NSF Product and Service Listings

These NSF Official Listings are current as of Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 12:15 a.m. Eastern Time. Please contact NSF to confirm the status of any Listing, report errors, or make suggestions.

Alert: NSF is concerned about fraudulent downloading and manipulation of website text. Always confirm this information by clicking on the below link for the most accurate information: http://info.nsf.org/Certified/DWTU/Listings.asp?Standard=401&Company=C0055992&

Note: Certain claims, such as Arsenic (Pentavalent) Reduction, appear as active links, allowing you to access additional information regarding the specific contaminants.

Drinking Water Treatment Units - Emerging Compounds/Incidental Contaminants

Tupperware Brands Corp. 
14901 South Orange Blossom Trail
Orlando, FL 32837 
United States 

Facility : Xiamen, China

  Replacement Service Cycle Flow Rate  
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model Element (gallons) (gpm)   Claim

Counter-Top Connected to Sink Faucet
Nano Nature TPW-C1 Model Household Water Purification System 59085 1325 .9   Atenolol Reduction
Bisphenol A Reduction
Carbamazepine Reduction
DEET Reduction
Estrone Reduction
Ibuprofen Reduction
Linuron Reduction
Meprobamate Reduction
Metolachlor Reduction
Nonylphenol Reduction
Naproxen Reduction
Phenytoin Reduction
TCEP Reduction
TCPP Reduction
Trimethoprim Reduction
Nano Nature TPW-C2 Model Household Water Purification System 59085 1325 .9   Atenolol Reduction
Bisphenol A Reduction
Carbamazepine Reduction
DEET Reduction
Estrone Reduction
Ibuprofen Reduction
Linuron Reduction
Meprobamate Reduction
Metolachlor Reduction
Naproxen Reduction
Nonylphenol Reduction
Phenytoin Reduction
TCEP Reduction
Trimethoprim Reduction
TCPP Reduction
Nano Nature Water Filtration System 59085 1325 .9   Atenolol Reduction
Bisphenol A Reduction
Carbamazepine Reduction
DEET Reduction
Estrone Reduction
Ibuprofen Reduction
Linuron Reduction
Meprobamate Reduction
Metolachlor Reduction
Naproxen Reduction
Nonylphenol Reduction
Phenytoin Reduction
TCEP Reduction
TCPP Reduction
Trimethoprim Reduction

NOTE: All replacement elements are components.

Facility : Zhongshan, China

  Replacement Service Cycle Flow Rate  
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model Element (gallons) (gpm)   Claim

Counter-Top Connected to Sink Faucet
Nano Nature TPW2-C1 Household Water Purification System 1104673 1325 0.9   Atenolol Reduction
Carbamazepine Reduction
DEET Reduction
Linuron Reduction
Meprobamate Reduction
Metolachlor Reduction
Trimethoprim Reduction
Bisphenol A Reduction
Estrone Reduction
Ibuprofen Reduction
Naproxen Reduction
Nonylphenol Reduction
Phenytoin Reduction

Number of matching Manufacturers is 1
Number of matching Products is 4
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