NSF Product and Service Listings

These NSF Official Listings are current as of Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 12:15 a.m. Eastern Time. Please contact NSF to confirm the status of any Listing, report errors, or make suggestions.

Alert: NSF is concerned about fraudulent downloading and manipulation of website text. Always confirm this information by clicking on the below link for the most accurate information: http://info.nsf.org/Certified/iso_21469/Listings.asp?Company=N02108&Standard=ISO21469&

ISO 21469 Safety of Machinery
Lubricants with Incidental Product Contact - Hygiene Requirements

Carl Bechem GmbH 
Weststrasse 120
Hagen, NRW 58089 
49 233 2935 0
Visit this company's website

Facility : Gardelegen, Germany

BECHEM Plantfluid-3702709
Berudraw 3985-3700909
Berulub FB 34-00-9012309
Berulub FB 34-9012269
Berulub PV DAB 10-3000201
Berulub Sihaf 1-9011639
Berulub Sihaf 2-9011309
Berulub WP 402 H1-9011092
Berusynth CB 280 H1
Berutox VPT 54-2-9013169

Facility : Hagen, Germany

BECHEM Fluid W 68-3H Spray
Beruclean H1 Spray
Beruglide L-9014729
Berulub FB 34-2
Berulub FG-H 2 EP Spray
Berulub FG-H 2 EP-2900709
Berulub FG-H 2 SL-2901709
Berulub FK 164-2-9016509
Berulub GD 50 H1 Spray
Berulub W+ B Spray
Berusil FO 26
Berusil P 140 Spray
Berusynth 100 H1-9362249
Berusynth 1000 H1 Spray
Berusynth 1000 H1-9362289
Berusynth 15 H1-9362219
Berusynth 150 H1-9362329
Berusynth 220 H1-9362259
Berusynth 32 H1-9362419
Berusynth 320 H1-9362349
Berusynth 46 H1-9362229
Berusynth 460 H1-9362269
Berusynth 68 H1-9362239
Berusynth 680 H1-9362279
Berusynth CB 180 H1 Spray
Berusynth CB 180 H1-9303609
Berusynth H1 Spray
Berutemp 500 G2-9017109
Berutemp 500 T 2-9016709
Berutox VPT 54-1-9013179

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Number of matching Products is 40
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