016989 UNION BRASS COMP 3/8" 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016991 UNION BRASS COMP 1/2" 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016992 COMP UNION 5/8X3/8" LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016993 COMP RED UNION5/8X1/2 LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016995 UNION BRASS COMP 5/8" 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016996 COMP UNION 3/4X3/4" LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016997 COMP UNION 7/8X7/8"BR LL 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4016999 HOSE BARB 1/8X1/8"MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017019 HOSE BARB 1/8X1/4"MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017042 HOSE BARB 3/16X1/8MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017059 HOSE BARB 3/16X1/4MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017075 HOSE BARB 1/4X1/8"MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017079 HOSE BARB 1/4X1/4"MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017080 HOSE BARB 1/4X3/8"MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017091 HOSE BARB 1/4X1/2MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017109 HOSE BARB 5/16X1/8MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017122 HOSE BARB5/16X1/4"MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017123 HOSE BARB5/16X3/8"MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017124 HOSE BARB3/8X1/8"MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017141 HOSE BARB3/8"X1/4"MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017151 HOSE BARB3/8X3/8"MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017158 HOSE BARB 3/8X1/2"MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017224 HOSE BARB1/2X1/4"MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017225 BARB HOSE 1/2X3/8MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017226 BARB HOSE 1/2H1/2MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017227 HOSE BARB 1/2X3/4MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017228 HOSE BARB 5/8X3/8"MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017229 HOSE BARB5/8HX1/2MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017230 HOSE BARB 5/8X3/4MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017231 HOSE BARB 3/4X1/2MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017232 HOSE BARB 3/4HX3/4MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017349 REDUCR 3/8FPTX1/4MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017353 PIPE RED1/2FPTX1/2MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017354 REDUCR3/4FPTX1/2MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017430 MALE CONN 3/8X3/4MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017485 HEX NIPPL1/8"MPT YBRS LL 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017487 HEX NIPPL1/4"MPT YBRS LL 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017489 HEX NIPPL3/8"MPT YBRS LL 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017491 HEX NIPPLE 1/2"MPT BRS 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
4017493 HEX NIPPLE 3/4"MPT LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Akzo Nobel India Limited 
Plot # 62P, 62A, 62B, 42E
Hoskote Industrial Area 
Bangalore, Karnataka 562114 
91 80 22895000
Visit this company's website

Facility : Karnataka, India

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Pump
Polibrid 705E[1] >=25 Gallons CLD 23 PUR

[1] Colors: Buff
    Number Of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 120 mils
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 7 days at 5-50°C
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of Part A:B is 2:1 by volume.

Al Munif Pipe 
Riyadh 2nd Industrial Area
P.O. Box 355342 
Riyadh 11382 
Saudi Arabia 
966 5 054 05762
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pipe [3]
MMP UPVC PIPE[3] 20 mm - 400 mm D. HOT PVC

[3] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[3] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

499 Bridgeton Pike
Mullica Hill, NJ 08062 
United States 

Facility : Zhejiang, China

Mechanical Devices

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

201-3-1 1/2" F1960 PEX X 3/8 OD COMPRESSION ANGLE VALVE 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
201-3-2 1/2" F1960 PEX X 3/8 OD COMPRESSION STRAIGHT VALVE 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
202-2-3 1" PRO PRESS x 1" MPT BRASS ADAPTER 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
202-3-3 3/4" PRO PRESS x 3/4" MPT BRASS ADAPTER 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
202-4-3 1/2" PRO PRESS x 1/2" MPT BRASS ADAPTER 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
5-1-4 1/2" MPT X 3/4 GHT 1/4 TURN HOSE BIBS WITH NAIL FLANGE 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
5-1-4 1/2" MPT X 3/4 GHT 1/4 TURN HOSE BIBS WITH NAIL FLANGE 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


American Granby Inc. 
7652 Morgan Road
Liverpool, NY 13090 
United States 

Facility : Taichung, Taiwan

Mechanical Devices

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

CMIP50C Compact Ball Valve 1/2" C. HOT CPVC
CMIP75C Compact Ball Valve 3/4" C. HOT CPVC
CMIP100C Compact Ball Valve 1" C. HOT CPVC
CMIP125C Compact Ball Valve 1 1/4" C. HOT CPVC
CMIP150C Compact Ball Valve 1 1/2" C. HOT CPVC
CMIP200C Compact Ball Valve 2" C. HOT CPVC
HMIP50S PVC Compact Ball Valve 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP75S PVC Compact Ball Valve 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP125S PVC Compact Ball Valve 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP150S PVC Compact Ball Valve 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP200S PVC Compact Ball Valve 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP250S PVC Compact Ball Valve 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP300S PVC Compact Ball Valve 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP400S PVC Compact Ball Valve 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP250SE Compact Ball Valve, Solvent Weld 2 1/2" CLD 23 PVC
HMIP300SE Compact Ball Valve, Solvent Weld 3" CLD 23 PVC
HMIP400SE Compact Ball Valve, Solvent Weld 4" CLD 23 PVC
HMIP50SE PVC Compact Ball Valve 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP75SE PVC Compact Ball Valve 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP100SE PVC Compact Ball Valve 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP125SE PVC Compact Ball Valve 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP150SE PVC Compact Ball Valve 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP200SE PVC Compact Ball Valve 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP250SE PVC Compact Ball Valve 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP300SE PVC Compact Ball Valve 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP400SE PVC Compact Ball Valve 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP50T PVC Compact Ball Valve 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP75T PVC Compact Ball Valve 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP100T PVC Compact Ball Valve 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP125T PVC Compact Ball Valve 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP150T PVC Compact Ball Valve 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP200T PVC Compact Ball Valve 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP250T PVC Compact Ball Valve 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP300T PVC Compact Ball Valve 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP400T PVC Compact Ball Valve 4" C. HOT MLTPL
HMIP250TE Compact Ball Valve, Threaded 2 1/2" CLD 23 PVC
HMIP300TE Compact Ball Valve, Threaded 3" CLD 23 PVC
HMIP400TE Compact Ball Valve, Threaded 4" CLD 23 PVC
HMIP50TE PVC Compact Ball Valve 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP75TE PVC Compact Ball Valve 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP100TE PVC Compact Ball Valve 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP125TE PVC Compact Ball Valve 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP150TE PVC Compact Ball Valve 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP200TE PVC Compact Ball Valve 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP250TE PVC Compact Ball Valve 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP300TE PVC Compact Ball Valve 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP400TE PVC Compact Ball Valve 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
HMIP100S PVC Compact Ball Valve 1" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


American Valve Inc. 
4321 Piedmont Parkway
Greensboro, NC 27410 
United States 

Facility : # 1 China

Pipes and Related Products

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

P600CTS CPVC Compression Coupling 1/2" - 1" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


P200CTS CPVC Compact Ball Valve 1/2" C. HOT CPVC
P200CTS CPVC Compact Ball Valve 3/4" C. HOT CPVC
P200CTS CPVC Compact Ball Valve 1" C. HOT CPVC

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Taichung, Taiwan

Mechanical Devices

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

P200 Compact Ball Valves 2 1/2" CLD 23 PVC
P200 Compact Ball Valves 3" CLD 23 PVC
P200 Compact Ball Valves 4" CLD 23 PVC
P200S Compact Ball Valves 2 1/2" CLD 23 PVC
P200S Compact Ball Valves 3" CLD 23 PVC
P200S Compact Ball Valves 4" CLD 23 PVC
P201 Compact Ball Valves 1/2" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
P201S Compact Ball Valves 1/2" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
P202 Compact Ball Valves 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
P202S Compact Ball Valves 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
P203 Compact Ball Valves 1/2" C. HOT CPVC
P203 Compact Ball Valves 3/4" C. HOT CPVC
P203 Compact Ball Valves 1" C. HOT CPVC
P203 Compact Ball Valves 1 1/2" C. HOT CPVC
P203 Compact Ball Valves 1 1/4" C. HOT CPVC
P203 Compact Ball Valves 2" C. HOT CPVC
P203S Compact Ball Valves 1/2" C. HOT PVC
P203S Compact Ball Valves 3/4" C. HOT PVC
P203S Compact Ball Valves 1" CLD 23 PVC
P203S Compact Ball Valves 1 1/4" C. HOT CPVC
P203S Compact Ball Valves 1 1/2" C. HOT CPVC
P203S Compact Ball Valves 2" C. HOT CPVC

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


American-Marsh Pumps LLC, A Wilo Company 
550 East South Street
Collierville, TN 38017 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Collierville, TN

Mechanical Devices

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps[1] [2] [G]
VTP/OLS/[AA][BB][CC]-[DD] 6" - 42" CLD 23 MLTPL
VTP/SC/OLS/[AA][BB][CC]-[DD] 6" - 42" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 116,000 L. Certification includes only the open
    lineshaft configuration.
[2] AA - Size of pump in inches (6" - 42")
    BB - Pump model (D, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, W, X, Y, Z, EH, HH)
    CC - Impeller design (C)
    DD - Number of stages (1-48)
    ["C" impeller design indicates "enclosed"]
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Amiad Water Systems Ltd. 
D.N. Galil Elyon 1
972 4 690 9500
Visit this company's website

Facility : Bet Zera, Jordan Valley, Israel

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components
2" SPIN KLIN™ DW filter[1] [2] [3] [G] [4] CLD 23 MLTPL
3" SPIN KLIN™ DW Filter[1] [2] [3] [G] [4] CLD 23 MLTPL
4" GALAXY PP SPIN-KLIN™ DW filter[1] [2] [3] [G] [4] CLD 23 MLTPL
10" SUPER GALAXY PP SPIN KLIN™ DW Filter[1] [2] [3] [G] [4] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] The filtration level (micron) and color which are used in each SK filter and may be any
    of the following:
    10  - Light Blue
    20  – Grey
    40  - Purple
    55  – Green
    70  – Brown
    100 – Black
    130 – Red
    200 – Yellow
    400 – Blue
[2] The spring type may be any of the following alphabetic codes:
    HALAR    – HALAR Coating
    HSL      - Hastelloy
    LC       - Low Cost Energy
    LC-HALAR – Low-Cost Energy – HALAR Coating
    LCHSL    - Hastelloy-Low Cost Energy
    Regular (not indicated on product name)
[3] Inlet / outlet type may be any of the following:
    ARF - Flange
    Int - Integral
    Thr - Threaded
    Vic - Victaulic
[4] Certified for a minimum flow of 72,000 L/day.
[6] Certified for a minimum flow of 1,150,200 L/day.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Amiad Water Systems Ltd. 
D.N. Galil Elyon 1
Visit this company's website

Facility : Israel

Mechanical Devices

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components [G]
AMF-S 370 DW[1] 87.1 x 247.5 cm CLD 23 MLTPL
EBS 10000 DW[2] [3] 8" - 14" CLD 23 MLTPL
EBS 15000 DW[2] [3] [11] 12" - 20" CLD 23 MLTPL
Omega I - 13.5K DW[4] [5] 8" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
Omega IE - 18K DW[4] [5] 8" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
Omega II - 27K DW[4] [5] 10" - 14" CLD 23 MLTPL
Omega IIE - 36K DW[4] [5] 10" - 20" CLD 23 MLTPL
SAF -X 1500 DW[2] [4] 2" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
SAF -X 3000 DW[2] [4] 3" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
SAF -X 4500 DW[2] [4] 4" - 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
SAF 6000 DW[2] [3] 6" - 10" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Product is certified for a minimum daily flow of 2,400,000 liters.
[2] These products have filtration levels of 10-800 microns.
[3] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 300,000 liters.
[4] Certified products are evaluated as POE systems.
[5] These products have filtration levels of 10-500 microns.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.

[11] Models EBS 10000 DW and EBS 15000 DW are certified for configurations O/L and I/L.

Anderson Metals, LLC 
9311 Troost Avenue
Kansas City, MO 64131 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Kansas City, MO

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings[1] [2] [G]
7X0060 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Sleeve [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0061 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Nut [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0062 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Union Compression x Compression [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0064 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Tee (x3) [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0066 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Female Coupling Compression x Female Pipe [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0068 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Connector Compression x Male Pipe [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0069 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Elbow x Male Pipe [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0071 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Elbow x Female Pipe [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0071 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Tee Compression x Male Pipe [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0072 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Tee Compression x Male Pipe [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0078 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Tee Compression x Female Pipe [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0081 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Cap [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0082 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Reducing Union Compression x Compression [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0084 - [XXYYZZ] Lead Free Yellow Brass Reducing Tee Compression (x3) [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0086 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Sweat Adapter [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0088-[XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Tank Connector Compression x Male Pipe [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0092-[XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Tank Union Compression x Compression [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0093 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Female Adapter Compression x Female Flare [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0094 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Male Flare Adapter [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0096-[XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Tank Coupling Compression x Female Pipe [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0097 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Female Compression [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0628 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Connector Compression x Male Pipe [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0646 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Sweat Adapter [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0662-[XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Chrome Plated Union CompressionxCompression [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0686 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Sweat Adapter [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0966 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Female Coupling Compression x Female Pipe [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0996 - [XXYY] Female Coupling Compression x Female Pipe [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0997 - [XXYY] Compression x Female Compression [3] D. HOT MLTPL

[1] Fitting packaging is coded by the following convention:
    X indicates packaging:
      0 - Bulk pack
      1 - Blister pack
      3 - Single bag
      5 - Flag tagged
[2] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[3] Fitting sizes are coded by the following convention:
    XX, YY, and ZZ indicate size:
      02 - 1/8"
      03 - 3/16"
      04 - 1/4"
      05 - 5/16"
      06 - 3/8"
      08 - 1/2"
      10 - 5/8"
      12 - 3/4"
      14 - 7/8"
      16 - 1"
      24 - 1.5"
      32 - 2"
      40 - 2.5"
      48 - 3"
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Kansas City, MO

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings[1] [2] [G]
7X0081 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Cap [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0082 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Reducing Union Compression x Compression [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0084 - [XXYYZZ] Lead Free Yellow Brass Reducing Tee Compression (x3) [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0086 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Sweat Adapter [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0088-[XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Tank Connector Compression x Male Pipe [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0092-[XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Tank Union Compression x Compression [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0093 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Female Adapter Compression x Female Flare [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0078 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Tee Compression x Female Pipe [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0072 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Tee Compression x Male Pipe [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0071 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Tee Compression x Male Pipe [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0071 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Elbow x Female Pipe [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0069 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Elbow x Male Pipe [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0068 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Connector Compression x Male Pipe [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0066 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Female Coupling Compression x Female Pipe [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0064 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Tee (x3) [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0062 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Union Compression x Compression [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0061 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Nut [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0060 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Sleeve [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0094 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Male Flare Adapter [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0997 - [XXYY] Compression x Female Compression [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0996 - [XXYY] Female Coupling Compression x Female Pipe [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0966 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Female Coupling Compression x Female Pipe [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0686 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Sweat Adapter [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0662-[XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Chrome Plated Union CompressionxCompression [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0646 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Sweat Adapter [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0628 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Connector Compression x Male Pipe [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0097 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Female Compression [3] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0096-[XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Tank Coupling Compression x Female Pipe [3] D. HOT MLTPL

[1] Fitting packaging is coded by the following convention:
    X indicates packaging:
      0 - Bulk pack
      1 - Blister pack
      3 - Single bag
      5 - Flag tagged
[2] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[3] Fitting sizes are coded by the following convention:
    XX, YY, and ZZ indicate size:
      02 - 1/8"
      03 - 3/16"
      04 - 1/4"
      05 - 5/16"
      06 - 3/8"
      08 - 1/2"
      10 - 5/8"
      12 - 3/4"
      14 - 7/8"
      16 - 1"
      24 - 1.5"
      32 - 2"
      40 - 2.5"
      48 - 3"
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Anderson Metals, LLC, a subsidiary of Midland Industries 
1701 Southern Road
P.O. Box 34200 
Kansas City, MO 64120 
United States 

Facility : #9902

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Valves[1] [G]
7X9101-[XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Male Pipe Straight [2] D. HOT MLTPL
7X9103-[XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Male Pipe Elbow [2] D. HOT MLTPL
7X9106-[XX] Compression x Compression Straight [2] D. HOT MLTPL

[1] Fitting packaging is coded by the following convention:
    X indicates packaging:
    0 - Bulk pack
    1 - Blister pack
    3 - Single bag
    5 - Flag tagged
[2] Fitting sizes are coded by the following convention:
    XX, YY, and ZZ indicate size:
    02 - 1/8"
    03 - 3/16"
    04 - 1/4"
    05 - 5/16"
    06 - 3/8"
    08 - 1/2"
    10 - 5/8"
    12 - 3/4"
    14 - 7/8"
    16 - 1"
    24 - 1.5"
    32 - 2"
    40 - 2.5"
    48 - 3"
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings[1] [G]
7X0060-[XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Sleeve [2] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0061-[XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Nut [2] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0062-[XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Compression Union [2] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0064-[XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Tee [2] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0065-[XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Compression Elbow [2] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0066-[XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Female Pipe Coupling [2] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0068-[XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Male Pipe Connector [2] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0069-[XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Male Pipe Elbow [2] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0070-[XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Female Pipe Elbow [2] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0071-[XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Male Pipe Run Tee [2] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0072-[XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Male Pipe Branch Tee [2] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0081-[XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Cap [2] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0082-[XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Reducing Union [2] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0084-[XXYYZZ] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Reducing Tee [2] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0086-[XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Sweat Adapter [2] D. HOT MLTPL
7X0097-[XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Female Compression [2] D. HOT MLTPL
7X4822-[XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Female Flare X Compression Straight [2] D. HOT MLTPL

[1] Fitting packaging is coded by the following convention:
     X indicates packaging:
      0 - Bulk pack
      1 - Blister pack
      3 - Single bag
      5 - Flag tagged
[2] Fitting sizes are coded by the following convention:
     XX, YY, and ZZ indicate size:
      02 - 1/8"
      03 - 3/16"
      04 - 1/4"
      05 - 5/16"
      06 - 3/8"
      08 - 1/2"
      10 - 5/8"
      12 - 3/4"
      14 - 7/8"
      16 - 1"
      24 - 1.5"
      32 - 2"
      40 - 2.5"
      48 - 3"
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


AQ&Q Co., Ltd. 
No. 40, Fenggong South Road
Shengang District 
Taichung 42942 
886 4 2526 5287
Visit this company's website

Facility : Taichung, Taiwan

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

2503 RST-UVW-XYZ[1] 5/16", 3/8", 10mm CLD 23 MLTPL
44RST-UVW-XYZ[2] 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
6093 RST-UVW-XYZ[3] 1/4", 5/16", 3/8", 10mm CLD 23 MLTPL
69RST-UVW-XYZ[4] 1/4", 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
87RST-UVW-XYZ[5] 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
X RST-UVW-XYZ[6] 0.158" - 0.25" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] 2503 RST-UVW-XYZ:
    2503: Standard high flow & pressure model
    R: Pressure control
        A - Adjustable by-pass (APS)
    S: Ports
        C - 3/8” Quick connect
        D - 5/16” Quick connect
        N - 10mm Quick connect
    T: CAM
        0 - 9 & A – Z
    U: Casing
        0 - 9 & A – Z
    V: Rotor
        0 - 9 & A – Z
    W: Motor (speed)
        0 - 9 & A – Z
    X: Power (voltage)
        0 - 9 & A – Z
    Y: Wire Units
        0 - 9 & A – Z
    Z: Mounting bracket
        0 - 9 & A – Z
[2] 44RST-UVW-XYZ:
    44: Slim Model
    R: Pressure Control
        A - Adjustable By-Pass (ABP)
        B - Internal By-Pass (IBP)
        C - Adjustable Pressure Switch (APS)
        J - Non-Adjustable By-Pass (N - ABP)
    S: Ports
        B - 1/4" Quick Connect
        J - 6 mm
        T - CAM (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
        U - Casing (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
        V - Rotor (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
        W - Motor (speed) (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
        X - Power (voltage) (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
        Y - Wire Units (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
        Z - Mounting bracket (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
[3] 6093 RST-UVW-XYZ:
    6903: Standard high flow & pressure model
    R: Pressure control
        A - Adjustable by-pass (APS)
    S: Ports
        A - 3/8” FPT
        B - 1/4” Quick connect
        C - 3/8” Quick connect
        D - 5/16” Quick connect
        N - 10mm Quick connect
    T: CAM
        0 - 9 & A – Z
    U: Casing
        0 - 9 & A – Z
    V: Rotor
        0 - 9 & A – Z
    W: Motor (speed)
        0 - 9 & A – Z
    X: Power (voltage)
        0 - 9 & A – Z
    Y: Wire Units
        0 - 9 & A – Z
    Z: Mounting bracket
        0 - 9 & A – Z
[4] 69RST-UVW-XYZ:
    69: Standard model
    R: Pressure Control
        A - Adjustable By-Pass (ABP)
        B - Internal By-Pass (IBP)
        C - Adjustable Pressure Switch (APS)
        H - ABP W/New-Plate
        I - Non-Adjustable By-Pass W/New Plate (N - ABP)
    S: Ports
        A  - 3/8" FPT
        B - 1/4" Quick Connect
        C - 3/8" Quick Connect
        T - CAM (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
        U - Casing (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
        V - Rotor (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
        W - Motor (speed) (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
        X - Power (voltage) (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
        Y - Wire Units (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
        Z - Mounting bracket (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
[5] 87RST-UVW-XYZ:
    87: Standard High Flow Model
    R: Pressure Control
        C - Adjustable Pressure Switch (APS)
    S: Ports
        F - Open Port
        T - CAM (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
        U - Casing (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
        V - Rotor (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
        W - Motor (speed) (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
        X - Power (voltage) (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
        Y - Wire Units (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
        Z - Mounting bracket (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
    X: Standard high flow & pressure model
    R: Pressure control
       A - Adjustable by-pass (ABP)
       J - Non-adjustable by-pass (N-ABP)
    S: Ports
       B - 1/4” Quick connect
       J - 6mm Quick connect
       L - 5mm Quick connect
       K - 3/16” Quick connect
       M - 4mm Quick connect
       T - CAM (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
       U - Casing (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
       V - Rotor (includes 0-9 and A-Z) )
       W- Motor (speed) (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
       X - Power (voltage) (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
       Y - Wire Units (includes 0-9 and A-Z)
       Z - Mounting bracket (includes 0-9 and A-Z)

Aqua Revival, LLC 
P.O. Box 796
Williams Bay, WI 53191 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Delavan, WI

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components [G]
BSG 20[1] 20" x 64" CLD 23 MLTPL
BSG 20T[1] 20" x 76" CLD 23 MLTPL
BSG 25[2] 25" x 66.8" CLD 23 MLTPL
BSG 25T[2] 25" x 78.8" CLD 23 MLTPL
BSG 30[3] 30" x 72" CLD 23 MLTPL
BSG 30T[3] 30" x 84" CLD 23 MLTPL
BSG 40[4] 40" x 75.5" CLD 23 MLTPL
BSG 40T[4] 40" x 87.5" CLD 23 MLTPL
BSG 50[5] 50" x 76" CLD 23 MLTPL
BSG 50T[5] 50" x 88" CLD 23 MLTPL
BSG 60[6] 60" x 78.5" CLD 23 MLTPL
BSG 60T[6] 60" x 90.5" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] BSG 20 and BSG 20T are certified for a minimum flow of 72,000 gal./day.
[2] BSG 25 and BSG 25T are certified for a minimum flow of 122,400 gal./day.
[3] BSG 30 and BSG 30T are certified for a minimum flow of 182,880 gal./day.
[4] BSG 40 and BSG 40T are certified for a minimum flow of 338,400 gal.day.
[5] BSG 50 and BSG 50T are certified for a minimum flow of 537,120 gal./day.
[6] BSG 60 and BSG 60T are certified for a minimum flow of 802,080 gal.day.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


AquaBios International Ltd 
514 Stafford Drive North
Lethbridge, AB T1H 2B2 
+1 403 328 0203

Facility : Coaldale, Alberta, Canada

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components [G]
AquaBios RO-XXX Reverse Osmosis[1] [2] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] XXX is used as a reference to the treatment capacity in liters per second.
[2] Certified for a minimum daily permeate generation of 10,500 L.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Aquanomics Systems Limited 
B-2, 3rd Floor
Greater Kailash Enclave-II 
New Delhi 110048 
91 11 41435945

Facility : Jiangsu Province, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Components, POE: Tanks, Water Softener

AQUATROL c/o Hydronix Water Technology 
8630 Rochester Avenue
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 
United States 
909 527 6996
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 2 C

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Components, POE: Tanks, Water Softener
AT-0618BK-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0618BL-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0618NA-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0713BK-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0713BL-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0713NA-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0717BK-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0717BL-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0717NA-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0735BK-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0735BL-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0735NA-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0744BK-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0744BL-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0744NA-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0813BK-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0813BL-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0813NA-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0817BK-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0817BL-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0817NA-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0835BK-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0835BL-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0835NA-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0844BK-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0844BL-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0844NA-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0917BK-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0917BL-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0917NA-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0935BK-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0935BL-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0935NA-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0948BK-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0948BL-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-0948NA-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1017BK-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1017BL-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1017NA-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1035BK-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1035BL-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1035NA-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1044BK-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1044BL-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1044NA-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1054BK-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1054BL-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1054NA-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1217BK-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1217BL-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1217NA-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1248BK-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1248BL-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1248NA-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1252BK-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1252BL-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1252NA-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1265BK-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1265BL-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1265NA-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1344BK-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1344BL-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1344NA-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1354BK-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1354BL-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1354NA-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1465BK-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1465BK-4T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1465BL-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1465BL-4T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1465NA-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1465NA-4T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1665BK-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1665BK-4T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1665BK-4T4B >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1665BL-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1665BL-4T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1665BL-4T4B >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1665NA-25T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1665NA-4T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1665NA-4T4B >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1865BK-4T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1865BK-4T4B >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1865BL-4T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1865BL-4T4B >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1865NA-4T >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-1865NA-4T4B >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-2162BK-4T >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-2162BK-4T4B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-2162BL-4T >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-2162BL-4T4B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-2162NA-4T >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-2162NA-4T4B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-2472BK-4T >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-2472BK-4T4B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-2472BL-4T >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-2472BL-4T4B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-2472NA-4T >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-2472NA-4T4B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-3072BK-4T >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-3072BK-4T4B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-3072BL-4T >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-3072BL-4T4B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-3072NA-4T >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-3072NA-4T4B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-3672BK-4T >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-3672BK-4T4B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-3672BK-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-3672BL-4T >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-3672BL-4T4B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-3672BL-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-3672NA-4T >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-3672NA-4T4B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-3672NA-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-3694BK-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-3694BL-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-3694NA-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-4272BK-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-4272BL-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-4272NA-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-4872BK-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-4872BL-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-4872NA-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-4894BK-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-4894BL-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-4894NA-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-60110BK-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-60110BL-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-60110NA-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-6094BK-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-6094BL-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-6094NA-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-6370BK-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-6370BL-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-6370NA-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-6383BK-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-6383BL-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AT-6383NA-6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL

Arabian Plastic Manufacturing Company Ltd. (APLACO) 
Abdullah Bin Kahanizan
P.O. Box 6193 
Riyadh 11442 
Saudi Arabia 
966 1 4480250
Visit this company's website

Facility : Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Pipes and Related Products

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

APLACO Male Adaptor (SLIP x MPT) [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
APLACO Male Adaptor (SLIP x MPT) [2] C. HOT MLTPL

[1] Certified for equivalent metric sizes in millimetres.
[2] Certified for sizes 1/2", 3/4", 1", 1 1/4", 1 1/2" and 2".
[3] Certified for sizes 1/2", 3/4", 1", 1 1/4", 1 1/2", 2", 2 1/2", 3" and 4".
[4] Certified for sizes 1/2", 3/4", 1", 1 1/4", 1 1/2", 2", 2 1/2" and 3".
[5] Certified for sizes 1/2" x 1/2", 3/4" x 3/4", 1" x 1", 1 1/4", x 1 1/4", 1 1/2" x 1 1/2"
    and 2" x 2".
[6] Certified for sizes 3/4" x 1/2", 1" x 1/2", 1" x 3/4", 1 1/4" x 1/2", 1 1/4" x 3/4",1
    1/4" x 1", 1 1/2" x 1/2", 1 1/2" x 3/4", 1 1/2" x 1", 1 1/2" x 1 1/4", 2" x 3/4", 2" x
    1", 2" x 1 1/4", 2" x 1 1/2", 2 1/2" x 1 1/2",  2 1/2" x 2", 3" x 2" and 3" x 2 1/2".

NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Arad Ltd. 
Kibbutz, Dalia 19239
972 4 989 7911
Visit this company's website

Facility : Dalia, Israel

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Valves and Related Fittings
Adapter 2 BSP composite for polymer Octave 1 1/2 MM[1] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] This product is Certified for use with 1.5" Octave threaded polymer water meters only.
[2] Certified for use with 1" water meters.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Mexico City, Mexico

Mechanical Devices

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components [G]
Couplings Set (Connection Kit)[1] 1/2", 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Coupling Set requested for use with 1/2-3/4" Water meters only.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Aristoncavi S.p.A. 
Via Einaudi, 8
36040 Brendola (VI) 
39 0444 749 900

Facility : Brendola (VI), Italy

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps - Submersible Cables [G]

[1] Certified for use in well casings with a diameter of 6" and greater and at least 40 feet
    in depth.
[2] Certified for cables with a maximum length of 13 feet.
[3] Certified for a minimum flow of 3,000 gallons per day.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Artisan Screen Printing, Inc. 
1055 West 5th Street
Azusa, CA 91702 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Azusa, CA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
Shade Balls [1] D. HOT HDPE
Water-Filled Shade Balls [1] D. HOT HDPE

[1] Certified for 100 mm diameter balls used in a tank or reservoir with an average depth of
    9 feet or more.

Asahi / America, Inc. 
655 Andover Street
Lawrence, MA 01843 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 2 Bad Hall, Austria

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material


PE Polyflo® Dogbone - Compartment with Annular Tap 587880211 1" x 1 1/2" CLD 23 PE
PE Polyflo® Dogbone - Compartment with Annular Tap 587880338 2" x 3" CLD 23 PE
PE Polyflo® Dogbone - Compartment with Annular Tap 587880532 4" x 6" CLD 23 PE
PP-R Polyflo® Dogbone Compartment with Annular Tap 1" x 1 1/2"-4" x 6" C. HOT PP

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Asahi America Inc. / Asahi Yukizai Corporation 
655 Andover Street
Lawrence, MA 01843 
United States 

Facility : Miyazaki-Pref, Japan

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Compact Ball Valve (Omni) (PVC/EPDM) 3/8" - 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
Compact Ball Valve Type 27 (Omni)(PVC/EPDM) 3/8" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certification includes metric equivalent sizes of 40 - 350 mm.

NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

ASC Engineered Solutions, LLC 
75 Portsmouth Boulevard
Suite 210 
Portsmouth, NH 03801 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Blossburg, PA

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings [G]

[1] The abbreviations in the trade names refer to:
    22 1/2 - 22 1/2 DEGREE
    11 1/4 - 11 1/4 DEGREE
    TY     - Y TEE
    W/O    - WITHOUT
    FLG    - FLANGE
    Y      - Size in inches
[2] The abbreviations in the trade names refer to:
    125     – CLASS 125 FITTING
    150     – CLASS 150 FITTING
    250     – CLASS 250 FITTING
    300     – CLASS 300 FITTING
    45      – 45 DEGREE
    90      – 90 DEGREE
    BLK     - BLACK (Nongalvanized parts)
    C/O     – CLEANOUT
    CI      – CAST IRON
    C-O     – CLEANOUT
    C-OT    - CLEANOUT
    ELL     – ELBOW
    HEX     – HEXAGON
    RED     – REDUCING
    RTN     – RETURN
    ST      – STREET
    STL     – STEEL
    Y       – Size in inches
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Columbia, PA

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

1011 CI THREADED COMPANION FLANGE[G] ¾"x3 7/8"-12"x19" CLD 23 GALV

[1] 1/8" x 1/8" x 1/8" - 6" x 6" x 4"
[2] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" x 1" - 12" x 12" x 10"
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

160 Park Avenue
Florham Park, NJ 07932 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Aiken, SC

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Solenoid Valves [G]
8212A-WWW-XX-YYY-ZZ Composite Solenoid Water Valve[2] [3] [4] 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1" C. HOT MLTPL
8212A-WWW-XX-YYY-ZZ Composite Solenoid Water Valve[2] [3] [5] 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1" C. HOT MLTPL
8212A-WWW-XX-YYY-ZZ Composite Solenoid Water Valve[2] [3] [6] 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
8212A-WWW-XX-YYY-ZZ Composite Solenoid Water Valve[2] [3] [7] 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
K212A-WWW-XX-YYY-ZZ Composite Solenoid Water Valve[2] [3] [7] 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
K212A-WWW-XX-YYY-ZZ Composite Solenoid Water Valve[2] [3] [4] 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1" C. HOT MLTPL
K212A-WWW-XX-YYY-ZZ Composite Solenoid Water Valve[2] [3] [5] 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1" C. HOT MLTPL
K212A-WWW-XX-YYY-ZZ Composite Solenoid Water Valve[2] [3] [6] 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
W212A-WWW-XX-YYY-ZZ Composite Solenoid Water Valve[2] [3] [7] 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
W212A-WWW-XX-YYY-ZZ Composite Solenoid Water Valve[2] [3] [6] 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] XX  - U, SU, or SC
    VVV - 201 - 224
    YYY - 101 - 124
    WW  - 05, 06, 07, or 08
    Z   - A, C, or G
[2] XX (coil electrical connection) - S0, L0, L1
    YYY (pressure vessel option)    - 100, 101, 200, 201
    ZZ (voltages)                   - D*, E*, F*
[3] Product requires a 15-minute flush prior to use.
[4] WWW (item number) - 001, 005, 007, 019, 023, 025, 037, 041, 043, 055, 059, 061
[5] WWW (item number) - 002, 006, 008, 020, 024, 026, 038, 042, 044, 056, 060, 062
[6] WWW (item number) - 004, 010, 012, 022, 028, 030, 040, 046, 048, 058, 064, 066
[7] WWW (item number) - 003, 009, 011, 021, 027, 029, 039, 045, 047, 057, 063, 065
[8] A, BB, C, D, E, F, G, HH
    A (Body Material) - S
    BB (Edition) - 05, 06, 07, 08
    C (Port Size/ Type) - A, B, 1, 2
    D (Size) A, B, C, E, 0, 1, 5, 6, 9
    E (Electrical Related) - any one alphanumeric digit
    F (Electrical Related) - any one alphanumeric digit
    G (Electrical Related) - any one alphanumeric digit
    HH (Electrical Related) - any two alphanumeric digits
[9] RRR (item numbers) - 038, 042, 044, 138, 142, 144
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.

[10] ZZ (Voltage) - **
[11] RRR (item numbers) - 040, 046, 048, 140, 146, 148
[12] RRR (item numbers) - 001, 002, 038, 042, 044, 138, 142, 144

Valves [G]
8212A-WWW-XX-YYY-ZZ Composite Solenoid Water Valve[2] [3] [4] 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1" C. HOT MLTPL
8212A-WWW-XX-YYY-ZZ Composite Solenoid Water Valve[2] [3] [7] 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
8212A-WWW-XX-YYY-ZZ Composite Solenoid Water Valve[2] [3] [5] 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1" C. HOT MLTPL
8212A-WWW-XX-YYY-ZZ Composite Solenoid Water Valve[2] [3] [6] 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
K212A-WWW-XX-YYY-ZZ Composite Solenoid Water Valve[2] [3] [4] 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1" C. HOT MLTPL
K212A-WWW-XX-YYY-ZZ Composite Solenoid Water Valve[2] [3] [5] 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1" C. HOT MLTPL
K212A-WWW-XX-YYY-ZZ Composite Solenoid Water Valve[2] [3] [6] 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
K212A-WWW-XX-YYY-ZZ Composite Solenoid Water Valve[2] [3] [7] 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
W212A-WWW-XX-YYY-ZZ Composite Solenoid Water Valve[2] [3] [7] 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
W212A-WWW-XX-YYY-ZZ Composite Solenoid Water Valve[2] [3] [6] 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] XX  - U, SU, or SC
    VVV - 201 - 224
    YYY - 101 - 124
    WW  - 05, 06, 07, or 08
    Z   - A, C, or G
[2] XX (coil electrical connection) - S0, L0, L1
    YYY (pressure vessel option)    - 100, 101, 200, 201
    ZZ (voltages)                   - D*, E*, F*
[3] Product requires a 15-minute flush prior to use.
[4] WWW (item number) - 001, 005, 007, 019, 023, 025, 037, 041, 043, 055, 059, 061
[5] WWW (item number) - 002, 006, 008, 020, 024, 026, 038, 042, 044, 056, 060, 062
[6] WWW (item number) - 004, 010, 012, 022, 028, 030, 040, 046, 048, 058, 064, 066
[7] WWW (item number) - 003, 009, 011, 021, 027, 029, 039, 045, 047, 057, 063, 065
[8] A, BB, C, D, E, F, G, HH
    A (Body Material) - S
    BB (Edition) - 05, 06, 07, 08
    C (Port Size/ Type) - A, B, 1, 2
    D (Size) A, B, C, E, 0, 1, 5, 6, 9
    E (Electrical Related) - any one alphanumeric digit
    F (Electrical Related) - any one alphanumeric digit
    G (Electrical Related) - any one alphanumeric digit
    HH (Electrical Related) - any two alphanumeric digits
[9] RRR (item numbers) - 038, 042, 044, 138, 142, 144
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.

[10] ZZ (Voltage) - **
[11] RRR (item numbers) - 040, 046, 048, 140, 146, 148
[12] RRR (item numbers) - 001, 002, 038, 042, 044, 138, 142, 144

Ashcroft Inc. 
250 East Main Street
Stratford, CT 06614-5145 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Stratford, CT

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components [G]
Type 200 Threaded Diaphragm Seal[2] 1/8 - 2 in. C. HOT MLTPL
Type 201 Threaded Diaphragm Seal[2] 1/8 - 2 in. C. HOT MLTPL
Type 80 Wafer Isolation Ring[3] 2 - 20 in. C. HOT MLTPL
Type 81 Bolt-thru Isolation Ring[3] 1 - 10 in. C. HOT MLTPL
Type 82 Threaded Isolation Ring[3] 1/2 - 2 in. C. HOT MLTPL

[2] Certified for a stainless steel diaphragm and bottom housing only. Any components can be
    used above the diaphragm seal as they do not have water contact.
[3] Certified for SS316L end plate and EPDM liner. Any components can be used above the
    isolation ring as they do not have water contact.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Ashland Water Group, Inc. 
P.O. Box 3795
Mansfield, OH 44907 
United States 

Facility : Zhejiang, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Switches/Sensors[1] [G]
Ashland Pump APPS2040 3.9" x 2.7" x 3.4" CLD 23 MLTPL
Ashland Pump APPS3050 3.9" x 2.7" x 3.4" CLD 23 MLTPL
Ashland Pump APPS4060 3.9" x 2.7" x 3.4" CLD 23 MLTPL
Ashland Pump APPSL2040 3.9" x 2.7" x 3.4" CLD 23 MLTPL
Ashland Pump APPSL3050 3.9" x 2.7" x 3.4" CLD 23 MLTPL
Ashland Pump APPSL4060 3.9" x 2.7" x 3.4" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Size shown is length x width x height.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Astral Limited 
207/1, B/H Rajpath Club
Sarkhej Gandhinagar Highway 
Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380059 
91 79 3011 2100
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 Gujarat, India

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Astral Chempro 1/2" - 12" C. HOT CPVC

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Automation Products Group, Inc. 
1025 W 1700 N
Logan, UT 84321 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Logan, UT

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components [G]
PT-500E[1] 180 X 25.4 mm CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for use in tanks 10 gallons and greater.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


AWC Water Solutions Ltd. 
9087A 198 Street
Langley, BC V1M 3B1 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Langley, British Columbia, Canada

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
AWC-WTP1[1] 2300 - 60,000 gal CLD 23 ALA

[1] Certified for a minimum flow of 15 gpm.

Axalta Coating Systems Mexico S de RL de CV 
Av. Industria Eléctrica de México 10
52 55 5366 3345
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 USA

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Pump[1]
Corlar 7.1T Epóxico Fenalcamina[2] >= 1/2" CLD 23 EPOXY
Corlar 7.1T Epóxico Fenalcamina[3] [4] >= 4" CLD 23 EPOXY
Corlar 7.3T Epóxico Poliamina Mod.[5] [6] >= 4" CLD 23 EPOXY

[1] Meets the health effects requirements of NSF/ANSI/CAN 600 according to the requirements
    of NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 including the most current health effects criteria for xylenes,
    toluene, and ethylbenzene.
[2] Coating Notes:
    Colors: White, Black, Gray, Blue, Beige
    Number Of Coats: 2
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness(in mils): 20 mils
    Maximum Thinner: None
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 16 hours at 75°F
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 30 days at 75°F
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of A:B is 2:1 by volume. This is for pipe, fitting, pump,
    and valve end use.
[3] Coating Notes:
    Colors: White, Black, Gray, Blue, Beige
    Number Of Coats: 1-3
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness(in mils): 20
    Maximum Thinner: 5% 71T104 Thinner Clear by volume
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 8 hours at 75°F
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 7 days at 75°F
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of A:B is 2:1 by volume.
[4] Certified for mechanical device end use (other than pump and valve) for a maximum of 189
    sq. ft. per gpm.
[5] Coating Notes:
    Colors: White, Beige, Blue
    Number Of Coats: 1-2
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness(in mils): 50
    Maximum Thinner: 5% Thinner #2
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 16 hours at 75°F
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 5 days at 75°F
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of Part A to Part B is 1:1 by volume.
[6] Certified for mechanical device end use (other than pump and valve) for a maximum of 249
    sq. ft. per gpm.

Axalta Coating Systems, LLC 
9800 Genard Road
Houston, TX 77041 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Houston, TX

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Pump
Nap-Gard FBE Black Valve FBE 7-4510[2] >= 2" D. HOT PEC

[2] Colors: Black
    Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 60
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 3 - 10 minutes at 438 - 475°F
    Special Comments: Preheat substrate to 400 - 500°F

NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Axelon International 
3047 – 48 – 49, GIDC Phase 3
Dared, Jamnagar, Gujarat 
91 288 6772000
Visit this company's website

Facility : Jamnagar, Gujarat, India

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material


[1] XX, YY, and ZZ indicate the fitting size:
    XX - 1/8'' - 1''
    YY - 1/8'' - 6''
    ZZ - 1/4''

150 Schilling Boulevard
Suite 102 
Collierville, TN 38017 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Taizhou, China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

B&K CPVC CTS Compact Ball Valve Solv x Solv[4] [G] 1/2" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
B&K CPVC Compression Coupling[3] [G] 1/2" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
B&K Compression Coupling[2] [G] 1/2" - 4" CLD 23 PVC
B&K Female Compression Tee[5] 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 PVC
B&K Male Compression Adapter[6] 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 PVC

[1] Certified for the following configurations:
    160-503 1/2"
    160-504 3/4"
    160-505  1"
    160-506 1-1/4"
    160-507 1-1/2"
    160-508 2"
    160-509 2-1/2"
    160-510 3"
    160-511 4"
[2] Certified for the following configurations:
    160-103 1/2" 
    160-104 3/4"
    160-105 1"
    160-106 1-1/4"
    160-107 1-1/2"
    160-108 2"
    160-109 2-1/2"
    160-110 3" 
    160-111  4"
[3] Certified for the following configurations:
    160-203 1/2"
    160-203HC 1/2"
    160-204 3/4"
    160-204HC 3/4"
    160-205  1"
[4] Certified for the following configurations:
    107-123 1/2"
    107-123HN 1/2"
    107-124 3/4"
    107-124HN 3/4"
    107-125 1"
    107-125HN 1"
    107-126 1-1/4"
    107-127 1-1/2"
    107-128  2"
    160-205HC  1"
[5] Certified for the following configurations:
     162-103 1/2"
     162-104 3/4"
     162-105 1"
     162-106 1-1/4"
     162-107  1-1/2"
     162-108 2"
[6] Certified for the following configurations:
    161-103 1/2"
    161-104  3/4"
    161-105 1"
    161-106 1-1/4"
    161-107 1-1/2"
    161-108  2"
[7] Certified for the following configurations:
    164-603 1/2"
    164-604  3/4"
    164-605  1"
    164-606 1-1/4"
    164-607  1-1/2"
    164-608 2"
[8] Certified for the following configurations:
    164-103 1/2"
    164-104  3/4"
    164-105  1"
    164-106 1-1/4"
    164-107  1-1/2"
[9] Certified for the following configurations:
    107-123EB 1/2"  
    107-124EB 3/4"  
    107-125EB 1"  
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


B&K Compact Ball Valve[10] 2 1/2" - 4" CLD 23 PVC
B&K Compact Ball Valve, Heavy Type, IPS Thread[11] 2 1/2" - 4" CLD 23 PVC
B&K Compact Ball Valve, Light Type, IPS Thread[12] 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 PVC
CPVC CTS Compact Ball Valve Solv x Solv[G] 1/2" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
CPVC Compression Coupling[G] 1/2" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
Compact Ball Valve 2 1/2" - 4" CLD 23 PVC
Compact Ball Valve, Heavy Type, IPS Thread 2 1/2" - 4" CLD 23 PVC
Compact Ball Valve, Light Type, IPS Thread 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 PVC
Compression Coupling[G] 1/2" - 4" CLD 23 PVC
Female Compression Tee 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 PVC
Male Compression Adapter 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 PVC

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.

[10] Certified for the following configurations:
     107-639 2-1/2"
     107-640 3" 
     107-641  4"
[11] Certified for the following configurations:
     107-139 2-1/2"
     107-140 3" 
     107-141  4"
[12] Certified for the following configurations:
     107-133  1/2"
     107-133HC  1/2"
     107-134 3/4"
     107-134HC 3/4"
     107-135 1"
     107-135HC 1"
     107-136  1-1/4"
     107-136HC  1-1/4"
     107-137 1-1/2"
     107-137HC 1-1/2"
     107-138 2"
     107-138HC 2"
[13] Certified for the following configurations:
     101-103HC 1/2"
     101-103 1/2"
     101-104HC 3/4" 
     101-104 3/4" 
     101-105 1"
     101-106HC 1-1/4" 
     101-106 1-1/4" 
     101-107HC 1-1/2" 
     101-107 1-1/2" 
     101-108HC 2" 
     101-108 2" 
[14] Certified for the following configurations:
[15] Certified for the following configurations:
[16] Certified for the following configurations:
     101-603 1/2"
     101-603HC 1/2"
     101-604  3/4"
     101-604HC  3/4"
     101-605  1"
     101-605HC  1"
     101-606 1-1/4"
     101-607 1-1/2"
     101-608 2"
[17] Certified for the following configurations:
[18] Certified for the following configurations:
[19] Certified for the following configurations:
     101-103EB 1/2"
     101-104EB 3/4" 
     101-105EB 1"
     101-106EB 1-1/4" 
     101-107EB 1-1/2" 
     101-108EB 2" 
[20] Certified for the following configurations:
     101-603EB 1/2"  
     101-604EB 3/4"  
     101-605EB 1"

Badger Meter, Inc. 
4545 West Brown Deer Road
Milwaukee, WI 53223 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Milwaukee, WI

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
Plate Strainer LL-NS[1] [G] 2" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Product also complies with NSF/ANSI 372.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Water Meters[1] [G]
Compound Series LL-NS 2" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Product also complies with NSF/ANSI 372.
[2] E-Series® & Dynasonics® U500W
    1 1/2" x 12 5/8"
    1 1/2" x 13"
    2" x 15 1/4"
    2" x 17"
    E-Series® only
    1 1/2" x 300mm (DN40)
    1 1/2" x 330mm (DN40)
    2" (DN50)
[3] E-Series® G2 Ultrasonic Meter & Dynasonics® U500W Ultrasonic Meters
    3" x 17"
    3" x 12"
    4" x 20"
    4" x 14"
    6" x 18"
    6" x 24"
    8" x 20"
[4] 5/8" x 3/4" x 7 1/2"
    3/4" x 7 1/2"
    3/4" x 9"
[5] Certification of the E-Series® Ultrasonic Plus (valve ready) covers the unmodified water
    meter only. Certification does not include meters that have been retrofitted
[6] FSAA-01 Water Meters are Certified for the following sizes and configurations: 
    FSAA-01 w/ 2" LL turbo meter bypass (4-10, 10 x 12 in.)  
    FSAA-01 w/ 1" M70 LL disc meter bypass (4-6 in.) 
    FSAA-01 w/ 1.5" M170 LL disc meter bypass (6 in.) 
    FSAA-01 w/ 2" M170 LL disc meter bypass (6-10, x 10 x 12 in.)
[7] M25 LL is Certified for the following sizes:	
    5/8" x 3/4" x 7 1/2"	
    5/8" x 7 1/2"	
    M35 LL is Certified for the following sizes:	
    3/4" x 7 1/2"	
    3/4" x 9"	
    M55 LL is Certified for the following size:	
    1" x 10 3/4"	
    M70 LL is Certified for the following size:	
    1" x 10 3/4"
[8] M25 PN is Certified in the following sizes:
    5/8" x 7 1/2"
    5/8" x 3/4" x 7 1/2"
    3/4" x 9”
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Racine, WI

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Switches/Sensors [G]
Impeller Data Industrial SDI Series Insert Style Flow Sensors[1] 1 1/2" - 60" C. HOT MLTPL

[1] Nomenclature:
    SDI A B C D E-F G H I
    A - 0 - Stainless steel/PPS tip, 2 - stainless steel/PEEK tip
    B - Type
        D1 - Direct Insert for Pipe 1 1/2" - 10"
        D2 - Direct Insert for Pipe 12" - 36"
        D3 - Direct Insert 36" and UP*
        H1 - Hot Tap for Pipe 1½" - 10"
        H2 - Hot Tap for Pipe 12" - 36"
        H3 - Hot Tap for Pipe 36" and UP
    C - Electronic housing
    D - Output
    E - Display
    F - O-ring (0: Viton, 1: EPDM)
    G - Shaft (2: Tungsten Carbide)
    H - Impeller (0: Stainless steel)
    I - Bearing (0: Torlon)
[8] HPR-32A-2-MMM-P-T-AAA & HPR-32iA-2-MMM-P-T-AAA: All models are 5" x 3.5" 				
    MMM = Modem Type				
    AAA = Activation Type				
    P = Pressure Range				
    T = Thread Type				
    B = 2-1/2" Female - Akron				
    D = 2-1/2" Female - British Columbia				
    E = 2-1/2" Female - Barberton				
    C = 2-1/2" Female - Canadian Standard				
    G = 2-1/2" Female - Cleveland, OH				
    H = 2-1/2" Female - Cedar Rapids				
    I = 2-1/2" Female - Erie, PA				
    N = 2-1/2" Female - National Hydrant				
    J = 2-1/2" Female - New York City				
    L = 2-1/2" Female - North Shores, MI				
    M = 2-1/2" Female - Phoenix, AZ				
    O = 2-1/2" Female - Pittsburg, PA				
    P = 2-1/2" Female - Sioux City
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Baker Manufacturing Company LLC DBA Campbell or Monitor 
133 Enterprise Street
Evansville, WI 53536 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Evansville, WI

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1] [G]
Industrial Pitless Boosters 6" - 36" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] The size is the diameter of the well casing.  Certified for a minimum flow of 21,700
    gallons per day.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Pumps[1] [G]
Baker-Monitor Packaged Booster Pump Stations 6" - 36" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] The size is the diameter of the well casing.  Certified for a minimum flow of 21,700
    gallons per day.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Bayport Polymers LLC (dba Baystar®) 
12212 Port Road
Pasadena, TX 77507 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Pasadena, TX

Potable Water Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation End Use Temp Material

Potable Water Materials
Lumicene mPE M3581UV/ M3583UV A D. HOT PE
Lumicene mPE M4041UV/ M4043UV A D. HOT PE

NOTE: All Listed products from this facility are NSF Certified, whether or not they bear the
      NSF Mark.

BBI - Benedetti Bioindustrial Ltda. 
Rua Ernesto Stefani
Garibaldi, RS 95720-000 
55 54 3463-8310
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 2

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Components, POE: Tanks, Water Softener
TFRP0635/2.5 >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
TFRP0717/2.5 >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
TFRP0735/2.5 >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
TFRP0744/2.5 >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
TFRP0817/2.5 >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
TFRP0835/2.5 >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
TFRP0844/2.5 >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
TFRP0948/2.5 >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
TFRP1035/2.5 >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
TFRP1044/2.5 >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
TFRP1054/2.5 >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
TFRP1248/2.5 >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
TFRP1254/2.5 >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
TFRP1465/2.5 >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
TFRP1665/2.5 >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
TFRP1865/4 >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
TFRP2162/4 >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
TFRP2472/4T4B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
TFRP3072/4T4B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
TFRP3672/4T4B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
TFRP4072/4T4B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
TFRP4272/6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
TFRP4872/6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
TFRP6383/6T6B >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL

Bedford Reinforced Plastics, Inc. 
264 Reynoldsdale Road
Bedford, PA 15522-7401 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Bedford, PA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
10' ReadyLadder / BRP_READY_LADDER_10P_NSF [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
10' ReadyLadder / BRP_READY_LADDER_10V_NSF [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
15' ReadyLadder / BRP_READY_LADDER_15P_NSF [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
15' ReadyLadder / BRP_READY_LADDER_15V_NSF [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
Angle [1] D. HOT FRP
Channel [1] D. HOT FRP
Ibeam [1] D. HOT FRP
Plastic Laminates [1] D. HOT FRP
Rod [1] D. HOT FRP
Round Tube [1] D. HOT FRP
STD Flight Channel [1] D. HOT FRP
Sheet [1] D. HOT FRP
Special Shapes [1] D. HOT FRP
Square Bar [1] D. HOT FRP
Square Tube [1] D. HOT FRP
Water Filtration Parts [1] D. HOT FRP
Wide Flange Beam [1] D. HOT FRP

[1] All sizes. Certification is based on an intended end use in a water treatment
    facilities.  Parts can be made using reinforced Polyester or Vinylester resin.
[2] Certified for:
    10' ReadyLadder + Walk Through Kit for 8,000 gallon tanks and greater.
    15' ReadyLadder + Walk Through Kit for 10,000 gallon tanks and greater.
    Parts can be made using reinforced Polyester or Vinylester resin.

Bioblend Renewable Resources LLC 
1500 Jarvis Avenue
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Grundy Center, IA

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds
BioGrease TJC 1 >= 1/2" CLD 23 TC
BioGrease TJC 2 >= 1/2" CLD 23 TC

BIOREM Technologies Inc. 
7496 Wellington Road
Puslinch, ON N0B 2J0 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Victor, NY

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components [G]
Degasifier[1] 2-20 in CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum flow of 16,353 L/day.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


BK Resources 
120 Frontage Road
Altamont, IL 62411 
United States 

Facility : # 1 Taiwan

Mechanical Plumbing Devices

Trade Designation      


Pre-Rinse Assembly Series[G] [Q]

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.

[Q] This product meets the reduced Q test statistic criteria of 1 µg or 0.5 µg for lead per
    Section of NSF/ANSI/CAN 61.

[1] AA - Spout type
         01 - 3 1/2" Gooseneck spout
         02 - 6" Gooseneck spout
         03 - 8 1/2" Gooseneck spout
         04 - 8 1/2" Gooseneck spout
         06 - 6" spout
         08 - 8" spout
         10 - 10" spout
         12 - 12" spout
         14 - 14" spout
         16 - 16" spout
    B  - Handle type
         A - Pot handle
         B - Lever handle
         C - Wrist blade handle
         D - Cross handle
    XX - Spout type
         00 - No spout
         01 - 3 1/2" Gooseneck spout
         02 - 6" Gooseneck spout
         03 - 8 1/2" Gooseneck spout
         04 - 8 1/2" Gooseneck spout
         06 - 6" spout
         08 - 8" spout
         10 - 10" spout
         12 - 12" spout
         14 - 14" spout
         16 - 16" spout
         18 - 18" spout
         24 - 24" spout

[2] These spout models are faucet components. The assembly fo components do not constitute a
    NSF Certified faucet. Complete faucet assemblies are NSF Certified only if the assembled
    faucet appears in NSF Listings.
[3] The aerator and seal components of the spout assembly are not Certified under this

Blue-White Industries, Ltd. 
5300 Business Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92649 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Huntington Beach, CA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
ProSeries MS-6 Chem Sensor[9] 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL

[9] Certified for use with the following chemicals with TFE/P o-ring:
    Acetic Acid (80%)
    Aluminum Chloride (50%)
    Aluminum chlorohydrate (40%)
    Aluminum Chlorohydrate/Polyaluminum Chloride (40%)
    Aluminum Sodium Sulfate (15%)
    Aluminum Sulfate (50%)
    Ammonia, aqueous (35%)
    Ammonium Hydroxide (29%)
    Ammonium Sulfate (45%)
    Calcium carbonate (65%)
    Calcium Chloride (15%)
    Calcium Hydroxide (50%)
    Calcium Hypochlorite (15%)
    Calcium Thiosulfate - (30%)
    Chlorine dioxide (2%)
    Citric Acid (100%) (100%)
    Copper Sulfate (5%)
    Copper Sulfate (25%)
    Deionized Water (100%)
    Dipotassium Orthophosphate (50%)
    Disodium Orthophosphate (50%)
    Ferric Chloride (50%)
    Ferric Sulfate (60%)
    Ferrous Chloride (40%)
    Ferrous Sulfate (30%)
    Fluorosilicic acid (25%)
    Hydrochloric acid (38%)
    Hydrogen Peroxide (30%)
    Magnesium Sulfate (25%)
    Peracetic Acid (10%)
    Phosphoric acid (75%)
    Poly (Diallyldimethylammonium Chloride)(pDADMAC) (50%)
    Poly Aluminum Chloride (100%)
    Polyacrylamide (3%)
    Polyaluminum Chloride (45%)
    Polyaluminum Chlorosulfate (50%)
    Polyaluminum Hydroxychlorosulfate (75%)
    Polyaluminum Silicate Sulfate (66%)
    Polyaluminum Sulfate (50%)
    Polyphosphoric Acid (100%)
    Potassium Carbonate (47%)
    Potassium Chloride (34%)
    Potassium hydroxide (45%)
    Potassium Hydroxide (50%)
    Potassium Permanganate (20%)
    Potassium Tripolyphosphate (100%)
    Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate (12%)
    Sodium Aluminate (50%)
    Sodium Ascorbate (60%)
    Sodium Bicarbonate (100%)
    Sodium Bisulfate (50%)
    Sodium Bisulfite (40%)
    Sodium Carbonate (20%)
    Sodium Carbonate (85%)
    Sodium Chlorate - 100%
    Sodium Chloride (26%)
    Sodium Chlorite (7.5%)
    Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate (25%)
    Sodium Fluoride (4.0%)
    Sodium Hydroxide (50%)
    Sodium Hypochlorite (15%)
    Sodium Metabisulfite (50%)
    Sodium Percarbonate - (15%)
    Sodium Permanganate (40%)
    Sodium Polyphosphates (35%)
    Sodium Silicate (100%)
    Sodium Sulfite (20%)
    Sodium Trimetaphosphate (20%)
    Sodium Tripolyphosphate (15%)
    Sulfur Dioxide (5%)
    Sulfuric acid (99%)
    Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate (60%)
    Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate (7%)
    Tricalcium Phosphate (70%, slurry)
    Trichloroisocyanuric Acid (10%)
    Ultra Pure Water
    Zinc Chloride (62%)
    Zinc Orthophosphate (100%)
    Zinc Sulfate (36%)
    * Certified for contact with DI water for the purpose of diluting drinking water
    treatment chemicals.
    Certified for use with the following chemicals with EPDM o-ring:
    Acetic Acid (80%)
    Aluminum Chloride (50%)
    Aluminum Sodium Sulfate (15%)
    Aluminum Sulfate (50%)
    Ammonium Hydroxide (29%)
    Ammonium Sulfate (45%)
    Calcium carbonate (65%)
    Calcium Chloride (15%)
    Calcium Hydroxide (50%)
    Calcium Hypochlorite (15%)
    Calcium Thiosulfate - (30%)
    Citric Acid (100%) (100%)
    Copper Sulfate (5%)
    Copper Sulfate (25%)
    Ferric Chloride (50%)
    Ferric Sulfate (60%)
    Ferrous Sulfate (30%)
    Fluorosilicic acid (25%)
    Hydrochloric acid (38%)
    Hydrogen Peroxide (30%)
    Magnesium Sulfate (25%)
    Peracetic Acid (10%)
    Phosphoric acid (75%)
    Potassium Carbonate (47%)
    Potassium Chloride (34%)
    Potassium hydroxide (45%)
    Potassium Hydroxide (50%)
    Potassium Permanganate (20%)
    Sodium Aluminate (50%)
    Sodium Bicarbonate (100%)
    Sodium Bisulfate (50%)
    Sodium Bisulfite (40%)
    Sodium Carbonate (20%)
    Sodium Carbonate (85%)
    Sodium Chlorate - 100%
    Sodium Chloride (26%)
    Sodium Chlorite (7.5%)
    Sodium Fluoride (4.0%)
    Sodium Hydroxide (50%)
    Sodium Hypochlorite (15%)
    Sodium Percarbonate - (15%)
    Sodium Silicate (100%)
    Sulfur Dioxide (5%)
    Zinc Chloride (62%)
    Zinc Sulfate (36%)

Chemical Metering Pumps
Chem-Pro Diaphragm Metering Pump MunicIpal Version MD-ABCDEFGHI[1] [2] 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Chem-Pro Diaphragm Metering Pump Municipal Version MC-ABCDEFGHI[1] [2] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Chem-Pro Diaphragm Metering Pump Municipal Version MD1-ABC[2] [3] 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
FLEX-FLO® A1Nabc-de-f-ghij[4] [5] 1/4" - 7/16" CLD 23 MLTPL
FLEX-PRO® M-abc-de-f[4] [7] 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
FLEXFLO® M1a-bc[4] [6] 1/4" - 7/16" CLD 23 MLTPL
FLEXFLO® Mabcd-ef-g[4] [8] 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
FLEXFLO® Mabcd-ef-g[9] [10] 1/2" - 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] A: Series
    2  -  Smaller overall size (width and length)
    3  -  Larger overall size (width and length)
    S  -  Smart
    Blank  -  Standard
    C: Maximum strokes per minute
    D: Input voltage / power cord
    E: Stroke length / diaphragm size
    1  -  .060'' stroke / small diaphragm (MC-2) or .060'' stroke / large diaphragm (MC-3)
    2  -  .060'' stroke / large diaphragm (MC-2) or .100 stroke / large diaphragm (MC-3)
    3  -  .040'' stroke / small diaphragm (MC-2)
    4  -  .100'' stroke / large diaphragm (MC-2, MD-3)
    5  -  .040'' stroke / low flow diaphragm (MC-2)
    6  -  .060'' stroke / low flow diaphragm (MC-2)
    F: Electrical options
    G: Elastomer material (o-rings)
    V  -  FKM & TFE/P
    E  -  EP
    H: Pump head fitting and foot valve
    1  -  1/2'' ID x 3/4'' OD tubing pump head with 1/2'' barb hose footvalve
    2  -  1/4'' ID x 3/8'' OD tubing pump head with 1/4'' foot valve
    3  -  1/2'' male NPT inlet and outlet with 1/2'' M/NPT footvalve
    4  -  1/2'' female NPT inlet and outlet with 1/2'' M/NPT footvalve
    I: Miscellaneous options (may be blank)
    A  -  Hastelloy C check valve balls, PTFE prime valve ball
    B  -  Single 1/2'' ceramic ball and Hastelloy C spring P/head check valve for viscous
    -C1/-C2/-C3/-C4/-C5  -  Communications interface
    H  -  PTFE balls (double ball check valve, prime valve) low viscosity/density fluids
    J  -  PTFE balls (single ball with Hastelloy spring check valve, prime valve)
[2] Certified for use with 12.5% sodium hypochlorite or 33% hydrochloric acid. These
    products are evaluated by diluting the exposed water treatment chemical to its maximum
    use level (MUL), as defined in NSF/ANSI/CAN 60.
[3] MD1-ABC:
    A: Elastomer material (O-ring and Diaphragm)
    V: AFLAS, FKM, and Kynar Ultraflex B
    E: EPDM and Santoprene
    B: Stroke length
    1: 0.125 Stroke
    C: Electrical options
[4] Certified for use with the following chemicals:
      Norprene tubing or Flex-A-Prene™
      Activated Carbon (100 mg/L)
      Aluminum Chloride - 50%
      Aluminum chlorohydrate (40%) - 40%
      Aluminum Chlorohydrate/Polyaluminum Chloride - 40%
      Aluminum Sodium Sulfate (15%) - 15%
      Aluminum Sulfate (50%) - 50%
      Ammonia, aqueous (35%) - 35%
      Ammonium Hydroxide (29%) - 29%
      Ammonium Sulfate (45%) - 45%
      Calcium carbonate (65%) - 65%
      Calcium Chloride (15%) - 15%
      Calcium Hydroxide - 50%
      Calcium Hypochlorite (15%) - 15%
      Calcium Thiosulfate - 30%
      Chlorine dioxide - 2%
      Copper Sulfate (5%) - 5%
      Copper Sulfate (25%) - 25%
      Deionized Water (100%) - 100%
      Dipotassium Orthophosphate - 50% 
      Disodium Orthophosphate - 50%
      Ferric Chloride (50%) - 50%
      Ferric Sulfate (60%) - 60%
      Ferrous Chloride (40%) - 40%
      Ferrous Sulfate (30%) - 30%
      Fluorosilicic acid - 25%
      Magnesium Sulfate (25%) - 25%
      Poly (Diallyldimethylammonium Chloride)(pDADMAC) - 50%
      Poly Aluminum Chloride (100%) - 100%
      Polyacrylamide (2.5%) - 3%
      Polyaluminum Chloride (45%) - 45%
      Polyaluminum Chlorosulfate - 50%
      Polyaluminum Hydroxychlorosulfate - 75%
      Polyaluminum Silicate Sulfate - 66%
      Polyaluminum Sulfate - 50%
      Potassium Carbonate - 47%
      Potassium Chloride - 34%
      Potassium hydroxide (45%) - 45%
      Potassium Hydroxide (50%) - 50%
      Potassium Permanganate (20%) - 20%
      Potassium Tripolyphosphate - 100%
      Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate - 12%
      Sodium Aluminate - 50%
      Sodium Ascorbate - 60%
      Sodium Bicarbonate - 100%
      Sodium Bisulfate (50%) - 50%
      Sodium Carbonate - 20%
      Sodium Carbonate (85%) - 85%
      Sodium Chlorate - 100%
      Sodium Chloride (26%) - 26%
      Sodium Chlorite (7.5%) - 8%
      Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate - 25%
      Sodium Fluoride (4.0%) - 4%
      Sodium Hydroxide (50%) - 50%
      Sodium Hypochlorite (15%) - 15%
      Sodium Metabisulfite (50%) - 50%
      Sodium Percarbonate - 15%
      Sodium Permanganate (40%) - 40%
      Sodium Polyphosphates - 35%
      Sodium Silicate (100%) - 100%
      Sodium Sulfite (20%) - 20%
      Sodium Trimetaphosphate - 20%
      Sodium Tripolyphosphate - 15%
      Sulfur Dioxide (5%) - 5%
      Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate - 60%
      Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate - 7%
      Tricalcium Phosphate (70%, slurry) - 70%
      Trichloroisocyanuric Acid- 10%
      Zinc Chloride - 62%
      Zinc Orthophosphate (100%) - 100%
      Zinc Sulfate - 36%
      Norprene Chemical tubing
      Acetic Acid (80%) - 80%
      Citric Acid (100%) - 100%
      Hydrochloric acid (38%) - 38%
      Hydrogen Peroxide - 30%
      Peracetic Acid (10%) - 10%
      Phosphoric acid (75%) - 75%
      Polyphosphoric Acid - 100%
      Sulfuric acid (98.5%) - 99%
      Flex-A-Thane tubing:
      Aluminum Chloride (50%)
      Aluminum Potassium Sulfate (100%)
      Aluminum Sulfate (50%)
      Calcium Carbonate (25%)
      Calcium Chloride (15%)
      Calcium Hydroxide (20%)
      Copper Sulfate (25%)
      Copper Sulfate (5%)
      Ferric Chloride (43%)
      Ferrous Chloride (40%)
      Ferrous Sulfate (5%)
      Magnesium Sulfate (25%)
      Potassium Carbonate (47%)
      Potassium Chloride (20%)
      Potassium Permanganate (6%)
      Sodium Bicarbonate (7%)
      Sodium Bisulfate (50%)
      Sodium Bisulfite (100%)
      Sodium Carbonate (7%)
      Sodium Chlorate (45%)
      Sodium Chloride (20%)
      Sodium Chlorite (12%)
      Sodium Fluoride (3%)
      Sodium Sulfite (10%)
      Zinc Chloride (80%)
      Zinc Sulfate (30%)
    These products are evaluated by diluting the exposed water treatment chemical to its
    maximum use level (MUL), as defined in NSF/ANSI/CAN 60.
    *Certified for contact with DI water for purpose of diluting drinking water treatment
[5] FLEX-FLO® 
    a - 0, 1, 2, or 3 
    b - 0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, or 8 
    c - A, P, S, C, E, F, V, X or * 
    d - 4, 6, 7 or 8 
    e - T 
    f - X 
    g - any number 1 through 99 
    h - S M, H or D 
    i - any number 1 through 99 
    j - S M, H or D
[6] FLEX-FLO® M1a-bc
    a - 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9
    b - 1, 3, 6, 7, or 8
    c - T, or M
[7] FLEX-PRO® 
    a - 2, 3, or 4 
    b - 1,2,3,4, or 5 
    c - 4,5,6,8 or X 
    d - S, M, B, C or X 
    e - ND, NF, NH, NJ, NK, NL, NP, NKL, TH, TK, NEE, NGG, NHH, NHHL, THH, NKKL, N2G or N2E 
    f - R, D, or blank
[8] FLEXFLO® Mabcd-ef-g
    a - 2, 3, or 4
    b - S
    c - 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
    d - 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or X
    e - S, M, B, C, Q, or MB
        N2G, N2E, GE, GG, GH, GHH, GK, G2G, or GKK
    g - R or D
[9] Certified for use with the following chemicals with TFE/P o-ring:
    Acetic Acid (80%)
    Aluminum Chloride (50%)
    Aluminum chlorohydrate (40%)
    Aluminum Chlorohydrate/Polyaluminum Chloride (40%)
    Aluminum Sodium Sulfate (15%)
    Aluminum Sulfate (50%)
    Ammonia, aqueous (35%)
    Ammonium Hydroxide (29%)
    Ammonium Sulfate (45%)
    Calcium carbonate (65%)
    Calcium Chloride (15%)
    Calcium Hydroxide (50%)
    Calcium Hypochlorite (15%)
    Calcium Thiosulfate - (30%)
    Chlorine dioxide (2%)
    Citric Acid (100%) (100%)
    Copper Sulfate (5%)
    Copper Sulfate (25%)
    Deionized Water (100%)
    Dipotassium Orthophosphate (50%)
    Disodium Orthophosphate (50%)
    Ferric Chloride (50%)
    Ferric Sulfate (60%)
    Ferrous Chloride (40%)
    Ferrous Sulfate (30%)
    Fluorosilicic acid (25%)
    Hydrochloric acid (38%)
    Hydrogen Peroxide (30%)
    Magnesium Sulfate (25%)
    Peracetic Acid (10%)
    Phosphoric acid (75%)
    Poly (Diallyldimethylammonium Chloride)(pDADMAC) (50%)
    Poly Aluminum Chloride (100%)
    Polyacrylamide (3%)
    Polyaluminum Chloride (45%)
    Polyaluminum Chlorosulfate (50%)
    Polyaluminum Hydroxychlorosulfate (75%)
    Polyaluminum Silicate Sulfate (66%)
    Polyaluminum Sulfate (50%)
    Polyphosphoric Acid (100%)
    Potassium Carbonate (47%)
    Potassium Chloride (34%)
    Potassium hydroxide (45%)
    Potassium Hydroxide (50%)
    Potassium Permanganate (20%)
    Potassium Tripolyphosphate (100%)
    Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate (12%)
    Sodium Aluminate (50%)
    Sodium Ascorbate (60%)
    Sodium Bicarbonate (100%)
    Sodium Bisulfate (50%)
    Sodium Bisulfite (40%)
    Sodium Carbonate (20%)
    Sodium Carbonate (85%)
    Sodium Chlorate - 100%
    Sodium Chloride (26%)
    Sodium Chlorite (7.5%)
    Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate (25%)
    Sodium Fluoride (4.0%)
    Sodium Hydroxide (50%)
    Sodium Hypochlorite (15%)
    Sodium Metabisulfite (50%)
    Sodium Percarbonate - (15%)
    Sodium Permanganate (40%)
    Sodium Polyphosphates (35%)
    Sodium Silicate (100%)
    Sodium Sulfite (20%)
    Sodium Trimetaphosphate (20%)
    Sodium Tripolyphosphate (15%)
    Sulfur Dioxide (5%)
    Sulfuric acid (99%)
    Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate (60%)
    Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate (7%)
    Tricalcium Phosphate (70%, slurry)
    Trichloroisocyanuric Acid (10%)
    Ultra Pure Water
    Zinc Chloride (62%)
    Zinc Orthophosphate (100%)
    Zinc Sulfate (36%)
    * Certified for contact with DI water for the purpose of diluting drinking water
    treatment chemicals.
    Certified for use with the following chemicals with EPDM o-ring:
    Acetic Acid (80%)
    Aluminum Chloride (50%)
    Aluminum Sodium Sulfate (15%)
    Aluminum Sulfate (50%)
    Ammonium Hydroxide (29%)
    Ammonium Sulfate (45%)
    Calcium carbonate (65%)
    Calcium Chloride (15%)
    Calcium Hydroxide (50%)
    Calcium Hypochlorite (15%)
    Calcium Thiosulfate - (30%)
    Citric Acid (100%) (100%)
    Copper Sulfate (5%)
    Copper Sulfate (25%)
    Ferric Chloride (50%)
    Ferric Sulfate (60%)
    Ferrous Sulfate (30%)
    Fluorosilicic acid (25%)
    Hydrochloric acid (38%)
    Hydrogen Peroxide (30%)
    Magnesium Sulfate (25%)
    Peracetic Acid (10%)
    Phosphoric acid (75%)
    Potassium Carbonate (47%)
    Potassium Chloride (34%)
    Potassium hydroxide (45%)
    Potassium Hydroxide (50%)
    Potassium Permanganate (20%)
    Sodium Aluminate (50%)
    Sodium Bicarbonate (100%)
    Sodium Bisulfate (50%)
    Sodium Bisulfite (40%)
    Sodium Carbonate (20%)
    Sodium Carbonate (85%)
    Sodium Chlorate - 100%
    Sodium Chloride (26%)
    Sodium Chlorite (7.5%)
    Sodium Fluoride (4.0%)
    Sodium Hydroxide (50%)
    Sodium Hypochlorite (15%)
    Sodium Percarbonate - (15%)
    Sodium Silicate (100%)
    Sulfur Dioxide (5%)
    Zinc Chloride (62%)
    Zinc Sulfate (36%)
[10] Certified for contact with DI water for the purpose of diluting drinking water treatment

[11] FLEXFLO Mabc-de-f:
     a - 5 (Size)
     b - S (Smart)
     c - 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 (Motor RPM)
     d - 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or X (Voltage)
     e - M or B (Tube Adapter Type)
     f - NPP (0.75 ID), NLL (0.5 ID), NHHL (0.25 ID), TKKL (0.375 ID), or GKK (0.5 ID) (Tube
     g - R (Right Facing)

Boshart Industries, Inc. 
25 Whaley Avenue
P.O. Box 310 
Milverton, ON N0K 1M0 

Facility : Taichung, Taiwan

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

0921-25 Compact Ball Valves 2 1/2" CLD 23 PVC
0921-30 Compact Ball Valves 3" CLD 23 PVC
0921-40 Compact Ball Valves 4" CLD 23 PVC
0921S-25 Compact Ball Valves 2 1/2" CLD 23 PVC
0921S-30 Compact Ball Valves 3" CLD 23 PVC
0921S-40 Compact Ball Valves 4" CLD 23 PVC
0922CTS-05 Compact Ball Valves 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
0922CTS-07 Compact Ball Valves 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
0922CTS-10 Compact Ball Valves 1" C. HOT MLTPL
0922CTS-12 Compact Ball Valves 1 1/4" C. HOT MLTPL
0922CTS-15 Compact Ball Valves 1 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
0922CTS-20 Compact Ball Valves 2" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Boshart Industries, Inc. 
25 Whaley Avenue
P.O. Box 310 
Milverton, ON N0K 1M0 

Facility : # 1 USA

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material


Boyd Corporation 
4990 East Hunter Avenue
Anaheim, CA 92807 
United States 

Facility : # 1 Vietnam

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Gasket/Sealing Materials
E362-70 Compound[1] [2] D. HOT EPDM
SPEC SEALS N161-70 compound[3] [2] C. HOT NBR

[1] This product has also been evaluated for use in Mechanical Plumbing Device applications
    with a maximum use restriction of 2.0 sq. in./L.
[2] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 2.0 sq. in./L.
[3] This product has also been evaluated for use in Mechanical Plumbing Device applications
    with a maximum use restriction of 0.1 sq. in./L.

E362-70 Compound[1] [2] D. HOT EPDM
SPEC SEALS N161-70 compound[3] [2] C. HOT NBR

[1] This product has also been evaluated for use in Mechanical Plumbing Device applications
    with a maximum use restriction of 2.0 sq. in./L.
[2] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 2.0 sq. in./L.
[3] This product has also been evaluated for use in Mechanical Plumbing Device applications
    with a maximum use restriction of 0.1 sq. in./L.

Brass Pro Industrial Co., Ltd. 
No. 140, Lane 498, Sec. 3, Lu Ho Road
Lukang, Changhua 505 
886 4 7710612
Visit this company's website

Facility : Changhua, Taiwan

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

BP-686EC, LF 797 3/8 FE COMP X 1/4 COMP 3/8" D. HOT MLTPL
BP-G43, LF 797 9/16-24 FE FL X3/8 COMP 9/16" x 3/8" D. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Brentwood Industries 
500 Spring Ridge Drive
Reading, PA 19610 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Reading, PA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
Polychem Non-Metallic System/ Rectangular Clarifier Collector System [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
SedVac Sediment Dredge System[2] 4" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for use in tanks 120,000 L and greater in water treatment plants with a
    minimum daily flow of 1,800,000 L.
[2] Certified for use in tanks with a minimum volume of 21,747 liters and minimum daily flow
    of 530,000 liters.

Facility : Reading, PA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 0.15 gal/min/sq. ft.

Facility : Martinsburg, WV

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
IFR6000 "Series" Tube Settler Modules [1] CLD 23 PVC
IFR6000 Series CorrugatedBlade [1] [2] CLD 23 PVC
IFR6000 Series WaveBlade [1] [2] CLD 23 PVC

[1] Certified for a flow of 0.5 gallons per minute per square foot and greater.
[2] Certified for a maximum size of 41" x 36" x 16' (height x width x length).

NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Bright Sheland International Co., Ltd. 
No.5, Ko Kung 1st Road
Douliou, Yunlin Hsien 640 
886 5 5512322

Facility : Kunshan, Jiangsu, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1] [2] [G]
Poly-ADCT (PATX-XXP) [3] [4] [5] [6] CLD 23 PP
Puris-Fine (PRSX-XX) [3] [4] [5] [6] CLD 23 PP
Superior-Fine (PCBX-XX) [3] [4] [5] [6] CLD 23 PP

[1] Certification does not include any end connection, gasket, or o-ring options. Product
    has not been evaluated for point-of-end (POE) or point-or-use (POU) end uses.
[2] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 1,870 L per 3" of cartridge length.
[3] X - Retention Rating: 0.5 µm - 200 µm
[4] XX - Cartridge Length: 3" - 100"
[5] Inner Diameter: 28 mm
[6] Outer Diameter: 60 mm - 115 mm
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Bromic Pty Ltd 
10 Phiney Place
Ingleburn, Sydney 
New South Wales 2565 
61 2 9426 5222
Visit this company's website

Facility : Cesano Maderno MB, Italy

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds[1]
Ambro Controls AS-58 >= 1/2" D. HOT TS

[1] This product has also been evaluated for use in Mechanical Plumbing Device applications
    with a maximum use restriction of 2 joints/L.

Brother Filtration Equipment Trading (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. 
No. 5 Jiangfa Road
Wuhan, HuBei Province 430000 
86 27 8399 2898

Facility : # 2 China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1] [2]
F2514-1000E-1W 1 L[3] CLD 23 MLTPL
F2514-1200E-1W 1 L[3] CLD 23 MLTPL
F2514-300E-1W 1 L[3] CLD 23 MLTPL
F2514-600E-1W 1 L[3] CLD 23 MLTPL
F2521-1000E-1W 1 L[3] CLD 23 MLTPL
F2521-1200E-1W 1 L[3] CLD 23 MLTPL
F2521-300E-1W 1 L[3] CLD 23 MLTPL
F2521-600E-1W 1 L[3] CLD 23 MLTPL
F2540-1000E-1W 1 L[3] CLD 23 MLTPL
F2540-1200E-1W 1 L[3] CLD 23 MLTPL
F2540-300E-1W 1 L[3] CLD 23 MLTPL
F2540-600E-1W 1 L[3] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1000E-1W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1000E-2W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1000E-3W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1000E-4W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1000E-5W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1000E-6W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1000S-1W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1000S-2W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1000S-3W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1000S-4W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1000S-5W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1000S-6W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1200E-1W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1200E-2W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1200E-3W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1200E-4W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1200E-5W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1200E-6W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1200S-1W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1200S-2W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1200S-3W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1200S-4W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1200S-5W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1200S-6W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-300E-1W 8.4 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-300E-2W 8.4 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-300E-3W 8.4 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-300E-4W 8.4 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-300E-5W 8.4 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-300E-6W 8.4 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-300S-1W 8.4 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-300S-2W 8.4 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-300S-3W 8.4 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-300S-4W 8.4 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-300S-5W 8.4 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-300S-6W 8.4 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-450E-1W 8.4 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-450E-2W 8.4 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-450E-3W 8.4 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-450E-4W 8.4 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-450E-5W 8.4 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-450E-6W 8.4 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-450S-1W 8.4 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-450S-2W 8.4 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-450S-3W 8.4 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-450S-4W 8.4 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-450S-5W 8.4 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-450S-6W 8.4 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-600E-1W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-600E-2W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-600E-3W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-600E-4W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-600E-5W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-600E-6W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-600S-1W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-600S-2W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-600S-3W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-600S-4W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-600S-5W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-600S-6W 8.7 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000E-1W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000E-2W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000E-3W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000E-4W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000E-5W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000E-6W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000E-7W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000S-1W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000S-2W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000S-3W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000S-4W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000S-5W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000S-6W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000S-7W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200E-1W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200E-2W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200E-3W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200E-4W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200E-5W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200E-6W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200E-7W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200S-1W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200S-2W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200S-3W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200S-4W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200S-5W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200S-6W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200S-7W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300E-1W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300E-2W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300E-3W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300E-4W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300E-5W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300E-6W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300E-7W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300S-1W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300S-2W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300S-3W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300S-4W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300S-5W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300S-6W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300S-7W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450E-1W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450E-2W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450E-3W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450E-4W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450E-5W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450E-6W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450E-7W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450S-1W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450S-2W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450S-3W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450S-4W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450S-5W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450S-6W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600E-1W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600E-2W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600E-3W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600E-4W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600E-5W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600E-6W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600E-7W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600S-1W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600S-2W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600S-3W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600S-4W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600S-5W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600S-6W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600S-7W 12.6 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
MFA20E 6.4 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
MFA20S-10 6.4 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
MFA40E 6.4 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
MFA40S-10 6.4 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
MFA60E 6.4 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
MFA60S-10 6.4 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
MFT20E 6.4 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
MFT20S-10 6.4 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
MFT40E 6.4 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
MFT40S-10 6.4 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
MFT60E 6.4 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
MFT60S-10 6.4 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[2] Certified for use in municipal water treatment plants only.
[3] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 200 liters per day.
[4] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 500 liters per day.
[5] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 7,000 liters per day.
[6] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 30,000 liters per day.

Calgon Carbon Corporation 
3000 GSK Drive
Moon Township, PA 15108 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 Pittsburgh, PA

Process Media

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Powdered Activated Carbon[1] [3] [4]

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark are Certified.
[3] The carbon source is bituminous coal or coconut shell.
[4] Trade names may include letters and/or numbers to designate any or all of the following:
    mesh size, customer, market, processing methods, intended applications, activity level,
    special testing, or other customer or product specific differentiators.
[6] Certified for the following mesh sizes: -200 and -325.

NOTE: Certified for water treatment plant applications.
      This product has not been evaluated for point of use applications.

Facility : # 1 Houston, TX

Process Media

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Powdered Activated Carbon[1] [3] [7]

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark are Certified.
[3] Trade names may include letters and/or numbers to designate any or all of the following:
    mesh size, customer, market, processing methods, intended applications, activity level,
    special testing, or other customer or product specific differentiators.
[7] The carbon source is wood, coal or coconut shell..
[8] Certified for the following mesh sizes: -200 and -325.

NOTE: Certified for water treatment plant applications.
      This product has not been evaluated for point of use applications.

Facility : # 1 USA

Process Media

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Powdered Activated Carbon[1] [3] [6]

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark are Certified.
[3] Trade names may include letters and/or numbers to designate any or all of the following:
    mesh size, customer, market, processing methods, intended applications, activity level,
    special testing, or other customer or product specific differentiators.
[6] The carbon source is wood , coal, or coconut shell.
[7] Certified for the following mesh sizes: -200 and -325.

NOTE: Certified for water treatment plant applications.
      This product has not been evaluated for point of use applications.

Facility : # 2 Pittsburgh, PA

Process Media

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Powdered Activated Carbon[1] [3] [5]

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark are Certified.
[3] Trade names may include letters and/or numbers to designate any or all of the following:
    mesh size, customer, market, processing methods, intended applications, activity level,
    special testing, or other customer or product specific differentiators.
[5] The carbon source is wood, bituminous coal or coconut shell.
[6] Certified for the following mesh sizes: -200 and -325.

NOTE: Certified for water treatment plant applications.
      This product has not been evaluated for point of use applications.

Facility : # 2 Huntington, West Virginia

Process Media

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Powdered Activated Carbon[1] [3]

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark are Certified.
[3] Trade names may include letters and/or numbers to designate any or all of the following:
    mesh size, customer, market, processing methods, intended applications, activity level,
    special testing, or other customer or product specific differentiators.
[7] Certified for the following mesh sizes: -200 and -325.
[8] The carbon source is wood, coal, or coconut shell.
[9] The carbon source is bituminous coal.

NOTE: Certified for water treatment plant applications.
      This product has not been evaluated for point of use applications.

Facility : Santa Fe, CA

Process Media

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Powdered Activated Carbon[1] [3] [8]

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark are Certified.
[3] Trade names may include letters and/or numbers to designate any or all of the following:
    mesh size, customer, market, processing methods, intended applications, activity level,
    special testing, or other customer or product specific differentiators.
[8] The carbon source is wood , coal, or coconut shell.
[9] Certified for the following mesh sizes: -200 and -325.

NOTE: Certified for water treatment plant applications.
      This product has not been evaluated for point of use applications.

Facility : Stockton, CA

Process Media

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Powdered Activated Carbon[1] [3] [7]

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark are Certified.
[3] Trade names may include letters and/or numbers to designate any or all of the following:
    mesh size, customer, market, processing methods, intended applications, activity level,
    special testing, or other customer or product specific differentiators.
[7] The carbon source is wood, coal, or coconut shell.
[8] Certified for the following mesh sizes: -200 and -325.

NOTE: Certified for water treatment plant applications.
      This product has not been evaluated for point of use applications.

Facility : Catlettsburg, KY

Process Media

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Powdered Activated Carbon[2] [8]

[2] Trade names may include letters and/or numbers to designate any or all of the following:
    mesh size, customer, market, processing methods, intended applications, activity level,
    special testing, or other customer or product specific differentiators.
[8] The carbon source is bituminous coal or coconut shell.
[11] Certified for the following mesh sizes: -200 and -325

NOTE: Certified for water treatment plant applications.
      This product has not been evaluated for point of use applications.

Facility : Pearlington, MS

Process Media

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Powdered Activated Carbon[1] [3] [5]

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark are Certified.
[3] Trade names may include letters and/or numbers to designate any or all of the following:
    mesh size, customer, market, processing methods, intended applications, activity level,
    special testing, or other customer or product specific differentiators.
[5] The carbon source is bituminous coal or coconut shell.
[6] Certified for the following mesh sizes: -200 and -325.

NOTE: Certified for water treatment plant applications.
      This product has not been evaluated for point of use applications.

Facility : Columbus, OH

Process Media

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Powdered Activated Carbon[2] [9]

[2] Trade names may include letters and/or numbers to designate any or all of the following:
    mesh size, customer, market, processing methods, intended applications, activity level,
    special testing, or other customer or product specific differentiators.
[9] The carbon source is wood, coal or coconut shell.
[10] Certified for the following mesh sizes: -200 and -325

NOTE: Certified for water treatment plant applications.
      This product has not been evaluated for point of use applications.

Facility : Muncy, PA

Process Media

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Powdered Activated Carbon [1]
MP[1] [4] CLD 23 CARBON
REMPAC[2] [3] [4] CLD 23 CARBON

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark are Certified.
[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark are Certified.
[2] The carbon source is bituminous coal or coconut shell.
[3] Trade names may include letters and/or numbers to designate any or all of the following:
    mesh size, customer, market, processing methods, intended applications, activity level,
    special testing, or other customer or product specific differentiators.
[4] Certified for the following mesh sizes: -200 and -325.

NOTE: Certified for water treatment plant applications.
      This product has not been evaluated for point of use applications.

Facility : Bluefield, VA

Process Media

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Powdered Activated Carbon[1] [2] [3]

[1] The carbon source is bituminous coal or coconut shell.
[2] Trade names MAY include letters and / or numbers to designate any or all of the
    following: mesh size, customer, market, processing methods, intended application,
    activity level, special testing or other customer or product specific differentiators.
[3] Only products bearing the NSF Mark are Certified.
[4] Certified for the following mesh sizes: -200 and -325.

NOTE: Certified for water treatment plant applications.
      This product has not been evaluated for point of use applications.

Calgon Carbon Corporation 
3000 GSK Drive
Moon Township, PA 15108 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Bloomfield, NM

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Treatment Devices/Components[1] [2] [3] [G]
AquaKnight GC 6 2100 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 6S 2100 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 8 4000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 8S 4000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 10 8900 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 10S 8900 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 12 10100 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 12S 10100 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 12-30 13500 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 12-30S 13500 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 12-40 16600 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 12-40S 16600 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 14 24540 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 14S 24540 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 6 DWC System 2100 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 6 DWC Vessel 2100 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 8 DWC System 4000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 8 DWC System 4000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 8 DWC Vessel 4000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 10 DWC System 8900 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 10 DWC Vessel 8900 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 12 DWC System 10100 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 12 DWC Vessel 10100 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 12-30 DWC System 13500 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 12-30 DWC Vessel 13500 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 12-40 DWC System 16600 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 12-40 DWC Vessel 16600 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 14 DWC System 24540 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 14 DWC Vessel 24540 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Model 6 DWC, AquaKnight GC 6 and AquaKnight GC 6S are certified for a minimum daily flow
    of 40,320 gallons per day (28 gallons per minute)										
    Model 8 DWC, AquaKnight GC 8 and AquaKnight GC 8S are certified for a minimum daily flow
    of 72,000 gallons per day (50 gallons per minute)										
    Model 10 DWC, AquaKnight GC 10 and AquaKnight GC 10S are certified for a minimum daily
    flow of 112,320 gallons per day (78 gallons per minute)										
    Model 12 DWC, Model 12-30, Model 12-40, AquaKnight GC 12, AquaKnight GC 12-30,
    AquaKnight GC 12-40, AquaKnight GC 12S, AquaKnight GC 12-30S and AquaKnight GC 12-40S
    are certified for a minimum daily flow of 162,720 gallons per day (113 gallons per
    Model 14 DWC, AquaKnight GC 14 and AquaKnight GC 14S are certified for a minimum daily
    flow of 220,320 gallons per day (153 gallons per minute)
[2] Each system may come in a single tank, dual tank or multiple tank configuration.
[3] These models are certified without carbon therefore no flushing is required.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Pittsburgh, PA

Mechanical Devices

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Treatment Devices/Components[1] [2] [3] [G]
AquaKnight GC 6 2100 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 6S 2100 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 8 4000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 8S 4000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 10 8900 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 10S 8900 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 12 10100 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 12S 10100 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 12-30 13500 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 12-30S 13500 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 12-40 16600 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 12-40S 16600 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 14 24540 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
AquaKnight GC 14S 24540 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 6 DWC System 2100 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 6 DWC Vessel 2100 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 8 DWC System 4000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 8 DWC System 4000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 8 DWC Vessel 4000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 10 DWC System 8900 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 10 DWC Vessel 8900 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 12 DWC System 10100 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 12 DWC Vessel 10100 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 12-30 DWC System 13500 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 12-30 DWC Vessel 13500 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 12-40 DWC System 16600 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 12-40 DWC Vessel 16600 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 14 DWC System 24540 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 14 DWC Vessel 24540 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Model 6 DWC, AquaKnight GC 6 and AquaKnight GC 6S are certified for a minimum daily flow
    of 40,320 gallons per day (28 gallons per minute)										
    Model 8 DWC, AquaKnight GC 8 and AquaKnight GC 8S are certified for a minimum daily flow
    of 72,000 gallons per day (50 gallons per minute)										
    Model 10 DWC, AquaKnight GC 10 and AquaKnight GC 10S are certified for a minimum daily
    flow of 112,320 gallons per day (78 gallons per minute)										
    Model 12 DWC, Model 12-30, Model 12-40, AquaKnight GC 12, AquaKnight GC 12-30,
    AquaKnight GC 12-40, AquaKnight GC 12S, AquaKnight GC 12-30S and AquaKnight GC 12-40S
    are certified for a minimum daily flow of 162,720 gallons per day (113 gallons per
    Model 14 DWC, AquaKnight GC 14 and AquaKnight GC 14S are certified for a minimum daily
    flow of 220,320 gallons per day (153 gallons per minute)
[2] Each system may come in a single tank, dual tank or multiple tank configuration.
[3] These models are certified without carbon therefore no flushing is required.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Canature Health Technology Group Co., Ltd. 
No. 518, Chuanda Road
Pudong New Area 
Shanghai, 201200 
86 21 5859 9999

Facility : Jiangsu, China

Mechanical Devices

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Components, POE: Tanks, Water Softener
Pressure Vessel >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Pressure Vessel-H >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL

Canature HuaYu Environmental Products Co., Ltd. 
Industrial Area, North Gaocheng Town
Yixing, Jiangsu Province 214214 
86 510 8783 5768

Facility : Jiangsu Province, China

Mechanical Devices

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Components, POE: Tanks, Water Softener
FRP Tank HY-H Series >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
FRP Tank HY-S Series >= 6.3 L CLD 23 MLTPL
FRP Tank HY-Series >= 83.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL

CDI Products, LLC 
8103 Rankin Road
Humble, TX 77396 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Humble, TX

Mechanical Devices

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
dures® H20 [1] C. HOT PPS

[1] Certified for use in mechanical devices at a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 250

Cembrane A/S 
Nøglegårdsvej 10
Lynge 3540 
45 2 148 4321
Visit this company's website

Facility : Texas, USA

Mechanical Devices

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1] [2] [3]

[1] The SiC BLOX FX series stack is certified for a minimum daily permeate flow of 10,000
    liters per day per module, up to ten (10) modules.
[2] The SiC BLOX FX series stack requires a 10.5 gallons per minute (gpm) flush per module
    up to ten (10) for for five minutes with de-ionized water before use.
[3] The SiC BLOX FX series is certified for municipal treatment facilities end use.

Facility : Lynge, Denmark

Mechanical Devices

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1] [2] [3]

[1] The SiC BLOX FX series stack is certified for a minimum daily permeate flow of 10,000
    liters per day per module, up to ten (10) modules.
[2] The SiC BLOX FX series stack requires a 10.5 gallons per minute (gpm) flush per module
    up to ten (10) for for five minutes with de-ionized water before use.
[3] The SiC BLOX FX series is certified for municipal treatment facilities end use.

Av. Ramon Ciurans, 40 (Parcella 6)
Poligono Industrial Congost 
08530 La Garriga 
34 93 870 42 08

Facility : Les Franqueses del Valles, Spain

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Cepex PP Compression Fittings[1] 1" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] CTS, IPS, Metric-NPT.  Includes metric sizes 25 mm - 110 mm.

NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Quellenstr. 14
49 681 93587 089

Facility : Saarbruecken, Germany

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices / Components
CFT 0000-BS0006-0000 [1] D. HOT MLTPL
CFT-0000-BMSEC4-2022 [1] D. HOT MLTPL
CFT-0000-BMSEC6-1016 [1] D. HOT MLTPL
CFT-0000-BMSEC6-1019 [1] D. HOT MLTPL
CFT-0000-BMSEC6-2019 [1] D. HOT MLTPL
CFT-0000-BMSEC6-2022 [1] D. HOT MLTPL
CFT-0000-HS0006-0000 [1] D. HOT MLTPL
CFT-0000-SC0EC4-2022 [1] D. HOT MLTPL
CFT-0000-SC0EC6-1016 [1] D. HOT MLTPL
CFT-0000-SC0EC6-1019 [1] D. HOT MLTPL
CFT-0000-SC0EC6-2019 [1] D. HOT MLTPL
CFT-0000-SC0EC6-2022 [1] D. HOT MLTPL
CFT-0000-SMSEC4-2022 [1] D. HOT MLTPL
CFT-0000-SMSEC6-1016 [1] D. HOT MLTPL
CFT-0000-SMSEC6-1019 [1] D. HOT MLTPL
CFT-0000-SMSEC6-2019 [1] D. HOT MLTPL
CFT-0000-SMSEC6-2022 [1] D. HOT MLTPL

[1] Following models are certified for a minimum flow of 14,000 liters per day and requires
    a 10 liters per minute flush for ten (10) minutes with tap water before use:   
    CFT 0000-BS0006-0000
    CFT-0000-SC0EC6-1016, CFT-0000-SC0EC6-1019, CFT-0000-SC0EC6-2019, CFT-0000-SC0EC4-2022
    are certified for a minimum flow of 348 liters per day.
    The Ceramic Plate CFT-0000-SC0EC6-1016, CFT-0000-SC0EC6-1019, CFT-0000-SC0EC6-2019,
    CFT-0000-SC0EC4-2022 require a 0.5 liters per minute flush for ten (10) minutes with tap
    water before use.
    CFT-0000-HS0006-0000 and CFT 0000-BS0006-0000 are to be used with CFT-0000-SMSEC6-2019,
    CFT-0000-BMSEC6-2019, CFT-0000-SMSEC4-2022, CFT-0000-BMSEC4-2022, CFT-0000-SMSEC6-1016,
    CFT-0000-BMSEC6-1016, CFT-0000-SMSEC6-1019, and CFT-0000-BMSEC6-1019. 
    CFT-0000-SC0EC6-1016 are to be used with CFT-0000-SMSEC6-1016, CFT-0000-BMSEC6-1016
    CFT-0000-SC0EC6-1019 are to be used with CFT-0000-SMSEC6-1019, CFT-0000-BMSEC6-1019
    CFT-0000-SC0EC6-2019 are to be used with CFT-0000-SMSEC6-2019, CFT-0000-BMSEC6-2019
    CFT-0000-SC0EC4-2022 are to be used with CFT-0000-SMSEC4-2022, CFT-0000-BMSEC4-2022
    Certified for use with a 384 L tank or greater.

Cerro Flow Products LLC 
3000 Mississippi Avenue
Sauget, IL 62206 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 China

Pipes and Related Products

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

CERROPRESS 306 - Union PxMPT 1/2" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Changhua (Nanjing) Industrial Water Treatment Co., Ltd. 
Building 11, No. 19
Aitao Road, Jiangning District 
Nanjing City, Jiangsu 211106 
86 258 616 2788
Visit this company's website

Facility : Pingtung, Taiwan

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Valves [G]
Super C Compact Ball Valve CPVC/EPDM BV[XX][UUU]N[1] 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Super C Compact Ball Valve CPVC/FKM BV[XX][UUU]N[1] 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Super C Compact Ball Valve PVC/EPDM BV[XX][UUU]N[2] 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Super C Compact Ball Valve PVC/FKM BV[XX][UUU]N[2] 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] [XX]  Size
          07 - 1/2"
          08 - 3/4"
          10 - 1"
          14 - 1 1/4"
          17 - 1 1/2"
          20 - 2"
    [WW]  End connections
          10 - Socket or Threaded
          12 - Flanged
    [YY]  Size
          30 - 3"
          40 - 4"
    [ZZ]  End connections
          10 - Socket
          11 - Threaded
          12 - Flanged
    [TT]  Size
          07 - 1/2"
          08 - 3/4"
          10 - 1"
          14 - 1 1/4"
          17 - 1 1/2"
          20 - 2"
          30 - 3"
          40 - 4"
    [UUU] End Connections
          193 - CPVC/EPDM SOC x SOC
          203 - CPVC/EPDM T x T
          194 - CPVC/FKM SOC x SOC
          204 - CPVC/FKM T x T
[2] [XX]  Size
          07 - 1/2"
          08 - 3/4"
          10 - 1"
          14 - 1 1/4"
          17 - 1 1/2"
          20 - 2"
    [TT]  End Connection
          10 - Socket or Threaded
          12 - Flanged
    [YY]  Size
          30 - 3"
          40 - 4"
    [ZZ]  End connection
          10 - Socket
          11 - Threaded
          12 - Flanged
    [WW]  Size
          07 - 1/2"
          08 - 3/4"
          10 - 1"
          14 - 1 1/4"
          17 - 1 1/2"
          20 - 2"
          30 - 3"
          40 - 4"
    [UUU] End connections
          191 - PVC/EPDM SOC x SOC
          201 - PVC/EPDM T x T
          192 - PVC/FKM SOC x SOC
          202 - PVC/FKM T x T
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


CL pipe & plastic co 
Room 101, Building P4, Podium 1
Cairo Festival City, 5th Settlement 
Cairo, 11835 
0020 2 611 035 30
Visit this company's website

Facility : El Sharqia, Egypt

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material


[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Clack Corporation 
4462 Duraform Lane
Windsor, WI 53598-9716 
United States 

Facility : Windsor, WI

Mechanical Devices

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Treatment Devices/Components [G]
1" & 1.25" Motorized Alternating Valve - V3069FF-01[1] .28 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1" & 1.25" Motorized Alternating Valve - V3069MM-01[1] .30 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1" & 1.25" No Hard Water Bypass Valve - V3070FF[1] .42 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1" & 1.25" No Hard Water Bypass Valve - V3070FM[1] .42 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1" Brass Sweat Assembly LF - V3007-02LF[1] .05 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1" Bypass Assembly - V3006[1] .13 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1" Bypass Assembly - V3006-XX[1] [13] .13 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1" John Guest QC Elbow Assembly - V3007-20[1] .04 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1" John Guest Straight QC Assembly - V3007-17[1] .1 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1" Meter Assembly - V3039[1] .11 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1" Meter Assembly - V3039-15[1] .11 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1" PVC Male BSPT Elbow Assembly - V3007-16[1] .08 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1" PVC Male NPT Elbow Assembly - V3007[1] .08 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1" Plastic Male BSPT Assembly - V3007-06[1] .05 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1" Plastic Male NPT Assembly - V3007-04[1] .05 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1" Sharkbite® Assembly - V3007-13LF[1] .08 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1" Twin Control Valve - TT1XX - VTT1AABCD-EFFGG[1] [2] 2.06 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1'' Control Valve - WS1XX - V1AABCD-EFFGG[1] [2] .51 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.25" Brass Sweat Assembly LF - V3007-09LF[1] .04 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.25" Control Valve - WS125XX - V125AABCD-EFFGG[1] [2] .69 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.25" PVC Solvent Assembly - V3007-07[1] .03 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.25" Plastic Male BSPT Assembly - V3007-08[1] .08 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.25" Plastic Male NPT Assembly - V3007-05[1] .08 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" BSPT Meter - V3040BSPT[3] .25 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" BSPT Meter - V3040BSPT-15[3] .25 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" BSPT Motorized Alternating Valve (MAV) - V3071BSPT[3] .59 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" BSPT No Hard Water Bypass Valve (NHWBP) - V3097BSPT[3] .52 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" BYPASS ASSEMPLY - V4678[4] .53 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" Brass Sweat Assembly LF - V3007-09LF[1] .08 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" Control Valve - WS15XX - V15AABCD-EFFGG[3] [5] 1.08 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" Isolation Valve - V4680 [1] .25 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" NPT Meter - V3040[3] .25 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" NPT Meter - V3040-15[3] .25 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" NPT Motorized Alternating Valve (MAV) - V3071[3] .59 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" NPT No Hard Water Bypass Valve (NHWBP) - V3097[3] .52 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" PLASTIC FTG ASY QC TO BSPT SS - V4430-12[4] .09 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" PLASTIC FTG ASY QC TO NPT SS - V4430-11[4] .09 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" PVC Solvent Assembly - V3007-07[1] .08 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" Plastic Control Valve - WS15P XX - VP15AABCD-EFFGG[4] [5] 1.09 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" Plastic FTG ASY QC TO BSPT - V4430-02[4] .09 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" Plastic FTG ASY QC TO NPT - V4430-01[4] .09 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" Plastic FTG ASY QC TO QC - V4430-03[4] .09 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" Plastic FTG ASY QC to BSPT Elbow - V4430-08[4] .12 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" Plastic FTG ASY QC to NPT Elbow - V4430-07[4] .12 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" Plastic FTG ASY QC to QC Elbow - V4430-09[4] .14 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" Plastic FTG ASY QC to Solvent - V4430-13[4] .14 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" Plastic METER ASY BSPT 15FT - V3045BSPT-15[4] .13 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" Plastic METER ASY BSPT 28IN - V3045BSPT[4] .13 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" Plastic METER ASY NPT 15FT - V3045-15[4] .13 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" Plastic METER ASY NPT 28IN - V3045[4] .13 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" Plastic METER ASY QC TO QC 15FT - V3045QC-15[4] .13 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" Plastic METER ASY QC TO QC 28IN - V3045QC[4] .13 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" Plastic Motorized Alternating Valve (MAV) - V3034[4] .59 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" Plastic No Hard Water Bypass Valve (NHWBP) - V3035[4] .54 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1.5" Split Bypass Assembly – V4679 [1] .52 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1190FP In-Out Head w/ Fill Port - D1220-01[1] .48 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1191 In-Out Head - D1400-XX[1] [7] [8] CLD 23 MLTPL
1192 1.5 IN/OUT HEAD - D1403[1] .87 L CLD 23 MLTPL
1192 50MM IN/OUT HEAD - D1403-01[1] .87 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" BSPT Meter - V3094BSPT[3] .37 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" BSPT Meter - V3094BSPT-15[3] .37 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" BSPT Motorized Alternating Valve (MAV) - V3076BSPT[3] .69 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" BSPT No Hard Water Bypass Valve (NHWBP) - V3098BSPT[3] .63 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" Control Valve - WS2XX - V2AABCD-EFFGG[3] [9] 2.04 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" HF Control Valve - WS2HF - V2HFABC-DD[10] [11] 3.52 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" NPT Meter - V3094[3] .37 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" NPT Meter - V3094-15[3] .37 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" NPT Motorized Alternating Valve (MAV) - V3076[3] .69 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" NPT No Hard Water Bypass Valve (NHWBP) - V3098[3] .63 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" Plastic Control Valve - WS2P XX - VP2AABCD-EFFGG[3] [9] 2.12 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" Plastic FTG ASY QC TO BSPT - V4460-02[3] .19 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" Plastic FTG ASY QC TO NPT - V4460-01[3] .19 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" Plastic FTG ASY QC TO QC - V4460-03[3] .24 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" Plastic FTG ASY QC to BSPT Elbow - V4460-05[3] .32 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" Plastic FTG ASY QC to NPT Elbow - V4460-04[3] .32 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" Plastic FTG ASY QC to QC Elbow - V4460-06[3] .35 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" Plastic FTG ASY QC to Solvent - V4460-13[3] .28 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" Plastic METER ASY BSPT 15FT - V3048BSPT-15[3] .31 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" Plastic METER ASY BSPT 28IN - V3048BSPT[3] .31 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" Plastic METER ASY NPT 15FT - V3048-15[3] .31 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" Plastic METER ASY NPT 28IN - V3048[3] .31 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" Plastic METER ASY QC TO QC 15FT - V3048QC-15[3] .31 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" Plastic METER ASY QC TO QC 28IN - V3048QC[3] .31 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" Plastic Motorized Alternating Valve (MAV) - V3036[3] .99 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" Plastic No Hard Water Bypass Valve (NHWBP) - V3037[3] .9 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2" Quick Connect Control Valve - WS2XX - V2AABCD-EFFGG[3] [5] 2.04 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2” QC & 2H 4" BASE Assembly - V3064[3] .5 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2” QC & 2H 6" FLANGE BASE Assembly - V3055[3] 1 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2” QC & 2H BSPT SIDE MOUNT Assembly - V3260BSPT-02[3] 2.1 L CLD 23 MLTPL
2” QC & 2H NPT SIDE MOUNT Assembly - V3260-02[3] 2.1 L CLD 23 MLTPL
3" BSPT Meter - V3095BSPT[3] 1.64 L CLD 23 MLTPL
3" BSPT Meter - V3095BSPT-15[3] 1.64 L CLD 23 MLTPL
3" BSPT Motorized Alternating Valve (MAV) - V3083BSPT[11] 3.04 L CLD 23 MLTPL
3" BSPT No Hard Water Bypass Valve (NHWBP) - V3099BSPT[11] 1.78 L CLD 23 MLTPL
3" BSPT Side Mount Base Assembly - V3674BSPT-02[3] 1.03 L CLD 23 MLTPL
3" Control Valve - WS3 -V3ABC-DD[11] [12] 5.59 L CLD 23 MLTPL
3" NPT Meter - V3095[3] 1.64 L CLD 23 MLTPL
3" NPT Meter - V3095-15[3] 1.64 L CLD 23 MLTPL
3" NPT Motorized Alternating Valve (MAV) - V3083[11] 3.04 L CLD 23 MLTPL
3" NPT No Hard Water Bypass Valve (NHWBP) - V3099[11] 1.78 L CLD 23 MLTPL
3" NPT Side Mount Base Assembly - V3674-02[3] 1.03 L CLD 23 MLTPL
3/4" Brass Sweat Assembly LF - V3007-03LF[1] .01 L CLD 23 MLTPL
3/4" John Guest QC Elbow Assembly - V3007-15[1] .08 L CLD 23 MLTPL
3/4" John Guest QC Straight Assembly - V3007-19[1] .08 L CLD 23 MLTPL
3/4" Plastic Male BSPT Assembly - V3007-14[1] .04 L CLD 23 MLTPL
3/4" Plastic Male NPT Assembly - V3007-18[1] .04 L CLD 23 MLTPL
3/4" Sharkbite® Assembly - V3007-12LF[1] .05 L CLD 23 MLTPL
3/4" x 1" PVC Solvent Elbow Assembly - V3007-01[1] .08 L CLD 23 MLTPL
6" Flange Base Assembly - V3090[1] .66 L CLD 23 MLTPL
AIR BLOCKER 1.32in - D1047-01 0 L CLD 23 MLTPL
Air Blocker 1.050in - D1047 0 L CLD 23 MLTPL
DPMT-0948[1] 0 L CLD 23 MLTPL
DPMT-0948-A[1] 0 L CLD 23 MLTPL
DPMT-1054[4] 0 L CLD 23 MLTPL
DPMT-1054-1320[4] 0 L CLD 23 MLTPL
DPMT-1054-32MM[4] 0 L CLD 23 MLTPL
DPMT-1054-A[4] 0 L CLD 23 MLTPL
DPMT-1252[3] 0 L CLD 23 MLTPL
DPMT-1252-1320[3] 0 L CLD 23 MLTPL
DPMT-1252-32MM[3] 0 L CLD 23 MLTPL
DPMT-1252-A[3] 0 L CLD 23 MLTPL
DPMT-1354[14] 0 L CLD 23 MLTPL
DPMT-1354-1320[14] 0 L CLD 23 MLTPL
DPMT-1354-32MM[14] 0 L CLD 23 MLTPL
DPMT-1354-A[14] 0 L CLD 23 MLTPL
External In-Line Mixing Valve - V4099[1] .1 L CLD 23 MLTPL
FITTING 2.5-8 - D1285[1] .11 L CLD 23 MLTPL
Inline Adapter Fitting - V3467[1] .13 L CLD 23 MLTPL
Vertical Adapter Assembly - V3191-01[1] .26 L CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for use with tanks 9 x 48 and greater.
    AA - May be blank or any two digit letter code.
    B  - May be D (downflow), U (upflow), or B (backwash only).
    C  - May be M (meter) or T (timer).
    D  - May be A, A2, A3, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, or Z to indicate the injector
    E  - May be blank or any letter code.  If E or M then it includes a mixing valve.
    FF - May be any number from 01 to 99.  Indicates packaging or base variations.
    GG - May be any two digit combination of letters.  If blank, cover is black or if filled
    in indicates colored covers or special labels on the cover.
[3] Certified for use with tanks 12 x 52 and greater.
[4] Certified for use with tanks 10 x 54 and greater.
    AA - May be blank or any two digit letter code.
    B  - May be D (downflow), U (upflow), or B (backwash only).
    C  - May be M (meter) or T (timer).
    D  - May be B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, or Z to indicate the injector installed.
    E  - May be blank or any letter code.  If E or M then it includes a mixing valve.
    FF - May be any number from 01 to 99.  Indicates packaging or base variations.
    GG - May be any two digit combination of letters.  If blank, cover is black or if filled
    in indicates colored covers or special labels on the cover.
[6] Certified for use with tanks 14 x 65 and greater.
[7] D1400-XX where XX may be blank, 01, 02, 03, or 04
[8] Water contact size restriction: 	
    D1400 - 0.35L	
    D1400-01 - 0.4L	
    D1400-02 - 0.4L	
    D1400-03 - 0.41L	
    D1400-04 - 0.4L	
    AA - May be blank or any two digit letter code.
    B  - May be D (downflow), U (upflow), or B (backwash only).
    C  - May be M (meter) or T (timer).
    D  - May be A, A2, A3, B, C, D, E, F, G, R, S, T, U, or Z to indicate the injector
    E  - May be blank or any letter code.  If E or M then it includes a mixing valve.
    FF - May be any number from 01 to 99.  Indicates packaging or base variations.GG - May
    be any two digit combination of letters.  If blank, cover is black or if filled in
    indicates colored covers or special labels on the cover.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.

[10] V2HABC-DD and V2HFABC-DD where:
     A  - May be D (downflow) or B (backwash only).
     B  - May be M (meter) or T (timer).
     C  - May be A, A2, A3, B, C, D, E, F, G, H or Z.  Indicates the injector installed.
     DD - May be any number from 01 to 99.  Indicates packaging or NPT or BSPT variations.
[11] Certified for use with tanks 18 x 65 and greater.
[12] V3ABC-DD where:
     A  - May be D (downflow) or B (backwash only).
     B  - May be M (meter) or T (timer).
     C  - May be A, A2, A3, B, C, D, E, F, G, or H.  Indicates the injector installed.
     DD - May be any number from 01 to 99.  Indicates packaging or NPT or BSPT variations.
[13] V3006-XX where XX may be 01, 02 or 04.  Indicates handle color, handle direction or
[14] Certified for use with tanks 13 x 54 and greater.

Clarimex, S.A. de C.V. 
Calle Dos No. 18, Col. San Lorenzo
Tlalnepantla, CP 54030 
Edo. de Mexico 
525 390 87 11

Facility : # 1 Atitalaquia Hgo., Mexico

Process Media

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Powdered Activated Carbon[1] [2]
Clarimex 061 MMP 325 mesh CLD 23 PAC

[1] This product is Certified for a maximum use level of 750 mg/L.
[2] The carbon source is wood chips or wood char for product trade names except for Clarimex
    046V, Clarimex 046 V6, Clarimex 046 V6 H, Clarimex 046V8.
[3] The carbon source is bituminous coal.
[4] The carbon source is wood char for Clarimex 046V, Clarimex 046 V6, Clarimex 046 V6 H,
    and Clarimex 046V8.
[5] The carbon source is wood char for Clarimex 046V, Clarimex 046 V6, Clarimex 046 V6 H,
    and Clarimex 046V8.

NOTE: Certified for water treatment plant applications.
      This product has not been evaluated for point of use applications.

Climetec Manufacturing Limited 
161 Milani Blvd
Woodbridge, ON L4H 4M4 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
Fan Coil Model: A-CID-X[1] .625" C. HOT MLTPL

[1] Fan Coil Model: A-CID-X:
    X  - Air flow and Capacity (X can be -3, 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12 )
    3  - 350 CFM and 0.75 Ton capacity
    4  - 450 CFM and 1 ton capacity
    6  - 650 CFM and 1.5 ton capacity
    8  - 850 CFM and 2 ton capacity
    10 - 1000 CFM and 2.5 ton capacity
    12 - 1200 CFM and 3 ton capacity

CLM Products Inc. 
P.O. Box 82
Shipshewana, IN 46565 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Guangdong, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components
CLM1 Series[1] 3.11" x 10.15" CLD 23 MLTPL
CLM2 Series[1] 3.11" x 10.15" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Products are certified for a minimum daily flow of 2880 liters per day for use in public
    water treatment facilities.

Clow Valve Company 
Division of McWane, Inc.
902 South Second Street 
Oskaloosa, IA 52577 
United States 

Facility : Oskaloosa, IA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1] [G]
Clow Valve Company LBI-400A Wet-Barrel Hydrant Break-Off Check Valve 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
LP619 Break Off Check Valve 6" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark are Certified.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Colonial Engineering, Inc. 
6400 Corporate Avenue
Portage, MI 49002 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Pingtung, Taiwan

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Valves [G]
Super C Compact Ball Valve CPVC/EPDM V[XX][UUU]N[2] 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Super C Compact Ball Valve CPVC/FKM V[XX][UUU]N[2] 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Super C Compact Ball Valve PVC/EPDM V[XX][UUU]N[1] 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Super C Compact Ball Valve PVC/FKM V[XX][UUU]N[1] 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] [XX]  Size
          07 - 1/2"
          08 - 3/4"
          10 - 1"
          14 - 1 1/4"
          17 - 1 1/2"
          20 - 2"
    [TT]  End Connection
          10 - Socket or Threaded
          12 - Flanged
    [YY]  Size
          30 - 3"
          40 - 4"
    [ZZ]  End connection
          10 - Socket
          11 - Threaded
          12 - Flanged
    [WW]  Size
          07 - 1/2"
          08 - 3/4"
          10 - 1"
          14 - 1 1/4"
          17 - 1 1/2"
          20 - 2"
          30 - 3"
          40 - 4"
    [UUU] End connections
          191 - PVC/EPDM SOC x SOC
          201 - PVC/EPDM T x T
          192 - PVC/FKM SOC x SOC
          202 - PVC/FKM T x T
[2] [XX]  Size
          07 - 1/2"
          08 - 3/4"
          10 - 1"
          14 - 1 1/4"
          17 - 1 1/2"
          20 - 2"
    [WW]  End connections
          10 - Socket or Threaded
          12 - Flanged
    [YY]  Size
          30 - 3"
          40 - 4"
    [ZZ]  End connections
          10 - Socket
          11 - Threaded
          12 - Flanged
    [TT]  Size
          07 - 1/2"
          08 - 3/4"
          10 - 1"
          14 - 1 1/4"
          17 - 1 1/2"
          20 - 2"
          30 - 3"
          40 - 4"
    [UUU] End Connections
          193 - CPVC/EPDM SOC x SOC
          203 - CPVC/EPDM T x T
          194 - CPVC/FKM SOC x SOC
          204 - CPVC/FKM T x T
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Component Hardware Group, Inc. 
90 Matawan Road
2nd Floor 
Matawan, NJ 07747 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Columbus, OH

Mechanical Plumbing Devices

Trade Designation      

KL87-9005-CE1 Single Post Basin Tap w/ Lever Handle (Compression Cold Valve)[G]      
KL87-9005-CE2 Single Post Basin Tap w/ Cross Handle (Compression Cold Valve)[G]      
KL87-9005-HE1 Single Post Basin Tap w/ Lever Handle (Compression Hot Valve)[G]      
KL87-9005-HE2 Single Post Basin Tap w/ Cross Handle (Compression Hot Valve)[G]      

[1] Z - Special packaging

[15] Top Lines faucets follow the format TLLXX-Nx1x2x3-y1y2y3:
     (N) INLET - 1, 2, 8, or 9
     (x1)   - 0
     (x2x3) - 00, 01, 02, 06, 08, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, or 28
     (y1)   - R or S
     (y2)   - A, B, C, D, E, or F
     (y3)   - 1 or 5
[17] Elevated Swing Spout Assemblies follow the format KLnn-X1X2X3X4: 
     nn   - 52, 58, 62, or 65 
     X1   - 9, 4, or 8 
     X2   - 0 or 1 
     X3X4 - 06, 08, 10, 12, 14, 16, or 18
[18] ADD-ON Faucets w/ Spout follow the format KL55-70xx 
     xx - 06, 08, 10, 12, 14, 16, or 18
[25] (TLLXX) Body 
     TL11 - CP polished deck mount 4" Center
     TL13 - CP polished wall mount 8" Center
     TLL20 - CP polished brass single pantry faucet
     TLL50 - CP polished brass 4" deck mount faucet
     TLL57 - CP polished brass 4" deck mount faucet
     TLL61 - CP polished brass 8" deck mount faucet
     TLL 70 - CP polished brass single hole wall mount faucet
     (N) Inlet
     1 - Pre-Rinse
     4 - 4" CTR - CTR inlets
     8 - 8" CTR - CTR inlets
     9 - Single hole mount
     (x1) Valve
     0 - Full turn compression valve
     1 - Ceramic Valve
     (x2x3) Spout
     00 - 3" Gooseneck
     01 - 8" Gooseneck
     02 - 6" Gooseneck
     06 - 6" Straight spout
     08 - 8" Straight spout
     10 - 10" Straight spout
     12 - 12" Straight spout
     14 - 14" Straight spout
     16 - 16" Straight spout
     18 - 18" Double swivel spout
     20 - 20" Double swivel spout
     22 - 22" Double swivel spout
     24 - 24" Double swivel spout
     26 - 26" Double swivel spout
     28 - 28" Double swivel spout
     (y1) Spout style
     R - Rigid tubular spout
     S - Swivel tubular spout
     (y2) Aerator
     A - 0.5 GPM PCA spray vandal resistant
     B - 1.5 GPM MAX laminar antimicrobial & vandal resistant
     C - 0.5 GPM PCA spray
     D - 1.5 GPM MAX laminar antimicrobial
     E - 2.2 GPM MAX eerated stream
     F - 2.2 GPM aerated stream vandal resistant
     (y3) Handle
     1 - STD Lever w/Saniguard
     5 - STD Lever (tamper-proof)
[26] Pre-Rinse Assemblies using Power Pulse Spray Assembly will follow the format
     TLPXX-Nx1x2x3-y1y2y3y4y5 where:
     XX - 13, 20, 50, 57, 61, 70
     N - 1 (Pre-Rinse)
     x1 - 0 (Full Turn compression valve), 1 (1/4 Turn Ceramic w/ Check Valve)     
     x2x3 - 00 (Standard  - Default)
            L1 (.45 GPM Power Pulse spray)
            L2 (.65 GPM Power Pulse spray)
            L3 (.74 GPM Power Pulse spray)
            L4 (1.05 GPM Power Pulse spray)
     -yyy or yyyyy - BR - w/ Wall Bracket
                     (Blank)  - w/o Wall Bracket
                     AF1  - Add-on Faucet w/6” Spout
                     AF2  - Add-on Faucet w/8” Spout
                     AF3  - Add-on Faucet w/10” Spout
                     AF4  - Add-on Faucet w/12” Spout
                     AF5  - Add-on Faucet w/14” Spout
                     AF6  - Add-on Faucet w/16” Spout
                     AF7  - Add-on Faucet w/18” Spout
                     MK  - Mounting Kit
                     01 to 99  - Customer Code
[33] Product Name: KL74-X0XX-XX, where: 
     KL74: Chrome Plated single hole deck mount base
     First X: Inlet: 9 – Single 1/2” cast inlets
     Second and third X: Spout: 
     00   - 3 1/2” Gooseneck
     01   - 8 ½” Gooseneck
     02   - 6” Gooseneck
     06   - 6” Tubular Swing Spout
     08   - 8” Tubular Swing spout
     10   - 10” Tubular Swing spout
     12   - 12” Tubular Swing spout
     14   - 14”  Tubular Swing spout
     16   - 16” Tubular Swing spout
     18   - 18” Double jointed swing spout
     18A - 18” Tubular Swing spout
     24    - 24” Double jointed swint spout
     Fourth X: Spout Style, where
     X - Adjustable Spout
     R - Rigid Tubular Spout
     Fifth X: Aerator, where
     A - 0.5 GPM PCA Spray vandal resistant
     B - 1.5 GPM max laminar vandal resistant
     C - 0.5 GPM PCA Spray
     D - 1.5 GPM max laminar
     E - 2.2 GPM Max Aerated stream
     F - 2.2 GPM max aerated stream vandal resistant
     H - 2.2 GPM Max aerated stream vandal and hose resistant
     J - 0.35 GPM PCA Spray
     L - 0.35 GPM PCA Spray vandal resistant
     M - 1.0 GPM PCA Laminar Flow
     S - 6.0 GPM MAX wide rose spray
     Optional - Z suffix denotes special packaging as an option
[50] KLnn-XXXX-YYY
     nn = Type
     58 – 4” Adjustable Center Deck Mount Faucet W/ Elevated Swing Spout
     X1 = Inlet
     4 – 4” Deck Mount Faucet
     8 – 8” Deck Mount Faucet
     9 – Single or Double Pantry Faucet
     X2 = Valve Type
     0 – Compression
     1 – Ceramic
     X3X4 = Spouts
     06 – 6” Spout
     08 – 8” Spout
     10 – 10” Spout
     12 – 12” Spout
     14 – 14” Spout
     16 – 16” Spout
     18 – 18” Spout
     20 – 20” Spout
     22 – 22” Spout
     24 – 24” Spout
     26 – 26” Spout
     28 – 28” Spout
     Y1 = S (Swivel Spout)
     Y2 = Aerator
     A – 0.5 GPM PCA Spray Vandal Resistant
     B – 1.5 GPM Max Laminar Antimicrobial and Vandal Resistant
     C – 0.5 GPM PCA Spray
     D – 1.5 GPM Max Laminar Antimicrobial
     E – 2.2 GPM Max Aerated Stream
     F – 2.2 GPM Max Aerated Stream Vandal Resistant
     Y3 = Handle Type
     1 – Standard Encore Lever
     2 – Cross
     4 – 4” Wrist Blade
     5 – Standard Lever W/ Tamper Proof Screw
     6 – 6” Wrist Blade
     7 – 4” Wrist Blade W/ Tamper Proof Screw
     8 – 6” Wrist Blade W/ Tamper Proof Screw
NOTE: Products Listed under the category of Commerical Kitchen and Bar Endpoint Devices are
      tested and Certified based upon their sole application being the delivery of water for
      high volume restaurant use or large batch food preparation.

Facility : Zhejiang, China

Mechanical Plumbing Devices

Trade Designation      

KL87-9005-CE1 Single Post Basin Tap w/ Lever Handle (Compression Cold Valve)[G]      
KL87-9005-CE2 Single Post Basin Tap w/ Cross Handle (Compression Cold Valve)[G]      
KL87-9005-HE1 Single Post Basin Tap w/ Lever Handle (Compression Hot Valve)[G]      
KL87-9005-HE2 Single Post Basin Tap w/ Cross Handle (Compression Hot Valve)[G]      

[1] Z - Special packaging

[7] (TLLXX) Body 
    TL11 - CP polished deck mount 4" Center
    TL13 - CP polished wall mount 8" Center
    TLL20 - CP polished brass single pantry faucet
    TLL50 - CP polished brass 4" deck mount faucet
    TLL57 - CP polished brass 4" deck mount faucet
    TLL61 - CP polished brass 8" deck mount faucet
    TLL 70 - CP polished brass single hole wall mount faucet
    (N) Inlet
    1 - Pre-Rinse
    4 - 4" CTR - CTR inlets
    8 - 8" CTR - CTR inlets
    9 - Single hole mount
    (x1) Valve
    0 - Full turn compression valve
    1 - Ceramic Valve
    (x2x3) Spout
    00 - 3" Gooseneck
    01 - 8" Gooseneck
    02 - 6" Gooseneck
    06 - 6" Straight spout
    08 - 8" Straight spout
    10 - 10" Straight spout
    12 - 12" Straight spout
    14 - 14" Straight spout
    16 - 16" Straight spout
    18 - 18" Double swivel spout
    20 - 20" Double swivel spout
    22 - 22" Double swivel spout
    24 - 24" Double swivel spout
    26 - 26" Double swivel spout
    28 - 28" Double swivel spout
    (y1) Spout style
    R - Rigid tubular spout
    S - Swivel tubular spout
    (y2) Aerator
    A - 0.5 GPM PCA spray vandal resistant
    B - 1.5 GPM MAX laminar antimicrobial & vandal resistant
    C - 0.5 GPM PCA spray
    D - 1.5 GPM MAX laminar antimicrobial
    E - 2.2 GPM MAX eerated stream
    F - 2.2 GPM aerated stream vandal resistant
    (y3) Handle
    1 - STD Lever w/Saniguard
    5 - STD Lever (tamper-proof)
[9] Pre-Rinse Assemblies using Power Pulse Spray Assembly will follow the format
    TLPXX-Nx1x2x3-y1y2y3y4y5 where:
    XX - 13, 20, 50, 57, 61, 70
    N - 1 (Pre-Rinse)
    x1 - 0 (Full Turn Compression Valve), 1 (1/4 Turn Ceramic w/ Check Valve)     
    x2x3 - 00 (Standard  - Default)
           L1 (.45 GPM Power Pulse spray)
           L2 (.65 GPM Power Pulse spray)
           L3 (.74 GPM Power Pulse spray)
           L4 (1.05 GPM Power Pulse spray)
    -yyy or yyyyy - BR - w/ Wall Bracket
                    (Blank)  - w/o Wall Bracket
                    AF1  - Add-on Faucet w/6” Spout
                    AF2  - Add-on Faucet w/8” Spout
                    AF3  - Add-on Faucet w/10” Spout
                    AF4  - Add-on Faucet w/12” Spout
                    AF5  - Add-on Faucet w/14” Spout
                    AF6  - Add-on Faucet w/16” Spout
                    AF7  - Add-on Faucet w/18” Spout
                    MK  - Mounting Kit
                    01 to 99  - Customer Code
[11] Elevated Swing Spout Assemblies follow the format KLnn-X1X2X3X4: 
     nn   - 52, 58, 62, or 65 
     X1   - 9, 4, or 8 
     X2   - 0 or 1 
     X3X4 - 06, 08, 10, 12, 14, 16, or 18
[12] ADD-ON Faucets w/ Spout follow the format KL55-70xx 
     xx - 06, 08, 10, 12, 14, 16, or 18
[31] The KL22-0010 Dipper Well Faucet Handle Repair Kit meets the reduced Q test statistic
     criteria of 0.5 µg for lead per Section of NSF/ANSI/CAN 61.
[35] KL54-XXXX-YYY Series
     1st X INLET:
     6 = 1” (25mm) OFFSET SUPPLY INLETS – KL60-Y005
     7 = 1/2” (13mm) OFFSET SUPPLY INLETS – KL60-Y004
     2nd X VALVE:
     3rd and 4th X SPOUT:
     00 = 3-1/2” (89mm) GOOSENECK
     01 = 8-1/2” (216mm) GOOSENECK
     02 = 6” (152mm) GOOSENECK
     06 = 6” (152mm) TUBULAR OR CAST SWING SPOUT
     08 = 8” (203mm) TUBULAR SWING SPOUT
     10 = 10” (254mm) TUBULAR SWING SPOUT
     12 = 12” (305mm) TUBULAR SWING SPOUT
     14 = 14” (356mm) TUBULAR SWING SPOUT
     16 = 16” (406mm) TUBULAR SWING SPOUT
     18A = 18” (457mm) TUBULAR SWING SPOUT
     18 = 18” (457mm) DOUBLE JOINTED SWING SPOUT
     24 = 24” (609mm) DOUBLE JOINTED SWING SPOUT
     1st Y SPOUT STYLE:
     2nd Y AERATOR:
     C = 0.5 GPM PCA SPRAY
     D = 1.5 GPM MAX LAMINAR
     G = .35 GPM PCA SPRAY (MALE)
     J = .35 GPM PCA SPRAY
     3rd Y HANDLE:
     2 = CROSS
     4 = 4” (102mm) WRIST BLADE
     6 = 6” (152mm) WRIST BLADE
[42] KL74-XXXX-YYY Series
     1st X INLET:
     2nd X VALVE:
     3rd and 4th X SPOUT:
     00 = 3-1/2” (89mm) GOOSENECK
     01 = 8-1/2” (216mm) GOOSENECK
     02 = 6” (152mm) GOOSENECK
     06 = 6” (152mm) TUBULAR OR CAST SWING SPOUT
     08 = 8” (203mm) TUBULAR SWING SPOUT
     10 = 10” (254mm) TUBULAR SWING SPOUT
     12 = 12” (305mm) TUBULAR SWING SPOUT
     14 = 14” (356mm) TUBULAR SWING SPOUT
     16 = 16” (406mm) TUBULAR SWING SPOUT
     18A = 18” (457mm) TUBULAR SWING SPOUT
     18 = 18” (457mm) DOUBLE JOINTED SWING SPOUT
     24 = 24” (609mm) DOUBLE JOINTED SWING SPOUT
     1st Y SPOUT STYLE:
     2nd Y AERATOR:
     C = 0.5 GPM PCA SPRAY
     D = 1.5 GPM MAX LAMINAR
     G = .35 GPM PCA SPRAY (MALE)
     J = .35 GPM PCA SPRAY
     3rd Y HANDLE:
     2 = CROSS
     4 = 4” (102mm) WRIST BLADE
     6 = 6” (152mm) WRIST BLADE
NOTE:: Products Listed under the category of Commerical Kitchen and Bar Endpoint Devices are
      tested and Certified based upon their sole application being the delivery of water for
      high volume restaurant use or large batch food preparation.

Contact Industries S. de R.L. de C.V. 
Blvd. Bosques de San Isidro #2300
Colonia Bosques de San Isidro 
Zapopan, Jalisco 45133 
52 333 656 3637
Visit this company's website

Facility : Jalisco, Mexico

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Contact 205 Limpiador para PVC y CPVC >= 1/2" D. HOT NA
Limpiador CONTACT 205 >= 1/2" D. HOT NA

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Control Devices, LLC DBA Kerick Valve 
1555 Larkin Williams Road
Fenton, MO 63026 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Fenton, MO

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components

[1] P Series Float: 
    XX, XXX, XXXX, XXXXX, XXXXXX - Size of the floats in inches
[2] P Series Rod: 
    XX - Length of rod in inches
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Corry Rubber Corporation 
601 West Main Street
Corry, PA 16407 
United States 

Facility : Corry, PA

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Water Bladders
Bladder and Diaphragm Compound M-660-1 >= 20,000 gal. CLD 23 BUTYL

Cosmoplast Industrial Co. LLC 
PB 6032; Industrial Area 1
United Arab Emirates 
971 6 533 1264
Visit this company's website

Facility : Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material


[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[2] XX indicates the size in inches:
    0.5  - 1/2"
    0.75 - 3/4"
    1.0  - 1"
    1.25 - 1 3/4"
    2.0  - 2"
    2.5  - 2 1/2"
    3.0  - 3"
    4.0  - 4"
    6.0  - 6"
    8.0  - 8"
    YY indicates size in mm:
    20  - 20 mm
    25  - 25 mm
    32  - 32 mm
    40  - 40 mm
    50  - 50 mm
    63  - 63 mm
    75  - 75 mm
    90  - 90 mm
    110 - 110 mm
    160 - 160 mm
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Creative Pultrusions, Inc. 
214 Industrial Lane
Alum Bank, PA 15521 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Alum Bank, PA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
Pultex® 1500 Series/Polyester [1] D. HOT FRP

[1] All sizes.  Certification is based on an intended end use in water treatment facilities.

NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

CRI Pumps Private Limited 
7/46-1, Keeranatham Road
Saravanam patty, Tamil Nadu 
Coimbatore 641035 
91 422 3027013
Visit this company's website

Facility : Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

S4S - 5 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
S4S - 7 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
S4S - 10 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
S4S - 16 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
S4S - 25 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
S4S - 40 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
S4S - 75 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
S6S - 75 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
S6S - 90 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
S6S - 110 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
S6S - 150 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
S6S - 240 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
S6S - 300 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
S6S - 380 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
S6S - 460 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
S8S - 390 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
S8S - 475 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
S10S - 625 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
S10S - 800 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
S10S - 1075 10" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Submersible Pump - Pump Ends[G]
S4P - 5 / S4V - 5 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
S4P - 7 / S4V - 7 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
S4P - 10 / S4V - 10 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
S4P - 15 / S4V - 15 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
S4P - 20 / S4V - 20 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
S4P - 25 / S4V - 25 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
S4P - 40 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
S4P - 50 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
S4P - 70 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
S4P - 90 4" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Crossfield Products Corp. 
3000 East Harcourt Street
Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 
United States 

Facility : Roselle Park, NJ

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Tank[1]
MPC Liquid Catalyst >= 10,000 gal. CLD 23 CMNT
MPC Powder >= 10,000 gal. CLD 23 CMNT
Multipurpose Protective Coating (MPC): MPC Liquid Catalyst & MPC Powder >= 10,000 gal. CLD 23 CMNT

[1] Number of Coats: 2-3
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 60
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 4 hours at 72°F
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 24 hours at 72°F
    Special Comments: Mix ratio for A:B is 110:43 by weight for each coat

Custom Pipe and Fabrication, Inc. 
10560 Fern Avenue
Stanton, CA 90680 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Stanton, CA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components [G]
Retainer Bearing Assembly[1] 4 - 14 in CLD 23 MLTPL
Threaded Pump Column Pipe with Coupling[1] 4 - 14 in CLD 23 MLTPL
Threaded Shaft with Coupling[1] 3/4 - 3-3/4 in CLD 23 SS

[1] Certified for use in 4" and greater vertical turbine pumps used in municipal and
    community wells with a minimum flow of 54,000 gallons per day.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Conroe, TX

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components [G]
Hanger Flange[1] 4 - 14 in CLD 23 CS
Retainer Bearing Assembly[1] 4 - 14 in CLD 23 MLTPL
Threaded Pump Column Pipe with Coupling[1] 4 - 14 in CLD 23 MLTPL
Threaded Shaft with Coupling[1] 3/4 - 3-3/4 in CLD 23 SS

[1] Certified for use in 4" and greater vertical turbine pumps used in municipal and
    community wells with a minimum flow of 54,000 gallons per day.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


DAB Pumps S.p.A. 
Via Marco Polo 14
35035 Mestrino Padova 
39 058 726 4259
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends[1]

[1] Models naming convention:
    S - Submersible pump (stainless steel discharge and suction bells)
    4 - Diameter in inches
    A - Nominal flow rate (5-90 GPM)
    B - Motor Size (HP x 10) (05-100)

Datong Guanghua Activated Carbon Co., Ltd. 
Da Lu Xin Zhuang, Kouquan
Township ,Yungang District 
Datong, Shaanxi 037001 
86 352 415 9919

Facility : Shanxi, China

Process Media

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Granular Activated Carbon[1]
Lump activated carbon [3] CLD 23 AC

[1] The carbon source is coal.
[2] Broken activated carbon is certified for the following mesh sizes: -200 and -352.
[3] Coal broken activated carbon and Lump activated carbon are certified for the following
    mesh sizes: 4 x 8, 4 x 6,8 x 16, 8 x 30, 12 x 30, 12 x 40, 20 x
    40, 20 x 50.

NOTE: Certified for water treatment plant applications.
      This product has not been evaluated for point of use applications.

Deep Industries 
264, Gidc-II
Mehsana, GJ 384002 
91 9426701994

Facility : Gujarat, India

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Pump[1]
ColorDur T300 Epoxy SF Coating >=3" CLD 23 EPOXY

[1] Colors: Reddish Brown
    Number Of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 20 mils
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 7 days at 30°C
    Special Comments: Mix ratio for Base: Hardener is 3:1 by volume. Rinse coating 2-3 times
    by using distilled water prior to use.

Deerfos Membranes Co., Ltd. 
6, Hangye-gil, Gadeok-myeon
Sangdang-gu, Cheongju-si 
Chungcheongbuk-do 360-853 
Republic of Korea 
82 43 287 0108
Visit this company's website

Facility : Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Treatment Devices/Components[1] [G]

[1] Certification includes the membrane material only.
[2] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 6,700 L/day.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Delavan AG Pumps Inc. 
1226 Linden Avenue
Suite 123 
Minneapolis, MN 55403 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Minneapolis, MN

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps[1] [G]
PowerFLO 5830 Series 1/2" D. HOT MLTPL
PowerFLO 5836 Series 1/2" D. HOT MLTPL
PowerFLO 5840 Series 1/2" D. HOT MLTPL
PowerFLO 5850 Series 1/2" D. HOT MLTPL
PowerFLO 5930 Series 3/4" D. HOT MLTPL
PowerFLO 5936 Series 3/4" D. HOT MLTPL
PowerFLO 5940 Series 3/4" D. HOT MLTPL
PowerFLO 5950 Series 3/4" D. HOT MLTPL
PowerFLO 7801 Series 5/8" D. HOT MLTPL
PowerFLO 7802 Series 5/8" D. HOT MLTPL
PowerFLO 7811 Series 3/8" D. HOT MLTPL
PowerFLO 7812 Series 3/8" D. HOT MLTPL
PowerFLO 7822 Series 5/8" D. HOT MLTPL
PowerFLO 7832 Series 3/8" D. HOT MLTPL
PowerFLO 7870 Series 1/2" D. HOT MLTPL
PowerFLO 7970 Series 3/4" D. HOT MLTPL

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Denso North America 
9710 Telge Road
Houston, TX 77095 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Houston, TX

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Pump[1] [G]
Archco 426 >= 6" CLD 23 EPOXY

[1] Colors: White, Gray, Blue										
    Number of Coats: 1-2										
    Maximum field use dry film thickness (in mils): 28										
    Maximum Thinner: 5% Isopropyl Alcohol										
    Recoat cure time and temperature: 8 hour at 25°C (77°F)										
    Final cure time and temperature: 7 days at 25°C (77°F)										
    Special comments: Separately agitate Part A (base) and Part B (catalyst) with power
    agitator prior to combining. Once combined mix thoroughly with power agitator.										
    Surface must be at least 50°F (10°C) prior to application. Surfaces must be dry, clean,
    free of oil, grease, and other contaminants and structurally sound. 										
    Mix ratio of Part A:B is 1:1. Can be applied with spray equipment, roller, or hand
    brushed. One coat application 24-28 mils wet film thickness. Two coat
    12-14 mils wet film thickness per coat to a maximum of 28 mils wet film thickness.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Dewaco Ltd 
Raviraitti 3
23800 Laitila 
358 24 618 00
Visit this company's website

Facility : Laitila, Finland

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components [G]
DEWA Chain and Scraper Sludge Collector System [1] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 4,800,000 liters.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Die-Mold Tool Ltd. 
82 Todd Road
Georgetown, ON L7G 4R7 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Georgetown, Ontario, Canada

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

ACCU CRIMP 1/2" MPT End Plug 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
ACCU CRIMP 1/2" MPT x 1/2" MPT Coupling 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
ACCU CRIMP 1/2" MPT x 1/2" MPT Elbow 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
ACCU CRIMP 3/4" MPT End Plug 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Utopia 1/2" MPT x 1/2" Swivel Elbow 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Dosatron International Inc. 
2090 Sunnydale Boulevard
Clearwater, FL 33765 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 France

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps - Chemical Metering [G]
D14WL2NAFII[1] 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
D14WL2NVFII[1] 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
D14WL3000NAFII[1] 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
D14WL3000NIEAFII[1] 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
D14WL3000NIEVFII[1] 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
D14WL3000NVFII[1] 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
D40WL3000NAF [2] N/A CLD 23 MLTPL
D40WL3000NAFII[1] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
D40WL3000NIEAFII[1] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
D40WL3000NIEVFII[1] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
D40WL3000NVF[2] N/A CLD 23 MLTPL
D40WL3000NVFII[1] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certification for use with the following media at the maximum concentrations below.
    These products are evaluated by diluting the exposed water treatment chemicals to the
    typical use level (TUL), as defined by NSF/ANSI/CAN 60. 
    Sodium Hypochlorite  - Liquid Concentration (15%) 
    Calcium Hypochlorite - Liquid Concentration (15%) [*] 
    [*] Liquid concentration may be created using 65% calcium hypochlorite powder.
[2] Certified for use with the following media at the maximum concentrations below. These
    products are evaluated by diluting the exposed water treatment chemicals to the typical
    use level (TUL), as defined by NSF/ANSI Standard 60.
    Sodium Hypochlorite - Liquid Concentration (15%)
    Calcium Hypochlorite - Liquid Concentration (15%)
    Hydrogen Peroxide - Liquid Concentration (50%)
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Dosatron International S.A.S. 
Rue Pascal - BP6
33370 Tresses 
33 5 57 97 11 11
Visit this company's website

Facility : Tresses, France

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps - Chemical Metering [G]
D3WL2NAF[1] 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
D3WL2NVF[1] 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
D3WL3000NAF[1] 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
D3WL3000NIEAF[1] 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
D3WL3000NIEVF[1] 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
D3WL3000NVF[1] 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
D8WL3000NAF[1] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
D8WL3000NIEAF[1] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
D8WL3000NIEVF[1] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
D8WL3000NVF[1] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certification for use with the following media at the maximum concentrations below.
    These products are evaluated by diluting the exposed water treatment chemicals to the
    typical use level (TUL), as defined by NSF/ANSI/CAN 60. 
    Sodium Hypochlorite  - Liquid Concentration (15%) 
    Calcium Hypochlorite - Liquid Concentration (15%) [*] 
    [*] Liquid concentration may be created using 65% calcium hypochlorite powder.
[2] Certified for use with the following media at the maximum concentrations below. These
    products are evaluated by diluting the exposed water treatment chemicals to the typical
    use level (TUL), as defined by NSF/ANSI Standard 60.
    Sodium Hypochlorite - Liquid Concentration (15%)
    Calcium Hypochlorite - Liquid Concentration (15%)
    Hydrogen Peroxide - Liquid Concentration (50%)
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Dresser Pipeline Solutions 
16240 Port Northwest Drive
Suite 100 
Houston, TX 77041 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Bradford, PA

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Repair Clamps or Couplings[1]
Dresser Style 60/160 Bell Joint Repair Clamp 2" - 120" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for EPDM and SBR gaskets only.

NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Duall Division Met-Pro Corporation 
1550 Industrial Drive
Owosso, MI 48867 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Grand Ledge, MI

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
DUALLast™ >= 5 gal. CLD 23 PVC
UVLast™ >= 5 gal. CLD 23 PVC

DuPont Memcor (Australia) Pty Ltd 
15 Blackman Crescent
South Windsor, New South Wales 2756 
61 2 4577 0001

Facility : Windsor, Australia

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Ultrafiltration Devices
K-3893 Rack Components[10] [12] 12" x 12" x 95" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Follow manufacturers use instructions for backwashing after periods in ''standby'' mode.
    Certification includes modules only.
[2] 4 S10T (Part# 119035) is a 4-pack of four #119005 modules in one box.
[3] Certified for a minimum daily permeate generation of 8,182 L for use in public water
    treatment facilities.
[4] Product is pre-flushed at 5 gallons per minute for 2 hours with chlorine CIP wash
[5] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 40,200 L.
[6] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 668,160 liters.
[7] Product to be flushed at 160 gpm for 2 hours using Chlorine CIP to sanitize system and
    piping prior to use.
[8] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 1,357,200 liters.
[9] Product to be flushed at 325 gpm for 2 hours using Chlorine CIP to sanitize system and
    piping prior to use.
[10] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 80,400 liters per day
[11] Product to be flushed at 10.3 gallon per minute for 2 hours using Chlorine CIP to
     sanitize system and piping prior to use.
[12] Product to be flushed at 20 gallon per minute for 2 hours using Chlorine CIP to sanitize
     system and piping prior to use.
[13] Product is pre-flushed for 2 hours with chlorine CIP wash to sanitize system.
[14] Certified for a minimum of 6,000 liters per day.
[15] Product to be flushed at 1.5 gallons per minute for 2 hours.

DuPont Specialty Products USA, LLC 
Chestnut Run Plaza
974 Centre Road 
Wilmington, DE 19805 
United States 

Facility : Moncks Corner, SC

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

MOLYKOTE™ 111 Compound [1] C. HOT LUB
MOLYKOTE™ 4 Electrical Insulating Compound [1] C. HOT SLC
MOLYKOTE™ 7 Release Compound [1] C. HOT SLC

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 40 sq. in./L.

Mechanical Plumbing Devices

Trade Designation      

Sealants[1] [2]
MOLYKOTE™ 111 Compound      
MOLYKOTE™ 4 Electrical Insulating Compound      
N/MOLYKOTE™ 7 Release Compound      

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 40 sq. in./L.
[2] This product does not require a Q statistic. It is made from material or materials that
    do not require lead analysis when reviewed per NSF/ANSI/CAN Standard 61, Section 3.3.

Facility : Wiesbaden, Germany

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

MOLYKOTE™ 111 Compound [1] C. HOT LUB
MOLYKOTE™ G-5511 Water Tap Compound [1] C. HOT SLC

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 40 sq. in./L.

Mechanical Plumbing Devices

Trade Designation      

Lubricants[1] [2]
MOLYKOTE™ 111 Compound      
MOLYKOTE™ G-5511 Water Tap Compound      

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 40  sq. in./L.
[2] This product does not require a Q statistic. It is made from material or materials that
    do not require lead analysis when reviewed per NSF/ANSI/CAN Standard 61, Section 3.3.

E-Z Weld Group LLC 
1661 President Barack Obama HWY
Riviera Beach, FL 33404 
United States 

Facility : Tomball, TX

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds
#777 Thread Sealant with PTFE/White >= 1/2" C. HOT TS

Eastern Foundry & Fittings Inc. 
10 Brodie Drive
Unit #1 
Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3K8 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Zhejiang, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

502244LF 1/2" Press x 1/2" MPT Elbow 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
502246LF 1/2" Press x 3/4" MPT Elbow 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
502264LF 3/4" Press x 1/2" MPT Elbow 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
502266LF 3/4" Press x 3/4" MPT Elbow 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
502267LF 3/4" Press x 1" MPT Elbow 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
502276LF 1" Press x 3/4" MPT Elbow 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
502277LF 1" Press x 1" MPT Elbow 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
504000LF 2" Press x 2" MPT Adapter 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
504009LF 2" Press x 1 1/2" MPT Adapter 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
504044-LF 1/2" Press x 1/2" MPT Adapter 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
504046LF 1/2" Press x 3/4" MPT Adapter 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
504064LF 3/4" Press x 1/2" MPT Adapter 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
504066-LF 3/4" Press x 3/4" MPT Adapter 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
504067LF 3/4" Press x 1" MPT Adapter 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
504076LF 1" Press x 3/4" MPT Adapter 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
504077-LF 1" Press x 1" MPT Adapter 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
504078LF 1" Press x 1 1/4" MPT Adapter 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
504087LF 1 1/4" Press x 1" MPT Adapter 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
504088LF 1-1/4" Press x 1-1/4" MPT Adapter 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
504089LF 1 1/4" Press x 1 1/2" MPT Adapter 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
504090LF 1 1/2" Press x 2" MPT Adapter 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
504098LF 1 1/2" Press x 1 1/4" MPT Adapter 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
504099LF 1-1/2" Press x 1-1/2" MPT Adapter 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
EFF121-02-LF 1/2" Sweat x 1/4" OD Comp Straight Lead Free Mini Ball Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF121-03-LF 1/2" Sweat x 3/8" OD Comp Straight Lead Free Mini Ball Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF121-05-LF 5/8" x 1/4" OD Comp Straight Lead Free Mini Ball Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF121-06-LF 5/8" x 3/8" OD Comp Straight Lead Free Mini Ball Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF121-08-LF 1/2" PEX x 1/4" OD Comp Straight Lead Free Mini Ball Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF121-09-LF 1/2" PEX x 3/8" OD Comp Straight Lead Free Mini Ball Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF121-12-LF 3/8" FPT x 3/8" OD Comp Straight Lead-free Mini Ball Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF121-13-LF 1/2" FPT x 3/8" OD Comp Straight Lead Free Mini Ball Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF121-14-LF 3/8" Swivel x 3/8" OD Comp Straight Retrofit LF Mini Ball Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF121-15-LF 1/4" OD Comp Straight Lead Free Mini Ball Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF121-17-LF 3/8" OD Comp Straight Lead Free Mini Ball Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF122-02-LF 1/2" Sweat x 1/4" OD Comp Angled Lead-free Mini Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF122-03-LF 1/2" Sweat x 3/8" OD Comp Angled Lead Free Mini Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF122-04-LF 1/2" Sweat x 5/8" OD Comp Angled Lead Free Mini Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF122-05-LF 5/8" x 1/4" OD Comp Angled Lead Free Mini Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF122-06-LF 5/8" x 3/8" OD Comp Angled Lead Free Mini Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF122-08-LF 1/2" PEX x 1/4" OD Comp Angled Lead Free Mini Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF122-09-LF 1/2" PEX x 3/8" OD Comp Angled Lead Free Mini Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF122-12-LF 3/8" FPT x 3/8" OD Comp Angled Lead-free Mini Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF122-13-LF 1/2" FPT x 3/8" OD Comp Angled Lead Free Mini Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF122-15-LF 1/4" OD Comp Angled Lead Free Mini Ball Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF122-17-LF 3/8" OD Comp Angled Lead-free Mini Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF123-02-LF 1/2" x 1/2" PEX x 1/4" OD Comp Lead Free Mini Tee Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF123-03-LF 1/2" x 1/2" PEX x 3/8" OD Comp Lead Free Mini Tee Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF123-07-LF 5/8 x 5/8" x 1/4" OD Comp Lead Free Mini Tee Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF123-08-LF 5/8" x 5/8" x 3/8" OD Comp Lead Free Mini Tee Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF124-02-LF 3/8" OD Comp x 3/8" OD Comp Lead Free Balancing Mini Ball Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF128-02-LF 1/2" Copper x 1/4" OD Comp Loose Key Mini Ball Valve Straight 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF128-03-LF 1/2" Copper x 3/8" OD Comp Loose Key Mini Ball Valve Straight 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF128-08-LF 1/2" PEX x 1/4" OD Comp Loose Key Mini Ball Valve Straight 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF128-09-LF 1/2" PEX x 3/8" OD Comp Loose Key Mini Ball Valve Straight 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF128-12-LF 1/2" FIP x 1/4" OD Comp Loose Key Mini Ball Valve Straight 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF128-13-LF 1/2" FIP x 3/8" OD Comp Loose Key Mini Ball Valve Straight 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF129-02-LF 1/2" Copper x 1/4" OD Comp Loose Key Mini Ball Valve Angled 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF129-03-LF 1/2" Copper x 3/8" OD Comp Loose Key Mini Ball Valve Angled 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF129-08-LF 1/2" PEX x 1/4" OD Comp Loose Key Mini Ball Valve Angled 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF129-09-LF 1/2" PEX x 3/8" OD Comp Loose Key Mini Ball Valve Angled 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF129-12-LF 1/2" FIP x 1/4" OD Comp Loose Key Mini Ball Valve Angled 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF129-13-LF 1/2" FIP x 3/8" OD Comp Loose Key Mini Ball Valve Angled 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF221-08-LF 1/2" F1960 X 1/4" OD Comp Lead Free Straight Mini Ball Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF221-09-LF 1/2" F1960 X 3/8" OD Comp Lead Free Straight Mini Ball Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF222-08-LF 1/2" F1960 X 1/4" OD Comp Lead Free Angled Mini Ball Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF222-09-LF 1/2" F1960 X 3/8" OD Comp Lead Free Angled Mini Ball Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF223-02-LF 1/2" F1960 X 1/4" OD Comp Lead Free Tee Mini Ball Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF223-03-LF 1/2" F1960 X 3/8" OD Comp Lead Free Tee Mini Ball Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF228-08-LF 1/2" F1960 x 1/4" OD Comp Loose Key Mini Ball Valve Straight 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF228-09-LF 1/2" F1960 x 3/8" OD Comp Loose Key Mini Ball Valve Straight 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF229-08-LF 1/2" F1960 x 1/4" OD Comp Loose Key Mini Ball Valve Angled 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF229-09-LF 1/2" F1960 x 3/8" OD Comp Loose Key mini Ball Valve Angled 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF321-08-LF 1/2" Press x 1/4" Comp Straight Mini Ball Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF321-09-LF 1/2" Press x 3/8" Comp Straight Mini Ball Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF322-08-LF 1/2" Press x 1/4" Comp Angle Mini Ball Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFF322-09-LF 1/2" Press x 3/8" Comp Angle Mini Ball Valve 1/4" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFFCC-01-LF 1/2" Compression Full Port Brass Ball Valve 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFFCC-02-LF 3/4" Compression Full Port Brass Ball Valve 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFFCC-03-LF 1" x 1" Compression Full Port Brass Ball Valve 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFFCCD-01-LF 1/4" OD Comp Straight Lead Free Mini Ball Valve 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFFCCD-02-LF 3/4" Compression Brass Ball Valve + Drain 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFFCCD-03-LF 1" Compression Brass Ball Valve + Drain 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFFCM-01-LF 1/2" Sweat X MPT Full Port Ball Valve Lead Free 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFFCM-02-LF 3/4" Sweat X MPT Full Port Ball Valve Lead Free 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFFCM-03-LF 1" Sweat X MPT Full Port Ball Valve Lead Free 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFFCM-04-LF 1-1/4" Sweat x MPT Full Port Brass Ball Valve w/ 1/4" FIP Side Port 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFFCM-05-LF 1-1/2" Sweat x MPT Full Port Brass Ball Valve w/ 1/4" FIP Side Port 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFFCM-06-LF 2" Sweat x MPT Full Port Brass Ball Valve w/ 1/4" FIP Side Port 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFFPV-11-LF 3/4" Sweat X 3/4" MPT Ball Valve w/ 1/2" FIP Side Port Lead Free 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFFPV-12-LF 1" Sweat X 1" MPT Ball Valve w/ 1/2" FIP Side Port Lead Free 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFFPV-13-LF 1-1/4" Sweat x 1-1/4" MPT w/ 1/2" FIP Side Port Lead Free Ball Valve 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFFPV-14-LF 1-1/2" Sweat x 1-1/2" MPT w/ 1/2" FIP Side Port Lead Free Ball Valve 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFFPV-15-LF 2" Sweat x 2" MPT w/ 1/2" FIP Side Port Lead Free Ball Valve 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFFUM-01-LF 1/2" Exp. PEX x 1/2" MPT ball valve (Standard Port) 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFFUM-02-LF 3/4" Exp. PEX x 3/4" MPT ball valve (Standard port) 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EFFUM-03-LF 1" Exp. PEX x 1" MPT ball valve (Standard Port) 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


11-1, Haneda Asahi-cho, Ota-ku
Tokyo 144-8510 
81 3 3743 6111

Facility : Izmir, Turkey

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Submersible Pump - Pump Ends [G]
BSP SS WWXXX/YY.BZ[1] [4] 6'' - 10'' CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 80,000 L.
[4] WW  - Nominal diameter
          06 - 6"
          07 - 7"
          08 - 8"
          10 - 10"
    WWW - Nominal capacity
          010 - 10 m3/hour
          017 - 17 m3/hour
          030 - 30 m3/hour
          045 - 45 m3/hour
          060 - 60 m3/hour
          075 - 75 m3/hour
          095 - 95 m3/hour
          110 - 110 m3/hour
          125 - 125 m3/hour
          160 - 160 m3/hour
          210 - 210 m3/hour
    YY  - Number of stages
          1 - 60
    Z   - Quantity of B type impeller
          1 - 60
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Ebara Pumps Americas Corporation 
1651 Cedar Line Drive
Rock Hill, SC 29730 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Sparks, NV

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps [G]
2CDU(A)(B)6(C)(D)(E)[1] [2] 1¼" x 1" - 1½" x 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
3U(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(I)-XX[1] [3] [4] [5] 2" x 1¼" - 3" x 2½" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMS(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)1-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)S[6] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMS(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)10-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)S[6] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMS(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)15-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)S[6] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMS(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)20-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)S[6] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMS(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)3-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)S[6] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMS(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)5-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)S[6] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMS(A)L(B)(C)(D)(E)1-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)S[6] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMS(A)L(B)(C)(D)(E)10-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)S[6] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMS(A)L(B)(C)(D)(E)15-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)S[6] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMS(A)L(B)(C)(D)(E)20-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)S[6] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMS(A)L(B)(C)(D)(E)3-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)S [6] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMS(A)L(B)(C)(D)(E)5-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)S [6] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
CDU(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)[1] [7] 1¼" x 1" - 1½" x 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSU(A)(B)32-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[8] 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSU(A)(B)45-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[8] 3" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSU(A)(B)64-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[8] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSU(A)(B)90-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[8] 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUG(A)(B)32-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[8] 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUG(A)(B)45-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[8] 3" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUG(A)(B)64-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[8] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUG(A)(B)90-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[8] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUL(A)(B)45-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[8] 3" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUL(A)(B)64-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[8] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUL(A)(B)90-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[8] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
JEU(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)[1] [9] 1 1/4" x 1" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Sizes are expressed as suction x discharge.
[2] 2CDU Models:
    A - Casing Size/Impeller Size
    B - Motor horsepower (hp)
        20 - 2
        30 - 3
        50 - 5
    C - Motor Enclosure
        T - TEFC (Totally enclosed fan cooled)
        D - ODP (Open drip proof)
        W - Washdown Motor Enclosure
        X - Explosion Proof Motor Enclosure
    D - Phase/Volt
        3 - Three phase, 230/460 volt
        1 - Single phase, 115/230 volt
    E - Seal type
        C - Carbon/Ceramic/Viton
[3] 3U Models:
    A - Speed
        None - 3450 RPM
        4 - 1725 RPM
    B - Discharge size
        32 - 1 1/4"
        40 - 1 1/2"
        50 - 2"
        65 - 2 1/2" 
    C - Impeller performance code
    "A", "B", "1", or "2" following the Impeller performance code designate a different
    design in the impeller.
    D - Motor horsepower (hp)
        30  - 3
        50  - 5
        75  - 7.5
        100 - 10
        150 - 15
        200 - 20
        250 - 25
        300 - 30
    E - Motor Enclosure
        D - ODP (Open drip proof)
        T - TEFC (Totally enclosed fan cooled)
        W - Washdown Motor Enclosure
        X - Explosion Proof Motor Enclosure
    F - Phase
        1 - Single phase
        3 - Three phase
    I - Mechanical Seal Type
        C - Carbon/Ceramic/Viton
    3U4 models indicate a 4 pole motor as opposed to the standard 2 pole motor.
[4] 3U model Certification does not include flange gaskets.
[5] XX - Special configuration (any 2 digit alpha numeric)
[6] Size is expressed as suction end x discharge end.
    A - Motor Bracket Type
        U - NEMA
        I - IEC (pm motor)
        C - IEC (induction motor)
    B - Motor Speed
        none - 2 Pole 
        F    - 4 Pole 
    C - Pump Configuration
        none - Vertical
        H    - Horizontal
    D - Working Pressure
        none - Standard
        P    - Uprated
    E - IEC Frame Size
        none - standard frame
        A    - smaller frame
        B    - larger frame
    W - Number of Impellers
    F - Piping Connection Type
        F - Round Flange
        N - Oval Flange
        L - Loose Round flange
        V - Victaulic
        C - Clamp
    X - Horsepower of Motor
        0050 - 1/2 hp
        0075 - 3/4 hp
        0100 - 1.0 hp
        0150 - 1.5 hp
        0200 - 2.0 hp
        0300 - 3.0 hp
        0500 - 5.0 hp
        0750 - 7.5 hp
        1000 - 10 hp
        1500 - 15 hp
        2000 - 20 hp
        2500 - 25 hp
        3000 - 30 hp
        4000 - 40 hp
        5000 - 50 hp
    Y - Motor Type
        D - Open Drip Proof (ODP)
        T - Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC)
        W - Washdown Motor Enclosure
        X - Explosion Proof Motor Enclosure
    Z - Motor Phase
        1 - Single Phase
        3 - Three Phase
    "A" in the model name indicates sub-component design modifications.
    Only the type "S" mechanical seal (Silicon Carbide/Carbon/FPM ) is included in
[7] CDU Models:
    A - Nominal motor speed
        Blank - 3600 rpm
        4     - 1750 rpm
    B - Casing Size/Impeller Size
    "A" and "B" in the model name designate a different design in the impeller.
    C - Motor horsepower (hp)
        5  - 0.5
        7  - 0.75
        10 - 1
        15 - 1.5
        20 - 2
        30 - 3
    D - Motor Enclosure
        D - ODP (Open drip proof)
        T - TEFC (Totally enclosed fan cooled)
        W - Washdown Motor Enclosure
        X - Explosion Proof Motor Enclosure
    E - Motor Phase
        1 - Single phase
        3 - Three phase
    F - Mechanical Seal Type
        C - Carbon/Ceramic/Viton
[8] Size is expressed as suction end x discharge end.
    A - Pump Configuration
        None - Vertical
        H - Horizontal
    B - Working Pressure
        None - Standard
        P - Uprated
    W - Number of impellers (1-10)
    R - Number of reduced diameter impellers (0-10)
    X - Horsepower of motor
        0050 - 1/2HP
        0075 - 3/4HP
        0100 - 1.0HP
        0150 - 1.5HP
        0200 - 2.0 HP
        0300 - 3.0 HP
        0500 - 5.0 HP
        0750 - 7.5 HP
        1000 - 10 HP
        1500 - 15 HP
        2000 - 20 HP
        2500 - 25 HP
        3000 - 30 HP
        4000 - 40 HP
        5000 - 50 HP
        6000 - 60 HP
        7500 - 75 HP
    Y - Motor Type
        D - Open Drip Proof (ODP)
        T - Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC)
        W - Washdown Motor Enclosure
        X - Explosion Proof Motor Enclosure
    Z - Motor phase
         1 - Single phase
         3 - Three phase
[9] JEU Models:
    A - Housing and Impeller Number
    B - Motor horsepower (hp)
        7 - 3/4
        10 - 1
        15 - 1-1/2
        20- 2
    C - Motor Enclosure
        D - ODP (Open drip proof)
        T - TEFC (Totally enclosed fan cooled)
        W - Washdown Motor Enclosure
        X - Explosion Proof Motor Enclosure
    D - Phase
        1 - Single phase
        3 - Three phase
    E - Seal type
        C - Carbon/Ceramic/Viton
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Facility : Rock Hill, SC

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps [G]
2CDU(A)(B)6(C)(D)(E)[1] [2] 1 1/4"x1"-1 1/2"x1" CLD 23 MLTPL
3U(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(I)-XX[1] [3] [4] [5] 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMS(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)1-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)[1] [6] 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMS(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)10-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)[1] [6] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMS(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)15-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)[1] [6] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMS(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)20-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)[1] [6] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMS(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)3-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)[1] [6] 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMS(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)5-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)[1] [6] 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMS(A)L(B)(C)(D)(E)1-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)[1] [6] 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMS(A)L(B)(C)(D)(E)10-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)[1] [6] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMS(A)L(B)(C)(D)(E)15-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)[1] [6] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMS(A)L(B)(C)(D)(E)20-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)[1] [6] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMS(A)L(B)(C)(D)(E)3-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)[1] [6] 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMS(A)L(B)(C)(D)(E)5-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)[1] [6] 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMSU(A)(B)32-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[7] 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMSU(A)(B)45-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[7] 3" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMSU(A)(B)64-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[7] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMSU(A)(B)90-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[7] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMSUG(A)(B)32-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[7] 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMSUG(A)(B)45-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[7] 3" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMSUG(A)(B)64-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[7] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMSUG(A)(B)90-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[7] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMSUL(A)(B)32-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[7] 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMSUL(A)(B)45-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[7] 3" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMSUL(A)(B)64-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[7] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
AEVMSUL(A)(B)90-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[7] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
CDU(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)[1] [8] 1 1/4"x1"-1 1/2"x1" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSU(A)(B)32-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[9] 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSU(A)(B)45-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[9] 3" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSU(A)(B)64-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[9] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSU(A)(B)90-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[9] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUG(A)(B)32-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[9] 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUG(A)(B)45-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[9] 3" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUG(A)(B)64-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[9] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUG(A)(B)90-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[9] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUL(A)(B)32-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[9] 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUL(A)(B)45-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[9] 3" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUL(A)(B)64-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[9] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUL(A)(B)90-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[9] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
GSDU(A)-100-(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G)[11] 5" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
GSDU(A)-125-(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G)[11] 6" x 5" CLD 23 MLTPL
GSDU(A)-150-(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G)[11] 8" x 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
GSDU(A)-32-(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G)[11] 2" x 1-1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
GSDU(A)-40-(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G)[11] 2-1/2" x 1-1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
GSDU(A)-50-(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G)[11] 2-1/2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
GSDU(A)-65-(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G)[11] 3" x 2-1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
GSDU(A)-80-(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G)[11] 4" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
JEU(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)[1] [10] 1 1/4" x 1" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Size is expressed as suction x discharge.
[2] 2CDU Models 
    A - Casing Size/Impeller Size 
    B - Motor horsepower (hp) 
        20 - 2 
        30 - 3 
        50 - 5 
    C - Motor Enclosure 
        D - ODP (Open drip proof)
        T - TEFC (Totally enclosed fan cooled)
        W - Washdown Motor Enclosure 
        X - Explosion Proof Motor Enclosure
    D - Phase/Volt 
        1 - Single phase, 115/230 volt 
        3 - Three phase, 230/460 volt 
    E - Seal type 
        C - Carbon/Ceramic/Viton
[3] 3U Models
    A - Speed 
        None - 3450 RPM 
        4    - 1725 RPM 
    B - Discharge size 
        32 - 1 1/4" 
        40 - 1 1/2" 
        50 - 2"
        65 - 2 1/2" 
    C - Impeller performance code 
    "A", "B", "1", or "2" following the Impeller performance code designate a different
    design in the impeller.
    D - Motor horsepower (hp) 
        30 - 3 
        50 - 5 
        75 - 7.5 
        100- 10 
        150 - 15 
        200 - 20 
        250 - 25 
        300 - 30 
    E - Motor enclosure 
        D - ODP (Open drip proof) 
        T - TEFC (Totally enclosed fan cooled)
        W - Washdown Motor Enclosure
        X - Explosion Proof Motor Enclosure
    F - Phase 
        1 - Single phase 
        3 - Three phase 
    I - Mechanical Seal Type 
        C - Carbon/Ceramic/Viton 
    3U4 models indicate a 4 pole motor as opposed to the standard 2 pole motor.
[4] 3U model Certification does not include flange gaskets.
[5] XX - Special configuration (any 2 digit alpha numeric)
    A - Motor Bracket Type
        U - NEMA
        I - IEC (pm motor)
        C - IEC (induction motor)
    B - Motor Speed		
        None - 2 Pole (300 rpm)
        F    - 4 Pole (1800 rpm)		
    C - Pump Configuration		
        None - Vertical		
        H    - Horizontal		
    D - Working Pressure			
        None - Standard		
        P    - Uprated
    E - IEC Frame Size
        None - Standard frame
        A    - Smaller frame
        B    - Larger frame
    F - Piping Connection Type			
        F - Round Flange	
        N - Oval Flange		
        L - Loose Round Flange		
        V - Victaulic
        C - C
    W - Number of Impellers			
        1 - 29	
    X - Horsepower of Motor			
        0050 - 1/2 hp		
        0075 - 3/4 hp		
        0100 - 1.0 hp	
        0150 - 1.5 hp		
        0200 - 2.0 hp		
        0300 - 3.0 hp		
        0500 - 5.0 hp		
        0750 - 7.5 hp		
        1000 - 10 hp		
        1500 - 15 hp		
        2000 - 20 hp		
        2500 - 25 hp	
        3000 - 30 hp		
        4000 - 40 hp
        5000 - 50 hp		
    Y - Motor Type
        D - Open Drip Proof (ODP)
        T - Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC)
        W - Washdown Motor Enclosure
        X - Explosion Proof Motor Enclosure
    Z - Motor Phase				
        1 - Single Phase
        3 - Three Phase		
    "A" in the model name indicates sub-component design modifications.
    Only the type "S" mechanical seal (Silicon Carbide/Carbon/FPM) is included in
[7] Size is expressed as suction end x discharge end.
    A - Pump Configuration
        none - Vertical
        H    - Horizontal
    B - Working Pressure
        none - Standard
        P    - Uprated
    W - number of impellers (-1 to -10)
    R - number of reduced diameter impellers (0-10)
    X - Horsepower of motor
        0050 - 1/2HP
        0075 - 3/4HP
        0100 - 1.0HP
        0150 - 1.5HP
        0200 - 2.0 HP
        0300 - 3.0 HP
        0500 - 5.0 HP
        0750 - 7.5 HP
        1000 - 10 HP
        1500 - 15 HP
        2000 - 20 HP
        2500 - 25 HP
        3000 - 30 HP
        4000 - 40 HP
        5000 - 50 HP
        6000 - 60 HP
        7500 - 75 HP
    Y - Motor Type
        D - Open Drip Proof (ODP)
        T - Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC)
        W - Washdown Motor Enclosure
        X - Explosion Proof Motor Enclosure
    Z - Motor phase
        1 - single phase
        3 - three phase
[8] CDU Models 
    a - Nominal motor speed 
        Blank - 3600 rpm 
        4     - 1750 rpm 
    B - Casing size/impeller size 
    "A" and "B" in the model name designate a different design in the impeller.
    C - Motor horsepower (hp) 
        5  - 0.5
        7  - 0.75 
        10 - 1 
        15 - 1.5 
        20 - 2 
        30 - 3 
    D - Motor enclosure 
        D - ODP (Open drip proof) 
        T - TEFC (Totally enclosed fan cooled)
        W - Washdown Motor Enclosure
        X - Explosion Proof Motor Enclosure
    E - Motor phase   
        1 - single phase 
        3 - three phase 
    F - Mechanical seal type 
        C - Carbon/Ceramic/Viton
[9] Size is expressed as suction end x discharge end.
    A - Pump Configuration
        None - Vertical
        H - Horizontal
    B - Working Pressure
        None - Standard
        P - Uprated
    W - Number of impellers (1-10)
    R - Number of reduced diameter impellers (0-10)
    X - Horsepower of motor
        0050 - 1/2HP
        0075 - 3/4HP
        0100 - 1.0HP
        0150 - 1.5HP
        0200 - 2.0 HP
        0300 - 3.0 HP
        0500 - 5.0 HP
        0750 - 7.5 HP
        1000 - 10 HP
        1500 - 15 HP
        2000 - 20 HP
        2500 - 25 HP
        3000 - 30 HP
        4000 - 40 HP
        5000 - 50 HP
        6000 - 60 HP
        7500 - 75 HP
    Y - Motor Type
        D - Open Drip Proof (ODP)
        T - Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC)
        W - Washdown Motor Enclosure
        X - Explosion Proof Motor Enclosure
    Z - Motor phase
        1 - Single phase
        3 - Three phase
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.

[10] JEU Models
     A - Housing and impeller number 
     B - Motor horsepower (hp) 
         7 - 3/4 
         10 - 1 
         15 - 1-1/2 
         20- 2 
     C - Motor enclosure 
         D - ODP (Open drip proof) 
         T - TEFC (Totally enclosed fan cooled)
         W - Washdown Motor Enclosure
         X - Explosion Proof Motor Enclosure
     D - Phase 
         1 - Single phase 
         3 - Three phase 
     E - Seal type 
         C - Carbon/Ceramic/Viton
[11] Model trade names GSDU(A)-32-(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G):
     The number in trade name is discharge nozzle in mm
     A = Number of poles	
     	2 = 2-pole
     	4 = 4-pole	
     B = Nominal impeller diameter in millimeters	
     C = Motor hp x 10 (may be either 2 or digits)	
     D = Motor Enclosure	
     	T = TEFC
     	D = ODP
     	W = Washdown
     	X = Explosion Proof
     E = Motor Phase	
     	1 = Single Phase
     	3 = Three Phase
     F = Seal Code	
     	E = SiC/Carbon/EPDM/316SS (Only models with seal code ""E"" are certified)
     G = Configuration
              Blank = Pump and motor only
              R = Pump with motor and motor supports
              B = Package unit with base
     Note: Up to 4 characters may be present after the seal code. These indicate special
     configurations with differences that do not involve wetted parts.

NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Facility : Cles (TN), Italy

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps[1] [G]
EVMSU(A)(B)(C)1-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSU(A)(B)(C)10-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSU(A)(B)(C)15-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)S[2] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSU(A)(B)(C)20-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSU(A)(B)(C)3-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSU(A)(B)(C)5-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSU(A)(B)32- (W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[3] 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSU(A)(B)45- (W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[3] 3" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSU(A)(B)64- (W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[3] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSU(A)(B)90- (W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[3] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUG(A)(B)32- (W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[3] 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUG(A)(B)45- (W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[3] 3" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUG(A)(B)64- (W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[3] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUG(A)(B)90- (W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[3] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUL(A)(B)(C)1-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUL(A)(B)(C)10-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUL(A)(B)(C)15-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUL(A)(B)(C)20-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUL(A)(B)(C)3-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUL(A)(B)(C)5-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUL(A)(B)32- (W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[3] 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUL(A)(B)45- (W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[3] 3" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUL(A)(B)64- (W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[3] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMSUL(A)(B)90- (W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[3] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Size is expressed as suction end x discharge end.
[2] A - Motor Speed
        None - 2 Pole (300 rpm)
        F    - 4 Pole (1800 rpm)
    B - Pump Configuration
        None - Vertical
        H    - Horizontal
    C - Working Pressure
        None - Standard
        P    - Uprated 
    F - Piping Connection Type
        F - Round flange
        N - Oval flange
        L - Loose round flange
        V - Victaulic
        C - Clamp
    W - Number of Impellers
        1 - 29
    X - Horsepower of Motor
        0050 - 1/2 hp
        0075 - 3/4 hp
        0100 - 1.0 hp
        0150 - 1.5 hp
        0200 - 2.0 hp
        0300 - 3.0 hp
        0500 - 5.0 hp
        0750 - 7.5 hp
        1000 - 10 hp
        1500 - 15 hp
        2000 - 20 hp
        2500 - 25 hp
        3000 - 30 hp
        4000 - 40 hp
        5000 - 50 hp
    Y - Motor Type
        D - Open drip proof (ODP)
        T - Totally enclosed fan cooled (TEFC)
        W - Washdown Motor Enclosure
        X - Explosion Proof Motor Enclosure
    Z - Motor phase
        1 - Single phase
        3 - Three phase
    "A" in the model name indicates sub-component design modifications.
    Only the type "S" mechanical seal (Silicon Carbide/Carbon/FPM) is included in
[3] A - Pump Configuration
        None - Vertical
        H    - Horizontal
    B - Working Pressure
        None - Standard
        P    - Uprated
    W - Number of impellers (1-10)
    R - Number of reduced diameter impellers (0-10)
    X - Horsepower of motor
        0050 - 1/2HP
        0075 - 3/4HP
        0100 - 1.0HP
        0150 - 1.5HP
        0200 - 2.0 HP
        0300 - 3.0 HP
        0500 - 5.0 HP
        0750 - 7.5 HP
        1000 - 10 HP
        1500 - 15 HP
        2000 - 20 HP
        2500 - 25 HP
        3000 - 30 HP
        4000 - 40 HP
        5000 - 50 HP
        6000 - 60 HP
        7500 - 75 HP
    Y - Motor Type
        D - Open Drip Proof (ODP)
        T - Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC)
        W - Washdown Motor Enclosure
        X - Explosion Proof Motor Enclosure
    Z - Motor phase
        1 - Single phase
        3 - Three phase
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Gambellara, Vicenza, Italy

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps[1] [G]
EVMU32-(W)F (X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMU45-(W)F (X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 3" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMU64-(W)F (X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMUG32-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[3] 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMUG45-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[3] 3" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMUG64-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[3] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMUL32-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMUL45-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 3" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
EVMUL64-(W)(R) F (X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Size is expressed as suction end x discharge end.
[2] W - Number of impellers 
    R - Number of reduced diameter impellers (32, 45, and 64 models only) 
    X - Horsepower of motor 
        0050 - 1/2HP 
        0075 - 3/4HP 
        0100 - 1.0HP 
        0150 - 1.5HP 
        0200 - 2.0 HP
        0300 - 3.0 HP 
        0500 - 5.0 HP 
        0750 - 7.5 HP 
        1000 - 10 HP 
        1500 - 15 HP 
        2000 - 20 HP 
        2500 - 25 HP 
        3000 - 30 HP 
        4000 - 40 HP 
        5000 - 50 HP 
    Y - Motor type 
        D - Open drip proof (ODP) 
        T - Totally enclosed fan cooled (TEFC) 
        W - Washdown Motor Enclosure
        X - Explosion Proof Motor Enclosure
    Z - Motor phase 
        1 - Single phase 
        3 - Three phase
    "A" in the model name indicates sub-component design modifications.
[3] Size is expressed as suction end x discharge end.
    W - Number of impellers
    R - Number of reduced diameter impellers
    X - Horsepower of motor
        0050 - 1/2HP
        0075 - 3/4HP
        0100 - 1.0HP
        0150 - 1.5HP
        0200 - 2.0 HP
        0300 - 3.0 HP
        0500 - 5.0 HP
        0750 - 7.5 HP
        1000 - 10 HP
        1500 - 15 HP
        2000 - 20 HP
        2500 - 25 HP
        3000 - 30 HP
        4000 - 40 HP
        5000 - 50 HP
    Y - Motor type
        D - Open drip proof (ODP)
        T - Totally enclosed fan cooled (TEFC)
        W - Washdown Motor Enclosure
        X - Explosion Proof Motor Enclosure
    Z - Motor phase
        1 - Single phase
        3 - Three phase
    "B" in the model name indicates sub-component design modifications.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


EcoWater Systems LLC 
1890 Woodlane Drive 
Woodbury, MN 55125 
United States 

Facility : Iuka, MS

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Components, POE: Tanks, Water Softener[G]
7169457 23.27 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
7172638 23.27 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Ripley, MS

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Components, POE: Tanks, Water Softener[G]
7169457 23.27 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
7172638 23.27 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


EcoWater Systems LLC 
P.O. Box 64420
St. Paul, MN 55164 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : 1A China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Components, POE: Tanks, Water Softener
7391818 196.8 gal CLD 23 MLTPL
7391828 262.4 gal CLD 23 MLTPL

Efield USA Inc. 
16281 Gale Avenue
City of Industry, CA 91745 
United States 
86 158 5869 4965

Facility : Zhejiang, China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

301ANV-AB Male Adapter P x MPT[G] 1/2" x 3/8" - 4"x4" C. HOT MLTPL
303ANV-AB Male Street Adapter FTG x MPT[G] 1/2" x 3/8 "- 2"x2" C. HOT MLTPL
306ANV-AB Union P x MPT[G] 1/2" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
314ANV-AB Male Elbow 90° P x MPT[G] 1/2"x3/8" - 2"x2" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


16281 Gale Ave.
City of Industry, CA 91745 
United States 

Facility : Prey Nob District, Cambodia

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings [G]
1/2" x 1/2" x 1/2" MPT (MPT121212MT) Male Thread Tee 1/2" x 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
1/2" x 1/2" MPT x 1/2" MPT (MPT1212MT12MT) Male Thread Tee 1/2" x 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" MPT (MPT343412MT) Male Thread Tee 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
3/8" x 1/2" MPT (MTC3812) Male Thread Coupling 3/8" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
3/8" x 3/8" MPT (MTC3838) Male Thread Coupling 3/8" x 3/8" C. HOT MLTPL
1/2" x 3/8" MPT (MTC1238) Male Thread Coupling 1/2" x 3/8" C. HOT MLTPL
1/2" x 1/2" MPT (MTC1212) Male Thread Coupling 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
1/2" x 3/4" MPT (MTC1234) Male Thread Coupling 1/2" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 1/2" MPT (MTC3412) Male Thread Coupling 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 3/4" MPT (MTC3434) Male Thread Coupling 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
1" x 3/4" MPT (MTC134) Male Thread Coupling 1" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
1" x 1" MPT (MTC11) Male Thread Coupling 1" x 1" C. HOT MLTPL
1" x 3/4" MPT (MTC134) Male Thread Coupling 1" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
3/8" x 3/8" MPT (MTE3838) Male Thread 90° Elbow 3/8" x 3/8" C. HOT MLTPL
1/2" x 3/8" MPT (MTE1238) Male Thread 90° Elbow 1/2" x 3/8" C. HOT MLTPL
3/8" x 1/2" MPT (MTE3812) Male Thread 90° Elbow 3/8" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
1/2" x 1/2" MPT (MTE1212) Male Thread 90° Elbow 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
1/2" x 3/4" MPT (MTE1234) Male Thread 90° Elbow 1/2" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 3/4" MPT (MTE3434) Male Thread 90° Elbow 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 1/2" MPT (MTE3412) Male Thread 90° Elbow 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
1" x 3/4" MPT (MTE134) Male Thread 90° Elbow 1" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL

[1] PEX rings are non-wetted components of PEX fitting systems.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


3/4" x 3/4" Flow-through multi-port Tee,3 outlets (1/2"), FTMPT3-34 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" x 3/4" Flow-through multi-port Tee, 4 outlets (1/2"), FTMPT4-34 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" x 3/4" Flow-through multi-port Tee, 6 outlets (1/2"), FTMPT6-34 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
1" x 3/4" Flow-through multi-port Tee, 3 outlets (1/2") FTMPT3-134 1" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
1" x 3/4" Flow-through multi-port Tee, 3 outlets (1/2") FTMPT3-134 1" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
1" x 3/4" Flow-through multi-port tee, 6 outlets (1/2") FTMPT6-134 1" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
1" x 1" Flow-through multi-port Tee, 3 outlets (1/2") FTMPT3-1 1" x 1" C. HOT PPSU
1" x 1" Flow-through multi-port tee, 4 outlets (1/2") FTMPT4-1 1" x 1" C. HOT PPSU
1" x 1" Flow-through multi-port tee, 6 outlets (1/2") FTMPT6-1 1" x 1" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" Branch multi-port Tee, 4 outlets (1/2"), BMPT4-34 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" Branch multi-port Tee, 6 outlets (1/2"), BMPT6-34 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
1" Branch multi-port Tee, 4 outlets ( 1/2") BMPT 4-1 1" C. HOT PPSU
1" Branch multi-port Tee, 6 outlets ( 1/2") BMPT 6-1 1" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" Branch Opposing-port multi-port Tee, 4 outlets (1/2") BOPMPT 4-34 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" Branch Opposing-port multi-port Tee, 8 outlets (1/2") BOPMPT 8-34 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" x 3/4" x 3/4"Flow-through multi-port vertical Tee 3 outlets(1/2")FTMPVT3-34 3/4" x 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" x 3/4" x 3/4"Flow-through multi-port vertical Tee 4 outlets(1/2")FTMPVT4-34 3/4" x 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" x 3/4" Flow-through multi-port Elbow, 3 outlets (1/2"), FTMPE3-34 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" x 3/4" Flow-through multi-port Elbow, 4 outlets (1/2"), FTMPE4-34 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" x 3/4"Flow-through opposing-port multi-port Tee3 outlets (1/2")FTOPMPT3-34 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" x 3/4"Flow-through opposing-port multi-port Tee4 outlets (1/2")FTOPMPT4-34 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" x 3/4"Flow-through opposing-port multi-port Tee6 outlets (1/2")FTOPMPT6-34 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" x 3/4"Flow-through opposing-port multi-port Tee, 8 outlets (1/2") FTOPMPT8- 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" x 3/4" x 3/4" Flow-through multi-port horizontal 4 outlets 1/2" FTMPH 4-34 3/4" x 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" x 1/2", 4 Port (BMPT2-3412) 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
1" x 1/2", 6 Port (BMPT6-112) 1" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
1" x 1" x 1/2", 6 Port (FTMPT6-1112) 1" x 1" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
1" x 1/2", 8 Port (FTMPT8-112) 1" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
1" x 1" x 1/2", 8 Port (FTMPT8-1112) 1" x 1" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
1" x 3/4" x 1/2", 4 Port (FTMPT4-13412) 1" x 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2", 3 Port (FTMPT3-343412) 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2", 4 Port (FTMPT4-343412) 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2", 6 Port (FTMPT6-343412) 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
3/4" x 3/4" Flow-through multi-port Tee, 2 outlets (1/2")FTMPT2-34 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 3/4" Flow-through multi-port Tee, 2 outlets (1/2")FTMPT2-34*34 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" Branch multi-port Tee, 2 outlets (1/2") (BMPT 2-34) 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" Branch multi-port Tee, 3 outlets (1/2") (BMPT3-34) 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
1" Branch multi-port Tee, 3 outlets (1/2") (BMPT 3-1) 1" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" Branch Opposing-port multi-port Tee, 3 outlets (1/2") (BOPMPT 3-34) 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 1/2" 2 Port (BMPT2-3412) 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 1/2" 3 Port (BMPT3-3412) 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" 2 Port (FTMPT2-343412) 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


EGW Utilities, Inc. 
1406 Hutton Drive
Carrollton, TX 75006 
United States 

Facility : Zhejiang, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[G]
3/4" x 2" METER COUPLING/GASKET 3/4" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
BF:1NL-A 3/4" x 2 1/2" METER COUPLING/GASKET 3/4" x 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Elgin Separation Solutions / Norris Screen & Mfg. 
5 South High Street
Canal Winchester, OH 43110 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : North Tazewell, VA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1] [2] [G]
Elgin Coanda Screens [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Elgin Cylindrical Screens [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Elgin Flat Panel Screens [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Elgin Side Hill Screens [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Fittings with Jacquelyn™ Coating[4] >= 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
Intake Pipes with Jacquelyn™ Coating[4] >= 6" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] All products are Certified for use with water treatment plant intake systems with a
    minimum daily flow of 10,000 gallons.
[2] Screens may be constructed of 90/10 Copper Nickel, Stainless Steel 304, Stainless Steel
    316, and Jacquelyn™ Coated Stainless Steel 304 or 316 material.
[3] Intake screens are Certified for all sizes.
[4] Intake Pipes and Fittings are Certified for a maximum length of 26 feet in water
    treatment plant intake systems.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Elkhart Products Corporation 
1255 Oak Street
Elkhart, IN 46515-1008 
United States 

Facility : Fayetteville, AR

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings [G]
741-12 Companion Flange[1] 3/4" C. HOT CU
741-128 Companion Flange[1] 8" C. HOT CU
741-16 Companion Flange[1] 1" C. HOT CU
741-20 Companion Flange[1] 1 1/4" C. HOT CU
741-24 Companion Flange[1] 1 1/2" C. HOT CU
741-32 Companion Flange[1] 2" C. HOT CU
741-40 Companion Flange[1] 2 1/2" C. HOT CU
741-48 Companion Flange[1] 3" C. HOT CU
741-64 Companion Flange[1] 4" C. HOT CU
741-8 Companion Flange[1] 1/2" C. HOT CU
741-80 Companion Flange[1] 5" C. HOT CU
741-96 Companion Flange[1] 6" C. HOT CU
771-128 Companion Flange[1] 8" C. HOT CU
771-16 Companion Flange[1] 1" C. HOT CU
771-20 Companion Flange[1] 1 1/4" C. HOT CU
771-32 Companion Flange[1] 2" C. HOT CU
771-40 Companion Flange[1] 2 1/2" C. HOT CU
771-48 Companion Flange[1] 3" C. HOT CU
771-64 Companion Flange[1] 4" C. HOT CU
771-80 Companion Flange[1] 5" C. HOT CU
771-96 Companion Flange[1] 6" C. HOT CU

[1] One or a combination of these suffixes can be used with each part number.
    -2      - Cup to fit
    -2-2    - Fit to fit
    BH      - Bull head
    C       - Close ruff on elbows only
    C       - Cup on all but elbows
    F       - Fit or female
    HE      - Heat exchanges
    L or LT - Long turn
    M       - Male or medium turn
    MT      - Medium turn
    NH      - No hub
    NS      - No stop
    R       - Reducer
    RS      - Roll stop
    T       - Test cap
[2] Certified for sizes:
    3/4" x 1/2"
    1" x 1/2"
    1" x 3/4"
    1 1/4" x 1/2"
    1 1/4" x 3/4"
    1 1/4" x 1"
    1 1/2" x 1/2"
    1 1/2" x 3/4"
    1 1/2" x 1"
    1 1/2" x 1 1/4"
    2" x 1/2"
    2" x 3/4"
    2" x 1"
    2" x 1 1/4"
    2" x 1 1/2"
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or 
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Facility : Elkhart, IN

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings [G]
741-12 Companion Flange[1] 3/4" C. HOT CU
741-128 Companion Flange[1] 8" C. HOT CU
741-16 Companion Flange[1] 1" C. HOT CU
741-20 Companion Flange[1] 1 1/4" C. HOT CU
741-24 Companion Flange[1] 1 1/2" C. HOT CU
741-32 Companion Flange[1] 2" C. HOT CU
741-40 Companion Flange[1] 2 1/2" C. HOT CU
741-48 Companion Flange[1] 3" C. HOT CU
741-64 Companion Flange[1] 4" C. HOT CU
741-8 Companion Flange[1] 1/2" C. HOT CU
741-80 Companion Flange[1] 5" C. HOT CU
741-96 Companion Flange[1] 6" C. HOT CU
771-128 Companion Flange[1] 8" C. HOT CU
771-16 Companion Flange[1] 1" C. HOT CU
771-20 Companion Flange[1] 1 1/4" C. HOT CU
771-32 Companion Flange[1] 2" C. HOT CU
771-40 Companion Flange[1] 2 1/2" C. HOT CU
771-48 Companion Flange[1] 3" C. HOT CU
771-64 Companion Flange[1] 4" C. HOT CU
771-80 Companion Flange[1] 5" C. HOT CU
771-96 Companion Flange[1] 6" C. HOT CU

[1] One or a combination of these suffixes can be used with each part number.
    -2      - Cup to fit
    -2-2    - Fit to fit
    BH      - Bull head
    C       - Close ruff on elbows only
    C       - Cup on all but elbows
    F       - Fit or female
    HE      - Heat exchanges
    L or LT - Long turn
    M       - Male or medium turn
    MT      - Medium turn
    NH      - No hub
    NS      - No stop
    R       - Reducer
    RS      - Roll stop
    T       - Test cap
[2] Certified for sizes:
    3/4" x 1/2"
    1" x 1/2"
    1" x 3/4"
    1 1/4" x 1/2"
    1 1/4" x 3/4"
    1 1/4" x 1"
    1 1/2" x 1/2"
    1 1/2" x 3/4"
    1 1/2" x 1"
    1 1/2" x 1 1/4"
    2" x 1/2"
    2" x 3/4"
    2" x 1"
    2" x 1 1/4"
    2" x 1 1/2"
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or 
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Elkhart Products Corporation 
1255 Oak Street
Elkhart, IN 46514 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Thailand S

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings[1] [G]
4741 C 125LB COMP FLANGE 1/2" - 8" D. HOT MLTPL
4771 C 150LB COMP FLANGE 1" - 8" D. HOT MLTPL

[1] This copper alloy is Certified by NSF to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 for use in drinking water
    supplies of pH 6.5 and above. Drinking water supplies that are less than pH 6.5 may
    require corrosion control to limit leaching of copper into the drinking water.
[2] Certified Sizes Include:
        4703 CXF ADAPT
        3/4" x 3/8"
        1"x 1 1/2"
        1 1/4" x 3/4"
        4707 CxC 90 ELBOW
         1 1/4" x 3/4"
         1 1/2" x 3/4"
        1 1/2" x 1"
        4707-3 CXF 90 EL
            1" – 2"   
            1/2" x 3/8"     
            1/2" x 3/4"
            3/4" X 1"
            1" x 1/2"
            1" x 3/4"
        4707-3-5 CXF 90 DROP EAR EL 
            3/4" x 1/2"
        4710-3 FXFXC TEE
            3/4" x 1/2" x 1/2"
            3/4" x 1/2" x 3/4"
        4712 CXCXF TEE
            1/2" x 1/2" x 1/8" 
            1/2" x 1/2" x 1/4"
            1/2" x 1/2" x 3/4"
            3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2"
            1" x 1" x 1/2" 
            1"x 1" x 3/4"
            1 1/4" x 1 1/4" x 1/2"
            1 1/4" x 1 1/4" x 3/4"
            1 1/2" x 1 1/2" x 1/2"
            1 1/2" x 1 1/2" x 3/4"
            2" x 2" x 1/2"
            2" x 2" x 3/4"
        4714 CXFXC TEE
            3/4" x 1/2" x 3/4"
            1" x 1/2" x 1"
            1" x 3/4" x 1"
            1 1/2" x 3/4" x 1 1/2"
        4714-B CXFXC TEE
            1/2" x 1/8" x 1/2"
            1" x 1/8" x 1"
         4733 CXC UNION
         1" - 3"
         47073 CXF 90 EL
          3/4" x 1/2"
          470735 CXF 90 DROP EAR EL
           1/2 x 3/8"
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


eltherm production GmbH 
Ernst-Heinkel-Strasse, 6-10
57299 Burbach 
49 273 644 130
Visit this company's website

Facility : Burbach, Germany

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1] [2]

[1] Certification requested for 1 end cap per liter.
[2] Certification will not include heating cables or silicone glue.

Emerson Automation Solutions Final Control Netherlands BV 
Lage Mosten 37-47
4822 NK Breda 
The Netherlands 
31 76 543 4100

Facility : MAPLAST CZ s.r.o.

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Valves[1] [G]
CompoSeal CSW 40 - 300 mm CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Empresas Suárez S.A. de C.V 
Avenida México Japón 156
Ciudad Industrial de Celaya 
Celaya, Guanajuato 38010 
52 461 611 6455
Visit this company's website

Facility : Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps [G]
AXIAL FLOW #PO-1A[1] [2] 8" - 30" CLD 23 MLTPL
MIXED FLOW #MFX-nA[1] [3] 8" - 24" CLD 23 MLTPL
VERTICAL TURBINE #FF-n$[4] [5] 5" - 28" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] The variables in the trade name code "#MFX-nA" denote the following in Mixed Flow pumps:
    - #: size of pump (in)
    - n: number of blades. Options: 1, 2, 3
    The variable "#" in the trade name code "#PO-1A" in Axial Flow pumps denotes the size of
    the pump in inches.
[2] Axial flow pumps are Certified for a minimum daily flow of 1,044,000 gallons.
[3] Mixed flow pumps are Certified for a minimum daily flow of 1,808,640 gallons.
[4] The variables in the trade name code "#FF-n$" denote the following:
    - #: size of pump (in)
    - FF: family. Options: WH, WL, HH, WBH, WBL, CC, HXH, LS, MS, Z, WM
    - n: number of blades. Options: 1, 2, 3
    - $: configuration. Options: C (closed), A (open)
[5] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 18,720 gallons.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends [G]
SUBMERSIBLE #FF-nC[6] [7] [8] 5" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL

[6] The variables in the trade name code "#FF-nC" denote the following:
    - #: size of pump (in)
    - FF: family. Options: WH, WL, HH, WBH, WBL, CC, HXH
    - n: number of blades. Options: 1, 2
[7] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 31,680 gallons.
[8] Certification does not include pump cables or motor.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Endress + Hauser SE + Co. KG 
79689 Maulburg 
49 7622 28 1957
Visit this company's website

Facility : Greenwood, IN

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Switches/Sensors[1] [2]
Cerabar M PMP51 [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Cerabar M PMP51B [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Cerabar S PMP71 [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Cerabar S PMP71B [3] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum flow rate of 10,000 L/day.
[2] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[3] All Cerabar models 
    G 1/2" - 2"
    1/2" - 2" NPT 
    Flanges DN25 – DN80 (1" - 4")
[4] Deltapilot M FMB51: 
    G 1 1/2"
    1 1/2" NPT 
    Flanges DN40 – DN100 (2" – 4") 
    Rod length up to 4m
[5] Deltapilot S FMB70 and Deltapilot M FMB50: 
    G 1 1/2"
    1 1/2" NPT 
    Flanges DN40 – DN100 (1 1/2" – 4") 
    Sanitary connections DN40 - DN50 (1 1/2" – 2")
[6] All Deltabar models: 
    1/4" NPT
    1/4" RC
[7] Certified for use in tanks 5 gallons and greater.

Facility : Maulburg, Germany

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Cerabar M PMP51 [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
Cerabar M PMP51B [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
Cerabar PMP43 [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
Cerabar S PMP71 [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
Cerabar S PMP71B [2] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum flow rate of 10,000 L/day.
[2] All Cerabar models 
    G 1/2" - 2"
    1/2" - 2" NPT 
    Flanges DN25 – DN80 (1" - 4")
    Flange DN25 - DN80 (1" to 3")
    Thread G 1/2" - 2"
    Thread MNPT1/2"-2"
    Thread M20x1.5
    NEUMO BioControl DN25 - DN 80
    DIN11851 DN25 - DN80
    DRD Connection
    SMS Connection 1" - 2"
    Varivent F and N
    Tri-Clamp DN18 - DN76.1 (3/4" - 3")
[3] Deltapilot S FMB70 and Deltapilot M FMB50: 
    G 1 1/2" 
    1 1/2" NPT 
    Flanges DN40 – DN100 (1 1/2" – 4") 
    Sanitary connections DN40 - DN50 (1 1/2" - 2")
[4] Deltapilot M FMB51: 
    G 1 1/2"
    1 1/2" NPT 
    Flanges DN40 – DN100 (2" – 4") 
    Rod length up to 4m
[5] All Deltabar models: 
    1/4" NPT
    1/4" RC
[6] Certified for use in tanks 5 gallons and greater.

NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Enecon Corporation 
6 Platinum Court 
Medford, NY 11763 
United States 

Facility : Medford, NY

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Pump
CHEMCLAD SC[1] [2] >= 4" CLD 23 EPOXY

[1] Colors: Gray, haze gray, white
    Number of Coats: 2 - 4
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 28 (7 mils per coat)
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 24 hours at 77°F
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 4 days at 77°F
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of Base:Activator is 3.29:1 by weight.
[2] Certification does not include Chemclad P4C.

Enviro Pure, Inc. 
2523 Scheid Road
Huron, OH 44839 
United States 

Facility : # 1 USA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components
EGBFE4[1] [2] 5" x 24" CLD 23 MLTPL
EGBFV8[1] [3] 8" x 25" - 35" CLD 23 MLTPL
EGFHD1[1] [4] 4" x 8" - 34" CLD 23 MLTPL
EGMBE[1] [5] 26" - 40" x 72" CLD 23 MLTPL
EGMBV[1] [6] 26" - 40" x 72" CLD 23 MLTPL
EGTCH[1] [7] 8" - 18" x 28" - 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
EGTCHB[1] [8] 8" - 18" x 28" - 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
EPG-Series Filter Cartridges[11] [12] CLD 23 MLTPL
EPP-Series Filter Cartridges[11] [12] CLD 23 MLTPL
EPPE-Series Filter Cartridges[11] [12] CLD 23 MLTPL
Emuniclear- ESW[9] [10] CLD 23 MLTPL
Emuniclear-EMB[9] [10] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for point-of-entry (POE) and municipal end uses.
[2] EGBFE4-[basket size]-[port size]-[port
    [basket size] - 12 (Size #4)
    [port size]   - 1N (1"FNPT)
    [outlet]      - 3 (bottom & opposite side outlet)[material] - 4 (304SS), 6 (316SS)
    [P-rating]    - 30 (300psi)
    [finish]      - GB (glass bead)
    [MC]          - NSF-61 certified
[3] EGBFV8-[basket size]-[port size]-[port
    style]-[outlet]-[material]-[P-rating]-[finish]-[ASME status]-[MC]
    [basket size] - 15 (Size #1), 30 (Size #2), 230 (twin Size #2)
    [port size]   - 1 through 8 (1" through 8")
    [port style]  - N (NPT), F (flange), T (sanitary ferrule)
    [outlet]      - 1 (bottom outlet), 2 (opposite side outlet), 3 (bottom & opposite side 
                    outlet), 5 (same side outlet)
    [material]    - 4 (304SS), 6 (316SS)
    [P-rating]    - 15 (150psi)
    [finish]      - GB (glass bead), EP (electropolished)
    [ASME status] - U (ASME Code), blank (non-code)
    [MC]          - NSF-61 certified
[4] EGFHD1-[length]-[port size]-[adapter type]-[material]-[P-rating]-[MC]
    [length]       - 5, 10, 20, 30 (5", 10", 20", 30")
    [port size]    - 75N (3/4"NPT), 1N (1"NPT), 75B (3/4"BSPP), 1B (1" BSPP)
    [adapter type] - D (DOE), 2 (222), 6 (226)
    [material]     - 4 (304), 6 (316)
    [P-rating]     - 30 (300psi)
    [MC]           - NSF-61 certified
[5] EGMBE-[basket quantity]-[basket size]-[port size &
    [basket quantity]   - 4, 6, 8, or 12
    [basket size]       - 30 (Size #2)
    [port size & style] - 4, 6, 8, or 10 (4", 6", 8", or 10" flange)
    [material]          - 4 (304SS), 6 (316SS)
    [P-rating]          - 15 (150psi)
    [finish]            - GB (glass bead)
    [MC]                - NSF-61 certified
[6] EGMBV-[basket quantity]-[basket size]-[port size &
    style]-[material]-[P-rating]-[finish]-[ASME status]-[MC]
    [basket quantity]   - 4, 6, 8, or 12
    [basket size]       - 30 (Size #2)
    [port size & style] - 4, 6, 8, or 10 (4", 6", 8", or 10" flange)
    [material]          - 4 (304SS), 6 (316SS)
    [P-rating]          - 15 (150psi)
    [finish]            - GB (glass bead)
    [ASME status]       - U (ASME Code), blank (non-code)
    [MC]                - NSF-61 certified
[7] EGTCH-[qty of cartridges]-[length]-[port
    size]-[outlet]-[material]-[P-rating]-[finish]-[ASME status]-[MC]
    [quantity of cartridges] - 3, 5, 7, 12, 21
    [length]                 - 1 (10"), 2 (20"), 3 (30"), 4 (40"
    [port size]              - 1 through 8 (1" through 8")
    [port style]             - N (NPT), F (flange), T (sanitary ferrule)
    [outlet]                 - 1 (bottom outlet), 2 (opposite outlet)
    [material]               - 4 (304SS), 6 (316SS)
    [P-rating]               - 15 (150psi)
    [finish]                 - GB (glass bead), EP (electropolished)
    [ASME status]            - U (ASME Code), blank (non-code)
    [MC]                     - NSF-61 certified
[8] EGTCHB-[qty of cartridges]-[length]-[port size]-[outlet
    [quantity of cartridges] - 3, 4, 5, 7, 12, 22
    [length]                 - 1 (10"), 2 (20"), 3 (30"), 4 (40")
    [port size]              - 1 through 8 (1" through 8")
    [port style]             - M (NPT), F (flange), T (sanitary ferrule)
    [outlet location]        - 1 (bottom outlet), 2 (opposite outlet)
    [material]               - 4 (304SS), 6 (316SS)
    [P-rating]               - 15 (150psi)
    [finish]                 - PC (polycoat)
    [MC]                     - NSF-61 certified
[9] Certified for the following part numbers: 
    EGWTB[BB][Micron]A[Length][End Cap Code][O-ring][Bond][Core][Suffix]
    EGCTB[Micron]A[Length][End Cap Code][O-ring][Bond][Core]
    EGATB[Micron]A[Length][End Cap Code][O-ring][Bond][Core]
    [BB]   - Blank (2.5" OD), BB (4" OD)
    [Bond] - Blank (adhesive bond), TB (thermally bonded)
    [Core] - Blank (no core), PC (polypropylene core)
    [Suffix] - Blank (standard), MC (MC trade name)
    EGP[Micron]A[Length]P[End Caps][O-ring]-MC
    [Micron]  - 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 50 
    [Length]  - 9.75" - 60" 
    [End Cap] - Blank (None; DOE, No gaskets), 3 (222 w/fin), 4 (222 w/flat cap), 5 (222
                w/spring), 6 (226 w/flat cap), 7 (226 w/fin), 8 (226 w/spring), 9 (SOE
                w/spring), 10 (DOE w/PP Core extender), 13 (SOE w/ PP Core Ext/Spring) 
    [O-ring]  - B (Buna N), E (EPDM), S (Silicone), Blank (None)
[10] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 4,320 gallons per 10" equivalent.
[11] Certified for the following part numbers:
     [Series][Micron][Efficiency][Length]C[End Cap Code][O-ring]
     [Series] - EPP (2.7"OD); EPPE (2.5"OD); EPG (2.7"OD with reduced area) 
     [Micron] - 0.1 to 40
     [Efficiency] - A (absolute), N (nominal)
     [Length]  - 9.75" to 40"
     [Options] - I (stainless steel inserts), SS (stainless steel core), R (18 mega-ohm 
                 rinse), CS (stainless steel spring)
     [End Cap] - 2 (DOE with gaskets), 3 (222 w/fin), 4 (222 w/flat cap), 5 (222 w/spring), 6
                 (226 w/flat cap), 7 (226 w/fin), 8 (226 w/spring), 16 (213 with flat cap), 
                 28 (222 with tabs)
     [O-ring] - B (Buna N), E (EPDM), S (silicone)
[12] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 600 gallons per day.  Certified for use in
     municipal water treatment facilities only.

NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are certified. 

Environmental Water Solution Pty Ltd 
1/34 Hasler Road
Osborne Park, WA 6017 

Facility : Taichung, Taiwan

Mechanical Plumbing Devices

Trade Designation      

Miscellaneous Faucet Components

[1] This product does not require a Q statistic. It is made from material or materials that
    do not require lead analysis when reviewed per NSF/ANSI/CAN Standard 61, Section 3.3.

Equistar Chemicals, LP 
One Houston Center
1221 McKinney Street 
Suite 700 
Houston, TX 77010 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Morris, IL

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Tank Material*
Microthene MP652962 >= 5 gal. C. HOT PE
Microthene MP625962 >= 5 gal. C. HOT PE
Microthene MP635962 >= 5 gal. C. HOT PE
Microthene MP643962 >= 5 gal. C. HOT PE

* All Listed products from this facility are NSF Certified, whether or not they bear the
  NSF Mark.

Facility : Laporte, TX

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Tank Material*
Microthene MP625962 >= 5 gal. C. HOT PE
Microthene MP635962 >= 5 gal. C. HOT PE
Microthene MP643962 >= 5 gal. C. HOT PE
Microthene MP652962 >= 5 gal. C. HOT PE

* All Listed products from this facility are NSF Certified, whether or not they bear the
  NSF Mark.

No. 1118 Huangjiao Road
Huangyan Economic Dev Zone 
Taizhou, Zhejiang 
86 576 8429 0287
Visit this company's website

Facility : Taizhou, China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Compression Coupling[G] 1/2" - 4" CLD 23 PVC
ERA CPAC01 CPVC CTS Compact Ball Valve Solv x Solv[2] [G] 1/2" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
ERA CPAS019 CPVC Compression Coupling[4] [G] 1/2" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
ERA UCFT01 Female Compression Tee 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 PVC
ERA UCMA01 Male Compression Adapter 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 PVC
UCB02 Luxury Compact Ball Valve 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 PVC

[1] Certified for the following configurations:
    1/2" (CPA00701)
    3/4" (CPA00702)
    1" (CPA00703)
    1-1/4" (CPA00704)
    1-1/2" (CPA00705)
    2" (CPA00706)
[2] Certified for the following configurations:
    1/2" (CPAC0101)
    3/4" (CPAC0102)
    1" (CPAC0103)
    1-1/4" (CPAC0104)
    1-1/2" (CPAC0105)
    2" (CPAC0106)
[3] Certified for the following configurations:
    1/2" (CPAC0201)
    3/4" (CPAC0202)
    1" (CPAC0203)
    1-1/4" (CPAC0204)
    1-1/2" (CPAC0205)
    2" (CPAC0206)
[4] Certified for the following configurations:
    1/2" (CPAS01901)
    3/4" (CPAS01902)
    1" (CPAS01903)
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Valves [G]
ERA Compact Ball Valve 1/2" - 6" CLD 23 PVC
ERA UCB09 PVC SCH 40 Compact Valve, Round Shape, Socket[5] 1/2" -6" CLD 23 PVC
ERA UCBT01 Compact Ball Valve, Heavy Type, IPS Thread 1/2" - 6" CLD 23 PVC
ERA UCBT01 Compact Ball Valve, Light Type, IPS Thread 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 PVC
ERA UCBT09 PVC SCH 40 Compact Valve, Round Shape, Thread[6] 1/2" -6" CLD 23 PVC

[5] Certified for the following configurations:
    1/2'' (UCB0901)
    3/4'' (UCB0902)
    1" (UCB0903)
    1-1/4'' (UCB0904)
    1-1/2'' (UCB0905)
    2'' (UCB0906)
[6] Certified for the following configurations:
    1/2'' (UCBT0901)
    3/4'' (UCBT0902)
    1" (UCBT0903)
    1-1/4'' (UCBT0904)
    1-1/2'' (UCBT0905)
    2'' (UCBT0906)
[7] Certified for the following configurations:
    1/2'' (UCB0801)
    3/4'' (UCB0802)
    1" (UCB0803)
    1-1/4'' (UCB0804)
    1-1/2'' (UCB0805)
    2'' (UCB0806)
[8] Certified for the following configurations:
    1/2'' (UCBT0801)
    3/4'' (UCBT0802)
    1" (UCBT0803)
    1-1/4'' (UCBT0804)
    1-1/2'' (UCBT0805)
    2'' (UCBT0806)
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Everflow Supplies Inc. 
100 Middlesex Avenue
Carteret, NJ 07008 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

CPVC CTS Compact Ball Valve Solv x Solv[G] 1/2" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
CPVC Compression Coupling[G] 1/2" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Compact Ball Valve, Heavy Type 1/2" - 6" CLD 23 PVC
Compact Ball Valve, Heavy Type, IPS Thread 1/2" - 6" CLD 23 PVC
Compact Ball Valve, Light Type 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 PVC
Compact Ball Valve, Light Type, IPS Thread 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 PVC
Compression Coupling[G] 1/2" - 4" CLD 23 PVC
Female Compression Tee 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 PVC
Male Compression Adapter 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 PVC

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Everflow Supplies, Inc. 
100 Middlesex Avenue
Carteret, NJ 07008 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 USA

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds[2]
Blue Bond PTFE Thread Sealant/Blue - RVPTSBLU >=1/2" C. HOT TS
Pipe Grip Thread Sealant/Beige - RVPTSBGE >=1/2" C. HOT TS
Tough Seal PTFE Thread Sealant/White - RVPTSWHT >=1/2" C. HOT TS

[2] Listed models have lot #503311 or greater.

5811 Foster Ave Brooklyn
New York, NY 11234 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Prey Nob District, Cambodia

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

1/2" x 1/2" MPT (PSF-5101) Male Thread Coupling 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
1/2" x 3/4" MPT (PSF-5104) Male Thread Coupling 1/2" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 1/2" MPT (PSF-5105) Male Thread Coupling 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 3/4" MPT (PSF-5102) Male Thread Coupling 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
1" x 1" MPT (PSF-5103) Male Thread Coupling 1" x 1" C. HOT MLTPL
1/2" x 1/2" MPT (PSF-4601) Male Thread 90° Elbow 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 3/4" MPT (PSF-4602) Male Thread 90° Elbow 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 1/2" MPT (PSF-4603) Male Thread 90° Elbow 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Everhot Inc. 
5407 Foster Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11234 
United States 

Facility : # 1 China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Everhot Compression Fittings 1/2" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
Everhot Compression Fittings 1/2" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL

Evoqua Water Technologies LLC 
N19W23993 Ridgeview Parkway
Suite 200 
Waukesha, WI 53188 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Waukesha, WI

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
Envirex® Chain & Scraper Sludge Collector System [1] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for use in clarifier tanks 2,000 cubic feet and greater installed in water
    treatment plants with a minimum daily flow of 50,000 gallons.

EZ-Fluid Plumbing Products Inc. 
224 12th Street
San Francisco, CA 94103 
United States 

Facility : Zhejiang, China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

EZCCXXX Dimple-Stop Coupling C x C 1/4" - 8 1/8" D. HOT CU
EZPAXXX Press Male Street Adapter FTG x MPT[G] 1/2" x 3/8 "- 2"x2" C. HOT MLTPL
EZPEXXX Press 90° Male Elbow P x MPT[G] 1/2"x3/8" - 2"x2" C. HOT MLTPL
EZPMXXX Press Male Adapter P x MPT[G] 1/2" x 3/8" - 4"x4" C. HOT MLTPL
EZPUXXX Press Male Union P x MPT[G] 1/2" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Federal Pump 
929 Shepherd Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11208 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 2 USA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

VSPM-ES-2 1.25" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
VSPM-ES-3 1.25" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
VSPM-ES-4 1.25" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
VSPM-MS-2 1.25" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
VSPM-MS-3 1.25" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
VSPM-MS-4 1.25" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
VSPP-ES-1 1.25" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
VSPP-MS-1 1.25" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Ferguson Enterprises LLC 
12500 Jefferson Avenue
Newport News, VA 23602 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

PFPSBVND PVC Compact Ball Valve 1/2'' CLD 23 MLTPL
PFPSBVNF PVC Compact Ball Valve 3/4'' CLD 23 MLTPL
PFPSBVNG PVC Compact Ball Valve 1'' CLD 23 MLTPL
PFPSBVNH PVC Compact Ball Valve 1 1/4'' CLD 23 MLTPL
PFPSBVNJ PVC Compact Ball Valve 1 1/2'' CLD 23 MLTPL
PFPSBVNK PVC Compact Ball Valve 2'' CLD 23 MLTPL
PFPSBVNL PVC Compact Ball Valve 2 1/2'' CLD 23 MLTPL
PFPSBVNM PVC Compact Ball Valve 3'' CLD 23 MLTPL
PFPSBVNP PVC Compact Ball Valve 4'' CLD 23 MLTPL
PFPTBVND PVC Compact Ball Valve 1/2'' CLD 23 MLTPL
PFPTBVNF PVC Compact Ball Valve 3/4'' CLD 23 MLTPL
PFPTBVNG PVC Compact Ball Valve 1'' CLD 23 MLTPL
PFPTBVNH PVC Compact Ball Valve 1 1/4'' CLD 23 MLTPL
PFPTBVNJ PVC Compact Ball Valve 1 1/2'' CLD 23 MLTPL
PFPTBVNK PVC Compact Ball Valve 2'' CLD 23 MLTPL
PFPTBVNL PVC Compact Ball Valve 2 1/2'' CLD 23 MLTPL
PFPTBVNM PVC Compact Ball Valve 3'' CLD 23 MLTPL
PFPTBVNP PVC Compact Ball Valve 4'' CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Fibergrate Composite Structures, Inc. 
5151 Beltline Road
Suite 700 
Dallas, TX 75254-7028 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Stephenville, TX

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
Dynaform® Fiberglass Structural Shapes [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Dynarail® FRP Handrail and Ladder Systems [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Fibergrate® IFR Molded Grating [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Fibergrate® VEFG Molded Grating [1] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] All sizes.  Certified for an intended end use in water treatment facilities.

Fil-Trek Corporation 
55 Stafford Court
Cambridge, ON N1T 2B1 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components
Cartridge Filter Housing GL Series [AA] GL [NN]-[OO]-[L]-[DD] F-[P]-[EEE]-[Q] [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Cartridge Filter Housing GLH Series [AA] GLH [NN]-[OO]-[L]-[DD] F-[P]-[EEE]-[Q] [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Cartridge Filter Housing HPI Series [AA] HPI [NN]-[OO]-[L]-[DD] F-[P]-[EEE]-[Q] [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Cartridge Filter Housing MP Series [GG] MP [HH]-[L]-[DD] F-[P]-[EEE]-[Q] [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Cartridge Filter Housing MPH Series [GG] MPH [HH]-[L]-[DD] F-[P]-[EEE]-[Q] [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Cartridge Filter Housing UF Series [AA] UF [NN]-[OO]-[FF]-[DD] F-[P]-[EEE]-[Q] [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Cartridge Filter Housing UFH Series[AA] UFH [NN]-[OO]-[FF]-[DD] F-[P]-[EEE]-[Q] [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Multi Bag Filter Housing BMB Series [AA]BMB[NN]-[B][CC]-[DD]F-[EEE]-[Q] [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
Multi Bag Filter Housing LP Series [AA] LP[NN]-[B][CC]-[DD] F-[P]-[EEE]-[Q] [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
Single Bag Filter Housing SL Series [AA] SL [B][CC]-[DD] F-[P]-[EEE] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Strainer Housing 90 Series [AA] 9 [J][K][NN]-[DD F-PT[MM]-[Q] [4] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Cartridge Filter Housings are certified for a minimum daily flow of 86,400 gallons per
    [AA]  MOC
          SS304(L4), SS316(S6)
    [GG]  MOC
          SS304(L4), SS316(L6)
    [NN]  Body Diameter
          Available range from 04 to 60
    [OO]  Quantity of filters
          Available range from 12 to 245
    [L]   Filter length
          10" (1), 20" (2), 30" (3), 40" (4), 50" (5)
    [FF]  Filter length
          20" (20), 40" (40), 60" (60), 80" (80)
    [DD]  Inlet & outlet size
          Available range from 2 to 20
          (A), Inline (B), Side In Bottom Out (C), Same Side in/out (D), Dual Side in/bottom
          out and same side in/out (CD), Top in/end out (E) 
    [EEE] Design pressure
          150 PSI (150), 300PSI (300), custom pressure (###)
          davit (K1), Hinge (K2), Hydraulic jack davit side (K3), Hydraulic jack davit top 
          (K4), Pogo (K5), Hinge with spring assist (K6), Hydraulic clam style (K7), 
          Hydraulic top mount with side pump (K8), Hydraulic jack davit side with bearings 
[2] Multi Bag Filter Housings are certified for a minimum daily flow of 360,000 gallons per
    [AA]  MOC 
          SS304 (S4), SS316(S6)
    [NN]  BODY DIAMETER Available range from 04 to 60 
          Available range from 1 to 40 
          SIZE 1 (11), SIZE 2 (12)
          Available range from 2 to 20 
          (A), Inline (B), Side In Bottom Out (C), Same Side in/out (D), Dual Side in/bottom
          out and same side in/out (CD), Top in/end out (E)
          150 PSI (150), 300 PSI (300), CUSTOM PRESSURE (###) 
          davit (K1), Hinge (K2), Hydraulic jack davit side (K3), Hydraulic jack davit top 
          (K4), Pogo (K5), Hinge with spring assist (K6), Hydraulic clam style (K7), 
          Hydraulic top mount with side pump (K8), Hydraulic jack davit side with bearings 
[3] Single Bag Filter Housings are certified for a minimum daily flow of 360,000 gallons per
    [AA]  MOC
          SS304 (S4), SS316(S6)
    [B]   Quantity of bag filters
          Available range from 1 to 40
    [CC]  Bag filter length
          Size 1 (11), Size 2 (12)
    [DD]  Inlet & outlet size
          Available range from 2 to 20
          (A), Inline (B), Side In Bottom Out (C), Same Side in/out (D), Dual Side in/bottom
          out and same side in/out (CD), Top in/end out (E) 
    [EEE] Design pressure
          150 PSI (150), 300 PSI (300), custom pressure (###)
[4] Strainer Housings are certified for a minimum daily flow of 158,400 gallons per day.
    [AA] MOC
         SS304 (S4), SS316 (S6)
    [J]  Body configuration style
         Inline (0), offset (1), same side (2)
    [K]  Closure and body base configuration style
         Swing bolt closure w/flat bottom (A), ANSI closure w/flat bottom (B), swing bolt 
         closure w/domed bottom (C), ANSI closure w/domed bottom (D)
    [NN] Body diameter
         Available range from 04 to 60
    [DD] Inlet & outlet size
         Available range from 2 to 36
    [MM] Design pressure
         ANSI 150 at 150F (1), ANSI 150 at 400F (2), ANSI 300 at 150F (3), ANSI 300 at 400F 
         (4), ANSI 600 at 150F (5), ANSI 600 at 400F (6), ANSI 900 at 150F (7), ANSI 900 at 
         400F (8), ANSI 1500 at 150F (9), ANSI 1500 at 400F (10), ANSI 2500 at 150F (11), 
         ANSI 2500 at 400F (12)

NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

FilmTec Corporation 
5400 Dewey Hill Road
Edina, MN 55439 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Building 5400, Edina, MN

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components [G]
12016088 NF245 CR [1] CLD 23 OTHER
12016224 NF CR [2] CLD 23 OTHER
12016225 NF270 CR [3] CLD 23 OTHER
12072945 SW30XLE 31.0 [4] CLD 23 OTHER
216814 NF [2] CLD 23 OTHER
216816 NF90 [5] CLD 23 OTHER
216817 NF270 [3] CLD 23 OTHER
301451 NF245 [1] CLD 23 OTHER
341791 SW30ULE [6] CLD 23 OTHER
341792 SW30XLE [7] CLD 23 OTHER
99048682 BW30HRLE 28.5 [8] CLD 23 OTHER

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area of 390 sq. ft.  
    Certified for a minimum daily flow of 1,530 gallons. Product requires a pre-rinse of 0.5
    hour (30 minutes) at 100 psi.
[2] Certified for a maximum surface area of 400 sq. ft.  
    Certified for a minimum daily flow of 1,530 gallons. Product requires a pre-rinse of 0.5
    hour (30 minutes) at 100 psi.
[3] Certified for a maximum surface area of 400 sq. ft.  
    Certified for a minimum daily flow of 2,059 liters. Product requires a pre-rinse of 0.5
    hour (30 minutes) at 100 psi.
[4] Certified for a maximum surface area of 480 sq. ft. Certified for a minimum permeate
    flow rate of 1,500 gallons/day. Product requires a 1 hour flush at 400 psi. 
[5] Certified for a maximum surface area of 400 sq. ft.  
    Certified for a minimum daily flow of 2,059 liters. Product requires a pre-rinse of 0.5
    hour (30 minutes) at 100 psi.
[6] Certified for a maximum surface area of 440 sq. ft.  
    Certified for a minimum daily flow of 7,140 gallons. Product requires a 1 hour flush at
    400 psi.
[7] Certified for a maximum surface area of 400 sq. ft.  
    Certified for a minimum permeate flow rate of 8,200 gallons/day. Product requires a 1
    hour flush at 400 psi.
[8] Certified for a maximum surface area of 440 sq. ft.  
    Certified for a minimum daily flow of 3,785 liters. Product requires a pre-rinse of 0.5
    hour (30 minutes) at 100 psi.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


[31] Listed size is diameter x length. 
     Certified for a minimum daily flow of 1560 gallons. 
     Product requires a 1 hour flush at 400 psi.

Ha’Ella Street, POB 23
Tefen Industrial Park 
Tefen 2495900 
972 4 6046000

Facility : Tefen, Israel

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1]
TTN 100 40.6 x 286.7 cm CLD 23 MLTPL
TTN 200 61 x 323.9 cm CLD 23 MLTPL
TTN 400 103.2 x 380 cm CLD 23 MLTPL
TTN 500 103.2 x 430 cm CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] TTN 100 is certified for a minimum daily permeate flow of 720,000 liters per day.
    TTN 200 is certified for a minimum daily permeate flow of 960,000 liters per day.
    TTN 400 is certified for a minimum daily permeate flow of 1,200,000 liters per day.
    TTN 500 is certified for a minimum daily permeate flow of 1,920,000 liters per day. 
    TTN 100 requires a 2 hour flush at a flow rate of 25 liters per minute (lpm) with tap
    TTN 200 requires a 2 hour flush at a flow rate of 60 liters per minute (lpm) with tap
    TTN 400 requires a 2 hour flush at a flow rate of 200 liters per minute (lpm) with tap
    TTN 500 requires a 2 hour flush at a flow rate of 250 liters per minute (lpm) with tap

Filtration Technology Corporation 
11883 Cutten Road
Houston, TX 77066 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Houston, TX

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1]
PSS-74D-PP406 7" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
PSS-74E-PP406 7" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
PSS-74F-PP406 7" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
PSS-74G-PP406 7" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
PSS-74H-PP406 7" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
PSS-74K-PP406 7" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
PSS-74L-PP406 7" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
PSSN-74D-PP406B 7" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
PSSN-74E-PP406B 7" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
PSSN-74F-PP406B 7" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
PSSN-74G-PP406B 7" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
PSSN-74H-PP406B 7" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
PSSN-74J-PP406B 7" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
PSSN-74K-PP406B 7" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
PSSN-74L-PP406B 7" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for minimum flow of 25 gallons per day.

Filtros Limited 
603 West Commercial Street
East Rochester, NY 14445 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : East Rochester, NY

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components [G]
Dome Diffuser [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Filtros All-Ceramic Diffuser [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Filtros Little Bubbly Diffuser [1] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for one diffuser per 300 gallons of tank volume.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Flo Fab 
860 Industrial Boulevard
Bois-Des-Filion, QC J6Z 4V7 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Bois-Des-Filion, Québec, Canada

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Flo Fab (D-PSM16-2-150) Duplex Booster 2" - 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
Flo Fab (D-PSM32-2.5-150) Duplex Booster 3" - 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
Flo Fab (S-PSM16-2-150) Simplex Booster 2" - 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
Flo Fab (S-PSM32-2.5-150) Simplex Booster 3" - 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
Flo Fab (T-PSM16-2-150) Triplex Booster 2" - 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
Flo Fab (T-PSM32-2.5-150) Triplex Booster 3" - 10" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Flowserve Corporation 
5215 North O'Connor Boulevard
Suite 2300 
Irving, TX 75039 
United States 

Facility : Taneytown, MD

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps [G]
VPC-(v)(w)(x)(y)-(z)[2] [3] 6" - 52" CLD 23 MLTPL
VTP-(v)(w)(x)(y)-(z)[2] [3] 6" - 52" CLD 23 MLTPL
[W]LNEC[X] BB1 Axially Split, Single Stage Pump[1] 125 mm - 750 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
[W]LNE[X] BB1 Axially Split, Single Stage Pump[1] 125 mm - 750 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
[W]LNNA[X] BB1 Axially Split, Single Stage Pump[1] 200 mm - 1000 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
[W]LNNC[X] BB1 Axially Split, Single Stage Pump[1] 300 mm - 700 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
[W]LNN[X] BB1 Axially Split, Single Stage Pump[1] 200 mm - 1000 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
[Y]LN[Z] BB1 Axially Split, Single Stage Pump[1] 6" - 30" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] [W] Represents the nominal discharge diameter in mm:
        LNN and LNNA pumps
        200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900,or    1000
        LNE and LNEC pumps
        125, 200, 250, 300, 250, 400, 500, 600, 750
        LNNC pumps
        300, 600, or 700
    [X] Represents the nominal impeller diameter in mm:
        LNN and LNNA pumps:
        300, 325, 375, 400, 450, 475, 500, 525, 575, 600, 625, 650, 725, 750, 800, 875, 900,
         925, 950, 975, 1000, 1075, 1150, 1200, 1225, or 1250
        LNE and LNEC Pumps
        450, 550, 575, 675, 750, 850, 900, or 1050
        LNNC pumps
        475, 950, 975, or 1225
    [Y] Represents the nominal discharge diameter in inches and may be 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16,
         20, 24, or 30
    [Z] Represents the nominal impeller diameter in inches and may be 10, 12, 14, 18, 19,
    20,     23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 32, 40, or 41
    Only pumps with coated interiors are Certified.
[2] [v][w][x][y]-[z]
    v - Size of pump in inches (6-52)
    w - Impeller type (blank, C, E, S)
    x - Pump model (B, C, D, G, H, J, K , KX, L, M, N, P, Q, TM, X)
    y - Impeller design (F, H, L, M, X, Y, Z)
    z - Number of stages
[3] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 375,000 L.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Submersible Pump - Pump/Motor Units [G]
SUBM - Submersible Pump [v][w][x][y]-[z][5] [6] 5" - 52" CLD 23 MLTPL

[5] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 150,000 L.  Pumps with bronze cases are not
[6] [v][w][x][y]-[z]
    v - Size of pump in inches (5"-52")
    w - Impeller type (blank, C, E)
    x - Pump model (B, G, H, HQ, J, K, KX, L, LQ, M, MQ, N, P, Q, TM)
    y - Impeller design (blank, F, H, L, M, X, Y, Z)
    z - Number of stages
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Submersible Pump Cable [G]
Flowserve (Byron Jackson) Submersible Cables [4] [7] CLD 23 MLTPL

[4] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 150,000 L.
[7] 600 Volt: 1 AWG, 1/0 AWG, 2 AWG, 2/0 AWG, 3/0 AWG, 4 AWG, 4/0 AWG, 250 MCM, 350 MCM, 500
    5000 Volt: 1 AWG, 1/0 AWG, 2 AWG, 2/0 AWG, 3/0 AWG, 4 AWG, 4/0 AWG
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Kalamazoo, MI

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1] [G]
PSS 4-61 [3] D. HOT MLTPL

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified. Certified for equivalent metric
[2] Certified for use in pumps with shafts 1-8" in diameter.
[3] Certified for use in pumps with shafts 1.5-16" in diameter.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Hastings, NE

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps[1] [2] [3] [G]
VPC-(v)(w)(x)(y)-(z) 6" - 52" CLD 23 MLTPL
VTP-(v)(w)(x)(y)-(z) 6" - 52" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] [v][w][x][y]-[z]
    v - Size of pump in inches (6-52)
    w - Impeller type (blank, C, E, S)
    x - Pump model (B, C, D, G, H, J, K , KX, L, M, N, P, Q, TM, X)
    y - Impeller design (F, H, L, M, X, Y, Z)
    z - Number of stages
[2] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 375,000 L.
[3] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Submersible Pumps - Pump/Motor Units[3] [4] [5] [G]
SUBM - Submersible Pump [v][w][x][y]- [z] 5" - 52" CLD 23 MLTPL
Flowserve (Byron Jackson) Submersible Cables[7] [8] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL

[3] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[4] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 150,000 L. Pumps with bronze cases are not
[5] [v][w][x][y]-[z]
       v - Size of pump in inches (5"-52")
       w - Impeller type (blank, C, E)
       x - Pump model (B, G, H, HQ, J, K, KX, L, LQ, M, MQ, N, P, Q, TM)
       y - Impeller design (blank, F, H, L, M, X, Y, Z)
       z - Number of stages 
[6] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 150,000 L.
[7] 600 Volt: 1 AWG, 1/0 AWG, 2 AWG, 2/0 AWG, 3/0 AWG, 4 AWG, 4/0 AWG, 250 MCM, 350 MCM, 500
[8] 5000 Volt: 1 AWG, 1/0 AWG, 2 AWG, 2/0 AWG, 3/0 AWG, 4 AWG, 4/0 AWG
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Chesapeake, VA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps[1] [2] [G]
Chesapeake Mark 3 ANSI Overhung Pumps, [A]K[B]x[C][D]-[E][F][G][3] 1 1/2" x 1"-10" x 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
[X]LR[Y][S] BB1 Axially Split, Single Stage Pump[4] 2 1/2" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for water end uses only. Certification not requested for chemical service.
[2] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[3] [A] Bearing frame size (group size in Flowserve terms)
        1, 2, or 3
    [B] Suction flange size (NB ANSI flange)
        1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, or 10
    [C] Discharge flange size (NB ANSI flange)
        1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8
    [D] Special versions of Mark 3 products
        Blank or no letter - standard pump
        LF - Lo-Flo
    [E] Maximum size of impeller (inch nominal)
        4, 62 (6.2), 82 (8.2), 10, 13, 14, 16, or 17
    [F] Revised hydraulic marker
        () - Blank signifies no change to the original hydraulics of Mark 3 product
        A  - Significant hydraulic change
        H  - High Flow hydraulic design
        HH - High Head hydraulic design
    [G] Impeller Design
        RV - Reverse Vane impeller design
        OP - Open impeller design
[4] [S] Is an optional designation that identifies tounge and groove casing 
        rings fitted.  Only pumps with coated interiors are Certified.
    [X] Refers to the nominal discharge diameter in inches and may be 2.5, 
        3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 or 12.
    [Y] Refers to the nominal impeller diameter in inches and may be 9, 10, 
        11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, or 25.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Flowserve Spain, S. L. 
Av. Fuentemar 26-28
Coslada, Madrid, 28823 
+34 648 023 038
Visit this company's website

Facility : Madrid, Spain

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Submersible Pumps
FLEX 6300[1] 3 in CLD 23 MLTPL
FLEX 8600[2] 4 in CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Flex 6300 is Certified for a minimum flow of 816,000 L/day.
[2] Flex 8600 is Certified for a minimum flow of 1,632,000 L/day.

Fluytec S.A. 
Camino de Sakoni, 18
48950 Vizcaya 
34 94 467 61 50
Visit this company's website

Facility : Abanto-Zierbena, Spain

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1] [2] [G]
NNN FTP-L C PNYY [BE] 70 cm x 350 cm D. HOT MLTPL
NNN FTP-L EX PNYY [BE] 70 cm x 250 cm D. HOT MLTPL
i-UF KK PNYY 50 cm x 300 cm D. HOT MLTPL
v-UF KK PNYY 50 cm x 300 cm D. HOT MLTPL
NNN FTP-L BL [IS] PNYY [BE] 25 cm x 150 cm D. HOT MLTPL
NNN FTP-L BL XL [IS] PNYY [BE] 70 cm x 300 cm D. HOT MLTPL
MM FTC-L PNYY 25 cm x 135 cm D. HOT MLTPL
MM B FTP-L PNYY 20 cm x 150 cm D. HOT MLTPL

[1] NNN FTP-L BL [IS] PNYY [BE] and MM FTC-L PNYY are certified for a minimum flow of
    360,000 liters per day.
    [BE], and NNN FTP-L C PNYY [BE] are certified for a minimum flow of 2,800,000 liters per
    MM HF FTP-L PNYY HTAL/VTAL [BE] is certified for a minimum flow of 2,160,000 liters per
    SMP XXXD LZZZZ PNYY [PTFE] and i-UF KK PNYY are certified for a minimum flow of 360,000
    liters per day.
    JJJJ FTAUR-PPPP PRFV/ PNYY is certified for a minimum flow of 3,600,000 liters per day.
    All models require a pre-service flush with tap water at 7 gpm for a half hour.
    Certified for municipal use.
    The SMP "static mixers" are sold individually and/or as an optional add on for FTP- BL,
    FTP, FTP-EX, FTP-C, FTAUR, i-UF or v-UF filter housings.
[2] Explanation of code/prefix on trade names:
    NNN: number of cartridges (7–470)
    MM: number of bags or baskets (5 – 52)
    KK: number of UF modules (5-60)
    L: length of the cartridges (30”-70” in multiples of 10”)
    BL: cartridges filter boltless opening
    BL XL: cartridges filter boltless opening extra length
    B: bags system (cartridges connection system)
    SFL: single flange (cartridges connection system)
    FTC: basket system (cartridges connection system)
    FL: double flange (cartridges connection system)
    HF: high flow (cartridges connection system)
    EX: removable filtering element (cartridges connection system)
    C: bell cartridge filter (cartridges connection system)
    FTAUR: self-cleaning filter (cartridges connection system)
    XXX: diameter of mixer (250–2000mm)
    ZZZZ: length of the mixer
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Fuchs Lubricants Company 
17050 Lathrop Avenue
Harvey, IL 60426 
United States 

Facility : # 1 USA

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Chemplex 862 [1] C. HOT LUB

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 7.27 sq. in./L.
[2] Certified for pipes >= 1/2".

FujiFilm Manufacturing Europe B.V. 
Oudenstaart 1
5000LJ Tilburg 
The Netherlands 
31 13 579 1911

Facility : Tilburg, The Netherlands

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1] [2] [3] [4]
Ion Exchange Membrane Type 1[5] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
Ion Exchange Membrane Type 10[7] [G] [8] CLD 23 MLTPL
Ion Exchange Membrane Type 2[5] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
Ion Exchange Membrane Type 3[5] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
Ion Exchange Membrane Type 6[5] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for 3 sq. m/L.
[2] Membranes are for municipal use only.
[3] Certification only includes the Ion Exchange Membrane Type 1, 2, 3, 6 and 10 and does
    not include spacers or any other parts.
[4] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[5] Conditioning procedure:
    a) The Anion and Cation Exchange Membranes should be immersed in tap water for one night
       (minimum contact time 17 hours) before use in room temperature to ensure conditioning
       and swelling of the membrane. The tap or purified water volume/membrane are ratio is:
       16 L for 1 m2.
    b) Rinse the membranes with tap or purified water after conditioning and prior to
       and stack making.
       Flushing procedure:
    a) 15 min flushing with tap or purified water at 0.5 L/min/m2
    b) 30 min flushing with 0.5M NaCl at 0.5 L/min/m2
    c) 45 min flushing with tap or purified water at 0.5 L/min/m2
    3) Stabilisation procedure:
    a) Flush the stack including the membranes with feed water for 5-10 min
[6] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 605 liters per square meter.
[7] Conditioning Procedure:
    Membranes require preconditioning prior to usage. Both Anion and Cation Exchange
    membranes should be conditioned within 1 hour upon opening sealed bag.
    Each membrane should be immersed separately in 50°C tap or purified water at a ratio of
    4 liters per square meter of dry membrane. This should be repeated for seven days with
    50°C tap or purified water each time.
[8] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 740 liters per square meter.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


G.F. Thompson Co. Ltd. 
620 Steven Court
Newmarket, ON L3Y 6Z2 

Facility : Newmarket, Ontario, Canada

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds[G]
Master's Pro-Blue >= 1/2" C. HOT TC

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Geon Performance Solutions 
Avon Lake General Chemical
33587 Walker Road 
Avon Lake, OH 44012 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Terre Haute, IN

Potable Water Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation End Use Temp Material

Potable Water Materials[1]
MP100 Black 2975 F CLD 23 PVC
MP100 Ivory 3010 F CLD 23 PVC
MP100 White 1360 F CLD 23 PVC
MP101 Ivory 3010 F CLD 23 PVC
MP101 White 1360 F CLD 23 PVC
MP130 Black 2975 F CLD 23 PVC
MP130 Ivory 3010 F CLD 23 PVC
MP130 White 1260 F CLD 23 PVC
MP131 Black 2975 F CLD 23 PVC
MP131 Ivory 3010 F CLD 23 PVC
MP131 White 1260 F CLD 23 PVC
MP250 White 1260 F CLD 23 PVC
MP320 Black 2975 F CLD 23 PVC
MP320 Ivory 3010 F CLD 23 PVC
MP321 Black 2975 F CLD 23 PVC
MP321 Ivory 3010 F CLD 23 PVC
MP461 White 1360 F CLD 23 PVC

[1] Material designation may or may not include the designation "Geon".
    Trade designation of product may or may not be followed by either a PL or CU:
    PL - Pellet
    CU - Cube
[2] Maximum surface area to volume ratio is 250 sq. in./L.
[3] Maximum surface area to volume ratio is 160 sq. in./L.
[4] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 17 square inches per liter.

NOTE: All Listed products from this facility are NSF Certified, whether or not they bear the
      NSF Mark.

Facility : Avon Lake 1012, OH

Potable Water Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation End Use Temp Material

Potable Water Materials[1]
MP100 Black 2975 F CLD 23 PVC
MP100 Ivory 3010 F CLD 23 PVC

[1] Material designation may or may not include the designation "Geon".
    Trade designation of product may or may not be followed by either a PL or CU:
    PL - Pellet
    CU - Cube
[2] Maximum surface area to volume ratio is 250 sq. in./L.
[3] Maximum surface area to volume ratio is 160 sq. in./L.
[4] Maximum surface area to volume ratio is 225 sq. in./L.

NOTE: All Listed products from this facility are NSF Certified, whether or not they bear the
      NSF Mark.

Facility : Dyersburg, TN

Potable Water Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation End Use Temp Material

Potable Water Materials[1]
MP100 White 1260 F CLD 23 PVC
MP100 White 1360 F CLD 23 PVC
MP101 White 1260 F CLD 23 PVC
MP101 White 1360 F CLD 23 PVC
MP130 White 1260 F CLD 23 PVC
MP130 White 1360 F CLD 23 PVC
MP131 White 1260 F CLD 23 PVC
MP250 White 1260 F CLD 23 PVC
MP320 White 1367 F CLD 23 PVC
MP321 White 1369 F CLD 23 PVC
MP461 White 1260 F CLD 23 PVC
MP461 White 1360 F CLD 23 PVC

[1] Material designation may or may not include the designation "Geon".  Trade designation
    of product may or may not be followed by either a PL or CU:
    PL - Pellet
    CU - Cube

Facility : Geon Performance Solutions (Dongguan) Co., Ltd., Guangdong Province, China

Potable Water Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation End Use Temp Material

Potable Water Materials[1]
MP100 Black 2975 F CLD 23 PVC
MP100 White 1360 F CLD 23 PVC
MP101 White 1360 F CLD 23 PVC
MP250 White 1260 F CLD 23 PVC
MP320 Black 2975 F CLD 23 PVC
MP320 White 1367 F CLD 23 PVC

[1] Material designation may or may not include the designation Geon.  The trade designation
    of the product may or may not be followed by either CU or PL:
    CU - Cube
    PL - Pellet
[2] Maximum surface area to volume ratio is 250 sq. in./L.

NOTE: All Listed products from this facility are NSF Certified, whether or not they bear the
      NSF Mark.

Georg Fischer Signet LLC 
5462 N. Irwindale Avenue
Irwindale, CA 91706 
United States 

Facility : Irwindale, CA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1] [G]
MPV8T005 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
MPV8T005F 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
MPV8T007 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
MPV8T007F 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
MPV8T010 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
MPV8T012 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
MPV8T012F 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
MPV8T015 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
MPV8T015F 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
MPV8T020 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
PV8S020 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
PV8S025 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
PV8S030 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
PV8S040 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
PV8S060 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
PV8S080 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
PV8T025 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
PV8T030 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
PV8T040 4" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] The "PV" miscellaneous process devices are saddles and the "MPV" miscellaneous process
    devices are tees that are used in conjunction with the Paddlewheel Flow Sensor and
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Global Filter, LLC. 
1201 Continental Pl NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Cedar Rapids, IA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components
GBFE4[1] [2] 5" x 24" CLD 23 MLTPL
GBFV8[1] [3] 8" x 25" - 35" CLD 23 MLTPL
GFHD1[1] [4] 4" x 8" - 34" CLD 23 MLTPL
GMBE[1] [5] 26" - 40" x 72" CLD 23 MLTPL
GMBV[1] [6] 26" - 40" x 72" CLD 23 MLTPL
GTCH[1] [7] 8" - 18" x 28" - 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
GTCHB[1] [8] 8" - 18" x 28" - 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
Municlear-MB[9] [10] CLD 23 MLTPL
Municlear-SW[9] [10] CLD 23 MLTPL
PG-Series Filter Cartridges[11] [12] CLD 23 MLTPL
PP-Series Filter Cartridges[11] [12] CLD 23 MLTPL
PPE-Series Filter Cartridges[11] [12] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for point-of-entry (POE) and municipal end uses.
[2] GBFE4-[basket size]-[port size]-[port
    [basket size] - 12 (Size #4)
    [port size]   - 1N (1"FNPT)
    [outlet]      - 3 (bottom & opposite side outlet)[material] - 4 (304SS), 6 (316SS)
    [P-rating]    - 30 (300psi)
    [finish]      - GB (glass bead)
    [MC]          - NSF-61 certified
[3] GBFV8-[basket size]-[port size]-[port
    style]-[outlet]-[material]-[P-rating]-[finish]-[ASME status]-[MC]
    [basket size] - 15 (Size #1), 30 (Size #2), 230 (twin Size #2)
    [port size]   - 1 through 8 (1" through 8")
    [port style]  - N (NPT), F (flange), T (sanitary ferrule)
    [outlet]      - 1 (bottom outlet), 2 (opposite side outlet), 3 (bottom & opposite side 
                    outlet), 5 (same side outlet)
    [material]    - 4 (304SS), 6 (316SS)
    [P-rating]    - 15 (150psi)
    [finish]      - GB (glass bead), EP (electropolished)
    [ASME status] - U (ASME Code), blank (non-code)
    [MC]          - NSF-61 certified
[4] GFHD1-[length]-[port size]-[adapter type]-[material]-[P-rating]-[MC]
    [length]       - 5, 10, 20, 30 (5", 10", 20", 30")
    [port size]    - 75N (3/4"NPT), 1N (1"NPT), 75B (3/4"BSPP), 1B (1" BSPP)
    [adapter type] - D (DOE), 2 (222), 6 (226)
    [material]     - 4 (304), 6 (316)
    [P-rating]     - 30 (300psi)
    [MC]           - NSF-61 certified
[5] GMBE-[basket quantity]-[basket size]-[port size &
    [basket quantity]   - 4, 6, 8, or 12
    [basket size]       - 30 (Size #2)
    [port size & style] - 4, 6, 8, or 10 (4", 6", 8", or 10" flange)
    [material]          - 4 (304SS), 6 (316SS)
    [P-rating]          - 15 (150psi)
    [finish]            - GB (glass bead)
    [MC]                - NSF-61 certified
[6] GMBV-[basket quantity]-[basket size]-[port size &
    style]-[material]-[P-rating]-[finish]-[ASME status]-[MC]
    [basket quantity]   - 4, 6, 8, or 12
    [basket size]       - 30 (Size #2)
    [port size & style] - 4, 6, 8, or 10 (4", 6", 8", or 10" flange)
    [material]          - 4 (304SS), 6 (316SS)
    [P-rating]          - 15 (150psi)
    [finish]            - GB (glass bead)
    [ASME status]       - U (ASME Code), blank (non-code)
    [MC]                - NSF-61 certified
[7] GTCH-[qty of cartridges]-[length]-[port
    size]-[outlet]-[material]-[P-rating]-[finish]-[ASME status]-[MC]
    [quantity of cartridges] - 3, 5, 7, 12, 21
    [length]                 - 1 (10"), 2 (20"), 3 (30"), 4 (40"
    [port size]              - 1 through 8 (1" through 8")
    [port style]             - N (NPT), F (flange), T (sanitary ferrule)
    [outlet]                 - 1 (bottom outlet), 2 (opposite outlet)
    [material]               - 4 (304SS), 6 (316SS)
    [P-rating]               - 15 (150psi)
    [finish]                 - GB (glass bead), EP (electropolished)
    [ASME status]            - U (ASME Code), blank (non-code)
    [MC]                     - NSF-61 certified
[8] GTCHB-[qty of cartridges]-[length]-[port size]-[outlet
    [quantity of cartridges] - 3, 4, 5, 7, 12, 22
    [length]                 - 1 (10"), 2 (20"), 3 (30"), 4 (40")
    [port size]              - 1 through 8 (1" through 8")
    [port style]             - M (NPT), F (flange), T (sanitary ferrule)
    [outlet location]        - 1 (bottom outlet), 2 (opposite outlet)
    [material]               - 4 (304SS), 6 (316SS)
    [P-rating]               - 15 (150psi)
    [finish]                 - PC (polycoat)
    [MC]                     - NSF-61 certified
[9] Certified for the following part numbers: 
    Municlear MB 
    GWTB[BB][Micron]A[Length][End Cap Code][O-ring][Bond][Core][Suffix]
    GCTB[Micron]A[Length][End Cap Code][O-ring][Bond][Core]
    GATB[Micron]A[Length][End Cap Code][O-ring][Bond][Core]
    [BB]   - Blank (2.5" OD), BB (4" OD)
    [Bond] - Blank (adhesive bond), TB (thermally bonded)
    [Core] - Blank (no core), PC (polypropylene core)
    [Suffix] - Blank (standard), MC (MC trade name)
    Municlear SW 
    GP[Micron]A[Length]P[End Caps][O-ring]-MC
    [Micron]  - 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 50 
    [Length]  - 9.75" - 60" 
    [End Cap] - Blank (None; DOE, No gaskets), 3 (222 w/fin), 4 (222 w/flat cap), 5 (222
                w/spring), 6 (226 w/flat cap), 7 (226 w/fin), 8 (226 w/spring), 9 (SOE
                w/spring), 10 (DOE w/PP Core extender), 13 (SOE w/ PP Core Ext/Spring) 
    [O-ring]  - B (Buna N), E (EPDM), S (Silicone), Blank (None)
[10] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 4,320 gallons per 10" equivalent.
[11] Certified for the following part numbers:
     [Series][Micron][Efficiency][Length]C[End Cap Code][O-ring]
     [Series] - PP (2.7"OD); PPE (2.5"OD); PG (2.7"OD with reduced area) 
     [Micron] - 0.1 to 40
     [Efficiency] - A (absolute), N (nominal)
     [Length]  - 9.75" to 40"
     [Options] - I (stainless steel inserts), SS (stainless steel core), R (18 mega-ohm 
                 rinse), CS (stainless steel spring)
     [End Cap] - 2 (DOE with gaskets), 3 (222 w/fin), 4 (222 w/flat cap), 5 (222 w/spring), 6
                 (226 w/flat cap), 7 (226 w/fin), 8 (226 w/spring), 16 (213 with flat cap), 
                 28 (222 with tabs)
     [O-ring] - B (Buna N), E (EPDM), S (silicone)
[12] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 600 gallons per day.  Certified for use in
     municipal water treatment facilities only.

NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are certified. 

Gorman-Rupp Industries 
180 Hines Avenue
Bellville, OH 44813 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Bellville, OH

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps[1] [G]
INTG1-XXX-N Mag Dr Pump - Integrated 3/8", 1/2", 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
INTG2-XXX-N Mag Dr Pump - Integrated 3/8", 1/2", 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
INTG3-XXX-N Mag Dr Pump - Integrated 3/8", 1/2", 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL

[1] The XXX in the trade name specifies a customer number which will vary depending on the
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Graphite Metallizing Corp. 
1050 Nepperhan Avenue
Yonkers, NY 10703 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Yonkers, NY

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1]
GRAPHALLOY Grade GM 695.3 3/8" - 10" C. HOT MLTPL
GRAPHALLOY Grade GM 696.3 3/8" - 10" C. HOT MLTPL

[1] Certified for use in municipal well pumps and water treatment plant applications only.

Grauer & Weil India Ltd. 
Growel Corporate, Akurli Road
Kandivali E, Mumbai, Maharashtra 
91 226 6993000
Visit this company's website

Facility : Dadra, India

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Pump[1]
Pentaline 1000 >= 6" CLD 23 EPOXY

[1] Colors : Red Oxide, Grey
    Number Of Coats: 1-2
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness(in mils): 20 mils
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature : 8 hours at 34°C
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 7 days at 34°C
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of Part A:B is 3:1 by volume.  Heat Part A and Part B to
    65°C and mix before application.

NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Griffco Valve Inc. 
188 Creekside Drive
Amherst, NY 14228 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Amherst, NY

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components [G]
Gauge and Instrument Guards[8] [10] 1/4" - 1/2" D. HOT MLTPL
PVC Calibration Columns[8] [9] 1/2" - 4" D. HOT MLTPL
Pulsation Dampeners[8] [11] 1/2" - 2" D. HOT MLTPL

[8] Product had not been evaluated for contact with drinking water treatment chemicals.
[9] Certification includes Viton o-rings only. Certified for a minimum daily flow of 10 L. 
    Model Naming:                                                                           
    Calibration columns: CC-AAAA-B-C-D                                                      
    AAAA = Size (100 mL - 40,000 mL)                  
    B = Top end cap style (S: Sealed, L: Loose, EZ: EZ Clean)
    C = Connections (Blank: Threaded, S: Socket, F: Flanged, U: Union)
    D = O-ring material (Blank: Viton)
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.

[10] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 10 L.
     Model Naming:
     Gauge Guards: GG-AAA-B-C-D-E
     AAA = Size (1/4", 3/8", 1/2")
     B = Material (P: PVC)
     C = Gauge Class (0-4)
     D = Pressure Range (1-8)
     E = Options (F: Flanged, T: PTFE Diaphragm, D: Metric Union Connection
     Z: Threaded Union Connection)
[11] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 3,500 L.
     Model Naming:
     Pulsation Dampeners: PD-AAA-B-C-D-E-F
     AAA = Size (6-320 in3)
     B = Housing Material (P: PVC)
     C = Diaphragm Material (E: EPDM, H: Hypalon, V: Viton, T: PTFE)
     D = Charging Assembly (0-7)
     E = Pressure Options (1-5)
     F = Options (F: Flanged Connection, U: Union Connection, S: Socket Connection)

Grundfos Holdings A/S 
Poul Due Jensens Vej 7 DK8850
45 87 50 50 50

Facility : Suzhou, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

UP15-78 RCL (PN 99552537) N/A C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Guangdong Liansu Technology Industrial Co., Ltd. DBA Lesso America, Inc. 
Liansu Industrial Estate
Longjiang Town, Shunde Zone 
Foshan, Guangdong 528318 
86 757 2388 8337
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 2 China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Ball Valves
Compact Ball Valve w/EPDM O-ring Seal(FIPT × FIPT) 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
Compact Ball Valve w/EPDM O-ring Seal(FIPT × FIPT) 1-1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
Compact Ball Valve w/EPDM O-ring Seal(FIPT × FIPT) 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Compact Ball Valve w/EPDM O-ring Seal(FIPT × FIPT) 1-1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Compact Ball Valve w/EPDM O-ring Seal(FIPT × FIPT) 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
Compact Ball Valve w/EPDM O-ring Seal(FIPT × FIPT) 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Compact Ball Valve w/EPDM O-ring Seal(SOC × SOC) 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
Compact Ball Valve w/EPDM O-ring Seal(SOC × SOC) 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Compact Ball Valve w/EPDM O-ring Seal(SOC × SOC) 1-1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Compact Ball Valve w/EPDM O-ring Seal(SOC × SOC) 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
Compact Ball Valve w/EPDM O-ring Seal(SOC × SOC) 1-1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
Compact Ball Valve w/EPDM O-ring Seal(SOC × SOC) 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Compact Ball Valve w/FKM O-ring Seal(FIPT × FIPT) 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
Compact Ball Valve w/FKM O-ring Seal(FIPT × FIPT) 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Compact Ball Valve w/FKM O-ring Seal(FIPT × FIPT) 1-1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Compact Ball Valve w/FKM O-ring Seal(FIPT × FIPT) 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Compact Ball Valve w/FKM O-ring Seal(FIPT × FIPT) 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
Compact Ball Valve w/FKM O-ring Seal(SOC × SOC) 1-1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
Compact Ball Valve w/FKM O-ring Seal(SOC × SOC) 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
Compact Ball Valve w/FKM O-ring Seal(SOC × SOC) 1-1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Compact Ball Valve w/FKM O-ring Seal(SOC × SOC) 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Compact Ball Valve w/FKM O-ring Seal(SOC × SOC) 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Compact Ball Valve w/FKM O-ring Seal(SOC × SOC) 1" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Guangdong Youju Advanced New Materials Co., Ltd. 
Building 1 And 3, No. 291, Longxi Road
Jianghai District, Jiangmen, Guangdong 
86 750 369 7268

Facility : Guangdong, China

Potable Water Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation End Use Temp Material

Potable Water Materials

[2] Suffix XX denotes glass fiber content (30% -50%).

[1] The material is the modified PPSU material.

No. 9, Shangwei East 1st Road
Shangtang Village, Shitan Town 
Zengcheng District, Guangzhou 
Guangdong 511328,  
86 180 2231 1901

Facility : Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Potting Compounds
BZ-809-10[1] [2] CLD 23 PUR

[1] Mix ratio of Part A:B is 45:100 by weight.
[2] Certified for use as a potting material in hollow fiber filtration devices 12 cm in
    diameter and larger with a minimum daily flow of 28,800 liters.

Guardian Environmental Products, Incorporated 
P.O. Box 5208
West Chester, PA 19380 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : West Chester, PA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components [G]
Guardian Troll Collector System [1] [2] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum tank size of 15,000 gallons and minimum flow of 200,000 gallons
    per day.
[2] Only products bearing the NSF mark on the product, product packaging and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are certified.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Guilford Mills, Inc. 
1001 Military Cutoff Road
Suite 300 
Wilmington, NC 28405 
United States 

Facility : Pine Grove, PA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components
FreFlo® Hybrid™ 6-20 mil thickness CLD 23 MLTPL
Freflo[1] 6-20 mil thickness CLD 23 MLTPL
PCT.100.SE[1] 6-20 mil thickness CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 378 Liters per day.

Facility : Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1]
FreFlo® 6-20 mil thickness CLD 23 MLTPL
FreFlo® Hybrid™ 6-20 mil thickness CLD 23 MLTPL
PCT.100.SE 6-20 mil thickness CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 378 liters per day.

Gulf Engineered Rubber and Plastics 
12-13 Green Street
Sydney, NSW 2212 
61 2 9772 4877
Visit this company's website

Facility : Winfield, TN

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Gasket/Sealing Materials
Gulf Rubber Compound N25102 [1] CLD 23 SBR
Gulf Rubber Compound N26102 [1] CLD 23 SBR

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 4.0 square inches/L.

Gulf Rubber Compound N25102 [1] CLD 23 SBR
Gulf Rubber Compound N26102 [1] CLD 23 SBR

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 4.0 square inches/L.

Facility : Guang Dong, China

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Gasket/Sealing Materials
Gulf Rubber Compound 9711 [2] [3] D. HOT EPDM
Gulf Rubber Compound 9711\2 [2] [3] D. HOT EPDM

[2] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 2.0 sq. in./L.
[3] This product has also been evaluated for use in Mechanical Plumbing Device applications
    with a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 1.0 sq. in./L.

Gulf Rubber Compound 9711 [2] [3] D. HOT EPDM
Gulf rubber Compound 9711\2 [2] [3] D. HOT EPDM

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 1.0 sq. in./L.
[2] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 2.0 sq. in./L.
[3] This product has also been evaluated for use in Mechanical Plumbing Device applications
    with a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 1.0 sq. in./L.

Facility : Changhua Hsien, Taiwan

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Gasket/Sealing Materials
Gulf Rubber Compound 9711 [3] [4] D. HOT EPDM
Gulf Rubber Compound 9711\2 [3] [4] D. HOT EPDM
Rubber Compound E16 60-80[6] [7] C. HOT EPDM
Rubber Compound E51 60-80[1] [2] CLD 23 EPDM

[1] This product has also been evaluated for use in Mechanical Plumbing Device applications
    with a maximum use restriction of 6.0 sq. in./L.
[2] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 6.0 sq. in./L.
[3] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 2.0 sq. in./L.
[4] This product has also been evaluated for use in Mechanical Plumbing Device applications
    with a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 1.0 sq. in./L.
[5] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 5.0 sq. in./L.
[6] This product has also been evaluated for use in Mechanical Plumbing Device applications
    with a maximum use restriction of 3.4 sq. in./L.
[7] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 3.4 sq. in./L

Gulf Rubber Compound 9711 [3] [4] D. HOT EPDM
Gulf Rubber Compound 9711\2 [3] [4] D. HOT EPDM
Rubber Compound E16 60-80[6] [7] C. HOT EPDM
Rubber Compound E51 60-80[1] [2] CLD 23 EPDM

[1] This product has also been evaluated for use in Mechanical Plumbing Device applications
    with a maximum use restriction of 6.0 sq. in./L.
[2] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 6.0 sq. in./L.
[3] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 2.0 sq. in./L.
[4] This product has also been evaluated for use in Mechanical Plumbing Device applications
    with a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 1.0 sq. in./L.
[5] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 5.0 sq. in./L.
[6] This product has also been evaluated for use in Mechanical Plumbing Device applications
    with a maximum use restriction of 3.4 sq. in./L.
[7] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 3.4 sq. in./L

Facility : Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Gasket/Sealing Materials
Gulf Rubber Compound E16 60-80[3] [4] C. HOT EPDM
Gulf Rubber Compound N25102 [1] CLD 23 SBR
Gulf Rubber Compound N25102-60A [1] CLD 23 SBR
Gulf Rubber Compound N25102-65 [1] CLD 23 SBR
Gulf Rubber Compound N25102-70 [1] CLD 23 SBR
Gulf Rubber Compound N25402[5] [1] CLD 23 SBR
Gulf Rubber Compound N25502[5] [1] CLD 23 SBR
Gulf Rubber Compound N26102 [1] CLD 23 SBR
Gulf Rubber Compound N26103 [1] CLD 23 SBR
Gulf Rubber Compound N27102 [1] CLD 23 SBR

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 2.0 sq. in./L.
[3] This product has also been evaluated for use in Mechanical Plumbing Device applications
    with a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 3.4 sq. in./L
[4] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 3.4 sq. in./L
[5] This product has been evaluated for use in Mechanical Plumbing Device applications with
    a maximum use restriction of 2.0 sq. in./L.
[6] This product has been evaluated for use in Mechanical Plumbing Device applications with
    a maximum use restriction of 6.0 sq. in/L.
[7] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 6.0 sq. in./L.
[8] This product has also been evaluated for use in Mechanical Plumbing Device applications
    with a maximum use restriction of 0.15 sq. in./L.
[9] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 1.5 sq. in./L.
[10] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 5.0 sq. in./L.
[11] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 1.1 sq. in/L.

Gulf Rubber Compound E16 60-80[3] [4] C. HOT EPDM
Gulf Rubber Compound N25102 [1] CLD 23 SBR
Gulf Rubber Compound N25102-60A [1] CLD 23 SBR
Gulf Rubber Compound N25102-65 [1] CLD 23 SBR
Gulf Rubber Compound N25102-70 [1] CLD 23 SBR
Gulf Rubber Compound N25402[5] [1] CLD 23 SBR
Gulf Rubber Compound N25502[5] [1] CLD 23 SBR
Gulf Rubber Compound N26102 [1] CLD 23 SBR
Gulf Rubber Compound N26103 [1] CLD 23 SBR
Gulf Rubber Compound N27102 [1] CLD 23 SBR

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 2.0 sq. in./L.
[3] This product has also been evaluated for use in Mechanical Plumbing Device applications
    with a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 3.4 sq. in./L
[4] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 3.4 sq. in./L
[5] This product has been evaluated for use in Mechanical Plumbing Device applications with
    a maximum use restriction of 2.0 sq. in./L.
[6] This product has been evaluated for use in Mechanical Plumbing Device applications with
    a maximum use restriction of 6.0 sq. in/L.
[7] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 6.0 sq. in./L.
[10] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 5.0 sq. in./L.

[2] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 3 sq. in./L.

Guy Chemical Company, Inc. 
150 Dominion Drive
Somerset, PA 15501 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Somerset, PA

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds
GCC-1000 >= 1/2" C. HOT LUB

Obergrundstrasse 119
Luzern 6002 
41 41 319 5050
Visit this company's website

Facility : Luzern, Switzerland

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Water Meters[1] [G]
Unico4coder MP 1" D. HOT MLTPL
MTK3coder MP 1 1/4" D. HOT MLTPL
MTK3coder MP[3] 2" D. HOT MLTPL
MTW3coder MP[3] 2" D. HOT MLTPL
MTW3coder MP 1 1/4" D. HOT MLTPL
Unico2coder MP[2] [3] 1" D. HOT MLTPL

[1] Also Certified for equivalent metric sizes.
[2] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[3] This product may be used in cold (73F/23C) applications.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


H.B. Fuller Company 
1200 Willow Lake Boulevard
St. Paul, MN 55110-5101 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Grand Rapids, MI

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Potting Compounds
H.B. Fuller® UR-2187-A and H.B. Fuller® UR-2187-B [1] CLD 23 PUR

[1] Certified for use as a potting material in hollow fiber filtration devices 8 inches in
    diameter and larger with a minimum daily flow of 2000 Liters.

Ha2 Natural de Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V. 
Ave. El Puente S/N Lote 15
Reynosa, Tamaulipas 88783 
52 899 958 2551

Facility : Reynosa, Tamaulipas, México

Process Media

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration/Adsorption Media[1]
Brimac Char 10/35 MPZ 10 x 35 mesh CLD 23 OTHER

[1] The carbon source is cattle bone.

NOTE: Certified for water treatment plant applications.
      This product has not been evaluated for point of use applications.

172, Yeonghwa-ro
Yeongcheon-si, Gyeongsangbuk-Do 
Republic of Korea 
82 10 4830 3247

Facility : Gyeongsangbuk-Do, Korea, Republic of

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pipe[1] [2] [G]
Economic Water Pumping Pipe (Flange Type) 1.25" - 6" CLD 23 SS
Economic Water Pumping Pipe (Socket Type) 1.25" - 6" CLD 23 SS
Economic Water Pumping Pipe Flange 1.25" - 6" CLD 23 SS
Economic Water Pumping Pipe Socket A 1.25" - 6" CLD 23 SS
Economic Water Pumping Pipe Socket B 1.25" - 6" CLD 23 SS
Premium Water Pumping Pipe (Flange Type) 1.25" - 6" CLD 23 SS
Premium Water Pumping Pipe (Socket Type) 1.25" - 6" CLD 23 SS
Premium Water Pumping Pipe Flange A 1.25" - 6" CLD 23 SS
Premium Water Pumping Pipe Flange B 1.25" - 6" CLD 23 SS
Premium Water Pumping Pipe Socket B 1.25" - 6" CLD 23 SS
Premium Water Pumping Pipe Socket A 1.25" - 6" CLD 23 SS
Water Pumping Pipe (Overhang Flange Type) 1.25" - 4" CLD 23 SS
Water Pumping Pipe (Speedy Type) 1.25" - 4" CLD 23 SS
Water Pumping Pipe Overhang Flange 1.25" - 4" CLD 23 SS
Water Pumping Pipe Speedy A 1.25" - 4" CLD 23 SS
Water Pumping Pipe Speedy B 1.25" - 4" CLD 23 SS

[1] Certified for use as a drop pipe in residential and municipal wells. 
[2] System consists of pipe and end connection.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Hanwha Solutions Corporation 
Hanwha Building, 86 Cheonggyechen-ro
Jung-gu, Seoul 04541 
Republic of Korea 
82 2 729 1456
Visit this company's website

Facility : Chungcheongbuk, Republic of Korea

Potable Water Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation End Use Temp Material

Potable Water Materials [G]
CPVC Compound HCM-WF203N[1] F D. HOT CPVC
CPVC Compound HCM-WP103N[2] P D. HOT CPVC

[1] This material is CPVC 4120 material certified against ASTM D1784 with a class of 24447.
[2] This material is CPVC 4120-06 material certified against ASTM D1784 with a cell class of
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Harbin Firstline Environment Technology Co., Ltd. 
Rm1508, No.368 Changjiang Rd. Nangang
Centralized Ind. Park,Harbin Development 
Zone, Harbin Heilongjiang 150060 
86 451 8657 7776
Visit this company's website

Facility : Heilongjiang, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1] [2]
ET80-150E-20-A 6.4 L[3] CLD 23 MLTPL
ET80-150E-20-B 6.4 L[3] CLD 23 MLTPL
ET80-150E-40-A 6.4 L[3] CLD 23 MLTPL
ET80-150E-40-B 6.4 L[3] CLD 23 MLTPL
ET80-150E-60-A 6.4 L[3] CLD 23 MLTPL
ET80-150E-60-B 6.4 L[3] CLD 23 MLTPL
ET80-150S-20-A 6.4 L[3] CLD 23 MLTPL
ET80-150S-20-B 6.4 L[3] CLD 23 MLTPL
ET80-150S-40-A 6.4 L[3] CLD 23 MLTPL
ET80-150S-40-B 6.4 L[3] CLD 23 MLTPL
ET80-150S-60-A 6.4 L[3] CLD 23 MLTPL
ET80-150S-60-B 6.4 L[3] CLD 23 MLTPL
F2514-1000E-1W 1 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F2514-1200E-1W 1 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F2514-300E-1W 1 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F2514-600E-1W 1 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F2521-1000E-1W 1 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F2521-1200E-1W 1 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F2521-300E-1W 1 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F2521-600E-1W 1 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F2540-1000E-1W 1 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F2540-1200E-1W 1 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F2540-300E-1W 1 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F2540-600E-1W 1 L[4] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1000E-1W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1000E-2W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1000E-3W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1000E-4W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1000E-5W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1000E-6W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1000S-1W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1000S-2W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1000S-3W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1000S-4W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1000S-5W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1000S-6W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1200E-1W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1200E-2W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1200E-3W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1200E-4W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1200E-5W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1200E-6W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1200S-1W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1200S-2W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1200S-3W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1200S-4W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1200S-5W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-1200S-6W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-300E-1W 8.4 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-300E-2W 8.4 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-300E-3W 8.4 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-300E-4W 8.4 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-300E-5W 8.4 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-300E-6W 8.4 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-300S-1W 8.4 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-300S-2W 8.4 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-300S-3W 8.4 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-300S-4W 8.4 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-300S-5W 8.4 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-300S-6W 8.4 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-450E-1W 8.4 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-450E-2W 8.4 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-450E-3W 8.4 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-450E-4W 8.4 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-450E-5W 8.4 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-450E-6W 8.4 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-450S-1W 8.4 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-450S-2W 8.4 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-450S-3W 8.4 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-450S-4W 8.4 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-450S-5W 8.4 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-450S-6W 8.4 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-600E-1W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-600E-2W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-600E-3W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-600E-4W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-600E-5W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-600E-6W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-600S-1W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-600S-2W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-600S-3W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-600S-4W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-600S-5W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F40-600S-6W 8.7 L[5] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000E-1W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000E-2W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000E-3W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000E-4W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000E-5W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000E-6W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000E-7W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000S-1W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000S-2W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000S-3W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000S-4W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000S-5W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000S-6W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1000S-7W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200E-1W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200E-2W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200E-3W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200E-4W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200E-5W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200E-6W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200E-7W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200S-1W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200S-2W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200S-3W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200S-4W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200S-5W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200S-6W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-1200S-7W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300E-1W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300E-2W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300E-3W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300E-4W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300E-5W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300E-6W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300E-7W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300S-1W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300S-2W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300S-3W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300S-4W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300S-5W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300S-6W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-300S-7W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450E-1W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450E-2W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450E-3W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450E-4W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450E-5W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450E-6W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450E-7W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450S-1W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450S-2W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450S-3W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450S-4W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450S-5W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450S-6W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-450S-7W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600E-1W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600E-2W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600E-3W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600E-4W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600E-5W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600E-6W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600E-7W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600S-1W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600S-2W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600S-3W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600S-4W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600S-5W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600S-6W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL
F80-600S-7W 12.6 L[6] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[2] Certified for use in municipal water treatment plants only.
[3] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 30,000 liters per day.
[4] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 200 liters per day.
[5] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 500 liters per day.
[6] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 7,000 liters per day.

Harmsco, Inc. 
7169 49th Terrace North
Riviera Beach, FL 33407 
United States 

Facility : Riviera Beach, FL

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Treatment Devices/Components
Dyna-Guard XL1 HOU-08530[5] [G] 8.8 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
Dyna-Guard XL2 HOU-08531[5] [G] 14.8 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
Dyna-Guard XL3 HOU-08541[5] [G] 20.9 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
HIF 3X170FL T-316L >=13.5 gal D. HOT MLTPL
HIF 3X170FL T-316L Coat >=13.5 gal D. HOT MLTPL
HIF 5X170FL T-316L >=13.5 gal D. HOT MLTPL
HIF 5X170FL T-316L Coat >=13.5 gal D. HOT MLTPL
Harmsco® HIF Up-Flow Filters[5] [G] >= 5.5 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
Harmsco® HIF Up-Flow Filters[6] >= 29.5 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Harmsco® HIF Up-Flow Filters HIF-14[5] [G] 8.5 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
Harmsco® HIF Up-Flow Filters HIF-16[5] [G] 8.3 gal D. HOT MLTPL
Harmsco® HIF Up-Flow Filters HIF-21[5] [G] 11.8 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
Harmsco® HIF Up-Flow Filters HIF-24[5] [G] 11.75 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
Harmsco® HIF Up-Flow Filters HIF-7[5] [G] 5.2 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
Harmsco® Hurricane™ Filter Housing[5] [G] >= 13.5 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
Harmsco® Hurricane™ Filter Housing - HUR 12X170FL-XXX[7] [8] 1620 L CLD 23 MLTPL
Harmsco® Hurricane™ Filter Housing - HUR 16X170FL-XXX[7] [8] 2036 L CLD 23 MLTPL
Harmsco® Hurricane™ Filter Housing - HUR 1X170FL-XXX[7] [8] 90 L CLD 23 MLTPL
Harmsco® Hurricane™ Filter Housing - HUR 3X170FL-XXX[7] [8] 160 L CLD 23 MLTPL
Harmsco® Hurricane™ Filter Housing - HUR 5X170FL-XXX[7] [8] 450 L CLD 23 MLTPL
Harmsco® Hurricane™ Filter Housing - HUR 8X170FL-XXX[7] [8] 660 L CLD 23 MLTPL
Harmsco® Hurricane™ Filter Housing - MUNI-1-2FL-XXX[7] [8] 90 L CLD 23 MLTPL
Harmsco® Hurricane™ Filter Housing - MUNI-12-10FL-XXX[7] [8] 1620 L CLD 23 MLTPL
Harmsco® Hurricane™ Filter Housing - MUNI-16-12FL-XXX[7] [8] 2036 L CLD 23 MLTPL
Harmsco® Hurricane™ Filter Housing - MUNI-3-3FL-XXX[7] [8] 160 L CLD 23 MLTPL
Harmsco® Hurricane™ Filter Housing - MUNI-5-4FL-XXX[7] [8] 450 L CLD 23 MLTPL
Harmsco® Hurricane™ Filter Housing - MUNI-8-6FL-XXX[7] [8] 660 L CLD 23 MLTPL
Harmsco® Hurricane™ Filter Housings HUR 170 HP-316[5] [G] >= 13.5 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
Harmsco® Hurricane™ Filter Housings HUR 170-HP[5] [G] 20.9 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
Harmsco® Hurricane™ Filter Housings HUR 40 HP-316[5] [G] 8.8 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
Harmsco® Hurricane™ Filter Housings HUR 40-HP[5] [G] 8.8 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
Harmsco® Hurricane™ Filter Housings HUR 90 HP-316[5] [G] 14.8 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
Harmsco® Hurricane™ Filter Housings HUR-90-HP[5] [G] 14.8 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
Harmsco® Hurricane™ Filter Housings Muni 170 MP[5] [G] 20.9 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
Harmsco® Hurricane™ Filter Housings Muni 40 MP[5] [G] 8.8 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
Harmsco® Hurricane™ Filter Housings Muni 40 MP-316[5] [G] 8.8 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
Harmsco® Hurricane™ Filter Housings Muni 90 MP[5] [G] 14.8 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
Harmsco® Hurricane™ Muni Filter Housings 170 MP-316[5] [G] 20.9 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
Harmsco® Hurricane™ Muni Filter Housings 90 MP-316[5] [G] 14.8 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
Harmsco® Involute™ Filter Housing - INV-72-8FL[7] 1181 L CLD 23 MLTPL
Harmsco® Involute™ Filter Housing - INV-72-8FL-2[7] 1181 L CLD 23 MLTPL
Harmsco® Waterbetter™ Filter Housings[5] [G] >= 13.5 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
Harmsco® Waterbetter™ Filters WB170SC-2[5] [G] 20.9 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
Harmsco® Waterbetter™ Filters WB40SC-2[5] [G] 8.8 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
Harmsco® Waterbetter™ Filters WB90SC-2[5] [G] 14.8 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
WB 3X170[5] [G] >= 13.5 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
WB 3X170 COAT[5] [G] >= 13.5 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
WB5X170FL[5] [G] >= 13.5 gal. D. HOT MLTPL
WB5X170FL COAT[5] [G] >= 13.5 gal. D. HOT MLTPL

[5] Evaluated for use in a water treatment facility or distribution systems with inlet sizes
    of greater than one-inch diameter and where flow exceeds 3 gallons/minute.  Trade names
    refer to the housing only. Approved filter elements include HC/170-M or EZ-CLEAN by
    Harmsco, or other NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 Certified cartridges meeting the size and minimum flow
[6] Certified for Harmsco® HIF Up-Flow Filter models: HIF-42, HIF-75, HIF-100, HIF-150-FL
    and HIF-200-FL.  Certified for use in a water treatment facility or distribution systems
    with inlet sizes of greater than one-inch diameter and where flow exceeds 3
[7] Certification is for use in a water treament facility or distribution system with inlet
    sizes greater than 1" diameter and with a minimum flow of 3 gallons/minute (16,000
    Trade names refer to the housing only. Approved filter elements include HC/170-M or
    EZ-CLEAN by Harmsco, or other NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 Certified cartridges meeting the size and
    minimum flow requirements. These housings are not intended for use with cartridges above
    the Listed water contact temperature.
[8] XXX - Optional trade names suffixes may be combined in various ways to designate the
    304/304L, 316/316L - indicates the grade of stainless steel from which the housing is
    HP   - High pressure housing
    DPLX - Housing is made from SS 2205
    XP   - Standard housing
    XXP  - Extreme Pressure Housing
    U    - Housing is ASME U-Stamped
    M    - Housing has the inlet and outlet on the same side
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Hayward Industries, Inc. - Flow Control Division 
One Hayward Industrial Drive
Clemmons, NC 27012 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Clemmons, NC

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1] [2] [G]
Bulkhead Fittings BFA1(XXX)(Y)ES 4" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for use in tanks 1,200 gallons and greater.
[2] BFA Series Bulkhead Fitting descriptors:
    (XXX) Indicates size:
          040 - 4"
          060 - 6"
    (Y) Indicates end connection:
        C – Socket x Thread
        S – Socket x Socket
        T – Thread x Thread
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Strainer[3] [G]
Hayward Simplex Basket Strainer (CPVC) 1/2" - 8" D. HOT MLTPL
Hayward Simplex Basket Strainer (PVC) 1/2" - 8" CLD 23 MLTPL

[3] Certified for use in water treatment plant applications only with a minimum daily flow
    rate of 3,120 gallons.
[4] Certified for PVC only. Certified products have part numbers in the form
    YS(A)(BBB)(C)(D) where:
    A = Body Material
        1 (PVC)
        0 (Clear PVC)
    BBBB = Size
       0050 (1/2")
       0075 (3/4")
       0100 (1")
    C = End Connection
    T = Threaded
    S = Socket
    TU = True Union
    D = O-ring material
    Blank = FKM
    E = EPDM (not an option for TU ends)
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Jiangsu Province, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components [G]
Bulkhead Fittings BFA1[XXX][Y]ES[1] [2] 1/2" - 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
Bulkhead Fittings BFAS1[XXX][Y]ES[1] [2] 1/2" - 3" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for use in tanks 20 gallons and greater.
[2] BFA and BFAS Series Bulkhead Fitting descriptors: 
    XXX - Indicates size: 
          005 - 1/2" 
          007 - 3/4" 
          010 - 1" 
          012 - 1 1/4" 
          015 - 1 1/2" 
          020 - 2"
          030 - 3"  
    Y   - Indicates end connection: 
          C – Socket x Thread 
          T – Thread x Thread 
          S – Socket x Socket
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


HCC Holdings Inc. 
4700 West 160th Street
Cleveland, OH 44135 
United States 

Facility : Cleveland, OH

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds
Grrip Thread Sealant >= 1/2" C. HOT SLT
Megaloc >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Pro-Dope >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Real Tuff Thread Sealant >= 1/2" C. HOT TC

Heatlink Group Inc 
11500 Stonehill Drive NE
Calgary, AB T3N 2M7 

Facility : # 2 China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

1 1/4" Barb x 1 " MPT (27538NL)[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
1 1/4" Barb x 1 1/4" MPT (28535NL)[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
1" Barb x 1 1/4" MPT (28583NL)[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
1" PEX x 3/4" MPT (27582NL)[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
1/2" PEX x 1/2" MPT (27505NL)[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
1/2" PEX x 3/4" MPT (27552NL)[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" PEX x 3/4" MPT (27522NL)[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Heatlink 1 1/4" PEX x 1 1/4" MPT (27535NL) Brass Male Adapter 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Heatlink 1" PEX x 1" MPT (27528NL) Male Adapter 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Heatlink 1" PEX x 1" MPT (27528NL) Male Adapter[G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Heatlink DZR 1 1/4" PEX x 1 1/4" MPT (27535NL) Brass Male Adapter 1/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Heatlink DZR 1" Barb x 1 1/4" MPT (28583NL) Elbow Male Thread 1/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
PEX Barb Adapter 2" BARB x 2" MPT (27554NL)[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
PEX Male Adaptor 1 1/2" Barb x 1 1/2" MPT (27541NL)[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL

[1] Product also complies to NSF/ANSI 372.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Heidelberg Materials - North Region 
7660 Imperial Way
Allentown, PA 18195 
United States 

Facility : Mitchell, IN

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

EcoCemPLC [1] CLD 23 CMNT

[1] Certified for pipes 6" and greater, and tanks 200 gallons and greater.

Heidelberg Materials Canada Limited 
12640 Inland Way
Edmonton, AB TSV 1K2 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Delta, British Columbia, Canada

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Cements [G]
EcoCemPLC – Portland Limestone Cement, CSA Type MSL, ASTM Type IL(MS) [1] CLD 23 CMNT

[1] Certified for tanks 200 gallons and greater, pipes 6" and greater, and fittings 4" and
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Hempel (USA), Inc. 
600 Conroe Park North
Conroe, TX 77303 
United States 

Facility : Conroe, TX

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Fittings
Hempadur Multi-Strength 35535[1] >= 3" CLD 23 EPOXY

[1] Colors: 35535-10504 Grey, 35535-51324 Red
    Number of Coats: 1-2
    Sequence of Coats: 1 coat: red 51324 or grey 10504 2 coats: red 51324 then grey 10504
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 1 coat application: 20; 2 coat
    application: 20 (12 mils red, 8 mils grey)
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 24 hours at 20°C
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 7 days at 20°C
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of base:cure agent is 3:1 by volume; 10 minute induction

Coatings - Pipe
Hempadur Multi-Strength 35535[1] >= 48" CLD 23 EPOXY

[1] Colors: 35535-10504 Grey, 35535-51324 Red
    Number of Coats: 1-2
    Sequence of Coats: 1 coat: red 51324 or grey 10504 2 coats: red 51324 then grey 10504
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 1 coat application: 20; 2 coat
    application: 20 (12 mils red, 8 mils grey)
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 24 hours at 20°C
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 7 days at 20°C
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of base:cure agent is 3:1 by volume; 10 minute induction

Coatings - Tank
Hempadur Multi-Strength 35535[1] >= 1000 gal. CLD 23 EPOXY

[1] Colors: 35535-10504 Grey, 35535-51324 Red
    Number of Coats: 1-2
    Sequence of Coats: 1 coat: red 51324 or grey 10504 2 coats: red 51324 then grey 10504
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 1 coat application: 20; 2 coat
    application: 20 (12 mils red, 8 mils grey)
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 24 hours at 20°C
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 7 days at 20°C
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of base:cure agent is 3:1 by volume; 10 minute induction

Coatings - Valve
Hempadur Multi-Strength 35535[1] >= 2" CLD 23 EPOXY

[1] Colors: 35535-10504 Grey, 35535-51324 Red
    Number of Coats: 1-2
    Sequence of Coats: 1 coat: red 51324 or grey 10504 2 coats: red 51324 then grey 10504
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 1 coat application: 20; 2 coat
    application: 20 (12 mils red, 8 mils grey)
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 24 hours at 20°C
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 7 days at 20°C
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of base:cure agent is 3:1 by volume; 10 minute induction

Henkel Chemical Technologies (Shanghai) Ltd. 
No. 36 Pugong Road
Shanghai 201507 
86 213 360 898

Facility : Shanghai, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Potting Compounds [G]

[1] Mix ratio of Loctite CR 3519 to CR 4200 is 100:80 by weight.
    Minimum cure time is 7 days at room temperature.
[2] Certified for use as a potting material in hollow fiber filtration devices 4 inches in
    diameter and larger with a minimum daily flow of 500 liters.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Henkel Corporation 
One Henkel Way
Rocky Hill, CT 06067 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Cleveland, OH

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Impregnation Resins[1] [2]

[1] Formerly Loctite Resinol RTC.
[2] Certified for use with or without Loctite IS 7102 Accelerator.  This product has not
    been evaluated with any other activator or accelerator.
[3] Maximum use level for residential applications is 31 sq. in./L (335 sq. in. per

Thread Compounds
Loctite® DRI 513[4] >= 1/2" C. HOT TS
Loctite® DRI 513HV[5] >= 1/2" C. HOT TS
Loctite® DRI 513MV >= 1/2" C. HOT TS

[4] Formerly Loctite 513 Dri-Seal.
[5] Formerly Loctite 513HV Dri-Seal.

Facility : Budapest, Hungary

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds
Loctite 55 Pipe Sealing Cord [1] C. HOT SLT
Tangit UNI-LOCK [1] C. HOT SLT

[1] Certified for use with pipes >=1/4".

Facility : Casarile (MI), Italy

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Potting Compounds[1]

[1] Mix ratio of Part A to Part B is 2.56:1 by weight.
[2] Certified for use as a potting material in hollow fiber filtration devices 4 inches in
    diameter and larger with a minimum daily flow of 500 Liters.

Facility : Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Loctite® 680 Retaining Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT ADH

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[2] Certified for a maximum use of 2 joints/liter.
[3] Certification does not include activators.

Thread Compounds[1]
Loctite® 243 Threadlocker[7] >= 1/2" C. HOT TS
Loctite® 518 Flange Sealant[7] >= 1/2" C. HOT SLT
Loctite® 567[8] [9] C. HOT TC

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[7] Maximum of 21 joints per residence (2 joints per liter).
[8] Formerly Stainless Steel PST 567.
[9] Certified for use as an anode thread sealant in water heater tanks with a maximum
    surface area to volume ratio of 0.08 sq. in./L.

Henkel Loctite (China) Co., Ltd. 
No. 90, Zhujiang Road
Yantai, Shandong 
86 212 891 8768
Visit this company's website

Facility : Shandong, China

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds

[4] Certified for a maximum use of 10 joints/liter.

Hernon Manufacturing, Inc. 
121 Tech Drive
Sanford, FL 32771 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Sanford, FL

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds
Dripstop 923 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Dripstop 940 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Self Sealer 604 >= 1/2" C. HOT ACR
Self Sealer 615 >= 1/2" C. HOT ACR
Self Sealer 616 >= 1/2" C. HOT ACR
Self Sealer 618 >= 1/2" C. HOT ACR

Hershey Valve Company, Ltd. 
No. 16 Jing 2nd Road
Wuchi Town, Taichung 435 
886 42 639 2777
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 Jiangsu, China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

VP-210 Compression Coupling >= 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
VP-211 (CTS) Compression Coupling 1/2" - 1" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Taichung, Taiwan

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

VP-901 Compact Ball Valves 1/2" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
VP-910 Compact Ball Valves 1/2" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
VP-911 Compact Ball Valves 1/2" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Hobas Pipe USA, Inc. 
1413 Richey Road
Houston, TX 77073 
United States 

Facility : Houston, TX

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Hobas RPMP-FW[1] 12" - 144" CLD 23 MLTPL
Hobas RPMP-CC 18" - 144" CLD 23 MLTPL
Hobas RPMP-CC (coated) 36" - 144" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Use of the Hobas FWC Gasket is restricted to pipe 18" and greater.

Hole Products 
300 13th Ave NW
Little Falls, MN 56345 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 USA

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds
Thread Armour TJC >= 1/2" CLD 23 TC
Thread Armour TJC AG Arctic >= 1/2" CLD 23 TC

Hollingsworth & Vose Company 
112 Washington Street
East Walpole, MA 02032 
United States 

Facility : Floyd, VA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
PC11020C[1] <= 500 sq. in./L CLD 23 MLTPL
PC11030A[1] <= 500 sq. in./L CLD 23 MLTPL
PC11030C[1] <= 500 sq. in./L CLD 23 MLTPL
PC11045A[1] <= 500 sq. in./L CLD 23 MLTPL
PC11045C[1] <= 500 sq. in./L CLD 23 MLTPL
PC13095B[1] <= 500 sq. in./L CLD 23 MLTPL
PC14100F[1] <= 500 sq. in./L CLD 23 MLTPL
PC14100G[1] <= 500 sq. in./L CLD 23 MLTPL
PC14180L[1] <= 500 sq. in./L CLD 23 MLTPL
PF12050[1] <= 500 sq. in./L CLD 23 MLTPL
PF12100[1] <= 500 sq. in./L CLD 23 MLTPL
PF13025[1] <= 500 sq. in./L CLD 23 MLTPL
PF13032[1] <= 500 sq. in./L CLD 23 MLTPL
PF13040[1] <= 500 sq. in./L CLD 23 MLTPL
PF13150[1] <= 500 sq. in./L CLD 23 MLTPL
TR2612A[1] <= 500 sq. in./L CLD 23 MLTPL
TR3179A[1] <= 500 sq. in./L CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Product Certified for a minimum flow of 140 gallons per day at the surface area listed
    under size.

Homewerks Worldwide, LLC 
55 Albrecht Drive
Lake Bluff, IL 60044 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Huangyan, Taizhou, China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Compact Ball Valve[4] [G] 1/2" - 2" C. HOT CPVC
Compact Ball Valve,Heavy Type,IPS THREAD [7] 1/2" - 6" CLD 23 PVC
Compact Ball Valve,Light Type[8] 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 PVC
Compact Ball Valve,Light Type,IPS Thread[9] 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 PVC
Compression Coupling[G] 1/2" - 4" CLD 23 PVC
Compression Coupling[3] [G] 1/2" - 4" C. HOT CPVC
Compression Coupling[G] [18] 1/2" - 4" CLD 23 PVC
Female Compression Tee[13] 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 PVC
Male Compression Adapter[14] 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 PVC

[1] 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" - 3/4" x 1/2" x 1/2"
[2] Certified for the following configurations:
    1/2" (VBVP80LTE3B / VBVP80LTB3B / VBVP40LTE3B)
    3/4" (VBVP80LTE4B / VBVP80LTB4B / VBVP40LTE4B)
    1" (VBVP80LTE5B / VBVP80LTB5B / VBVP40LTE5B)
    1 1/4" (VBVP80LTE6B / VBVP80LTB6B / VBVP40LTE6B)
    1 1/2" (VBVP80LTE7B / VBVP80LTB7B / VBVP40LTE7B)
    2" (VBVP80LTE8B / VBVP80LTB8B / VBVP40LTE8B)
[3] Certified for the following configurations:
    1/2" (VBVP80B3 / VBVP80E3)
    3/4" (VBVP80B4 / VBVP80E4)
    1" (VBVP80B5 / VBVP80E5)
    1 1/4" (VBVP80B6 / VBVP80E6)
    1 1/2" (VBVP80B7 / VBVP80E7)
     2" (VBVP80B8 / VBVP80E8)
[4] Certified for the following configurations:
    1/2" 53-43-12-12RB
    3/4" 53-43-34-34RB
    1" 53-43-1-1RB
[5] Certified for the following configurations:
[6] Certified for the following configurations:
    1/2" 541-12-12-B
    3/4" 541-34-34-B
    1" 541-1-1-B
    1-1/4" 541-114-114-B
    1-1/2" 541-112-112-B
    2" 541-2-2-B
[7] Certified for the following configurations:
    1/2" 542-12-12-B
    3/4" 542-34-34-B
    1" 542-1-1-B
    1-1/4" 542-114-114-B
    1-1/2" 542-112-112-B
    2" 542-2-2-B
[8] Certified for the following configurations:
    1/2" VBVP40B3B/ VBVP40B3M
    3/4" VBVP40B4B/VBVP40B4M
    1" VBVP40B5B/ VBVP40B5M
    1 1/4" VBVP40B6B/VBVP40B6M
    1 1/2" VBVP40B7B/ VBVP40B7M
    2" VBVP40B8B/VBVP40B8M
    2 1/2"VBVP40B9B
    3" VBVP40B10B
    6" VBVP40B11B
[9] Certified for the following configurations:
    1/2" VBVP40E3B/VBVP40E3M
    3/4" VBVP40E4B/VBVP40E4M
    1" VBVP40E5B/VBVP40E5M
    1 1/4" VBVP40E6B/VBVP40E6M
    1 1/2" VBVP40E7B/VBVP40E7M
    2" VBVP40E8B/VBVP40E8M
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.

[10] Certified for the following configurations:
     1/2" VBVP40B3B/VBVP40B3M
     3/4" VBVP40B4B/VBVP40B4M
     1" VBVP40B5B/VBVP40B5M
     1 1/4" VBVP40B6B/VBVP40B6M
     1 1/2" VBVP40B7B/VBVP40B7M
     2" VBVP40B8B/VBVP40B8M
[11] Certified for the following configurations:
     1/2" 512-14-12-12B
     3/4" 512-14-34-34B
     1" 512-14-1-1B
     1 1/4" 512-14-114-114B
     1 1/2" 512-14-112-112B
     2" 512-14-2-2B
[12] Certified for the following configurations:
     1/2" 512-44-12-12B, 511-44-12-12, 511-44-12-12R
     3/4" 512-44-34-34B, 511-44-34-34,511-44-34-34R
     1" 512-44-1-1B, 511-44-1-1,511-44-1-1R
     1-1/4" 512-44-114-114B, 511-44-114-114,511-44-114-114R
     1-1/2" 512-44-112-112B, 511-44-112-112, 511-44-112-112R
     2" 512-44-2-2B, 511-44-2-2, 511-44-2-2R
[13] Certified for the following configurations:
     1/2'' 511-48-12-12-12B, 511-48-12-12-12, 511-48-12-12-12R
     3/4'' 511-48-34-34-34B, 511-48-34-34-34,511-48-34-34-34R
     1'' 511-48-1-1-1B,511-48-1-1-1,511-48-1-1-1R
     1-1/4'' 511-48-114-114-114B, 511-48-114-114-114,511-48-114-114-114R
     1-1/2'' 511-48-112-112-112B, 511-48-112-112-112,511-48-112-112-112R
     2'' 511-48-2-2-2B,511-48-2-2-2,511-48-2-2-2R
[14] Certified for the following configurations:
     1/2'': 511-46-12-12B ,511-46-12-12,511-46-12-12R
     3/4'' 511-46-34-34B,511-46-34-34,511-46-34-34R
     1'' 511-46-1-1B ,511-46-1-1,511-46-1-1R
     1-1/4'' 511-46-114-114B,511-46-114-114,511-46-114-114R
     1-1/2'' 511-46-112-112B,511-46-112-112,511-46-112-112R
     2'' 511-46-2-2B,511-46-2-2,511-46-2-2R
[18] Certified for the following configurations:
     1/2": 511-43-12-12, 511-43-12-12R
     3/4": 511-43-34-34, 511-43-34-34R
     1": 511-43-1-1, 511-43-1-1R
     1-1/4": 511-43-114-114, 511-43-114-114R
     1-1/2": 511-43-112-112, 511-43-112-112R
     2": 511-43-2-2, 511-43-2-2R
[19] Certified for the following configurations:
     1/2": 511-14-12-12, 511-14-12-12R
     3/4": 511-14-34-34, 511-14-34-34R
     1": 511-14-1-1, 511-14-1-1R
     1-1/4": 511-14-114-114, 511-14-114-114R
     1-1/2": 511-14-112-112, 511-14-112-112R
     2": 511-14-2-2, 511-14-2-2R
[20] Certified for the following configurations:
     1/2":  511-53-12-12, 511-53-12-12R
     3/4": 511-53-34-34, 511-53-34-34R
     1": 511-53-1-1, 511-53-1-1R
     1-1/4" : 511-53-114-114, 511-53-114-114R
     1-1/2": 511-53-112-112, 511-53-112-112R
     2": 511-53-2-2, 511-53-2-2R

Compact Ball Valve 1/2" - 6" CLD 23 PVC
Compact Ball Valve, Heavy Type, IPS Thread 1/2" - 6" CLD 23 PVC

[15] Certified for the following configurations:
     1/2" 511-48-12-12-12B
     3/4" 511-48-34-34-34B
     1" 511-48-1-1-1B
     1-1/4" 511-48-114-114-114B 
     1-1/2" 511-48-112-112-112B 
     2" 511-48-2-2-2B
[16] Certified for the following configurations:
     1/2", VCKP40E3B
     3/4", VCKP40E4B
     1", VCKP40E5B
     1-1/4", VCKP40E6B
     1-1/2", VCKP40E7B
     2", VCKP40E8B

HongYue Plastic Group Co., Ltd. DBA OnePlus Piping Systems Inc. 
#81, LongHai Road, Economic & Tech
Development Zone, Qinhuangdao City 
Heibei Province 066004 
86 335 888 6666
Visit this company's website

Facility : Heibei Province, China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings [G]
Male Thread 90° Elbow 3/8" x 3/8" MPT (MTE3838) 3/8" x 3/8" C. HOT SPB
Male Thread 90° Elbow 3/8" x 1/2" MPT (MTE3812) 3/8" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
Male Thread 90° Elbow 1/2" x 3/8" MPT (MTE1238) 1/2" x 3/8" C. HOT SPB
Male Thread 90° Elbow 1/2" x 1/2" MPT (MTE1212) 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
Male Thread 90° Elbow 1/2" x 3/4" MPT (MTE1234) 1/2" x 3/4" C. HOT SPB
Male Thread 90° Elbow 3/4" x 1/2" MPT (MTE3412) 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
Male Thread 90° Elbow 3/4" x 3/4" MPT (MTE3434) 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT SPB
Male Thread 90° Elbow 1" x 3/4" MPT (MTE134) 1" x 3/4" C. HOT SPB
Male Thread Coupling 3/8" x 3/8" MPT (MTC3838) 3/8" x 3/8" C. HOT SPB
Male Thread Coupling 3/8" x 1/2" MPT (MTC3812) 3/8" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
Male Thread Coupling 1/2" x 3/8" MPT (MTC1238) 1/2" x 3/8" C. HOT SPB
Male Thread Coupling 1/2" x 1/2" MPT (MTC1212) 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
Male Thread Coupling 1/2" x 3/4" MPT (MTC1234) 1/2" x 3/4" C. HOT SPB
Male Thread Coupling 3/4" x 1/2" MPT (MTC3412) 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
Male Thread Coupling 3/4" x 3/4" MPT (MTC3434) 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT SPB
Male Thread Coupling 1" x 3/4" MPT (MTC134) 1" x 3/4" C. HOT SPB
Male Thread Coupling 1" x 1" MPT (MTC11) 1" x 1" C. HOT SPB
Male Thread Tee 1/2" x 1/2" MPT x 1/2" MPT (MPT1212MT12MT) ½" x ½" MPT x ½" MPT C. HOT SPB
Male Thread Tee 1/2" x 1/2" x 1/2" MPT (MPT121212MT) 1/2" x 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
Male Thread Tee 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" MPT (MPT343412MT) 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
Manifold 3/4" x 3/4" Flow-through multiport Tee, 3 outlets (1/2") (FTMPT3-34) 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
Manifold 3/4" x 3/4" Flow-through multiport Tee, 4 outlets (1/2") (FTMPT4-34) 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
Manifold 3/4" x 3/4" Flow-through multiport Tee, 6 outlets (1/2") (FTMPT6-34) 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
Manifold 3/4" Branch multiport Tee, 3 outlets (1/2") (BMPT3-34) 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
Manifold 3/4" Branch multiport Tee, 4 outlets (1/2") (BMPT4-34) 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
Manifold 3/4" Branch multiport Tee, 6 outlets (1/2") (BMPT6-34) 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
Manifold ¾"x¾"x¾"Flow-through multiport vertical Tee 3 outlets(1/2")(FTMPVT3-34) 3/4" x 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
Manifold ¾"x¾"x¾"Flow-through multiport vertical Tee 4 outlets(1/2")(FTMPVT4-34) 3/4" x 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
Manifold 3/4" x 3/4" Flow-through multiport Elbow, 3 outlets (1/2") (FTMPE3-34) 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
Manifold 3/4" x 3/4" Flow-through multiport Elbow, 4 outlets (1/2") (FTMPE4-34) 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
Manifold ¾"x¾"Flow-through opposing port multiport Tee,3outlets(½")(FTOPMPT3-34) 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
Manifold ¾"x¾"Flow-through opposing port multiport Tee,4outlets(½")(FTOPMPT4-34) 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
Manifold ¾"x¾"Flow-through opposing port multiport Tee,6outlets(½")(FTOPMPT6-34) 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
Mini-Manifold 3/4" x 3/4" Flow-through multiport Tee, 2 outlets(1/2")(FTMPT2-34) 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Mini-Manifold 3/4" Branch multiport Tee, 2 outlets (1/2") (BMPT2-34) 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Mini-Manifold 3/4" Branch opposing port multiport Tee,3outlets(1/2")(BOPMPT3-34) 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Mini-Manifold 1" Branch multiport Tee, 3 outlets (1/2") (BMPT3-1) 1" C. HOT MLTPL
Mini-Manifold 3/4" x 3/4" Flow-through multiport Tee,2outlets(½")(FTMPT2-34*34) 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Multiport Tee (Mini-Manifold) 3/4" x 1/2" 2 Port (BMPT2-3412) 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
Multiport Tee (Mini-Manifold) 3/4" x 1/2" 3 Port (BMPT3-3412) 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
Multiport Tee (Mini-Manifold) 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" 2 Port (FTMPT2-343412) 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB

[1] PEX rings are non-wetted components of PEX fitting systems.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Fitting Components[G]
Crimp Rings 3/8" - 1" C. HOT CU

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


3/4" Branch opposing port multiport Tee, 4 outlets (1/2") (BOPMPT4-34) 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" Branch opposing port multiport Tee, 8 outlets (1/2") (BOPMPT8-34) 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" x 1/2", 4 Port (BMPT2-3412) 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2", 3 Port (FTMPT3-343412) 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2", 4 Port (FTMPT4-343412) 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2", 6 Port (FTMPT6-343412) 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
¾" x ¾" Flow-through opposing port multiport Tee, 8 outlets (½") (FTOPMPT8-34) 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
¾" x ¾" x ¾" Flow-through multiport horizontal, 4 outlets (½") (FTMPH4-34) 3/4" x 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
1" Branch multiport Tee, 4 outlets (1/2") (BMPT4-1) 1" C. HOT PPSU
1" Branch multiport Tee, 6 outlets (1/2") (BMPT6-1) 1" C. HOT PPSU
1" x 1/2", 6 Port (BMPT6-112) 1" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
1" x 1/2", 8 Port (FTMPT8-112) 1" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
1" x 3/4" Flow-through multiport Tee, 3 outlets (1/2") (FTMPT3-1*34) 1" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
1" x 3/4" Flow-through multiport Tee, 4 outlets (1/2") (FTMPT4-1*34) 1" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
1" x 3/4" Flow-through multiport Tee, 6 outlets (1/2") (FTMPT6-1*34) 1" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
1" x 1" Flow-through multiport Tee, 3 outlets (1/2") (FTMPT3-1*1) 1" x 1" C. HOT PPSU
1" x 1" Flow-through multiport Tee, 4 outlets (1/2") (FTMPT4-1*1) 1" x 1" C. HOT PPSU
1" x 1" Flow-through multiport Tee, 6 outlets (1/2") (FTMPT6-1*1) 1" x 1" C. HOT PPSU
1" x 3/4" x 1/2", 4 Port (FTMPT4-13412) 1" x 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
1" x 1" x 1/2", 6 Port (FTMPT6-1112) 1" x 1" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
1" x 1" x 1/2", 8 Port (FTMPT8-1112) 1" x 1" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Norisstraße 4
Pegnitz 91257 
49 9241-9109100

Facility : Zhejiang, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

PVC-U Kugelhahn COMPACT 2fach Klebemuffe 1/2" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL

Huizhou Wote Advanced Materials Co., Ltd. 
Scientific Industry Park
Xiao Jinkou Town 
Huizhou, Guangdong 516023 
86 752 278 1999
Visit this company's website

Facility : Guangdong, China

Potable Water Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation End Use Temp Material

Potable Water Materials

[1] Only natural, black, and gray materials are certified.
[2] Pipe, Fitting, and Appurtenance end use. Certified for a maximum surface area to volume
    ratio of 365 square inches/L.

Hunan Ovay Technology Co., Ltd. 
Huoju Road IV, Liyu Zone
Tianyuan District 
Zhuzhou, Hunan Province 412000 
86 731 2286 6639
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Facility : Zhuzhou, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1] [2] [3]
OV-FR-4040 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
OV-FR-8040 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
OV-L-4040 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
OV-L-8040 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
OV-SW-2514 2.5" x 14" CLD 23 MLTPL
OV-SW-4040 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
OV-SW-8040 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
OV-U-2540 2.5" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
OV-U-4021-HF 4" x 21" CLD 23 MLTPL
OV-U-4021-HR 4" x 21" CLD 23 MLTPL
OV-U-4040 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
OV-U-4040-HF 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
OV-U-4040-HR 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
OV-U-8040 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
OV-U-8040-HF 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
OV-U-8040-HR 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Products have the following minimum daily flow:
    OV-U-8040-HF - 10000 gallons
    OV-U-8040-HR - 10000 gallons
    OV-U-8040    - 10000 gallons
    OV-L-8040    - 9600 gallons
    OV-FR-8040   - 9600 gallons
    OV-U-4040-HF - 2700 gallons
    OV-U-4040-HR - 1900 gallons
    OV-U-4040    - 2400 gallons
    OV-L-4040    - 2400 gallons
    OV-FR-4040   - 2200 gallons
    OV-U-4021-HF - 1000 gallons
    OV-U-4021-HR - 850 gallons
    OV-U-2540    - 750 gallons
    OV-SW-4040   - 1600 gallons
    OV-SW-2514   - 130 gallons
    OV-SW-8040   - 7800 gallons
[2] Product requires a 1 hour deionized water flush at various flow rates and pressures
    depending on the model:
    OV-U-8040-HF - 61.11 gpm at 150 PSI
    OV-U-8040-HR - 48.61 gpm at 150 PSI
    OV-U-8040    - 56.02 gpm at 150 PSI
    OV-L-8040    - 44.44 gpm at 225 PSI
    OV-FR-8040   - 44.44 gpm at 225 PSI
    OV-U-4040-HF - 12.50 gpm at 150 PSI
    OV-U-4040-HR - 8.80 gpm at 150 PSI
    OV-U-4040    - 11.11 gpm at 150 PSI
    OV-L-4040    - 11.11 gpm at 225 PSI
    OV-FR-4040   - 10.19 gpm at 225 PSI
    OV-U-4021-HF - 8.68 gpm at 150 PSI
    OV-U-4021-HR - 73.78 gpm at 150 PSI
    OV-U-2540    - 3.47 gpm at 150 PSI
    OV-SW-4040   - 13.89 gpm at 800 PSI
    OV-SW-2514   - 4.51 gpm at 800 PSI
    OV-SW-8040   - 67.71 gpm at 800 PSI
[3] L - Low Pressure
    U - Ultra Low Pressure
    SW - Seawater
    HF - High Flux
    HR - High Rejection
    CR - Chlorine Resistant
    FR - Fouling Resistant

Hutchinson Seal de Mexico S.A. de C.V. 
National O-Ring Division
Calle Pelicanos 313 
Col. Lomas de San Fernando, Ensenada 
Baja California C.P. 22785,  
52 646 152 2900

Facility : Ensenada Baja California, Mexico

Mechanical Plumbing Devices

Trade Designation      

Gasket/Sealing Materials[1]
EPDM Compound E14[2]      
EPDM Compound E16[2]      

[2] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 2.0 sq. in./L.

[1] This product does not require a Q statistic. It is made from material or materials that
    do not require lead analysis when reviewed per NSF/ANSI/CAN Standard 61, Section 3.3.

401 Jones Road
Oceanside, CA 92058 
United States 
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Facility : Shiga, Japan

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components
ESPA DHF-M flat sheet membrane[1] [2] CLD 23 OTHER
ESPA DSF-M flat sheet membrane[1] [2] CLD 23 OTHER
ESPA-DHF flat sheet membrane[1] [2] CLD 23 OTHER
ESPA-DHR flat sheet membrane[1] [2] CLD 23 OTHER
ESPA-DSF flat sheet membrane[1] [2] CLD 23 OTHER
ESPA-XF-10 flat sheet membrane[1] [2] CLD 23 OTHER

[1] Certified for a minimum daily permeate flow of 1,000 gallons.  Product requires a
    potable water flush of 10 minutes at 100 PSI, followed by 20 minutes at 70 - 100 PSI
    before use.
[2] Certified for a maximum surface area of 440 sq. ft.

HydrantGuard, LLC 
2357 Whitehall Road
Muskegon, MI 49445 
United States 

Facility : Muskegon, MI

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[G]
Hydrant Guard (HG1) 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
Hydrant Guard (HG2) 6" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Hydronix Water Technology 
8630 Rochester Avenue
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : 3C

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1] [2] [G]
Sediment Bonded Cartridge (SBC-XXYYZZ) [3] CLD 23 PP
Sediment Bonded Cartridge (SBX-XXYYZZ) [3] CLD 23 PP
Sediment Bonded Cartridge (WW-SBXXYYZZ) [4] CLD 23 PP
Sediment Depth Cartridge (SDC-XXYYZZ) [3] CLD 23 PP
Sediment Depth Cartridge (SDX-XXYYZZ) [3] CLD 23 PP
Sediment Depth Cartridge (WW-SDXXYYZZ) [4] CLD 23 PP
Sediment Grooved Cartridge (SGC-XXYYZZ) [3] CLD 23 PP
Sediment Grooved Cartridge (SGX-XXYYZZ) [3] CLD 23 PP
Sediment Grooved Cartridge (WW-SGXXYYZZ) [4] CLD 23 PP
Sediment Wound Cartridge (SWC-XXYYZZ) [3] CLD 23 PP
Sediment Wound Cartridge (SWX-XXYYZZ) [3] CLD 23 PP

[1] Certified for point-of-entry (POE) and municipal end uses.
[2] Certification does not include inner core, adapters, o-rings, gaskets, or end caps.
[3] XX - 1.5" – 8" Diameter					
    YY - 2" – 60" Length					
    ZZ - 0.5m – 200m Micron Rating					
    *Special lengths and diameters within the certified range are included in the
    certification such as 2 1/4" diameter and 30 1/4" length.
[4] WW - Internal Code AA-ZZ					
    XX - 1.5" – 8" Diameter					
    YY - 2" – 60" Length					
    ZZ - 0.5m – 200m Micron Rating					
    *Special lengths and diameters within the certified range are included in the
    certification such as 2 1/4" diameter and 30 1/4" length.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Hydronix Water Technology / HydroScientific 
8630 Rochester Avenue
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : 2A

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1] [2] [G]
HBBC-150-PX [3] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Flushing Procedure: 5 min flush with clean water.
[2] Certified for point of entry (POE) and municipal end uses.
[3] HBBC-150-PXX is denoted as follows:
    HBBC: Big Flow Cartridge
    150: GPM
    P: Pleated
    XX: 1 (1), 5 (5), 20 (20), 50 (50) Micron Rating
[4] HHFEC-XX-YY is denoted as follows:
    HHFEC: High Flow Filter Cartridges
    XX: 0.2 (0.2), 01 (1), 05 (5), 10 (10), 20 (20), 30 (30), 50 (50), 70 (70) Micron Rating
    YY: 20”, 23” (Blank), 40”, 60”
[5] HSC-XX-YYY is denoted as follows:
    XX: Length - 40 (9 5/8”) , 90 (19 ½”), 170 (30 ¾”)
    YYY: 0.2, 0.35, 0.45, 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 150 Micron Rating
    PPA or blank: PPA (Pleated All Poly), blank (Pleated Synthetic)
[6] HSC-XXX-LT2 is denoted as follows:
    XXX: Length - 40 (9 5/8”) , 90 (19 ½”), 170 (30 ¾”)
    LT2: 1 micron absolute
[7] SPC-XXX-YYZZZ is denoted as follows:
    SPC: Sediment Pleated Cartridge
    XXX: Outside Diameter – 25 (2.5”), 45 (4.5”)
    YY: Length - 10 (9 7/8”), 20 (20”), 30 (30”), 40 (40”)
    ZZZ: 0.2 (0.2), 01 (1), 05 (5), 10 (10), 20 (20), 30 (30), 50 (50), 100 (100) Micron
[8] SPX-XXX-YYZZZ is denoted as follows:
    SPX: Sediment Pleated Cartridge
    XXX: Outside Diameter – 25 (2.5”), 45 (4.5”)
    YY: Length - 10 (9 7/8”), 20 (20”), 30 (30”), 40 (40”)	
    ZZZ: .2A (0.2), .35 (0.35), 01 or 01A (1), 05 (5), 10 (10), 20 (20), 30 (30), 50 (50),
    100 (100) Micron Rating
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : 1D

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1] [2] [G]
BF-(1)-(2)-(3)-(4) [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
HBCJ-(1)-(2) [4] CLD 23 MLTPL
HF-(1)-(2)-(3)-(4)-(5) [5] CLD 23 MLTPL
HSBJ-(1)-(SB)-(2)-(3) [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
MBF-(1)-(2)-(3) [7] CLD 23 MLTPL
MRH(S)-(1)-(2)-(3)-(BC) [8] CLD 23 MLTPL
MRH(S)-(SB)-(1)-(2)-(3) [9] CLD 23 MLTPL
SC-(1)-(SB)-(2)-(3) [6] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Flushing Procedure: 5 min flush with clean water.
[2] Certified for point of entry (POE) and municipal end uses.
[3] BF-(1)-(2)-(3)-(4) is denoted as follows:
    (1) Size: 1, 2, 3, 4
    (2) MOC: 304, 316, C (Carbon Steel)
    (3) Port Diameter: 1”, 2"
    (4) Cap Style: NBC (Band Clamp), N (Swing Bolt)
[4] HBCJ-(1)-(2) is denoted as follows:
    (1) Model: 40, 90, 170
    (BC) Band Clamp
    (2) MOC: 304 (blank) or 316
[5] HF-(1)-(2)-(3)-(4)-(5) is denoted as follows:
    (1) Size: E (Economy), 2 (20”), 4 (40”), 6 (60”)
    (2) Orientation: V (Vertical), H (Horizontal)
    (3) MOC: 304 or 316
    (4) Port Diameter: 2”, 3”, 4”, 6”, 8”, 12” 
    (5) Cartridge #: 3 (3), 4 (4), 7 (7), 12 (12)
[6] HSBJ-(1)-(SB)-(2)-(3) and SC-(1)-(SB)-(2)-(3) are denoted as follows:
    (1) Model: 40, 90, 170
    (SB) Swing Bolt
    (2) Cartridge #: 3, 4, 5, 8, 12, 16
    (3) MOC: 304 (blank) or 316
[7] MBF-(1)-(2)-(3) is denoted as follows:
    (1) Bag #: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12
    (2) MOC: 304, 316
    (3) Flange Port Diameter (IN): 3F, 4F, 6F, 8F, 10F
[8] MRH(S)-(1)-(2)-(3)-(BC) is denoted as follows:
    MRH-MOC: 304
    MRHS-MOC: 316
    (1) Cartridge #: 4, 5, 7, 12, 22, 36, 52, 85
    (2) Length: 10”, 20”, 30”, 40”
    (3) Port Diameter (IN): 2
    (BC) Band Clamp
[9] MRH(S)-(SB)-(1)-(2)-(3) is denoted as follows:
    MRH-MOC: 304
    MRHS-MOC: 316
    (SB) Swing Bolt
    (1) Bag #: 4, 5, 7, 12, 22, 36, 52, 85
    (2) Length: 10”, 20”, 30”, 40” , 50” 
    (3) Port Diameter (IN): 2 (FNPT), 3F, 4F, 6F, 8F , 10F, 12F
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Højstrup Industrilim - C. Højstrup Aps 
Emil Neckelmanns Vej 11
DK-5220 Odense Sø 
45 66 17 18 02

Facility : # 1 Switzerland

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds
Permalock AN 4001 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Permalock AN 500 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Permalock AN 6500 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Permalock AN 700 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Permalock AN K060 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC

IDC Fluid Control Co., Ltd. C/O Ningbo IDC International Trading Co., Ltd. 
Floor 43, Bldg A, Int. Trade Center
Ningbo Chamber of Commerce 
No. 558 of Taikangzhong Rd. 
Yinzhou District, Ningbo 315100,  
86 574 2767 0666
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Facility : Zhejiang, China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Ningbo IDC Logo 1 1/2" BARB X 1 1/2" MPT (2XABc35) PEX Male Adapter[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 1 1/4" Barb X 1 1/4" MPT (2XABc55) Male Adapter[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 1 1/4" Barb X 1" MPT (2XABc54) Male Adapter[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 1 1/4" Barb x 1 1/4" MPT (2XATc20)[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 1 3/4" Barb x 1/2" MPT (2XATc32) Brass Elbow Male Thread[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 1" Barb X 1 1/4" MPT (2XATc10) Elbow Male Thread[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 1" PEX x 1" MPT (2XABc44) Male Adapter[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 1" PEX x 3/4" (2XABc43) MPT Male Adapter[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 1/2" MPT x 1/2" MPT (2XATc22) Elbow Male Thread[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 1/2" MPT x 3/8" MPT (2XATc21) Elbow Male Thread[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 1/2" PEX x 1/2" MPT (2XABc22) Male Adapter[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 1/2" PEX x 1/2" MPT (2XAJc22) Elbow Male Thread[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 1/2" PEX x 1/2" PEX x 1/2" MPT (2XARc22) Male Branch Tee[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 1/2" PEX x 3/4" MPT (2XABc23) Male Adapter[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 1/2" PEX x 3/4" MPT (2XAJc23) Elbow Male Thread[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 1/2" PEX x 3/8" (2XABc21) MPT Male Adapter[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 1/2" PEX x 3/8" MPT (2XAJc21) Elbow Male Thread[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 2" Barb x 2" MPT (2XABc14) PEX Barb Adapter[1] [G] 3/8" - 3" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 2XEBc11 Expansion XL Brass MPT Adapter - 1/2" x 1/2"[G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 2XEBc12 Expansion XL Brass MPT Adapter - 1/2" x 3/4" 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 2XEBc21 Expansion XL Brass MPT Adapter - 3/4" x 1/2"[G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 2XEBc22 Expansion XL Brass MPT Adapter - 3/4" x 3/4"[G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 2XEBc23 Expansion XL Brass MPT Adapter - 3/4" x 1"[G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 2XEBc32 Expansion XL Brass MPT Adapter - 1" x 3/4"[G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 2XEBc33 Expansion XL Brass MPT Adapter - 1" x 1"[G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 3/4" PEX x 1/2" MPT (2XABc32) Male Adapter[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 3/4" PEX x 3/4" MPT (2XABc33) Male Adapter[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 3/4" PEX x 3/4" MPT (2XAJc33) Elbow Male Thread[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 3/4" PEX x 3/4" PEX x 1/2" MPT (2XARc32) Male Branch Tee[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 3/4" x 1" MPT (2XABc34) PEX Brass Male Adapter[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 3/8" PEX x 1/2" (2XABc12) MPT Male adapter[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 3/8" PEX x 1/2" (2XAJc12) MPT Elbow Male Thread[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 3/8" PEX x 3/8" (2XABc11) MPT Male Adapter[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 3/8" PEX x 3/8" (2XAJc11) MPT Elbow Male Thread[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Ningbo IDC Logo 5/8" PEX x 3/4" MPT Male Adapter (2XABc24)[1] [G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL

[1] Product also complies to NSF/ANSI 372.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


IFS Coatings Inc. 
3601 North Interstate 35
Gainesville, TX 76240 
United States 

Facility : Gainesville, TX

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Pump [G]
Black (ERSS11685) [1] >=1" C. HOT PEC
Blue (ERSS22597) [2] >=1" C. HOT PEC
Brown (ERSS47676) [3] >=1" C. HOT PEC
Gray (ERSS75636) [2] >=1" C. HOT PEC
Green (ERSS33254) [2] >=1" C. HOT PEC
Red (ERSS62900) [2] >=1" C. HOT PEC
White (ERSS83401) [2] >=1" C. HOT PEC
Yellow (ERSS51039) [2] >=1" C. HOT PEC

[1] Colors: Black
    Number of coats: 1
    Maximum field use dry film thickness (in mils): 60 mils
    Final cure time and temperature: 10 minutes at 400°F
    Special Comments: Pre-heat part to 400°F-475°F before powder application (depending on
    thickness of the substrate and application)
[2] Colors: Blue, Gray, Green, Red, White, Yellow
    Number of coats: 1
    Maximum field use dry film thickness (in mils): 20 mils
    Final cure time and temperature: 10 minutes at 400°F
    Special Comments: Pre-heat part to 400°F-475°F before powder application (depending on
    thickness of the substrate and application)
[3] Colors: Brown
    Number of coats: 1
    Maximum field use dry film thickness (in mils): 20 mils
    Final cure time and temperature: 15 minutes at 400°F
    Special Comments: Pre-heat part to 400°F-475°F before powder application (depending on
    thickness of the substrate and application
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Ingevity Corporation 
958 East Riverside Street
Covington, VA 24426 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Wickliffe, KY

Process Media

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Powdered Activated Carbon[2]
MP 900 2.5 μm - 150 μm CLD 23 PAC

[2] The carbon source is wood.

NOTE: Certified for water treatment plant applications.
      This product has not been evaluated for point of use applications.

Intatec Limited 
Airfield Industrial Estate
Hixon, Staffordshire ST18 0PF 
United Kingdom 
44 1889 272180
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 UK

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[G]
1/2" M x 1/2" F NPT ActivFlo Solo Water Conditioner / ZAF012MF 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Integrity Pump and Motor Group, LLC 
7112 Juniper Road
Fairview, TN 37062 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Fairview, TN

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps [G]
O/L Vertical Turbine[1] 7" - 22" CLD 23 MLTPL
W/L Vertical Turbine [1] 7" - 22" CLD 23 MLTPL
XXIYYZZB[2] [3] 1" x 2" - 6" x 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
XXIYYZZC[2] [3] 1" x 2" - 6" x 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
XXIYYZZG[2] [3] 1" x 2" - 6" x 10" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 36,000 gallons.
[2] The "Size" denotes suction end size x discharge end size.
[3] The variables in the trade name denote the following: 	
    "XX" = discharge size in inches	
    "YY" = suction size in inches (can be one or two digits)	
    "ZZ" = nominal impeller size (can be one or two digits)	
    The options for each variable in each series are as follows: 	
    G Series:	
    Discharge size      Suction size     Nominal impeller size	
    1.5                 2.0              8	
    1.5                 2.0              6	
    1.0                 2.0              7	
    B Series: 	
    Discharge size      Suction size     Nominal impeller size	
    2.5                 3.0              7	
    3.0                 4.0              7	
    4.0                 5.0              7	
    C Series:	
    Discharge size      Suction size     Nominal impeller size	
    4.0                 6.0              13	
    5.0                 8.0              14	
    6.0                 10.0             14	
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Submersible Pump - Pump Ends[1] [G]
Submersible Turbine 7" - 14" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 36,000 gallons.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


International Paint Inc. 
Heavy Duty Group
6001 Antoine Drive 
Houston, TX 77210-4806 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Houston, TX

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Pump
Ceilcote® 662AR Flakeline[2] >= 2" CLD 23 EPOXY
Interline 850[3] >= 2" CLD 23 EPOXY
Interline 975P[4] [5] >= 2" CLD 23 EPOXY
Intershield 300HS[9] >= 2" CLD 23 EPOXY

[2] Colors: Gray					
    Number of Coats: 1-2					
    Maximum field use dry film thickness (in mils): 50					
    Recoat cure time and temperature: 6 hours at 77°F 					
    Final cure time and temperature: 3 days at 75°F 					
    Special comments: Mix ratio of Part A:B is 2:1 by volume.
[3] Colors: TLA 850/TLA 856 White, TLA851/TLA 856 Gray, TLA 852/TLA 856 Buff, TLA 72525/TLA
    856 Oxide Red, TLA 855/TLA 856 Cruiser Blue
    Number of Coats: 2
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 10
    Maximum Thinner: International Thinner GTA 415, 6% by volume
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 16 hours at 75°F
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 14 days at 75°F
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of Base:Curing Agent is 4:1 by volume.
[4] Colors: Cream, White
    Number of Coats: 1-3
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 50 (Total)
    Maximum thinner: None
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 3 days at 77°F
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of Part A:Part B is 2:1 by volume.
[5] Colors: Cream, White
    Number of Coats: 2
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 25 per coat
    Maximum thinner: None
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 3 days at 77°F
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of Part A:Part B is 2:1 by volume.
[9] Colors: ENA380 Bronze, ENA381 Aluminum
    Number of Coats: 2
    Sequence of Coats: 2 coats of either color in any combination.
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 10
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 24 hours at 73°F
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 30 days at 73°F
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of color base to curing agent is 3.73:1 by weight and 2.5:1
    by volume.

Internationale Metall Imprägnier GmbH 
International Metal Impregnating Co Ltd
Daimlerstrasse 12 
D-40789 Monheim Am Rhein 
49 2173 9260
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 2 Germany

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Impregnation Resins
IM 3000 [1] [2] [3] [4] C. HOT MLTPL
IM4500r [1] [2] [3] [4] C. HOT MLTPL
IM7000 [1] [2] [3] [4] C. HOT MLTPL

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 50 square inches per liter.
[2] Impregnation allowable on castings exhibiting a maximum leakage of 450 cc's when tested
    at 60 PSI air pressure.
[3] Also evaluated as material for use in Mechanical Plumbing Devices (Section 9) for
    applications with a maximum surface area of 50 square inches per liter.
[4] Certified for use in materials with a porosity rating of less than 1 percent.

Intralox LLC 
301 Plantation Road
Harahan, LA 70123 
United States 
800 535 8848 
504 733 6739
Visit this company's website

Facility : Harahan, LA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
Series 6000 Intake Screen[G] [1] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 4.25 million gallons.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

INVENT Umwelt-und Verfahrenstechnik AG 
Am Pestalozziring 21
91058 Bayern 
49 913 169 0980
Visit this company's website

Facility : Bayern, Germany

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
HYPERMIX Agitator HM/500 [1] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum tank size of 10,000 gallons.

Iorex, Co., Ltd. 
51 Biseoknal-ro, Deokjin-gu
Jeon-ju, Jeollabuk-do 561-330 
Republic of Korea 
82 63 2146 977
Visit this company's website

Facility : Jeollabuk-do, Republic of Korea

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Treatment Devices/Components[1] [2] [G]
IOR-100N 100 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
IOR-125N 125 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
IOR-150N 150 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
IOR-15HN 15 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
IOR-15N 15 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
IOR-200N 200 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
IOR-20N 20 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
IOR-250N 250 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
IOR-25N 25 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
IOR-300N 300 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
IOR-32N 32 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
IOR-350N 350 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
IOR-400N 400 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
IOR-40N 40 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
IOR-500N 500 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
IOR-50N 50 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
IOR-600N 600 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
IOR-65N 65 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
IOR-700N 700 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
IOR-750N 750 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
IOR-80N 80 mm CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] This product is Certified to the health effects requirements of NSF/ANSI/CAN 61, which
    assesses the acceptability of potential extractants from the product. No evaluation will
    be performed to verify product  performance or any health claims related to the water
    produced by this product.
[2] This product is not Certified for Point-of-entry (POE) end uses.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

IPS Corporation 
202 Industrial Park Lane
P.O. Box 220 
Collierville, TN 38027 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Chicago, IL

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

All Seal Pipe Joint Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT TS
Gold Seal Pipe Joint Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT TS

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


IPS Corporation 
202 Industrial Park Lane
P.O. Box 220 
Collierville, TN 38027 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 USA

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds
All Seal Pipe Thread Sealant >= 1/2" C. HOT TS
Blue Seal Pipe Thread Sealant >= 1/2" C. HOT TS
Gold Seal Pipe Joint Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT TS
White Seal Plus Pipe Thread Sealant >= 1/2" C. HOT TS

ITT Goulds Pumps Inc. 
240 Fall Street
Seneca Falls, NY 13148 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Seneca Falls, NY

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps [3] [G]
Double Suction Pump 3409 6" - 18" CLD 23 MLTPL
Double Suction Pump 3410 2" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
Double Suction Pump 3420 16" - 36" CLD 23 MLTPL
Double Suction Pump 3498 12" - 30" CLD 23 MLTPL
Goulds 3175[1] [2] 3" - 24" CLD 23 MLTPL
Goulds 3180[1] 3" - 24" CLD 23 MLTPL
Goulds 3196[1] 1" - 24" CLD 23 MLTPL
Goulds LF3196[1] 1" - 24" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for water end uses only.  Not Certified for chemical service.
[2] Certified for stainless steel pumps only.
[3] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Hidalgo, Mexico

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends[1] [2] [G]
VIC Vertically suspended pumps 6" - 60"[3] CLD 23 MLTPL
VIT Vertically suspended pumps 6" - 60"[3] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Column size range: 3" to 66"
    Head size range: 3" to 66"
    Barrel size range: 10" to 66"
    Number of bowls in one pump by bowl size:
    6” to 11”   1 - 27
    12” to 15”  1 - 15
    16” to 20”  1 - 10
    20” to 26”  1 - 8
    28” to 36”  1 - 5
    38” to 44”  1 - 3
    50” to 55”  1 - 2
    56” to 59”  1 - 2
    60” to 66”  1 - 3
[2] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[3] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 43,600 liters per day.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea, Republic of

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends[1] [2] [3] [G]
VIC Vertically suspended pumps 6" - 60" CLD 23 MLTPL
VIT Vertically suspended pumps 6" - 60" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Column size range: 3" to 66"
    Head size range: 3" to 66"
    Barrel size range: 10" to 66"
    Number of bowls in one pump by bowl size:
    6" to 11" 1 - 27
    12" to 15" 1 - 15
    16" to 20" 1 - 10
    20" to 26" 1 - 8
    28" to 36" 1 - 5
    38" to 44" 1 - 3
    50" to 55" 1 - 2
    56" to 59" 1 - 2
    60" to 66" 1 - 3
[2] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 43,600 liters per day.
[3] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Am Eichenbach 14
73054 Eislingen/Fils 
49 704 196 3419

Facility : # 1 Europe

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds
VA 12-62 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
VA 12-70 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
VA 12-71 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
VA 15-72 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
VA 15-77[1] >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
VA 15-86 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC

[1] Certification is based on a minimum cure of 72 hours at 75°F.

ITW Spraytec Nordic ApS 
Priorsvej 36
8600 Silkeborg 
45 86 82 64 44

Facility : # 1 Europe

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds
Kemlock AS-70 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Kemlock AT-72 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Kemlock AT-77[2] >= 1/2" C. HOT TC

[2] Certification is based on a minimum cure of 72 hours at 75°F.

Ixom Watercare, Inc. 
3225 Highway 22 North
Dickinson, ND 58601-9419 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Dickinson, ND

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components [G]
GridBee® Air Powered Submersible Tank Mixer GS-12-AIR[1] >= 5000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
GridBee® Air Powered Submersible Tank Mixer GS-A30[1] >= 5000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
GridBee® Electric Powered Submersible Tank Mixer GS-12 v2[2] [3] >= 5000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
GridBee® Electric Powered Submersible Tank Mixer GS-9 v2[2] [3] >= 5000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
GridBee® Electric Powered Tank Mixer GF10000PW >= 10,000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
GridBee® Electric Powered Tank Mixer GF5000PW >= 10,000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
GridBee® SN1 Floating Spray Nozzle THM Removal[4] [5] [6] [7] >= 5,000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
GridBee® SN10 Floating Spray Nozzle THM Removal[4] [5] [6] >= 10,000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
GridBee® SN15 Floating Spray Nozzle THM Removal[4] [5] [6] >= 10,000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
GridBee® SN3 Floating Spray Nozzle THM Removal[4] [5] [6] >= 10,000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
GridBee® SN5 Floating Spray Nozzle THM Removal[4] [5] [6] >= 10,000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
SolarBee Grid Powered, Long Distance Circulation Unit GF1250PWc >= 10,000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
SolarBee Solar Powered, Long Distance Circulation Unit SB10000PW >= 10,000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
SolarBee Solar Powered, Long Distance Circulation Unit SB1250PW >= 10,000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
SolarBee Solar Powered, Long Distance Circulation Unit SB1250PWc >= 10,000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
SolarBee Solar Powered, Long Distance Circulation Unit SB1250PWc-400 >= 10,000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
SolarBee Solar Powered, Long Distance Circulation Unit SB2500PW >= 10,000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
SolarBee Solar Powered, Long Distance Circulation Unit SB400PWc >= 10,000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
SolarBee Solar Powered, Long Distance Circulation Unit SB400PWc-Grid >= 10,000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
SolarBee Solar Powered, Long Distance Circulation Unit SB5000PW >= 10,000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
SolarBee Solar Powered, Long Distance Circulation Unit SB500PWc >= 10,000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Tank Penetration Assembly >= 5,000 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] The air hose is optional.  The unit can be sold without the hose and the end use
    customer can use their own hose.
[2] Certification of the GS-9, GS-12, GS-9 v2, and GS-12 v2 does not include the motor.
[3] 76' EPDM cables are restricted to use in tanks 20,000 gallons and greater.  151' EPDM
    cables are restricted to use in tanks 40,000 gallons and greater.
[4] Certification does not include a motor.
[5] The numerical suffix (1, 3, 5, 10, 15) after the SN in the trade name indicates the
    horsepower of the motor.
[6] 200' EPDM cables are restricted to use in tanks 50,000 gallons and greater.
[7] Certification does not include a pump or a motor.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


J C Whitlam Mfg Company 
200 West Walnut Street
P.O. Box 380 
Wadsworth, OH 44282 
United States 

Facility : Wadsworth, OH

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Blue Magic Industrial Grade Pipe Thread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT NA

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Jacobi Carbons, Inc. 
432 McCormick Boulevard
Columbus, OH 43213-1585 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Nattandiya, Sri Lanka

Process Media

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Powdered Activated Carbon
AquaSorb™ MP25[1] [7] CLD 23 PAC

[1] The carbon source is coal.
[3] The carbon source is coconut shell.
[5] The carbon sources are coal and coconut shell.
[6] The carbon source is wood.
[7] Certified for the following mesh sizes: -100, -200, -325, fines, PAC-C, PAC-S, and PAC-F.

NOTE: Certified for water treatment plant applications.
      This product has not been evaluated for point of use applications.

Jash Engineering Limited 
31, Sector-C, Industrial Area
Sanwer Road, Indore 452015 
91 731 6732700
Visit this company's website

Facility : District Dhar (MP), India

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1]
Open Channel Gates [2] D. HOT MLTPL
Stainless Steel Fabricated Sluice Gates [2] D. HOT MLTPL

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[2] Certified for a minimum daily flow rate of 480,000 liters.

Jash USA Inc. DBA Rodney Hunt 
6200 Savoy Drive
Suite 750 
Houston, TX 77036 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Orange, MA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1] [G]
Stainless Steel Gates / A112 6" - 48" CLD 23 MLTPL
Stainless Steel Gates / A113 20" - 120" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for stainless steel gates that do not undergo a pickling/passivation procedure.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


JCM Industries, Inc. 
P.O. Box 1220
Nash, TX 75569-1220 
United States 

Facility : Nash, TX

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Dresser Industries Inc. Series 110 Patch Clamps 1/2" - 120" CLD 23 MLTPL
JCM Series 100, 120, 130, 150, 160, 170 Universal Clamp Couplings 1/2" - 120" CLD 23 MLTPL
JCM Series 106, 140 Bell Joint Leak Clamps 1/2" - 120" CLD 23 MLTPL
JCM Series 110, 112, 113, 115 Patch Clamps 1/2" - 120" CLD 23 MLTPL
USA Bluebook, Inc. Series 100, 110, 130 , 160, 170 Universal Clamp Couplings 1/2" - 120" CLD 23 MLTPL
USA Bluebook, Inc. Series 110 Patch Clamps 1/2" - 120" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Jet-Lube, Inc. 
930 Whitmore Drive
Rockwall, TX 75087 
United States 

Facility : Rockwall, TX

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds [G]
Century White Armor [1] CLD 23 TC
Eco-Safe [1] CLD 23 TC
HDD Environmental [1] CLD 23 TC
Marine Grade Anti-Seize [1] CLD 23 TC
NCS-30 [2] CLD 23 TC
NCS-30 ECF [2] CLD 23 TC
V-2 Multipurpose Thread Sealant with PTFE [2] C. HOT TS
Vermeer Bio Stick [2] CLD 23 TC
Well Guard [1] CLD 23 TC

[1] Evaluated for use as a thread compound in:
    Drill collars/tool joints >=4 1/2"
    Tubing >=2 3/8"
    Well casings >=4 1/2"
[2] Certified for use on pipes 1/2" and greater.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Jieh-Ming Plastics Mfg. Co., Ltd. 
No. 7, San-Long Street
Shuh-Lin District 
New Taipei City 
886 2 2689 5731

Facility : Zhejiang , China

Potable Water Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation End Use Temp Material

Potable Water Materials[1]
N-100 PVC Compound A D. HOT FPVC

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 55 sq. in./L.

NOTE: NSF Certified materials and generic ingredients are exempt from bearing an NSF
      Certification Mark. Certified materials and generic ingredients are identified by the
      manufacturer's name, facility and trade designation as shown in the Official Listing.

Facility : New Taipei City, Taiwan

Potable Water Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation End Use Temp Material

Potable Water Materials[1]
N-100 PVC Compound A CLD 23 FPVC

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 55 sq. in./L.

NOTE: NSF Certified materials and generic ingredients are exempt from bearing an NSF
      Certification Mark.  Certified materials and generic ingredients are identified by the
      manufacturer's name, facility and trade designation as shown in the Official Listing.

Jinan Kinger Industry Corporation 
11th Floor, YongAn Plaza
No.268 Quancheng Road 
Jinan, Shandong 250011 
86 531 8191 3333
Visit this company's website

Facility : Shandong, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

JKDZ45FMPF 2.5" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
JKDZ45MPF 2.5" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


John Crane Inc 
6400 Oakton Street
Morton Grove, IL 60053 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Morton Grove, IL

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[G]
4610 1" - 5.625" CLD 23 MLTPL
5610 1" - 5.5" CLD 23 MLTPL
5610v 1" - 5.5" CLD 23 MLTPL
8-1 .5" - 7" CLD 23 MLTPL
8-1T .5" - 7" CLD 23 MLTPL
8B1 .625" - 6.75" CLD 23 MLTPL
8B1T .625" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
Type 3740 1.375" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
Type 3740XL 6.25" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
Type 5610Q 1" - 5.5" CLD 23 MLTPL
Type 5610VQ 1" - 5.5" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Johnson Screens, A Brand of Aqseptence, Inc. 
1950 Old Highway 8 Northwest
New Brighton, MN 55112 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Forked River, NJ

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
PVC Inline Mixer[2] .5" - 1" CLD 23 MLTPL

[2] Certified for use with up to 6% Sodium Carbonate, 20% Sodium Hydroxide and 15% Sodium
    Hypochlorite.  This product is evaluated by diluting the exposed water treatment
    chemical to its maximum use level (MUL), as defined in NSF/ANSI/CAN 60.

Joseph Dresselhaus Befestigungstechnik GmbH & Co. KG 
Zeppelinstrasse 13
32051 Herford 
49 522 193 2232
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 Switzerland

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds
activ 90 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC

JSW Paints Private Limited 
3rd JSW Centre
Bandra Kurla Complex 
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400051 
91 22 69337113
Visit this company's website

Facility : Maharashtra, India

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Pump[1]
ColorDur T300 Epoxy SF Coating >= 6" CLD 23 EPOXY

[1] Colors : Red, Grey		
    Number Of Coats: 1		
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 20 mils		
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 7 days at 10-50°C		
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of resin to hardener is 3:1 by volume.

Kaiping Citec Sanitary Components Co., Ltd. 
No. 5 Huandie West Road
Cuishanhu New District, Kaiping City 
Guangdong Province 529300 
86 750 222 8118

Facility : Guangdong, China

Mechanical Plumbing Devices

Trade Designation      

Faucet Cartridges[1] [G]
A9 Component Family 1 (61) [Open]      
L1 Component Family 1 (61) [Open]      

[Q] This product meets the reduced Q test statistic criteria of 1 µg or 0.5 µg for lead per
    Section of NSF/ANSI/CAN 61.

[1] X   - Function:
          S - Standard
          T - High pressure resistance
          C - Cold/cold two step
          B - Joint separate w/ big joint and inside the ceramic fixed
          D - Joint separate w/ standard joint and inside the ceramic fixed
          U - O-ring upstair
    Y   - Type of base:
          H - High base
          F - Flat base
    ZZZ - Product serial code
          Any numeric code
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Kal-Lite Division / Kalwall Corporation 
40 River Road
Bow, NH 03304 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Bow, NH

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
KAL-LITE H2O (S)[2] [1] CLD 23 FRP
KAL-LITE H2O (T)[2] [1] CLD 23 FRP

[1] Certified for use as a component in water treatment plants with a minimum daily flow of
    10,000 L.
[2] (T) - Textured finish.
    (S) - Smooth finish.

Kanat Boyacilik Ticaret Ve Sanayi A.S. 
OSB Mah. No. 321 
35730 Izmir 
90 232 878 9500
Visit this company's website

Facility : Izmir, Turkey

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Pump[1]

[1] Colors: Red Oxide
    Number of coats: 1-2
    Maximum field use dry film thickness (in mils): 40 mils
    Recoat cure time and temperature: 6 hours at 25°C
    Final cure time and temperature: 14 days at 25°C
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of Part A:B is 2:1 by volume

Kasco Marine, Inc. 
800 Deere Road
Prescott, WI 54021 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Prescott, WI

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1] [G]
Aerator[2] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Base Mount[4] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
CertiSafe Base Mount[4] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
CertiSafe Floor Mount[4] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
CertiSafe Municipal Circulator[4] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
CertiSafe Municipal Mixer[4] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
CertiSafe Pipe Mount[4] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
CertiSafe Surface Aerator[2] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
CertiSafe Suspended Mount[5] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
CertiSafe Tank Aerator[2] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
CertiSafe Tank Circulator[4] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
CertiSafe Tank Mixer[4] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Certisafe Aerator[2] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Certisafe Circulator[4] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Certisafe Mixer[4] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Circulator[4] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Circulator[4] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Floor Mount[5] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Mixer[4] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Municipal Circulator[4] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Municipal Mixer[4] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Pipe Mount[4] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Surface Aerator[2] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Suspended Mount[5] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Tank Aerator[2] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Tank Circulator[4] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Tank Mixer[4] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] XXX suffix in trade name refers the to length of the power cord and may be:
    000 - Stub cord
    050 - 50 ft. cord
    100 - 100 ft. cord
    200 - 200 ft. cord
[2] Aerator, Certisafe Aerator, CertiSafe Surface Aerator, Surface Aerator, CertiSafe Tank
    Aerator, and Tank Aerator may have the following model numbers: 5.1AF61XXX and
[3] Certified for use in tanks >= 20,000 gallons.
[4] Certisafe Circulator, Certisafe Mixer, Mixer, Circulator, CertiSafe Tank Mixer, Tank
    Mixer, CertiSafe Municipal Mixer, Municipal Mixer, CertiSafe Tank Circulator, Tank
    Circulator, CertiSafe Municipal Circulator, Municipal Circulator, CertiSafe Floor Mount,
    CertiSafe Pipe Mount, CertiSafe Base Mount, Floor Mount, Pipe Mount, and Base Mount may
    have the following model numbers: 2400C61XXX, 3400C61XXX, 3400HC61, 4400C61XXX,
    4400HC61XXX, and 8400C61XXX.
[5] CertiSafe Suspended Mount and Suspended Mount may have the following part numbers:
    2400C61XXX, 3400C61XXX, 3400HC61XXX, 4400C61XXX, and 4400HC61XXX.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


KD Navien 
95, Suworam-gil, Seotan-myeon
Peongtaek-si, Seoul 
Republic of Korea 
82 2 6330 3836

Facility : Gyeonggi-Do, Korea, Republic of

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Treatment Devices/Components[G]
WEC400 2.0 L CLD 23 MLTPL
WEC400-03TID 2.0 L CLD 23 MLTPL
WEC420-03TID 2.0 L CLD 23 MLTPL
WEC600 2.5 L CLD 23 MLTPL
WEC600-05TID 2.5 L CLD 23 MLTPL
WEC620-05TID 2.5 L CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Kemflo Canada Inc. 
500 Edward Avenue
Unit 2 
Richmond Hill, ON L4C 9W6 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada

Process Media

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Aeration Packing Material[1]
Kempac Packing 1" - 3 1/2" CLD 23 PP
Kempac Tripacks Spherical style packing 1" - 3 1/2" CLD 23 PP

[1] The only Certified material for the above Listed products is Polypropylene (PP).

NOTE: Certified for water treatment plant applications.
      This product has not been evaluated for point of use applications.

Kinetico Incorporated 
10845 Kinsman Road
P.O. Box 193 
Newbury, OH 44065 
United States 

Facility : # 1 USA

Mechanical Plumbing Devices

Trade Designation      

Glass Fillers

Kinetico Contemporary Drinking Water Faucet[1] [G]
Bronze Hi Flow      
Classic Chrome Hi Flow      
Cobalt Stainless Hi Flow      
Matte Black Hi Flow      
Mediterranean Bronze Hi Flow      
Satin Gold Hi Flow      
Satin Nickel Hi Flow      

[1] These models are NSF Certified faucet components.  The assembly of components does not
    constitute an NSF Certified faucet.  Complete faucet assemblies are NSF Certified only
    if the assembled faucet appears in NSF Listings.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Kinetico Incorporated 
10845 Kinsman Road
Newbury, OH 44065 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 Taiwan

Mechanical Plumbing Devices

Trade Designation      


Kisling AG 
Motorenstrasse 102
CH-8620 Wetzikon 
41 58 272 0272

Facility : # 1 Switzerland

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds[1]
Ergo 4100 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Ergo 4101 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Ergo 4102 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Ergo 4205 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Ergo 4209 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Klüber Lubrication München GmbH & Co. KG  
Geisenhausenerstrasse 7
D-81379 Munich 
49 89 78760
Visit this company's website

Facility : Munich, Germany

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Testsample C1 >= 1/2" C. HOT LUB

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Kohler Co. 
444 Highland Drive
Kohler, WI 53044 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Jiangxi Province, Nanchang, China

Mechanical Plumbing Devices

Trade Designation      

Faucets[1] [G]
73050 Compose[Q]      
73054 Compose[Q]      
73060 Compose[Q]      
73159 Compose[Q]      
73167 Compose[Q]      
73168 Compose[Q]      

[2] First suffix ** - indicates handles 
    Second suffix ** - indicates finish
[Q] This product meets the reduced Q test statistic criteria of 1 µg or 0.5 µg for lead per
    Section of NSF/ANSI/CAN 61.

[1] The "K" prefix is optional for all model numbers and may not appear on product
    packaging. All models may also have a REC, EC, P, R, or T prefix. Model numbers may also
    be provided with suffixes indicating handle type, flow rate, flow type, and/or other
    feature options; and will have a suffix indicating finish option.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


KSB Manufacturing B.V. 
Kalkovenweg 13
2401 LJ Alphen a/d Rijn 
The Netherlands 
31 172 48 83 88
Visit this company's website

Facility : Alphen a/d Rijn, The Netherlands

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps[1] [2] [G]
DPV(a)(b) q/(x)(y)(g) 1 - 5 in CLD 23 MLTPL
Movitec (a)(b) q/(x)(y) (g) 1 - 5 in CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[2] KSB - Comany name (KSB Manufacturing B.V.)
    V - Vertical models
    a - Stainless Steel Grade of Material / Construction
        None - AISI 304/separate pump and motor shaft with coupling
        M - AISI 304/one motor and pump shaft
    b - Inlet/Outlet Connection Type
        None - Oval counter flange with BSP inner thread
        F  - Round flange
    q - Nominal Flow Rates (in cubic meters per hour): 2, 4, 6, 10, 15, 25, 40, 60, 85, 90
    x - Total number of stages
    y - Number of reduced head stages 
        None - No reduced head stages
        -1 - One reduced head stage
        -2 - Two reduced head stages
    g - Design Generation
        -B-B generation design
        -C-C generation design
    For clarification the pump range is hereafter given:
        DPV(M)(F) 2/(x)(y) B with pump height of 4 or more stages (x)
        DPV(M)(F) 4/(x)(y) B with pump height of 4 or more stages (x)
        DPV(M)(F) 6/(x)(y) B with pump height of 4 or more stages (x)
        DPV(F) 10/(x)(y) B
        DPV(F) 15/(x)(y) B
        DPV(F) 15/(x)(y) C
        DPVF 25/(x)(y) B
        DPVF 40/(x)(y) B
        DPVF 60/(x)(y) B
        DPVF 85/(x)(y) B
        Movitec V(M)(F) 2/(x)(y) B	
        Movitec V(M)(F) 4/(x)(y) B	
        Movitec V(M)(F) 6/(x)(y) B	
        Movitec V(F) 10/(x)(y) B	
        Movitec V(F) 15/(x)(y) B	
        Movitec VF 25/(x)(y) B	
        Movitec VF 40/(x)(y) B	
        Movitec VF 60/(x)(y) B	
        Movitec VF 90/(x)(y) B
    Certification is limited to the products that contain the Sealing SiC/Ca/EPDM WRAS.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


KSB Pumps Company Ltd. 
16/2 sir agha khan road
KSB Building 
Lahore 54000 
92 30 0402 5864
Visit this company's website

Facility : Hassanabdal, Pakistan

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends [G]
B-Pumps[1] [2] 6" - 50" CLD 23 MLTPL
SNW/PNW[3] [4] 12" - 32" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 240,000 liters.
[2] Trade name follows: B(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G)(H)(I)(J)(K)(L)(M)(N):
    A - Pump size
    B - Type of impeller (B, D, F)
    C - Number of stages (1-24)
    D - Discharge head arrangement
    E - Drive Type
    F - Coupling type
    G - Discharge head
    H - Sealing material (Mechanical seal)
    I - Pump/bowl Material (GC = Cast iron, stainless steel)
    J - Length of pipe (ft)
    K - Column pipe diameter (75-500 mm)
    L - Motor rating
    M - Number of poles
    N - Temperature sensor (with or without)
[3] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 7,800,000 liters.
[4] Trade name follows: SNW (A)(B)(C)(D)(E)
    A - Semi axial impeller
    B - Discharge elbow
    C - Impeller diameter (365-700 mm)
    D - Installation type (EJn - Two Floor arrangement, ,CD - Below Floor arrangement, Ebn -
    Above Floor arrangement)
    E - Material combination
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

KSB SE & Co. KGaA 
Johann-Klein-Str. 9
67227 Frankenthal 
49 6233 86 0
Visit this company's website

Facility : Frankenthal, Germany

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps[1] [2] [G]
Etachrom B [3] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certification does not include the free-flow impeller.
[2] Certification includes EPDM o-rings only.
[3] Models have the following size designation: XXX-YYY-ZZZ where XXX is the nominal suction
    nozzle diameter (050-100), YYY is the nominal discharge nozzle diameter (025-080), and
    ZZZ is the nominal impeller diameter (125-250) in mm.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Halle (Saale), Germany

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps [G]
RDLO (A)-(B)-(C)(D)(E)(F)[3] [4] 350mm - 800mm CLD 23 MLTPL
Omega (A)-(B)-(C)(D)(E)(F)[1] [2] 80mm - 500mm CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 600,000 liters.
[2] Omega (A)-(B)- (C) (D) (E) (F) represents the following:
    A: Nominal discharge nozzle diameter (mm)
    B: Nominal impeller diameter (mm)
    C: Impeller type
    D: Material variant (SC)
    E: Mechanical seal (G)
    F: Grease lubricated bearings (F)
[3] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 24,000,000 liters.
[4] RDLO (A)-(B)- (C) (D) (E) (F) represents the following:
    A: Nominal discharge nozzle diameter (mm)
    B: Nominal impeller diameter (mm)
    C: Impeller type
    D: Material variant (SC)
    E: Mechanical seal (G)
    F: Grease lubricated bearings (F)
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


La-Co Industries, Inc. 
1201 West Pratt Boulevard
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-5746 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Elk Grove Village, IL

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds[G]
Industrial Pipe Thread Paste - R >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Leak-Tite Blue >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Pipetite Stik >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Slic-Tite Paste with PTFE >= 1" C. HOT TC
Slic-Tite Stick with PTFE >= 1" C. HOT TC
T-O-T Pipe Thread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT TC

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


LAKOS Corporation 
1365 North Clovis Avenue
Fresno, CA 93727 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Fresno, CA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Treatment Devices/Components
PWC-10120-L[1] [G] 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
PWC-10120-V[1] [G] 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
PWC-1040-L[1] [G] 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
PWC-1040-V[1] [G] 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
PWC-1050-L[1] [G] 5" CLD 23 MLTPL
PWC-1050-V[1] [G] 5" CLD 23 MLTPL
PWC-1060-L[1] [G] 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
PWC-1060-V[1] [G] 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
PWC-1080-L[1] [G] 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
PWC-1080-V[1] [G] 8" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 1,550,000 liters.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Lansdale Valve and Manufacturing 
2880 Gravel Springs Road
Suite 100 
Buford, GA 30519 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Zhejiang, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Compact PVC Ball Valve SCH80 1/2" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL

Legend Valve & Fitting 
300 N. Opdyke
Auburn Hills, MI 48326 
United States 

Facility : Sihanoukville Province, Cambodia

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings [G]
3/8" x 1/2" MPT 461-822 Male Thread Coupling 3/8" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
1/2" x 1/2" MPT 461-754 Male Thread Coupling 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
1/2" x 3/4" MPT 461-755 Male Thread Coupling 1/2" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 1/2" MPT 461-757 Male Thread Coupling 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 3/4" MPT 461-758 Male Thread Coupling 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
1" x 1" MPT 461-763 Male Thread Coupling 1" x 1" C. HOT MLTPL
1/2" x 1/2" MPT 461-023 Male Thread 90° Elbow 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 3/4" MPT 461-025 Male Thread 90° Elbow 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 1/2" MPT 461-024 Male Thread 90° Elbow 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL

[1] PEX rings are non-wetted components of PEX fitting systems.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Legend Valve and Fittings, Inc. 
51245 Filomena Drive
Shelby Township, MI 48315 
United States 

Facility : Jiangsu, China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

T-631 (CTS) Compression Coupling 1/2" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Taichung, Taiwan

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

S-601 Compact Ball Valves 4" C. HOT PVC
S-601 Compact Ball Valves 2-1/2" C. HOT PVC
S-601 Compact Ball Valves 3" C. HOT PVC
S-602 Compact Ball Valves 1/2" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
S-605 (CTS) Compact Ball Valves 1/2" - 2" C. HOT CPVC
S-606 Compact Ball Valves 1/2" - 1" C. HOT CPVC
S-607 Compact Ball Valves 1/2" - 2" C. HOT CPVC
T-601 Compact Ball Valves 3" C. HOT PVC
T-601 Compact Ball Valves 2-1/2" C. HOT PVC
T-601 Compact Ball Valves 4" C. HOT PVC
T-602 Compact Ball Valves 1/2" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
T-607 Compact Ball Valves 1/2" - 2" C. HOT CPVC

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

T-631 (CTS) Compression Coupling 1/2" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Levare U.S. Inc. 
1600 N. Garnett Rd
Tulsa, OK 74116 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Midland, TX

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends[1] [G]
1050 series HPS (1050-1500) 10.5" CLD 23 MLTPL
1100 series HPS (1800) 11" CLD 23 MLTPL
338 series HPS (338-400 to 338-2300) 3.38" CLD 23 MLTPL
675 series HPS (675-7000 to 675-34500) 6.75" CLD 23 MLTPL
862 series HPS (862-18000 to 862-25000) 8.62" CLD 23 MLTPL
950 series HPS (950-1050) 9.5" CLD 23 MLTPL
B 400 series HPS (B 400-260 to B 400-5800) 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
B 538 series HPS (B 538-1500 to B 535-18000) 5.38" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 240,000 L.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Submersible Pump - Pump/Motor Units[1] [G]
1050 series ESP (1050-1500) 10.5" CLD 23 MLTPL
1100 series ESP (1100-1800) 11" CLD 23 MLTPL
338 series ESP (338-1200) 3.38" CLD 23 MLTPL
338 series ESP (338-1500) 3.38" CLD 23 MLTPL
338 series ESP (338-2300) 3.38" CLD 23 MLTPL
338 series ESP (338-400) 3.38" CLD 23 MLTPL
338 series ESP (338-550) 3.38" CLD 23 MLTPL
338 series ESP (338-900) 3.38" CLD 23 MLTPL
675 series ESP (675-12500) 6.75" CLD 23 MLTPL
675 series ESP (675-16000) 6.75" CLD 23 MLTPL
675 series ESP (675-21000) 6.75" CLD 23 MLTPL
675 series ESP (675-27500) 6.75" CLD 23 MLTPL
675 series ESP (675-34500) 6.75" CLD 23 MLTPL
675 series ESP (675-7000) 6.75" CLD 23 MLTPL
675 series ESP (675-9000) 6.75" CLD 23 MLTPL
862 series ESP (862-18000) 8.62" CLD 23 MLTPL
862 series ESP (862-25000) 8.62" CLD 23 MLTPL
950 series ESP (950-1050) 9.5" CLD 23 MLTPL
B 400 series ESP (B 400-1050) 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
B 400 series ESP (B 400-1250) 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
B 400 series ESP (B 400-1750) 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
B 400 series ESP (B 400-180) 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
B 400 series ESP (B 400-2200) 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
B 400 series ESP (B 400-260) 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
B 400 series ESP (B 400-3000) 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
B 400 series ESP (B 400-350) 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
B 400 series ESP (B 400-3700) 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
B 400 series ESP (B 400-4500) 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
B 400 series ESP (B 400-500) 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
B 400 series ESP (B 400-5300) 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
B 400 series ESP (B 400-5800) 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
B 400 series ESP (B 400-700) 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
B 400 series ESP (B 400-950) 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
B 538 series ESP (B 538-12500) 5.38" CLD 23 MLTPL
B 538 series ESP (B 538-1500) 5.38" CLD 23 MLTPL
B 538 series ESP (B 538-18000) 5.38" CLD 23 MLTPL
B 538 series ESP (B 538-1900) 5.38" CLD 23 MLTPL
B 538 series ESP (B 538-3600) 5.38" CLD 23 MLTPL
B 538 series ESP (B 538-5000) 5.38" CLD 23 MLTPL
B 538 series ESP (B 538-7000) 5.38" CLD 23 MLTPL
B 538 series ESP (B 538-9000) 5.38" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 240,000 L.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


LG Chem, Ltd. 
LG Twin Towers
128, Yeouidaero, Yeongdeungpo-gu 
Seoul 150-721 
Republic of Korea 
82 43 261 7532
Visit this company's website

Facility : Chungbuk, Republic of Korea

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components
LG SW GR[4] [5] [G] [6] CLD 23 OTHER
LG SW R[4] [5] [G] [6] CLD 23 OTHER
LG SW SR[4] [5] [G] [6] CLD 23 OTHER

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area of 462.04 sq.ft
[2] Certified for a maximum surface area of 506 sq.ft
[3] Certified for a maximum surface area of 497.58 sq.ft
[4] All models should receive a pre-service flush to be conducted at a low rate of 2.628
    liters per minute for 1 hour using deionized water.
[5] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 3,785 liters.
[6] Certified for a maximum surface area of 462.04 sq. ft.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

LifeLast, Inc. 
3813 Helios Way
Suite 190 
Pflugerville, TX 78660 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 USA

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Pump[1]
DuraShield 110[2] >=1” CLD 23 PUR
DuraShield 110-61[2] >= 1" CLD 23 PUR

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified. 
[2] Colors: Almond, black, gray, blue, yellow, green, red, brown, purple and variations of
    all of these primary colors.
    Number of Coats: Unlimited
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 250
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 24 hours at 70°F
    Special Comments: The coating may be applied in as many coats as necessary up to a
    maximum dry filim thickness of 250 mils. Mix ratio of polyol to
    isocyanate is 1:1 by volume. Minimum field use dry film thickness is 20 mils.

Liquid Solids Separation Corp., DBA LEEM Filtration 
25 Arrow Road
Ramsey, NJ 07446 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Ramsey, NJ

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1] [G]
LEEM Baskets [2] CLD 23 SS
LEEM Header/Lateral System [2] CLD 23 SS
LEEM Hub/Lateral System [2] CLD 23 SS
LEEM Laterals [2] CLD 23 SS
LEEM Nozzles [2] CLD 23 SS
LEEM Septas [2] CLD 23 SS

[1] Certification does not include gaskets.
[2] Certified for a minimum flow of 10 gallons per minute. 
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Lokring Technology, LLC 
38376 Apollo Parkway
Willoughby, OH 44094 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Willoughby, OH

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings[1] [G]
SS40-ADPT-(a)-(c) MPT-PW 1/4" - 3" C. HOT SS

[1] CPL    - Coupling
    RED    - Reducing Coupling
    CAP    - Cap
    FLNG   - ASME Flange Adapter
    EL90LR - 90° Elbow Long Radius
    EL90SR - 90° Elbow Short Radius
    EL45   - 45° Elbow
    TEE    - Tees
    RTEE   - Reducing Branch Tee
    ADPT-(a)-(c) MPT - Male Adapter (NPT)
    ADPT-(a)-(c) FPT - Female Adapter
    a - Lokring size (NPS inches)
    P - Pipe Sizes (ID)
    T - Tube Sizes (OD)
    P04 1/4"
    T04 1/4"
    P06 3/8"
    T06 3/8"
    P08 1/2"
    T08 1/2"
    T10 5/8"
    P12 3/4"
    T12 3/4"
    P16 1"
    T16 1"
    P20 1 1/4"
    T20 1 1/4"
    P24 1 1/2"
    T24 1 1/2"
    P32 2"
    T32 2"
    T40 2 1/2"
    P48 3"
    b - Flange Class
    c - Fitting Size
    1 1/4"
    1 1/2"
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Lotte Chemical Corporation 
56, Gosan-ro, Uiwang-si
Gyeonggi-do 437-711 
Republic of Korea 
82 31 596 3674

Facility : Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea

Potable Water Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation End Use Temp Material

Potable Water Materials
MP-0160 R Natural [2] D. HOT ABS

[1] Certified for fitting and appurtenance end uses not to exceed 50 sq. in./L.
[2] Certified for fitting and appurtenance end uses not to exceed 25 sq. in./L.

Lubrizol Advanced Materials, Inc. 
9911 Brecksville Road
Cleveland, OH 44141-3201 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Louisville, KY

Potable Water Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation End Use Temp Material

Potable Water Materials
TempRite® 3107 Blue 470 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 3107 Tan 309 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 3118 Gray 245 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 3215 Blue 470 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88615 Tan 311 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88619 Tan 311A P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88629 Tan 309 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88633 Tan 309 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88645 Gray 245 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88645 Gray 246 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88645 Gray 247 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88645 Tan 309 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88645 Tan 311 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88645 Tan 312 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88646 Tan 302 F C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88646 Tan 309 F C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88646 Tan 311 F C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88648 Tan 309 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88649 Tan 309 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88658 Tan 309 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88696 Tan 309 F C. HOT CPVC

NOTE: All Listed products from this facility are NSF Certified, whether or not they bear the
      NSF Mark.  Trade Name colors that may appear the following way are also considered to be
      NSF Certified: BLACK or BLK; ORANGE or ORG; BLUE or BLU; GRAY or GRY; BROWN or BRN.

Facility : Oevel, Belgium

Potable Water Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation End Use Temp Material

Potable Water Materials
TempRite® 3107 Blue 470 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 3107 Tan 309 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 3118 Gray 245 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 3215 Blue 470 F C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88615 Tan 311 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88619 Tan 311A P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88629 Tan 309 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88633 Tan 309 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88645 Gray 245 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88645 Gray 246 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88645 Gray 247 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88645 Tan 309 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88645 Tan 311 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88645 Tan 312 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88646 Tan 302 F C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88646 Tan 309 F C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88646 Tan 311 F C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88648 Tan 309 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88649 Tan 309 F C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88658 Tan 309 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88696 Tan 309 F C. HOT CPVC

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 250 sq. in./L.
[2] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 500 sq. in./L.

NOTE: All Listed products from this facility are NSF Certified, whether or not they bear the
      NSF Mark.  Trade Name colors that may appear the following way are also considered to be
      NSF Certified: BLACK or BLK; ORANGE or ORG; BLUE or BLU; GRAY or GRY; BROWN or BRN.

Facility : Gujarat, India

Potable Water Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation End Use Temp Material

Potable Water Materials
TempRite® 3107 Blue 470 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 3107 Tan 309 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 3118 Gray 245 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 3215 Blue 470 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88615 Tan 311 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88619 Tan 311A P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88633 Tan 309 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88645 Gray 245 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88645 Gray 246 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88645 Gray 247 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88645 Tan 309 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88645 Tan 311 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88645 Tan 312 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88646 Tan 302 F C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88646 Tan 309 F C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88646 Tan 311 F C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88648 Tan 309 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88649 Tan 309 F C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88658 Tan 309 P C. HOT CPVC
TempRite® 88696 Tan 309 F C. HOT CPVC

NOTE: All Listed products from this facility are NSF Certified, whether or not they bear the
      NSF Mark.  Trade Name colors that may appear the following way are also considered to be
      NSF Certified: BLACK or BLK; ORANGE or ORG; BLUE or BLU; GRAY or GRY; BROWN or BRN.

LWF UK Limited 
Ramsbrook Farm
Ramsbrook Lane 
Widnes, Cheshire, WA8 8NZ 
United Kingdom 
44 1256 584594
Visit this company's website

Facility : Cheshire, UK

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1] [2] [G]
CRALEY Fibre™ D-Series 25 mm - 32 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
CRALEY Fibre™ M Series >= 22 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
CRALEY Fibre™ T Series[3] >= 100 mm CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum length run of 5 meters.
[2] Certification does not include the chlorine sterilization tablets.
[3] Certification of the CRALEY Fibre™ T Series does not include the saddle fitting used to
    attach the product to the piping system.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Lync by Watts 
425 W Everman Parkway
Suite 101 
Fort Worth, TX 76134 
United States 

Facility : Franklin, NH

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Valves [G]
DigiTemp Jr. V23NN 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
DigiTemp Jr. V55NN 1" C. HOT MLTPL
DigiTemp Jr. V71NN 1 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
DigiTemp Jr. V125NN 2" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Magnum Plastics LLC 
7167 Old Kings Road
Jacksonville, FL 32219 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 2 Jacksonville, FL

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Aquamine PVC 1120 High Impact Pipe 1/2" - 12" CLD 23 PVC

Manek Metalcraft 
29/B Road No. 5
Naghedi Industrial Area 
Jamnagar, Gujarat 361006 
91 931 6565101
Visit this company's website

Facility : Jamnagar, Gujarat, India

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings[1] [G]
COMPRESSION 45° ELBOW FORGED 3/16x1/8" - 5/8x1/2" C. HOT BRASS
HOSE BARB TO MPT 1/8x1/8" - 1 1/4x1" C. HOT BRASS
HOSE BARB TO MPT (LONG) 1/8x1/8" - 1 1/4x1" C. HOT BRASS
HOSE BARB TO MPT ELBOW 45° FORGED 1/4"x1/8" - 3/4x1/2" C. HOT BRASS
HOSE BARB TO MPT ELBOW 90° BAR STOCK 3/16 x 1/8" - 1 x 1" C. HOT BRASS
HOSE BARB TO MPT ELBOW 90° FORGED 3/16 x 1/8" - 1 x 1" C. HOT BRASS
SAE 45° FLARE 45° ELBOW BAR STOCK FLARExMPT 1/4"x1/8 - 3/4"x3/4" C. HOT BRASS
SAE 45° FLARE 45° ELBOW FORGED FLARExMPT 1/4"x1/8 - 3/4"x3/4" C. HOT BRASS
SINGLE HOSE BARB TO MPT 1/8x1/8" - 3/4x3/4" C. HOT BRASS

[1] Only products bearing the NSF mark are Certified.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Manuspec Co., Inc. 
23802 FM2978 - Building #C2
Tomball, TX 77375 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Tomball, TX

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds[2]
MS67 Multi-Seal Thread Sealant >= 1/2" C. HOT TS
MS92 Multi-Seal with Teflon Thread Sealant[3] >= 1/2" C. HOT TS

[2] Listed models have lot #503311 or greater.
[3] Certified for the following colors: blue, gold, and white.

Marine Seals Shafts & Bearings DBA GLIDE Bearings 
1465 Spencer Mill Road
Burns, TN 37029 
United States 

Facility : Alto, MI

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1]

[1] Bearings are Certified for use with water pumps only.

Master Builders Solutions Admixtures US, LLC 
23700 Chagrin Boulevard
Cleveland, OH 44122 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 2 USA

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Master Roc MP 351 LV [3] CLD 23 PUR
Master Roc MP 351 LV Accelerator[2] [3] CLD 23 PUR

[1] Minimum cure time is 0.25 hours at 40°F. Mix ratio of Resin:Accelerator is 90:10 by
[2] MasterRoc MP 351 LV Accelerator is only certified for use with MasterRoc MP 351 LV.
[3] Certified for use in tanks at maximum surface area to volume ratio of 0.26 square
    centimeters per liter.

Facility : Stanley, NC

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Grouts[1] [2]
MasterRoc MP 355 1K [3] CLD 23 PUR
MasterRoc MP 355 1K Accelerator [3] CLD 23 PUR

[1] Minimum cure time is 0.25 hours at 40°F.  Mix ratio of Resin:Accelerator is 90:10 by
[2] MasterRoc MP 355 1K Accelerator is only certified for use with MasterRoc MP 355 1K.
[3] Certified for use in tanks at maximum surface area to volume ratio of 0.26 square
    centimeters per liter. 

Master Meter, Inc. 
101 Regency Parkway
Mansfield, TX 76063 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Mansfield, TX

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Water Meters [G]
MP BLMJ Multijet Water Meter 3/4" x 7 1/2" Short[1] [2] 3/4" x 7 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
MP BLMJ Multijet Water Meter 3/4" x 9" Standard[1] [2] 3/4" x 9" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Meter bodies can be composed of Envirobrass, Bialloy, EcoBrass, or Stainless Steel.
[2] Sizes:
    5/8" x 1/2" Standard
    5/8" x 3/4" Standard
    3/4" x 7 1/2" Short
    3/4" x 9" Standard
    3/4" x 9" x 1" Standard
    1" Standard
    3/4" x 7 1/2" High Capacity
[3] The MS Multijet Water Meter may be supplied with either threaded or flanged connections.
[4] Meter bodies can be composed of Stainless Steel CF8M or coated Cast or Ductile Iron or
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Mexico City, México

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Water Meters [G]
MP BLMJ Multijet Water Meter ¾” x 9” Standard[1] 3/4" x 9" CLD 23 MLTPL
MP BLMJ Multijet Water Meter ¾” x 7 ½” Short[1] 3/4" x 7 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Sizes:
    5/8” x ½” Standard
    5/8” x ¾” Standard
    ¾” x 7 ½” Short
    ¾” x 9” Standard
    ¾” x 9” x 1” Standard
    1” Standard
    ¾” x 7 ½” High Capacity
    Meter bodies can be composed of Envirobrass, Bialloy, or EcoBrass.
    MP BLMJ Multijet Water Meter ¾” x 7 ½” Short and MP BLMJ Multijet Water Meter ¾” x 9”
    Standard water meters are only manufactured at facility #70132.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Mayank Raw Mint Pvt. Ltd. 
Plot No. 10-15
Hapa Industrial Area, Hapa 
Jamnagar, Gujarat 361120 
91 962 4533303
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Facility : Gujarat, India

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings[1] [G]
7X0060 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Sleeve [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0060 - [XX] Lead Free7X0061 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Nut [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0062 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Union Compression x Compression [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0064 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Tee (x3) [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0066 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Female Coupling Compression x Female Pipe [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0068 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Connector Compression x Male Pipe [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0069 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Elbow x Male Pipe [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0071 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Tee Compression x Male Pipe [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0072 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Tee Compression x Male Pipe [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0078 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Tee Compression x Female Pipe [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0081 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Cap [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0082 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Reducing Union Compression x Compression [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0084 - [XXYYZZ] Lead Free Yellow Brass Reducing Tee Compression (x3) [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0088-[XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Tank Connector Compression x Male Pipe [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0092-[XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Tank Union Compression x Compression [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0094 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Male Flare Adapter [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0096-[XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Tank Coupling Compression x Female Pipe [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0686 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Sweat Adapter [2] D. HOT BRASS

[1] Fitting packaging is coded by the following convention:
    X indicates packaging:
    0 - Bulk pack
    1 - Blister pack
    3 - Single bag
    5 - Flag tagged
[2] Fitting sizes are coded by the following convention:
    XX, YY, and ZZ indicate size:
    02 - 1/8"
    03 - 3/16"
    04 - 1/4"
    05 - 5/16"
    06 - 3/8"
    08 - 1/2"
    10 - 5/8"
    12 - 3/4"
    14 - 7/8"
    16 - 1"
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


McWane Plant & Industrial LLC 
3600 Richard Arrington Jr. Boulevard
Birmingham, AL 35234 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Exeter, CA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[G]
SS-250 6" - 120" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Merit Brass Company 
1 Merit Drive
Cleveland, OH 44143 
United States 

Facility : # 1 USA

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings[1] [2] [G]

[1] AA refers to the size of the equal fittings, where AA may be 02 (1/8"), 04 (1/4"), 06
    (3/8"), 08 (1/2"), 12 (3/4"), 16 (1"), 20 (1 1/4"), 24 (1 1/2"), 32 (2"), 40 (2 1/2"),
    48 (3"), 64 (4"), 80 (5"), or 96 (6"). BB and CC refer to the ends of bushing and
    reducing couplings, where BB and CC may be 02 (1/8"), 04 (1/4"), 06 (3/8"), 08 (1/2"),
    12 (3/4"), 16 (1"), 20 (1 1/4"), 24 (1 1/2"), 32 (2"), 40 (2 1/2"), 48 (3"), or 64 (4").
    DD, EE, and FF refer to the end of the reducing tees, where DD, EE, and FF may be 06
    (3/8"), 08 (1/2"), 12 (3/4"), 16 (1"), 20 (1 1/4"), 24 (1 1/2") or 32 (2").
[2] Use of this material may not be appropriate in all water chemistries. Copper (tube,
    pipe, or fitting) may require corrosion control to limit the leaching of copper into
    drinking water under certain water chemistries. Refer to informative Annex I-6.1 of
    NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 for water quality considerations to be used before installing this
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Meter Technology Werks, LLC 
2315 East 3rd Avenue
Tampa, FL 33605 
United States 

Facility : # 1 Zhejiang, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[G]
5/8" (1/2") METER COUPLING/GASKET 5/8" (1/2") CLD 23 MLTPL
3/4" x 2 1/2" METER COUPLING/GASKET 3/4" x 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
3/4" x 2 1/2" FREE LEAD METER COUPLING/GASKET 3/4" x 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1 1/2" METER FLANGE 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Meter Technology Werks, LLC 
602 North 34th Street
Tampa, FL 33605 
United States 

Facility : FC

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1] [G]
CPL 07520 LF 20 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
CPL 100 Poly 1" 25 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
CPL Poly 07520 LF 20 mm CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for use with water meters only.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Metsan Endüstriyel Yapistiricilar Ticaret A.S. 
BOSB Mah. Bati Cad. 1.Sok.
34903 Istanbul 
90 444 0649
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 Turkey

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds
EMS FORCE 5543 Pipe Sealant >= 1/2" C. HOT TS
EMS FORCE 5577 Pipe Sealant >= 1/2" C. HOT TS

NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Meurer Research 
16133 West 45th Drive
Golden, CO 80403 
United States 

Facility : Golden, CO

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
Aluminum Spinal Plates[1] NA CLD 23 MLTPL
Hoseless Cable Vac Sludge Collector[1] NA CLD 23 MLTPL
Inclined Aluminum Plate Settlers[1] NA CLD 23 MLTPL
Inclined Stainless Steel Plate Settlers NA CLD 23 MLTPL
MRI Tube Settler System[2] NA CLD 23 MLTPL
Meurer Research Baffles[3] NA CLD 23 SS
Meurer Research Flocculators [4] CLD 23 MLTPL
Stainless Steel Spinal Plates NA CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a maximum of 7500 sq. ft. per minimum flow of 0.5 million gallons per day.
[2] Certified for a minimum flow of 60 gallons per minute per module.
[3] Certified for a minimum flow of 89 gallons per minutes per square foot.
[4] Certified for use in a minimum tank size of 8' x 8' x 10' with a minimum daily flow rate
    of 2,016,000 gallons.

Mexichem Colombia SAS 
Autopista Sur No. 71-75
57 1 782 5000

Facility : Bogota, Colombia

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Supertemp 1/2" - 2" C. HOT CPVC

Mexichem Soluciones Integrales S.A. de C.V. 
Avenida Paseo de la Reforma No. 483 PISO 47,
Entre las calles de Rio Elba y Rio de la Plata 
Cuauhtemco, CDMX, 06500 
52 442 217 7970

Facility : Cuautitlán Izcalli, Mexico

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Wavin SuperTemp CPVC 4120 1/2" - 2" C. HOT CPVC

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


MFG Water Treatment Products Co. 
55 Fourth Avenue
P.O. Box 458 
Union City, PA 16438-0458 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Union City, PA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1]
FRP Baffles [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
FRP Density Baffles [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
FRP Flat Sheet [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
FRP Flumes [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
FRP Gates [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
FRP Launder Covers [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
FRP Outlet Troughs [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
FRP Supports [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
FRP Trough Saddles [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
FRP Trough Supports [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
FRP Troughs [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
FRP Washers [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
FRP Weirs [2] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Products that contain PVC spreader bars are not Certified.
[2] All sizes.  Certified for use in water treatment plants with a minimum flow rate of
    10,000 L/day.

Mian Yang Polymer New Material Co., Ltd. 
Shima Concentrated Industrial Area
Mianyang, Sichuan 
86 8162285616
Visit this company's website

Facility : Sichuan, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1]
Purewater Spacer R-16-JZ [2] CLD 23 PET
Purewater Spacer R-18-JZ [3] CLD 23 PET
Purewater Spacer R-20-JZ [4] CLD 23 PET
Purewater Spacer R-22-JZ [5] CLD 23 PET
Purewater Spacer R-23-JZ-MD21 [6] CLD 23 PET
Purewater Spacer R-24-JZ [7] CLD 23 PET
Purewater Spacer R-25-JZ-MD44 [8] CLD 23 PET
Purewater Spacer R-27-JZ [9] CLD 23 PET
Purewater Spacer R-30-JZ [10] CLD 23 PET
Purewater Spacer R-35-JZ [11] CLD 23 PET
Purewater Spacer R-40-JZ [12] CLD 23 PET
Purewater Spacer R-45-JZ [13] CLD 23 PET
Purewater Spacer R-752 [14] CLD 23 PET

[1] Certified for point-of-entry (POE) and municipal applications.
[2] Certified for the following thickness:
    R-16-JZ: 0.16 +/- 0.02 mm
[3] Certified for the following thickness:
    R-18-JZ: 0.18 +/- 0.02 mm
[4] Certified for the following thickness:
    R-20-JZ: 0.20 +/- 0.02 mm
[5] Certified for the following thickness:
    R-22-JZ: 0.22 +/- 0.02 mm
[6] Certified for the following thickness:
    R-23-JZ-MD21: 0.23 +/- 0.02 mm
[7] Certified for the following thickness:
    R-24-JZ: 0.24 +/- 0.02 mm
[8] Certified for the following thickness:
    R-25-JZ-MD44: 0.25 +/- 0.02 mm
[9] Certified for the following thickness:
    R-27-JZ: 0.27 +/- 0.02 mm
[10] Certified for the following thickness:
     R-30-JZ: 0.30 +/- 0.02 mm
[11] Certified for the following thickness:
     R-35-JZ: 0.35 +/- 0.02 mm
[12] Certified for the following thickness:
     R-40-JZ: 0.40 +/- 0.02 mm
[13] Certified for the following thickness:
     R-45-JZ: 0.45 +/- 0.02 mm
[14] Certified for the following thickness:
     R-752-JZ: 0.25 +/- 0.02 mm

Midland Industries 
9311 Troost Avenue
Kansas City, MO 64131 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Gujarat, India

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings[1] [G]
7X0060 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Sleeve [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0060 - [XX] Lead Free7X0061 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Nut [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0062 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Union Compression x Compression [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0064 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Tee (x3) [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0066 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Female Coupling Compression x Female Pipe [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0068 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Connector Compression x Male Pipe [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0069 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Elbow x Male Pipe [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0071 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Tee Compression x Male Pipe [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0072 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Tee Compression x Male Pipe [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0078 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Tee Compression x Female Pipe [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0081 - [XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression Cap [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0082 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Reducing Union Compression x Compression [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0084 - [XXYYZZ] Lead Free Yellow Brass Reducing Tee Compression (x3) [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0088-[XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Tank Connector Compression x Male Pipe [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0092-[XX] Lead Free Yellow Brass Tank Union Compression x Compression [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0094 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Male Flare Adapter [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0096-[XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Tank Coupling Compression x Female Pipe [2] D. HOT BRASS
7X0686 - [XXYY] Lead Free Yellow Brass Compression x Sweat Adapter [2] D. HOT BRASS

[1] Fitting packaging is coded by the following convention:
    X indicates packaging:
    0 - Bulk pack
    1 - Blister pack
    3 - Single bag
    5 - Flag tagged
[2] Fitting sizes are coded by the following convention:
    XX, YY, and ZZ indicate size:
    02 - 1/8"
    03 - 3/16"
    04 - 1/4"
    05 - 5/16"
    06 - 3/8"
    08 - 1/2"
    10 - 5/8"
    12 - 3/4"
    14 - 7/8"
    16 - 1"
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Midland Industries 
9311 Troost Avenue
Kansas City, MO 64131 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Jamnagar, Gujarat

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

30136LF - 3/4 MGH X 3/8 COMPRESSION LEAD FREE 3/4" x 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
700068-0404 - 1/4 X 1/4 BRASS COMP MALE CONNECTOR 1/4" x 1/4" C. HOT BRASS
700093-0404 - LF 7406FC 1/4 X 1/4 COMP FLR 1/4" x 1/4" C. HOT BRASS
700097-0604 - LF 797 3/8 FE COMP X 1/4 COMP 3/8" x 1/4" C. HOT BRASS
704822-0606 - LF 797 9/16-24 FE FL X 3/8 COMP 9/16" x 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
707020-1008 - BRASS 5/8 HOSE BARB X 1/2 MPT ELBOW 5/8" x 1/2" C. HOT BRASS
707422-1204 - LF 766EV 3/4 FGH X 1/4 OD COMP 3/4" x 1/4" C. HOT BRASS
730097-0604 - LF 797 3/8 FE COMP X 1/4 COMP 3/8" x 1/4" C. HOT BRASS
P-754822.0606-LF - BRASS 3/8 FE COMP X 3/8 COM. LEAD FREE 3/8" x 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
PSP-68-88-LF - BRASS 1/2 COMP. X 1/2 MPT CONNECTOR 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT BRASS

[1] Only products bearing the NSF mark are certified. 

Midwestern Fabricators, Inc. 
1235 South Pioneer Road
Salt Lake City, UT 84104 
United States 

Facility : Salt Lake City, UT

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1]
FRP Launders 8" - 60" CLD 23 MLTPL
FRP Troughs 8" - 60" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for use in water treatment plants with a minimum flow rate of 9,000 L/day.

Mill-Rose Clean-Fit Division 
7310 Corporate Boulevard
Mentor, OH 44060 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Elk Grove Village, IL

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds[G]
Blue Monster Zero >= 1" C. HOT TC

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Milton Roy Company 
201 Ivyland Road
Ivyland, PA 18974 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Ivyland, PA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Chemical Metering Pumps[1] [G]
AA [WXY]-[ZZZZZ][2] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
ADWXY-ZZZZZ[3] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
AWXY-ZZZZZ[3] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
B[WXY]-[ZZZZZ][2] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
CWP[WXY]-[ZZZZZ][2] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
C[WXY]-[ZZZZZ][2] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
DXYYXXYYY[8] [9] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
GXYYXXYYY[8] [11] 1/2" - 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
J[WXY]-[ZZZZZ][2] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
PD[WXY]-[ZZZZZ][3] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
PD[WXY]-[ZZZZZ][4] 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
P[WXY]-[ZZZZZ][2] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
SDXYYXX[8] [10] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
SGXYYXX[8] [12] 1/2" - 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
UNI-DOSE® U[WXY]-[ZZZZZ][2] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[ERBX2X-ZZZZZZZZZ][5] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[ERBX2X][7] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[ERBX3X-ZZZZZZZZZ][5] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[ERBX3X][7] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[ERBX4X-ZZZZZZZZZ][5] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[ERBX4X][7] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[LE-ZZZZZZZZZ][7] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[XRDX2X-ZZZZZZZZZ][5] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[XRDX2X][7] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[XRDX3X-ZZZZZZZZZ][5] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[XRDX3X][7] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[XRDX4X-ZZZZZZZZZ][5] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[XRDX4X][7] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Products manufactured at this facility have serial numbers 14093868282-1 and greater.
[2] Letters W, X, and Y denote options for non-wetted components where:
    W indicates the drive control code
    X indicates the flow and pressure rating of the pump
    Y indicates the voltage code
    ZZZZZ indicates the liquid end handling assembly which can be any one of the following:
    312SI, 352SI, 362SI, 392SI, 313SI, 353SI, 363SI, 393SI, 281TT, 35TSI, 36TSI, 39TSI,
    D18AI, D58AI, D68AI, D98AI, 318SI, 358SI, 368SI, 398SI, 418SI, 458SI, 468SI, 498SI
    D10AI, D50AI, D60AI, D90AI, 410SI, 450SI, 460SI, 490SI
    415SI, 455SI, 465SI, 495SI
    217, 257, 297, 277
    419SI, 459SI, 469SI, 499SI
    Where S can be substituted with N or T and A can be substituted with H. Also, I can be
    substituted with U, P, or M.
    [The following models are not to appear in the Official Listing]
    O Metering Pumps (Similar to the P model metering pumps)
    Letters W, X denote options for non-wetted components where:
    W – indicates the drive control and voltage code (represents the W and Y of a [WXY]
    model code)
    X – flow and pressure rating of the pump
    Certified for use with the following chemicals:
    Aluminum sulfate (50%), ammonium hydroxide (29%), potassium hydroxide (45%), sodium
    hydroxide (50%), sodium silicate (100%): All models.
    ACH aluminum chlorohydrate (40%), ferric chloride (45%), hydrochloric acid (28%),
    phosphoric acid (50%), sodium bisulfite (44%), sodium fluoride
    (4%), zinc orthophosphate (100%): Model codes 0,2,3,5,7,8,T, 9
    Fluosilicic acid (100%): Model code 9
    Hydrochloric acid (38%): Model codes 2,3,5,8, T, 9
    Phosphoric acid (75%): Model codes 2,3,5,8, T
    Sodium hypochlorite (15%): Model codes 0,2,3,8, T, 9
    Sulfuric acid (25%): Model codes 0, 2, 3, 8, T
    Sulfuric acid (98.5%): Model codes 2, 3, 8, T
    Sodium fluoride and sulfuric acid are not compatible with PE tubing option.
    These products are evaluated by diluting the exposed water treatment chemical to its
    typical use level (TUL), as defined in NSF/ANSI/CAN 60.
[3] D represents digital or display
    W indicates the drive control type
    X represents the flow and pressure rating of the pump
    Y indicates the voltage code
    Z indicates the liquid end handling assembly:
    718NI, 718SI, 728NI, 728SI, 738NI, 738SI, 748NI, 748SI,
    802NI, 802SI, 812NI, 812SI, 822NI, 822SI, 832NI, 832SI, 842NI, 842SI,
    803NI, 803SI, 813NI, 813SI, 823NI, 823SI, 833NI, 833SI, 843NI, 843SI,
    808NI, 808SI, 818NI, 818SI, 828NI, 828SI, 838NI, 838SI, 848NI, 848SI,
    900NI, 900SI, 910NI, 910SI, 920NI, 920SI, 930NI, 930SI, 940NI, 940SI,
    905NI, 905SI, 915NI, 915SI, 925NI, 925SI, 935NI, 935SI, 945NI, 945SI,
    909NI, 909SI, 919NI, 919SI, 929NI, 929SI, 939NI, 939SI, 949NI, 949SI,
    900NI, 900SI, 910AI, 910HI, 920AI, 920HI, 930AI, 930HI, 940AI, 940HI,
    908NI, 908SI, 918AI, 918HI, 918NI, 918SI, 928AI, 928HI, 928NI,
    938AI, 938HI, 938NI, 938SI, 948AI, 948HI, 948NI, 948SI,
    A00NI, A00SI, A10HI, A10AI, A10NI, A10SI, 
    A08NI, A08SI, A18HI, A18AI, A18NI, A18SI, 
    A20HI, A20AI, A20NI, A20SI, A28HI, A28AI, A28NI, A28SI,
    A30HI, A30AI, A30NI, A30SI, A38HI, A38AI, A38NI, A38SI, 
    A40HI, A40AI, A40NI, A40SI, A48HI, A48AI, A48NI, A48SI.
    where "I" may be replaced with "P", "O", "U", or "X"
    Certified for use with sodium hypochlorite (12.5%), sulfuric acid (98.5%), sodium
    hydroxide (50%) and hydrochloric acid (30%) for PVC, PVDF and
    PP heads.
    Certified for use with sodium hypochlorite (12.5%), sodium hydroxide (50%) and
    hydrochloric acid (30%) for Acrylic heads.
    These products are evaluated by diluting the exposed water treatment chemical to its
    maximum use level (MUL), as defined in NSF/ANSI Standard
[4] Certified for use with 50% sodium hydroxide. These products are evaluated by diluting
    the exposed water treatment chemical to its maximum use
    level (MUL), as defined in NSF/ANSI/CAN 60.
    Digits D, W, X, and Y denote options for non-wetted components where:
    D represents digital or display
    W indicates the drive control type
    X indicates the flow and pressure rating of the pump
    Y indicates the voltage code
    Z indicates the liquid end handling assembly: 907NP, 927NP, 937NP, 947NP
[5] ERBXXX and XRDXXX represent the drive unit and may be ERBX2X, ERBX3X, ERBX4X, XRDX2X,
    XRDX3X, or XRDX4X. Different drive types have different liquid end assemblies. 
    ZZZZZZZZZ represents the following liquid end assemblies: 
    A44ACA7T1, A44ACA7M2, A44ACA2FN, A46TCN4PN, A46TCN4TN, A46TCN2FN, A74TCA7T1, A74TCA7M2,
    A44ATA7T1,A44ATA7PN,	A44ATA7M2,A44ATA2FN, A74ATA7T1, A74ATA7PN, A74ATA7M2, A74ATA2FN,
    Certified for use with: 
    Sodium hypochlorite (12.5%) 
    Hydrochloric acid [Muriatic acid] (30%)
    Sulfuric acid (98.5%) 
    Sodium hydroxide (50%) 
    A1411V1PN, A1611V1PN, V44T1N4T3, V46T1N4P4, V46T1N4T4, S1414V1PN, S1614V1PN, A44A1A7T1,
    A44A1A7M2, A44A1A2FN, A46T1N4PN, A46T1N4TN, A46T1N2FN, A46V1N2FN, A46V1N4PN. A46V1N4TN,
    A44A1A7PN, A46A1N4PN, A46A1N4TN, A46A1N2FN, A1411A1PN, A1611A1PN, V44T1N4P4
    Certified for use with:
    Sodium hydroxide (50%)
    ZZZZZZZZ is the Liquid End code, in the following order: 
    Z1 Type (May be A, V or S) 
    Z2 Head Material (May be 1 [316L]. 2 [PVC], 4 [PP] or 7 [PVDF]) 
    Z3 Size (May be 4 or 6 [Diaphragm Size]) 
    Z4 Seat (May be A [Aflas], T [PTFE], V [Viton] or 1 [316L]) 
    Z5 Ball Material (May be C [Ceramic], 1 [316L], T [PTFE] or 4 [440C])
    Z6 O-Ring (May be N [None], A [Aflas] or V [Viton])
    Z7 Fitting Material (May be 1 [316L], 2 [PVC], 4 [PP] or 7 [PVDF]) 
    Z8 Fitting Connection (May be P [NPT], B [BSP], S [Socket], T [Inch Tube],M [Metric
    Tube], F ([DN15 Female] or D [DN15 Male]) 
    Z9 Tubing Kit (May be N [None], 1, 2, 3 or 4) 
    These products are evaluated by diluting the exposed water treatment chemical to its
    typical use level (TUL), as defined in NSF/ANSI/CAN 60.
[7] [LE-ZZZZZZZZZ] are the liquid end assemblies [ERBX2X], [ERBX3X], [ERBX4X], [XRDX2X],
    [XRDX3X], and [XRDX4X] are the drive units. The drive units are only Certified for use
    with the Certified liquid end assemblies.
[8] Certified for use with:
    Aluminum sulfate (50%), ammonium hydroxide (29%), potassium hydroxide (45%), sodium
    hydroxide (50%), sodium silicate (100%) , ACH aluminum chlorohydrate (40%), ferric
    chloride (45%), hydrochloric acid (28%), phosphoric acid (50%),sodium bisulfite (44%),
    sodium fluoride (4%), zinc orthophosphate (100%), Fluosilicic acid (100%), Hydrochloric
    acid (38%), Phosphoric acid (75%), Sodium hypochlorite (15%), Sulfuric acid (25%), and
    sulfuric acid (98.5%)
    Sodium fluoride and sulfuric acid are not compatible with PE tubing option.
    These products are evaluated by diluting the exposed water treatment chemical to its
    typical use level (TUL), as defined in NSF/ANSI/CAN 60.
[9] MacRoy D
    Y: options for non-wetted components
    X: options are for wetted components
    D indicates the frame size
    X1 indicates liquid end size options (may be 2 [0.7 GPH], 4 [14.4 GPH], 7 [50 GPH], 8
    [127 GPH])
    Y1 (non-wetted material) indicates Stroking speed
    Y2 (non-wetted material) indicates motor &/or mount code
    X2 indicates liquid end options (may be 2 [PVDF], 4 [Black Polypropylene], 7 [316 SS], 8
    [PVC], A [Acrylic], P [Polymer Service], L [Slurry
    Applications], N [H2SO4 Applications])
    X3 indicates the tubing connection (may be P [NPT], T [Tubing], B [Bleed Valve NPT], C
    [Bleed Valve Tubing])
    Y3 (non-wetted material) Capacity Control
    Y4 (non-wetted material) Double Diaphragm
    Y5 (non-wetted material) Base Code
    Y6 (non-wetted material) Stroke Code
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.

[10] LMI Series SD
     Y: options for non-wetted components
     X: options are for wetted components
     SG indicates the frame size
     X1 indicates liquid end size options (may be 2 [0.18-0.7 GPH], 4 [3-14.4 GPH], 7 [13-50
     GPH], 8 [31-127 GPH])
     Y1 (non-wetted material) indicates gear ratio code
     Y2 (non-wetted material) indicates motor &/or mount code options
     X2 indicates liquid end options (may be 2 [PVDF], 7 [316 SS], 8 [PVC], P [Polymer
     Service], L [Slurry Applications], N [H2SO4 Applications])
     X3 indicates the tubing connection (may be P [NPT], T [Tubing])
[11] MacRoy G
     Y: options for non-wetted components
     X: options are for wetted components
     G indicates the frame size
     X1 indicates liquid end size options (may be 5 [106 GPH], 6 [147 GPH], 7 [300 GPH])
     Y1 (non-wetted material) indicates Stroking speed
     Y2 (non-wetted material) indicates motor &/or mount code options
     X2 indicates liquid end options (may be 2 [PVDF], 4 [Black Polypropylene], 7 [316 SS], 8
     [PVC], C [Caustic Applications], F [Fluoride Applications], A [Acrylic], P [Polymer
     Service], L [Slurry Applications], N [H2SO4 Applications])
     X3 indicates the tubing connection (may be P [NPT], T [Tubing], B [Bleed Valve NPT], C
     [Bleed Valve Tubing], Q [Solvent Weld])
     Y3 (non-wetted material) Capacity Control
     Y4 (non-wetted material) Double Diaphragm
     Y5 (non-wetted material) Base Code
     Y6 (non-wetted material) Stroke Code
[12] LMI Series SG
     Y: options for non-wetted components
     X: options are for wetted components
     SG indicates the frame size
     X1 indicates liquid end size options (may be 5 [26-106 GPH], 6 [36-147 GPH], 7 [75-300
     Y1 (non-wetted material) indicates gear ratio code
     Y2 (non-wetted material) indicates motor &/or mount code options
     X2 indicates liquid end options (may be 2 [PVDF], 1 [White Polypropylene], 7 [316 SS], 8
     [PVC], C [Caustic Applications], F [Fluoride Applications],
     P [Polymer Service], L [Slurry Applications], N [H2SO4 Applications])
     X3 indicates the tubing connection (may be P [NPT], T [Tubing])

Pumps - Chemical Metering
Albin Pump/KM-Series & LMI/LKM Series[13] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL

[13] Albin Pump/KM-Series:
     - Frame Size (2 (small), 3 (medium), or 4 (large))
     B   - Power Cord (4, 5, 6, 8, or 9)
     C   - Connector (A - 1/2" NPT/BSPT)
     D   - Tube Material (A - Tygon A-80, A-87, or A-60)
     E   - Tube Detail (ID in inches)
     D1 - 0.075
     E2 - 0.093
     G1 and G2 - 0.187
     H1 and H2 - 0.25
     K1, K2, and KL - 0.375
     L1 - 0.5
     P1 - 0.75
     F   - Communications
     G  - Options (R - orientation - ports right)
     Certified for use with the following chemicals:
     Activated Carbon (100 mg/L)
     Aluminum Chloride - 50%
     Aluminum chlorohydrate - 40%
     Aluminum Chlorohydrate/Polyaluminum Chloride - 40%
     Aluminum Sodium Sulfate - 15%
     Aluminum Sulfate - 50%
     Ammonia, aqueous - 35%
     Ammonium Hydroxide - 29%
     Ammonium Sulfate - 45%
     Calcium carbonate - 65%
     Calcium Chloride - 15%
     Calcium Hydroxide - 50%
     Calcium Hypochlorite - 15%
     Calcium Thiosulfate - 30%
     Chlorine dioxide - 2%
     Copper Sulfate - 5%
     Copper Sulfate - 25%
     Deionized Water - 100%
     Dipotassium Orthophosphate - 50%
     Disodium Orthophosphate - 50%
     Ferric Chloride - 50%
     Ferric Sulfate - 60%
     Ferrous Chloride - 40%
     Ferrous Sulfate - 30%
     Fluorosilicic acid - 25%
     Hydrochloric Acid – 30%
     Magnesium Sulfate - 25%
     Poly (Diallyldimethylammonium Chloride)(pDADMAC) - 50%
     Poly Aluminum Chloride - 100%
     Polyacrylamide - 3%
     Polyaluminum Chloride - 45%
     Polyaluminum Chlorosulfate - 50%
     Polyaluminum Hydroxychlorosulfate - 75%
     Polyaluminum Silicate Sulfate - 66%
     Polyaluminum Sulfate - 50%
     Potassium Carbonate - 47%
     Potassium Chloride - 34%
     Potassium hydroxide - 45%
     Potassium Hydroxide - 50%
     Potassium Permanganate - 20%
     Potassium Tripolyphosphate - 100%
     Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate - 12%
     Sodium Aluminate - 50%
     Sodium Ascorbate - 60%
     Sodium Bicarbonate - 100%
     Sodium Bisulfate - 50%
     Sodium Carbonate - 20%
     Sodium Carbonate - 85%
     Sodium Chlorate - 100%
     Sodium Chloride - 26%
     Sodium Chlorite - 8%
     Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate - 25%
     Sodium Fluoride - 4%
     Sodium Hydroxide - 50%
     Sodium Hypochlorite – 12.5%
     Sodium Hypochlorite - 15%
     Sodium Metabisulfite - 50%
     Sodium Percarbonate - 15%
     Sodium Permanganate - 40%
     Sodium Polyphosphates - 35%
     Sodium Silicate - 100%
     Sodium Sulfite - 20%
     Sodium Trimetaphosphate - 20%
     Sodium Tripolyphosphate - 15%
     Sulfur Dioxide - 5%
     Sulfuric Acid – 98.5%
     Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate - 60%
     Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate - 7%
     Tricalcium Phosphate - 70%
     Trichloroisocyanuric Acid- 10%
     Zinc Chloride - 62%
     Zinc Orthophosphate - 100%
     Zinc Sulfate - 36%

Facility : Guangxi, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps - Chemical Metering [G]
PD[WXY]-[ZZZZZ][2] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
PD[WXY]-[ZZZZZ][1] 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
UD00 (Y) - (ZZZZZ)[2] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for use with 50% sodium hydroxide. These products are evaluated by diluting
    the exposed water treatment chemical to its maximum use
    level (MUL), as defined in NSF/ANSI Standard 60.
    Digits D, W, X, and Y denote options for non-wetted components where:
    D represents digital or display
    W indicates the drive control type
    X indicates the flow and pressure rating of the pump
    Y indicates the voltage code
    Z indicates the liquid end handling assembly: 907NP, 927NP, 937NP, 947NP
[2] D represents digital or display
    W indicates the drive control type
    X represents the flow and pressure rating of the pump
    Y indicates the voltage code
    Z indicates the liquid end handling assembly:
    728NI, 728SI, 738NI, 738SI, 748NI, 748SI
    803NI, 803SI, 823NI, 823SI, 833NI, 833SI, 843NI, 843SI,
    Where ''I'' may be replaced with "P", "O", "U", or "X"
    Certified for use with sodium hypochlorite (12.5%), sulfuric acid (98.5%), sodium
    hydroxide (50%) and hydrochloric acid (30%) for PVC, PVDF and
    PP heads.
    Certified for use with sodium hypochlorite (12.5%), sodium hydroxide (50%) and
    hydrochloric acid (30%) for Acrylic heads.
    These products are evaluated by diluting the exposed water treatment chemical to its
    maximum use level (MUL), as defined in NSF/ANSI Standard
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


MMP Filtration Pvt. Ltd. 
C3-602 Anushruti Tower
Nr Jain Derasar, Sg Road 
Thaltej, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380059 
91 79 26858031
Visit this company's website

Facility : Gujarat, India

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components
Lagoon Melt Blown Cartridges - PP[1] [2] CLD 23 PP
Oceanic Melt Blown Cartridges - PP[3] [2] CLD 23 PP
PEORA Melt Blown Cartridges - PP [4] CLD 23 PP

[1] The LAGOON® Melt Blown Cartridge - PP is certified for a minimum flow rate of 1,920
    liters per day per inch of filter for use in industrial water treatment facilities only.
[2] Products are certified with the following ranges of sizes and micron ratings:
    OCEANIC® Melt Blown Cartridge - PP:
    Length: 127 mm to 1778 mm
    Width: 40 mm to 114 mm
    Micron Rating: 0.5 µ to 100 µ
    LAGOON® Melt Blown Cartridge - PP:
    Length: 127 mm to 1778 mm
    Width: 50 mm to 63 mm
    Micron Rating: 1 µ to 100 µ
    OCEANIC® Melt Blown Cartridge - PP and LAGOON® Melt Blown Cartridge - PP require a
    pre-service flush for 1 minute at a minimum of 1.5 kg/cm2 (21 psi).
[3] The OCEANIC® Melt Blown Cartridge - PP is certified for a minimum flow rate of 2,400
    liters per day per inch of filter for use in industrial water treatment facilities only.
[4] PEORA® Melt Blown Cartridge - PP:
    Length: 127 mm to 1778 mm
    Width: 40 mm to 114 mm
    Micron Rating: 0.5 µ to 100 µ

Facility : Gujarat, India

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components
Lagoon Melt Blown Cartridges - PP[1] [2] [3] CLD 23 PP
Oceanic Melt Blown Cartridges - PP[2] [4] [5] CLD 23 PP
PEORA Melt Blown Cartridges - PP [6] CLD 23 PP

[1] The LAGOON® Melt Blown Cartridge - PP is certified for a minimum flow rate of 1,920
    liters per day per inch of filter for use in industrial water treatment facilities only.
[2] OCEANIC® Melt Blown Cartridge - PP and LAGOON® Melt Blown Cartridge - PP require a
    pre-service flush for 1 minute at a minimum of 1.5 kg/cm2 (21 psi).
[3] Products are certified with the following ranges of sizes and micron ratings:
    LAGOON® Melt Blown Cartridge - PP:
    Length: 127 mm to 1778 mm
    Width: 50 mm to 63 mm
    Micron Rating: 1 µ to 100 µ
[4] The OCEANIC® Melt Blown Cartridge - PP is certified for a minimum flow rate of 2,400
    liters per day per inch of filter for use in industrial water treatment facilities only.
[5] Products are certified with the following ranges of sizes and micron ratings:
    OCEANIC® Melt Blown Cartridge - PP:
    Length: 127 mm to 1778 mm
    Width: 40 mm to 114 mm
    Micron Rating: 0.5 µ to 100 µ
[6] PEORA® Melt Blown Cartridge - PP:
    Length: 127 mm to 1778 mm
    Width: 40 mm to 114 mm
    Micron Rating: 0.5 µ to 100 µ

Morgan Carbon Italia SRL 
Via Vittor Pisani 20
20124 Milano (MI) 
39 0861 7981

Facility : Martinsicuro (TE), Italy

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
CTI 25-MAT 525 [1] C. HOT CGR
CTI25 [1] C. HOT CGR
CY103 [1] C. HOT CGR
MAT525 [1] C. HOT CGR
MAT901 [1] C. HOT CGR
MAT902 [1] C. HOT CGR

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 30,000 sq. mm./L.

Mosack Group 
11210 Allen Station Drive
Mint Hill, NC 28227 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : DMT 2

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Mosack Group 1" MPT End Plug 1" C. HOT MLTPL
Mosack Group 1/2" MPT End Plug 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
Mosack Group 1/2" MPT x 1/2" MPT Coupling 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
Mosack Group 1/2" MPT x 1/2" MPT Elbow 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
Mosack Group 1/2" MPT x 1/2" Swivel Elbow 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
Mosack Group 3/4" MPT End Plug 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Multi W Systems, Inc. 
2615 Strozier Avenue
El Monte, CA 91733 
United States 

Facility : # 1 USA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps[1] [G]
JE1-120A-1HP 1 1/4"x1"-1 1/2"x1" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE1-120B-1 1/2HP 1 1/4"x1"-1 1/2"x1" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE1-120C-3HP 1 1/4"x1"-1 1/2"x1" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE1-200A-1 1/2HP 1 1/4"x1"-1 1/2"x1" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE1-200B-3HP 1 1/4"x1"-1 1/2"x1" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE1-200C-3HP 1 1/4"x1"-1 1/2"x1" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE1-70A-3/4HP 1 1/4"x1"-1 1/2"x1" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE1-70B-1 1/2HP 1 1/4"x1"-1 1/2"x1" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE1-70C-2HP 1 1/4"x1"-1 1/2"x1" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE2-A-125-3HP 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE2-A-160A-5HP 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE2-A-160B-5HP 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE2-A-200-1-10HP 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE2-A-200-7 1/2HP 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE2-B-125A-5HP 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE2-B-125B-5HP 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE2-B-160-1-10HP 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE2-B-160-7 1/2HP 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE2-B-200A-15HP 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE2-B-200B-15HP 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE2-C-125-1-10HP 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE2-C-125-7 1/2HP 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE2-C-160-1-15HP 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE2-C-160-10HP 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE2-Z-125-10 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE2-Z-125-7.5 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE2-Z-160-10 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE2-Z-160-15 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE2-Z-160-20 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE2-Z-160-25 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE2-Z-200-20 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE2-Z-200-25 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE2-Z-200-30 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE24-A-200-1-1 1/2HP 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE24-A-200-1HP 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE24-B-160-1HP 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE24-B-200A-1 1/2HP 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE24-B-200B-2HP 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE24-C-160-1 1/2HP 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE24-C-160-1-2HP 2"x1 1/4"-3"x2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE3-1506-1 1/2HP 1 1/4" x 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE3-806-3/4HP 1 1/4" x 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE4-A120/306-3HP 1 1/4"x1"-1 1/2"x1" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE4-A200/506-5HP 1 1/4"x1"-1 1/2"x1" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE4-A70/206-2HP 1 1/4"x1"-1 1/2"x1" CLD 23 MLTPL
JE4-A70/306-3HP 1 1/4"x1"-1 1/2"x1" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMS(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)1-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)[2] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMS(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)10-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)[2] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMS(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)15-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)[2] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMS(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)20-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)[2] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMS(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)3-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)[2] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMS(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)5-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)[2] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMS(A)L(B)(C)(D)(E)1-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)[2] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMS(A)L(B)(C)(D)(E)10-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)[2] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMS(A)L(B)(C)(D)(E)15-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)[2] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMS(A)L(B)(C)(D)(E)20-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)[2] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMS(A)L(B)(C)(D)(E)3-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)[2] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMS(A)L(B)(C)(D)(E)5-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z)[2] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Size is expressed as suction x discharge.
[2] A - Motor Bracket Type
    U - NEMA
    I - IEC (pm motor)
    C - IEC (induction motor)
    B - Motor Speed
    None - 2 Pole (300 rpm)
    F - 4 Pole (1800 rpm)
    C - Pump Configuration
    None - Vertical
    H - Horizontal
    D - Working Pressure
    None - Standard
    P - Uprated
    E - IEC Frame Size
    None - Standard frame
    A - Smaller frame
    B - Larger frame
    F - Piping Connection Type
    F - Round Flange
    N - Oval Flange
    L - Loose Round Flange
    V - Victaulic
    C - C
    W - Number of Impellers
    1 - 29
    X - Horsepower of Motor
    0050 - 1/2 hp
    0075 - 3/4 hp
    0100 - 1.0 hp
    0150 - 1.5 hp
    0200 - 2.0 hp
    0300 - 3.0 hp
    0500 - 5.0 hp
    0750 - 7.5 hp
    1000 - 10 hp
    1500 - 15 hp
    2000 - 20 hp
    2500 - 25 hp
    3000 - 30 hp
    4000 - 40 hp
    5000 - 50 hp
    Y - Motor Type
    D - Open Drip Proof (ODP)
    T - Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC)
    Z - Motor Phase
    1 - Single Phase
    3 - Three Phase
    "A" in the model name indicates sub-component design modifications.
    Only the type "S" mechanical seal (Silicon Carbide/Carbon/FPM) is included in
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : # 1 Italy

Mechanical Devices

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

JVML 32 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVML 45 3" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVML 64 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMU32-(W)F (X)(Y)(Z) S 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMU45-(W)F (X)(Y)(Z) S 3" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMU64-(W)F (X)(Y)(Z) S 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : # 2 Italy

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps[1] [G]
JVMS1(A)(B)(C)-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMS10(A)(B)(C)-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMS15(A)(B)(C)-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMS20(A)(B)(C)-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMS3(A)(B)(C)-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMS5(A)(B)(C)-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMSL1(A)(B)(C)-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMSL10(A)(B)(C)-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMSL15(A)(B)(C)-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMSL20(A)(B)(C)-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMSL3(A)(B)(C)-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
JVMSL5(A)(B)(C)-(W)(F)(X)(Y)(Z) S[2] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Size is expressed as suction end x discharge end.
[2] A - Motor Speed
        None - 2 Pole (300 rpm)
        F    - 4 Pole (1800 rpm)
    B - Pump Configuration
        None - Vertical
        H    - Horizontal
    C - Working Pressure
        None - Standard
        P    - Uprated 
    F - Piping Connection Type
        F - Round flange
        N - Oval flange
        L - Loose round flange
        V - Victaulic
        C - Clamp
    W - Number of Impellers
        1 - 29
    X - Horsepower of Motor
        0050 - 1/2 hp
        0075 - 3/4 hp
        0100 - 1.0 hp
        0150 - 1.5 hp
        0200 - 2.0 hp
        0300 - 3.0 hp
        0500 - 5.0 hp
        0750 - 7.5 hp
        1000 - 10 hp
        1500 - 15 hp
        2000 - 20 hp
        2500 - 25 hp
        3000 - 30 hp
        4000 - 40 hp
        5000 - 50 hp
    Y - Motor Type
        D - Open drip proof (ODP)
        T - Totally enclosed fan cooled (TEFC)
        Z - Motor phase
        1 - Single phase
        3 - Three phase
    "A" in the model name indicates sub-component design modifications.
    Only the type "S" mechanical seal (Silicon Carbide/Carbon/FPM) is included in
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


N.D.S., Inc. 
851 North Harvard
Lindsay, CA 93247 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Lindsay, CA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Service Saddles[G]
Clamp-It™ Saddles 1 1/2" - 8" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings [G]
Flo-Lock Compression Fittings[2] 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Each trade name is followed by a two digit value which equates to a part size as
    05: 1/2"
    07: 3/4"
    10: 1"
    12: 1 1/4"
    15: 1 1/2"
    20: 2"
    25: 2 1/2"
    30: 3"
    40: 4"
    60: 6"
    71: 3/4" - 1"
[2] Each trade name is followed by a two digit value which equates to a part size as
    05:  1/2"
    07:  3/4"
    71:  3/4" - 1"
    10:  1"
    12:  1 1/4"
    15:  1 1/2"
    20:  2"
    121: 1" x 1 1/4"
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Baja California, Mexico

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Service Saddles[G]
Clamp-It™ Saddles 1 1/2" - 8" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings [G]
Flo-Lock Compression Fittings[2] 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Each trade name is followed by a two digit value which equates to a part size as
      05: ½"				
      07: 3/4"			
      10: 1"				
      12: 1¼"				
      15: 1½"				
      20: 2"				
      25: 2½"				
      30: 3"				
      40: 4"				
      60: 6"				
      71: 3/4" - 1"
[2] Each trade name is followed by a two digit value which equates to a part size as
      05: ½"			
      07: 3/4"			
      71: 3/4" - 1"				
      10: 1"				
      12: 1¼"			
      15: 1½"			
      20: 2"			
      121: 1” x 1 ¼”	
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Nan Ya Plastics Corporation 
2F, Building A1, No. 390
Sec. 6, Nanjing E. Rd. 
Neihu Dist., Taipei City 
886 2 271 78224

Facility : Chia Yi County, Taiwan

Potable Water Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation End Use Temp Material

Potable Water Materials

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 250 square inches/L.

National Pump Company 
7706 North 71st Avenue
Glendale, AZ 85303 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Glendale, AZ

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps [G]
VTP-(v)-(w)(x)(y)-(z)[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] 6" - 30" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 40,300 liters per day.
[2] Naming convention:
    v: Configuration (VS1, VS6, BA)
    w: Hydraulic Design (L, M, N, K, J, E, H)
    x: Size, In Inches (6-30)
    y: Impeller Model (LC, MC, HC, XHC, XXHC, LC-S, MC-S, HC-S, XHC-S, XXHC-S)
    z: Number of Stages
[3] Certification does not include the pump Motor/Driver.
[4] The following are sold as replacement parts: bowl assembly, gasket for top flange
    column, packing, mechanical seal o-ring, tension bearing, sleeve bearing, line keyed
    coupling, coupling key, coupling set screw, coupling retaining ring, shaft sleeve,
    sleeve set screw, open lineshaft bearing, enclosing tube bearing, bat bearing, throttle
    bearing, bearing o-ring, bowl wear ring, spring pin, bowl bearing, bow o-ring, impeller
    wear ring, thrust
    collar, screws for thrust collar, thrust collar key, and suction bearing.
[5] Configuration VS1 includes bowl assembly, discharge assembly, and optional column
    assembly.  Configuration VS6 
    includes the bowl assembly, discharge head assembly, suction barrel assembly, and
    optional column assembly.  
    Configuration BA includes the bowl assembly only.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends [G]
STP-(v)-S(w)(x)(y)-(z)[1] [6] [7] [8] [9] 6" - 30" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 40,300 liters per day.
[6] Naming convention:
    v: Configuration (VS0, BA)
    w: Hydraulic Design (L, M, N, K, J, E, H)
    x: Size, In Inches (6-30)
    y: Impeller Model (LC, MC, HC, XHC, XXHC, LC-S, MC-S, HC-S, XHC-S, XXHC-S)
    z: Number of Stages
[7] Certification does not include the pump Motor/Driver and submersible pump cables.
[8] The following are sold as replacement parts: bowl assembly, bowl wear ring, spring pin,
    bowl bearing, impeller wear ring, impeller thrust collar, screws for thrust collar,
    impeller key, suction bearing u-thrust collar, screws for up-thrust collar, motor
    coupling, coupling key and coupling set screw.
[9] Configuration VS0 includes bowl assembly, discharge assembly and optional column
    assembly.  Configuration BA includes the bowl assembly only.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


NDL Industries (USA), Inc. 
1209 Orange Street
Wilmington, DE 19801 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Zhejiang, China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

90 Male Elbow P x MPT (CP74) 1/2"x3/8" - 2"x2" C. HOT MLTPL
Male Adapter P x MPT (CP4) 1/2" x 3/8" - 4"x4" C. HOT MLTPL
Male Street Adapter FTG x MPT (CPMS) 1/2" x 3/8 "- 2"x2" C. HOT MLTPL
Union P x MPT (CP33-4) 1/2" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Neoperl Inc. 
171 Mattatuck Heights
Waterbury, CT 06705-3832 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Waterbury, CT

Mechanical Plumbing Devices

Trade Designation      

Faucet Aerator[G]
40.7558.efg PCA-Spray-AMP-STD-IT 1.0gpm[1] [2] [Q]      
40.7559.efg PCA-Spray-AMP-STD-IT-0.5 gpm[1] [2] [Q]      
40.7568.efg PCA-Spray-AMP-STD-IT-0.35 gpm[1] [2] [Q]      
42.7559.efg PCA-Spray-AMP-JR-IT 0.5 gpm[1] [2] [Q]      
42.7568.efg PCA-Spray-AMP-JR-IT 0.35 gpm[1] [2] [Q]      
A5.4170.0 PCA-CARE-AMP-STD-IT 1.0 gpm[Q]      
A5.4171.0 PCA-CARE-AMP-STD-IT 1.5 gpm[Q]      
A5.4174.0 PCA-CARE-AMP-STD-IT 2.2 gpm[Q]      
A5.4175.0 PCA-CARE-AMP-STD-IT 1.2gpm[Q]      
A5.4176.0 PCA-CARE-AMP-STD-IT 1.75gpm[Q]      

[1] The suffix .efg indicates any numerical combination and indicates housing and thread
[2] All part numbers are nine digits, and may also have an additional two digit suffix
    indicating packaging variations or external markings.
[3] e  - Washer # 
         0 - void 
         1 - BW.7134.1 (lg .072) 
         2 - BW.7134.1 (lg .072) 
         3 - BW.7110.1 (lg .095) 
         4 - BW.7110.1 (lg .095) 
         5 - BW.7411.1 (lg .125) 
         6 - BW.5065.1 & BW.7134.1 (dt.075) 
         7 - BW.5065.1 & BW.7134.1 (dt.075) 
         8 - BW.7129.1 (jr. PCA .125) 
         9 - BW.7476.1 (jr .125) 
         A - BW.6313.1 (jr .144) 
         B - BW.7102.1 (jr. PCA .144) 
         C - BV.6217.1 Lg. Spring Flo 
         E - BV.6230.1 Sm. Spring Flo 
         F - BW.6309.1 (jr. .062) 
         G - 55.1149.1 (TT .110) 
         H - 55.1148.1 (TT .060) 
         J - BW.0003.1 (Chicago Fct) 
         K - BW.0005.1 
         L - BW.0006.1 
         M - 55.1252.1 (M28) 
    fg - Marking (letters and numbers representing marking) 
    h  - Packaging (letter or number representing packaging) 
    i  - Customer Name (letter representing customer labeling)
[4] This product does not require a Q statistic. It is made from material or materials that
    do not require lead analysis when reviewed per NSF/ANSI/CAN Standard 61, Section 3.3. 
[Q] This product meets the reduced Q test statistic criteria of 1 µg or 0.5 µg for lead per
    Section of NSF/ANSI/CAN 61.

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Jiangmen, Guangdong Province, China

Mechanical Plumbing Devices

Trade Designation      

Faucet Aerator[1] [2] [3] [G]
42.7559.efg PCA-Spray-AMP-JR-IT 0.5gpm      
42.7568.efg PCA-Spray-AMP-JR-IT 0.35gpm      

[1] The suffix .efg indicates any numerical combination and indicates housing and thread
[2] All part numbers are nine digits, and may also have an additional two digit suffix
    indicating packaging variations or external markings.
[3] This product does not require a Q statistic. It is made from material or materials that
    do not require lead analysis when reviewed per NSF/ANSI/CAN Standard 61, Section 3.3.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Facility : Mullheim, Germany

Mechanical Plumbing Devices

Trade Designation      

Aerators[1] [2] [G] [Q]
40.7558.efg PCA-Spray-AMP-STD-IT 1.0gpm      
40.7559.efg PCA-Spray-AMP-STD-IT-0.5 gpm      
40.7568.efg PCA-Spray-AMP-STD-IT-0.35 gpm      
42.7559.efg PCA-Spray-AMP-JR-IT 0.5 gpm      
42.7568.efg PCA-Spray-AMP-JR-IT 0.35 gpm      
A5.4170.0 PCA-CARE-AMP-STD-IT 1.0 gpm      
A5.4171.0 PCA-CARE-AMP-STD-IT 1.5 gpm      
A5.4174.0 PCA-CARE-AMP-STD-IT 2.2 gpm      
A5.4175.0 PCA-CARE-AMP-STD-IT 1.2gpm      
A5.4176.0 PCA-CARE-AMP-STD-IT 1.75gpm      

[3] efgh - Packaging (0001 to 9999) consecutively numbered.
[8] This product does not require a Q statistic. It is made from material or materials that
    do not require lead analysis when reviewed per NSF/ANSI/CAN Standard 61, Section 3.3.

[1] The suffix .efg indicates any numerical combination and indicates housing and thread
[2] All part numbers are nine digits, and may also have an additional two digit suffix
    indicating packaging variations or external markings.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.

[Q] This product meets the reduced Q test statistic criteria of 1 µg or 0.5 µg for lead per
    Section of NSF/ANSI/CAN 61.

[6] Fittings approved for use with this trade name:
    DN7.5 - M15 x 1, F 1/2", F1/2"-Swivel, F3/8"- Swivel, F5/8"-16mm Swivel, D9.5 plugin D14
    , 9/16-12UNC-2A
    DN9.5 - M15 x 1, F 1/2", F1/2"-Swivel, D9.5 plugin D14 
    CD.EFG.HI may be any numeric value.
[7] Certified for inner diameter of 7.5 mm and 9.5 mm and a maximum length of 3000 mm.
NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Neptune Benson Inc. 
334 Knight Street
Suite 3100 
Warwick, RI 02886 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Holland, MI

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1] [G]
LPV-250-(Y)-(Z)[2] 3" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
LPV-500-(Y)-(Z)[2] 4" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
V-200(X)-(Y)[3] 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
V-250-(Y)-(Z)[4] 3" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
V-500-(Y)-(Z)[4] 4" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
V-1000-(Y)-(Z)[4] 6" - 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
V-1500-(Y)-(Z)[4] 8" - 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
V-2000-(Y)-(Z)[4] 10" - 14" CLD 23 MLTPL
V-3VERT-(XX)[5] 8" - 14" CLD 23 MLTPL
V-3500-(XX)[5] 8" - 20" CLD 23 MLTPL
V-8000-(XX)[5] 14" - 36" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 190,784 liters.
[2] LPV - Low Pressure V-Series Filter, (Y) Denotes connection size, (Z) Connection type
    (i.e. flange, groove, DIN flange, JIS flange)
[3] (X) Refers to the configuration and may be P or ST
    (Y) Refers to the connection type and may be 3N (3" NPT), 3B (3" BSP), 3G (3" groove) or
    3F (3" Flanged)
[4] (Y) Denotes connection size, (Z) Connection type (i.e. flange, groove, DIN flange, JIS
[5] (XX) denotes the connection flange size.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Neptune Technology Group, Inc. 
1600 Alabama Highway 229
Tallassee, AL 36078 
United States 

Facility : Tallassee, AL

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Water Meters[1] [G]
Neptune HP Tru/Flo Compound Meters 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Neptune Tru/Flo Compound Meters 3" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
    X1 - Size
    X2 - Technology
    X3 - Consumption Rate
    X4 - Options
    B - Mach10
    X5 - Pressure (1 - No, 2 - Yes)
    X6 - Switch (A = remote shut off valve)
[3] The trade name may be followed by an alpha character (A-I), which denotes the following
    connection size x
    length and type:
    - 1-1/2 x 13 flange
    - 1-1/2 x 10 flange
    - 1-1/2 x 12-5/8 screw
    - 1-1/2 x 12-5/8 thread
    - 2 x 17 flange
    - 2 x 10 flange
    - 2 x 15-1/4 flange
    - 2 x 15-1/4 screw
    - 2 x 15-1/4 thread
    - 3 x 12 flange
    - 3 x 17 flange
    - 4 x 14 flange
    - 4 x 20 flange
    - 6 x 18 flange
    - 6 x 24 flange
    - 8 x 20 flange
    - 10 x 26 flange
    - 12 x 19 flange
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


New England Union Co., Inc. 
107 Hay Street
West Warwick, RI 02893 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : West Warwick, RI

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings[1] [2] [G]
Brass Blind Companion Flanges MX75XXXLL 3/4" - 6" D. HOT BRASS

[1] XXX refers to the size of equal fittings, where XXX may be 013 (1/8"), 025 (1/4”), 037
    (3/8”), 050 (1/2”), 075 (3/4”), 100 (1”), 125 (1 1/4”), 150 (1 1/2”), 200 (2”), 250 (2
    1/2”), 300 (3”), 400 (4”), 500 (5”), 600 (6”), or 800 (8”).
    YY and ZZ refer to the ends of bushings and reducing couplings, where YY and ZZ may be
    01 (1/8”), 02 (1/4”), 03 (3/8”), 04 (1/2”), 05 (3/4”), 06 (1”), 07 (1 1/4”), 08 (1
    1/2”), 09 (2”), 10 (2 1/2”), 11 (3”) or 12 (4”).
    T, U and V refer to the ends of reducing tees, where T may be 4 (3/4”), 5 (1”), 6 (1
    1/4”) or 8 (2”), U may be 2 (3/8”), 3 (1/2”), 4 (3/4”), 5 (1”), 6 (1 1/4”) or 8 (2”) and
    V may be 3 (1/2”), 4 (3/4”), 5 (1”) or 6 (1 1/4”). 
    LL refers to Low Lead.
    S refers to “Modified” Commercial Sweat Flange.
[2] Use of this material may not be appropriate in all water chemistries.  Copper (tube,
    pipe, or fitting) may require corrosion control to limit the leaching of copper into
    drinking water under certain water chemistries.  Refer to Informative Annex I-6.1 of
    NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 for water quality considerations to be used before installing this
[3] Sizes for Brass Reducing Tees 55TUVLL include 3/4 x 3/8 x 3/4 - 2 x 2 x 1.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


New Products Industries Co., Ltd. (Neproplast) 
Jeddah Industrial City, Phase 3
P.O. Box 460 
Jeddah 21411 
Saudi Arabia 
966 2 636 3558
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Potable Water Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation End Use Temp Material

Potable Water Materials[1]
Neproplast CPVC Pipe Compound P C. HOT CPVC

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[2] Certified for grey and white colors.

Newterra Corporation Inc. 
1555 Coraopolis Heights Road
Coraopolis, PA 15108 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Heber Springs, AR

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Treatment Devices/Components[1] [G]
CP10K-8[2] 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
CP20K-10[3] 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
CP20K-12[3] 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
CP40K-12[4] 8" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Each model may come in a single tank or dual tank configuration.  These models are
    certified without carbon therefore no flushing is required.
[2] The CP10K-8 model is certified for a minimum daily flow of 72,000 gallons per day (50
    gallons per minute)
[3] The CP20K10 and CP20K-12 models are certified for a minimum daily flow of 112,320
    gallons per day (78 gallons per minute).
[4] The CP40K-12 model is certified for a minimum daily flow of 162,720 gallons per day (113
    gallons per minute).
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


World Headquarters
1516 Middlebury Street 
Elkhart, IN 46516-4740 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Stuarts Draft, VA

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings# [G]
600-DS Coupling, Dimpled Stop, C x C[1] [2] [3] 1/8" - 8" C. HOT MLTPL
Companion Flange, Wrot, 672 C x Flange[1] [2] [3] 3/4" - 8" C. HOT MLTPL
PC641 Press x Flange Companion Flange[1] 2 1/2" - 4" C. HOT MLTPL

# Figure numbers may have one of the following optional prefixes used to identify retail
  packaging requirements: UCP, U, UTP, USP, UPP, UP, UMP, UHP, UBP, PP, MPP, CP, MCP, C,
  CS, MCC, CL or CLC.
[1] These fittings may have an optional "R" suffix indicating reducer or "BH" indicating
    Bulk Head.
[2] May also include one of the following prefixes: UCP, U, UTP, USP, UPP, UP, UMP, UHP,
    UBP, PP, MPP, CP, MCP, C, CS, MCC, CL or CLC.
[3] May also include a '9' prefix.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Taichung, Taiwan

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

4770 (CTS) Compact Ball Valves 1/2" - 2" C. HOT CPVC

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Ningbo Aimei Meter Manufacture Co., Ltd. 
No. 68 Town West Road
Shangtian Town, Fenghua 
Zhejiang 315511 
86 574 8863 7838
Visit this company's website

Facility : Zhejiang, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1] [G]
20mm BCPL 20 mm CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for use with water meters only.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Ningbo Wanhai Cartridge Technology Co., Ltd. 
Xiachen Development, Chunhu
Fenghua Ningbo City 
Zhejiang Province, 315538 
86 574 8876 2828
Visit this company's website

Facility : Zhejiang Province, China

Mechanical Plumbing Devices

Trade Designation      

Faucet Cartridges[G] [LL]
N1 Component Family 4 (61) [Closed]      

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.

[Q] This product meets the reduced Q test statistic criteria of 1 µg or 0.5 µg for lead per
    Section of NSF/ANSI/CAN 61.

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.

[LL] Product conforms with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by
     California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water

NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Ningbo YinZhou Plumbing Hardware Co., Ltd. 
14-4, No. 37, Baizhang East Road
Yingzhou District, Ningbo 315040 
86 574 6685 7216
Visit this company's website

Facility : Zhejiang, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[G]
1" Lead Free Brass Locking Expander Meter Coupling 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
3/4" x 2 1/2" BRASS METER COUPLING/GASKET 3/4" x 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
5/8" (1/2") BRASS METER COUPLING/GASKET 5/8" (1/2") CLD 23 MLTPL
5/8" Lead Free Brass Locking Expander Meter Coupling 5/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
5/8"x3/4" Lead Free Brass Locking Expander Meter Coupling 5/8"x3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Ningguo City Dongjin Pumps Co., Ltd. 
Muzhushan Section of Yihuang Line
Ningguo Economic and Technological Dev Zone 
Ningguo, Anhui 242399 
86 574 27870087

Facility : Anhui, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps [G]
XANN-YYG[1] 50x32 - 350x300 mm D. HOT MLTPL

[1] The variables in the trade name denote the following:
    "NN" refers to outlet size, ranging from 32 mm to 300 mm.
    "YY" refers to impeller diameter, ranging from 13 cm - 50 cm.
    "G" is an optional designation indicating High Speed.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


NMT, a division of Norgas Metering Technologies, Inc. 
473 Commercial Drive
Fairfield, OH 45014 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[G]
Poly-480 Polymer Connections 3/4" D. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Norma Products 
Edisonstrasse 4
D-63477 Maintal 
49 6181 403 315

Facility : Hustopece, Czech Republic

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Couplings/Repair Clamps[1]
+GF+/NORMA Combi Grip 38mm - 168.3mm C. HOT MLTPL
+GF+/NORMA Combi Grip E 38mm - 168.3mm C. HOT MLTPL
+GF+/NORMA Flex 26.9mm - 170mm C. HOT MLTPL
+GF+/NORMA Flex E 26.9mm - 170mm C. HOT MLTPL
+GF+/NORMA Flex Grip 26.9mm - 170mm C. HOT MLTPL
+GF+/NORMA Flex Grip E 26.9mm - 170mm C. HOT MLTPL
+GF+/NORMA Grip 26.9mm - 170mm C. HOT MLTPL
+GF+/NORMA Grip E 26.9mm - 170mm C. HOT MLTPL
+GF+/NORMA Plast Grip 40mm - 168.3mm C. HOT MLTPL
+GF+/NORMA Plast Grip E 40mm - 168.3mm C. HOT MLTPL
Normaconnect Combi Grip 38mm - 168.3mm C. HOT MLTPL
Normaconnect Combi Grip E 38mm - 168.3mm C. HOT MLTPL
Normaconnect Flex 26.9mm - 170mm C. HOT MLTPL
Normaconnect Flex E 26.9mm - 170mm C. HOT MLTPL
Normaconnect Flex Grip 26.9mm - 170mm C. HOT MLTPL
Normaconnect Flex Grip E 26.9mm - 170mm C. HOT MLTPL
Normaconnect Grip 26.9mm - 168.3mm C. HOT MLTPL
Normaconnect Grip E 26.9mm - 168.3mm C. HOT MLTPL
Normaconnect Plast Grip 40mm - 168.3mm C. HOT MLTPL
Normaconnect Plast Grip E 40mm - 168.3mm C. HOT MLTPL

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

NOV Fiber Glass Systems 
2700 West 65th Street
Little Rock, AR 72209 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Little Rock, AR

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Green Thread HP Compression Molded Fittings >= 1" C. HOT TSRE
Red Thread HP Compression Molded Fittings >= 1" C. HOT TSRE

Novagard Solutions™, Inc. 
5109 Hamilton Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44114 
United States 

Facility : Cleveland, OH

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

G-662 Silicone Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT SLC

Nupi Industrie Italiane SpA 
Via Stefano Ferrario Z.I. Sud-Ovest
21052 Busto Ariszio (VA) 
39 03 313 44211
Visit this company's website

Facility : Busto Arsizio (VA), Italy

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components [G]
NCOLVPR Branch Fitting with Valve PEX Adapter (Cold Expansion) SDR 11[8] 1-1/4" - 12" C. HOT MLTPL
NCOLVPRCR Branch Fitting with Valve PEX Adapter (Crimp Ring) SDR 11[9] 1-1/4" - 12" C. HOT MLTPL

[8] Certified for the following configurations:
    40 mm (27NCOLVPR403212) 1-1/4''
    50 mm (27NCOLVPR503212) 1-1/2"
    63 mm (27NCOLVPR633212) 2"
    75 mm (27NCOLVPR753212) 2-1/2"
    90 mm (27NCOLVPR903212) 3"
    110 mm (27NCOLVPR1103212) 3 1/2"
    40 mm (27NCOLVPR403234) 1-1/4"
    50 mm (27NCOLVPR503234) 1-1/2"
    63 mm (27NCOLVPR633234) 2"
    75 mm (27NCOLVPR753234) 2-1/2"
    90 mm (27NCOLVPR903234) 3"
    110 mm (27NCOLVPR1103234) 3 1/2"
    40 mm (27NCOLVPR40321) 1-1/4"
    50 mm (27NCOLVPR50321) 1-1/2"
    63 mm (27NCOLVPR63321) 2"
    75 mm (27NCOLVPR75321) 2-1/2"
    90 mm (27NCOLVPR90321) 3"
    110 mm (27NCOLVPR110321) 3 1/2"
    125 mm (27NCOLVPR1253212) 4"
    160 mm (27NCOLVPR1603212) 6"
    200 mm (27NCOLVPR2003212) 8"
    250 mm (27NCOLVPR2503212) 10"
    315 mm (27NCOLVPR3153212) 12"
    125 mm (27NCOLVPR1253234) 4"
    160 mm (27NCOLVPR1603234) 6"
    200 mm (27NCOLVPR2003234) 8"
    250 mm (27NCOLVPR2503234) 10"
    315 mm (27NCOLVPR3153234) 12"
    125 mm (27NCOLVPR125321) 4"
    160 mm (27NCOLVPR160321) 6"
    200 mm (27NCOLVPR200321) 8"
    250 mm (27NCOLVPR250321) 10"
    315 mm (27NCOLVPR315321) 12"
[9] Certified for the following configurations:
    40 mm (27NCOLVPRCR403212) 1-1/4"
    50 mm (27NCOLVPRCR503212) 1-1/2"
    63 mm (27NCOLVPRCR633212) 2"
    75 mm (27NCOLVPRCR753212) 2-1/2"
    90 mm (27NCOLVPRCR903212) 3"
    110 mm (27NCOLVPRCR1103212) 3 1/2"
    40 mm (27NCOLVPRCR403234) 1-1/4"
    50 mm (27NCOLVPRCR503234) 1-1/2"
    63 mm (27NCOLVPRCR633234) 2"
    75 mm (27NCOLVPRCR753234) 2-1/2"
    90 mm (27NCOLVPRCR903234) 3"
    110 mm (27NCOLVPRCR1103234) 3 1/2"
    40 mm (27NCOLVPRCR40321) 1-1/4"
    50 mm (27NCOLVPRCR50321) 1-1/2"
    63 mm (27NCOLVPRCR63321) 2"
    75 mm (27NCOLVPRCR75321) 2-1/2"
    90 mm (27NCOLVPRCR90321) 3"
    110 mm (27NCOLVPRCR110321) 3 1/2"
    125 mm (27NCOLVPRCR1253212) 4"
    160 mm (27NCOLVPRCR1603212) 6"
    200 mm (27NCOLVPRCR2003212) 8"
    250 mm (27NCOLVPRCR2503212) 10"
    315 mm (27NCOLVPRCR3153212) 12"
    125 mm (27NCOLVPRCR1253234) 4"
    160 mm (27NCOLVPRCR1603234) 6"
    200 mm (27NCOLVPRCR2003234) 8"
    250 mm (27NCOLVPRCR2503234) 10"
    315 mm (27NCOLVPRCR3153234) 12"
    125 mm (27NCOLVPRCR125321) 4"
    160 mm (27NCOLVPRCR160321) 6"
    200 mm (27NCOLVPRCR200321) 8"
    250 mm (27NCOLVPRCR250321) 10"
    315 mm (27NCOLVPRCR315321) 12"
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Oatey Company 
20600 Emerald Parkway
Cleveland, OH 44135 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 Cleveland, OH

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds[1]
Oatey Gray Pipe Joint Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Oatey Gray Pipe Joint Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Oatey Great Blue Pipe Joint Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Oatey Great White Pipe Joint Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Oatey Great White Pipe Joint Compound with PTFE >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Rigid Thread Sealant >= 1/2" C. HOT TC

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Facility : Omaha, NE

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds
Do it Best Blue Seal Thread Sealant >= 1/2" C. HOT SLT
Megaloc >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Oatey Great Blue Pipe Joint Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Oatey Great White Pipe Joint Compound with PTFE >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Oatey Pipe Joint Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Real Tuff Thread Sealant >= 1/2" C. HOT SLT

Odis Filtering Ltd. 
8 Martin Gehl
P.O. Box 3137 
Kiryat-Arye, Petah-Tikya 49130 
972 3 9258508
Visit this company's website

Facility : Petah-Tikya, Israel

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1] [2] [3] [G]
Multimedia Filters 45(XXX)DW [4] CLD 23 MLTPL
Multimedia Filters 45(XXX)DWL [4] CLD 23 MLTPL
Multimedia Filters 45(XXX)G [4] CLD 23 MLTPL
Multimedia Filters 45(XXX)SPA [4] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] XXX refers to the diameter of the tank body in inches and may be 008, 010, 012, 016,
    020, 024, 030, 036,048, 055,064,072,080,090,100 or 120.
[2] The "DW" tanks are 1400 mm tall, the "DWL" tanks are 2000 mm tall, the "G" tanks are 980
    mm tall, and the "SPA" tanks are 1150 mm tall.
[3] Certified for tanks without media.
[4] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 4,200 Liters.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Omeras GmbH 
Am Emaillierwerk 1
D-08315 Lauter-Bernsbach 
49 377 156 740
Visit this company's website

Facility : Lauter-Bernsbach, Germany

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1] [2] [G]

[1] Certification does not include fully assembled tanks or their accessories, including
    stiffeners, bolts/nuts/washers, sealants and/or any other ancillary equipment.
[2] Certified for panels coated with a maximum of 10.9 mils Omerastore ® Vitreous TS2160 on
    the interior tank side.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Omicron Water Technologies 
2625 Logan Avenue
San Diego, CA 92113 
United States 
844 204 5400 
844 204 5400
Visit this company's website

Facility : Monzon, Spain

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components
Omicron 10600(H) 3" - 14" CLD 23 MLTPL
Omicron 10600(V) 4" - 14" CLD 23 MLTPL
Omicron 13200(H) 3" - 14" CLD 23 MLTPL
Omicron 13200(V) 4" - 14" CLD 23 MLTPL
Omicron 16500(H) 3" - 14" CLD 23 MLTPL
Omicron 16500(V) 4" - 14" CLD 23 MLTPL
Omicron 21300(H) 3 " - 14" CLD 23 MLTPL
Omicron 21300(V) 4" - 14" CLD 23 MLTPL
Omicron 5300(H) 3" - 14" CLD 23 MLTPL
Omicron 5300(H) 3" - 14" CLD 23 MLTPL
Omicron 5300(V) 4" - 14" CLD 23 MLTPL
Omicron 8000(H) 3" - 14" CLD 23 MLTPL
Omicron 8000(V) 4" - 14" CLD 23 MLTPL

OnePlus New Material Technology Co., Ltd. 
Pou Thoeung Village, Bet Trang Commune
& Smach Deng Village, Ream Commune 
Prey Nob District, Sihanoukville Province 
855 87 1357 3159

Facility : Prey Nob District, Cambodia

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings [G]
1/2" x 1/2" x 1/2" MPT (MPT121212MT) Male Thread Tee 1/2" x 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
1/2" x 1/2" MPT x 1/2" MPT (MPT1212MT12MT) Male Thread Tee 1/2" x 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" MPT (MPT343412MT) Male Thread Tee 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
3/8" x 1/2" MPT (MTC3812) Male Thread Coupling 3/8" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
3/8" x 3/8" MPT (MTC3838) Male Thread Coupling 3/8" x 3/8" C. HOT MLTPL
1/2" x 3/8" MPT (MTC1238) Male Thread Coupling 1/2" x 3/8" C. HOT MLTPL
1/2" x 1/2" MPT (MTC1212) Male Thread Coupling 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
1/2" x 3/4" MPT (MTC1234) Male Thread Coupling 1/2" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 1/2" MPT (MTC3412) Male Thread Coupling 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 3/4" MPT (MTC3434) Male Thread Coupling 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
1" x 3/4" MPT (MTC134) Male Thread Coupling 1" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
1" x 1" MPT (MTC11) Male Thread Coupling 1" x 1" C. HOT MLTPL
1" x 3/4" MPT (MTC134) Male Thread Coupling 1" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
3/8" x 3/8" MPT (MTE3838) Male Thread 90° Elbow 3/8" x 3/8" C. HOT MLTPL
1/2" x 3/8" MPT (MTE1238) Male Thread 90° Elbow 1/2" x 3/8" C. HOT MLTPL
3/8" x 1/2" MPT (MTE3812) Male Thread 90° Elbow 3/8" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
1/2" x 1/2" MPT (MTE1212) Male Thread 90° Elbow 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
1/2" x 3/4" MPT (MTE1234) Male Thread 90° Elbow 1/2" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 3/4" MPT (MTE3434) Male Thread 90° Elbow 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 1/2" MPT (MTE3412) Male Thread 90° Elbow 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
1" x 3/4" MPT (MTE134) Male Thread 90° Elbow 1" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL

[1] PEX rings are non-wetted components of PEX fitting systems.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


3/4" x 3/4" Flow-through multi-port Tee,3 outlets (1/2"), FTMPT3-34 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" x 3/4" Flow-through multi-port Tee, 4 outlets (1/2"), FTMPT4-34 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" x 3/4" Flow-through multi-port Tee, 6 outlets (1/2"), FTMPT6-34 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
1" x 3/4" Flow-through multi-port Tee, 3 outlets (1/2") FTMPT3-134 1" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
1" x 3/4" Flow-through multi-port Tee, 3 outlets (1/2") FTMPT3-134 1" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
1" x 3/4" Flow-through multi-port tee, 6 outlets (1/2") FTMPT6-134 1" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
1" x 1" Flow-through multi-port Tee, 3 outlets (1/2") FTMPT3-1 1" x 1" C. HOT PPSU
1" x 1" Flow-through multi-port tee, 4 outlets (1/2") FTMPT4-1 1" x 1" C. HOT PPSU
1" x 1" Flow-through multi-port tee, 6 outlets (1/2") FTMPT6-1 1" x 1" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" Branch multi-port Tee, 4 outlets (1/2"), BMPT4-34 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" Branch multi-port Tee, 6 outlets (1/2"), BMPT6-34 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
1" Branch multi-port Tee, 4 outlets ( 1/2") BMPT 4-1 1" C. HOT PPSU
1" Branch multi-port Tee, 6 outlets ( 1/2") BMPT 6-1 1" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" Branch Opposing-port multi-port Tee, 4 outlets (1/2") BOPMPT 4-34 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" Branch Opposing-port multi-port Tee, 8 outlets (1/2") BOPMPT 8-34 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" x 3/4" x 3/4"Flow-through multi-port vertical Tee 3 outlets(1/2")FTMPVT3-34 3/4" x 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" x 3/4" x 3/4"Flow-through multi-port vertical Tee 4 outlets(1/2")FTMPVT4-34 3/4" x 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" x 3/4" Flow-through multi-port Elbow, 3 outlets (1/2"), FTMPE3-34 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" x 3/4" Flow-through multi-port Elbow, 4 outlets (1/2"), FTMPE4-34 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" x 3/4"Flow-through opposing-port multi-port Tee3 outlets (1/2")FTOPMPT3-34 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" x 3/4"Flow-through opposing-port multi-port Tee4 outlets (1/2")FTOPMPT4-34 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" x 3/4"Flow-through opposing-port multi-port Tee6 outlets (1/2")FTOPMPT6-34 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" x 3/4"Flow-through opposing-port multi-port Tee, 8 outlets (1/2") FTOPMPT8- 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" x 3/4" x 3/4" Flow-through multi-port horizontal 4 outlets 1/2" FTMPH 4-34 3/4" x 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT PPSU
3/4" x 1/2", 4 Port (BMPT2-3412) 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
1" x 1/2", 6 Port (BMPT6-112) 1" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
1" x 1" x 1/2", 6 Port (FTMPT6-1112) 1" x 1" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
1" x 1/2", 8 Port (FTMPT8-112) 1" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
1" x 1" x 1/2", 8 Port (FTMPT8-1112) 1" x 1" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
1" x 3/4" x 1/2", 4 Port (FTMPT4-13412) 1" x 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2", 3 Port (FTMPT3-343412) 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2", 4 Port (FTMPT4-343412) 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2", 6 Port (FTMPT6-343412) 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT SPB
3/4" x 3/4" Flow-through multi-port Tee, 2 outlets (1/2")FTMPT2-34 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 3/4" Flow-through multi-port Tee, 2 outlets (1/2")FTMPT2-34*34 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" Branch multi-port Tee, 2 outlets (1/2") (BMPT 2-34) 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" Branch multi-port Tee, 3 outlets (1/2") (BMPT3-34) 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
1" Branch multi-port Tee, 3 outlets (1/2") (BMPT 3-1) 1" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" Branch Opposing-port multi-port Tee, 3 outlets (1/2") (BOPMPT 3-34) 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 1/2" 2 Port (BMPT2-3412) 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 1/2" 3 Port (BMPT3-3412) 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" 2 Port (FTMPT2-343412) 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Oriental Export Corporation 
75 AB Govt. Indl. Estate, Ganesh Nager
Charkop, Kandivali West 
Mumbai 400 067 
91 22 2967 9006
Visit this company's website

Facility : Gujarat, India

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Compression Angle Needle Valve 1/4x1/8 MIP (LOCNLV-0402/800589) 1/4" x 1/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Needle Valve 1/4 (LOCNLV-04 / 800539) 1/4" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Needle Valve 1/4 x 1/8 MIP (LOCNLV-0402B/800619) 1/4" x 1/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Needle Valve 3/8 (LOCNLV-06 / 800519) 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Needle Valve 3/8x3/8x1/4 (LOCNLV-0604/800559) 3/8" x 1/4" C. HOT BRASS

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Pipes and Related Products

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings[1] [G]
Compression Adapter FIP L90066-XXXX 1/4"x3/8" - 7/16"x3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Adapter FIP L90066-XXXX 800549[10] 3/8" x 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Adapter FIP L90066-XXXX 800779[10] 1/4" x 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Adapter FIP L90066-XXXX 800899[10] 1/2" x 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Adapter FIP L90066-XXXX 800969[10] 7/16" x 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Adapter FIP L90066-XXXX 801119[10] 3/8" x 5/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Adapter FIP L90066-XXXX 801229[10] 3/8" x 1/4" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Adapter Female x Female L90083-XXXX 3/8" x 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Adapter Female x Female L90083-XXXX 803119[10] 3/8" x 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Adapter L90071-XXXXX 3/8"x3/8"x1/4" - 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Adapter L90071-XXXXX 800569[10] 3/8" x 3/8" x 1/4" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Adapter L90071-XXXXX 800609[10] 3/8" x 3/8" x 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Adapter MIP L90068-XXXX 1/4"x1/8" - 5/8"x1/2" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Adapter MIP L90068-XXXX 800509[10] 1/4" x 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Adapter MIP L90068-XXXX 800669[10] 3/8" x 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Adapter MIP L90068-XXXX 800729[10] 1/4" x 1/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Adapter MIP L90068-XXXX 800769[10] 3/8" x 1/2" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Adapter MIP L90068-XXXX 800789[10] 1/4" x 1/2" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Adapter MIP L90068-XXXX 800819[10] 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Adapter MIP L90068-XXXX 800959[10] 1/2" x 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Adapter MIP L90068-XXXX 801059[10] 3/8" x 3/4" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Adapter MIP L90068-XXXX 801069[10] 3/8" x 1/4" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Adapter MIP L90068-XXXX 801079[10] 1/4" x 1/4" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Adapter MIP L90068-XXXX 801099[10] 5/8" x 1/2" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Cap L90081-XX 1/4" - 5/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Cap L90081-XX 801019[10] 5/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Cap L90081-XX 801039[10] 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Cap L90081-XX 801129[10] 1/4" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Cap L90081-XX 801139[10] 1/2" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Coupling FIP L90066-XXXXi 1/4"x1/8" - 1/2"x1/2" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Coupling FIP L90066-XXXXi 800529[10] 1/4" x 1/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Coupling FIP L90066-XXXXi 800739[10] 3/8" x 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Coupling FIP L90066-XXXXi 800879[10] 3/8" x 1/4" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Coupling FIP L90066-XXXXi 800909[10] 1/4" x 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Coupling FIP L90066-XXXXi 801009[10] 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Coupling FIP L90066-XXXXi 801029[10] 1/4" x 1/2" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Coupling FIP L90066-XXXXi 801189[10] 1/4" x 1/4" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Coupling FIP L90066-XXXXi 801209[10] 3/8" x 1/2" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Coupling L90062-XX 1/4" - 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Coupling L90062-XX 800759 & 800719[10] 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Coupling L90062-XX 801800[10] 1/4" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Coupling L90082-XXXX 3/8"x1/4" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Coupling L90082-XXXX 800839[10] 3/8" x 1/4" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Couplings 2pk L90066-XXXXX 3/8" x 1/2" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Couplings 2pk L90066-XXXXX 800809[10] 3/8" x 1/2" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Dishwasher Elbow ODxFHT L90066-XXXX 801199[10] 3/8" x 3/4" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Elbow L90065-XX 1/4" - 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Elbow L90065-XX 800869[10] 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Elbow L90065-XX 800989[10] 1/4" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Elbow MIP L90069-XXXX 1/4"x1/8"-1/2"x1/2" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Elbow MIP L90069-XXXX 800679[10] 3/8" x 1/2" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Elbow MIP L90069-XXXX 800859[10] 3/8" x 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Elbow MIP L90069-XXXX 800889[10] 1/4" x 1/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Elbow MIP L90069-XXXX 800979[10] 1/4" x 1/4" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Elbow MIP L90069-XXXX 801089[10] 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Nut & Insert L90060*9006X-XX 1/4" - 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Nut & Insert L90060*9006X-XX 800499[10] 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Nut & Insert L90060*9006X-XX 800629[10] 1/4" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Reducing Tee L90084-XXXXXX 3/8" x 3/8" x 1/4" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Reducing Tee L90084-XXXXXX 800949[10] 3/8" x 3/8" x 1/4" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Sleeve & Insert L90473-XXX 1/4" - 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Sleeve & Insert L90473-XXX 800579[10] 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Sleeve & Insert L90473-XXX 800599[10] 1/4" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Tee L90064-XX 1/4" - 1/2" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Tee L90064-XX 800699[10] 1/2" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Tee L90064-XX 800749[10] 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Tee L90064-XX 800849[10] 1/4" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Union L90062-XX 1/2" - 5/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Union L90062-XX 800919[10] 5/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Union L90062-XX 800939[10] 1/2" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Union L90082-XXXX 5/8" x 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Compression Union L90082-XXXX 800689[10] 5/8" x 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Connector (Compression x Male Pipe) L90068-XXYY 1/8"x1/8" - 7/8"x1" C. HOT BRASS
Elbow (Compression x Compression) L90065-XX 1/8" - 7/8" C. HOT BRASS
Elbow (Compression x Female Pipe) L90070-XXYY 1/8"x1/8"-3/4"x3/4" C. HOT BRASS
Elbow (Compression x Male Pipe) L90069-XXYY 1/8"x1/8"-7/8"x3/4" C. HOT BRASS
Female Coupling (Compression x Female Pipe) L90066-XXYY 1/8"x1/8"-7/8"x3/4" C. HOT BRASS
Flare Compression Adapter (Compression x Male Flare) L90094-XXYY 1/4" x 1/4" C. HOT BRASS
Garden Hose Adapter FH x MP L841278 3/4"x3/4"x1/2" C. HOT BRASS
Garden Hose Adapter FH x MP L841278 801649[10] 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT BRASS
Reducing Elbow (Compression x Compression) L90085-XXYY 3/8"x1/4"-5/8"x1/2" C. HOT BRASS
Reducing Tee (Compression Three Ends) L90084-XXYYZZ [5] C. HOT BRASS
Reducing Union (Compression x Compression) L90082-XXYY 1/4"x1/8"-5/8"x1/2" C. HOT BRASS
Tank Connector (Drilled Through) (Compression x Male Pipe) L90088-XXYY 3/16"x1/8"-5/8"x3/4" C. HOT BRASS
Tank Union (Drilled Through) (Compression x Compression) L90092-XX 3/8" - 7/8" C. HOT BRASS
Tee (Compression Three Ends) L90064-XX 1/8" - 7/8" C. HOT BRASS
Tee (Compression x Female Pipe x Male Pipe) L90075-XXYYZZ [7] C. HOT BRASS
Tee (Compression x Female Pipe x Male Pipe) L90076-XXYY 1/8"x1/8"-3/8"x1/4" C. HOT BRASS
Tee (Compression x Female Pipe) L90078-XXYY 1/4"x1/8"-5/8"x1/8" C. HOT BRASS
Tee (Compression x Male Pipe) L90071-XXYY 1/8"x1/8"-3/4"x3/4" C. HOT BRASS
Tee (Compression x Male Pipe) L90072-XXYY 1/8"x1/8"-3/4"x3/4" C. HOT BRASS
Tee (Compression x Male Pipe) L90079-XXYY 3/8" x 3/8" C. HOT BRASS
Union (Compression x Compression) L90062-XX 1/8" - 7/8" C. HOT BRASS

[1] WW, XX, YY, and ZZ suffixes indicate size (in inches).
    02 - 1/8"
    03 - 3/16"
    04 - 1/4"
    05 - 5/16"
    06 - 3/8"
    07 - 7/16"
    08 - 1/2"
    09 - 5/8"
    12 - 3/4"
    14 - 7/8"
    16 - 1"
[2] Size - 3/4" x 1/2" - 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2"
[3] Size - 3/4" x 3/8" - 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2"
[4] Size - 3/8" x 3/8" x 1/8" - 1/2" x 1/2" x 3/8"
[5] Size - 1/4" x 1/4" x 1/8" - 5/8" x 5/8" x 1/2"
[6] Size - 1/4" x 1/4" x 3/8" - 3/4" x 3/4" x 5/8"
[7] Size - 1/4" x 1/8" x 1/8" - 1/4" x 1/4" x 1/4"
[8] Size - 1/8" x 1/8" x 1/4" - 1/4" x 1/4" x 3/8"
[9] Size - 1/4" x 1/4" x 1/8" - 5/8" x 5/8" x 1/2"
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.

[10] Part number 80XXXX is a private brand model number.

Orthos Liquid Systems, Inc. 
596 Browns Cove Road
Riverwalk Business Park 
Ridgeland, SC 29936 
United States 

Facility : Ridgeland, SC

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
PS Saddle [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Series C Nozzle [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Series D Nozzle [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Series K Nozzle [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
MU Nuts [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Series S Nozzle [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Series T Nozzle [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
DB Expanding Rings [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
DP Washers [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Series R Nozzle [1] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum flow of 0.7 gallons per minute per square foot of filter area.

Pacer Pumps, Division of ASM Industries, Inc. 
41 Industrial Circle
Lancaster, PA 17061 
United States 
717-925-8240 X336

Facility : Lancaster, PA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

IPW2BWL 1 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
IPW2BWL C3.0C 1 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
IPW2BWL CSS 1 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
IPW2BWL D3.0C 1 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
IPW2BWL E5HCP 1 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
IPW2BWL E6VC 1 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
IPW2BWL HYC 1 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
IPW2WL 1 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
IPW2WL C3.0C 1 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
IPW2WL CSS 1 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
IPW2WL CX208 1 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
IPW2WL D3.0C 1 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
IPW2WL E5.5 1 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
IPW2WL E5HCP 1 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
IPW2WL E6HCP 1 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
IPW2WL E6VC 1 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
IPW2WL HL170 1 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
IPW2WL HYC 1 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
IPW2WL KD15225 1 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
IPW2WL L48 1 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Paco Pumps by Grundfos CBS Inc. 
902 Koomey Road
Brookshire, TX 77423 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Brookshire, TX

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps[1] [G]
End-Suction (L Series) 1015 12" x 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 1070 1.25" x 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 1250 1.5" x 1.25" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 1270 1.5" x 1.25" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 1550 2" x 1.5" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 1570 2" x 1.5" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 1595 2" x 1.5" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 2012 2.5" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 2050 2.5" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 2070 2.5" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 2095 2.5" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 2512 3" x 2.5" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 2570 3" x 2.5" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 2595 3" x 2.5" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 3012 4" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 3015 4" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 3050 4" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 3070 4" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 3095 4" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 4012 5" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 4015 5" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 4070 5" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 4095 5" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 5012 6" x 5" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 5015 6" x 5" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 5095 6" x 5" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 6012 8" x 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 6015 8" x 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 6095 8" x 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 8012 10" x 9" CLD 23 MLTPL
End-Suction (L Series) 8015 10" x 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
In-Line (VL Series) 1012 10" x 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
In-Line (VL Series) 1270 1.25" x 1.25" CLD 23 MLTPL
In-Line (VL Series) 1570 1.5" x 1.5" CLD 23 MLTPL
In-Line (VL Series) 2070 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
In-Line (VL Series) 2095 2" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
In-Line (VL Series) 2512 2.5" x 2.5" CLD 23 MLTPL
In-Line (VL Series) 2570 2.5" x 2.5" CLD 23 MLTPL
In-Line (VL Series) 2595 2.5" x 2.5" CLD 23 MLTPL
In-Line (VL Series) 3012 3" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
In-Line (VL Series) 3070 3" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
In-Line (VL Series) 3095 3" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
In-Line (VL Series) 4012 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
In-Line (VL Series) 4015 4" x 15" CLD 23 MLTPL
In-Line (VL Series) 4070 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
In-Line (VL Series) 4095 4" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
In-Line (VL Series) 5012 5" x 5" CLD 23 MLTPL
In-Line (VL Series) 5015 5" x 15" CLD 23 MLTPL
In-Line (VL Series) 5070 5" x 5" CLD 23 MLTPL
In-Line (VL Series) 5095 5" x 5" CLD 23 MLTPL
In-Line (VL Series) 6012 6" x 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
In-Line (VL Series) 6015 6" x 15" CLD 23 MLTPL
In-Line (VL Series) 6095 6" x 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
In-Line (VL Series) 8012 8" x 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
In-Line (VL Series) 8015 8" x 15" CLD 23 MLTPL
In-Line (VL Series) 8095 8" x 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 1012[2] 12" x 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 1015[2] 12" x 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 1020[2] 14" x 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 1024[2] 14" x 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 1213[2] 12" x 14" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 1216[2] 14" x 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 1220[2] 14" x 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 1224[2] 16" x 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 1228[2] 12" x 20" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 1415[2] 14" x 16" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 1420[2] 16" x 14" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 1424[2] 20" x 14" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 1425[2] 14" x 20" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 1428[2] 14" x 20" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 1615[2] 16" x 20" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 1617[2] 16" x 20" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 1620[2] 16" x 20" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 1624[2] 20" x 16" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 1628[2] 16" x 24" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 2013[2] 2.5" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 2018[2] 20" x 24" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 2023[2] 20" x 24" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 2025[2] 20" x 28" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 2095[2] 2.5" x 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 2427[2] 24" x 32" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 2832[2] 28" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 3014[2] 4" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 3095[2] 4" x 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 3243[2] 32" x 48" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 4012[2] 5" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 4015[2] 5" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 4095[2] 5" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 5012[2] 6" x 5" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 5015[2] 6" x 5" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 6012[2] 8" x 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 6015[2] 8" x 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 6019[2] 8" x 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 6020[2] 8" x 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 8012[2] 10" x 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 8015[2] 10" x 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 8017[2] 8" x 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 8020[2] 12" x 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
Splitcase (KP, KPV, & KPVS Series) 8024[2] 12" x 8" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certification includes end suction close coupled vertically mounted, end suction closed
    horizontally mounted, and end suction frame mounted pumps.
[2] Splitcase pumps can be either horizontally (KP series) or vertically (KPV or KPVS
    series) mounted.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Paige Electric Company 
200 Sheffield Street
Suite 302 
Mountainside, NJ 07092 
United States 

Facility : # 1 Columbus, NE

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Submersible Pump Cable [G]
P7271-SP90 [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
P7311A-SP [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
P7324-SP [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
P7324A-SP [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
P7327B-SP Hydroflex - Flexible Rubber Submersible Pump Cable [2] D. HOT MLTPL

[1] Certified for use in well casings 4" to 30" in diameter.  Certified for maximum cable
    length of 80 feet.  Certified for a minimum daily flow of 680 liters.
[2] Certified for use in well casings that are 6" to 14" in diameter and at least 40' in
    depth.  Certified for cables with a maximum length of 13'.  Certified for a minimum flow
    of 2.083 gallons per minute (11,354 liters per day).
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Guanajuato, Mexico

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps - Submersible Cables [G]
P7327B-SP Hydroflex - Flexible Rubber Submersible Pump Cable [1] D. HOT MLTPL

[1] Certified for use in well casings that are 6" to 14" in diameter and at least 40' in
    depth.  Certified for cables with a maximum length of 13'.  Certified for a minimum flow
    of 2.083 gallons per minute (11,354 liters per day).
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Pall Corporation 
25 Harbor Park Drive
Port Washington, NY 11050 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Cortland, NY

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components
Pall GRP Rack 6RKHF610F1[A]-[B]-[C]-[D] [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
Ultipleat High Flow HFUYDS620020JUMW [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Ultipleat High Flow HFUYDS620045JUMW [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Ultipleat High Flow HFUYDS620060JUMW [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Ultipleat High Flow HFUYDS620100JUMW [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Ultipleat High flow HFUJDS660060JUMW [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Ultipleat High flow HFUJDS660200JUMW [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Ultipleat High flow HFUYDS640100JUMW [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Ultipleat High flow HFUYDS640200JUMW [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Ultipleat High flow HFUYDS660045JUMW [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Ultipleat High flow HFUYDS660200JUMW [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Ultipleat High flow HFUYDS660400JUMW [1] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Media code
    J: HDC-II pleated PP
    Y: Ultipleat profile pleated depth PP
    Filter dimensions (in/mm)
    620: 6/152.4 x 20/508
    640: 6/152.4 x 40/1016
    660: 6/152.4 x 60/1524
    Micron code
    045: 4.5
    060: 6.0
    100: 10
    200: 20
    400: 40
    Certified for point-of-entry (POE) and municipal end uses.
[2] Certified for a minimum flow of 1,635,100 liters per day.
    Certified for use with Ultipleat cartridges only.
    [A]: Housing nozzle
         S: Std. duplex 2205
         Z: Zeron option
    [B]: Vent/Drain ports
         0: Null (Blind flanges)
         V: Vent/Drain kit option
    [C]: Isolation valves
         0: Null (Blind flanges)
         N: Nylon-Coated manual butterfly valve kit option
         S: SAF 2507 manual butterfly valve kit option
    [D]: Expansion joints
         0: Null (none)
         I: Imperial kit 10" x 10" ANSI
         M: Metric kit 10" ANSI x DN250

Parco, Inc. 
1801 South Archibald Avenue
Ontario, CA 91761 
United States 

Facility : Ontario, CA

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Gasket/Sealing Materials[1]
EPDM Compound 5778-50 [3] C. HOT EPDM
EPDM Compound 5778-70 [3] C. HOT EPDM
EPDM Compound 5778-80[5] [6] C. HOT EPDM
EPDM Compound 5778-90[5] [6] C. HOT EPDM

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[2] This product has also been evaluated for use in Mechanical Plumbing Device applications
    with a maximum use restriction of 0.2 sq. in./L.
[3] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 2.0 sq. in./L.
[4] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 0.2 square inches/L.
[5] This product has also been evaluated for use in Mechanical Plumbing Device applications
    with a maximum use restriction of 2.5 sq. in./L.
[6] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 2.5 sq. in./L.

EPDM Compound 5778-50 [3] C. HOT EPDM
EPDM Compound 5778-70 [3] C. HOT EPDM
EPDM Compound 5778-80[5] [6] C. HOT EPDM
EPDM Compound 5778-90[5] [6] C. HOT EPDM

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[2] This product has also been evaluated for use in Mechanical Plumbing Device applications
    with a maximum use restriction of 0.2 sq. in./L.
[3] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 2.0 sq. in./L.
[4] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 0.2 square inches/L.
[5] This product has also been evaluated for use in Mechanical Plumbing Device applications
    with a maximum use restriction of 2.5 sq. in./L.
[6] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 2.5 sq. in./L.

Mechanical Plumbing Devices

Trade Designation      

Gasket/Sealing Materials[1]
EPDM Compound 5778-70[2] [3]      

[2] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 2.5 sq. in./L.
[3] This product does not require a Q statistic. It is made from material or materials that
    do not require lead analysis when reviewed per NSF/ANSI/CAN Standard 61, Section 3.3.

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

EPDM Compound 5778-70[2] [3]      

[2] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 2.5 sq. in./L.
[3] This product does not require a Q statistic. It is made from material or materials that
    do not require lead analysis when reviewed per NSF/ANSI/CAN Standard 61, Section 3.3.

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Parker Hannifin Corporation 
6035 Parkland Boulevard
Cleveland, OH 44124 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Oxnard, CA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components
Fulflo Durabond Element[1] [2] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certification includes the element only, and does not include the end caps, o-rings, or
    exterior housing.  Evaluated for use in water treatment facility or distribution system
    where the water flow exceeds 1440 gallons/day.
[2] Certified sizes are: 2 1/2" O.D. x 10" long through 2 1/2" O.D. x 50" long.

Parker O-Ring & Engineered Seals Division 
Parker Hannifin Corporation
2360 Palumbo Drive 
Lexington, KY 40509 
United States 

Facility : # 2 H. Matamoros, Mexico

Mechanical Plumbing Devices

Trade Designation      

O-Rings[1] [2]
Compound N0757-70      

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 2.0 sq. in./L in faucet
[2] This product does not require a Q statistic. It is made from material or materials that
    do not require lead analysis when reviewed per NSF/ANSI/CAN Standard 61, Section 3.3.

Facility : Changhua Hsien, Taiwan

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Gasket/Sealing Materials
Compound E1570 [1] C. HOT EPDM
Compound E1571 [1] C. HOT EPDM
Compound N1517 [2] C. HOT NBR

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 2.0 sq. in./L.
[2] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 0.5 sq. in./L.

Parker-Asun Sealing Technology (VIETNAM) Co., Ltd. 
St No. 3, Nhon Trach 6 Ind. Zone
Tho Commune, Nhon Trach District 
Dong Nai 815960 
86 769 226 8836

Facility : , Dong Nai, Vietnam

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

O-Rings, Gasket/Sealing Materials
EPDM Compound 63017 [2] C. HOT EPDM
EPDM Compound 63447 [2] C. HOT EPDM

[2] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 2.0 sq. in./L.

Mechanical Plumbing Devices

Trade Designation      

O-Rings, Gasket/Sealing Materials
EPDM Compound 63017[2]      
EPDM Compound 63447[2]      

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 0.15 square inches/L.
[2] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 0.75 square inches/L.

via Enrico Fermi, 7
37047 San Bonifacio  
39 045 6136311
Visit this company's website

Facility : San Bonifacio, Italy

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps[1] [G]

[1] Certification does not include the Connection Kit.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Penn Pump & Equipment Co., Inc. 
2880 Bergey Road
Unit O 
Hatfield, PA 19440 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Hatfield, PA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps[1] [G]

    XXX - GPM
    YYY - PSI of pump head
    Z   - number of pumps (S (Simplex), D (Duplex), and T (Triplex) represent either 1, 2 or
          3 pumps)
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Pentair Flow Technologies LLC 
293 Wright Street
Delavan, WI 53115 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : North Aurora, IL

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps[1] [G]
Aurora Pump 3801 [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
Aurora Pump 3804 [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
Fairbanks Nijhuis Series 1620 [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
Fairbanks Nijhuis Series 1650 [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
[N]-BVMI[B]-[C]-[D][3] [4] CLD 23 MLTPL
[N]-BVMX[B]-[C]-[D][3] [4] CLD 23 MLTPL
[N]-PVMI[B]-[C]-[D][3] [4] CLD 23 MLTPL
[N]-PVMX[B]-[C]-[D][3] [4] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[2] Aurora Pump sizes (outlet size x inlet size x case bore/impeller size) / Fairbanks
    Nijhuis sizes
    1.25" x 1.5" x 7" / 1 1/4" -1621 & -1651
    1.25" x 1.5" x 9.5" / 1 1/4" - 1622 & -1652
    1.5" x 2" x 7" / 1 1/2" -1621 & -1651
    1.5" x 2" x 9.5" / 1 1/2" - 1624 & -1654
    1.5" x 2" x 11" / 1 1/2 " -1622 & -1652
    1.5" x 2" x 12" / 1 1/2" -1623 & -1653
    2" x 2.5" x 7" A / 2" -1621A  & -1651A
    2" x 2.5" x 9.5" / 2" -1622 & -1652
    2" x 3" x 11" / 2" -1623 & -1653
    2" x 3" x 13.5" / 2" -1624 & -1654
    2.5" x 3" x 7" / 2 1/2" -1621 & -1651
    2.5" x 3" x 9.5" / 2 1/2" -1622 & -1652
    2.5" x 3" x 13.5" / 2 1/2" -1623 & -1653
    3" x 4" x 7"A / 3"-1621A & 1651A
    3" x 4" x 9.5" / 3" -1622 & -1652
    3" x 4" x 11" / 3" -1623 & -1653
    3" x 4" x 13.5" / 3" -1624 & -1654
    4" x 5" x 7" A / 4" -1621A & -1651A
    4" x 5" x 9.5" / 4" -1622 & -1652
    4" x 5" x 11" A/ 4" -1623A & -1653A
    4" x 5" x 13.5" / 4" -1624 & -1654
    5" x 6" x 7"A / 5"-1621A & 1651A
    5" x 6" x 9.5" A/ 5" -1622A & -1652A
    5" x 6" x 11" / 5" -1623 & -1653
    5" x 6" x 13.5" / 5" -1624 & -1654
    6" x 8" x 9.5" / 6" -1621 & -1651
    6" x 8" x 11" A/ 6" -1622A & -1652A
    6" x 8" x 13.5" / 6" -1623 & -1653
    8" x 10" x 13.5" / 8" -1622 & -1652
[3] [N] is the brand designator and may be Berkeley, Pentair, Fairbanks-Nijhuis or Aurora. 
    BVM or PVM is the trade name – The I designator is for the 304 stainless steel and may
    only be used up to flow series 33.  The X designator is for 316 stainless steel and may
    be used with any flow series. 
    [B] is the flow series and may be 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 33, 45, 64, 90, 120, 150
    [C] is the number of impellers. 
    [D] is the number of smaller-diameter impellers for flow series 33 through 90, if
[4] Each flow series has the following inlet/outlet size:
    Flow Series 1, 3, 5 – 1-1/4”
    Flow Series 10 – 1-5/8”
    Flow Series 15, 20 – 2-1/2”
    Flow Series 33 – 2-7/8”
    Flow Series 45 – 3”
    Flow Series 64, 90 – 4”
    Flow Series 120, 150 – 5”
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Pentair Water India Pvt. Ltd. 
13845 Bishops Drive
Suite 200 
Brookfield, WI 53005 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Salcette, India

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Treatment Devices/Components [G]
87L09 - 1.5 8.7" AQF HP[1] 8" D. HOT MLTPL
90HXF12-6 9" XIGA 75[1] 9" D. HOT MLTPL
90L12-Y (9" XIGA HP)[1] 9" D. HOT MLTPL
AquaLine Housing - 80CFXX-YY[2] 8" D. HOT MLTPL
CodeLine 80KXX-Y Membrane Housing[3] [4] 8" D. HOT MLTPL
CodeLine 80KXXX-Y Membrane Housing[3] [4] 8" D. HOT MLTPL
CodeLineTM 80DXX-Y[3] [5] [6] 8" diameter D. HOT MLTPL
CodeLine™ 40SXX-Y[7] 4" D. HOT MLTPL
CodeLine™ OCTA 80HXX-Y[3] [5] [6] 8" diameter D. HOT MLTPL
CodeLine™ OCTA 80HXXX-Y[3] [5] [6] 8" diameter D. HOT MLTPL
CodeLine™ OCTA 80SXX-Y[3] [5] [6] 8" diameter D. HOT MLTPL
CodeLine™ OCTA 80SXXX-Y[3] [5] [6] 8" diameter D. HOT MLTPL
Codeline™ OCTA 80LXXX-Y Membrane Housing[6] [8] 8" D. HOT MLTPL
Codeline™ OCTA 80UXX-Y Membrane Housing[4] [6] 8" D. HOT MLTPL
Codeline™ OCTA 80UXXX-Y Membrane Housing[4] [6] 8" D. HOT MLTPL
Replace with "80L 15-3/6UF Membrane Housing"[6] [8] 8" D. HOT MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 10,000 L/day.
    Y - Length Code
        3   - 3 meter (132")
        4.5 - 4.5 meter (193")
        6   - 6 meter (256")
[2] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 1,152,000 L for use in public water treatment
    XX - PSI rating:
         15 - 150 PSI
         30 - 300 PSI
    YY - Length code:
         150 PSI model (XX = 15)
         40 - 47"
         60 - 67"
         300 PSI model (XX = 30)
         60 - 67"
[3] XX or XXX - PSI rating
                15  - 150
                30  - 300
                45  - 450
                60  - 600
                100 - 1000
                120 - 1200
[4] Certified for a minimum flow of 20,000 L/day.
    XX or XXX - PSI rating:
    30 = 300 PSI
    45 = 450 PSI
    60 = 600 PSI
    100 = 1000 PSI
    120 = 1200 PSI
    Y = length code 
                 300 PSI   450/600 PSI   1000/1200 PSI 
    1 = 1 meter 		(55”) 		(56'') 		    	(58'') 
    2 = 2 meters 		(95'') 		(96'') 			  (98") 
    3 = 3 meters 		(135") 		(136'') 		    	(138'') 
    4 = 4 meters 		(175'') 		(176") 		  	(178") 
    5 = 5 meters 		(215'') 		(216'') 			(218")
    6 = 6 meters		(255'') 		(256'')		   	(258'') 
    7 = 7 meters 		(295'') 		(296'') 			(298'') 
    8 = 8 meters 		(335") 		(336'') 		    	(338'')
[5] Certified for a minimum flow of 20,000 L/day.
    Y - Length code
        1 - 1 meter (57")
        2 - 2 meters (97")
        3 - 3 meters (137")
        4 - 4 meters (177")
        5 - 5 meters (217")
        6 - 6 meters (257")
        7 - 7 meters (297")
        8 - 8 meters (337")
[6] Product also complies with NSF/ANSI 372.
[7] XX - PSI rating: 
         30 - 300 
         45 - 450 
         60 - 600 
    Y - length code: 
        1 - 1 meter (49")
        2 - 2 meters (89") 
        3 - 3 meters (129") 
        4 - 4 meters (169") 
        5 - 5 meters (209") 
        6 - 6 meters (249")
[8] Certified for a minimum flow of 20,000 L/day.
        3 - 3 meters (135")
        6 - 6 meters (255")
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Permabond LLC 
20 World’ s Fair Drive
Unit C 
Somerset, NJ 08873 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Cesano Maderno, Italy

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds
Permabond HH040 Pure™ >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Permabond LH050 Pure™[1] >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Permabond LH051 Pure™[1] >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Permabond MM115 Pure™[2] >= 1/2" C. HOT TC

[1] Certified for a maximum of 1 joint per liter or (10) 1/2" joints per residence.
[2] Certified for a maximum of 1.5 joints per liter or (16) 1/2" joints per residence.

Piedmont Pacific, Inc. 
300 Rue Street - Vallier Est
Suite 340 
Quebec, QC G1K 9C5 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Zaragoza, Spain

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices / Components
Piperlink flexible hose connector / PLE [1] [2] C. HOT MLTPL
Piperlink flexible hose connector / PLH [1] [2] C. HOT MLTPL
Piperlink flexible hose connector / PLS [1] [2] C. HOT MLTPL

[1] Certified for municipal end use only.
[2] Piperlink flexible hose connector / PLE, Piperlink elbow connector / PLH and Piperlink
    rigid connector / PLS are certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 700
    sq. in./L in reverse osmosis or ultrafiltration filter elements with a minimum daily
    flow of 16,800 liters per day.

NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Facility : Sousse, Tunisia

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1]
B-Q-Style [2] D. HOT MLTPL
B-X-Style [3] D. HOT MLTPL
HH-Q-Style [4] D. HOT MLTPL
HH-X-Style [5] D. HOT MLTPL
HV-Q-Style [4] D. HOT MLTPL
HV-X-Style [5] D. HOT MLTPL
MF-H-Style [6] D. HOT MLTPL
MF-V-Style [6] D. HOT MLTPL
Q-Style [7] D. HOT MLTPL
QH-Style [7] D. HOT MLTPL
S-Q-Style [7] D. HOT MLTPL
S-X-Style [7] D. HOT MLTPL
XB-Style [8] D. HOT MLTPL
XS-Style [9] D. HOT MLTPL
XSH-Style [9] D. HOT MLTPL

[1] Since these models do not contain the filter cartridges no flushing is required.
    Q-Style    - Vertical Cartridge filter with quick opening system
    QH-Style   - Horizontal Cartridge filter with quick opening system
    XS-Style   - Vertical Cartridge filter with side inlet
    XSH-Style  - Horizontal Cartridge filter with side inlet
    XB-Style   - Vertical Cartridge filter with bottom inlet
    HV-Q-Style - High flow Vertical Cartridge filter with quick opening system
    HV-X-Style - High flow Vertical Cartridge filter with side inlet
    HH-Q-Style - High flow Horizontal Cartridge filter with quick opening system
    HH-X-Style - High flow Horizontal Cartridge filter with side inlet
    B-Q-Style  - Bag filter with quick opening system
    B-X-Style  - Traditional Bag filter
    S-Q-Style  - Strainer with quick opening system
    S-X-Style  - Traditional Strainer
    MF-V-Style - Vertical Media Filter
    MF-H-Style - Horizontal Media Filter
[2] B-Q Style models are certified for a minimum daily flow of 504,000 liters per day.
[3] B-X Style models are certified for a minimum daily flow of 6,720,000 liters per day.
[4] HH-Q Style and HV-Q-Style models are certified for a minimum daily flow of 960,000
    liters per day.
[5] HV-X Style and HH-X Style models are certified for a minimum daily flow of 10,080,000
    liters per day.
[6] MF-V-Style and MF-H-Style are certified for a minimum daily flow of 144,000 liters per
[7] Q-Style, QH-Style S-Q Style and S-X Style models are certified for a minimum daily flow
    of 144,000 liters per day.
[8] XB Style models are certified for a minimum daily flow of 6,600,000 liters per day.
[9] XS Style and XSH-Style models are certified for a minimum daily flow of 5,880,000 liters
    per day.

NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Ctra. Villalon 9-11
34 979 847 251
Visit this company's website

Facility : Villada/Palencia, Spain

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Pump [G]
Protecfull SFP 108[1] >= 4" D. HOT PUR
Protecfull SFP 108 Repair Kit[1] [2] >= 4" D. HOT PUR

[1] Colors: White, blue
    Number of Coats: 1-2
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 600 microns (23.6 mils)
    Re-coat Cure Time and Temperature: 3 days at 23°C
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 10 days at 23°C
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of Part B:Part A (Polyol:Isocyanate) is 3:1 by volume.
    Application by twin feed HOT airless spray at minimum 50ºC for each component.
[2] The Protecfull SFP 108 Repair Kit is only for use on areas coated with Protecfull SFP
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Pipetronics GmbH & Co. KG.  
Uechtingstraße 74
45881 Gelsenkirchen 
49 375 303 466 11
Visit this company's website

Facility : Dassow, Germany

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Repair Clamps or Couplings[1] [G]
RedEx 190 mm - 2400 mm CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Waltershausen, Germany

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Repair Clamps or Couplings[G]
RedEx 190 mm - 2400 mm CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Plasticomp, LLC 
25 McConnon Drive
Winona, MN 55987 
United States 

Facility : Winona, MN

Potable Water Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation End Use Temp Material

Potable Water Materials[1]
Complet® LGF40-TPU 1020 NAT[2] A,F C. HOT PUR
Complet® LGF40-TPU 2020 BLK[2] A,F C. HOT PUR

[1] All Listed products from this facility are NSF Certified, whether or not they bear the
    NSF Mark.
[2] Restricted to products with a maximum surface area to volume end uses of 250 sq. in./L.

2604 Rue Debray
Laval, QC H7S 2J8 
800-667-2313 X2027

Facility : Chazy, NY

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components [G]
Northern Waters Tube Settlers [1] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certification requested for a minimum flow of 2.5 gallons per minute per square foot.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Pleuger Industries GmbH 
Friedrich Ebert Damm
22047 Hamburg 
49 40 696 890
Visit this company's website

Facility : Hamburg, Germany

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends [G]
(V)(W)-(X)-(Y)_(Z)[1] [2] 6" - 48" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 600,000 L.
[2] (V)(W)-(X)-(Y)_(Z)
    V - Pump Model (PL, NB, PN, QN, PL, KN, QT, NN, SN, SP, KP, PP, QP, QTP)
    W - Size in inches for used for bore wells or caisson minimum inner diameter (06 - 36)
    X - Flow in m³/h @ best pump efficiency
    Y - Number of stages
    Z - Material Execution (CT for Stainless Steel/Drinking Water and or GT for Cast
    Iron/Drinking Water)
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Polynt Composites USA Inc. 
99 East Cottage Avenue
Carpentersville, IL 60110 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Carpentersville, IL

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

DION® IMPACT 9102-70 (US)[1] [2] [3] CLD 23 VE

[1] Please refer to the Polynt Composites USA Inc. Product Bulletin for system requirements.
[2] Colors: N/A
    Number Of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness(in mils): 10
    Maximum Thinner: N/A
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 2-100 hours at ambient temperature
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 4 hours at 160° F followed by 2 hours at 180° F
[3] Certified for use as the resin in pipes 6" and greater or in tanks 150 gallons and
    greater. It may also be applied as a coating system alone.

Facility : Houston, TX

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

DION® IMPACT 9102-70 (US) [3] CLD 23 VE

[1] Please refer to the Polynt Composites USA Inc. Product Bulletin for system requirements.
[2] Number Of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness(in mils): 10 mils
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 2 hours at ambient air temperature
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 4 hours at 160°F followed by 2 hours at 180°F.
[3] Certified for use as the resin in pipes 6" and greater or in tanks 150 gallons and
    greater.  It may also be applied as a coating system alone.

Polytek Development Corp 
55 Hilton Street
Easton, PA 18043 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : South Saint Paul, MN

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
CPD 4358A Resin and CPD 4358B Hardener[1] [2] CLD 23 EPOXY
CPD 4358A Resin and CPD 4359B Hardener[3] [2] CLD 23 EPOXY

[1] Number of coats: 1
    Final cure time/temperature: 24 hours at 77°F.
    Special comments: Mix ratio is 100:45 A:B by weight, or 2:1 A:B by volume.  Post cure at
    77°F for 24 hours.
[2] Certified for use as a filament winding resin for outerwrap of reverse osmosis filter
    elements 8” x 40” in size with a minimum daily flow of 1,325 liters per day.
[3] Number of coats: 1
    Final cure time/temperature: 24 hours at 77°F.
    Special comments: Mix ratio is 100:50 A:B by weight, or 100:56 A:B by volume.  Post cure
    at 77°F for 24 hours.

PPG Protective and Marine Coatings 
11605 Vimy Ridge Road
Alexander, AR 72002 
United States 

Facility : Alexander, AR

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Pump
Amerlock 2[2] >= 4" CLD 23 EPOXY

[2] Colors: Ivory, White, Medium Gray, RT-1805 Blue, Oxide Red, Black
    Number of Coats: 2-4
    Sequence of Coats: Any combination of listed colors
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness: 8 mils per coat; 18 mils total
    Maximum Thinner: 12% Amercoat #8 by volume (optional use is limited to tanks >= 250,000
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 24 hours at 72° F
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 10 days at 72° F for all end uses except tank >= 250,000
    gallons which has a final cure of 7 days at 72° F
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of Base:Cure is 1:1 by volume or 1.1:1 by weight. Use of
    Amercoat #8 Thinner is limited to tanks of 250,000 gallons or greater.
    Final Cure Temp: 10 days at 72° F for all end uses without thinner; 7 days at 72° F for
    tanks >= 250,000 gallons with Amercoat #8 thinner

Premier Repak, Inc. 
8351 185th Street
Tinley Park, IL 60487 
United States 

Facility : # 1 USA

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds
PR5501 >= 1/2" C. HOT LUB

Process Systems, Inc. / Deming Vertical Turbine Group 
23633 Pinewood
Warren, MI 48091 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Warren, MI

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Submersible Pump - Pump Ends[1] [2] [G]
Model 4700 Series 5" - 24" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 81,765 liters.
[2] Series 4700 includes the following:
    Model 4700: Water Lubricated Deep Well Pump
    Model 4705: Transfer Pump (Liquid Lock, Seal or Packed)
    Model 4770: Oil Lubricated Deep Well Pump
    Model 4771: SST - Superstandard Turbines
    Model 4772: Product Lubricated Pump with "T" Discharge Head
    Model 4773: Product Lubricated Pump with "G" Discharge Head
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Professional Coating Technologies, Inc. 
1001 Mount Lebanon Road
Cedar Hill, TX 75104 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Cedar Hill, TX

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Fittings
MPFC-S.5™[2] 3/4" - 64" CLD 23 ASPH

[1] Number of Coats: 1-4
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 8 mils wet film thickness (approximately
    5 mils dry film thickness)
    Maximum Thinner: Thinning is not required.
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: At 70°F or higher, product may be immediately
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 7 days at 70°C
    Special Comments: Heat the paint to 120-145°F prior to application. Maintain adequate
    air circulation and ventilation during curing period. Atomized air drying system is
    highly recommended. Apply paint onto the pipe substrate with a minimum coating
    temperature of 145°F. Flush wash the pipe until the water meets AWWA standards, or flush
    wash the pipe with running water for 10 hours.
[2] Number of Coats: 1 	
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 5 (8 wet mils)
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 24 hours at 75°F with fans and air exchange, followed
    by 6 days at 70°F
    Special Comments: The substrate should be between 60°F and 180°F prior to coating
    application.  The emulsion should be preheated to 70°F to 120°F before application.

Coatings - Pipe
MPFC-S.5™[2] 3/4" - 64" CLD 23 ASPH

[1] Number of Coats: 1-4
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 8 mils wet film thickness (approximately
    5 mils dry film thickness)
    Maximum Thinner: Thinning is not required.
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: At 70°F or higher, product may be immediately
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 7 days at 70°C
    Special Comments: Heat the paint to 120-145°F prior to application. Maintain adequate
    air circulation and ventilation during curing period. Atomized air drying system is
    highly recommended. Apply paint onto the pipe substrate with a minimum coating
    temperature of 145°F. Flush wash the pipe until the water meets AWWA standards, or flush
    wash the pipe with running water for 10 hours.
[2] Number of Coats: 1 	
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 5 (8 wet mils)
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 24 hours at 75°F with fans and air exchange, followed
    by 6 days at 70°F
    Special Comments: The substrate should be between 60°F and 180°F prior to coating
    application.  The emulsion should be preheated to 70°F to 120°F before application.

Coatings - Valve
MPFC-S.5™[2] 3/4" - 64" CLD 23 ASPH

[1] Number of Coats: 1-4
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 8 mils wet film thickness (approximately
    5 mils dry film thickness)
    Maximum Thinner: Thinning is not required.
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: At 70°F or higher, product may be immediately
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 7 days at 70°C
    Special Comments: Heat the paint to 120-145°F prior to application. Maintain adequate
    air circulation and ventilation during curing period. Atomized air drying system is
    highly recommended. Apply paint onto the pipe substrate with a minimum coating
    temperature of 145°F. Flush wash the pipe until the water meets AWWA standards, or flush
    wash the pipe with running water for 10 hours.
[2] Number of Coats: 1 	
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 5 (8 wet mils)
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 24 hours at 75°F with fans and air exchange, followed
    by 6 days at 70°F
    Special Comments: The substrate should be between 60°F and 180°F prior to coating
    application.  The emulsion should be preheated to 70°F to 120°F before application.

Prominent Fluid Controls 
136 Industry Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15275 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Pittsburgh, PA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Chemical Metering Pumps
Beta (BT4B####PVM$)[1] 1/4"x3/16"-1/2"x3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
Beta (BT4B####PVT$)[1] 1/4"x3/16"-1/2"x3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
Beta (BT4BXXXXNPE$)[2] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Beta (BT5B####PVM$)[1] 1/4"x3/16"-1/2"x3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
Beta (BT5B####PVT$)[1] 1/4"x3/16"-1/2"x3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
Beta (BT5BXXXXNPE$)[2] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Concept Plus (CNPAXXXXNPE$)[2] 1/4" - 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
Concept Plus (CNPB####PVT2)[1] 1/4"x3/16-3/8"x1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
Concept Plus (CNPBXXXXNPE$)[2] 1/4" - 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
Concept Plus (CNPa####PVT$)[1] 1/4"x3/16"-3/8"x1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
DFXA0365[4] 1/2" x 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
DFXA0518[4] 1/2" - 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
DFXA0530[4] 1/2" - 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
DFXA0565[4] 1/2" - 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
DFXA0730[4] 1/2" - 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
Delta (DLTA####PVT2)[1] 1/8"x3/16"-1/2"x1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Delta (DLTAXXXXNPE$)[2] 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Gamma/L (GALA####PVT$)[1] 1/4"x3/16"-1/2"x3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
Gamma/L (GALAXXXXNPE$)[2] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Gamma/X (GMXA####PVM2)[1] 1/4"x3/16"-1/2"x3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
Gamma/X (GMXA####PVT2)[1] 1/4"x3/16"-1/2"x3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
Gamma/X (GMXA####PVT7)[1] 1/4"x3/16"-1/2"x3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
Gamma/X (GMXAXXXXNPE$)[2] 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Gamma/XL (GXLA####PVM$)[1] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Gamma/XL (GXLA####PVT$)[1] [3] CLD 23 MLTPL
Sigma/1 (S1BaH#####PVT@07)[1] 1/2" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
Sigma/1 (S1CbH#####PVT@07)[1] 1/2" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
Sigma/2 (S2BaH#####PVT@07)[1] 1/2" - 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
Sigma/2 (S2CbH#####PVT@07)[1] 1/2" - 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
Sigma/3 (S3BaH######PVT@07)[1] 1" - 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
Sigma/3 (S3CbH######PVT@07)[1] 1" - 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] #### - Pump version 
           Beta         - 0220, 0232, 0413, 0420, 0708, 0713, 1000, 1008, 1601, 1602, 
                          1604, 2001, 2002, 2504
           Concept Plus - 0215, 0308, 0704, 1000, 1002, 1601, 0309
           Delta        - 0280, 0450, 0730, 1020, 1608, 1612, 2508  
           Gamma/L      - 0220, 0232, 0413, 0420, 0708, 0713, 1000, 1005, 1008, 1601, 
                          1602, 1605  
           Gamma/X      - 1602, 1604, 0708, 1009, 0414, 0715, 0220, 0424
           Gamma/XL     - 0280, 0450, 0730, 1020, 1608, 1612
           Sigma/1      - 04084, 04120, 07042, 07065, 10022, 10044, 10050, 12017, 12035     
           Sigma/2      - 04350, 07120, 07220, 16050, 16090, 16130
           Sigma/3      - 040830, 070410, 070580, 120145, 120190, 120270
    $    - Liquid End Version 
           0 - No bleed valve, no valve springs 
           2 - With bleed valve, no valve springs 
           7 - Self bleeding, with groove
    @    - Diaphragm 
           0 - Standard Diaphragm, PTFE Version (Non-Sigma)
           1 - Double Diaphragm with diaphragm rupture indicator (Non-Sigma)
           A - Safety Diaphragm with stop function (Sigma only)
           S - Safety Diaphragm with visual indicator (Sigma only)
    &    - Positive Displacement Element 
           0 - Standard Diaphragm, PTFE Version 
           1 - With membrane rupture signaling
    Any codes not specifically indicated in the trade name or listing notes represent
    features that do not affect the parts of the pump in contact with the media. Any
    value(s) are acceptable for these codes.
    Certification does NOT include any accessories (foot valve, injection valve and/or
    tubing). Certification does NOT include the plate valve option for the Sigma/3.
    These pumps are approved for use with the following media at the maximum concentrations
    listed below. These products are evaluated by diluting the exposed water treatment
    chemical to its maximum use level (MUL), as defined in NSF/ANSI/CAN 60.
    ACH Aluminum chlorohydrate (40%)
    Aluminum sulfate (50%)
    Ammonium hydroxide (29%)
    Chlorine dioxide (2.0%)
    Ferric chloride (45%)
    Fluorosilicic acid (25%)
    Hydrochloric acid (33%)
    Liquid ammonium Sulfate (40%)
    Phosphoric acid (85%)
    Polyaluminum chloride (45%)
    Potassium permanganate (3%)
    Sodium bisulfite (44%)
    Sodium chlorite (25%)
    Sodium fluoride (4.0%)
    Sodium hydroxide (50%)
    Sodium hypochlorite (15%)
    Sodium permanganate (20%)
    Sulfuric acid (98%)
    Zinc orthophosphate (100%)
[2] XXXX - Pump version 

           Beta         - 0220, 0232, 0413, 0420, 0708, 0713, 1000, 1008, 1601, 

                          1602, 1604, 2001, 2002, 2504

           Concept Plus - 0308, 0215, 0704, 1000, 1002, 1601, 0309

           Delta        - 1020, 1608, 1612, 2508, 0730

           Gamma/L      - 232, 420, 713, 1000, 1005, 1008, 1601, 1602, 1605
, 0708, 0413, 
           Gamma/X      - 2504, 1604, 0708, 1009, 0414, 0715, 0220, 0424, 0245, 2002, 1602
           Gamma/XL     - 0730, 1020, 1608, 1612, 2508
    $    - Liquid end version 
           0 - No bleed valve, no valve springs 
           2 - With bleed valve, no valve springs
    Any codes not specifically indicated in the trade name or listing notes represent
    features that do not affect the parts of the pump in contact with the media. Any
    value(s) are acceptable for these codes. 
    Certification does NOT include any accessories (foot valve, injection valve and/or
    These pumps are Certified for use with the following media at the maximum concentrations
    listed below. These products are evaluated by diluting the exposed water treatment
    chemical to its maximum use level (MUL), as defined in NSF/ANSI/CAN 60. 
    Ammonium hydroxide (29%)
    Liquid Ammonium sulfate (40%)
    Phosphoric acid (50%)
    Polyaluminum chloride (45%)
    Potassium permanganate (3%)
    Sodium fluoride (4.0%)
    Sodium hypochlorite (15%)
    Sodium Permanganate (20%)
[3] 3/8" x 1/4" - 1/2" x 3/8", 5/8", 1/2"
[4] Certified for use with the following media at the maximum concentrations listed below.
    These products are evaluated by diluting the exposed water treatment chemical to its
    maximum use level (MUL), as defined in NSF/ANSI Standard 60.
    TPV hose material:
    Aluminum Chloride (50%)
    Aluminum Sulfate (50%)
    Ammonia, aqueous (35%)
    Ammonium Hydroxide (29%)
    Ammonium Sulfate (45%)
    Calcium carbonate (25%)
    Calcium Chloride (30%)
    Calcium Hydroxide (10%)
    Calcium Hypochlorite (15%)
    Copper Sulfate (13%)
    Dipotassium Orthophosphate (50%)
    Disodium Orthophosphate (50%)
    Ferric Chloride (43%)
    Ferric Sulfate (5%)
    Ferrous Chloride (40%)
    Ferrous Sulfate (5%)
    Fluorosilicic acid (25%)
    Hydrochloric Acid (20%)
    Magnesium Sulfate (25%)
    Polyaluminum Chloride (45%)
    Polyaluminum Chlorosulfate (50%)
    Polyaluminum Hydroxychlorosulfate (75%)
    Polyaluminum Silicate Sulfate (66%)
    Polyaluminum Sulfate (50%)
    Potassium Carbonate (47%)
    Potassium Chloride (34%)
    Potassium hydroxide (10%)
    Potassium Permanganate (6%)
    Potassium Tripolyphosphate (100%)
    Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate (12%)
    Sodium Aluminate (50%)
    Sodium Ascorbate (60%)
    Sodium Bicarbonate (100%)
    Sodium Bisulfite (50%)
    Sodium Carbonate (7%)
    Sodium Chlorate (45%)
    Sodium Chloride (20%)
    Sodium Chlorite (7.5%)
    Sodium Fluoride (3%)
    Sodium Hydroxide (40%)
    Sodium Hypochlorite (12.2%)
    Sodium Metabisulfite (10%)
    Sodium Percarbonate (7%)
    Sodium Permanganate (6%)
    Sodium Polyphosphates (35%)
    Sodium Silicate (10%)
    Sodium Sulfite (10%)
    Sodium Trimetaphosphate (20%)
    Sodium Tripolyphosphate (15%)
    Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate (7%)
    Tricalcium Phosphate (70%)
    Zinc Chloride (80%)
    Zinc Orthophosphate (100%)
    Zinc Sulfate (36%)
    PUR hose material:
    Aluminum Chloride (50%)
    Aluminum Sulfate (50%)
    Ammonia, aqueous (35%)
    Ammonium Hydroxide (10%)
    Ammonium Sulfate (30%)
    Calcium carbonate (25%)
    Calcium Chloride (30%)
    Calcium Hydroxide (10%)
    Calcium Hypochlorite (15%)
    Copper Sulfate (13%)
    Dipotassium Orthophosphate (50%)
    Disodium Orthophosphate (50%)
    Ferric Chloride (43%)
    Ferric Sulfate (5%)
    Ferrous Chloride (40%)
    Ferrous Sulfate (5%)
    Fluorosilicic acid (25%)
    Magnesium Sulfate (25%)
    Poly (Diallyldimethylammonium Chloride)(pDADMAC) (50%)
    Poly Aluminum Chloride (100%)
    Polyacrylamide (2.5%)
    Polyaluminum Chloride (45%)
    Polyaluminum Chlorosulfate (50%)
    Polyaluminum Hydroxychlorosulfate (75%)
    Polyaluminum Silicate Sulfate (66%)
    Polyaluminum Sulfate (50%)
    Potassium Carbonate (47%)
    Potassium Chloride (34%)
    Potassium hydroxide (10%)
    Potassium Permanganate (6%)
    Potassium Tripolyphosphate (100%)
    Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate (12%)
    Sodium Aluminate (50%)
    Sodium Ascorbate (60%)
    Sodium Bicarbonate (100%)
    Sodium Bisulfite (50%)
    Sodium Carbonate (7%)
    Sodium Chlorate (45%)
    Sodium Chloride (20%)
    Sodium Chlorite (7.5%)
    Sodium Fluoride (3%)
    Sodium Metabisulfite (10%)
    Sodium Percarbonate (7%)
    Sodium Permanganate (6%)
    Sodium Polyphosphates (35%)
    Sodium Silicate (10%)
    Sodium Sulfite (10%)
    Sodium Trimetaphosphate (20%)
    Sodium Tripolyphosphate (15%)
    Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate (7%)
    Tricalcium Phosphate (70%)
    Zinc Chloride (80%)
    Zinc Orthophosphate (100%)
    Zinc Sulfate (36%)
    SEBS hose material:
    Acetic Acid (99%)
    Aluminum Chloride
    Aluminum Sulfate (50%)
    Ammonium Sulfate (30%)
    Calcium Chloride (30%)
    Citric Acid
    Ferric Chloride (43%)
    Ferrous Sulfate (5%)
    Fluoric Acid
    Hydrochloric Acid (38%)
    Hydrofluoric Acid (40-48%)
    Hydrogen Peroxide (90%)
    Magnesium Chloride (35%)
    Nitric Acid (60%)
    Phosphoric Acid (75%)
    Sodium Bicarbonate (7%)
    Sodium Hypochlorite (12%)
    Sulfuric Acid (30%)

Protec Arisawa Europe S.A. 
Aritz Bidea 67
48100 Mungia 
34 9467 40312
Visit this company's website

Facility : Mungia, Spain

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1] [2] [3] [4]
1HFF608D3-20 8" D. HOT MLTPL
BPV-11-C -G-H 11" D. HOT MLTPL
Pall Xunc 8" D. HOT MLTPL
Ultipleat PA8040m 8" D. HOT MLTPL
Ultipleat PA8040s 8" D. HOT MLTPL
Ultipleat PA8060m 8" D. HOT MLTPL
Ultipleat PA8060s 8" D. HOT MLTPL

[1] All PRO and BPV series models can have a suffix of a -1 up through a -8 including -1.5
    and -7.5.  All PA series models can have a suffix of 8 and 184, indicating the diameter
    of in inches and millimeters respectively.
    The following nomenclature is used based on model type, where the indicators equal the
    PRO series: 
    A - 300/600/1000 
    B - EP/SP  
    C - 0/75/150/175/200/240/300/450/600/650/1000/1200/1500/2000 
    E - 1/1.5/2/3/4/5/6/7/7.5/8 
    I - 3x2/3x3/4x4
    BPV Series:
    C - 150/300/450/600/1000/1200
    E - 1/1.5/2/3/4/5/6/7/7.5/8
    F - 1000/1200
    H - 1/1.5/2/3/4/5/6/7/7.5/8
    J - SP/MSP
    I - 3x2/3x3/4x4
    PA Series:
    C - 75/150/175/200/240/300/450/600/650/1000/1200/1500
    E - 1/1.5/2/3/4/5/6/7/7.5/8
    K - 20/40/60/80
[2] Models BPV-4-A-B-E, PRO-6-C-D-E, PRO-UF-C-D-E, and PA-8-C-D-K are Certified for a
    minimum daily flow of 370,000 L/day.  All other models certified for a minimum permeate
    flow of 327,000 L/day.
[3] The Listed size is the nominal housing diameter.
[4] Only products bearing the NSF Mark are NSF Certified.

PSG California LLC 
22069 Van Buren Street
Grand Terrace, CA 92313 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Grand Terrace, CA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Chemical Metering Pumps [G]
MP70XX-AN3-Y-ZZ[1] [2] 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
MP70XX-AN5-Y-ZZ[1] [3] 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
MP70XX-AN8-Y-ZZ[1] [4] 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
MP70XX-BN3-Y-ZZ[1] [2] 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
MP70XX-BN5-Y-ZZ[1] [3] 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
MP70XX-BN8-Y-ZZ[1] [4] 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
MP70XX-CN3-Y-ZZ[1] [2] 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
MP70XX-CN5-Y-ZZ[1] [3] 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
MP70XX-CN8-Y-ZZ[1] [4] 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
MP70XX-DN3-Y-ZZ[1] [2] 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
MP70XX-DN5-Y-ZZ[1] [3] 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
MP70XX-DN8-Y-ZZ[1] [4] 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
MP71XX-2N3-Y-ZZ[1] [2] 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
MP71XX-2N5-Y-ZZ[1] [3] 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
MP71XX-2N8-Y-ZZ[1] [4] 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
MP71XX-3N3-Y-ZZ[1] [2] 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
MP71XX-3N5-Y-ZZ[1] [3] 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
MP71XX-3N8-Y-ZZ[1] [4] 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
MP71XX-4N3-Y-ZZ[1] [2] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
MP71XX-4N5-Y-ZZ[1] [3] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
MP71XX-4N8-Y-ZZ[1] [4] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] In the trade names, XX refers to gear ratio, YY refers to connection thread (where M is
    BPST and 0 is NPT), and ZZ refers pump options. S may be added as a prefix to the model
    number if the pump supplied as Control (SMART) Version. D is added as a prefix to model
    number if pump supplied as duplex version. N is a place separation between Liquid Head
    size and Liquid Head material identification.
[2] Certified for use with the following chemicals, when dosed at the typical use level
    (TUL) in Standard 60:
    Aluminum chlorohydrate (40%), aluminum sulfate (50%), ammonium hydroxide (29%),
    hydrofluorosilicic acid (30%), sodium bisulite (44%), sodium hydroxide(50%), and zinc
    orthophosphate (100%).
[3] Certified for use with the following chemicals, when dosed at the typical use level
    (TUL) in Standard 60:
    Aluminum chlorohydrate (40%), aluminum sulfate (50%), ammonium hydroxide (29%),ferric
    chloride (45%), hydrofluorosilicic acid (30%), sodium bisulfite (44%), sodium
    hypochlorite (15%), and zinc orthophosphate (100%).
[4] Certified for use with the following chemicals when dosed at the typical use level (TUL)
    in Standard 60:
    Aluminum chlorohydrate (40%), aluminum sulfate (50%), ammonium hydroxide (29%), ferric
    chloride (45%), hydrochloric acid (37%), hydrofluorosilicic acid (30%), sodium bisulfite
    (44%), sodium hypochlorite (15%), sulfuric acid (98%), and zinc orthophosphate (100%).
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Pulsair Systems, Inc. 
13643 Northeast 126th Place
Kirkland, WA 98034 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Kirkland, WA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1] [2]
Pulsair Accumulator Plate Assembly 10" - 18" CLD 23 SS

[1] Certified for use in tanks 20,000 gallons and greater.
[2] Certified for a 4-plate array.

Pulsed Hydraulics, Inc. 
15 Oro Beach Drive
Oroville, WA 98844 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Marion, OH

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1] [G]
Bubble Forming Plate DFP-8SS 8" x 5" CLD 23 SS

[1] Certified for use in tanks 50,000 gallons and greater.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


160 Pehle Ave
Ste 307 
Saddle Brook, NJ 07663 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Folcroft, PA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

VSPM-ES-2 (Duplex) 2" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
VSPM-ES-3 (Triplex) 2" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
VSPM-ES-4 (Quadplex) 2" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
VSPM-MS-2 (Duplex) 2" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
VSPM-MS-3 (Triplex) 2" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
VSPM-MS-4 (Quadplex) 2" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
VSPP-ES-1 (Simplex) 1 1/4" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
VSPP-MS-1 (Simplex) 1 1/4" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Purafy Clean Technologies Inc. 
945 Princess Street
Kingston, ON K7L 0E9 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Process Media

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Adsorption Media
Go BioCompositeA[1] 100 µm - 2000 µm CLD 23 OTHER
Go BioCompositeC 100 µm - 2000 µm CLD 23 OTHER

[1] Certified for a maximum mass of 750 g with a minimum flow rate of 0.25 GPM.

NOTE: Certified for water treatment plant applications.
      This product has not been evaluated for point of use applications.

PVI Industries LLC 
3209 Galvez Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76111 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 3 USA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

DigiTemp Sr. V135 2" C. HOT MLTPL
DigiTemp Sr. V85 1 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Franklin, NH

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

DigiTemp Jr. V23NN 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
DigiTemp Jr. V55NN 1" C. HOT MLTPL
DigiTemp Jr. V71NN 1 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
DigiTemp Jr. V125NN 2" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


QED Environmental Systems Inc. 
P.O. Box 3726
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 
United States 

Facility : Dexter, MI

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1]
E-Z Tray® Model 24.4 SS DW [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
E-Z Tray® Model 24.6 SS DW [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
E-Z Tray® Model 36.4 SS DW [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
E-Z Tray® Model 36.6 SS DW [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
E-Z Tray® Model 48.4 SS DW [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
E-Z Tray® Model 48.6 SS DW [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
E-Z Tray® Model 72.4 SS DW [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
E-Z Tray® Model 72.6 SS DW [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
E-Z Tray® Model 96.4 SS DW [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
E-Z Tray® Model 96.6 SS DW [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
EZ-24.4SS-DW-HD [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
EZ-24.6SS-DW-HD [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
EZ-36.4SS-DW-HD [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
EZ-36.6SS-DW-HD [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
EZ-48.4SS-DW-HD [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
EZ-48.6SS-DW-HD [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
EZ-72.2SS-DW [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
EZ-72.2SS-DW-HD [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
EZ-72.4SS-DW-HD [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
EZ-72.6SS-DW-HD [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
EZ-96.4SS-DW-HD [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
EZ-96.6SS-DW-HD [2] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark are NSF Certified.
[2] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 5,450 liters.

Rammy Trade Solutions Pvt Ltd 
B-3/102, Mohan Regency, Adharwadi
Kalyan West / Maharashtra 421301 
919 867 626 346

Facility : # 1 China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1] [2]
OTAYO L-4021 4" x 21" CLD 23 MLTPL
OTAYO L-4040 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
OTAYO L-8040 -400 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] [1] Products have the following minimum daily flow:
    OTAYO L-4021 - 850 gallons
    OTAYO L-4040 - 1900 gallons
    OTAYO L-8040 - 400 - 10000 gallons
[2] Product requires a 1 hour deionized water flush at various flow rates and pressures
    depending on the model:	
    OTAYO L-4021 - 73.78 gpm at 150 PSI		
    OTAYO L-4040 - 8.80 gpm at 150 PSI		
    OTAYO L-8040 - 400 - 48.61 gpm at 150 PSI		

RectorSeal LLC 
2601 Spenwick Drive
Houston, TX 77055 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 USA

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds
Blue+™[G] >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
No. 100 Virgin™[1] [G] >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Pure White Teflon Pipe Compound[1] [2] [G] >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
RectorSeal® No. 5®[1] [G] >= 1/2" CLD 23 TC
RectorSeal® T Plus 2®[1] [G] >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Tru-Blu™[1] [G] >= 1/2" CLD 23 TC

[1] Products were prepared for evaluation according to manufacturer's instructions.
[2] DuPont Registered Trademark.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Refractron Technologies Corporation 
5750 Stuart Avenue
Newark, NY 14513 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Newark, NY

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components [G]
AF30, Dome 178-38 [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
AF30, Tube, 64-44-719 [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
AF50, Dome 178-38 [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
AF90, Disc, 233-19 [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
AF90, Disc, 235-19 [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
AF90, Dome 178-38 [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Uni-Disc™ 30 178-32 [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Uni-Disc™ 50 178-32 [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Uni-Disc™ 70 178-32 [1] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a maximum of one diffuser per 100 gallons of tank volume.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Reliance Worldwide Corporation 
2300 Defoor Hills Road Northwest
Atlanta, GA 30318 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Cullman, AL

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Gauges* [1] [G]
SharkBite Max Temperature Gauge Assembly 24445 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL

* Model numbers listed are base part numbers. Saleable items may include an additional 1-8
  alpha/numeric characters after the base part number that indicated specific packaging
  configurations only.
[1] Replacement gauges are available for these 						
    SharkBite Max Replacement Temperature Gauge Assembly 24443 (1/2")					
    SharkBite Max Replacement Pressure Gauge Assembly 24442 (1/2")
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Reliance Worldwide Corporation 
2300 Defoor Hills Road
Atlanta, GA 30318 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Huangyan, Taizhou, China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

CPVC CTS Compact Ball Valve Solv x Solv 1/2" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
CPVC Compression Coupling 1/2" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Compact Ball Valve, Heavy Type 1/2" - 6" CLD 23 PVC
Compact Ball Valve, Heavy Type, IPS Thread 1/2" - 6" CLD 23 PVC

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Reliance Worldwide Corporation 
2400 7th Avenue SW
Cullman, AL 35055 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Tinh Tien Giang, Vietnam

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings[1] [G]
UC116 XXX 1/2 X 3/4 MPT PEX BRASS MALE ADPT 1/2" x 3/4" C. HOT BRASS
UC138 XXX 3/4 x 1/2 MPT PEX BRASS MALE ADPT 3/4 x 1/2" C. HOT BRASS

[1] XXX represented by LF/LFB/LFZ/LFZB/LFB10/LFZB10/LFB5/LFZB5/LFZ10/LFZ20
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Rhino Linings Corporation 
9747 Business Park Road
San Diego, CA 92131 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : San Diego, CA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
Rhino 1409-R2 Resin and Rhino 4109-R1 Hardener [1] CLD 23 EPOXY

[1] Certified for use as an outerwrap for reverse osmosis elements 8'' x 40'' in size with a
    minimum flow of 2,650 liters per day.

Ridge Tool Company 
400 Clark Street
Elyria, OH 44035-6001 
United States 

Facility : # 1 USA

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds
Ridgid Thread Sealant >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Ridgid Thread Sealant with PTFE >= 1/2" C. HOT TC

Rifeng Enterprise (Foshan) Co., Ltd. 
5th/F, Rifeng Building
16 Zumiao Road 
Foshan, Guangdong 528000 
86 757 8230 1768

Facility : Foshan, China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

R Compression Fittings (F1-G)[G] 1/2" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
R Crimp Fittings (PF5-G)[G] 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
Rifeng Compression Fittings (F1-G)[G] 1/2" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
Rifeng Compression Fittings (F1-G)[G] 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
Rifeng Compression Fittings (F1m)[2] [G] 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
Rifeng Crimp Fittings (PF5-G)[G] 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
Rifeng Crimp Fittings (PF5-G)[G] 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
Rifeng Crimp Fittings (PF5m)[2] [G] 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL

+++ Material complies with NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements when tested at
    temperatures up to and including Commercial Hot (180° F).
[1] This product represents the following configurations:
    Equal Straight Union, PF15c-S, 1/8" - 2 1/2"
    Equal Elbow, PF15c-L, 1/8" - 2 1/2"
    Equal Straight Union PF15c(II)-S, 1/8" - 2-1/2"
    Equal Elbow, PF15c(II)-L, 1/8" - 2-1/2"
[2] For trade names, the use of "m" in trade name indicates use of C69300 alloy.
[3] xx, yy, zz - indicates the dimension range from 20 mm - 315 mm
    x/y - indicates the thread range from 1/2'' - 1-1/2''
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Riifo North America 
4737 Smokey Bear Lane
Columbia Falls, MT 59912 
United States 

Facility : # 1 China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

RIIFO Compression Fittings (F1-G)[G] 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
RIIFO Compression Fittings (F1-G)[G] 1/2" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
RIIFO Compression Fittings (F1-G)[G] 1/2" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
RIIFO Compression Fittings (F1m)[2] [G] 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
RIIFO Crimp Fittings (PF5-G)[G] 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
RIIFO Crimp Fittings (PF5-G)[G] 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
RIIFO Crimp Fittings (PF5-G)[G] 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
RIIFO Crimp Fittings (PF5m)[2] [G] 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
Riifo Compression Fittings (F1-G)[G] 1/2" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
Riifo Crimp Fittings (PF5-G)[G] 1/2" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL

[1] This product represents the following configurations:
    Equal Straight Union, PF15c-S, 1/8" - 2 1/2"
    Equal Elbow, PF15c-L, 1/8" - 2 1/2"
    Equal Straight Union PF15c(II)-S, 1/8" - 2-1/2"
    Equal Elbow, PF15c(II)-L, 1/8" - 2-1/2"
[2] For trade names, the use of "m" in trade name indicates use of C69300 alloy.
[3] xx, yy, zz - indicates the dimension range from 20 mm - 315 mm
    x/y - indicates the thread range from 1/2" - 1-1/2"
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Romac Industries, Inc. 
21919 20th Avenue S.E.
Suite 100 
Bothell, WA 98021-4404 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Dallas, NC

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Repair Clamps or Couplings[1] [G]
501 Straight Coupling >= 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
CL1 Cast Lug Repair Clamp >= 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
CL2 Cast Lug Repair Clamp >= 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
CL3 Cast Lug Repair Clamp >= 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
EC501 End Cap Coupling >= 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
RC501 Reducing Coupling >= 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
XR501 Extended Range Coupling >= 4" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Bothell, WA

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Repair Clamps or Couplings[1] [G]
400 Fabricated Steel Coupling >= 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
416 Bell Joint Leak Clamp >= 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
418 Bell Joint Leak Clamp >= 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
501 Long Barrel Coupling >= 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
501 Straight Coupling >= 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
501 Transition Coupling >= 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
511 Coupling >= 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
516 Bell Joint Leak Clamp >= 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
517 Bell Joint Leak Clamp >= 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
C Stainless Steel Repair Clamp >= 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
CC Stainless Steel Double Section Repair Clamp >= 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
CLC Collar Leak Clamp >= 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
DJ400 Dismantling Joint >= 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
DJ405 Dismantling Joint >= 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
EC501 End Cap Coupling >= 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
ECF400 Equipment Connection Fitting >= 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EJ401 Expansion Joint >= 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
EJ403 Expansion Joint >= 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
FCA501 Flange Coupling Adapter >= 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
FCG Flanged Coupling Adapter >= 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
FS419 Fabricated Steel Repair Sleeve >= 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
FS420 Fabricated Steel Repair Sleeve >= 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
FS421 Fabricated Steel Repair Sleeve for High Pressure Applications >= 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
FS422 Fabricated Steel Repair Sleeve for High Pressure Applications >= 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
FS423-H Fabricated Steel Repair Sleeve for HDPE >= 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
FS425 Fabricated Steel Repair Split Sleeve >= 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
FS425II Fabricated Steel Repair Split Sleeve >= 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
FS425S Fabricated Steel Repair Split Sleeve >= 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
FS435 Fabricated Steel Repair Sleeve for Concrete Steel Cylinder Pipe >= 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
RC501 Reducing Coupling >= 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
RFCA PVC Restrained Flanged Coupling Adapter for PVC >= 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
RFCA Restrained Flanged Coupling Adapter >= 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
SC Stainless Steel Repair Clamp >= 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
SCC Stainless Steel Repair Clamp >= 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
SCS Stainless Steel Repair Clamp >= 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
SL1 Stainless Steel Repair Clamp >= 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
SL2 Stainless Steel Repair Clamp >= 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
SS1 Stainless Steel Repair Clamp >= 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
SS1-H Stainless Steel Repair Clamp for HDPE Pipe >= 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
SS2 Stainless Steel Repair Clamp >= 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
SS2-H Stainless Steel Repair Clamp for HDPE Pipe >= 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
SS3 Stainless Steel Repair Clamp >= 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
SS3-H Stainless Steel Repair Clamp for HDPE Pipe >= 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
SS419 Stainless Steel Repair Sleeve >= 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
SS420 Stainless Steel Repair Sleeve >= 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
SS421 Stainless Steel Repair Sleeve for High Pressure Application >= 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
SS422 Stainless Steel Repair Sleeve for High Pressure Applications >= 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
SS423-H Stainless Steel Repair Sleeve for HDPE >= 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
TC400 Fabricated Steel Transition Coupling >= 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
The Romac A/CME Repair Band >= 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
XR501 Extended Range Coupling >= 4" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Rosedale Products, Inc. 
P.O. Box 1085
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 
United States 

Facility : # 1 USA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components
(X)-(Y)-(2)-(3)-150-(4)-(5)-(6)[1] 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-(1)-(2)-(3)-(4)-(5)-(6)-(7)-(8)-(9)-(10)-*(11)[2] 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
FT-(1)-(2)-(3)-(4)-(5)-(6)-(7)-(8)-(9)-(10)-*(11)[2] 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
H-(1)-(2)-(3)-(4)-(5)-(6)-(7)-(8)-(9)-(10)-*(11)[2] 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
HF-(1)-(2)-(3)-(4)-(5)-(6)-(7)-(8)-(9)-(10)-*(11)[2] 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
LCO 8-(1)-(2)-(3)-125-(4)-(5)-(6)[1] 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
LCO-(1)-(2)-(3)-(4)-(5)-(6)-(7)-(8)-(9)-(10)-*(11)[2] 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
NCO 8-(1)-(2)-(3)-150-(4)-(5)-(6)[1] 8" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] NCO 8-(1)-(2)-(3)-150-(4)-(5)-(6)
    LCO 8-(1)-(2)-(3)-125-(4)-(5)-(6)
    Are denoted as follows:
    (X) LCO 8135
        LCO 8135 Convertible
        LCO 8640 Variable
        NCO 8135
        NCO 8135 Convertible
        NCO 8640 Variable
    (Y) 8640   - 6 cartridges
    			 18435  - 4 Cartridges
        24735  - 7 Cartridges
        361835 - 18 Cartridges
        422135 - 24 Cartridges
        482935 - 29 Cartridges
    (1) Basket size
        15 - 15" (NCO only) 
        30 – 30" (NCO) 
        No symbol (NCO8135) 
    (2) Pipe size, NPT and flanged:
        3/4P - 3/4" female NPT
        1P - 1" female NPT
        1 1/4P - 1 1/4" female NPT
        1 1/2P - 1 1/2" female NPT 
        2P     - 2" female NPT
        3P     - 3" female NPT
        3/4F   - 3/4" 150 class ANSI flange
        1F     - 1" 150 class ANSI flange
        1 1/4F - 1 1/4" 150 class ANSI flange
        1 1/2F - 1 1/2" 150 class ANSI flange
        2F     - 2" 150 class ANSI flange
        3F     - 3" 150 class ANSI flange
        4F     - 4" 150 class ANSI flange
        6F     - 6" 150 class ANSI flange 
    (3) Outlet style 
        * - Side/bottom unistyle (LCO or NCO) 
        1 - Bottom 
    (4) Housing material
        S - 304 Stainless Steel 
    (5) Cover seal 
        E - EPDM 
    (6) Basket type 
        PB    - Filter bag basket (LCO, NCO, or NLCO) 
        700   - 700 Cartridge 
        700PB - Convertible (LCO8135 or NCO8135)
    			 DOE   - Double open end
[2] FT-(1)-(2)-(3)-(4)-(5)-(6)-(7)-(8)-(9)-(10)-*(11)
    Are denoted as follows:
    (1) Model: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 22, 24, 30,36, 42, 48
    (2) # Carts: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 19, 20, 22, 27, 31, 40, 52, 82, 116, 158, 205
    (3) Length 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 35, 39, 40, 60, 80
    (4) Nozzle: ½, ¾, 1, 1 ¼, 1 ½, 1 ¾, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16
    (5) Connector: F, NPT, WN, LWN
    (6) Style: 1, 2, 3, 4, U
    (7) PSI: 100, 125, 150, 200, 300
    (8) MOC: 304, 304L, 316, 316L
    (9) Gasket: FG (epdm)
    (10) Cart Post or Cart Style: VP, TP, DOE, 222, 226, R, S
    *(11) ASME Code: C

Facility : # 2 USA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1]
GD-PO-(X)–(Y)–(Z)–(1)–(2)[2] 0.98 L CLD 23 MLTPL
HFR - (X)-(W)-(Y)-(Z)-(V)-(1)-(2)[3] 26.67 L CLD 23 MLTPL
HFS-P - (X)-(W)-(Y)-(Z)-(V)-(1)-(2)[3] 20.55 L CLD 23 MLTPL
HL-PO-(X)–(Y)–(Z)–(1)–(2)[4] 0.98 L CLD 23 MLTPL
PMO - (X)-(Y)-(Z)-(1)-(2)[5] 0.98 L CLD 23 MLTPL
PO-(X)–(Y)-(Z)–(1)–(2)[6] 0.98 L CLD 23 MLTPL
POMF-(X)–(Y)–(Z)–(1)–(2)[7] 0.98 L CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for minimum flow of 25 gallons per day.
[2] GD-PO - Graded Density - Graded Density Polypropylene
[3] HFR = High Flow Rosedale		
           HFS-P = High Flow Standard		
               (X) Micron Rating		
                HFR - 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200		
                HFS-P - 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200		
               (W) Material 		
                HFR - Polypropylene		
                HFS-P - Pplypropylene		
                (Y) Finish Type / Cover		
                HFR - Polypropylene Cover (PMO)		
                 HFS-P - Polypropylene Cover (PMO)		
                (V ) Bag Length		
                  40 - 40" nominal		
                  60 - 60" nominal		
                (1) Ring Type:		
                 SS - 304 Stainless Steel Ring (HFS-P only)		
                 RPO - Molded Polypropylene Ring (HFR only)		
                  (2)  Construction		
                   SEWN - No symbol
[4] HL-PO - High Life - High Life Polypropylene
[5] PMO - Single Layer Bag - Polypropylene Monofilament Mesh
[6] PO - Single Layer Standard Bag – Polypropylene Felt
[7] POMF - High Efficiency Filter Bags – Polypropylene Micro Fiber
    (X)  Micron Rating
         PO    - 1/2, 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200
         POMF  - 1, 3, 8, 19
         GD-PO - 523, 525, 527, 529
         HL-PO - 323, 325, 327, 329
         PMO   -  100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 600, 800
    (Y)  Finish Type/Cover 
         PO    - P – Plain Finish or G – Glazed Finish (singed)
         POMF  - Polylpropylene Cover
         GD-PO - Polypropylene Cover
         HL-PO - Polypropylene Cover
         PMO  -  Polypropylene Microfilament
    (Z)  Bag Size (Inches) 
         (1)  - 7.2 x 16 (PO, PMO, POMF, GD-PO and HL-PO)
         (2)  - 7.2 x 32 (PO, PMO, POMF, GD-PO and HL-PO)
         (3)  - 4.3 x 8 (PO, PMO, POMF)
         (4)  - 4.3 x 12 (PO, PMO, POMF)
         (7)  - 5.7 x 15 (PO, PMO, POMF)
         (8)  - 5.7 x 21 (PO, PMO, POMF)
         (9)  - 5.7 x 32 (PO, PMO, POMF)
         (12) - 8.4 x 34 (PO, PMO)
    (1)	Ring Type:  
    SS  - 304 Stainless Steel Ring
    POL - Molded Polypropylene Ring
    RPO - Molded Polypropylene Ring
    (2)	Construction
    WE   - Welded Construction (PO only)
    SEWN - No Symbol (All)

Facility : Houston, TX

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components
DPU-600-PPXXYZ-Q1[1] 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
DPU-601-PPXXYZ-Q1[1] 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
DPU-603-PPXXYZ-Q1[1] 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
DPU-605-PPXXYZ-Q1[1] 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
DPU-607-PPXXYZ-Q1[1] 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
DPU-608-PPXXYZ-Q1[1] 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
DPU-609-PPXXYZ-Q1[1] 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
DPU-610-PPXXYZ-Q1[1] 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
DPU-611-PPXXYZ-Q1[1] 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
PSS-740-P356[2] 7" x 36" CLD 23 MLTPL
PSS-741-P356[2] 7" x 36" CLD 23 MLTPL
PSS-743-P356[2] 7" x 36" CLD 23 MLTPL
PSS-745-P356[2] 7" x 36" CLD 23 MLTPL
PSS-747-P356[2] 7" x 36" CLD 23 MLTPL
PSS-748-P356[2] 7" x 36" CLD 23 MLTPL
PSS-749-P356[2] 7" x 36" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] XX - Media Length Code 					
    20 - 18.625" barrel length 					
    26 - 25.00" barrel length 					
    40 - 39.125" barrel length 					
    60 - 58.626" barrel length					
    Y - Top End Code 					
    P - E-PP-BAG-P-3 					
    1 - E-PP-BAG-1 					
    F - E-PP-BAG-F 					
    Z - O-ring Seal Code					
    B - O-435 B-NSF 					
    E - O-435 E-NSF 					
    S - O-435 S-NSF 					
    U - O-VRING SANT -FDA					
    Models are certified for a minimum daily filtrate generation of 4,750 gallons per 20" of
    20" models (DPU-6##-PP20YZ-Q1) are certified for a minimum daily filtrate generation of
    4,750 gallons. 					
    26" models (DPU-6##-PP26YZ-Q1) are certified for a minimum daily filtrate generation of
    6,175 gallons. 					
    40" models (DPU-6##-PP40YZ-Q1) are certified for a minimum daily filtrate generation of
    9,500 gallons. 					
    60" models (DPU-6##-PP60YZ-Q1) are certified for a minimum daily filtrate generation of
    14,250 gallons.
[2] Certified for minimum flow of 25 gallons per day.

12 Ballard Way
Lawrence, MA 01843 
United States 
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Facility : Lawrence, MA

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

RPP EPDM Compound E197 [2] CLD 23 EPDM

[1] Diaphragms are Certified for use in valves.
[2] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 2 sq. in./L.

Gasket/Sealing Materials
RPP EPDM Compound E197 [2] CLD 23 EPDM

[2] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 2 sq. in./L.

RPP EPDM Compound E197 [2] CLD 23 EPDM

[2] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 2 sq. in./L.

No. 69, Tianfeng Road
Jimei District 
86 592 6151 888
Visit this company's website

Facility : Fujian, China

Mechanical Plumbing Devices

Trade Designation      

315501 Simplice Pulldown Faucet[G] [Q]      
315511 Simplice Pulldown Faucet[G] [Q]      

[1] (1) Certification covers this mounting block only when used with trade name 113110940001
    WM Single Control Faucet.
[3] Certified pull-out wand finishes are Chrome Plated (CP), Oil Rubbed Bronze (2BZ),
    Physical Vacuum Deposit (PVD), or Vibrant Stainless Steel (VS).
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.

[Q] This product meets the reduced Q test statistic criteria of 1 µg or 0.5 µg for lead per
    Section of NSF/ANSI/CAN 61.

S.A. Armstrong, Ltd 
23 Bertrand Avenue
Toronto, ON M1L 2P3 
Visit this company's website

Facility : North Tonawanda, NY

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
Seal Kit, Assembly, Carbon Composite, EPDM Elastomer 1" - 3" D. HOT MLTPL

Pumps [G]
6800 DE N[D][E][FF-F][G][H][1] 3" x 2" - 10" x 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
Compass R 20-35 (119981-173) 1" - 1.5" D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 20-35 PLV (119981-103) [2] D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 20-75 (119181-173) 1" - 1.5" D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 20-75 (119181-473) 1" - 1.5" D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 20-75 (119182-173) 1" - 1.5" D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 20-75 (119182-473) 1" - 1.5" D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 20-75 PLV (119181-103) [2] D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 20-75 PLV (119182-103) [2] D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 25-140 (119281-373) 2.5" - 3" D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 25-140 (119282-373) 2.5" - 3" D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 25-140 (119282-473) 3" D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 25-140 PLV (119281-103) [2] D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 25-140 PLV (119282-103) [2] D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 40-190 (119581-173) 1.25" D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 40-190 (119581-273) 2" D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 40-190 (119582-173) 1.25" D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 40-190 (119582-273) 2" D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 40-190 PLV (119581-103) [2] D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 40-190 PLV (119582-103) [2] D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 40-45 (119381-173) 1" - 1.5" D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 40-45 (119382-173) 1" - 1.5" D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 40-45 PLV (119381-103) [2] D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 40-45 PLV (119382-103) [2] D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 40-85 (119481-173) 1" - 1.5" D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 40-85 (119482-173) 1" - 1.5" D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 40-85 PLV (119481-103) [2] D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 40-85 PLV (119482-103) [2] D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 50-225 (119682-173) 2.5" - 3" D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 50-225 PLV (119682-103) [2] D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 60-50 (119781-173) 1" - 1.5" D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 60-50 (119782-173) 1" - 1.5" D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 60-50 PLV (119781-103) [2] D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 60-50 PLV (119782-103) [2] D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 65-130 (119881-173) 1.25" D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 65-130 (119882-173) 1.25" D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 65-130 PLV (119881-103) [2] D. HOT MLTPL
Compass R 65-130 PLV (119882-103) [2] D. HOT MLTPL

[1] [D] Number of pumps
        1 - Simplex
        2 - Duplex
        3 - Triplex
        4 - Quadplex
        5 - Quintuplex
    [E] Pump Size
        3 - VMS10
        4 - VMS18
        5 - VMS32
        6 - VMS45
        7 - VMS64
        8 - VMS15
        9 - VMS20
    [FF-F] Number of stages
           01 - 0
           01 - 1
           02 - 0
           02 - 1
           02 - 2
           03 - 0
           03 - 2
           04 - 0
           04 - 1
           04 - 2
           04 - 3
           05 - 0
           06 - 0
           07 - 0
           08 - 0
           08 - 3
           09 - 0
           10 - 0
           10 - 1
           11 - 0
           12 - 0
           13 - 0
           14 - 0
           15 - 0
           16 - 0
           18 - 0
    [G] Motor speed
        2 - 3600rpm
    [H] Configuration
        S - Adds one additional pump as standby
[2] PLV refers to Pump Less Volute. The pumps are sold without the volute or volute insert
    and do not have a connection size listed.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps[1] [G]
DE 4280 1203, followed by motor HP 1.5" x 1.25" D. HOT MLTPL
DE 4280 1505, followed by motor HP 2" x 1.5" D. HOT MLTPL
DE 4280 1505H, followed by motor HP 2" x 1.5" D. HOT MLTPL
DE 4380 0205, followed by motor HP 2" x 2" D. HOT MLTPL
DE 4380 0205H followed by motor HP 2" x 2" D. HOT MLTPL
DE 4380 1503, followed by motor HP 1.5" x 1.5" D. HOT MLTPL

[1] Sizes are suction x discharge.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Zappa Street
Oreokastro, Thessaloniki 
30 23 1069 4000
Visit this company's website

Facility : Izmir, Turkey

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Submersible Pump - Pump Ends[1] [3] [G]

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 80,000 L.
[3] WW  - Nominal diameter
          06 - 6"
          07 - 7"
          08 - 8"
          10 - 10" 
    XXX - Nominal capacity
          010 - 10 m3/hour
          017 - 17 m3/hour
          030 - 30 m3/hour
          045 - 45 m3/hour
          060 - 60 m3/hour
          075 - 75 m3/hour
          095 - 95 m3/hour
          110 - 110 m3/hour
          125 - 125 m3/hour
          160 - 160 m3/hour
          210 - 210 m3/hour
    YY  - Number of stages
          1 - 60
    Z   - Quantity of B type impeller
          1 - 60
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


[4] Motors with PE2 + PA winding inside motor are also certified.

Saer Elettropompe S.p.A. 
Via Circonvallazione , 22
42016 Guastalla, Reggio Emilia 
39 05 228 30941
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Facility : Guastalla, Reggio Emilia, Italy

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps[1] [G]
MG X-Y 32 mm - 250 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
MGX X-Y 32 mm - 250 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
NCB X-Y 32 mm - 200 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
NCBK X-Y 150 mm - 600 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
NCBKX X-Y 150 mm - 600 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
NCBX X-Y 32 mm - 200 mm CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Models:
    X - Outlet DN
    Y - Rated Impeller Diameter
    Certified for cast iron and stainless steel impellers only
    Certified for pumps with external coating only
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


13, Avenue Jaques Moison
26770 Taulignan 
33 04 75 53 56 29
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Facility : Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

SAFI 3111 PVC Compact Ball Valve 1/2" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Sanyu Rec Co., Ltd. 
3-5-1 Doucho
Takatsuki, Ôsaka [Osaka] 
81 72 669 5206
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Facility : Takatsuki, Ôsaka [Osaka], Japan

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
Epoxy Resin SA-8194[3] [4] CLD 23 EPOXY

[3] Mix ratio: 100:40 Part A:B by weight. This product must be cured for 24 hours at 23°C,
    followed by 24 hours at 60°C.
[4] Certified for use as an outerwrap for reverse osmosis elements 8'' x 40'' in size with a
    minimum flow of 2,650 liters per day.

Schlumberger Technology Corporation 
3600 Briarpark Drive
Houston, TX 77042 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Garden Grove, CA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Submersible Pumps - Pump/Motor Units[1] [G]
REDA Series A 3.38" CLD 23 MLTPL
REDA Series D 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
REDA Series H 5.62" CLD 23 MLTPL
REDA Series J 6.75" CLD 23 MLTPL
REDA Series L 7.25" CLD 23 MLTPL
REDA Series M 8.62" CLD 23 MLTPL
REDA Series N 9.5", 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
REDA Series P 11.25" CLD 23 MLTPL
REDA Series S 5.38" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Pump Nomenclature:									
    XN#### A-B-C or X####N A-B-C										
    X: Pump Series (A:338 Series, D: 387/400 Series, S: 538 Series, H: 562 Series, J: 675
    Series, L: 725 Series, M:862 Series, N: 950/1000 Series, P: 1125 Series)										
    ####: Flow Rate										
    A: Stage Construction										
    B: Pump Configuration										
    C: Pump Shaft radial support options										
    Certification requested for a minimum flow of 7950 liters per day.										
    Certification does not include cables.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Bartlesville, OK

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Submersible Pumps - Pump/Motor Units[1] [G]
REDA Series A 3.38" CLD 23 MLTPL
REDA Series D 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
REDA Series H 5.62" CLD 23 MLTPL
REDA Series J 6.75" CLD 23 MLTPL
REDA Series L 7.25" CLD 23 MLTPL
REDA Series M 8.62" CLD 23 MLTPL
REDA Series N 9.5", 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
REDA Series P 11.25" CLD 23 MLTPL
REDA Series S 5.38" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Pump Nomenclature:									
    XN#### A-B-C or X####N A-B-C										
    X: Pump Series (A:338 Series, D: 387/400 Series, S: 538 Series, H: 562 Series, J: 675
    Series, L: 725 Series, M:862 Series, N: 950/1000 Series, P: 1125 Series)										
    ####: Flow Rate										
    A: Stage Construction										
    B: Pump Configuration										
    C: Pump Shaft radial support options										
    Certification requested for a minimum flow of 7950 liters per day.										
    Certification does not include cables.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Scienco / FAST, Sub. of Bio-Microbics 
200 Sun Valley Circle
Fenton, MO 63026 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Fenton, MO

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Chemical Feeders[1] [G]
Brine Feed Duplex Pump Skid [2] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certification of this product has been performed to the health effects requirements of
    NSF/ANSI Standard 61, which assesses the acceptability of potential extractants from the
    chemical generator. No evaluation has been performed on the strength or efficacy of the
    chemical(s) generated. As unit operation, maintenance and the consistency of source
    ingredients may affect the performance of the unit, the ensuing chemical(s) is not
    certified by NSF to NSF/ANSI Standard 60.
[2] Certified for use with a 26.4% brine solution or 8000 ppm hypochlorite solution with a
    dosage rate yielding a maximum chlorine concentration of 10 mg/L into potable water.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


SEKO S.p.A. 
Via Salaria per L'Aquila km 92, 200
02015 Santa Rufina di Cittaducale (RI) 
39 07 466 05801
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Facility : Santa Rufina di Cittaducale (RI), Italy

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps - Chemical Metering[1] [G]
HAYWARD PUMP (A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G)(H)(I)[2] 1/4" - 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
INJECTA ATHENA PUMP (A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G)(H)(I)[3] 1/4" - 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
SEKO TEKNA EVO PUMP (A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G)(H)(I)[5] 1/4" - 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for use with Sodium Hypochlorite (14%). This product is evaluated by diluting
    the exposed water treatment chemical to its maximum use level (MUL), as defined in
    NSF/ANSI Standard 60.
    A - Model: WKL, WAP, WTL, WPG, WPR, WCK
    B - Pump hydraulics: 603, 800, 803
    C - Power Supply: N
    D - Pump Head: H (PVDF and Ceramic), A (PVDF and Ceramic)
    E - Installation Kit: H (PVDF and Ceramic)
    F - Seals: 0 (FPM)
    G - Market: U
    H - Optional: 0
    I - Optional: H
    B - Pump hydraulics: 6, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
    C - Power Supply: A, N, O, L
    D - Pump Head: PF/PV (PVDF and Ceramic)
    E - Seals: F (FPM)
    F - Balls: C (Ceramic)
    G - Market: U
    H - Optional: 0, 1
    I - Optional: 0, 1
    I - Optional: 0, 1
    A - Model: AKL, APG, ATL, TCK, TPG, TPR
    B - Pump hydraulics: 400, 500, 600, 603, 800, 803
    C - Power Supply: A, N, O, L, C
    D - Pump Head: H (PVDF and Ceramic), A (PVDF and Ceramic)
    E - Installation Kit: H (PVDF and Ceramic)
    F - Seals: 0 (FPM)
    G - Market: U
    H - Optional: 0
    I - Optional: 0, 1
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Setra Systems Inc. Doing Business As (DBA) Gems Sensors & Controls 
1 Cowles Road
Plainville, CT 06062 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Plainville, CT

Mechanical Plumbing Devices

Trade Designation      


Miscellaneous Faucet Components
FT-100 Flow Turbine Insert 215100      
FT-100 Flow Turbine Insert 238600      

[1] All products with the FT-330 designation may also include an additional 6-digit numeric
    suffix to indicate customizations to non-wetted parts only.

Shakti Pumps (India) Limited 
Plot # 401, 402 & 413
Sector 3, Pithampur Dhar 
Madhya Pradesh 454774 
91 729 2407044
Visit this company's website

Facility : Madhya Pradesh, India

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends[1] [2] [G]

[1] X-Y-Z-M-N
    X - Type Range (QF)
    Y - Model (QF 1 to QF 360)
    Z - Number of impellers
    M - First impeller with reduced diameter (A, B or C)
    N - Second impeller with reduced diameter (A, B or C)
[2] Certification does not include the pump motor / driver and submersible pump cables.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Shalimar Paints Limited 
Plot No. 50
Jindal Stainless Centre, Sector 32 
Gurgaon, Haryana 122001 
91 124 4616600

Facility : Nashik, Maharashtra, India

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Pump[1]
EPICOAT 1000 >= 6" CLD 23 EPOXY

[1] Colors : Red, Grey			
    Number Of Coats: 1			
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 24 mils			
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 7 days at 30°C			
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of resin to hardener is 3:1 by volume.

Facility : Secundarabad, India

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Pump[1]

[1] Colors: Red		
    Number Of Coats: 1		
    Maximium Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 24 mils		
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 7 days at 30°C		
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of Part A:B is 3:1 by volume.	

Shandong Taipeng Nonwoven Co., Ltd. 
High-tech Industrial Development Zone
Feicheng, Shandong 271600 
86 538 339 3666
Visit this company's website

Facility : Feicheng, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Components, POE[1]
A1XXX [2] CLD 23 PET
A1XXXW2 [2] CLD 23 PET
A1XXXY2 [2] CLD 23 PET

[1] XXX refers to the weight in the trade name.
[2] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 10 sq. in./L.

Shandong Xuye New Materials Co., Ltd. 
No. 2 Heqing Rd, Hekou District
Dongying, Shandong 
86 546 363 7919

Facility : Changyi, Shandong, China

Potable Water Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation End Use Temp Material

Potable Water Materials

Shanghai Evermark Valve Co., Ltd. 
No. 88, Jinle Road
Baoshan District 
Shanghai 201901 
86 216 668 3205 806

Facility : Shanghai, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

EM-MPV96[G] 2" - 48" CLD 23 MLTPL
EM-MPV97[G] 2" - 48" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for equivalent metric sizes.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Shawmut Park Avenue LLC 
1821 North Park Avenue
Burlington, NC 27217 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Burlington, NC

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1]
RO-Flow HP [2] CLD 23 PET
RO-Flow LP1 [2] CLD 23 PET
RO-Flow LP2 [2] CLD 23 PET
RO-Flow LP3 [2] CLD 23 PET
RO-Flow LP8 [3] CLD 23 PET

[1] The smallest application is for a device that holds a minimum 10 L of water and a
    maximum SA of 123,800 sq. in. The product has a minimum flow of 1,750 L/day.
[2] RO-Flow HP, RO-Flow LP1, RO-Flow LP2, and RO-Flow LP3 are certified for a thickness of
    8-12 mils.
[3] RO-Flow LP8 is certified for a thickness of 13-20 mils.

1101 South Third Street
Minneapolis, MN 55415 
United States 

Facility : Covington, GA

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Fittings
IF1947MP[2] [3] >= 2" C. HOT PEC

[1] Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 30
    Maximum Thinner: None
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: Final cure is 15 minutes at 375F
[2] Sold in two alternate grind sizes (T and F) and two alternate package sizes (D and L). 
    The Listing applies to all grind sizes and package size designations.
[3] Colors: Red, Black, Graphite, Safety Yellow, Yellow, Romac Yellow
    Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 20
    Maximum Thinner: None
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 15 minutes at 375°F
[4] Colors: RAL5003 Blue
    Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 40
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 12 minutes at 380F
    Special Comments: Steel or ductile iron substrates. Grit blasting on sides to be coated
    per SSPC SP10/NACE No.2. Preheat part at 380F for at least 30 min before powder
    application: electrostatic spray.
[5] Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 8
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 15 minutes at 400F
[6] Colors: Blue Green
    Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 60 mils
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 12 minutes at 450F
    Special Comments: Fluidized Bed Application for applications of 10-60 mils: preheat
    steel substrate to 450F, dip in fluidized bed for 3-5 seconds; Electrostatic spray for
    applications of 10-18 mils: Preheat steel substrate to 450F before powder application. 

Coatings - Pipe
IF1947MP[2] [3] >= 2" C. HOT PEC

[1] Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 30
    Maximum Thinner: None
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: Final cure is 15 minutes at 375F
[2] Sold in two alternate grind sizes (T and F) and two alternate package sizes (D and L). 
    The Listing applies to all grind sizes and package size designations.
[3] Colors: Red, Black, Graphite, Safety Yellow, Yellow, Romac Yellow
    Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 20
    Maximum Thinner: None
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 15 minutes at 375°F
[4] Colors: RAL5003 Blue
    Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 40
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 12 minutes at 380F
    Special Comments: Steel or ductile iron substrates. Grit blasting on sides to be coated
    per SSPC SP10/NACE No.2. Preheat part at 380F for at least 30 min before powder
    application: electrostatic spray.
[5] Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 8
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 15 minutes at 400F
[6] Colors: Blue Green
    Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 60 mils
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 12 minutes at 450F
    Special Comments: Fluidized Bed Application for applications of 10-60 mils: preheat
    steel substrate to 450F, dip in fluidized bed for 3-5 seconds; Electrostatic spray for
    applications of 10-18 mils: Preheat steel substrate to 450F before powder application. 

Coatings - Tank
IF1947MP[2] [3] >= 4 gal. C. HOT PEC

[1] Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 30
    Maximum Thinner: None
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: Final cure is 15 minutes at 375F
[2] Sold in two alternate grind sizes (T and F) and two alternate package sizes (D and L). 
    The Listing applies to all grind sizes and package size designations.
[3] Colors: Red, Black, Graphite, Safety Yellow, Yellow, Romac Yellow
    Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 20
    Maximum Thinner: None
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 15 minutes at 375°F
[4] Colors: RAL5003 Blue
    Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 40
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 12 minutes at 380F
    Special Comments: Steel or ductile iron substrates. Grit blasting on sides to be coated
    per SSPC SP10/NACE No.2. Preheat part at 380F for at least 30 min before powder
    application: electrostatic spray.
[5] Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 8
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 15 minutes at 400F

Coatings - Valve
IF1947MP[2] [3] >= 2" C. HOT PEC

[1] Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 30
    Maximum Thinner: None
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: Final cure is 15 minutes at 375F
[2] Sold in two alternate grind sizes (T and F) and two alternate package sizes (D and L). 
    The Listing applies to all grind sizes and package size designations.
[3] Colors: Red, Black, Graphite, Safety Yellow, Yellow, Romac Yellow
    Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 20
    Maximum Thinner: None
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 15 minutes at 375°F
[4] Colors: RAL5003 Blue
    Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 40
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 12 minutes at 380F
    Special Comments: Steel or ductile iron substrates. Grit blasting on sides to be coated
    per SSPC SP10/NACE No.2. Preheat part at 380F for at least 30 min before powder
    application: electrostatic spray.
[5] Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 8
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 15 minutes at 400F
[6] Colors: Blue Green
    Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 60 mils
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 12 minutes at 450F
    Special Comments: Fluidized Bed Application for applications of 10-60 mils: preheat
    steel substrate to 450F, dip in fluidized bed for 3-5 seconds; Electrostatic spray for
    applications of 10-18 mils: Preheat steel substrate to 450F before powder application. 

Facility : Charlotte, NC

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Fittings
IF1947MP Red Iron Epoxy[1] [2] >= 2" C. HOT PEC

[1] Sold in two alternate grind sizes (T and F) and two alternate package sizes (D and L). 
    The Listing applies to all grind sizes and package size designations.
[2] Number of coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 20
    Maximum Thinner: None
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 10 minutes at 375°F
[3] Colors: Blue Green
    Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 60 mils
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 12 minutes at 450F
    Special Comments: Substrate: Fluidized Bed Application for applications of 10-60 mils:
    preheat steel substrate to 450F, dip in fluidized bed for 3-5 seconds; Electrostatic
    spray for applications of 10-18 mils: Preheat steel substrate to 450F before powder

Coatings - Pipe
IF1947MP Red Iron Epoxy[1] [2] >= 2" C. HOT PEC

[1] Sold in two alternate grind sizes (T and F) and two alternate package sizes (D and L). 
    The Listing applies to all grind sizes and package size designations.
[2] Number of coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 20
    Maximum Thinner: None
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 10 minutes at 375°F
[3] Colors: Blue Green
    Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 60 mils
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 12 minutes at 450F
    Special Comments: Substrate: Fluidized Bed Application for applications of 10-60 mils:
    preheat steel substrate to 450F, dip in fluidized bed for 3-5 seconds; Electrostatic
    spray for applications of 10-18 mils: Preheat steel substrate to 450F before powder

Coatings - Tank
IF1947MP Red Iron Epoxy[1] [2] >= 4 gal. C. HOT PEC

[1] Sold in two alternate grind sizes (T and F) and two alternate package sizes (D and L). 
    The Listing applies to all grind sizes and package size designations.
[2] Number of coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 20
    Maximum Thinner: None
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 10 minutes at 375°F

Coatings - Valve
IF1947MP Red Iron Epoxy[1] [2] >= 2" C. HOT PEC

[1] Sold in two alternate grind sizes (T and F) and two alternate package sizes (D and L). 
    The Listing applies to all grind sizes and package size designations.
[2] Number of coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 20
    Maximum Thinner: None
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 10 minutes at 375°F
[3] Colors: Blue Green
    Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 60 mils
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 12 minutes at 450F
    Special Comments: Substrate: Fluidized Bed Application for applications of 10-60 mils:
    preheat steel substrate to 450F, dip in fluidized bed for 3-5 seconds; Electrostatic
    spray for applications of 10-18 mils: Preheat steel substrate to 450F before powder

Shie Yu Machine Parts Industrial Co. Ltd 
No. 336 - 16 Hai Pin Road
Ching Shui Chen, Taichung 
886 4 626 6926

Facility : Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

S+H PVC Compact Ball Valve 1/2" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL
SH PVC Compact Ball Valve 1/2" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings [G]
+DFP+ Male Adapter (MPT x Soc) 1/2" - 4" CLD 23 PVC
S+H Male Adapter (MPT x Soc) 1/2" - 4" CLD 23 PVC

[1] Certified for the following size: 4" x 4" x 2" x 2" - 12" x 12" x 10" x 10"
[2] Certified for the following size: 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/2" - 12" x 12" x 10"
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Shinhan Ceramic Co., Ltd. 
367, Sihwa Venture-ro
Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do 
Republic of Korea 
82 31 498 3174

Facility : Gyeonggi-do, Korea, Republic of

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
1210150-02 1.523 sq. cm C. HOT CERAM
1216825-01 1.818 sq. cm C. HOT CERAM
1216900-01 4.051 sq. cm C. HOT CERAM
P11-0008-12 1.827 sq. cm C. HOT CERAM

Plasticslaan 1
Bergen Op Zoom, 4612PX 
The Netherlands 
31 16 429 2485
Visit this company's website

Facility : Raamsdonksveer, The Netherlands

Potable Water Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation End Use Temp Material

Potable Water Materials

1, Noryl Avenue
Selkirk, NY 12158 
United States 

Facility : San Luis Potosi S.L.P. C.P., Mexico

Potable Water Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation End Use Temp Material

Potable Water Materials

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 50 sq. in./L.
[2] Certified for a maximum surface are to volume ratio of 20 sq. in./L.

NOTE: All Listed products from this facility are NSF Certified, whether or not they bear the
      NSF Mark.

Siam Fittings Co., Ltd. 
100/1 Moo 2
Settakit 1 Road, Omnoi 
74130 Krathumban Samutsakorn 
66 2810 0832 5
Visit this company's website

Facility : Samutsakorn, Thailand

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings [G]
LF SA Companion Screwed Flange (SCPF, SEPF) [1] 1/2" - 6" D. HOT MLTPL
LF SA Companion Solder Flange (SCSF, SESF) [1] 1/8" - 6" D. HOT MLTPL
LF SA Threaded Companion, Class 150 [1] 1/2" - 12" D. HOT MLTPL
LF SA Threaded Companion, Class 300 [1] 1/2" - 8" D. HOT MLTPL

[1] This copper alloy is Certified by NSF to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 for use in drinking water
    supplies of pH 6.5 and above. Drinking water supplies that are less than pH 6.5 may
    require corrosion control to limit leaching of copper into the drinking water.
[2] 3/8" x 3/8" x 1/2" - 3" x 2" x 2"
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


2605 Interstate 27
Lubbock, TX 79404 
United States 

Facility : Lubbock, TX

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends[1] [2] [G]
AW#YZ-X 4 - 28 in CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 72,000 gallons.  Certification does not include
    use in residential wells.
[2] Trade name: AW#YZ-X
    A - P (Prime), S (SIMFLO)
    W - Model of bowl (A, R, F, J, K, L, M, P, R, W)
    # - Nominal diameter of bowl in inches (4 - 28)
    Y - Capacity of impeller (L, LL, M, N, H, HH, XL, XXL) L – Low, LL – Low-Low, M –
    Medium, N – Low NPSHr, H – High, HH – High-High, XL – Extra
    Low Capacity, XXL – Ultra Low Capacity
    Z - Designates open impeller or Axial Flow (O, X) O – Open, X – Axial Flow (optional)
    X - Number of stages (1 - 30)
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Simpson Strong-Tie Company 
5956 West Las Positas Boulevard
Pleasanton, CA 94588 
United States 

Facility : West Chicago, IL

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Fittings[1]
Simpson Strong-Tie Composite Strengthening System >= 1" CLD 23 EPOXY

[1] Product is applied in multiple layers with Layers 1,2, and 3 optional:
    Protective (Barrier) Materials
    Layer 1: CSS-ES Epoxy Primer and Saturant apply 10 wet mils maximum.  Mix ratio of Part
    A to B is 2:1 by volume.  Mix with a drill and mixing paddle until uniformly blended (5
    minutes at 500 rpm).  Apply 1 coat.
    Layer 2: CSS-EP Paste Filler apply 40 wet mils maximum.  Mix ratio of Part A to B is 2:1
    by volume.  Mix with a drill and mixing paddle until uniformly blended (5 minutes at 500
    rpm). Apply 1 coat.
    Layer 3: CSS-CUGF27 Fabric saturated with CSS-ES Epoxy Primer and Saturant (follow
    mixing instructions above).  Apply with maximum thickness of 50 mils.  It is permitted
    to place Layer 3 between layers of carbon fabric (Layers 4+).
    Layer 4+: CSS-CUCF11, CSS-CUCF22, or CSS-CUCF44 Fabric saturated with CSS-ES Epoxy
    Primer and Saturant (follow mixing instructions above).  Apply 1 - 10 layers with a
    maximum thickness of 20 mils per layer of CSS-CUCF11, 40 mils per layer of CSS-CUCF22,
    or 80 mils per layer of CSS-CUCF44.
    Saturation rate for fabrics:  1 gallon per 75 square feet of CSS-CUCF11; 1 gallon per 50
    square feet of CSS-CUCF22; 1 gallon per 50 square feet of CSS-CUGF27; and 1 gallon per
    25 square feet of CSS-CUCF44.
    Final cure time is 72 hours at 70°F after application of final layer.  There is no cure
    between the application of layers.

Coatings - Pipe - Immediate Return to Service[1]
Simpson Strong-Tie Composite Strengthening System >= 60" CLD 23 EPOXY

[1] Product is applied in multiple layers with Layers 1,2, and 3 optional:
    Protective (Barrier) Materials
    Layer 1: CSS-ES Epoxy Primer and Saturant apply 10 wet mils maximum.  Mix ratio of Part
    A to B is 2:1 by volume.  Mix with a drill and mixing paddle until uniformly blended (5
    minutes at 500 rpm).  Apply 1 coat.
    Layer 2: CSS-EP Paste Filler apply 40 wet mils maximum.  Mix ratio of Part A to B is 2:1
    by volume.  Mix with a drill and mixing paddle until uniformly blended (5 minutes at 500
    rpm). Apply 1 coat.
    Layer 3: CSS-CUGF27 Fabric saturated with CSS-ES Epoxy Primer and Saturant (follow
    mixing instructions above).  Apply with maximum thickness of 50 mils.  It is permitted
    to place Layer 3 between layers of carbon fabric (Layers 4+).
    Layer 4+: CSS-CUCF11, CSS-CUCF22, or CSS-CUCF44 Fabric saturated with CSS-ES Epoxy
    Primer and Saturant (follow mixing instructions above).  Apply 1 - 10 layers with a
    maximum thickness of 20 mils per layer of CSS-CUCF11, 40 mils per layer of CSS-CUCF22,
    or 80 mils per layer of CSS-CUCF44.
    Saturation rate for fabrics:  1 gallon per 75 square feet of CSS-CUCF11; 1 gallon per 50
    square feet of CSS-CUCF22; 1 gallon per 50 square feet of CSS-CUGF27; and 1 gallon per
    25 square feet of CSS-CUCF44.
    Final cure time is 72 hours at 70°F after application of final layer.  There is no cure
    between the application of layers.

Coatings - Tank[1]
Simpson Strong-Tie Composite Strengthening System >= 6,000 gal. CLD 23 EPOXY

[1] Product is applied in multiple layers with Layers 1,2, and 3 optional:
    Protective (Barrier) Materials
    Layer 1: CSS-ES Epoxy Primer and Saturant apply 10 wet mils maximum.  Mix ratio of Part
    A to B is 2:1 by volume.  Mix with a drill and mixing paddle until uniformly blended (5
    minutes at 500 rpm).  Apply 1 coat.
    Layer 2: CSS-EP Paste Filler apply 40 wet mils maximum.  Mix ratio of Part A to B is 2:1
    by volume.  Mix with a drill and mixing paddle until uniformly blended (5 minutes at 500
    rpm). Apply 1 coat.
    Layer 3: CSS-CUGF27 Fabric saturated with CSS-ES Epoxy Primer and Saturant (follow
    mixing instructions above).  Apply with maximum thickness of 50 mils.  It is permitted
    to place Layer 3 between layers of carbon fabric (Layers 4+).
    Layer 4+: CSS-CUCF11, CSS-CUCF22, or CSS-CUCF44 Fabric saturated with CSS-ES Epoxy
    Primer and Saturant (follow mixing instructions above).  Apply 1 - 10 layers with a
    maximum thickness of 20 mils per layer of CSS-CUCF11, 40 mils per layer of CSS-CUCF22,
    or 80 mils per layer of CSS-CUCF44.
    Saturation rate for fabrics:  1 gallon per 75 square feet of CSS-CUCF11; 1 gallon per 50
    square feet of CSS-CUCF22; 1 gallon per 50 square feet of CSS-CUGF27; and 1 gallon per
    25 square feet of CSS-CUCF44.
    Final cure time is 72 hours at 70°F after application of final layer.  There is no cure
    between the application of layers.

Sioux Chief Manufacturing, Inc. 
24110 South Peculiar Drive
Peculiar, MO 64078 
United States 

Facility : Chesnee, SC

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

(61-CX-10) 907-492001 Compression Cap 5/8" D. HOT BRASS
(61-CX-4) 907-490201 Compression Cap 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
(61-CX-6) 907-491001 Compression Cap 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
(61-CX-8) 907-491601 Compression Cap 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
(62-6) 907-121005 Comp Union (5 Pack) 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
(62-FM-6-4) 907-47100201 F.Comp X Tube Adapter 3/8" x 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
(62-FM-7-6) 909-47151001 F.Comp X Tube Adapter 7/16" x 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
(62-FM-8-6) 907-47161001 F. Comp X Tube Adapter 1/2” x 3/8” D. HOT BRASS
(962-10) 909-122001 Ander-Lign Comp Union W/Inst 5/8" D. HOT BRASS
(962-4) 909-120201 Ander-Lign Comp Union W/Inst 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
(962-6) 909-121001 Ander-Lign Comp Union W/Inst 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
(962-8) 909-121601 Ander-Lign Comp Union W/Inst 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
(962-R-10-6) 909-13201001 Ander-Lign Comp Reducing Union W/Inst 5/8" x 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
(962-R-6-4) 909-13100201 Ander-Lign Comp Reducing Union W/Inst 3/8" x 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
(964-4) 909-200201 Ander-Lign Comp Tee W/Inst 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
(964-6) 909-201001 Ander-Lign Comp Tee W/Inst 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
(964-8) 909-201601 Ander-Lign Comp Tee W/Inst 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
(964-R-6-6-4) 909-21100201 Ander-Lign Comp Red.Tee W/Inst 3/8" x 3/8" x 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
(965-4) 909-250201 Ander-Lign Comp Elbow W/Inst 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
(965-6) 909-251001 Ander-Lign Comp Elbow W/Inst 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
(966-6-4) 909-45101001 Ander-Lign Comp X FIP Coupling W/Inst 3/8" x 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
(966-6-6) 909-44101601Ander-Lign Comp X FIP Coupling W/Inst 3/8" x 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
(966-6-8) 909-45102001 Ander-Lign Comp X FIP Coupling W/Inst 3/8" x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
(966-8-8) 909-44162001 Ander-Lign Comp x FIP 1/2" X 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
(968-10-8) 909-41202001 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Connector W/Ins 5/8" x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
(968-4-2) 909-41020201 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Connector W/Ins 1/4" x 1/8" D. HOT BRASS
(968-4-4) 909-40021001 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Connector W/Ins 1/4" x 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
(968-4-8) 909-41022001 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Connector W/Ins 1/4" x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
(968-6-12) 909-41103001 Ander-Lign Comp X FIP Coupling W/Inst 1/4" x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
(968-6-4) 909-41101001 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Connector W/Ins 3/8" x 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
(968-6-6) 909-40101601 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Connector W/Ins 3/8" x 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
(968-6-8) 909-41102001 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Connector W/Ins 3/8"x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
(968-8-6) 909-41161601 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Connector W/Ins 1/2" x 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
(968-8-8) 909-40162001 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Connector W/Ins 1/2" x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
(969-4-2) 909-30020201 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Elbow W/Inst 1/4" x 1/8" D. HOT BRASS
(969-6-6) 909-29101601 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Elbow W/Inst 3/8" x 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
(969-6-8) 909-30102001 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Elbow W/Inst 3/8" x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
(969-8-8) 909-29162001 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Elbow W/Inst 1/2" x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Sistemas de Filtrado y Tratamiento de Fluidos S.L. 
Poligono Armentera, 87
Monzon, Huesca 22400 
34 97 440 15 48
Visit this company's website

Facility : Monzon, Spain

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1]
FMA20XX[2] 3" - 14" CLD 23 MLTPL
FMA90XX[3] 4" - 14" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimun daily flow of 35,000 Liters per day.
[2] XX indicates connection size between 3-14 inches.
[3] XX indicates connection size between 4-14 inches.

[4] L suffix indicates in-line configuration in the FMA90XX series.
NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Solvay Specialty Polymers USA, LLC 
4500 McGinnis Ferry Road
Alpharetta, GA 30005 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Gujarat, India

Potable Water Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation End Use Temp Material

Potable Water Materials
Veradel 3000 MP[1] A,F,P C. HOT PESU

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 230 sq. in./L.

NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Spears Manufacturing Company 
15853 Olden Street
P.O. Box 9203 
Sylmar, CA 91342 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Santa Paula, CA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1]
CHA-0500 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
WHA-005 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Product Certified for use on cold side only.

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings[1] [G]

[1] Products may include KBI or Spears.
[2] These replacement parts are only for use with KBI or Spears TUC-, TUF- and TUM- Fittings.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Sylmar, CA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Spears CPVC Compact Ball Valves with EPDM 1/2" - 6" C. HOT MLTPL
Spears PVC Compact Ball Valve 1/2" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings [G]
Spears PVC Compression Coupling 1/2" - 6" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for use as a repair coupling or repair cap only.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Jerome, ID

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Tapping Sleeves/Service Saddles[G]
Spears CPVC Clamp-On Saddles with EPDM 1/2" - 8" C. HOT MLTPL
Spears PVC Clamp-On Saddles 1/2" - 8" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Stabilit America, Inc. DBA Resolite 
285 Industrial Drive
Moscow, TN 38057 
United States 

Facility : Moscow, TN

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
FRP Opalit Vinyl Ester Panel[G] [1] CLD 23 FRP

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area of 38,819 square feet with a minimum flow of 37,075
    gallons per minute. Certification is based on use upstream of a water treatment facility.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


State Industries, Inc. 
500 by Pass Road
Ashland City, TN 37015-1234 
United States 

Facility : Charlotte, NC

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pressurized Water Storage Tanks[1] [G]
GICON Pumps and Eqipment >= 2 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Global Pump >= 2 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Pump Mate >= 2 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
Pump Pro >= 2 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Product also complies with NSF/ANSI 372.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Stormtec Co., Ltd. 
143, Hwagok-Ro 68 Gil
Seoul, 07551 
Republic of Korea 
82 2 2661 7517
Visit this company's website

Facility : Seoul, Republic of Korea

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings [G]
Pumphead Connector, 1A77XXYZ0*[1] 1/4" - 3/8" D. HOT MLTPL

[1] XX is numbers (00-10) indicating the size related to the model and configuration:
    Equal Elbow, 1A02XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4" x 1/4"
    01 - 5/16" x 5/16"
    02 - 3/8" x 3/8"
    03 - 1/2" x 1/2"
    Equal Straight, 1A03XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4" x 1/4"
    01 - 5/16" x 5/16"
    02 - 3/8" x 3/8"
    03 - 1/2" x 1/2"
    Equal Tee, 1A04XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4" x 1/4"
    01 - 5/16" x 5/16"
    02 - 3/8" x 3/8"
    03 - 1/2" x 1/2"
    Bulkhead Connector, 1A08XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4" x 1/4"
    01 - 5/16" x 5/16"
    02 - 3/8" x 3/8"
    03 - 3/8" x 1/4"
    Stem Elbow, 1A05XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4" x 1/4"
    01 - 5/16" x 5/16"
    02 - 3/8" x 3/8"
    03 - 1/2" x 1/2"
    04 - 1/4" x 5/16"
    05 - 1/4" x 3/8"
    06 - 3/8" x 1/4"
    07 - 5/16" x 3/8"
    08 - 3/8" x 1/2"
    09 - 3/16" x 1/4"
    10 - 5/16" x 1/4"
    Rigid Elbow, 1A07XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4" x 1/8"NPTF
    01 - 1/4" x 1/4"NPTF
    02 - 1/4" x 3/8"NPTF
    03 - 5/16" x 1/4"NPTF
    04 - 1/4" x 1/4"BSP
    05 - 3/8" x 3/8"NPTF
    06 - 5/16" x 3/8"BSP
    07 - 1/4" x 1/8"BSP
    08 - 5/16" x 1/4"BSP
    09 - 1/4" x 3/8"BSP
    10 - 5/16" x 1/8"BSP
    Y-Fitting, 1A19XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4" x 1/4" x 1/4"
    02 - 3/8" x 3/8" x 3/8"
    Reducing Elbow, 1A13XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4" x 5/16"
    01 - 1/4" x 3/8"
    02 - 3/16" x 1/4"
    03 - 3/8" x 1/2"
    04 - 5/16" x 3/8"
    05 - 1/4" x 1/2"
    Reducing Straight, 1A14XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4" x 5/16"
    01 - 1/4" x 3/8"
    02 - 3/8" x 1/2"
    03 - 5/16" x 3/8"
    04 - 3/16" x 1/4"
    05 - 3/16" x 5/16"
    Reducing Tee 1A17XXYZ0*
    00 - 5/16" x 1/4" x 5/16"
    01 - 3/8" x 1/4" x 3/8"
    02 - 1/4" x 5/16" x 1/4"
    03 - 1/4" x 3/8" x 1/4"
    04 - 3/8" x 5/16" x 3/8"
    05 - 5/16" x 3/8" x 5/16"
    06 - 1/2" x 3/8" x 1/2"
    07 - 1/4" x 3/16" x 1/4"
    Male Connector, 1A15XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4" x 1/4"BSP
    03 - 1/2" x 1/2"BSP
    05 - 3/8" x 1/4"BSP
    06 - 1/2" x 3/8"BSP
    07 - 5/16" x 1/4"BSP
    Female Adaptor, 1A16XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4" x 1/4"BSP
    01 - 1/4" x 1/2"BSP
    02 - 3/8" x 1/2"BSP
    03 - 1/2" x 1/2"BSP
    04 - 1/4" x 1/8"NPTF
    05 - 3/8" x 3/8"BSP
    06 - 1/2" x 3/8"BSP
    07 - 1/4" x 7/16"UNS
    08 - 5/16" x 3/8"BSP
    Straight Adaptor, 1A23XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4" x 1/4"NPTF
    01 - 1/2" x 1/2"NPTF
    02 - 1/4" x 1/4"BSP
    03 - 1/4" x 1/8"NPTF
    04 - 3/8" x 3/8" NPTF
    Reducer, 1A18XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4" x 5/16"
    01 - 1/4" x 3/8"
    02 - 5/16" x 3/8"
    03 - 3/8" x 1/2"
    04 - 3/8" x 5/16"
    3 Way Connector, 1A33XXYZ0*
    00 - 3/8" x 1/4" x 1/4" x 1/4"
    Cross Connector, 1A06XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4" x 1/4" x 1/4" x 1/4"
    U-Connector, 1A55XXYZ0*
    02 - 3/8" x 3/8"
    105° Elbow, 1A10XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4" x 1/4"
    40mm Elbow, 1A10XXYZ0*
    40 - 1/4" x 1/4"
    Screw Bulkhead Connector, 1A40XXYZ0*
    03 - 1/4" x 1/4"
    2-2 Connector, 1A40XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4" x 1/4"
    3-2 Connector, 1A40XXYZ0*
    01 - 1/4" x 1/4" x 1/4"
    End Fitting, 1A20XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4"
    01 - 5/16"
    02 - 3/8"
    End Plug, 1A12XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4"
    01 - 5/16"
    02 - 3/8"
    03 - 1/2"
    Nipple Elbow, 1A70XXY000
    00 - 1/4"OD x 1/4"ID
    02 - 3/8"OD x 3/8"ID
    04 - 1/4"OD x 1/4"OD
    Nipple Straight, 1A80XXY000
    00 - 3/8"OD x 5/16"OD
    01 - 1/4"OD x 1/4"ID
    02 - 3/8"OD x 3/8"ID
    Stem Adaptor, 1A26XXG000
    02 - 3/8" x 3/8"BSP
    04 - 3/8" x 1/2"BSP
    Stem Branch Tee, 1A24XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4" x 1/4" x 1/4"
    02 - 3/8" x 3/8" x 3/8"
    Stem Tail Tee, 1A34XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4" x 1/4" x 1/4"
    02 - 3/8" x 3/8" x 3/8"
    Pumphead Connector, 1A77XXYZ0*
    01 - 1/4" x 1/4"NPTF
    05 - 3/8" x 3/8"NPTF
    Filter U-Connector, 1A50XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4" x 1/4"
    01 - 1/4" x 1/4"
    3-3 Connector, 1A40XXYZ0*
    02 - 1/4" x 1/4" x 1/4"
    Equal Elbow, 1A21XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4" x 1/4"
    Equal Straight, 1A31XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4" x 1/4"
    Equal Tee, 1A41XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4" x 1/4" x 1/4"
    Stem Ebow, 1A51XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4" x 1/4"
    Bulkhead Connector, 1A81XXYZ0*
    00 - 1/4" x 1/4"
    02 - 3/8" x 3/8"
    Y indicates the color:
    W - White
    G - Gray
    Z indicates the O-ring material:
    1 - NBR
    2 - EPDM
    * is a number (0-9) that indicates the color of collet, which does not contact water:
    0 - White
    1 - Sky blue
    2 - Gray
    3 - Yellow
    4 - Red
    5 - Blue
    6 - Green
    7 - Black
[2] X indicates the color:	
    W - White	
    G - Gray	
    Y indicates the O-ring material:	
    2 - EPDM	
    Z indicates the collet color, which does not contact water:	
    0 - White	
    1 - Sky Blue	
    2 - Gray	
    3 - Yellow	
    4 - Red	
    5 - Blue	
    6 - Green	
    7 - Black	
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Straub Werke AG, Kupplungen 
Straub Strasse 13
CH-7323 Wangs 
41 81 725 4100
Visit this company's website

Facility : Wangs, Switzerland

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Couplings/Repair Clamps[G]
STRAUB-OPEN-FLEX 1 48.3 mm - 168.3 mm C. HOT MLTPL
STRAUB-OPEN-FLEX 2 180 mm - 1219.2 mm C. HOT MLTPL
STRAUB-OPEN-FLEX 3 558.8 mm - 2032 mm C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

400 Commonwealth Avenue
P.O. Box 580 
Bristol, VA 24203-0580 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Bristol, VA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
Strongwell PE[4] [1] D. HOT FRP
Strongwell PE[5] [1] CLD 23 FRP
Strongwell VE[5] [1] CLD 23 FRP
Strongwell VE[4] [1] D. HOT FRP

[1] Certified for all sizes.  Certification is based on an intended end use in water
    treatment facilities.
[2] Certified for use with the following stainless steel fasteners used once every 4 square
    1 1/2" M-clip
    2" M-clip
    1" J-clip
    1 1/2" J-clip
    2" J-clip
    1" I-4000 clip
    1" I-6000 clip
    1 1/2" I-6000 clip
    1/4" x 1" HHCS bolt
    1/4" x 1 1/2" HHCS bolt
    1/4" x 1 3/4" HHCS bolt
    1/4" x 1 1/4" SHCS bolt
    1/4" Hex nut
    1/4" Flat washer
[3] Certified for meniscus (non-gritted) surface only.
[4] Coated product is not Certified for use in hot applications.
[5] An optional coating may be used on products intended for use in cold applications.

Sulzer Management AG 
Neuwiesenstrasse 15
8401 Winterthur 
41 52 262 30 0
Visit this company's website

Facility : Alphen a/d Rijn, The Netherlands

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps[1] [2] [G]
VMS(a)(b) q/(x)(y) B 1" - 5" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[2] a - Stainless Steel Grade of Material / Construction
        M    - AISI 304/one motor and pump shaft
        None - AISI 304/separate pump and motor shaft with coupling
    b - Inlet/Outlet Connection Type
        F    - Round flange
        None - Oval counter flange with BSP inner thread
    q - Nominal Flow Rates (in cubic meters per hour): 2, 4, 6, 10, 15, 25, 40, 60, 85
    x - Total number of stages
    y - Number of reduced head stages 
        -1   - One reduced head stage
        -2   - Two reduced head stages
        None - No reduced head stages
    B - B Generation design
    For clarification the pump range is hereafter given:
    VMS(M)(F) 2/(x)(y) B with pump height of 4 or more stages (x)
    VMS(M)(F) 4/(x)(y) B with pump height of 4 or more stages (x)
    VMS(M)(F) 6/(x)(y) B with pump height of 4 or more stages (x)
    VMS(F) 10/(x)(y) B
    VMS(F) 15/(x)(y) B
    VMSF 25/(x)(y) B
    VMSF 40/(x)(y) B
    VMSF 60/(x)(y) B
    VMSF 85/(x)(y) B
    Certification is limited to the products that contain the Sealing SiC/Ca/EPDM WRAS.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Sulzer Management Ltd. 
Neuwiesenstrasse 15
CH - 8401 - Winterthur 
41 52 2625111
Visit this company's website

Facility : Dalian, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps[1] [G]
SMD - W X Y Z M 6" - 39" D. HOT MLTPL

[1] Certified for the following:
      Casing - Ductile iron and Duplex 
      Impeller - Duplex
      Shaft - Duplex and Chromium Steel
      Seal Housing - Ductile Iron and Duplex 
      Stationary Ring - Aluminum Bronze and Duplex 
      Impeller Ring - Duplex
      M – material code (1c, 1e, 3, or special) 
      W  – execution (blank for standard horizontal execution or V for vertical execution)
      X – discharge flange diameter in mm (150-1000)
      Y – nominal impeller diameter in mm (190-1140)
      Z – hydraulic execution (A, B, or C)
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Sunbelt Marketing Inc. 
7400 Sunbelt Drive SE
Austell, GA 30168 
United States 

Facility : Huangyan, Taizhou, China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Compact Ball Valve 1/2" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Compression Coupling 1/2" - 4" CLD 23 PVC

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Compact Ball Valve, Heavy Type 1/2" - 6" CLD 23 PVC
Compact Ball Valve, Heavy Type, IPS Thread 1/2" - 6" CLD 23 PVC
Compact Ball Valve, Light Type 1/2" - 6" CLD 23 PVC

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


SunSonic LLC 
4291 S. Tamiami Trail
Venice, FL 34293 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components [G]
Poly-480 Polymer Connections[1] 3/4" - 1" D. HOT MLTPL

[1] Poly-480 Polymer Connections may be sold separately from the Umeter water meters.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : # 2 China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components [G]
Poly-480 Polymer Connections[1] 3/4 - 1 in. D. HOT MLTPL

[1] Poly-480 Polymer Connections may be sold separately from the Umeter water meters.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Superior Tank Co., Inc. 
9500 Lucas Ranch Road
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Tanks[1] [G]
Factory Powder Coated Bolted Steel Storage Tanks and Components 14,309-5,884,000 gal D. HOT MLTPL

[1] Listed Storage Tanks/Reservoirs include NSF certified and Tested Factory Powder Coated
    accessories, polyurethane sealer, Polylac bolt coverings, Noryl nut coverings, EPDM
    strip and chime lap gaskets Interiors and floors are composed of epoxy coated carbon
    steel interior with epoxy coated floor with NSF Certified coating. All NSF Certified
    coatings must be Listed for tanks at least 14,309 gallons, and application must occur
    according to Certified specifications.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


SWM International 
17 rue Edmond Reuter
Contern, L-5326 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Quimperlé, France

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components
MemBaseTM[1] [2] CLD 23 OTHER

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 24,600 liters per day.
[2] Certified for a maximum surface area of 440 sq. ft.

Taco Hydroflo Pump Solutions 
1160 Cranston Street
Cranston, RI 02920 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Lubbock, TX

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends
21HH 21" CLD 23 MLTPL


Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends


Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends


Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends


Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends


Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends


Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends


Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends


Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends


Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends


Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends


Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends


Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends


Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends


Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends


Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends


Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends


Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends


Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends


Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends


Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends


Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends

11DMH 11" CLD 23 MLTPL

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends
11DMH 11" CLD 23 MLTPL

11DML 11" CLD 23 MLTPL

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends
11DML 11" CLD 23 MLTPL

11HH 11" CLD 23 MLTPL

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends
11HH 11" CLD 23 MLTPL

11LH 11" CLD 23 MLTPL

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends
11LH 11" CLD 23 MLTPL

11LHS 11" CLD 23 MLTPL

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends
11LHS 11" CLD 23 MLTPL
11LL 11" CLD 23 MLTPL

11LL 11" CLD 23 MLTPL
11MH 11" CLD 23 MLTPL

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends
11MH 11" CLD 23 MLTPL

11MHS 11" CLD 23 MLTPL

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends
11MHS 11" CLD 23 MLTPL
11ML 11" CLD 23 MLTPL

11ML 11" CLD 23 MLTPL
12CC 12" CLD 23 MLTPL

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends
12CC 12" CLD 23 MLTPL

12DC 12" CLD 23 MLTPL

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends
12DC 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
12HHC 12" CLD 23 MLTPL

12HHC 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
12HHS 12" CLD 23 MLTPL

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends
12HHS 12" CLD 23 MLTPL

12IC 12" CLD 23 MLTPL

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends
12IC 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
12IS 12" CLD 23 MLTPL

12IS 12" CLD 23 MLTPL

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends
12KC 12" CLD 23 MLTPL

12KC 12" CLD 23 MLTPL

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends
12KS 12" CLD 23 MLTPL

12KS 12" CLD 23 MLTPL

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends
12LC 12" CLD 23 MLTPL

12LC 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
12MC 12" CLD 23 MLTPL

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends
12MC 12" CLD 23 MLTPL

12ZC 12" CLD 23 MLTPL

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends
12ZC 12" CLD 23 MLTPL

14HH 14" CLD 23 MLTPL

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends
14HH 14" CLD 23 MLTPL
14HHS 14" CLD 23 MLTPL

14HHS 14" CLD 23 MLTPL

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends
14HL 14" CLD 23 MLTPL

14HL 14" CLD 23 MLTPL

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends
14LH 14" CLD 23 MLTPL

14LH 14" CLD 23 MLTPL
14MH 14" CLD 23 MLTPL

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends
14MH 14" CLD 23 MLTPL

14ML 14" CLD 23 MLTPL

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends
14ML 14" CLD 23 MLTPL

16HH 16" CLD 23 MLTPL
16MH 16" CLD 23 MLTPL

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends
16HH 16" CLD 23 MLTPL

18HH 18" CLD 23 MLTPL

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends
16MH 16" CLD 23 MLTPL

18HL 18" CLD 23 MLTPL

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends
18HH 18" CLD 23 MLTPL
18HL 18" CLD 23 MLTPL

21HH 21" CLD 23 MLTPL

Taco, Inc. 
1160 Cranston Street
Cranston, RI 02920 
United States 

Facility : Cranston, RI

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components [G]
1600-031SRP[1] [G] N/A CLD 23 MLTPL
1600-032S/25[2] [G] N/A CLD 23 MLTPL
1600-032SRP[1] [G] N/A CLD 23 MLTPL
1600-033SRP[1] [G] N/A CLD 23 MLTPL
1600-174SRP[1] [G] N/A CLD 23 MLTPL
1630-025SRP[3] [G] N/A CLD 23 MLTPL
1630-048SRP[3] [G] N/A CLD 23 MLTPL
1630-054SRP[3] [G] N/A CLD 23 MLTPL
1634-038S/25[2] [G] N/A CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] The 1600-031SRP, 1600-032SRP, 1600-033SRP, and 1600-174SRP are replacement part flange
    sets, which include flanges and gaskets, for use in the 1600 and 1900 series pumps.
[2] The 1634-038S/25 and 1600-032S/25 are bulk orders of flange only sets.
[3] The 1630-025SRP, 1630-048SRP, and 1630-054SRP are replacement impeller parts for use
    with the 1600 series and 1900 series pumps.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


(X)1206(Y) [5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)1207(Y)[5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)1209(Y)[5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)1506(Y)[5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)1507(Y) [5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)1509(Y)[5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)1511(Y)[5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)2007(Y) [5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)2009(Y)[5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)2506(Y)[5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)2507(Y)[5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)2509(Y) [5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)2511(Y)[5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)2513(Y)[5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)3007(Y)[5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)3009(Y)[5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)3011(Y) [5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)3013(Y) [5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)4007(Y)[5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)4009(Y)[5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)4011(Y) [5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)4013(Y)[5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)5007(Y) [5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)5009(Y)[5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)5011(Y)[5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)5013(Y)[5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)6007(Y)[5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)6009(Y)[5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)6011(Y)[5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)6013(Y)[5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)8011(Y) [5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
(X)8013(Y) [5] [G] [6] CLD 23 MLTPL
00(X)-(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)-(6)[7] [G] 1/2" - 1 1/2" D. HOT MLTPL
003B-RECIRC-DT[G] [13] 1/2-1 1/2 in D. HOT MLTPL
006B-RECIRC-DT[G] [13] 1/2-1 1/2 in D. HOT MLTPL
006B-RECIRC-DT-IFC[G] [13] 1/2-1 1/2 in D. HOT MLTPL
121N[8] [G] 2 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
122N[8] [G] 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
131N[8] [G] 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
132N[8] [G] 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
133N[8] [G] 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
138N[8] [G] 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
1600N[8] [G] 1 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1610N[8] [G] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1611N[8] [G] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1612N[8] [G] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1614N[8] [G] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1615N[8] [G] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1616N[8] [G] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1619N[8] [G] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1630-S33[8] [G] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1630-S33PS[8] [G] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1630-S34[8] [G] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1630-S34PS[8] [G] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1630-S41[8] [G] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1630-S50[8] [G] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1630N[8] [G] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1632N[8] [G] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1634N[8] [G] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1635N[8] [G] 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1636N[8] [G] 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1638N[8] [G] 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1640N[8] [G] 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1641N[8] [G] 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1911N[8] [G] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1911ecm-SF VR50105-CD1-FSWXYZ[9] [G] 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
1915N[8] [G] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1915e-SF VR65120-CB1-FSWXYZ[9] [G] 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
1915ecm-SF VR65120-CB2-FSWXYZ[9] [G] 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
1919N[8] [G] 1 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1935N[8] [G] 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
1941N[8] [G] 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
LoadMatch® L(A)-(B)(C)(D)(E)-(F)(G)(H)(I)[G] [10] 1/2" - 1 1/2" D. HOT MLTPL
SPe-1 SmartPlus-e® [4] D. HOT MLTPL
VB1016-DY2-4SXXXX[G] [11] 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" D. HOT MLTPL
VB1016-DY2-USXXXX[G] [11] 3/4" - 1" D. HOT MLTPL
VM1212-DY1-UPXXXX[G] [11] 3/4" - 1" D. HOT MLTPL
VM1816-DY2-4SXXXX[G] [11] 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" D. HOT MLTPL
VM1816-DY2-USXXXX[G] [11] 3/4" - 1" D. HOT MLTPL
VM2644-DD1-RSXXXX[G] [11] 1 1/2" D. HOT MLTPL
VM2644-HY1-FS2A00[G] 1 1/2" D. HOT MLTPL
VM3450-DD1-RSXXXX[G] [11] 1 1/2" D. HOT MLTPL
VM3450-HY1-FS2A00[G] 1.5" D. HOT MLTPL
VR1816-DY2-4SXXXX[G] [11] 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" D. HOT MLTPL
VR1816-DY2-USXXXX[G] [11] 3/4" - 1" D. HOT MLTPL
VR3450-DD1-RSXXXX[G] [11] 1 1/2" D. HOT MLTPL
VR3450-HY1-FS2A00[G] 1.5" D. HOT MLTPL

[4] The SPe-1 SmartPlus-e® consists of a 3/4" pump.
[5] The (X) in the trade name can be any of the following letter combinations: CI, FI, KV,
    SCI, SFI, SKV, SKS. The (Y) in the trade name can be a C,D, or could be blank.
[6] Impeller size: 6" - 13"
[7] (X) The first identification group is the pump series identifier: 3, 5, 6, 7, or 15
    (1) Control modifier
        IQ  – Circulator with Smart Pulse Control
        MS  – Multi speed circulator
        VR  – Variable speed circulator, outdoor reset (VSD-R)
        VS  – Variable speed circulator, set point (VSD-S)
        VV  – Variable speed circulator, 0-10 volt (VSD-V)
        VT  – Variable speed circulator, solar (VSD-T)
        VDT – Variable speed circulator, Delta-T (VSD-S)
        Z   – Zoning circulator (115V/120V, 60 Hz versions only)
        No letter - No controller
    (2) Material Modifier
        B – Bronze casing
        S – Stainless steel casing
        Cast iron casings with no material modifier are excluded from this  
    (3) Casing modifier
        No letter – Sweat pump housing connection
        C – Casing threads for body mounting
        F – Flange pump housing connections
        T – Internal NPT pipe thread pump housing connections
    (4) Revision version. Any value is acceptable.
    (5) Motor modifier (last digit in 2nd identification group)
        No letter – 115V, 60 Hz motor
        A – 220V, 50 Hz motor
        R – 100/110V, 50 Hz motor
        U – 265V, 60 Hz motor
        V – 220V, 60 Hz motor
        Y – 208/230V, 60 Hz motor 
    (6) Optional 3rd identification group
        IFC - Integral flow check
        PNP - Plumb 'n Plug
        Any optional identifier not affecting the wetted parts
[8] All pump models may be supplied with or without flanges.
[9] WXYZ in the trade name refers to the following:
    W: Position Modifier (Motor rotation position)
    X: Color Modifier (A: Standard Color)
    Y and Z: Special Labeling Modifier (Software code, OEM Packaging)
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.

[10] (A) Model
         0205, 0609, 0410, 0710
     (B) Motor rating
         Y6 – 110/120v, 60Hz
         B6 – 220/240v, 60Hz
         R6 – 265/277v, 60Hz
         Y5 – 110/120v, 50Hz
         B5 – 220/240v, 50Hz
         R5 – 265/277v, 50Hz
     (C) Casing material
         B – Bronze
         S – Stainless steel
     (D) Feature
         S – Standard
         D – Variable speed 0 - 10V
         E – Variable speed set point
         M – 3 Speed (multi)
         Z – Zoning circ.
         I – IFC
         R – Relay
         F – Variable speed set point + IFC
         N – 3 Speed (multi) + IFC
         X – Zoning circ. + IFC
         V – Variable speed 0 - 10V + IFC
     (E) UL Version. Any value is acceptable
     (F) Connection
         F – Flange, pipe mounting
         S – Sweat, pipe mounting
         C – Sweat, casing mounting
         U – Union, pipe mounting
         N – NPT, pipe mounting
         E – End Suction, pipe mounting
     (G) Fitting
         7 – 3/4"
         5 – 1/2"
         H – horizontal
         V – vertical
     (H) Pump and bracket position
         A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W
     (I) Feature
         N – None
         V – Viton seals
         L – Line cord (non-UL)
     Other identifiers denoting non-standard changes
[11] XXXX in the trade name refers to any alpha numberic character.  They do not reflect
     wetted parts.
[13] 003B-RECIRC-DT, 006B-RECIRC-DT, and 006B-RECIRC-DT-IFC are kits comprised of Certified
     pumps 00(X)-(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)-(6) and a digital timer.
     1st 3 digits = circulator model
     B = Bronze casing material
     Recirc = application
     DT = Plugin Digital Timer

Facility : Komenda, Slovenia

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps[1] [G]
VR15H-SF 1 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
VR15L-SF 1 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
VR15M-SF 1 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
VR25H-SF 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
VR25H-SF1 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
VR25L-SF 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
VR25M-SF 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL

[1] VR(A)(B)(C)-(D)(E)(F):
    A and B - Performance range (15, 20, 25, or 30)
    C - Low, medium, or high head applications (L, M, or H)
    D - Casing material (S - stainless steel)
    E - Connection type (F - flanged)
    F - Model Revision (1 - 9) (may or may not appear)
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Tata Steel Limited 
6th Floor, Tata Center
43 Jawaharlal Nehru Road 
Kolkata, West Bengal 700071 
91 759 6088975
Visit this company's website

Facility : West Bengal, India

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1]
TATA Steel FRP Pressure Vessel 186L - 1636L CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified product does not include vacuum breaker.

Taylor Kerr Couplings Ltd. (Teekay Couplings) 
6 Alston Drive, Bradwell Abbey
Milton Keynes MK13 9HA 
United Kingdom 
44 1494 679500
Visit this company's website

Facility : Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Couplings/Repair Clamps
Teekay Repair Coupling 40.0 mm - 3000 mm CLD 23 EPDM

NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Teknor Apex Asia Pacific PTE Ltd. 
41, Shipyard Road
65 6265 2544

Facility : Teknor Apex (Suzhou), 78 Ping Sheng Road, Suzhou Ind. Park, Jiangsu 21512, China

Potable Water Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation End Use Temp Material

Potable Water Materials

[1] In the trade designation, X and Y represent 0-9 with possible trade names ranging from
    SRF3800 to SRF3899. Z represents A-Z with possible trade names ranging from SRF3800A to
    SRF3899Z.  The 'Z' character is optional.
[2] A, B, and C in the trade names represent digits 0 through 9 which represent different
    color tones.

Facility : Teknor Apex Asia Pacific PTE Ltd., 41, Shipyard Road, 628134 Singapore

Potable Water Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation End Use Temp Material

Potable Water Materials

[1] In the trade designation, X and Y represent 0-9 with possible trade names ranging from
    SRF3800 to SRF3899. Z represents A-Z with possible trade names ranging from SRF3800A to
    SRF3899Z. The 'Z' character is optional.
[2] A, B, and C in the trade names represent digits 0 through 9 which represent different
    color tones.

Teknoseal Engineering Solutions 
Bindu Apartments, 54 Anand Park
3rd Lane, Aundh 
Pune, Maharashtra 411007 
91 976 3707216

Facility : Pune, Maharashtra, India

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Impregnation Resins[1] [2]
TSP 99 U [3] C. HOT SLT

[1] Certified for use with metallic materials having no greater than 10% porosity. 
[2] Certified for the following impregnation process/cure (Catalyst must be added at
    0.05-0.4% by weight to the sealant just prior to dry vacuum process):
    Step 1: Dry Vacuum 
    Step 2: Wet Vacuum 
    Step 3: Draining of the castings in a drain chamber or a centrifuge (15-20 minutes). 
    Step 4: Cold water wash of the castings (minimum 15 degrees Celsius for 15-20 minutes). 
    Step 5: Hot Water curing of the castings by dipping them in hot water at 90 - 95 deg C
    for 10 minutes.
[3] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 50 square inches per liter.

THC Chile S.A. 
Mar del Sur No 7481
Barrio Industrial Pudahuel 
Pudahuel, Santiago 
56 2 749 1002

Facility : Santiago, Chile

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Valves* [G]
28888 Compression Straight Valve 1/2" x 3/8" D. HOT MLTPL
28893 Compression Angle Valve 1/2" x 3/8" D. HOT MLTPL

* These products are also represented by the trade name: THC.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Mechanical Plumbing Devices

Trade Designation      

Valves[1] [G]
28886 Hose Bib Bk Valve 1/2" MBSP x 3/4 MPT Garden (or MNH)      
28887 Hose Bib Black Valve 1/2" Barb x 3/4 MPT Garden (or MNH)      
6886 Hose Bib Valves 1/2" M/BSP x 3/4" MPT Garden or (MNH)*      
6887 Hose Bib Valves 1/2" Pipe x 3/4" MPT Garden or (MNH)*      

* These products are also represented by the trade name: THC.

[1] MPT   - Male National Pipe Thread
    M/BSP - Male British Standard Pipe Threads
    MNH   - Male Standard Hose Coupling Threads
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings[1] [G]
Elbow 1/2" P x 1/2" MPT (6803) 1/8"-3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Elbow 3/4" P x 1/2" MPT (6808) 1/8"-3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Elbow 3/4" P x 3/4" MPT (6809) 1/8"-3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Elbow 1/2" P x 3/4" MPT (6812) 1/8"-3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Elbow 1/2" MPT x 1/2" Swivel (6785) 1/8"-3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Elbow 1/2" P x 3/8" MPT (6810) 1/8"-3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Male Adapter 1/2" P x 1/2" MPT (6842) 1/8"-3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Male Adapter 3/4" P x 1/2" MPT (6857) 1/8"-3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Male Adapter 3/4" P x 3/4" MPT (6848) 1/8"-3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Male Adapter 1/2" P x 3/4" MPT (6868) 1/8"-3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Male Adapter 1/2” P x 3/8" MPT (6852) 1/8"-3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Male Adapter 1/2” P x 3/4” MPT Garden (MNH) (6867) 1/8"-3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Tee 1/2" P x 1/2" MPT x 1/2" MPT (6837) 1/8"-3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Tee 1/2" P x 1/2" MPT x 1/2" P (6838) 1/8"-3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Tee 1/2" MPT x 1/2" MPT x 1/2" P (6839) 1/8"-3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Tee 1/2" P x 1/2" P x 1/2" MPT (6822) 1/8"-3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Tee 3/4" P x 3/4" P x 1/2" MPT (6832) 1/8"-3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Tee 1/2" MPT x 1/2" FBSP SW x 1/2" MPT (6836) 1/8"-3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Tee1/2" P x 1/2" MPT x 1/2" FPT swivel (6819) 1/8"-3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Tee 1/2” P x 1/2” FBSP swivel x 1/2” MPT (6782) 1/8"-3/4" C. HOT MLTPL

[1] Fittings can be marked with trade designation Flair-it or THC.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


The Boys, LLC dba SupplyHouse.com 
130 Spagnoli Road
Melville, NY 11747 
United States 

Facility : # 1 China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings [G]
Bluefin Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) 1/2" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
Bluefin Compression Fittings (F1-G) 1/2" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


The Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. 
2455 Paces Ferry Road Northwest
Building C7 
Atlanta, GA 30339 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Zhejiang, China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

800509 LFA-24 1/4 X 3/8 COMP CONNECTOR LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
800549 LFA-155 3/8 X 3/8 BSS FNE THR FLR ADPTER CMP LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
800569 T8323W050LF 3/8X3/8X1/4 BRASS ADAPT-A-VALVE CMP LF 810608 3/8" x 3/8" x 1/4" C. HOT MLTPL
800609 T8323W051LF 3/8X3/8X3/8 BRASS ADPT-A-VALVE COMP LF 810771 3/8" x 3/8" x 3/8" C. HOT MLTPL
800689 T8301W101AB 1PB61 5/8 X3/8 COMP UNION 685572 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
801269 LFA-181 3/8 X 1/2 BRSS FNE THR FLR UNON X MP LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
801829 LFA-907 1 X 3/4 BRSS WTER METER ADAPT FIP X MP LF 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


The Home Depot, Inc. 
2455 Paces Ferry Road
Atlanta, GA 30339 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Chesnee, SC

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components [G]
800459-HPL-1846–TF125PE Bulkhead Union[1] 1 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
800469-HPL-1871–TF12PE Bulkhead Union[2] 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
800479-HPL-1872–TF34PE Bulkhead Union[2] 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum tank size of 50 gallons.
[2] Certified for a minimum tank size of 5 gallons.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

EVERBILT™ 800669 LFA-123 3/8" x 3/8"BRASS CONNECTOR COMP x MIP LF 3/8" x 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 800679 LFA-130 3/8" x 1/2" BRASS ELBOW COMP x MIP LF 3/8" x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 800689 LFA-309 5/8" x 3/8" BRASS UNION COMPRESSION LF 5/8" x 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 800729 LFA-22 1/4" x 1/8" BRASS CONNECTOR COMP x MP LF 1/4" x 1/8" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 800739 LFA-117 3/8" x 3/8" BRASS COUPLING COMP x FIP LF 3/8" x 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 800769 LFA-124 PB968P 3/8"ODx1/2"MPT COMP MALE LF 3/8"x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 800779 LFA-154 1/4" x 3/8" BRASS ADPT COMPxFNE THR FL LF 1/4" x 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 800789 LFA-25 1/4" x 1/2" BRASS CONNECTOR COMP x MP LF 1/4" x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 800839 LFA-109 3/8" x 1/4" BRASS UNION COMPRESSION LF 3/8" x 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 800859 LFA-129 3/8" x 3/8" BRASS ELBOW COMP x MIP LF 3/8" x 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 800879 LFA-116 3/8" x 1/4" BRASS COUPLING COMP x FIP LF 3/8" x 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 800889 LFA-29 1/4" x 1/8" BRASS ELBOW COMP x MIP LF 1/4" x 1/8" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 800899 LFA-230 1/2" x 3/8"BRASS ADPT FEM COMP x COMP LF 1/2" x 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 800909 LFA-18 1/4" x 3/8" BRASS COUPLNG COMP x FIP LF 1/4" x 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 800949 LFA-113 3/8" x 3/8" x 1/4" BRASS TEE COMPRESSION LF 3/8" x 3/8" x 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 800959 LFA-220 1/2" x 3/8" BRASS CONNECTOR CMP x MIP LF 1/2" x 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 800969 LFA-200 7/16" x 3/8" BRASS ADPT FEM COMPxCOMP LF 7/16" x 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 800979 LFA-30 1/4" x 1/4" BRASS ELBOW COMP x MIP LF 1/4" x 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 801009 LFA-218 1/2" x 1/2" BRASS COUPLING COMP x FIP LF 1/2" X 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 801029 LFA-19 1/4" x 1/2" BRASS COUPLNG COMP x FIP LF 1/4" x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 801059 LFA-125 3/8" x 3/4" BRASS CONNECTOR COMP x MIP LF 1/4" x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 801069 LFA-122 3/8" x 1/4"BRASS CONNECTOR COMP x MP LF 3/8" x 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 801079 LFA-23 1/4" x 1/4" BRASS CONNECTOR COMP x MP LF 1/4" x 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 801089 LFA-223 1/2" x 1/2" BRASS ELBOW COMP x MIP LF 1/2" x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 801099 LFA-324 5/8" x 1/2"BRASS CONNECTOR COMP x MIP LF 5/8" x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 801119 LFA-156 3/8" x 3/8" BRASS FINE THR FLR x COMP LF 3/8" x 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 801189 LFA-16 1/4" x 1/4" BRASS COUPLNG COMP x FIP LF 1/4" x 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 801199 LFA-158A 3/8 Comp x 3/4 FGH 3/8" x 3/4" D. HOT MLTPL
EVERBILT™ 801209 LFA-118 3/8" x 1/2" BRASS COUPLING COMP x FIP LF 3/8" x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 801229 LFA-157 3/8" x 1/4" BRASS ADAPT FEM COMPxCOMP LF 3/8" x 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
EVERBILT™ 803119 LFA-157A 3/8 Fem Comp x 3/8 Fem Comp 3/8" x 3/8" D. HOT MLTPL

The Mosack Group, Inc. 
11210 Allen Station Drive
Mint Hill, NC 28227 
United States 

Facility : Zhejiang, China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

POLYBIM1 1" Brass Insert x MPT 1/8" - 1 1/4" C. HOT MLTPL
POLYBIM34 3/4" Brass Insert x MPT 1/8" - 1 1/4" C. HOT MLTPL
POLYRPM1 1" Brass Insert MPT Rope Adapter 1/8" - 1 1/4" C. HOT MLTPL
POLYRPM114 1-1/4" Brass Insert MPT Rope Adapter 1/8" - 1 1/4" C. HOT MLTPL
WHCOMP12C34M 1/2" COMP x 3/4" MIP FITTINGS 2PK 1/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


The Mosack Group, Inc. 
701 Matthews-Mint Hill Road
Matthews, NC 28105 
United States 

Facility : Foshan, China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings [G]
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXC11 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXC1212 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXC121210PK 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXC1238 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXC1240JR 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXC341 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXC3410PK 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXC3425JR 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXC3434 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXC3838 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXDEE12 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXDEE34 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXDEE3412 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXDET12 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXDET34 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXE11 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXE12 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXE121210PK 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXE1234 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXE1240JR 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXE3410PK 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXE3425JR 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXE3434 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXFA11 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXFA1212 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXFA12125PK 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXFA1225JR 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXFA1234 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXFA3412 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXFA3425JR 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXFA3434 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXFA34B1F 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXFS1210PK 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXFS1212 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXFS1240JR 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXFS3430JR 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXFS3434 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXFSA11 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXFSE12 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXFSE34 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXMA11 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXMA1212 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXMA1225JR 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXMA1234 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXMA125PK 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXMA134 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXMA341 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXMA3412 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXMA3425JR 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXMA3434 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXMA34345PK 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXMA3812 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXMBA 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXME12 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXME1234 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXME34 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXMS1212 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXMS121210PK 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXMS3434 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXMSA11 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXMT12 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXMT34 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXP125PK 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXP34 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXT11 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXT1112 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXT1134 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXT12 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXT1210PK 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXT121234 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXT1225JR 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXT34 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXT3410PK 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXT341212 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXT341234 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXT3425JR 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXT343412 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXT3434125PK 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
TMG/C-PEX Crimp Fittings (PF5-G) APXT38 3/8" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL

+++ Material complies with NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements when tested at
    temperatures up to and including Commercial Hot (180° F).
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


The Mosack Group, Inc. 
11210 Allen Station Drive
Mint Hill, NC 28227 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

APXVT121238 1/2" x 1/2" PEX x 3/8" OD Comp Lead Free Mini Tee Valve 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EPXV12M 1/2" PEX x 1/2" MPT ball valve (Standard Port) 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EPXV34M 3/4" PEX x 3/4" MPT ball valve (Standard port) 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EPXVA1214C 1/2 F1960 x 1/4 COMP ANGLE 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
EPXVS1214C 1/2 F1960 x 1/4 COMP STRAIGHT 1/4" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


The Mosack Group, LLC 
11210 Allen Station Drive
Mint Hill, NC 28227 
United States 

Facility : Taizhou, China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings [G]
PVC Compression Coupling[2] 1/2" - 4" CLD 23 PVC
PVC Compression Tee with FIP Branch[3] 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 PVC
PVC Compression x Male Repair Adapter[4] 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 PVC

[1] Certified for the following configurations:
    CPVCBV12 1/2 in. 
    CPVCBV34 3/4 in. 
[2] Certified for the following configurations:
    PVCCOMP12 1/2 in.
    PVCCOMP34 3/4 in. 
    PVCCOMP1 1 in
    PVCCOMP114 1-1/4 in. 
    PVCCOMP112 1-1/2 in.
    PVCCOMP2 2 in. 
[3] Certified for the following configurations:
    PVCCOMPT12F 1/2 in.
    PVCCOMPT34F 3/4 in.
    PVCCOMPT1F 1 in. 
[4] Certified for the following configurations:
    PVCCOMPMA34 3/4 in. 
    PVCCOMPMA1 1 in. 
[5] Certified for the following configurations:
    PVCCV34 3/4 in. 
    PVCCV1 1 in. 
[6] Certified for the following configurations:
    PVCBV12F 1/2 in. 
    PVCBV34F 3/4 in. 
    PVCBV1F 1 in. 
    PVCBV114F 1 1/4 in. 
    PVCBV112F 1 1/2 in. 
    PVCBV2F 2 in.
[7] Certified for the following configurations:
    PVCCV12F 1/2 in.  
    PVCCV34F 3/4 in.  
    PVCCV1F 1 in.  
    PVCCV114F 1 1/4 in.  
    PVCCV112F 1 1/2 in.  
    PVCCV2F 2 in. 
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


The Source Inc. 
2765 Midland Drive
P.O. Box 15026 
Ogden, UT 84401 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Ogden, UT

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[G] [POE]
T2C-075-100 / 131345 6" x 11.875" D. HOT MLTPL
T2C-075-140 / 131346 6" x 11.875" D. HOT MLTPL
T2C-075-200 / 134214 6" x 11.875" D. HOT MLTPL
T2C-075-30 / 131343 6" x 11.875" D. HOT MLTPL
T2C-075-60 / 131344 6" x 11.875" D. HOT MLTPL
T2C-100-100 / 131349 6" x 11.875" D. HOT MLTPL
T2C-100-140 / 131350 6" x 11.875" D. HOT MLTPL
T2C-100-200 / 134215 6" x 11.875" D. HOT MLTPL
T2C-100-30 / 131347 6" x 11.875" D. HOT MLTPL
T2C-100-60 / 131348 6" x 11.875" D. HOT MLTPL
T2C-100B-100 / 131978 6" x 11.875" D. HOT MLTPL
T2C-100B-140 / 131979 6" x 11.875" D. HOT MLTPL
T2C-100B-200 / 134218 6" x 11.875" D. HOT MLTPL
T2C-100B-30 / 131980 6" x 11.875" D. HOT MLTPL
T2C-100B-60 / 131981 6" x 11.875" D. HOT MLTPL
T2C-150-100 / 131555 7.5" x 15.25" D. HOT MLTPL
T2C-150-140 / 131556 7.5" x 15.25" D. HOT MLTPL
T2C-150-200 / 134216 7.5" x 15.25" D. HOT MLTPL
T2C-150-30 / 131553 7.5" x 15.25" D. HOT MLTPL
T2C-150-60 / 131554 7.5" x 15.25" D. HOT MLTPL
T2C-150B-100 / 131982 7.5" x 15.25" D. HOT MLTPL
T2C-150B-140 / 131983 7.5" x 15.25" D. HOT MLTPL
T2C-150B-200 / 134219 7.5" x 15.25" D. HOT MLTPL
T2C-150B-30 / 131984 7.5" x 15.25" D. HOT MLTPL
T2C-150B-60 / 131985 7.5" x 15.25" D. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.

[POE] Certified products are evaluated as point of entry (POE) systems.

Theo Förch GmbH & Co. KG 
Theo-Förch-Str. 11 - 15
D-74196 Neuenstadt 
49 7139 95 215

Facility : # 1 Switzerland

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds
Schrauben- und Gewindesicherung grün K176 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC

Thordon Bearings, Inc. 
3225 Mainway Drive
Burlington, ON L7M 1A6 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Burlington, Ontario, Canada

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
ThorPlas-White[1] 1" x 1" - 12" x 20" CLD 23 TPES

[1] ThorPlas-White bearings are intended for use with water pumps.

Tian Jin Ai Yue Powder Coatings Co., Ltd. 
No. 188, JingChen Road, Shuangtang
High-end Hardware Products Ind Park 
Jinghai District, Tianjin 301699 
86 189 2087 8759

Facility : Tianjin, China

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Pump [G]
BEJ0108F[1] >= 1" D. HOT PEC

[1] Coating Notes:
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness(in mils): 16 mils
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 18 minutes at 200°C
    Colors: Blue
    Number Of Coats: 1
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Tianjin Motimo Membrane Technology Ltd. 
No. 60, 11th Street, Teda
Tianjin 300457 
86 22 66230233
Visit this company's website

Facility : Tianjin, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1]
MOF-IIb[2] [3] 80 mm x 650 mm CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[2] Certified for a minimum of 1,550 L/day.
[3] Product requires a preservice flush of 200-400 L/hr for 3 hrs at 0.1MPa.

Tnemec Company, Inc. 
6800 Corporate Drive
Kansas City, MO 64120-1372 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Baltimore, MD

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Pump
22 Epoxoline[1] [2] >= 1/2" CLD 23 EPOXY
N140F Pota-Pox Plus Fast Cure[2] [3] >= 4" CLD 23 EPOXY
Series 21 Epoxoline[2] [4] >= 4” CLD 23 EPOXY
Series 91-H2O ™ Hydro-Zinc™ [2] [5] [6] CLD 23 EPOXY
Series 93-H20 Hydro-Zinc[7] >= 1/2" CLD 23 PUR
Series 94-H2O Hydro-Zinc[2] [8] [9] CLD 23 PUR
Series N140 Pota-Pox Plus[12] [13] >= 4" CLD 23 EPOXY
Series N140 Pota-Pox Plus [2] [14] >= 4" CLD 23 EPOXY
Series N140F Pota-Pox Plus Fast Cure[13] [15] >= 4" CLD 23 EPOXY

[1] Colors: 1255 Beige, 1218 Blue, WH11 White
    Number of Coats: 1-2
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 50
    Maximum Thinner: 5% Thinner #2
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 16 hours at 75°F
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 5 days at 75°F
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of Part A to Part B is 1:1 by volume.  Optional use with
    fiberglass flake S211-0220.  The fiberglass flake can be added up to a rate of 1% by
    weight after the Parts A and B are mixed together.  Certified for use as a primer or
    topcoat with any NSF Certified Tnemec coating system provided that both primer and
    topcoat meet their individual certified end uses.
[2] Meets the health effects requirements of NSF/ANSI/CAN 600 according to the requirements
    of NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 including the most current health effects criteria for xylenes,
    toluene, and ethylbenzene. 
[3] Colors: 15BL Tank White, 1255 Beige, 1211 Red, 35GR Black, 39BL Delft Blue, Y2606 Romac
    Yellow, 00WH Tnemec White, 11SF True Blue, B9118 Baker Blue, B5712 Westech Blue, B2592
    RAL 5009 Azurblau, B9695 Houston Blue, A14130 Mueller Gray, R5477 Mueller Sienna Red.
    Number of Coats: 1
    Sequence of Coats: 4 mils
    Maximum Thinner: 10% No. 4 Thinner by volume
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 5 hours at 75F
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 7 days at 75F (entire system)
    Special Comments: Mix ration is 1 Part A to 1 Part B by volume. Certified for use as an
    optional primer or intermediate topcoat with any Tnemec NSF certified primer and topcoat
    coating system provided the primer, intermediate, and topcoat meet their certified end
[4] Colors: WH16 OFF-WHITE, 35GR Black, 33GR Gray, 39BL Delft Blue, 1255 Beige, B5712
    Westech Blue, 11SF True Blue/Safety, 1211 Red Primer, A13096 Baker Dark Gray, B2592
    RAL5009 Azurblau, B2506 Dezurik Blue, B9918 New Baker Blue
    Number of Coats: 1-3
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 20
    Maximum Thinner: 5% F041-0088 Thinner Clear by volume
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 8 hours at 75F
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 7 days at 75F
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of A:B is 2:1 by volume. Series 21 Epoxoline is approved for
    use as a primer or topcoat with any NSF Certified Tnemec topcoat or coating system
    providing that both primer and topcoat meet their individual Certified end uses.
[5] Colors: Greenish-Gray
    Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 5
    Maximum Thinner: 10% Thinner #2
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 4 hours at 75°F; 2 hours at 75°F wen accelerator is used.
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 7 days at 75°F
    Special Comments: Series 44-710 Urethane Accelerator may be added up to 4 fl.oz/gal.
    Series 91-H2O Hydro-Zinc ™ is approved for use with any NSF Certified Tnemec topcoat or
    coatings system providing that both primer and topcoat meet their individual Certified
    end uses. Cure for Series 91-h2O™ Hydro-Zinc™ is 4 hours at 75°F or 2 hours at 75°F 
    when accelerator is used. Top-coat is then applied. Final cure is 7 days. Mix Ratio Part
    A:B is 70%:30% by volume.
[6] Certified for mechanical device end use (other than pump and valve) for a maximum of 151
    sq. ft. per gpm when used with Thinner #2
    This coating used with Thinner #2 is Certified for use in pipes >= 24”, tanks >= 3000
    gallons, fittings>= 1”, pumps >= 1/2”, and valves >=4”
[7] Colors: Greenish-Gray
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 5 mils
    Maximum Thinner: 10% Thinner #2 by volume
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 8 hours at 75F. 4 hours at 75F if accelerator is used. 
    Special Comments: Series 44-710 accelerator may be used up to 4 fluid oz/gal. 93-H20
    Hydro-Zinc is approved for use with any NSF Certified Tnemec topcoat or coating system
    providing that both primer and topcoat meet their individual Certified end uses.
[8] Colors: Greenish-gray
    Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 5
    Maximum Thinner: By Volume: 10% Tenmec #49 or 10% Thinner #2
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 8 hour 75°F; 2 hours at 75°F when the accelerator is
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 7 days at 75°F
    Special Comments: Series 44-710 Urethane Accelerator may be added up to 4 fl. oz/gal.
    94-H2O is approved for use with any NSF Certified Tnemec topcoat or coating system. Cure
    for Series 94-H2O Hydro Zinc is 8 hours at 75°F or 2 hours at 75°F when accelerator is
    used. Top-coat is then applied. Final cure is 7 days. 
[9] This coating used with Thinner #49 is Certified for use in pipes >= 18”, tanks >= 400
    gallons, fittings>= 1/2”, pumps >= 1/2”, and valves >=1/2”
    This coating used with Thinner #49 is Certified for mechanical device end use (other thn
    pump and valve) for a maximum of 310 sq. ft. per gpm.
    This coating used with Thinner #2 is Certified for use in pipes >= 24”, tanks >= 3000
    gallons, fittings>= 1”, pumps >= 1/2”, and valves >=4”
    This coating used with Thinner #2 is Certified for mechanical device end use (other thn
    pump and valve) for a maximum of 151 sq. ft. per gpm.
[12] Colors: 00WH Tnemec White, 1211 Red, 1255 Beige, 15BL Tank White, 35GR Black, B4241
     RAL5017 Blue, B7896 S-B Blue, 39BL Delft Blue, B5712 Westech Blue, 11SF True Blue, B9118
     Baker Blue, B8314 Krausz Blue, A13096 Baker Dark Gray, Y2606 Romac Yellow, B2592 RAL
     5009 Azurblau, B7011 Crispin Blue, B2506 Dezurik Blue, A14130 Mueller Gray, B9695
     Houston Blue, R5477 Mueller Sienna Red.
     Number of Coats: 2-3
     Sequence of Coats: Any combination of Listed colors
     Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 18
     Maximum Thinner: 5% Tnemec No. 60 Thinner by volume
     Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 5 hours at 75°F with accelerator, 9 hours at 75°F
     without accelerator
     Final Cure Time and Temperature: 30 days at 75°F
     Special Comments: Any Listed color of Series 22, FC22, or N140, may be substituted as a
     primer of topcoat for Series N140 Pota-Pox Plus provided that both primer and topcoat
     meet their individual Certified end uses.  The mix ratio of Part A: Part B is 1:1 by
     volume.  Part C (Series 44-700 Accelerator) is an optional additive to Part A in the
     field and may be added at up to 4 fluid ounces per 2 mixed gallons of parts A and B.
[13] Meets the health effects requirements of NSF/ANSI/CAN 600 according to requirements of
     NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 for pump, valve, and fitting end use.
[14] Colors: 00WH Tnemec White, 1211 Red, 1255 Beige, 15BL Tank white, 35GR Black, 39BL Delft
     blue, B5712 Westech Blue, 11SF True Blue, B9118 Baker Blue, B8314 Krausz Blue, Y2606
     Romac Yellow, B2592 RAL 5009 Azurblau, B7011 Crispin Blue, B2506 Dezurik Blue, A14130
     Mueller Gray, B9695 Houston Blue, R5477 Mueller Sienna Red.
     Number of Coats: 1
     Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness(in mils): 4 mils
     Maximum Thinner: 10% No. 4 Thinner by volume
     Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 5 hours at 75°F
     Final Cure Time and Temperature: 7 days at 75°F (entire system)
     Special Comments: Mix ratio is 1 Part A to 1 Part B by volume. Certified for use as an
     optional primer or intermediate coat with any Tnemec NSF certified primer and topcoat
     coating system provided the primer, intermediate, and topcoat meet their certified end
[15] Colors: 00WH Tnemec White, 1211 Red, 1255 Beige, 15BL Tank white, 35GR Black, B4241
     RAL5017 Blue, 39BL Delft Blue, B2506 DeZurik Blue, B5712 Westech Blue, 11SF True Blue,
     B9118 Baker Blue, B7896 S-B Blue, Y2606 Romac Yellow, B2592 RAL 5009 Azurblau, B7011
     Crispin Blue, B9695 Houston Blue, A14130 Mueller Gray, R5477 Mueller Sienna Red.
     Number of Coats: 2-3
     Sequence of Coats: Any combination of Listed colors
     Maximum Field Use Dry film Thickness (in mils): 18
     Maximum Thinner: 5% Tnemec No. 60 Thinner by volume
     Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 5 hours at 75°F 
     Final Cure Time and Temperature: 30 days at 75°F
     Special Comments: Any listed color of series 22, FC22, or N140 may be substituted as a
     primer or topcoat for the Series N140 Pota-Pox Plus provided that both primer and
     topcoat meet their individual Certified end uses.  Mix ratio of Part A:Part B is 1:1 by

Facility : North Kansas City, MO

Protective (Barrier) Materials

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Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Pump
22 Epoxoline[1] [2] >= 4" CLD 23 EPOXY
F098-0H20 Hydro-Zinc[2] [3] >= 4" CLD 23 EPOXY
N140F Pota-Pox Plus Fast Cure[2] [4] >= 4" CLD 23 EPOXY
Series 1220 Tnemec Epoxy[2] [5] >= 8" CLD 23 EPOXY
Series 21 Epoxoline[2] [6] >= 4" CLD 23 EPOXY
Series 21 Epoxoline[2] [7] >= 1/2" CLD 23 EPOXY
Series 91-H2O ™ Hydro-Zinc™ [2] [8] [9] CLD 23 PUR
Series 93-H20 Hydro-Zinc [10] >= 1" CLD 23 PUR
Series 94-H2O Hydro-Zinc[2] [11] [12] CLD 23 PUR
Series FC22 Epoxoline[2] [13] >= 2" CLD 23 EPOXY
Series N140 Pota-Pox Plus[16] [17] >= 4" CLD 23 EPOXY
Series N140 Pota-Pox Plus[2] [18] >= 4" CLD 23 EPOXY
Series N140F Pota-Pox Plus Fast Cure[16] [19] >= 4" CLD 23 EPOXY

[1] Colors: 1255 Beige, 1218 Blue, WH11 White
    Number of Coats: 1-2
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 50
    Maximum Thinner: 5% Thinner #2
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 16 hours at 75°F 
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 5 days at 75°F
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of Part A to Part B is 1:1 by volume.  Optional use with
    fiberglass flake S211-0220.  The fiberglass flake can be added up to a rate of 1% by
    weight after the Parts A and B are mixed together.  Certified for use as a primer or
    topcoat with any NSF Certified Tnemec coating system provided that both primer and
    topcoat meet their individual certified end uses.
[2] Meets the health effects requirements of NSF/ANSI/CAN 600 according to the requirements
    of NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 including the most current health effects criteria for xylenes,
    toluene, and ethylbenzene. 
[3] Colors: Greenish Gray
    Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 7
    Maximum Thinner: 25% Water
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 5 hours at 75F
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 7 days at 75F
    Special Comments: Series 98-H2O Hydro-Zinc is approved for use as a primer with any NSF
    Certified Tnemec topcoat or coating system providing that both primer and topcoat meet
    their individual Certified end uses. Cure for Series 98-H2O Hydro-Zinc primer is 5 hours
    at 75F. Top-coat is then applied. Final cure is 7 days. Mix ratio of Part A:B:C is
    1.4:0.6:1 by volume.
[4] Colors: 15BL Tank White, 1255 Beige, 1211 Red, 35GR Black, 39BL Delft Blue, Y2606 Romac
    Yellow, 00WH Tnemec White, 11SF True Blue, B9118 Baker Blue, B5712 Westech Blue, B2592
    RAL 5009 Azurblau,  B9695 Houston Blue, A14130 Mueller Gray, R5477 Mueller Sienna Red.
    Number of Coats: 1
    Sequence of Coats: 4 mils
    Maximum Thinner: 10% No. 4 Thinner by volume
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 5 hours at 75F
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 7 days at 75F (entire system)
    Special Comments: Mix ration is 1 Part A to 1 Part B by volume. Certified for use as an
    optional primer or intermediate topcoat with any Tnemec NSF certified primer and topcoat
    coating system provided the primer, intermediate, and topcoat meet their certified end
[5] Colors: White
    Number of Coats: 1-3
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 24
    Maximum Thinner: 15% water
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 6 hours at 75F
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 7 days at 75F
    Special Comments: Series 44-700 Accelerator may be added up to 1 fl. oz./gal. Series
    1220 Tnemec Epoxy is approved for use as a primer or topcoat with any NSF Certified
    Tnemec topcoat or coating system providing that both primer and topcoat meet their
    individual Certified end uses. Mix ratio of Part A:Part B is 2:1 by volume.
[6] Colors: WH16 OFF-WHITE, 35GR Black, 33GR Gray, 39BL Delft Blue, 1255 Beige, B5712
    Westech Blue, 11SF True Blue/Safety, 1211 Red Primer, A13096 Baker Dark Gray, B2592
    RAL5009 Azurblau, B2506 Dezurik Blue, B9918 New Baker Blue
    Number of Coats: 1-3
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness(in mils): 20
    Maximum Thinner: 5% F041-0088 Thinner Clear by volume
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 8 hours at 75F
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 7 days at 75F
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of A:B is 2:1 by volume. Series 21 Epoxoline is approved for
    use as a primer or topcoat with any NSF Certified Tnemec topcoat or coating system
    providing that both primer and topcoat meet their individual Certified end uses.
[7] Colors: WH16 Off-White, 1255 Beige, 39BL Delft Blue, B5712 Westech Blue, 11SF True
    Blue/Safety, 1211 Red Primer, A13096 Baker Dark Gray, B2592 RAL5009 Azurblau, B2506
    Dezurik Blue, B9918 New Baker Blue
    Number of Coats: 2
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness(in mils): 20 mils
    Maximum Thinner: None
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 16 hours at 75F
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 30 days at 75F
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of A:B is 2:1 by volume. This is for pipe, fitting, pump and
    valve end use.
[8] Colors: Greenish-gray
    Number of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 5
    Maximum Thinner: 10% Thinner #2
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 4 hours at 75°F; 2 hours at 75°F when the accelerator
    is used 
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 7 days at 75°F
    Special Comments: Series 44-710 Urethane Accelerator may be added up to 4 fl. oz/gal. 
    Series 91-H2O™ Hydro-Zinc™ is approved for use with any NSF Certified Tnemec topcoat or
    coating system providing that both primer and topcoat meet their individual Certified
    end uses. Cure for Series 91-H2O™ Hydro-Zinc™ is 4 hours at 75°F or 2 hours at 75°Fwhen
    accelerator is used. Top-coat is then applied. Final cure is 7 days. Mix ratio of Part
    A:B is 70%:30% by volume.
[9] Certified for mechanical device end use (other than pump and valve) for a maximum of 60
    sq. ft. per gpm when used with Thinner #2
    This coating used with Thinner #2 is Certified for use in pipes >= 96”, tanks >= 50,000
    gallons, fittings>= 1”, pumps >= 1”, and valves >=4”
[10] Colors: Greenish-Gray
     Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness (in mils): 5 mils
     Maximum Thinner: 10% Thinner #2 by volume
     Final Cure Time/Temperature: 8 hours at 75F. 4 hours at 75F if accelerator is used. 
     Special Comments: Series 44-710 accelerator may be used up to 4 fluid oz/gal. 93-H20
     Hydro-Zinc is approved for use with any NSF Certified Tnemec topcoat or coating system
     providing that both primer and topcoat meet their individual Certified end uses.
[11] Color: Greenish-Gray
     Number of Coats: 1
     Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 4
     Maximum Thinner: By Volume: 10% Tenmec #49 or 10% Thinner #2
     Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 8 hours at 75°F; 2 hours at 75°F when the accelerator
     is used
     Final Cure Time/Temperature: 7 days at 75°F
     Special Comments: Series 44-710 Urethane Accelerator may be added up to 4 fl. oz/gal.
     94-H2O is approved for use with any NSF Certified Tnemec topcoat or coating system. Cure
     for Series 94-H2O Hydro Zinc is 8 hours at 75°F or 2 hours at 75°F when accelerator is
     used. Topcoat
     is then applied. Final cure is 7 days.
[12] This coating used with Thinner #49 is Certified for use in pipes >= 22”, tanks >= 1,500
     gallons, fittings>= ½”, pumps >= ¾”, and valves
     This coating used with Thinner #49 is Certified for mechanical device end use (other
     than pump and valve) for a maximum of 189 sq. ft. per
     This coating used with Thinner #2 is Certified for use in pipes >= 96”, tanks >= 50,000
     gallons, fittings>= 1”, pumps >= 1”, and valves >=4”
     This coating used with Thinner #2 is Certified for mechanical device end use (other than
     pump and valve) for a maximum of 60 sq. ft. per
[13] Colors: WH08 White, R4875A Akzo Red, B8869A Epoxoline Blue, 35GR Epoxoline Black
     Number of Coats: 1
     Sequence of Coats: N/A
     Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 80
     Maximum Thinner: None
     Final Cure Time and Temperature: 24 hours at 75°F
     Special Comments: Mix ratio of Part A:Part B is 1:2 by volume.  Any Listed color of
     series N140 or N140F may be used as a topcoat or primer for Series FC22 Epoxoline.
[16] Meets the health effects requirements of NSF/ANSI/CAN 600 according to requirements of
     NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 for pump, valve, and fitting end use.
[17] Colors: 00WH Tnemec White, 1211 Red, 1255 Beige, 15BL Tank White, 35GR Black, B4241
     RAL5017 Blue, B7896 S-B Blue, 39BL Delft Blue, B5712 Westech Blue, 11SF True Blue, B9118
     Baker Blue, B8314 Krausz Blue, A13096 Baker Dark Gray, Y2606 Romac Yellow, B2592 RAL
     5009 Azurblau, B7011 Crispin Blue, B2506 Dezurik Blue, B9695 Houston Blue, A14130
     Mueller Gray, R5477 Mueller Sienna Red.
     Number of Coats: 2-3
     Sequence of Coats: Any combination of Listed colors
     Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 18
     Maximum Thinner: 5% Tnemec No. 60 Thinner by volume
     Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 5 hours at 75°F with accelerator, 9 hours at 75°F
     without accelerator
     Final Cure Time and Temperature: 30 days at 75°F
     Special Comments: Any Listed color of Series 22, FC22, N140, or 141 may be substituted
     as a primer of topcoat for Series N140 Pota-Pox Plus provided that both primer and
     topcoat meet their individual Certified end uses.  The mix ratio of Part A: Part B is
     1:1 by volume.  Part C (Series 44-700 Accelerator) is an optional additive to Part A in
     the field and may be added at up to 4 fluid ounces per two mixed gallons of parts A and
[18] Colors: 00WH Tnemec White, 1211 Red, 1255 Beige, 15BL Tank white, 35GR Black, 39BL Delft
     blue, B5712 Westech Blue, 11SF True Blue, B9118 Baker Blue, B8314 Krausz Blue, Y2606
     Romac Yellow, B2592 RAL 5009 Azurblau, B7011 Crispin Blue, B2506 Dezurik Blue, B9695
     Houston Blue, A14130 Mueller Gray, R5477 Mueller Sienna Red.
     Number of Coats: 1
     Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness(in mils): 4 mils
     Maximum Thinner: 10% No. 4 Thinner by volume
     Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 5 hours at 75°F
     Final Cure Time and Temperature: 7 days at 75°F (entire system)
     Special Comments: Mix ratio is 1 Part A to 1 Part B by volume. Certified for use
     as an optional primer or intermediate coat with any Tnemec NSF certified primer
     and topcoat coating system provided the primer, intermediate, and topcoat meet
     their certified end uses. Part C (Series 44-700 Accelerator) is an optional additive to
     Part A in the field and may be added at up to 4 fluid ounces per gallon of Part A.
[19] Colors: 00WH Tnemec White, 1211 Red, 1255 Beige, 15BL Tank White, 35GR Black, B4241
     RAL5017 Blue, 39BL Delft Blue, B2506 DeZurik Blue, B5712 Westech Blue, 11SF True Blue,
     B9118 Baker Blue, B7896 S-B Blue, Y2606 Romac Yellow, B2592 RAL 5009 Azurblau, B7011
     Crispin Blue, B9695 Houston Blue, A14130 Mueller Gray, R5477 Mueller Sienna Red.
     Number of Coats: 2-3
     Sequence of Coats: Any combination of Listed colors
     Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 18
     Maximum Thinner: 5% Tnemec No. 60 Thinner by volume
     Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 5 hours at 75°F
     Final Cure Time and Temperature: 30 days at 75°F
     Special comments: Any listed color of Series 22, FC22, N140 or 141 may be substituted as
     a primer of topcoat for Series N140 Pota-Pox Plus provided that both primer and topcoat
     meet their individual Certified end uses.  The mix ratio of Part A: Part B is 1:1 by

Facility : Jinshan District, Shanghai, China

Protective (Barrier) Materials

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Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Pump[1]
Series N140 Pota-Pox Plus[2] >= 4" CLD 23 EPOXY
Series N140F Pota-Pox Plus Fast Cure[3] >= 4" CLD 23 EPOXY

[1] Meets the health effects requirements of NSF/ANSI/CAN 600 according to requirements of
    NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 for pump, valve, and fitting end use.
[2] Colors: 1211 Red, 1255 Beige,15BL Tank White, B4241 RAL5017 Blue, B7896 S-B Blue, 39BL
    Delft Blue, 35GR Black, 00WH Tnemec White, Y2606 Romac Yellow, B8314 Krausz Blue, B5712
    Westech Blue, 11SF True Blue, B9118 Baker Blue, A13096 Baker Dark Gray, B2592 RAL 5009
    Azurblau, B7011 Crispin Blue, B2506 Dezurik Blue, A14130 Mueller Gray, B9695 Houston
    Blue, R5477 Mueller Sienna Red.
    Number of Coats: 2-3
    Sequence of Coats: Any combination of Listed colors
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 18
    Maximum Thinner: 5% Tnemec No. 60 Thinner by volume
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 5 hours at 75°F with accelerator, 9 hours at 75°F
    without accelerator
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 30 days at 75°F
    Special Comments: Any listed color of Series 22, FC22, N140, or 141 may be substituted
    as a primer of topcoat for Series N140 Pota-Pox Plus provided that both primer and
    topcoat meet their individual Certified end uses. The mix ratio of Part A: Part B is 1:1
    by volume. Part C (Series 44-700 Accelerator) is an optional additive to Part A in the
    field and may be added at up to 4 fluid ounces per two mixed gallons of parts A and B.
[3] Colors: 1211 Red, 1255 Beige, B2506 DeZurik Blue, 15BL Tank White, B4241 RAL5017 Blue,
    39BL Delft Blue, 35GR Black, 00WH Tnemec White, B7896 S-B Blue, Y2606 Romac Yellow,
    B5712 Blue, B2592 RAL 5009 Azurblau, B7011 Crispin Blue, B9695 Houston Blue, A14130
    Mueller Gray, R5477 Mueller Sienna Red.
    Number of Coats: 2
    Sequence of Coats: Any combination of Listed colors
    Maximum Field Use Dry film Thickness (in mils): 18
    Maximum Thinner: 5% Tnemec No. 60 Thinner by volume
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 5 hours at 75°F 
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 30 days at 75°F
    Special Comments: Any listed color of Series 22, FC22, N140, or 141 may be substituted
    as a primer of topcoat for Series N140 Pota-Pox Plus provided that both primer and
    topcoat meet their individual Certified end uses. The mix ratio of Part A: Part B is 1:1
    by volume.

Trelleborg Pipe Seals Tijuana S.A de C.V 
Colina No. 11850, Parque
Industrial el Florido, Sección Colinas 
Tijuana, BC 22237 
52 664 625 4885

Facility : Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Gasket/Sealing Materials [G]
MP 148 T-560 RIEBER IPS SBR[1] 1 1/2" - 24" CLD 23 SBR
MP 148 T-565 RIEBER C-900 SBR[1] 4" - 48" CLD 23 SBR
MP 48 T-559 RIEBER PRESSURE METRIC SBR[1] 450 mm - 1200 mm CLD 23 SBR

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 2.0 sq. in./L.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Tribal Manufacturing, Inc. 
450 Leggitt Road
Marshall, MI 49068 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Chesnee, SC

Pipes and Related Products

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

(566-6-8) LFA-120 Comp x Sweat Adapter 3/8" x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
(61-CX-10) LFA-305 Compression Cap 5/8" D. HOT BRASS
(61-CX-4) LFA-5 Compression Cap 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
(61-CX-6) LFA-105 Compression Cap 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
(61-CX-8) LFA-205 Compression Cap 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
(62-6) LFA-110C Comp Union (5 Pack) 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
(62-FM-7-6) LFA-200 F.Comp X Tube Adapter 7/16" x 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
(62-FM-8-6) LFA-230 F. Comp X Tube Adapter 1/2” x 3/8” D. HOT BRASS
(962-10) LFA-310 Ander-Lign Comp Union W/Inst 5/8" D. HOT BRASS
(962-4) LFA-10 Ander-Lign Comp Union W/Inst 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
(962-6) LFA-110 Ander-Lign Comp Union W/Inst 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
(962-8) LFA-210 Ander-Lign Comp Union W/Inst 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
(962-R-10-6) LFA-309 Ander-Lign Comp Reducing Union W/Inst 5/8" x 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
(962-R-6-4) LFA-109 Ander-Lign Comp Reducing Union W/Inst 3/8" x 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
(964-4) LFA-12 Ander-Lign Comp Tee W/Inst 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
(964-6) LFA-114 Ander-Lign Comp Tee W/Inst 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
(964-8) LFA-214 Ander-Lign Comp Tee W/Inst 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
(964-R-6-6-4) LFA-113 Ander-Lign Comp Red.Tee W/Inst 3/8" x 3/8" x 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
(965-4) LFA-14 Ander-Lign Comp Elbow W/Inst 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
(965-6) LFA-115 Ander-Lign Comp Elbow W/Inst 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
(966-4-4) LFA-16 Ander-Lign Comp X FIP Coupling W/Inst 1/4" x 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
(966-4-6) LFA-18 Ander-Lign Comp X FIP Coupling W/Inst 1/4" x 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
(966-4-8) LFA-19 Ander-Lign Comp X FIP Coupling W/Inst 1/4" x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
(966-6-4) LFA-116 Ander-Lign Comp X FIP Coupling W/Inst 3/8" x 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
(966-6-6) LFA-117Ander-Lign Comp X FIP Coupling W/Inst 3/8" x 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
(966-6-8) LFA-118 Ander-Lign Comp X FIP Coupling W/Inst 3/8" x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
(966-8-8) LFA-218 Ander-Lign Comp x FIP 1/2" X 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
(968-10-8) LFA-324 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Connector W/Ins 5/8" x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
(968-4-2) LFA-22 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Connector W/Ins 1/4" x 1/8" D. HOT BRASS
(968-4-4) LFA-23 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Connector W/Ins 1/4" x 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
(968-4-8) LFA-25 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Connector W/Ins 1/4" x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
(968-6-12) LFA-125 Ander-Lign Comp X FIP Coupling W/Inst 1/4" x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
(968-6-4) LFA-122 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Connector W/Ins 3/8" x 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
(968-6-6) LFA-123 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Connector W/Ins 3/8" x 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
(968-6-8) LFA-124 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Connector W/Ins 3/8"x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
(968-8-6) LFA-220 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Connector W/Ins 1/2" x 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
(968-8-8) LFA-221 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Connector W/Ins 1/2" x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
(969-4-2) LFA-29 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Elbow W/Inst 1/4" x 1/8" D. HOT BRASS
(969-4-4) LFA-30 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Elbow W/Inst 1/4" x 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
(969-6-6) LFA-129 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Elbow W/Inst 3/8" x 3/8" D. HOT BRASS
(969-6-8) LFA-130 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Elbow W/Inst 3/8" x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
(969-8-8) LFA-223 Ander-Lign Comp X MIP Elbow W/Inst 1/2" x 1/2" D. HOT BRASS
(GHR4-12-4) LFA-696 BRASS FGH X 1/4"" COMPRESSION 3/4" x 1/4" D. HOT BRASS

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Tyco Fire and Building Products 
1467 Elmwood Avenue
Cranston, RI 02910 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Lubbock, TX

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fire Sprinkler Components
TY1234 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
TY1334 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
TY2234 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
TY2235 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
TY2236 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
TY2334 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
TY2335 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
TY3280 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
TY3334 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
TY3534[G] 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
TY3934 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
TY4234 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
TY4280 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
TY4334 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Uhrig Kanaltechnik GmbH 
Am Roten Kreuz 2
D-78187 Geisingen 
49 7704 806 0
Visit this company's website

Facility : Geisingen, Germany

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Repair Clamps or Couplings[G]
Liner End Sleeve 150 mm - 800 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
Quick Lock 150 mm - 800 mm CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


5925 148th Street West
Apple Valley, MN 55124 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Brescia, Italy

Mechanical Plumbing Devices

Trade Designation      

Fitting Components
Uponor / 3/8” OD Compression Nut and Nylon Sleeve (F5440380)[1] [2] [G]      

[1] This product does not require a Q statistic. It is made from material or materials that
    do not require lead analysis when reviewed per NSF/ANSI/CAN Standard 61, Section 3.3.
[2] Size: 3/8”
    Temperature: CLD 23
    Material Type: POM
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


3781 Bur Wood Drive
Waukegan, IL 60085 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Lawrenceville, GA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1] [G]

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Vahn-Tech International Inc. 
2608-88, Blue Jays Way
Toronto, ON M5V 0L7 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Shandong, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Tamper Switch Butterfly Valve 2" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
Tamper Switch Butterfly Valve - Grove 2" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


VANSAN Makina San. ve Tic. A.S. 
10.039 Sokak, No. 28 A.O.S.B.
35620 Izmir 
90 232 376 7650
Visit this company's website

Facility : Izmir, Turkey

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Submersible Pump - Pump Ends [G]
VSP SS WWXXX/YY.BZ[1] [4] 6" - 10" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 80,000 L.
[4] WW  - Nominal diameter 
          06 - 6" 
          07 - 7" 
          08 - 8" 
          10 - 10"
    XXX - Nominal capacity
          010 - 10 m3/hour
          017 - 17 m3/hour 
          030 - 30 m3/hour  
          045 - 45 m3/hour 
          060 - 60 m3/hour 
          075 - 75 m3/hour 
          095 - 95 m3/hour
          110 - 110 m3/hour 
          125 - 125 m3/hour 
          160 - 160 m3/hour
          210 - 210 m3/hour 
    YY  - Number of stages 
          1 - 60
    Z   - Quantity of B type impeller 
          1 - 60
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Vasen&Tac-M Company limited 
8/7 Moo 11, Phaholyothin Road,Khlong
Nueng,Khlong Luang, Pathum Thani 12120 
66 0998573014
Visit this company's website

Facility : Pathum Thani, Thailand

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

THAI PP-R Fiber composite Pipe S2.5 SDR6 PN20 20 mm - 160 mm C. HOT RPP
THAI PP-R MF-PPR composite Pipe S3.2 SDR7.4 160 mm C. HOT RPP
VASEN & Tac-M PP-R Fiber composite Pipe S2.5 SDR6 PN20 20 mm - 160 mm C. HOT RPP
VASEN & Tac-M PP-R MF-PPR composite Pipe S3.2 SDR7.4 160 mm C. HOT RPP
VASEN PP-R Fiber composite Pipe S2.5 SDR6 PN20 20 mm - 160 mm C. HOT RPP
VASEN PP-R MF-PPR composite Pipe S3.2 SDR7.4 160 mm C. HOT RPP

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions 
3600 Horizon Boulevard
Trevose, PA 19053 
United States 

Facility : Westborough, MA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components [G]
AR204 [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
AR404 Coated Electrode [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
AR908 [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
CR64 [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
CR67 [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
NFEDR AR908 coated electrode [3] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] AR204, CR64, CR67 and AR908 are certified for a minimum flow of 60,000 gallons per day
    when used in the EDR-STACK, MK4 and 30,000 gallons per day when used in the EDR-STACK,
[2] AR404 Coated Electrode are certified for a minimum flow of 30,000 gallons per day and
    used in EDR-STACK, V20 and EDR-STACK, MK4
[3] NFEDR AR908 Coated Electrode are certified for a minimum flow of 60,000 gallons per day
    and used in trade name EDR-STACK, MK4 
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Minnetonka, MN

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1] [G]
Adv. Industrial Grade filter (AIG.Z) 2 1/2" CLD 23 PP
Filterplex.Z (FP.Zs) 2 1/2" CLD 23 PP
LD SERIES 2 1/2" CLD 23 PP
MB01-10 2 1/2" CLD 23 PP
MB01-20 2 1/2" CLD 23 PP
MB05-10 2 1/2" CLD 23 PP
MB05-20 2 1/2" CLD 23 PP
MB10-10 2 1/2" CLD 23 PP
MB10-20 2 1/2" CLD 23 PP
MB25-10 2 1/2" CLD 23 PP
MB25-20 2 1/2" CLD 23 PP
P-MBC01-10 2 1/2" CLD 23 PP
P-MBC01-20 2 1/2" CLD 23 PP
Purtrex Plus (PXP.Z) 2 1/2" CLD 23 PP
Ro.Save.Z 2 1/2" CLD 23 PP
SWRO.Z [MM-LL-XXX] 2 1/2" CLD 23 PP
Wellpro.Z (WP) 2 1/2" CLD 23 PP
Z.Core (Z.Core MM-LL-XXX) 2 1/2" CLD 23 PP
Z.Plex Absolute.Za (Abs.Za MM-LL-XXX) 2.6" CLD 23 PP
Z.Plex EDR.Z (EDR.Z MM-LL-XXX) 2 1/2" CLD 23 PP
Z.Plex HF.EDR.Z (MM-LL-XXX) 6 1/2"" CLD 23 PP
Z.Plex HF.RO.Zs (MM-LL-XXX) 6 1/2" CLD 23 PP
Z.Plex Muni.Zs (Muni.Zs MM-LL-XXX) 2 1/2" CLD 23 PP
Z.Plex ROsave.Zs (RO.Zs MM-LL-XXX) 2 1/2" CLD 23 PP
[Z.Plex HF.Za (MM-LL-XXX)] 6 1/2" CLD 23 PP
[Z.Plex HF.Zs (MM-LL-XXX)] 6 1/2" CLD 23 PP

[1] Number shown in size is the outer diameter. 
    MM: Micron rating 
    95 - 0.5
    01 to 200 (Equals micron rating as indicated by number) 
    LL: Length
    10 - 70"
    XXX: End adapters and O-Rings/Gasket options
    The PX, GX, LD, SX, RX, RO.Save.Z, WellproZ (WP), Purtrex Plus (PXP.Z) and Adv
    Industrial Grade filter (AIG.Z) designations will generally follow the format
    XX - Series type
    YY - Micron rating
    ZZ - Length
    AB - End Adapters and O-Rings/Gasket options
    Additional Suffixes:
    YKP  - Single Santoprene gasket, Polypropylene spring
    YKLP - Single Santoprene gasket, Extended core, Polypropylene spring
    YYP - Two santoprene gaskets
    End adapter and O-rings are optional and a suffix may or may not appear.
    End 1
    A - Open end w/ gasket
    E - 222 Adapter w/ O-Ring
    F - 226 Adapter w/ O-Ring
    L - Extended core
    X - Open end (no adapter)
    Y - 1 inch (2.54 cm) Open end gasket
    End 2
    A - Open end w/gasket
    K - Self seal spring
    H - Fin
    S - Solid end
    T - 338 adapter w/O-ring
    X - Open end (no adapter)
    Y - 1 inch (2.54 cm) Open end Gasket
    O-Ring and Gasket Material
    B - Buna-N
    E - EPDM
    P - Santoprene
    S - Silicone
    V - Viton2
    Viton is a registered trademark of DuPont Dow Elastomers.
    Certified for a minimum flow of 720 gallons/day/10" of filter.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Facility : Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components [G]
EDR-STACK, MK4-Spacer [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
EDR-STACK, V20-Spacer [2] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] EDR-STACK, MK4 and EDR-STACK, MK4-Spacer are certified for a minimum daily flow of
    60,000 gallons.
[2] EDR-STACK, V20 and EDR-STACK, V20-Spacer are certified for a minimum daily flow of
    30,000 gallons. 
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions 
4636 Somerton Road
Trevose, PA 19053 
United States 

Facility : Maple Lake, MN

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components
Z.Plex HF.RO.Zs (MM-LL-XXX) 6.5" CLD 23 PP
Zplex. HF.EDR.Z (MM-LL-XXX) 6.5" CLD 23 PP
[Z.Plex HF.Za (MM-LL-XXX)] 6.5" CLD 23 PP
[Z.Plex HF.Zs (MM-LL-XXX)] 6.5" CLD 23 PP

[1] Number shown in size is the outer diameter.
    MM - Micron rating
         95 - 0.5
         01 to 200 (Equals micron rating as indicated by number)
    LL - Length (inches)
         10 - 70
    XXX - End Adapters and O-Rings/Gasket Options
    The PX, GX, LD, SX, RX, RO.Save.Z, WellproZ (WP), Purtrex Plus (PXP.Z) and Adv
    Industrial Grade filter (AIG.Z) designations will generally follow
    the format XXYY-ZZ-AB.
    XX - Series type
    YY - Micron rating
    ZZ - Length
    AB - End Adapters and O-Rings/Gasket options
    Additional Suffixes:
    YKP  - Single Santoprene gasket, Polypropylene spring
    YKLP - Single Santoprene gasket, Extended core, Polypropylene spring
    YYP  - Two Santoprene Gaskets
    End adapter and O-rings are optional and a suffix may or may not appear
    End 1
    A - Open End w/Gasket
    E - 222 Adapter with O-Ring
    F - 226 Adapter with O-Ring
    Y - 1 inch (2.54 cm) Open end Gasket
    L - Extended Core
    X - Open end (No adapter)
    End 2
    A - Open End w/Gasket
    K - Self Seal Spring
    H - Fin
    S - Solid End
    X - Open End (No adapter)
    Y - 1 inch (2.54 cm) Open end Gasket
    T - 338 adapter w/ O-ring
    O-Ring and Gasket Material
    B - Buna-N
    E - EPDM
    P - Santoprene
    S - Silicone
    V - Viton2
[2] Viton is a registered trademark of DuPont Dow Elastomers.
[3] Certified for a minimum flow of 720 gallons/day/10" of filter.

Veolia Water Technologies Treatment Solutions USA, Inc. 
4880 Cox Road
Suite 101 
Glen Allen, VA 23060 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Alexandria, Ontario, Canada

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
F-110 (C-11 and C-00) [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
F-120 (C-12 and C-00) [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
F-130 (C-13 and C-00) [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
F-140 (C-14 and C-00) [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
M-112 (C-11 and C-02) [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
M-113 (C-11 and C-03) [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
M-122 (C-12 and C-02) [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
M-123 (C-12 and C-03) [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
M-132 (C-13 and C-02) [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
M-133 (C-13 and C-03) [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
M-142 (C-14 and C-02) [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
M-143 (C-14 and C-03) [1] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum flow rate of 1,440 gallons/day/square foot.

Miscellaneous Treatment Devices/Components
Monoflor HD Ledge Plate[2] [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Monoflor HD Nozzle Adapter (long or short)[2] [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Monoflor Shim Collar[2] [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
Spool 3" Long (item # 110010-S)[2] [1] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum flow rate of 1,440 gallons/day/square foot.
[2] Certification is for components of a filter underdrain system.

Verder, Inc. 
312 Corporate Parkway
Suite 101 
Macon, GA 31210 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Macon, GA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps - Chemical Metering[1] [2] [3] [G]
Dura 5 5 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
Dura 7 7 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
Dura 10 10 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
Dura 15 15 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
Dura 25 25 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
Dura 35 35 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
Dura 45 45 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
Dura 55 55 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
Dura 65 65 mm CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for use with polypropylene inserts and hypalon hoses.
[2] These products are evaluated by diluting the exposed water treatment chemical to its
    maximum use level (MUL), as defined in NSF/ANSI/CAN 60.
[3] Certified for use as a chemical metering pump with the following chemicals:
    Acetic Acid (80%)
    Aluminum Chloride (50%)	
    Aluminum chlorohydrate (40%)
    Aluminum Chlorohydrate/Polyaluminum Chloride (40%)
    Aluminum Sodium Sulfate (15%)	
    Aluminum Sulfate (50%)	
    Ammonia, aqueous (35%)	
    Ammonium Hydroxide (29%)	
    Ammonium Sulfate (45%)
    Calcium carbonate (65%)	
    Calcium Chloride (15%)	
    Calcium Hydroxide (50%)
    Calcium Hypochlorite (15%)	
    Calcium Thiosulfate (30%)
    Chlorine dioxide (2%)
    Citric Acid (100%)
    Copper Sulfate (5%)
    Copper Sulfate (25%)
    Dipotassium Orthophosphate (50%)
    Disodium Orthophosphate (50%)	
    Ferric Chloride (50%)
    Ferric Sulfate (60%)	
    Ferrous Chloride (40%)		
    Ferrous Sulfate (30%)	
    Fluorosilicic acid (25%)		
    Hydrochloric acid (38%)		
    Hydrogen Peroxide (30%)	
    Magnesium Sulfate (25%)	
    Peracetic Acid (10%)
    Phosphoric acid (75%)	
    Poly (Diallyldimethylammonium Chloride)(pDADMAC) (50%)	
    Poly Aluminum Chloride (100%)	
    Polyacrylamide  (2.5%)	
    Polyaluminum Chloride (45%)
    Polyaluminum Chlorosulfate (50%)
    Polyaluminum Hydroxychlorosulfate (75%)
    Polyaluminum Silicate Sulfate (66%)
    Polyaluminum Sulfate (50%)
    Polyphosphoric Acid (100%)	
    Potassium Carbonate (47%)	
    Potassium Chloride (34%)	
    Potassium hydroxide (45%)	
    Potassium Hydroxide (50%)	
    Potassium Permanganate (20%)	
    Potassium Tripolyphosphate (100%)
    Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate (12%)
    Sodium Aluminate (50%)
    Sodium Ascorbate (56%)
    Sodium Bicarbonate (100%)
    Sodium Bisulfate (50%)
    Sodium Carbonate (20%)	
    Sodium Carbonate (85%)
    Sodium Chlorate (100%)		
    Sodium Chloride (26%)	
    Sodium Chlorite (7.5%)	
    Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate (25%)
    Sodium Fluoride (4%)
    Sodium Hydroxide (50%)
    Sodium Hypochlorite (15%)	
    Sodium Metabisulfite (50%)	
    Sodium Percarbonate (15%)
    Sodium Permanganate (40%)
    Sodium Polyphosphates (35%)
    Sodium Silicate (100%)
    Sodium Sulfite (20%)
    Sodium Trimetaphosphate (20%)
    Sodium Tripolyphosphate (15%)
    Sulfur Dioxide (5%)
    Sulfuric acid (98.5%)
    Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate (60%)
    Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate (7%)
    Tricalcium Phosphate (70%, Slurry)
    Trichloroisocyanuric Acid (10%)
    Zinc Chloride (62%)
    Zinc Orthophosphate (100%)
    Zinc Sulfate (36%)	
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Plot # 17, Kapileshwar Industrial Estate
Kansumra Road 
Jamnagar, Gujarat 361006 
91 972 5111129
Visit this company's website

Facility : Jamnagar, Gujarat, India

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings[1] [G]
Vertex 45° Elbow Comp x MIP, 21XXX 1/4"x1/8"-5/8"x1/2" D. HOT BRASS
Vertex Female Adapter Compression x Female Flare, 213XX 1/4" x 1/4" D. HOT BRASS
Vertex Female Branch Tee Comp x FIP, 212XX 3/8"x1/8"-5/8"x1/8" D. HOT BRASS
Vertex Female Elbow Comp x FIP, 212XX 1/8"x1/8"-5/8"x3/4" D. HOT BRASS
Vertex Male Adapter Compression x Male Flare, 213XX 1/4"x1/4"-1/4"x3/8" D. HOT BRASS
Vertex Male Run Tee Compression x MIP, 212XX 3/16"x1/8"-1/2"x3/8" D. HOT BRASS
Vertex Tank Connector COMP x MIP, 213XX 3/16"x1/8"-5/8"x1/2" D. HOT BRASS

[1] XX, XXX - Specifies the model and size.
[2] Certification is for fitting bodies only. Certification does not include elstomeric
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Victaulic Co. 
4901 Kesslersville Road
Easton, PA 18040 
United States 
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Facility : Bristol, TN

Pipes and Related Products

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Aquamine PVC 1120 High Impact Pipe 2" - 12" CLD 23 PVC

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Victaulic Company 
4901 Kesslersville Road
Easton, PA 18040 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 USA

Pipes and Related Products

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Aquamine PVC 1120 High Impact Pipe 1/2" - 12" CLD 23 PVC

Viega LLC. 
585 Interlocken Boulevard
Broomfield, CO 80021 
United States 

Facility : # 1 USA

Pipes and Related Products

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

PollyAlloy Manifold 3/4" PEX Crimp x 1/2" PEX Crimp, 3 outlets, through(65153)[2] [3] [G] 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT PPSU
PolyAlloy Manifold 1" PEX Crimp x 1/2" PEX Crimp, 6 outlets, closed (65206)[2] [3] [G] 1" x 1/2" C. HOT PPSU
PolyAlloy Manifold 1" PEX Crimp x 1/2" PEX Crimp, 6 outlets, through(65256)[2] [3] [G] 1" x 1/2" C. HOT PPSU
PolyAlloy Manifold 1" PEX Crimp x 1/2" PEX Crimp, 8 outlets, through(65258)[2] [3] [G] 1" x 1/2" C. HOT PPSU
PolyAlloy Manifold 1"x3/4" PEX Crimpx1/2'' PEX Crimp, 4 outlets, through(65254)[2] [3] [G] 1" x 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT PPSU
PolyAlloy Manifold 3/4" PEX Crimp x 1/2" PEX Crimp, 2 outlets, through(65152)[2] [3] [G] 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT PPSU
PolyAlloy Manifold 3/4" PEX Crimp x 1/2" PEX Crimp, 4 outlets, closed (65104)[2] [3] [G] 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT PPSU
PolyAlloy Manifold 3/4" PEX Crimp x 1/2" PEX Crimp, 4 outlets, through(65154)[2] [3] [G] 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT PPSU

[2] Accepted by NSF for use in residential and commercial construction, including
    manufactured housing.
[3] Product tested and Listed for use with Viega PureFlow, ViegaPEX, ViegaPEX ULTRA,
    ViegaPEX Barrier, and Viega FostaPEX tubing only.
[4] Configurations Include:
    Viega ManaBloc MXBD6
    1/2" (8 hot, 10 cold) - 18 ports (PN 49615)
    1/2" (9 hot, 15 cold) - 24 ports (PN 49620)
    1/2" (12 hot, 18 cold) - 30 ports (PN 49625)
    1/2" (14 hot, 22 cold) - 36 ports (PN49630)
    Viega ManaBloc MXBD10
    1/2" (10 hot, 16 cold) - 26 ports (PN 49635)
    1/2" (13 hot, 19 cold) - 32 ports (PN 49640)
    1/2" (14 hot, 22 cold) - 36 ports (PN 49645)
    PEX Press Polymer ManaBloc
    3/8” (6 hot, 8 cold) - 14 ports (PN 49142)
    1/2” (6 hot, 8 cold) - 14 ports (PN 49143)
    1/2” (8 hot, 10 cold) - 18 ports (PN 49183)
    1/2” (9 hot, 15 cold) - 24 ports (PN 49243)
    1/2” (12 hot, 18 cold) - 30 ports (PN 49303)
    1/2” (14 hot, 22 cold) - 36 ports (PN 49363)
    3/8” (6 hot, 7 cold) & 1/2” (2 hot, 3 cold) - 18 ports (PN 49186)
    3/8” (7 hot, 11 cold) & 1/2” (2 hot, 4 cold) - 24 ports (PN 49246)
    3/8” (10 hot, 12 cold) & 1/2” (2 hot, 6 cold) - 30 ports (PN 49306)
    3/8” (11 hot, 15 cold) & 1/2” (3 hot, 7 cold) - 36 ports (PN 49366)
    PEX Press Polymer MiniBloc
    1/2” - 3 ports (PN 49033)
    1/2” - 4 ports (PN 49043)
    1/2” - 6 ports (PN 49063)
    1/2” - 8 ports (PN 49083)
    1/2” (2 hot, 3 cold) - 5 ports (PN 49453)
    1/2” (3 hot, 4 cold) - 7 ports (PN 49473)
    1/2” (4 hot, 6 cold) - 10 ports (PN 49410)
    PEX Crimp PolyAlloy ManaBloc
    3/8” (6 hot, 6 cold) - 12 ports (PN 50244)
    3/8” (6 hot, 8 cold) - 14 ports (PN 50142)
    3/8” (8 hot, 10 cold) - 18 ports (PN 50245)
    3/8” (9 hot, 15 cold) - 24 ports (PN 50247)
    3/8” (12 hot, 18 cold) - 30 ports (PN 50248)
    3/8” (14 hot, 22 cold) - 36 ports (PN 50249)
    1/2” (6 hot, 8 cold) - 14 ports (PN 50143)
    1/2'' (6 hot, 8 cold) - 14 ports (PN 50144)
    1/2” (8 hot, 10 cold) - 18 ports (PN 50250)
    1/2” (9 hot, 15 cold) - 24 ports (PN 50243)
    1/2” (12 hot, 18 cold) - 30 ports (PN 50303)
    1/2” (14 hot, 22 cold) - 36 ports (PN 50363)
    3/8” (6 hot, 7 cold) & 1/2” (2 hot, 3 cold) - 18 ports (PN 51618)
    3/8” (7 hot, 11 cold) & 1/2” (2 hot, 4 cold) - 24 ports (PN 50624)
    3/8” (10 hot, 12 cold) & 1/2” (2 hot, 6 cold) - 30 ports (PN 50630)
    3/8” (11 hot, 15 cold) & 1/2” (3 hot, 7 cold) - 36 ports (PN 50636)
    PEX Crimp PolyAlloy MiniBloc
    3/8” - (4 cold) - 4 ports (PN 50021)
    3/8” - (6 cold) - 6 ports (PN 50022)
    3/8” - (8 cold) - 8 ports (PN 50024) 1/2” - 3 ports (PN 50033)
    1/2” - 4 ports (PN 50043)
    1/2” - 6 ports (PN 50063)
    1/2” - 8 ports (PN 50083)
    1/2” (2 hot, 3 cold) - 5 ports (PN 51063)
    1/2” (3 hot, 4 cold) - 7 ports (PN 51073)
    1/2” (4 hot, 6 cold) - 10 ports (PN 51003)
    PEX Compression ManaBloc
    3/8” (6 hot, 8 cold) - 14 ports (PN 36142)
    3/8” (8 hot, 10 cold) - 18 ports (PN 36182)
    3/8” (9 hot, 15 cold) - 24 ports (PN 36242)
    3/8” (12 hot, 18 cold) - 30 ports (PN 36302)
    3/8” (14 hot, 22 cold) - 36 ports (PN 36362)
    1/2” (6 hot, 8 cold) - 14 ports (PN 36144)
    1/2” (8 hot, 10 cold) - 18 ports (PN 36183)
    1/2” (9 hot, 15 cold) - 24 ports (PN 36243)
    1/2” (12 hot, 18 cold) - 30 ports (PN 36303)
    1/2” (14 hot, 22 cold) - 36 ports (PN 36363)
    3/8” (7 hot, 11 cold) & 1/2” (2 hot, 4 cold) - 24 ports (PN 36624)
    3/8” (10 hot, 12 cold) & 1/2” (2 hot, 6 cold) - 30 ports (PN 36630)
    3/8” (11 hot, 15 cold) & 1/2” (3 hot, 7 cold) - 36 ports (PN 36636)
    PEX Compression MiniBloc
    3/8” - 3 ports (PN 36032)
    3/8” - 4 ports (PN 36042)
    3/8” - 6 ports (PN 36062)
    3/8” - 8 ports (PN 36082)
    1/2” - 3 ports (PN 36033)
    1/2” - 4 ports (PN 36043)
    1/2” - 6 ports (PN 36063)
    1/2” - 8 ports (PN 36083)
[5] Certified for a maximum of 36 ports. Manifold ports (barb) are 3/8” or 1/2” and manifold
    inlets/outlets (supply ports) are 1”.
    Certification includes lead-free brass adapters with a maximum of (22) barb adapters
    (3/8” x 1/2” or 1/2” x 1/2”) with (1) inlet supply adapter and (1) outlet supply adapter
    (3/4” x 1” or 1” x 1”) for cold applications.
    Certification includes lead-free brass adapters with a maximum of (14) barb adapters
    (3/8” x 1/2” or 1/2” x 1/2”) and (1) inlet supply adapter (3/4” x 1” or 1”x 1”) for hot
    Certification includes bronze adapters with a maximum of (22) barb adapters (3/8” x 1/2”
    or 1/2” x 1/2”) with (1) inlet supply adapter and (1) outlet supply adapter (3/4” x 1”
    or 1” x 1”) for cold applications.
    Certification includes bronze adapters with a maximum of (14) barb adapters (3/8” x 1/2”
    or 1/2” x 1/2”) and (1) inlet supply adapter (3/4” x 1” or 1”x 1”) for hot applications.
    Certification includes polysulphone adapters with a maximum of (22) barb adapters (3/8”
    x 1/2” or 1/2” x 1/2”) and (2) supply adapters (3/4” x 1” or 1”x 1”) for cold
    Certification includes polysulphone adapters with a maximum of (14) barb adapters (3/8”
    x 1/2” or 1/2” x 1/2”) and (1) supply adapter (3/4” x 1” or 1”x 1”) for hot applications.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Grossheringen, Germany

Pipes and Related Products

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

5111 #90230 MegaPress 316 Adapter, PxMPT[2] [G] 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT SS
5111 #90235 MegaPress 316 Adapter, PxMPT[2] [G] 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT SS
5111 #90240 MegaPress 316 Adapter, PxMPT[2] [G] 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT SS
5111 #90245 MegaPress 316 Adapter, PxMPT[2] [G] 1" x 1" C. HOT SS
5111 #90250 MegaPress 316 Adapter, PxMPT[2] [G] 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" C. HOT SS
5111 #90255 MegaPress 316 Adapter, PxMPT[2] [G] 2" x 2" C. HOT SS
5111 #90880 MegaPress 316 Adapter, PxMPT[2] [G] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" C. HOT SS
Model #2965ZL 79730 Leade Free Bronze Union, P x MPT[G] 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
Model #2965ZL 79735 Leade Free Bronze Union, P x MPT[G] 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Model #2965ZL 79740 Leade Free Bronze Union, P x MPT[G] 1" x 1" C. HOT MLTPL
Model #2965ZL 79745 Leade Free Bronze Union, P x MPT[G] 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" C. HOT MLTPL
Model #2965ZL 79750 Leade Free Bronze Union, P x MPT[G] 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
Model #2965ZL 79755 Leade Free Bronze Union, P x MPT[G] 2" x 2" C. HOT MLTPL

[1] Use of this material may not be appropriate in all water chemistries. Copper (tube,
    pipe, or fitting) may require corrosion control to limit the leaching of copper into
    drinking water under certain water chemistries. Refer to Informative Annex I-6.1 of
    NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 for water quality considerations to be used before installing this
[2] Certified for SS 316/SS 316L only.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Vytal Filtration Technologies Inc. (formerly MGS Filter Products Inc.) 
6176 Kestrel Road
Mississauga, ON L5T 1Z2 

Facility : Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Mechanical Devices

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components[1]
Filter Cartridge [2] C. HOT MLTPL
Stringwound Filter Cartridge [2] C. HOT MLTPL
Wound Filter Cartridge [2] C. HOT MLTPL

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark are Certified.
[2] Certified for a minimum flow rate of 27,300 L/day.  Micron size: 1 - 150 microns,
    length: 9 3/4" - 50", outer diameter: 2 3/8" - 4 1/2".

Warmboard Inc. 
8035 Soquel Drive
Aptos, CA 95003 
United States 

Facility : Guangdong, China

Pipes and Related Products

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

WARMBOARD Compression Fittings (F1-G) 1/2" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
WARMBOARD Compression Fittings (F1-G) 1/2" - 2 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Watson-Marlow Bredel B.V. 
Sluisstraat 7
Delden 7491 GA 
The Netherlands 
31 74 377 0000
Visit this company's website

Facility : Wilmington, MA

Mechanical Devices

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Chemical Metering Pumps[1] [2] [3]
Apex 10 10 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
Apex 15 15 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
Apex 20 20 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
Apex 28 28 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
Apex 35 35 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
Bredel 10 10 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
Bredel 15 15 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
Bredel 20 20 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
Bredel 25 25 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
Bredel 32 32 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
Bredel 40 40 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
Bredel 50 50 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
Bredel 65 65 mm CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Cleaning procedure: 
    At ambient temperature:
    - Flush the hose with clean tap water for a minimum of 30 seconds
    - Fill the hose with clean tap water and leave for 1 hour
    - Empty the hose and re-flush with clean tap water for at least 30 seconds
[2] Product certified for use with natural rubber and EPDM hoses. Product with EPDM hose is
    Certified for use with the following chemicals when
    dosed at TUL (typical use level) in NSF/ANSI/CAN 60:
    Acetic Acid (80%)
    Aluminum Chloride (50%)
    Aluminum chlorohydrate (40%)
    Aluminum Chlorohydrate/Polyaluminum Chloride (40%)
    Aluminum Sodium Sulfate (15%)
    Aluminum Sulfate (50%)
    Ammonia, aqueous (35%)
    Ammonium Hydroxide (29%)
    Ammonium Sulfate (45%)
    Calcium carbonate (65%)
    Calcium Chloride (15%)
    Calcium Hydroxide (50%)
    Calcium Hypochlorite (15%)
    Calcium Thiosulfate (30%)
    Chlorine dioxide (2%)
    Citric Acid (100%)
    Copper Sulfate (5%)
    Copper Sulfate (25%)
    Dipotassium Orthophosphate (50%)
    Disodium Orthophosphate (50%)
    Ferric Chloride (50%)
    Ferric Sulfate (60%)
    Ferrous Chloride (40%)
    Ferrous Sulfate (30%)
    Fluorosilicic acid (25%)
    Hydrochloric acid (38%)
    Hydrogen Peroxide (30%)
    Magnesium Sulfate (25%)
    Peracetic Acid (10%)
    Phosphoric acid (75%)
    Poly (Diallyldimethylammonium Chloride)(pDADMAC) (50%)
    Poly Aluminum Chloride (100%)
    Polyacrylamide (2.5%)
    Polyaluminum Chloride (45%)
    Polyaluminum Chlorosulfate (50%)
    Polyaluminum Hydroxychlorosulfate (75%)
    Polyaluminum Silicate Sulfate (66%)
    Polyaluminum Sulfate (50%)
    Polyphosphoric Acid (100%)
    Potassium Carbonate (47%)
    Potassium Chloride (34%)
    Potassium hydroxide (45%)
    Potassium Hydroxide (50%)
    Potassium Permanganate (20%)
    Potassium Tripolyphosphate (100%)
    Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate (12%)
    Sodium Aluminate (50%)
    Sodium Ascorbate (56%)
    Sodium Bicarbonate (100%)
    Sodium Bisulfate (50%)
    Sodium Carbonate (20%)
    Sodium Carbonate (85%)
    Sodium Chlorate - 100%
    Sodium Chloride (26%)
    Sodium Chlorite (7.5%)
    Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate (25%)
    Sodium Fluoride (4.0%)
    Sodium Hydroxide (50%)
    Sodium Hypochlorite (15%)
    Sodium Metabisulfite (50%)
    Sodium Percarbonate (15%)
    Sodium Permanganate (40%)
    Sodium Polyphosphates (35%)
    Sodium Silicate (100%)
    Sodium Sulfite (20%)
    Sodium Trimetaphosphate (20%)
    Sodium Tripolyphosphate (15%)
    Sulfur Dioxide (5%)
    Sulfuric acid (98.5%)
    Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate (60%)
    Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate (7%)
    Tricalcium Phosphate (70%, slurry)
    Trichloroisocyanuric Acid (10%)
    Zinc Chloride (62%)
    Zinc Orthophosphate (100%)
    Zinc Sulfate (36%)
    Product with natural rubber hose is Certified for use with the following chemicals when
    dosed at TUL (typical use level) in NSF/ANSI/CAN 60:
    Aluminum chlorohydrate (40%)
    Aluminum Chlorohydrate/Polyaluminum Chloride (40%)
    Ammonia, aqueous (35%)
    Ammonium Hydroxide (29%)
    Calcium carbonate (65%)
    Calcium Chloride (15%)
    Calcium Hydroxide (50%)
    Calcium Hypochlorite (15%)
    Chlorine dioxide (2%)
    Copper Sulfate (5%)
    Copper Sulfate (25%)
    Dipotassium Orthophosphate (50%)
    Disodium Orthophosphate (50%)
    Ferric Sulfate (60%)
    Ferrous Sulfate (30%)
    Poly (Diallyldimethylammonium Chloride)(pDADMAC) (50%)
    Poly Aluminum Chloride (100%)
    Polyacrylamide (2.5%)
    Polyaluminum Chloride (45%)
    Polyaluminum Hydroxychlorosulfate (75%)
    Potassium Carbonate (47%)
    Potassium Chloride (34%)
    Potassium Hydroxide (45%)
    Potassium Hydroxide (50%)
    Potassium Permanganate (20%)
    Potassium Tripolyphosphate (100%)
    Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate (12%)
    Sodium Aluminate (50%)
    Sodium Ascorbate (56%)
    Sodium Bicarbonate (100%)
    Sodium Carbonate (20%)
    Sodium Carbonate (85%)
    Sodium Chlorate (100%)
    Sodium Chloride (26%)
    Sodium Chlorite (7.5%)
    Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate (25%)
    Sodium Fluoride (4.0%)
    Sodium Hydroxide (50%)
    Sodium Hypochlorite (15%)
    Sodium Metabisulfite (50%)
    Sodium Percarbonate (15%)
    Sodium Permanganate (40%)
    Sodium Polyphosphates (35%)
    Sodium Silicate (100%)
    Sodium Sulfite (20%)
    Sodium Trimetaphosphate (20%)
    Sodium Tripolyphosphate (15%)
    Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate (60%)
    Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate (7%)
    Tricalcium Phosphate (70%, slurry)
    Zinc Chloride (62%)
    Zinc Orthophosphate (100%)
    Zinc Sulfate (36%)
[3] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Watson-Marlow Ltd. 
Bickland Water Road, Falmouth
Cornwall TR11 4RU 
United Kingdom 
44 13 2637 0370
Visit this company's website

Facility : Cornwall, United Kingdom

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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Chemical Metering Pumps
Qdos 30 CWT EPDM Variants[4] [5] 1.27 cm CLD 23 MLTPL
050.71ab.Ecd[1] [2] 1/8" - 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
050.71Db.Ecd[1] [2] 1/8" - 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
050.91ab.Ecd[1] [2] 1/8" - 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
050.8yxx.Ez0[1] [2] 1/64" - 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
060.41ab.Ecd[1] [2] 1/2" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
060.41Db.Ecd[1] [2] 1/2" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
060.91ab.Ecd[1] [2] 1/2 - 3/4 CLD 23 MLTPL
060.8yxx.Ez0[1] [2] 1/2" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
070.41ab.Ecd[1] [2] 1/2" - 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
070.41Db.Ecd[1] [2] 1/2" - 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
070.91ab.Ecd[1] [2] 1/2" - 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
070.8yyxx.Ez0[1] [2] 1/2" - 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
050.71ab.ecd[1] [2] 1/64" - 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
050.71Db.ecd[1] [2] 1/64" - 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
050.91ab.ecd[1] [2] 1/64" - 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
050.8yxx.2L0[1] [2] 1/64" - 3/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
060.71ab.ecd[1] [2] 1/4" - 5/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
060.71Db.ecd[1] [2] 1/4" - 5/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
060.91ab.ecd[1] [2] 1/4" - 5/8" CLD 23 MLTPL
060.8yxx.020[1] [2] 1/2" - 3/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
070.71ab.ecd[1] [2] 3/8" - 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
070.71Db.ecd[1] [2] 3/8" - 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
070.91ab.ecd[1] [2] 3/8" - 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
070.8yyxx.w00[1] [2] 1/2" - 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
Qdos 20 - All Variants[1] [3] 4.8 mm and 6.4 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
Qdos 30 - All Variants[1] [3] 6.4 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
Qdos 60 - All Variants[1] [3] 6.4 mm and 9.6 mm CLD 23 MLTPL
Qdos 120 - All Variants[1] [3] 9.6 mm CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for use as a chemical metering pump with the following chemicals:
    Acetic Acid (80%) - 80%
    Aluminum Chloride - 50%
    Aluminum chlorohydrate (40%) - 40%
    Aluminum Chlorohydrate/Polyaluminum Chloride - 40%
    Aluminum Sodium Sulfate (15%) - 15%
    Aluminum Sulfate (50%) - 50%
    Ammonia, aqueous (35%) - 35%
    Ammonium Hydroxide (29%) - 29%
    Ammonium Sulfate (45%) - 45%
    Calcium carbonate (65%) - 65%
    Calcium Chloride (15%) - 15%
    Calcium Hydroxide - 50%
    Calcium Hypochlorite (15%) - 15%
    Calcium Thiosulfate - 30%
    Chlorine dioxide - 2%
    Citric Acid (100%) - 100%
    Copper Sulfate (5%) - 5%
    Copper Sulfate (25%) - 25%
    Dipotassium Orthophosphate - 50%
    Disodium Orthophosphate - 50%
    Ferric Chloride (50%) - 50%
    Ferric Sulfate (60%) - 60%
    Ferrous Chloride (40%) - 40%
    Ferrous Sulfate (30%) - 30%
    Fluorosilicic acid - 25%
    Hydrochloric acid (38%) - 38%
    Hydrogen Peroxide - 30%
    Magnesium Sulfate (25%) - 25%
    Peracetic Acid (10%) - 10%
    Phosphoric acid (75%) - 75%
    Poly (Diallyldimethylammonium Chloride)(pDADMAC) - 50%
    Poly Aluminum Chloride (100%) - 100%
    Polyacrylamide (2.5%) - 3%
    Polyaluminum Chloride (45%) - 45%
    Polyaluminum Chlorosulfate - 50%
    Polyaluminum Hydroxychlorosulfate - 75%
    Polyaluminum Silicate Sulfate - 66%
    Polyaluminum Sulfate - 50%
    Polyphosphoric Acid - 100%
    Potassium Carbonate - 47%
    Potassium Chloride - 34%
    Potassium hydroxide (45%) - 45%
    Potassium Hydroxide (50%) - 50%
    Potassium Permanganate (20%) - 20%
    Potassium Tripolyphosphate - 100%
    Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate - 12%
    Sodium Aluminate - 50%
    Sodium Ascorbate - 60%
    Sodium Bicarbonate - 100%
    Sodium Bisulfate (50%) - 50%
    Sodium Carbonate - 20%
    Sodium Carbonate (85%) - 85%
    Sodium Chlorate - 100%
    Sodium Chloride (26%) - 26%
    Sodium Chlorite (7.5%) - 8%
    Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate - 25%
    Sodium Fluoride (4.0%) - 4%
    Sodium Hydroxide (50%) - 50%
    Sodium Hypochlorite (15%) - 15%
    Sodium Metabisulfite (50%) - 50%
    Sodium Percarbonate - 15%
    Sodium Permanganate (40%) - 40%
    Sodium Polyphosphates - 35%
    Sodium Silicate (100%) - 100%
    Sodium Sulfite (20%) - 20%
    Sodium Trimetaphosphate - 20%
    Sodium Tripolyphosphate - 15%
    Sulfur Dioxide (5%) - 5%
    Sulfuric acid (98.5%) - 99%
    Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate - 60%
    Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate - 7%
    Tricalcium Phosphate (70%, slurry) - 70%
    Trichloroisocyanuric Acid - 10%
    Zinc Chloride - 62%
    Zinc Orthophosphate (100%) - 100%
    Zinc Sulfate - 36%
[2] 500, 600 and 700 series pump models shall adhere to the following nomenclature:
    500 Series with LoadSure elements:
    520 [050.41ab.Ecd]
    520 UmAN [050.41Db.Ecd]
    521 [050.8yxx.Ez0]
    530 [050.91ab.Ecd]
    a - Model functionality (3,4,5,6)
    b - Electrical I/O type (N,S)
    c and z - Low, medium or high pressure element (L,M or H)
    d - Power cord option
    y - Motor type (1,5,8)
    xx - Motor speed range (22,52,72,23,53,73)
    500 Series with continuous tubing:
    520 [050.71ab.ecd]
    520 UmAN [050.71Db.ecd]
    521 [050.8yxx.2L0]
    530 [050.91ab.ecd]
    a - Model functionality (3,4,5,6)
    b - Electrical I/O type (N,S)
    ec - Pumphead type (10, 2L 5L)
    d - Power cord option
    y - Motor type (1,5,8)
    xx - Motor speed range (22,52,72,23,53,73)
    600 Series with LoadSure elements:
    620 [060.41ab.Ecd]
    620 UmAN [060.41Db.Ecd]
    621 [060.8yxx.Ez0]
    630 [060.91ab.Ecd]
    a - Model functionality (3,4,5,6)
    b - Electrical I/O type (N,S)
    c and z - Standard or low-pulse element pump head (2,4)
    d - Power cord option
    y - Motor type (1,5,6,8)
    xx - Motor speed range (22,52,72,23,53,73)
    600 Series with continuous tubing:
    620 [060.71ab.ecd]
    620 UmAN [060.71Db.ecd]
    621 [060.8yxx.020]
    630 [060.91ab.ecd]
    a - Model functionality (3,4,5,6)
    b - Electrical I/O type (N,S)
    ec - Pumphead type (02,5L)
    d - Power cord option
    y - Motor type (1,5,6,8)
    xx - Motor speed range (22,52,72,23,53,73)
    700 Series with LoadSure elements:
    701 [070.yyxx.Ez0]
    720 [070.41ab.Ecd]
    720 UmAN [070.41Db.Ecd]
    730 [070.91ab.Ecd]
    a - Model functionality (3,4,5,6)
    b - Electrical I/O type (N,S)
    c and z - Single or extension pump head (0,X)
    d - Power cord option
    yy- Motor type (54,68)
    xx- Motor speed range (02,12,22,32)
    700 Series with continuous tubing:
    701 [070.yyxx.Ez0]
    720 [070.71ab.ecd]
    720 UmAN [070.71Db.ecd]
    730 [070.91ab.ecd]
    a - Model functionality (3,4,5,6)
    b - Electrical I/O type (N,S)
    ec and w - Standard or extension pump head (00,X0)
    d - Power cord option
    yy- Motor type (54,68)
    xx- Motor speed range (02,12,22,32)
[3] Certified models are:
    Qdos 20 Manual
    Qdos 20 Remote
    Qdos 20 Universal
    Qdos 20 Universal+
    Qdos 20 Profibus
    Qdos 20 Universal 110V Logic
    Qdos 20 Universal 24V Logic
    Qdos 20 Universal+ 110V Logic
    Qdos 20 Universal+ 24V Logic
    Qdos 30 Manual
    Qdos 30 Remote
    Qdos 30 Universal
    Qdos 30 Universal+
    Qdos 30 Profibus
    Qdos 30 Universal 110V Logic
    Qdos 30 Universal 24V Logic
    Qdos 30 Universal+ 110V Logic
    Qdos 30 Universal+ 24V Logic
    Qdos 60 Manual
    Qdos 60 Remote
    Qdos 60 Universal
    Qdos 60 Universal+
    Qdos 60 Profibus
    Qdos 60 Universal 110V Logic
    Qdos 60 Universal 24V Logic
    Qdos 60 Universal+ 110V Logic
    Qdos 60 Universal+ 24V Logic
    Qdos 120 Manual
    Qdos 120 Remote
    Qdos 120 Universal
    Qdos 120 Universal+
    Qdos 120 Profibus
    Qdos 120 Universal 110V Logic
    Qdos 120 Universal 24V Logic
    Qdos 120 Universal+ 110V Logic
    Qdos 120 Universal+ 24V Logic
[4] Certified models include:
    Qdos 30 CWT Manual
    Qdos 30 CWT Remote
    Qdos 30 CWT Universal
    Qdos 30 CWT Universal+
    Qdos 30 CWT Profibus
    Qdos 30 CWT Universal 110V Logic
    Qdos 30 CWT Universal 24V Logic
    Qdos 30 CWT Universal+ 110V Logic
    Qdos 30 CWT Universal+ 24V Logic
[5] Certified for use as a chemical metering pump with the following chemicals:
    Acetic Acid (80%)
    Aluminum Chlorohydrate/Polyaluminum Chloride (40%)
    Aluminum Sulfate (50%)
    Ammonium Sulfate (45%)
    Calcium Hydroxide (50%)
    Citric Acid (100%)
    Copper Sulfate (5%)
    Copper Sulfate (25%)
    Ferric Chloride (40%)
    Ferric Sulfate (60%)
    Ferrous Chloride (50%)
    Ferrous Sulfate (30%)
    Phosphoric acid (75%)
    Potassium Carbonate (47%)
    Potassium Chloride (34%)
    Potassium hydroxide (45%)
    Potassium Hydroxide (50%)
    Potassium Permanganate (3%)
    Sodium Bisulfate (50%)
    Sodium Chloride (26%)
    Sodium Fluoride (4.0%)
    Sodium Hydroxide (50%)
    Sodium Hypochlorite (15%)
    Sodium Silicate (100%)
    Zinc Orthophosphate (100%)

Watts Aqualock 
815 Chestnut Street
North Andover, MA 01845 
United States 

Facility : Fujian, China

Mechanical Plumbing Devices

Trade Designation      

Supply Stops[1] [G] [Q]

LF3561-0604 Type 61 Adapter Stop Valve
1/4" OD x 3/8" Male Comp      

LF3561-0606 Type 61 Adapter Stop Valve
3/8" OD x 3/8" Male Comp      

[1] These products may be also be represented by the trade name Seatech.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.

[Q] This product meets the reduced Q test statistic criteria of 0.5 µg for lead per Section of NSF/ANSI/CAN 61.

Watts Heating and Hot Water Solutions LLC, DBA Lync by Watts 
425 West Everman Parkway
Fort Worth, TX 76134 
United States 

Facility : San Antonio, TX

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components
LCH-150 [1] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum flow rate of 228,000 Liters per day.
    This product has not been tested or evaluated for point-of-entry (POE) use.

Watts Radiant 
4500 East Progress Place
Springfield, MO 65803 
United States 

Facility : # 2 China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Watts Compression Fittings (F1) 3/8" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL

Watts Regulator Co. 
13700 Highway 90 West
San Antonio, TX 78245 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Pingtung, Taiwan

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components
Big Bubba BBH-150[1] [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
Jumbo Cartridge Filter Housing[1] [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
Watts Pure Water PWWJCHSG (7100301)[1] [2] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] This product has not been tested or evaluated for point-of-entry (POE) use.
[2] Certified for a minimum flow rate of 228,000 liters per day.

Watts Regulator Company 
815 Chestnut Street
North Andover, MA 01845 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 4 Zhejiang, China

Mechanical Plumbing Devices

Trade Designation      

Supply Stops[G] [Q]
Aqualock 1/2" CTS x 3/8" COMP (LFQC894A-M1)      
Aqualock 1/2" CTS x 3/8" COMP (LFQC894S-M1)      

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.

[Q] This product meets the reduced Q test statistic criteria of 1 µg or 0.5 µg for lead per
    Section of NSF/ANSI/CAN 61.

Wave Cyber Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. 
No. 799, Rujiadian Road, Lianshi Town
Nanxun District, Huzhou 
Zhejiang Province 313009 
86 216 975 8588
Visit this company's website

Facility : Huzhou, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Treatment Devices/Components[1] [2]
Wave-[XXXX]E-8[L] 8"[3] D. HOT MLTPL
Wave-[XXXX]P-8[L] 8"[3] D. HOT MLTPL
Wave-[XXXX]PJ-8[L] 8"[3] D. HOT MLTPL

[1] [XXXX] indicates PSI rating of 150 – 1200.
[2] [L] Indicates length:
        Code Length
        1      60"
        1.5    80"
        2      100"
        3      140"
        4      180"
        5      220"
        6      260"
        7      300"
        7.5    320"
        8      340"
[3] Certified for a minimum daily flow rate of 2,650 L/day.

Weicon GmbH & Co. KG 
Königsberger Strasse 255
DE-48157 Münster 
49 251 932 2261

Facility : # 1 Europe

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Thread Compounds
WEICONLOCK AN 301-70 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
WEICONLOCK AN 301-72 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC

Weslor Enterprises, Inc. 
924 Sohn Alloway Road
Lyons, NY 14489 
United States 

Facility : Lyons, NY

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Treatment Devices/Components[1] [2]
Water Filtration Vessel 200 gal - 1000 gal CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Product requires a pre-service flush at a flow rate of 200 gallons per minute for four
    (4) minutes using tap water.
[2] Certified product does not include a pressure relief valve.

WesTech Engineering, LLC 
3665 South West Temple
Salt Lake City, UT 84115 
United States 

Facility : West Jordan, UT

Process Media

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Adsorption Media[1]
Compressible Media 40mm - 50mm CLD 23 SYN

[1] Media use not to exceed 1450 g/ft^2 in a vertical column, and for a minimum flow rate of
    5 gpm/ft^2.

Clarifier Media[1]
Compressible Media 40mm - 50mm CLD 23 SYN

[1] Media use not to exceed 1450 g/ft^2 in a vertical column, and for a minimum flow rate of
    5 gpm/ft^2.

NOTE: Certified for water treatment plant applications.
      This product has not been evaluated for point of use applications.

Westfall Manufacturing Company, Inc. 
15 Broad Common Road
Bristol, RI 02809 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Bristol, RI

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1]
Model 2800 316 SS Static Mixers 1/4" - 300"[2] CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 2800 CPVC Static Mixers 1/4" - 300"[2] CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 2800 Hastelloy Static Mixers 1/4" - 300"[2] CLD 23 MLTPL
Model 2800 PVC Static Mixers 1/4" - 300"[2] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[2] Certified for installation on pipes 1/4" - 300" in diameter.
[3] Certified for installation on pipes 1" - 120" in diameter. Certified product does not
    include ports, injection nozzles or gaskets.

Westlake Pipe & Fittings Corporation 
The Westlake Center
2801 Post Oak Boulevard, Suite 650 
Houston, TX 77056 
United States 

Facility : McPherson, KS

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings [G]
Certa-Lok® Composite Couplings >= 14" CLD 23 MLTPL

[3] Product not evaluated to AWWA C900 by NSF International.
[4] SCH 80 PVC Pipe/Stainless Steel Coupling & SCH 120 PVC Pipe/Stainless Steel Coupling.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


NOTE: Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product,product packaging, and/or
      documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

Facility : Brownsville, TN

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Fittings[1] [2] [G]
LASCO Comp Flange S (851-XXX) 1/2" - 6" CLD 23 PVC
LASCO Comp Flange T (852-XXX) 1/2" - 4" CLD 23 PVC
LASCO Comp Flange T (9852-XXX) 1/2" - 4" C. HOT CPVC

[1] XXX designates the following sizes: 
    002 – 1/4" 
    003 – 3/8" 
    005 – 1/2" 
    007 – 3/4" 
    010 – 1" 
    012 - 1 1/4" 
    015 – 1 1/2" 
    020 – 2" 
    025 – 2 1/2" 
    030 – 3" 
    040 – 4" 
    052 – 3/8" x 1/4" 
    060 – 6" 
    072 – 1/2" x 1/4" 
    073 – 1/2" x 3/8" 
    080 – 8"
    100 - 10"
    120 - 12" 
    094 - 3/4" x 1/2" x 1/2"
    101 – 3/4" x 1/2" 
    130 – 1" x 1/2" 
    131 – 1" x 3/4" 
    166 – 1 1/4" x 1/2" 
    167 – 1 1/4" x 3/4" 
    168 – 1 1/4" x 1" 
    209 – 1 1/2" x 1/2" 
    210 – 1 1/2" x 3/4" 
    211 – 1 1/2" x 1" 
    212 - 1 1/2" x 1 1/4" 
    247 – 2" x 1/2" 
    248 – 2" x 3/4" 
    249 – 2" x 1" 
    250 – 2" x 1 1/4" 
    251 – 2" x 1 1/2" 
    289 – 2 1/2" x 1" 
    291 – 2 1/2" x 1 1/2" 
    292 – 2 1/2" x 2" 
    334 – 3" x 3" x 3/4" 
    337 – 3" x 1 1/2" 
    335 – 3" x 3" x 1" 
    338 – 3" x 2" 
    339 – 3" x 2 1/2" 
    420 – 4" x 2" 
    421 – 4" x 2 1/2" 
    422 – 4" x 3" 
    532 – 6" x 4" 
    530 - 6" X 6" x 3"
    585 – 8" x 6"
[2] Product may also be marked with the trade designation Westlake Pipe & Fittings.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Whipps, Inc. 
370 South Athol Road
Athol, MA 01331 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Athol, MA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Treatment Devices/Components
Series 900 Slide Gates[1] 4" - 180" CLD 23 MLTPL
Series 900 Sluice Gates[1] 4" - 180" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 40,000 liters.

Wika Instrument LP 
1000 Wiegand Boulevard
Lawrenceville, GA 30043 
United States 

Facility : Klingenberg, Germany

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components[1] [G]
A-10 Transmitter NA CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


William H. Harvey Company 
4334 South 67th Street
Omaha, NE 68117 
United States 

Facility : Omaha, NE

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Foley Products Company First Choice Pipe Joint Lubricant >= 1/2" CLD 23 LUB

ACO Pipe Thread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
Ace Pipe Thread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
BEI Pipe Joint Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
Chicago Speciality Pipe Thread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
Do It Pipe Thread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT SLT
Do it Best Pipe Thread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
Durst Pipe Thread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
Harveys Pipe Thread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
Home Base Pipe Thread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
KF Pipe Thread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
LDR Pipe Thread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
LH Pipe Joint Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
Lasco Pipe Thread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
Lincoln Products Pipe Tread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
Marvins Pipe Thread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
Master Plumber Pipe Thread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
Melard Pipe Thread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
Moen Pipe Joint Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
Moen Pipe Thread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
Payless Cashways Pipe Thread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
Plumb Craft Pipe Thread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
Plumb King Pipe Thread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
Plumb Shop Thread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
Plumbers Brand Pipe Thread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
Premier Pipe Joint Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
Proven Pipe Joint Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
Ross Pipe Thread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY
Sutherlands Pipe Thread Compound >= 1/2" C. HOT EPOXY

Wilo Se 
Nortkirchenstrasse 100
44263 Dortmund 
49 231 4102 0
Visit this company's website

Facility : Dortmund, Germany

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Stratos Maxo-Z 1.25X3-25 1.25" C. HOT MLTPL
Stratos Maxo-Z 1.25X3-35 1.25" C. HOT MLTPL
Stratos Maxo-Z 2X3-35 2" C. HOT MLTPL
Stratos Maxo-Z 3X3-40 3" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


550 East South Street
Collierville, TN 38017 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Izmir, Turkey

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Submersible Pump - Pump Ends [G]
SPI WW XX YY ZZ M S[1] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] 6" - 10" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 80,000 L.
[5] WW - Nominal diameter
         06 - 6"
         07 - 7"
         08 - 8"
         10 - 10"
[6] XX - Nominal capacity 
         50   - 10 m3/hour
         90   - 17 m3/hour
         150  - 30 m3/hour
         230  - 45 m3/hour
         300  - 60 m3/hour
         400  - 75 m3/hour
         500  - 95 m3/hour
         650  - 125 m3/hour
         800  - 160 m3/hour
         1200 - 210 m3/hour
[7] YY - Number of stages
         1 - 60
[8] S - Pump suction size
[9] ZZ - Motor power
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.

[10] M - Suction Case type

Würth International AG 
Category Manager Chemicals, Central
Purchasing Chur, Aspermontstrasse 1 
Postfach CH-Chur 7004 
41 81 558 0163

Facility : # 1 Switzerland

Joining and Sealing Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Würth® saBesto DOS Retaining Compound, Heat Resistant and High Strength >= 1/2" C. HOT ADH
Würth® saBesto DOS Retaining Compound, High Strength >= 1/2" C. HOT ADH

[1] All models use a suffix designation to indicate the size of product.
[2] Certification is based on a minimum cure of 72 hours at 75°F.

Thread Compounds
0893 270 S/l Frena Filetti, Alta Resistenza >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
GÄNGLÅSNING Stark, 0893 270 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Rørtætning med PTFE / 0893 511 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Skruesikring, superfast / 0893 270 >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Würth® BOND >= 1/2" C. HOT ADH
Würth® Composto para retenção torque alto DOS >= 1/2" C. HOT ADH
Würth® Composto para retenção, resistente ao calor e torque alto DOS >= 1/2" C. HOT ADH
Würth® TRAVA ROSCA Torque Alto >= 1/2" C. HOT ADH
Würth® TRAVA ROSCA Torque Médio >= 1/2" C. HOT ADH
Würth® saBesto ETANCHE TUBE AU PTFE >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Würth® saBesto DOS Pipe Sealant[2] >= 1/2" C. HOT ADH
Würth® saBesto DOS Pipe Sealant, with PTFE >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Würth® saBesto DOS Rohrdicht[2] >= 1/2" C. HOT ADH
Würth® saBesto DOS Rohrdicht hochfest >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Würth® saBesto DOS Rohrdicht mit PTFE >= 1/2" C. HOT TC
Würth® saBesto Pipe Sealant, High Strength >= 1/2" C. HOT TC

[2] Certification is based on a minimum cure of 72 hours at 75°F.

X-Flow B.V. 
Marssteden 50
7547 Tc Enschede 
The Netherlands 
31-53 428 7350

Facility : Enschede, The Netherlands

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Filtration Devices/Components [G]
End Cap PVC 8" [1] [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
HFS60 [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
HFW1000 [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
XF20 [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
XF30 [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
XF32 [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
XF40 [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
XF40C [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
XF53 [1] [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
XF55 [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
XF64 [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
XF75 [1] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for minimum flow of 10,000 L/day.
[2] Certification of end cap PVC 8" is based on use with a filtration device having a
    minimum daily flow of 10,000 liters per day.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Xylem Inc. – Vertical Turbine Products 
4608 Bradley
Lubbock, TX 79415 
United States 

Facility : Lubbock, TX

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Submersible Pump - Pump Ends[1] [2] [3] [4] [G]
Vertical Turbine Pumps - (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) 5" - 30" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] (1) May include any combination of the following sub-assemblies: bowl assembly, head
    assembly, column assembly.
    (2) Listing includes pumps suitable for applications in deep well/borehole, sump, and
    (3) Listing includes both enclosed and product lubrication methods .
    (4) Certification does not include submersible motor or cable.
    (5) Models include [s][m][c][t]
        s – Size of pump in inches (5 – 30)
        m – Pump model (A, B, C, CN, CS, D, DH, E, F, FD, FR, G, H, L, M, RA, RC, RG, RH, 
            RJ, RWA, T, TN, TS, WA, WS)
        c – Impeller capacity, if applicable (EL, H, L, M) EL - Extra low, H - High, 
            M - Medium, L - Low
        t – Impeller type (C, O, XC, C-LL) C - Closed, O - Open, XC - Low NPSHr, 
            C-LL - Long Laterial
[2] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 60,000 gallons.
[3] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[4] Certification does not include submersible motor, cable, washers, and clamps.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Pewaukee, WI

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps - Submersible Pumps - Pump Ends[1] [2] [3] [G]
Vertical Turbine Pumps - (1),(2),(3),(4),(5) 30" - 60" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] (1) May include any combination of the following sub-assemblies: bowl assembly, head
        assembly, column assembly.
    (2) Listing includes pumps suitable for applications in deep well/borehole, sump, and
    (3) Listing includes both enclosed and product lubrication methods .
    (4) Certification does not include submersible motor or cable.
    (5) Models include [s][m][c][t]
        s – Size of pump in inches (30 – 60)
        m – Pump model (A, B, C, CN, CS, D, DH, E, F, FD, FR, G, H, L, M, RA, RC, RG, RH,
            RJ, RWA, T, TN, TS, WA, WS)
        c – Impeller capacity, if applicable (EL, H, L, M) 
            EL - Extra low
            H - High
            M - Medium, L - Low
        t – Impeller type (C, O, XC, C-LL) 
            C - Closed
            O - Open
            XC - Low NPSHr
            C-LL - Long Laterial
[2] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 21,600,000 gallons.
[3] Certification does not include submersible motor, cable, washers, and clamps.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Xylem Water Solutions Zelienople LLC 
108 Tomlinson Drive
Suite 400 
Zelienople, PA 16063 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 Mexico

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
FRP Float Assembly [1] CLD 23 MLTPL
GPFRP/Trough Assembly [2] CLD 23 MLTPL
GPFRP Orifice Plate [3] CLD 23 FRP

[1] Certified for a minimum flow of 43 gallons per minute per square foot of filter surface
[2] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 1,152,000 gallons.
[3] Certified for a minimum daily flow of 16,000 L/day.

NOTE: NSF has not conducted production control audits at this facility.  Product Listing is
      based on type testing [ISO/IEC Guide 2: 1996(E/F/R) 14.5].

Facility : Durango, Mexico

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Miscellaneous Process Devices/Components
Agitator Supply Pipe[1] [6] [7] CLD 23 MLTPL
CT2[4] [5] 3" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
Clari-Trac 2[4] [5] 3" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
Leopold Palmer S-Type Surface Agitator[1] [6] [7] CLD 23 MLTPL
Leopold Straight Line Agitator[1] [6] [7] CLD 23 MLTPL
Leopold Stuart Sub-Surface Rotary Agitator[1] [6] [7] CLD 23 MLTPL
Rotary Filter Agitators[1] [2] N/A CLD 23 MLTPL
Leopold Dual Arm Agitator[1] [6] [7] CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] The minimum daily flow rate is 50 gallons per minute.
[2] This system consists of brass agitator pipe, bearing assembly, bearing assembly tee,
    endcaps, twin jet, quad jet, spray nozzles, and nozzle caps.
[3] The minimum flow rate for this product is 0.045 gallons per minute per square foot of
    water contact surface area.
[4] Certified for a minimum flow of 800 gallons per minute.
[5] This system consists of stainless steel pipe, elastomeric gaskets, PVC fittings and
    skids, and HDPE hose.
[6] This system consists of stainless steel agitator supply pipe, spray nozzle, nozzle cap,
    and bearing assembly.
[7] Agitator size is defined by the Agitator Supply Pipe length, 3" to 18" in increments of

Yuanlv New Materials Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 
#588 Shuping Road
Shanghai 200000 
86 153 1789 0029

Facility : Suzhou, Jiangsu, China

Potable Water Materials

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation End Use Temp Material

Potable Water Materials
YL-003 (RMPVDF0000N137CN/RMPVDF0000C394/RMPVDF0000C401)[1] A CLD 23 PVDF

[1] Certified for a maximum surface area to volume ratio of 250 in2/L.

Yung Chi Paint & Varnish Mfg. Co., Ltd. 
No. 26 Yen Hai 3rd Road
886 7 871 3181

Facility : Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Tank

[1] Colors: Ivory
    Number Of Coats: 1-2
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness(in mils): 12 mils
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 8 hours at 25°C
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 7 days at 25°C
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of Part A:B is 3:1 by weight
[2] Colors: White
    Number of Coats: 1-2 
    Maximum Field Use Dry Film Thickness (in mils): 12
    Recoat Cure Time and Temperature: 12 hours at 25°C
    Final Cure Time and Temperature: 5 days at 25°C
    Special Comments: Mix ratio of Base:Hardner is 3:1 by weight. Mix base and hardener
    thoroughly and then apply within 60 minutes.  Apply by airless spray, preferably above
    60:1, with tip size 0.029" - 0.035" and 6 Kg/cm^2 air pressure.

Z Technologies Corporation 
26500 Capitol Avenue
Redford, MI 48239 
United States 

Facility : Redford, MI

Protective (Barrier) Materials

    Water Water
  Water Contact Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Restriction Temp Material

Coatings - Pump
Z Shield® 2505 Black Dip Coating[1] >= 1/2" CLD 23 ASPH

[1] Coating Notes:
    Colors: Black
    Number Of Coats: 1
    Maximum Field Use Dry Thickness(in mils): 6 mils
    Final Cure Time/Temperature: 24 hours at 77°F
    Special Comments: Flush with tap water for 10 hours.

Zhejiang Herovo New Materials Co., Ltd. 
No. 302, Jiaoyu Road, Warp Knitting
lndustrial Park, Haining City 
Zhejiang 314419 
86 573 8780 8861

Facility : Zhejiang, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Components, POE[1]
HEROVO HR 001-100[2] [3] CLD 23 PET

[1] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.
[2] Product requires a flush with 1000 L of DI over 1 hour (16.7 L/m).
[3] Certified for point of entry (POE) filtration devices at a maximum surface area to
    volume ratio of 1 sq. m/L.

Zhejiang Wandekai Fluid Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. 
Longxi Industrial Zone
Yuhuan, Zhejiang 317609 
86 576 7492668
Visit this company's website

Facility : Zhejiang, China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

T8301W031-1PB61 1/4 COMP NUT 1/4" C. HOT MLTPL
T8301W051-1PB61 3/8 3 COMP NUTS 3/8" C. HOT MLTPL
T8301W071-1PBG 1/2 -3- COMP NUT 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
T8301W101-1PB61 5/8 -3- COMP NUT 5/8" C. HOT MLTPL
T8323W050LF3/8X3/8X1/4BRSS ADAPT-A-VALVE CMP LF 3/8" x 3/8" x 1/4" C. HOT MLTPL
T8323W051LF3/8X3/8X3/8BRSS ADPT-A-VALVE COMP LF 3/8" x 3/8" x 3/8" C. HOT MLTPL
T8403W052AB 3/8 X 3/8 BSS FNE THR FLR ADPTER CMP LF 1/8" - 1 1/4" C. HOT MLTPL
T8404W034NL 1/4 X 3/8 COMP CONNECTOR LF 1/8" - 1 1/4" C. HOT MLTPL
T9325W170NL 1 X 3/4 BRSS WTER METER ADAPT FIP X MP LF 1/8" - 1 1/4" C. HOT MLTPL
T9361W140LF 3/4" Brass Insert x MPT 1/8" - 1 1/4" C. HOT MLTPL
T9361W170LF 1" Brass Insert x MPT 1/8" - 1 1/4" C. HOT MLTPL
T9361W171LF 1" Brass Insert MPT Rope Adapter 1/8" - 1 1/4" C. HOT MLTPL
T9361W190 Male Adapter - 1 1/4" Barb x 1 1/4" MPT 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" C. HOT MLTPL
T9361W190LF 1-1/4" Brass Insert MPT Rope Adapter 1/8" - 1 1/4" C. HOT MLTPL
T9361W191 Male Adapter - 1 1/4" Barb x 1" MPT 1 1/4" x 1" C. HOT MLTPL
T9361W220 Male Adapter - 1 1/2" Barb x 1 1/2" MPT 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
T9361W250 Male Adapter - 2" Barb x 2" MPT 2" x 2" C. HOT MLTPL
T9446W144LF3/4X1/2X1/2BRSS ADPT FHTXMP TP FP LF 3/4" x 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL
T9449W053AB 3/8 X 1/2 BRSS FNE THR FLR UNON X MP LF 1/8" - 1 1/4" C. HOT MLTPL
T9462W100 Street Elbow - 1/2" Barb x 1/2" MPT 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Zhuji City Howhi Air Conditioners Made Co., Ltd. 
Jinling Industrial Zone
Ruanshi Town, Zhuji 
Zhejiang 311802 
86 575 7698528
Visit this company's website

Facility : Zhuji, Zhejiang, China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

301ANV-AB Male Adapter P x MPT[G] 1/2" x 3/8" - 4"x4" C. HOT MLTPL
303ANV-AB Male Street Adapter FTG x MPT[G] 1/2" x 3/8 "- 2"x2" C. HOT MLTPL
306ANV-AB Union P x MPT[G] 1/2" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
314ANV-AB Male Elbow 90° P x MPT[G] 1/2"x3/8" - 2"x2" C. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Zurn PEX, Inc. 
116 Maple Street
Commerce, TX 75428 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 4 China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Barb x MPT Elbow (QQE33BTGX) 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT BRASS
PEX Barb x MPT Adapter (QQMC34GX) 1/2" x 3/4" C. HOT BRASS
PEX Barb x MPT Adapter (QQMC43GX) 3/4" x 1/2" C. HOT BRASS
PEX Barb x MPT Adapter (QQMC33GX) 1/2" x 1/2" C. HOT BRASS
PEX Barb x MPT Adapter (QQMC44GX) 3/4" x 3/4" C. HOT BRASS
PEX Barb x MPT Adapter (QQMC45GX) 3/4" x 1" C. HOT BRASS
PEX Barb x MPT Adapter (QQMC54GX) 1" x 3/4" C. HOT BRASS
PEX Barb x MPT Adapter (QQMC55GX) 1" x 1" C. HOT BRASS

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Harborcreek, PA

Mechanical Plumbing Devices

Trade Designation      

Supply Stops[Q]
Zurn Qicktite® QV301 1/2" FPT x 1/2" MPT Angle Stop Valves      
Zurn Qicktite® QV311 1/2" T x 1/2" MPT Angle Stop Valves      
Zurn Qicktite® QV321 3/4" MPT x 1/2" MPT Angle Stop Valves      
Zurn Qicktite® QV401 1/2" FPT x 1/2" MPT Straight Stop Valves      
Zurn Qicktite® QV411 1/2" MPT x 1/2" MPT Straight Stop Valves      
Zurn Qicktite® QV421 3/4" MPT x 1/2" MPT Straight Stop Valves      
Zurn Qicktite® QV514 Hose Thread - 1/2" MPT Hose Bib Valves      
Zurn Qicktite® QV524 Hose Thread - 3/4" MPT Hose Bib Valves      

[Q] This product meets the reduced Q test statistic criteria of 0.5 µg for lead per Section of NSF/ANSI/CAN 61.

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Qest® 90° Drop Ear Ell, MPT x FPT 1/2" - 1" CLD 23 POM
Qest® 90° Ell, MPT x MPT 3/8" - 1 1/4" CLD 23 POM
Qest® 90° Street Ell, MPT x FPT 1/2" - 1" CLD 23 POM
Qest® Angle Stop, FPT x MPT 1/2" - 1 1/4" CLD 23 POM
Qest® Angle Stop, MPT x MHT 1/2" - 1 1/4" CLD 23 POM
Qest® Angle Stop, MPT x MPT 1/2" - 1 1/4" CLD 23 POM
Qest® Check Valve, MPT x MPT 1/2" - 1 1/4" CLD 23 POM
Qest® Coupling, MPT x FPT 1/8" - 1 1/4" CLD 23 POM
Qest® Coupling, MPT x MPT 1/2" - 1 1/4" CLD 23 POM
Qest® Globe Valve, MPT x MPT 1/2" - 1 1/4" CLD 23 POM
Qest® Plug, MPT 1/2" - 3/4" CLD 23 POM
Qest® Straight Stop, FPT x MPT 1/2" - 1 1/4" CLD 23 POM
Qest® Straight Stop, MPT x MPT 1/2" - 1 1/4" CLD 23 POM
Qest® Straight Stop, MPT x MPT x MPT 1/2" - 1 1/4" CLD 23 POM
Qest® Tee, MPT 1/2" - 1 1/4" CLD 23 POM
Qest® Tee, MPT x MPT x FPT 1/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 POM

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


1" MPT Manifold Adapter - Female (QPAF) 1" x 1/2" C. HOT PSU
1" MPT Manifold Adapter - Male (QPAM) 1" x 1/2" C. HOT PSU
1" MPT Manifold Eldow (QPE) 1" x 1/2" C. HOT PSU
1" MPT Manifold Tee (QPT) 1" x 1/2" C. HOT PSU

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Zurn PEX, Inc. 
116 Maple Street
Commerce, TX 75428 
United States 

Facility : # 5 China

Pipes and Related Products

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

1" PEX x 1" MPT (QQMC55GXNPK1)[G] 1/2" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
1" PEX x 3/4" MPT (QQMC54GXNPK1)[G] 1/2" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
1/2" PEX x 1/2" MPT (QQMC33GXNPK1) 1/2" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
1/2" PEX x 3/4" MPT (QQMC34GXNPK1)[G] 1/2" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" PEX x 1/2" MPT (QQMC43GXNPK1)[G] 1/2" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
3/4" PEX x 3/4" MPT (QQMC44GXNPK1)[G] 1/2" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
BULK 3/8 Barb x 1/2 MPT PEX (QxxMC23x)[G] 1/2" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
Low Lead - 1 1/4" Barb x 1" MPT (QQMC65Gx)[G] 1/2" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
Low Lead - MALE ADAPTER - 1" Barb x 1" MPT (QQMC55GFx)[G] 1/2" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
Low Lead Brass Street Elbow - 1/2" Barb x 1/2" MPT (QQE33BTGx)[G] 1/2" - 1" C. HOT MLTPL
ZURN PEX 1 1/2" Barb x 1 1/2" MPT (QQMC77GX)[G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
ZURN PEX 1" PEX x 3/4" (QQMC54GX) MPT Male Adapter[G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
ZURN PEX 1 1/4" Barb X 1 1/4" MPT (QQMC66GX) Male Adapter[G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
ZURN PEX 1" PEX x 1" MPT (QQMC55GX) Male Adapter[G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
ZURN PEX 1/2" PEX x 1/2" MPT (QQMC33GX) Male Adapter[G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
ZURN PEX 1/2" PEX x 3/4" MPT (QQMC34GX) Male Adapter[G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
ZURN PEX 2" Barb x 2" MPT (QQMC88GX) PEX Barb Adapter[G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
ZURN PEX 3/4" PEX x 1/2" MPT (QQMC43GX) Male Adapter[G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
ZURN PEX 3/4" PEX x 3/4" MPT (QQMC44GX) Male Adapter[G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
ZURN PEX 3/4" X 1" MPT (QQMC45GX) PEX Brass Male Adapter[G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL
ZURN PEX 3/8" PEX x 1/2" (QXXMC23GX) MPT Male Adapter[G] 3/8" - 2" C. HOT MLTPL

[1] Product also complies to NSF/ANSI 372.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Indofil Industries Ltd. 
4th Floor, Kalpatru Square
Kondivita, Mumbai, Maharashtra 
91 706 9013140
Visit this company's website

Facility : Gujarat, India
Trade Designation      

Impact Modifier
INDOFIL KM 40      
INDOFIL KM 40      
INDOFIL KM 355 S      
INDOFIL KM 355 S      
INDOFIL KM 455      
INDOFIL KM 455      
INDOFIL KM 455 L      
INDOFIL KM 455 L      

[1] Use of this ingredient in NSF Certified products requires prior authorization from NSF.

OQC Registration Program
Origine e Qualità Controllata

FIP - Formatura Iniezione Polimeri S.p.A. 
Pian di Parata
I-16015 Casella Genova 
39 01 096 211
Visit this company's website

Facility : Casella Genova, Italy

Fittings Size  
UIFV clamp saddles PVC-U d32-225 1" - 8"      

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