NSF Product and Service Listings

These NSF Official Listings are current as of Sunday, March 2, 2025 at 12:15 a.m. Eastern Time. Please contact NSF to confirm the status of any Listing, report errors, or make suggestions.

Alert: NSF is concerned about fraudulent downloading and manipulation of website text. Always confirm this information by clicking on the below link for the most accurate information: http://info.nsf.org/Certified/DWTU/Listings.asp?Standard=053&Company=C0540701&

Note: Certain claims, such as Arsenic (Pentavalent) Reduction, appear as active links, allowing you to access additional information regarding the specific contaminants.

Drinking Water Treatment Units - Health Effects

Filters Fast LLC 
13950 Ballantyne Corporate Place
Suite 100 
Charlotte, NC 28277 
United States 
866 438 3458 
866 438 3458
Visit this company's website

Facility : # 1 China

  Replacement Service Cycle Flow Rate  
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model Element (gallons) (gpm)   Claim

Refrigerator Filter, Aftermarket
FF21100-S FF21100 300 .5   Cyst Reduction
Lead Reduction
Benzene Reduction
Carbofuran Reduction
Endrin Reduction
Mercury Reduction
FF21110-S FF21110 300 .5   Cyst Reduction
Lead Reduction
Benzene Reduction
Carbofuran Reduction
Endrin Reduction
Mercury Reduction
FF21120-S FF21120 300 .5   Cyst Reduction
Lead Reduction
Benzene Reduction
Carbofuran Reduction
Endrin Reduction
Mercury Reduction
FF21130-S FF21130 300 .5   Cyst Reduction
Lead Reduction
Benzene Reduction
Carbofuran Reduction
Endrin Reduction
Mercury Reduction
FF21140-S FF21140 200 .5   Cyst Reduction
Lead Reduction
Mercury Reduction
Benzene Reduction
Carbofuran Reduction
Endrin Reduction
FF21200-S FF21200 300 .5   Cyst Reduction
Lead Reduction
Benzene Reduction
Carbofuran Reduction
Endrin Reduction
Mercury Reduction
FF21220-S FF21220 300 .5   Cyst Reduction
FF21230-S FF21230 300 .5   Cyst Reduction
FF21300-S FF21300 300 .5   Cyst Reduction
Lead Reduction
Benzene Reduction
Carbofuran Reduction
Endrin Reduction
Mercury Reduction
FF21310-S FF21310 300 .5   Cyst Reduction
Lead Reduction
Benzene Reduction
Carbofuran Reduction
Endrin Reduction
Mercury Reduction
FF21340-S FF21340 316 .5   Cyst Reduction
Lead Reduction
Mercury Reduction
FF21400-S FF21400 300 .5   Cyst Reduction
Lead Reduction
Benzene Reduction
Carbofuran Reduction
Endrin Reduction
Mercury Reduction
FF21410-S FF21410 200 .5   Cyst Reduction
Lead Reduction
Benzene Reduction
Carbofuran Reduction
Endrin Reduction
Mercury Reduction
FF21420-S FF21420 300 .5   Cyst Reduction
Lead Reduction
Benzene Reduction
Carbofuran Reduction
Endrin Reduction
Mercury Reduction
FF21430-S FF21430 300 .5   Cyst Reduction
Lead Reduction
Benzene Reduction
Carbofuran Reduction
Endrin Reduction
Mercury Reduction
FF21440-S FF21440 200 .5   Cyst Reduction
Lead Reduction
Mercury Reduction
Benzene Reduction
Carbofuran Reduction
Endrin Reduction
FF21500-S FF21500 300 .5   Cyst Reduction
Lead Reduction
Benzene Reduction
Carbofuran Reduction
Endrin Reduction
Mercury Reduction
FF21510-S FF21510 300 .5   Cyst Reduction
FF21600-S FF21600 200 .5   Cyst Reduction
FF21630-S FF21630 200 .5   Cyst Reduction
Lead Reduction
Mercury Reduction
Benzene Reduction
Carbofuran Reduction
Endrin Reduction
FF21700-S FF21700 300 .5   Cyst Reduction
FF21800-S FF21800 300 .5   Cyst Reduction
Lead Reduction
Benzene Reduction
Carbofuran Reduction
Endrin Reduction
Mercury Reduction

Number of matching Manufacturers is 1
Number of matching Products is 22
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