NSF Product and Service Listings
These NSF Official Listings are current as of Sunday, February 16, 2025 at 12:15 a.m. Eastern Time. Please contact NSF to confirm the status of any Listing, report errors, or make suggestions.
Alert: NSF is concerned about fraudulent downloading and manipulation of website text. Always confirm this information by clicking on the below link for the most accurate information: http://info.nsf.org/Certified/DWTU/Listings.asp?Standard=044&hdModlStd=ModlStd&
Note: Certain claims, such as Arsenic (Pentavalent) Reduction, appear as active links, allowing you to access additional information regarding the specific contaminants.
Cation Exchange Water Softeners
Cation Exchange Water Softeners
A. O. Smith Corporation | |
11270 West Park Place | |
Milwaukee, WI 53224 | |
United States | |
414-359-4290 |
Facility : Groveport, OH
Flow Rate | ||||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | (gpm) | Claim | ||||
Point-of-Entry [POE] |
AO-WH-SOFT-350[1] | 7.5 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
AO-WH-SOFT-400T[1] | 8 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
AO-WH-SOFT-450T[1] | 8 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
AO-WH-SOFT-PRO-300[1] | 9.1 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
AO-WH-SOFT-PRO-500[1] | 7 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
AOW-S400[1] | 7.5 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
AOW-S500[1] | 7 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
  [1] Product evaluated and determined to comply with efficiency rating requirements defined by [ER] Softener Efficiency indicates that the softener achieves a minimum of 3,350 grains of hardness removed per pound of regenerant salt (477 grams of hardness removed per kilogram of regenerant salt), and also that it uses 5 gallons or less of regenerant water per 1,000 grains of hardness removed (18.9 liters or less of regenerant water per 64.8 grams of hardness removed). [HR] Hardness Reduction indicates that the published capacity ratings for reducing hardness have been verified. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
Allwin Watertec Co., Ltd. | |
No. 3, Ln. 45, Sec. 3, Dafu Rd | |
Tanzi Dist. | |
Taichung 42748 | |
Taiwan | |
886 4 25311188 |
Facility : #1 China
COMPONENTS: Media, Cation Exchange Resin[1] [2] |
TR-100E | ||||||
  [1] Trade name TR-100E is certified for particle size 0.315-1.25 mm. [2] Certified for a maximum use level of 800 g/L. |
Anhui Sanxing Resin Technology Co., Ltd. | |
Sanxing Road | |
Guzhen Eco. Dev. Zone | |
Bengbu, Anhui 233705 | |
China | |
86 552 656 6368 |
Facility : Bengbu, Anhui, China
COMPONENTS: Media, Cation Exchange Resin[1] |
001×7NAFG | ||||||
001×8NAFG | ||||||
001×10NAFG | ||||||
D113HFG | ||||||
  [1] Certified for the mesh sizes 16-50. |
Aquamaster | ![]() |
4343 South Hamilton Road | |
Groveport, OH 43125 | |
United States | |
614-836-9422 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : Groveport, OH
Flow Rate | ||||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | (gpm) | Claim | ||||
Point-of-Entry [POE] |
AMP5000[1] | 8 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
AMP5100[1] | 8 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
AMP5500[1] | 8 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
AMS 700[1] | 8 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
AMS 900[1] | 8 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
AMS 950[1] | 8 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
  [1] Product evaluated and determined to comply with efficiency rating requirements defined by California state laws. [ER] Softener Efficiency indicates that the softener achieves a minimum of 3,350 grains of hardness removed per pound of regenerant salt (477 grams of hardness removed per kilogram of regenerant salt), and also that it uses 5 gallons or less of regenerant water per 1,000 grains of hardness removed (18.9 liters or less of regenerant water per 64.8 grams of hardness removed). [HR] Hardness Reduction indicates that the published capacity ratings for reducing hardness have been verified. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
Aquatrol c/o Hydronix Water Technology | |
8630 Rochester Avenue | |
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 | |
United States | |
909-527-6996 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : 2D
COMPONENTS: Media, Cation Exchange Resin[1] |
CAT100E | ||||||
CAT110E | ||||||
  [1] Certified for the mesh sizes 16-50. |
Aquion, Inc. | |
101 South Gary Avenue | |
Roselle, IL 60172 | |
United States | |
847-437-9400 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : Roselle, IL
Flow Rate | ||||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | (gpm) | Claim | ||||
Point-of-Entry [Pb] [POE] |
Rainsoft EC4 100 CV[1] | 10 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC4 100 V[1] | 10 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC4 100S CV[1] | 10 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC4 100S V[1] | 10 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC4 150 CV[1] | 10.4 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC4 150 V[1] | 9 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC4 75 CV[1] | 9.2 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC4 75 V[1] | 8.6 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC5 100 CT[1] | 10 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC5 100 CV[1] | 10 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC5 100 T[1] | 10 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC5 100 V[1] | 10 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC5 100S CT[1] | 10 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC5 100S CV[1] | 10 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC5 100S T[1] | 10 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC5 100S V[1] | 10 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC5 150 CT[1] | 9.6 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC5 150 CV[1] | 10.4 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC5 150 T[1] | 9.6 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC5 150 V[1] | 9 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC5 250 CT[1] | 11.2 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC5 250 CV[1] | 10.5 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC5 250 T[1] | 11.4 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC5 250 V[1] | 10.4 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC5 50SS CT | 10 | Barium Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC5 50SS CV[1] | 9.5 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC5 50SS T | 10 | Barium Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC5 50SS V[1] | 9.5 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC5 75 CT | 9.4 | Barium Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC5 75 CV[1] | 9.2 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC5 75 CV[1] | 9.2 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC5 75 T | 10 | Barium Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft EC5 75 V[1] | 8.6 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft TC 75 CV | 9.2 | Barium Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft TC 75 V | 8.6 | Barium Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft TC-M 100 CD[1] | 10 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft TC-M 100 CV[1] | 10 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft TC-M 100 D[1] | 10 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft TC-M 100S CD[1] | 10 | Barium Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] |
Rainsoft TC-M 100S D[1] | 10 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft TC-M 150 CD[1] | 10.4 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft TC-M 150 CV[1] | 10.4 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft TC-M 150 D[1] | 9 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft TC-M 50SS CD[1] | 9.5 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft TC-M 50SS D[1] | 9.5 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft TC-M 75 CD[1] | 9.2 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft TC-M 75 CV[1] | 9.2 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rainsoft TC-M 75 D[1] | 8.6 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
  [1] Product evaluated and determined to comply with efficiency rating requirements defined by California State laws. [ER] Softener Efficiency indicates that the softener achieves a minimum of 3,350 grains of hardness removed per pound of regenerant salt (477 grams of hardness removed per kilogram of regenerant salt), and also that it uses 5 gallons or less of regenerant water per 1,000 grains of hardness removed (18.9 liters or less of regenerant water per 64.8 grams of hardness removed). [HR] Hardness Reduction indicates that the published capacity ratings for reducing hardness have been verified. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
Brio Water Technology, Inc. | |
768 Turnbull Canyon Rd. | |
City of Industry, CA 91745 | |
United States | |
800-781-1680 |
Facility : China
COMPONENTS: Media, Cation Exchange Resin |
FLRZ3396 | ||||||
FLRZ3402 | ||||||
FLRZ8797 |
[1] Trade names FLRZ3396, FLRZ3402 are certified for particle size 0.315-1.25 mm. [2] Certified for a maximum use level of 800 g/L.
Canature Health Technology Group Co., Ltd. | |
No. 508 & 518, Chuanda Road | |
Pudong New Area | |
Shanghai, 201200 | |
China | |
86 21 5859 9999 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : Cixi, Zhejiang, China
Flow Rate | ||||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | (gpm) | Claim | ||||
Point-of-Entry[1] [Pb] [POE] |
CN-0717-679 | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-07SEF | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-0815-991 | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-0817-792 | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-0822-1302 | 5.18 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-0822-1303 | 4.6 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-08SEF | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-0917-936 | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-09SEF | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-1015-1160 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-1017-1245 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-1017-1387 | 4.9 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-1024-1670 | 5.9 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-12SEF | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-13SEF | 5.18 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS10H-1017 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS12H-0926 | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS13H-1017 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS15H-1015 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS16H-1017 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS17H-1015 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS18H-1015 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS18H-1017 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS19H-1015 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS21H-0926 | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS22H-1017 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS3H-1017 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS3L-1017 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS4H-0817 | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS4L-0817 | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS5H-1017 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS6H-1017 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS6L-1017 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS7H-1017 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS8F-0815 | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS8F-0824 | 5.18 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS8H PLUS-0815 | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS8H PLUS-0824 | 5.18 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS8H-0722 | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS8L-0722 | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS9H-0815 | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CSF25H-0817 | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
  [1] Conforms to material and structural integrity requirements. [ER] Softener Efficiency indicates that the softener achieves a minimum of 3,350 grains of hardness removed per pound of regenerant salt (477 grams of hardness removed per kilogram of regenerant salt), and also that it uses 5 gallons or less of regenerant water per 1,000 grains of hardness removed (18.9 liters or less of regenerant water per 64.8 grams of hardness removed). [HR] Hardness Reduction indicates that the published capacity ratings for reducing hardness have been verified. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
Facility : Jiangsu, China
COMPONENTS: Tanks, Water Softener[1] |
Pressure Vessel 4" 3072 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4"-4" 3072 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4"-4" 3672 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 6"-6" 3072 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 6"-6" 3672 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 6"-6" 4272 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 6"-6" 4872 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 6"-6" 5872 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 6"-6" 6367 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 6"-6" 6386 | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to material and structural integrity requirements. |
Facility : Shanghai, China
Flow Rate | ||||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | (gpm) | Claim | ||||
Point-of-Entry[1] [Pb] [POE] |
CS8H PLUS-0824 | 5.18 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS22H-1017 | 4.4 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] |
CS4H-0817 | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS8H PLUS-0815 | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-13SEF | 5.18 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-1024-1670 | 5.9 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS8L-0722 | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS8H-0722 | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS9H-0815 | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-0815-991 | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS12H-0926 | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS18H-1017 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS8F-0815 | 4 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] |
CS8F-0824 | 5.18 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] |
CS17H-1015 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS3L-1017 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS3H-1017 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS18H-1015 | 4.4 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] |
CS19H-1015 | 4.4 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] |
CS5H-1017 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS6H-1017 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS7H-1017 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS13H-1017 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS21H-0926 | 4 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] |
CSF25H-0817 | 4 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] |
CN-0817-792 | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-08SEF | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-09SEF | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-1015-1160 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-1017-1245 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-12SEF | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-1017-1274 | 4.5 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-1017-1387 | 4.9 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-0822-1302 | 5.18 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-0717-679 | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-07SEF | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS16H-1017 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS6L-1017 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-0917-936 | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CN-0822-1303 | 4.6 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS15H-1015 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS10H-1017 | 4.4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
CS4L-0817 | 4 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
  [1] Conforms to material and structural integrity requirements. [ER] Softener Efficiency indicates that the softener achieves a minimum of 3,350 grains of hardness removed per pound of regenerant salt (477 grams of hardness removed per kilogram of regenerant salt), and also that it uses 5 gallons or less of regenerant water per 1,000 grains of hardness removed (18.9 liters or less of regenerant water per 64.8 grams of hardness removed). [HR] Hardness Reduction indicates that the published capacity ratings for reducing hardness have been verified. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
COMPONENTS: Tanks, Water Softener[1] [2] [10] [Pb] |
Pressure Vessel 08x35 F | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 09x34 F | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 08x19 F | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 10x24 F | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 09x35 F | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 10x17 F | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 10x33 F | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 10x47 F | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 09x15 F | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 08x25 F | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 09x14 F | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 09x26 F | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 09x48 F | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 10x13 F | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 10x26 F | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 10x28 F | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 10x35 F | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 10x40 F | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 09x42 F | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 10x54 F | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 06x16 F | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 5x17 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 5x20 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 7x13 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 7x17 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 7x19 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 7x22 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 7x30 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 7x35 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 7x44 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 8x15 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 8x17 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 8x30 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 8x35 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 8x44 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 9x35 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 9x42 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 9x48 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 10x15 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 10x17 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 10x24 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 10x26 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 10x30 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 10x35 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 10x40 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 10x44 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 10x47 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 10x54 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 11x35 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 11x44 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 12x48 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 12x52 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 13x44 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 13x54 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 14x52 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 14x65 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 16x24 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 16x36 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 16x44 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 16x52 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 16x65 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 18x36 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 18x53 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 18x65 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 21x36 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 21x53 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 21x62 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 24x72 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 05x17 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 05x20 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 2.5" 06×13 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 06x17 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 06x18 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 06x22 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 2.5" 06x29 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 2.5" 06x30 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 06x35 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 07x13 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 07x17 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 07x19 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 07x22 | ||||||
pressure vessel 2.5" 07x24 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 07x30 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 07x35 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 07x44 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 08x13 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 2.5" 08x13D | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 08x15 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 08x17 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 08x18 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 08x22 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 08x24 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 08x26 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 08x30 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 08x35 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 2.5" 08x37 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 2.5" 08x40 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 08x44 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 2.5" 08x44DH | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 09x13 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 09x15 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 2.5" 09x16DH | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 09x17 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 09x18 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 09x24 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 09x26 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 09x30 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 09x35 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 2.5" 09x36DH | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 09x42 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 2.5" 09x42DH | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 09x48 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 2.5" 09x48DH | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 10x13 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 10x15 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 10x17 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 2.5" 10x18 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 2.5" 10x19 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 10x24 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 10x26 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 10x30 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 10x35 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 10x40 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 2.5" 10x40DH | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 10x44 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 2.5" 10×44DH | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 10x47 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 2.5" 10×47DH | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 10x54 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 2.5" 10×54DH | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 11x35 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 11x44 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 12x17 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 12x48 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 2.5" 12×48DH | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 12x52 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 2.5" 10×52DH | ||||||
Pressure vessel 2.5" 13x24 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 13x44 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 13x54 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 14x52 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 14x65 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 16x24 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 16x36 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 16x44 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 16x52 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5" 16x65 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5 in 08x13D | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5 in 10x17D | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 2.5 in 10x35D | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4" 12x17 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4" 12x48 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 4" 12×48DH | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4" 12x52 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 4" 12×52DH | ||||||
Pressure vessel 4" 13x24 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4" 13x44 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4" 13x54 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4" 14x52 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4" 14x65 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4" 16x24 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4" 16x36 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4" 16x44 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4" 16x52 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 4" 16x52D | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4" 16x65 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4" 18x36 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4" 18x53 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4" 18x65 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4" 21x36 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4" 21x53 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4" 21x62 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4" 24x38 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4" 24x72 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4" 3072 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4"-4" 3072 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 6"-6" 3072 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4"-4" 3672 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 6"-6" 3672 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 6"-6" 4272 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 6"-6" 4872 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 6"-6" 5872 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 6"-6" 6367 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 6"-6" 6386 | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4 in 16x65D | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4 in 18x65D | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4 in 21x62D | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4 in 24x38D | ||||||
Pressure Vessel 4 in 24x72D | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to material and structural integrity requirements. [2] All models listed may be available in a variety of colors, including but not limited to: natural, black, green, gray, blue, etc. [10] The "x" in the trade name may be omitted. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
COMPONENTS: Valves, Water Softener / Filter[1] [Pb] |
485HE[3] | ||||||
CONTROL VALVE BNT3890F[4] [5] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 5850F[3] | ||||||
765[3] | ||||||
565[3] | ||||||
585HE[3] | ||||||
8650SEF[3] | ||||||
CONTROL VALVE BNT3890T[4] [5] | ||||||
CONTROL VALVE BNT3891F[4] [5] | ||||||
8650SET[3] | ||||||
85TA[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 5851T[3] | ||||||
665[3] | ||||||
65[3] | ||||||
165[3] | ||||||
185[3] | ||||||
265[3] | ||||||
365[3] | ||||||
8651SEF[3] | ||||||
465[3] | ||||||
89[4] [5] | ||||||
95[6] [7] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 5851F[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT5850T[3] | ||||||
85HE[3] | ||||||
85[3] | ||||||
CONTROL VALVE BNT3891T[4] [5] | ||||||
785HE[3] | ||||||
865[3] | ||||||
185HE[3] | ||||||
485HE[3] | ||||||
585HE[3] | ||||||
585SE[3] | ||||||
85HE[3] | ||||||
BNT 7650F | ||||||
BNT 7650T | ||||||
BNT 7651F | ||||||
BNT 7651T | ||||||
BNT790T | ||||||
BNT790F | ||||||
BNT791T | ||||||
BNT791F | ||||||
BNT 2850HEF | ||||||
BNT 2850HET | ||||||
BNT 2851HEF | ||||||
BNT 2851HET | ||||||
BNT 850SEUF | ||||||
BNT 851SEUF | ||||||
BNT 850SEF | ||||||
BNT 850SET | ||||||
BNT 851SEF | ||||||
BNT 851SET | ||||||
BNT 5850SEUF | ||||||
BNT 5851SEUF | ||||||
BNT 5850SEF | ||||||
BNT 5850SET | ||||||
BNT 5851SEF | ||||||
BNT 5851SET | ||||||
BNT7850HEF | ||||||
BNT 7850HET | ||||||
BNT 7851HEF | ||||||
BNT 7851HET | ||||||
BNT950 MTS slave valve | ||||||
BNT951MTS slave valve | ||||||
BNT1890F | ||||||
BNT1890T | ||||||
BNT1891F | ||||||
BNT1891T | ||||||
BNT2890F | ||||||
BNT2890T | ||||||
BNT2891F | ||||||
BNT2891T | ||||||
BNT4890F | ||||||
BNT4890T | ||||||
BNT4891F | ||||||
BNT4891T | ||||||
BNT5890F | ||||||
BNT5890T | ||||||
BNT5891F | ||||||
BNT5891T | ||||||
CAN165[3] | ||||||
CAN265[3] | ||||||
CAN365[3] | ||||||
CAN465[3] | ||||||
CAN565[3] | ||||||
CAN65[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 1650F[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 1650T[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 1651F[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 1651T[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 1850F[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 1850HEF[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 1850HET[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 1850T[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 1851F[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 1851HEF[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 1851HET[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 1851T[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 2650F[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 2650T[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 2651F[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 2651T[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 3650F[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 3650T[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 3651F[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 3651T[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 4650F[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 4650T[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 4651F[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 4651T[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 4850HEF[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 4850HET[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 4851HEF[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 4851HET[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 5650F[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 5650T[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 5651F[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 5651T[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 5850HEF[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 5850HET[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 5851HEF[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 5851HET[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 650F[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 650T[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 651F[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 651T[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 6650F[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 6650T[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 6651F[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 6651T[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 750S[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 850F[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 850HEF[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 850HET[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 850T[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 851F[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 851HEF[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 851HET[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 851T[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 8650F[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 8650T[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 8651F[3] | ||||||
Control Valve BNT 8651T[3] | ||||||
CONTROL VALVE BNT890F[4] [5] | ||||||
CONTROL VALVE BNT890T[4] [5] | ||||||
CONTROL VALVE BNT891F[4] [5] | ||||||
CONTROL VALVE BNT891T[4] [5] | ||||||
CONTROL VALVE BNT950T[6] [7] | ||||||
CONTROL VALVE BNT950F[6] [7] | ||||||
CONTROL VALVE BNT951T[6] [7] | ||||||
CONTROL VALVE BNT951F[6] [7] | ||||||
IWT165[3] | ||||||
IWT265[3] | ||||||
IWT365[3] | ||||||
IWT565[3] | ||||||
IWT65[3] | ||||||
NVO165[3] | ||||||
NVO465[3] | ||||||
NVO865[3] | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to material and structural integrity requirements. [3] The 65, 75, 85 indicate the model of the valves and may be followed by either a 0 or a 1 and either an F or a T. The 0 models are for use with water softeners. The 1 models are for use with in-line water filters. F indicates control valve with meter. T indicates control valve with timer. S indicates the valve is controlled by a microswitch. A complete model number example is "BNT 651F". BNT indicates control valve trade name for all world markets. IWT/NVO/CAN models are sold in North America by Canature North America. [4] The 89 indicates the model of the valves and may be followed by either a 0 or a 1 and either an F or a T. The 0 models are for use with water softeners. The 1 models are for use with in-line water filters. F indicates control valve with meter. T indicates control valve with timer. A complete model number example is "BNT 891F". BNT indicates control valve trade name for all world markets. [5] This product is Certified for a maximum use level of 0.05 units per L. [6] The 95 indicates the model of the valves and may be followed by either a 0 or a 1 and either an F or a T. The 0 models are for use with water softeners. The 1 models are for use with in-line water filters. F indicates control valve with meter. T indicates control valve with timer. A complete model number example is "BNT 951F". BNT indicates control valve trade name for all world markets. [7] This product is Certified for a maximum use level of 0.05 units per L. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
COMPONENTS: Valves, Control, Point-of-Entry [1] [8] [9] [Pb] |
BNT1050(T)DF | ||||||
BNT1051T | ||||||
BNT1050(T)UF | ||||||
BNT1050(F)UF | ||||||
BNT1050(F)DF | ||||||
BNT1051F | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to material and structural integrity requirements. [8] The 105 indicates the model of the valves and may be followed by either a 0 or a 1 and either an F or a T. The 0 models are for use with water softeners. The 1 models are for use with water filters. F indicates control valve with meter. T indicates control valve with timer. UF indicates up flow regeneration. DF indicates down flow regeneration. [9] This product is certified for a maximum use level of 0.09 units per L. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
NOTE: These components do not bear the NSF Mark. Evidence of Certification will appear on the manufacturer's literature and packaging.
Canature Health Technology Group.Co.,Ltd. | |
Chuanda Road 508&518, Pudong New Area | |
Shanghai | |
China | |
86 21 58599999 |
Facility : Anhui, China
COMPONENTS: Media, Cation Exchange Resin[1] |
001x10 | ||||||
001x7 | ||||||
001x8 | ||||||
D113HFG | ||||||
DURO-001×8NaFGFM | ||||||
  [1] Certified for the mesh sizes 16 - 50. |
Changzhou Hydrooer Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. | |
#68 Shiche Village, Pangjia, Lijia Town | |
Wujin, Jiangsu 213164 | |
China | |
86 519 8625 1788 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : # 2 China
COMPONENTS: Valves, Water Softener[1] [POE] |
EZ4-FT | ||||||
EZ4-SM | ||||||
EZ5-FT | ||||||
EZ5-SM | ||||||
MZ4-FT | ||||||
MZ4-SD | ||||||
MZ4-SD-24 | ||||||
MZ4-ST | ||||||
MZ5-FT | ||||||
MZ5-SD | ||||||
MZ5-SD-24 | ||||||
MZ5-ST | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to material and structural integrity requirements only. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
NOTE: These components do not bear the NSF Mark. Evidence of Certification will appear on the manufacturer's literature and packaging.
CHEMRA Shanghai International Trading Co. Ltd. | |
Room 673 Block B Hongqiao World Ctr | |
No. 698, Lane 1588, Zhu Guang Road | |
Qingpu, Shanghai 201702 | |
China | |
86 215 988 0673 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : # 1 China
COMPONENTS: Media, Cation Exchange Resin |
TREVERLITE IXC110[1] [2] [3] | ||||||
TREVERLITE IXC210[1] [2] [3] | ||||||
TREVERLITE IXC310[4] | ||||||
TREVERLITE IXC330[4] | ||||||
TREVERLITE XS105000[4] | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to the material requirements only. [2] This product is Certified for a maximum use level of 625 g/L. [3] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or documentation shipped with the product are Certified. [4] Certified for the following particle sizes 0.315 - 1.25 mm. |
Clack Corporation | |
4462 Duraform Lane | |
Windsor, WI 53598-9716 | |
United States | |
608-846-3010 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : Windsor, WI
COMPONENTS: Fittings[1] [Pb] [POE] |
3/4" Brass Sweat Assembly LF - V3007-03LF[2] | ||||||
3/4" John Guest QC Elbow Assembly - V3007-15[2] | ||||||
3/4" John Guest QC Straight Assembly - V3007-19[2] | ||||||
3/4" Plastic Male BSPT Assembly - V3007-14[2] | ||||||
3/4" Plastic Male NPT Assembly - V3007-18[2] | ||||||
3/4" Sharkbite® Assembly - V3007-12LF[2] | ||||||
3/4" x 1" PVC Solvent Elbow Assembly - V3007-01[2] | ||||||
1" Brass Sweat Assembly LF - V3007-02LF[2] | ||||||
1" John Guest QC Elbow Assembly - V3007-20[2] | ||||||
1" John Guest Straight QC Assembly - V3007-17[2] | ||||||
1" Meter Assembly - V3039[2] | ||||||
1" Meter Assembly - V3039-15[2] | ||||||
1" Plastic Male BSPT Assembly - V3007-06[2] | ||||||
1" Plastic Male NPT Assembly - V3007-04[2] | ||||||
1" PVC Male BSPT Elbow Assembly - V3007-16[2] | ||||||
1" PVC Male NPT Elbow Assembly - V3007[2] | ||||||
1" Sharkbite® Assembly - V3007-13LF[2] | ||||||
1.25" Plastic Male BSPT Assembly - V3007-08[2] | ||||||
1.25" Plastic Male NPT Assembly - V3007-05[2] | ||||||
1.25" & 1.5" Brass Sweat Assembly LF - V3007-09LF[2] | ||||||
1.25" & 1.5" PVC Solvent Assembly - V3007-07[2] | ||||||
Inline Vertical Adapter Fitting - V3467[2] | ||||||
Vertical Adapter Assembly - V3191-01[2] | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to material and structural integrity requirements. [2] Certified for use with tanks 9 x 48 and greater. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
COMPONENTS: Tanks, Water Softener[1] [Pb] [POE] |
8 x 35 | ||||||
8 x 44 | ||||||
9 x 18 | ||||||
9 x 35 | ||||||
9 x 44 BTM PLT | ||||||
9 x 48 | ||||||
9 x 48 BTM PLT | ||||||
10 X 13 | ||||||
10 x 18 | ||||||
10 x 35 | ||||||
10 x 40 | ||||||
10 x 40 BTM PLT | ||||||
10 x 44 | ||||||
10 x 44 BTM PLT | ||||||
10 x 47 | ||||||
10 x 54 | ||||||
10 x 54 BTM & MID PLT | ||||||
10 x 54 BTM PLT | ||||||
10 x 54 DH BTM PLT | ||||||
10 x 54 DH MID & BTM PLT | ||||||
10 x 54 DOME HOLE | ||||||
12 x 35 | ||||||
12 x 52 | ||||||
12 x 52 BTM & MID PLT | ||||||
12 x 52 BTM PLT | ||||||
12 x 52 DH BTM PLT | ||||||
12 x 52 DH MID & BTM PLT | ||||||
12 x 52 DOME HOLE | ||||||
13 x 54 | ||||||
13 x 54 BTM & MID PLT | ||||||
13 x 54 BTM PLT | ||||||
13 x 54 DH BTM PLT | ||||||
13 x 54 DH MID & BTM PLT | ||||||
13 x 54 DOME HOLE | ||||||
14 x 65 | ||||||
16 x 53 | ||||||
16 x 65 | ||||||
18 x 65 | ||||||
21 x 62 | ||||||
24 x 72 | ||||||
30 x 72 | ||||||
35 x 72 | ||||||
MCT120-C2253 | ||||||
RT40-C2250 | ||||||
RT80-C2251 | ||||||
RT120-C2252 | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to material and structural integrity requirements. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
COMPONENTS: Tubing[3] [Pb] [POE] |
DPMT-0948 | ||||||
DPMT-0948-A | ||||||
DPMT-1054 | ||||||
DPMT-1054-A | ||||||
DPMT-1054-32MM | ||||||
DPMT-1054-1320 | ||||||
DPMT-1252 | ||||||
DPMT-1252-A | ||||||
DPMT-1252-32MM | ||||||
DPMT-1252-1320 | ||||||
DPMT-1354 | ||||||
DPMT-1354-32MM | ||||||
DPMT-1354-1320 | ||||||
DPMT-1354-A | ||||||
  [3] Certified for use with tanks 10 x 54 and greater. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
COMPONENTS: Valves, Diverter, Point-of-Entry[1] [Pb] [POE] |
1" Bypass Assembly - V3006[2] | ||||||
1" Bypass Assembly - V3006-XX[2] [5] | ||||||
1" Control Valve - WS1XX - V1AABCD-EFFGG[2] [4] | ||||||
1" Twin Control Valve - TT1XX - VTT1AABCD-EFFGG[2] [4] | ||||||
1" & 1.25" Motorized Alternating Valve - V3069MM-01[2] | ||||||
1" & 1.25" Motorized Alternating Valve - V3069FF-01[2] | ||||||
1" & 1.25" No Hard Water Bypass Valve - V3070FM[2] | ||||||
1" & 1.25" No Hard Water Bypass Valve - V3070FF[2] | ||||||
1.25" Control Valve - WS125XX - V125AABCD-EFFGG[2] [4] | ||||||
1191 In-Out Head - D1400-XX[2] [6] | ||||||
1190FP In-Out Head w/ Fill Port - D1220-01[2] | ||||||
External In-Line Mixing Valve - V4099[2] | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to material and structural integrity requirements. [2] Certified for use with tanks 9 x 48 and greater. [4] V1AABCD-EFFGG, VTT1AABCD-EFFGG and V125AABCD-EFFGG where: AA - May be blank or any two digit letter code B - May be D (downflow, U (upflow), or B (backwash only) C - May be M (meter) or T (timer) D - May be A, A2, A3, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, or Z to indicate the injector installed E - May be blank or any letter code. If E or M then it includes a mixing valve FF - May be any number from 01 to 99. Indicates packaging or base variations GG - May be any two digit combination of letters. If blank, cover is black or if filled in indicates colored covers or special labels on the cover. [5] V3006-XX where XX may be 01, 02 or 04. Indicates handle color, handle direction or packaging. [6] D1400-XX where XX may be blank, 01, 02, 03 or 04. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
Clack Corporation | |
4462 Duraform Lane | |
Windsor, WI 53598-9716 | |
United States | |
608-846-3010 |
Facility : # 1 China
COMPONENTS: Tanks, Water Softener[1] [2] [Pb] [POE] |
6x10, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
6x12, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
6x13, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
6x17, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
6x18, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
6x29, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
6x35, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
7x13, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
7x17, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
7x19, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
7x24, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
7x30, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
7x35, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
7x40, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
7x44, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
8x13, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
8x17, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
8x18, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
8x24, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
8x30, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
8x35, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
8x40, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
8x44, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
8x47, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
9x17, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
9x17, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
9x18, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
9x18, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
9x24, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
9x24, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
9x30, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
9x30, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
9x35, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
9x35, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
9x40, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
9x40, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
9x42, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
9x42, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
9x48, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
9x48, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x13, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x13, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x13, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x13, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x16, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x16, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x16, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x16, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x17, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x17, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x17, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x17, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x18, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x18, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x18, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x18, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x19, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x19, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x19, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x19, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x22, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x22, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x22, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x22, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x24, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x24, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x24, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x24, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x30, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x30, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x30, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x30, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x35, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x35, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x35, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x35, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x40, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x40, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x40, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x40, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x44, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x44, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x44, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x44, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x47, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x47, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x47, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x47, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x54, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x54, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x54, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x54, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
12x42, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
12x42, 4.5" Inlet | ||||||
12x48, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
12x48, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
12x48, 4" Inlet | ||||||
12x48, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
12x48, 4" x 4" Inlet | ||||||
12x52, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
12x52, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
12x52, 4" Inlet | ||||||
12x52, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
12x52, 4" x 4" Inlet | ||||||
13x44, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
13x44, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
13x44, 4" Inlet | ||||||
13x44, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
13x44, 4" x 4" Inlet | ||||||
13x54, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
13x54, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
13x54, 4" Inlet | ||||||
13x54, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
13x54, 4" x 4" Inlet | ||||||
14x47, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
14x47, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
14x47, 4" Inlet | ||||||
14x47, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
14x47, 4" x 4" Inlet | ||||||
14x52, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
14x52, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
14x52, 4" Inlet | ||||||
14x52, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
14x52, 4" x 4" Inlet | ||||||
14x65, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
14x65, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
14x65, 4" Inlet | ||||||
14x65, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
14x65, 4" x 4" Inlet | ||||||
16x28, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
16x28, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
16x28, 4" Inlet | ||||||
16x28, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
16x28, 4" x 4" Inlet | ||||||
16x52, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
16x52, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
16x52, 4" Inlet | ||||||
16x52, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
16x52, 4" x 4" Inlet | ||||||
16x65, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
16x65, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
16x65, 4" Inlet | ||||||
16x65, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
16x65, 4" x 4" Inlet | ||||||
18x36, 4" Inlet | ||||||
18x36, 4" x 4" Inlet | ||||||
18x53, 4" Inlet | ||||||
18x53, 4" x 4" Inlet | ||||||
18x65, 4" Inlet | ||||||
18x65, 4" x 4" Inlet | ||||||
21x36, 4" Inlet | ||||||
21x36, 4" x 4" Inlet | ||||||
21x53, 4" Inlet | ||||||
21x53, 4" x 4" Inlet | ||||||
21x62, 4" Inlet | ||||||
21x62, 4" x 4" Inlet | ||||||
24x65, 4" Inlet | ||||||
24x65, 4" x 4" Inlet | ||||||
24x72, 4" Inlet | ||||||
24x72, 4" x 4" Inlet | ||||||
30x72, 4" Inlet | ||||||
30x72, 4" x 4" Inlet | ||||||
36x57, 4" Inlet | ||||||
36x57, 4" x 4" Inlet | ||||||
36x72, 4" Inlet | ||||||
36x72, 4" x 4" Inlet | ||||||
12x48, 4.5" Butress Inlet | ||||||
12x52, 4.5" Butress Inlet | ||||||
13x44, 4.5" Butress Inlet | ||||||
13x54, 4.5" Butress Inlet | ||||||
14x47, 4.5" Butress Inlet | ||||||
14x52, 4.5" Butress Inlet | ||||||
14x65, 4.5" Butress Inlet | ||||||
16x28, 4.5" Butress Inlet | ||||||
16x52, 4.5" Butress Inlet | ||||||
16x65, 4.5" Butress Inlet | ||||||
10x35, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
10x35, 4" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
10x40, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
10x40, 4" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
10x44, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
10x44, 4" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
10x47, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
10x47, 4" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
10x54, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
10x54, 4" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
12x48, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
12x48, 4" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
12x52, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
12x52, 4" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
13x44, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
13x44, 4" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
13x54, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
13x54, 4" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
14x47, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
14x47, 4" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
14x52, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
14x52, 4" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
14x65, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
14x65, 4" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
16x28, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
16x28, 4" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
16x52, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
16x52, 4" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
16x65, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
16x65, 4" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
18x65, 6" Flange | ||||||
18x65, 6" x 6" Flange | ||||||
21x62, 6" Flange | ||||||
21x62, 6" x 6" Flange | ||||||
24x65, 6" Flange | ||||||
24x65, 6" x 6" Flange | ||||||
24x72, 6" Flange | ||||||
24x72, 6" x 6" Flange | ||||||
30x72, 6" Flange | ||||||
30x72, 6" x 6" Flange | ||||||
36x57, 6" Flange | ||||||
36x57, 6" x 6" Flange | ||||||
36x72, 6" Flange | ||||||
36x72, 6" x 6" Flange | ||||||
42x72, 6" x 6" Flange | ||||||
48x72, 6" x 6" Flange | ||||||
63x67, 6" x 10" Flange | ||||||
63x67, 6" x 6" Flange | ||||||
63x86, 6" x 10" Flange | ||||||
63x86, 6" x 6" Flange | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to material and structural integrity requirements. [2] The "x" in the trade name may be omitted. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
Clack Corporation | |
4462 Duraform Lane | |
Windsor, WI 53598 | |
United States | |
608-846-3010 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : # 1 USA
COMPONENTS: Tanks, Water Softener[1] [2] [Pb] [POE] |
7x35, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
7x44, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
8x35, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
8x40, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
8x44, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
9x35, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
9x40, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
9x42, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
9x48, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x35, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x40, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x42, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x44, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x47, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x54, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to material and structural integrity requirements. [2] The "x" in the trade name may be omitted. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
EcoWater Systems LLC | ![]() |
P.O. Box 64420 | |
St. Paul, MN 55164 | |
United States | |
800-869-2837 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : Iuka, MS
COMPONENTS: Valves, Ball[Pb] [POE] |
7376020 | ||||||
  [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [POE] Point of Entry - Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
Facility : Ripley, MS
Flow Rate | ||||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | (gpm) | Claim | ||||
Point-of-Entry [Pb] [POE] |
ECR3700R20[1] [2] | 9 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
ECR3700R30[1] [2] | 11 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
ECR3702R30[1] [2] | 11 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
ECR3702R40[1] [2] | 12 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
ECR3702R50S[1] [2] | 20 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
ECR3702R70[1] [2] | 12 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
EEC1502R25[1] [2] | 6 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] |
EEC1502R40[1] [2] | 9.9 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] |
ERR3700R20[1] [2] | 8 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
ERR3702R30[1] [2] | 8 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
ERR3702R50[1] [2] | 10.9 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
ESD2750R25[1] [2] | 6 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
ESD2752R30[1] [2] | 7 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
ESD2752R39[1] [2] | 7 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
ESD2800R25 | 6 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
ESD2802R30 | 7 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
ESD2802R39 | 7 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
ESS1152XR32 | 8.3 | Hardness Reduction[HR] | ||||
  [1] Product also complies with NSF/ANSI 372. [2] Product evaluated and determined to comply with efficiency rating requirements defined by California state laws. [ER] Softener Efficiency indicates that the softener achieves a minimum of 3,350 grains of hardness removed per pound of regenerant salt (477 grams of hardness removed per kilogram of regenerant salt), and also that it uses 5 gallons or less of regenerant water per 1,000 grains of hardness removed (18.9 liters or less of regenerant water per 64.8 grams of hardness removed). [HR] Hardness Reduction indicates that the published capacity ratings for reducing hardness have been verified. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
COMPONENTS: Tanks, Water Softener[3] [Pb] [POE] |
7169457 | ||||||
7172638 | ||||||
  [3] Conforms to the material and structural integrity requirements only. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
COMPONENTS: Valves, Ball[Pb] [POE] |
7376020 | ||||||
  [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
COMPONENTS: Valves, Water Softener[3] [Pb] [POE] |
7244419 | ||||||
7244427 | ||||||
7244477 | ||||||
7245009 | ||||||
7245025 | ||||||
  [3] Conforms to the material and structural integrity requirements only. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
EcoWater Systems LLC | |
P.O. Box 64420 | |
St. Paul, MN 55164 | |
United States | |
800-869-2837 | |
651-739-5530 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : 1A China
COMPONENTS: Tanks, Water Softener[1] [Pb] |
7391787 | ||||||
7391795 | ||||||
7391800 | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to material and structural integrity requirements. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
COMPONENTS: Valves, Control, Point-of-Entry[1] [2] [Pb] |
7393886 | ||||||
7393894 | ||||||
7393909 | ||||||
7393917 | ||||||
7393925 | ||||||
7393933 | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to material and structural integrity requirements. [2] This product is certified for a maximum use level of 0.09 units per L. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
Electrophor, Inc. | |
4750 NE13th Terrace | |
Oakland Park, FL 33334-4210 | |
United States | |
914-693-1150 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : Narva, Estonia
Flow Rate | ||||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | (gpm) | Claim | ||||
Point-of-Entry [POE] |
A1000[1] | 5.5 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
A800[1] | 5.5 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
  [1] Product evaluated and determined to comply with efficiency rating requirements defined by California state laws. [ER] Softener Efficiency indicates that the softener achieves a minimum of 3,350 grains of hardness removed per pound of regenerant salt (477 grams of hardness removed per kilogram of regenerant salt), and also that it uses 5 gallons or less of regenerant water per 1,000 grains of hardness removed (18.9 liters or less of regenerant water per 64.8 grams of hardness removed). [HR] Hardness Reduction indicates that the published capacity ratings for reducing hardness have been verified. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI 61 health effects requirements. |
Enpress LLC | |
Division of Polymer and Steel | |
Technologies Hldg. Co. | |
34899 Curtis Boulevard | |
Eastlake, OH 44095 | |
United States | |
440-510-0108 |
Facility : Eastlake, OH
COMPONENTS: Tanks, Water Softener, Point-of-Entry[1] [2] [Pb] [POE] |
EFG 10X16[3] | ||||||
EFG 10X17[3] | ||||||
EFG 10X18[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 10X19[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 10X22[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 10X23[3] | ||||||
EFG 10X24[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 10X29[3] | ||||||
EFG 10X30[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 10X32[4] | ||||||
EFG 10X35[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 10X36[4] | ||||||
EFG 10X40[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 10X44[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 10X47[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 10X54[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 10X55[3] | ||||||
EFG 10X60[3] | ||||||
EFG 10X65[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 12X29[3] [4] [5] [6] [7] | ||||||
EFG 12X30[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 12X35[3] | ||||||
EFG 12X36[3] [4] [6] [8] | ||||||
EFG 12X40[3] [5] | ||||||
EFG 12X42[3] | ||||||
EFG 12X44[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 12X48[3] [4] [5] [6] [8] | ||||||
EFG 12X51[3] | ||||||
EFG 12X52[3] [4] [5] [6] | ||||||
EFG 12X54[3] | ||||||
EFG 12X60[3] | ||||||
EFG 13X30[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 13X35[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 13X40[3] | ||||||
EFG 13X44[3] | ||||||
EFG 13X48[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 13X53[3] | ||||||
EFG 13X54[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 13X55[3] | ||||||
EFG 13X56[3] | ||||||
EFG 13X65[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 13x36[3] | ||||||
EFG 13x60[3] | ||||||
EFG 14X30[3] [5] [6] [8] | ||||||
EFG 14X40[3] [7] | ||||||
EFG 14X47[3] [5] [6] [8] | ||||||
EFG 14X52[7] | ||||||
EFG 14X54[3] [4] [5] | ||||||
EFG 14X65[3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] | ||||||
EFG 14X72[3] | ||||||
EFG 16X23[3] [8] | ||||||
EFG 16X28[3] | ||||||
EFG 16X36[3] [4] [5] [7] | ||||||
EFG 16X40[4] | ||||||
EFG 16X44[3] [5] | ||||||
EFG 16X53[3] [5] | ||||||
EFG 7X14[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 7X17[3] | ||||||
EFG 7X18[3] | ||||||
EFG 7X24[3] | ||||||
EFG 7X29[3] | ||||||
EFG 7X30[3] | ||||||
EFG 7X35[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 7X40[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 7X44[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 8X17[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 8X18[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 8X20[4] | ||||||
EFG 8X22[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 8X24[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 8X29[3] | ||||||
EFG 8X30[3] | ||||||
EFG 8X35[3] | ||||||
EFG 8X40[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 8X42[4] | ||||||
EFG 8X44[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 8X49[4] | ||||||
EFG 9X15[3] | ||||||
EFG 9X18[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 9X24[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 9X30[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 9X32[3] | ||||||
EFG 9X35[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 9X40[3] | ||||||
EFG 9X42[3] | ||||||
EFG 9X44[3] | ||||||
EFG 9X48[3] [4] | ||||||
EFG 9X49[3] | ||||||
EFG 9X54[3] | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to material and structural requirements only. [2] Standard Tanks: 7X14, 7X17, 7X18, 7X24, 7X29, 7X30, 7X35, 7X40, 7X44, 8X17, 8X18, 8X22, 8X24, 8X29, 8X30, 8X35, 8X40, 8X44, 9X15, 9X18, 9X24, 9X30, 9X32, 9X35, 9X40, 9X42, 9X44, 9X48, 9X49, 9X54, 10X13, 10X15, 10X16, 10X17, 10X18, 10X19, 10X22, 10X23, 10X24, 10X29, 10X30, 10X32 10X35, 10X40, 10X44, 10X47, 10X54, 10X55, 10X60, 10X65, 12X29, 12X30, 12X35, 12X36, 12X40, 12X42, 12X44, 12X48, 12X51, 12X52, 12X54, 13X30, 13X35, 13X36, 13X44, 13X48, 13X54, 13X55, 13X56, 13X60, 13X65, 14X30, 14X40, 14X47, 14X54, 14X65, 14X72, 16X23, 16X28, 16X36, 16X44, 16X53, 16X65, 21X62, 24X72 Tanks with a Top and Bottom Inlet: 7X14, 7X35, 7X40, 7X44, 8X17, 8X20, 8X22, 8X24, 8X40, 8X42, 8X44, 8X49, 9X18, 9X24, 9X35, 9X48, 10X18, 10X22, 10X24, 10X30, 10X35, 10X40, 10X44, 10X47, 10X54, 10X65, 12X29, 12X30, 12X36, 12X44, 12X48, 12X52, 13X30, 13X35, 13X48, 13X54, 13X65, 14X30, 14X40, 14X52, 14x65, 16x23, 16x36, 16x40, 16x53, 16x65 Tanks with Bottom Plates: 7X14, 7X17, 7X18, 7X24, 7X29, 7X30, 7X35, 7X40, 7X44, 8X17, 8X18, 8X20, 8X22, 8X24, 8X29, 8X30, 8X35, 8X40, 8X42, 8X44, 8X49, 9X15, 9X18, 9X24, 9X30, 9X32, 9X35, 9X40, 9X42, 9X44, 9X48, 9X49, 9X54, 10X13, 10X15, 10X16, 10X17, 10X18, 10X19, 10X22, 10X23, 10X24, 10X29, 10X30, 10X32, 10X35, 10X40, 10X44, 10X47, 10X54, 10X55, 10X60, 10X65, 12X29, 12X30, 12X35, 12X36, 12X40, 12X42, 12X44, 12X48, 12X51, 12X52, 12X54, 13X30, 13X35, 13X36, 13X44, 13X48, 13X54, 13X55, 13X56, 13X60, 13X65, 14X30, 14X40, 14X47, 14X52, 14X54, 14X65, 16X65, 14X72, 16X23, 16X28, 16X36, 16X40, 16X44, 16X53 Tanks with a Mid-Plate and Bottom Plate: 10X22, 10X23, 10X24, 10X29, 10X30, 10X32, 10X35, 10X40, 10X44, 10X47, 10X54, 10X55, 10X60, 10X65, 13X30, 13X35, 13X36, 13X44, 13X48, 13X54, 13X55, 13X56, 13X60, 13X65 Tanks with a Dome Hole: 10X16, 10X17, 10X18, 10X19, 10X22, 10X23, 10X24, 10X29, 10X30, 10X35, 10X40, 10X44, 10X47, 10X54, 10X55, 10X60, 10X65, 12X29, 12X30, 12X35, 12X36, 12X40, 12X42, 12X44, 12X48, 12X51, 12X52, 12X54, 13X30, 13X35, 13X36, 13X44, 13X48, 13X54, 13X55, 13X56, 13X60, 13X65 Tanks with a Dome Hole, Top Inlet, and Bottom Inlet: 10X18, 10X22, 10X24, 10X30, 10X35, 10X40, 10X44, 10X47, 10X54, 10X65, 12X29, 12X30, 12X36, 12X44, 12X48, 12X52, 13X30, 13X35, 13X48, 13X54, 13X65 Tanks with a Dome Hole and Bottom Plate: 10X16, 10X17, 10X18, 10X19, 10X22, 10X23, 10X24, 10X29, 10X30, 10X32, 10X35, 10X40, 10X44, 10X47, 10X54, 10X55, 10X60, 10X65, 12X29, 12X30, 12X35, 12X36, 12X40, 12X42, 12X44, 12X48, 12X51, 12X52, 12X54, 13X30, 13X35, 13X36, 13X44, 13X48, 13X54, 13X55, 13X56, 13X60, 13X65 [3] 2.5" Single Inlet Tank: 7x14, 7x17, 7x18, 7x24, 7x29, 7x30, 7x35, 7x40, 7x44, 8x17, 8x18, 8x22, 8x24, 8x29, 8x30, 8x35, 8x40, 8x44, 9x15, 9x18, 9x24, 9x30, 9x32, 9x35, 9x40, 9x42, 9x44, 9x48, 9x49, 9x54, 10x16, 10x17, 10x18, 10x19, 10x22, 10x23, 12x29, 12x30, 12x35, 12x36, 12x40, 12x42, 12x44, 12x48, 12x51, 12x52, 12x54, 12x60, 13x40, 13x53, 14x30, 14x40, 14x47, 14x54, 14x65, 14x72, 16x23, 16x28, 16x36, 16x44, 16x53, 16x65 [4] 2.5" x 2.5" Dual Inlet: 7x14, 7x35, 7x40, 7x44, 8x17, 8x18, 8x20, 8x22, 8x24, 8x40, 8x42, 8x44, 8x49, 9x18, 9x24, 9x30, 9x35, 9x48, 10x18, 10x19, 10x22, 10x24, 10x30, 10x32, 10x35, 10x36, 10x40, 10x44, 10x47, 10x54, 10x65, 12x29, 12x30, 12x36, 12x44, 12x48, 12x52, 13x30, 13x35, 13x48, 13x54, 13x65, 14x54, 14x65, 16x36, 16x40, 16x53, 16x65 [5] 4" Single Inlet Tank: 12x29, 12x40, 12x48, 12x52, 14x30, 14x47, 14x54, 14x65, 16x36, 16x44, 16x53, 16x65 [6] 4.5" Single Inlet Tank: 12x29, 12x36, 12x48, 12x52, 14x30, 14x47, 14x65 [7] 2.5" x 4" Dual Tanks: 12x29, 14x40, 14x52, 14x65, 16x36 [8] 4" x 4" Dual Inlet Tanks: 12x36, 12x48, 14x30, 14x47, 14x65, 16x23, 16x65 [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
Everpure LLC | ![]() |
1040 Muirfield Drive | |
Hanover Park, IL 60133 | |
United States | |
800-323-7873 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : Buena Park, CA
Flow Rate | ||||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | (gpm) | Claim | ||||
Plumbed-In[1] [Pb] |
CES-5600E-15 | 3 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] |
  [1] Product evaluated and determined to comply with efficiency rating requirements defined by California state laws. [ER] Softener Efficiency indicates that the softener achieves a minimum of 3,350 grains of hardness removed per pound of regenerant salt (477 grams of hardness removed per kilogram of regenerant salt), and also that it uses 5 gallons or less of regenerant water per 1,000 grains of hardness removed (18.9 liters or less of regenerant water per 64.8 grams of hardness removed). [HR] Hardness Reduction indicates that the published capacity ratings for reducing hardness have been verified. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
Point-of-Entry[1] [POE] |
CES-9100E-24[Pb] | 8 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] |
CES-9100TS E-30C[Pb] | 7.9 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] |
  [1] Product evaluated and determined to comply with efficiency rating requirements defined by California state laws. [ER] Softener Efficiency indicates that the softener achieves a minimum of 3,350 grains of hardness removed per pound of regenerant salt (477 grams of hardness removed per kilogram of regenerant salt), and also that it uses 5 gallons or less of regenerant water per 1,000 grains of hardness removed (18.9 liters or less of regenerant water per 64.8 grams of hardness removed). [HR] Hardness Reduction indicates that the published capacity ratings for reducing hardness have been verified. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
Facility : Mukwonago, WI
Flow Rate | ||||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | (gpm) | Claim | ||||
Plumbed-In[1] [Pb] |
CES-5600E-15 | 3 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] |
  [1] Product evaluated and determined to comply with efficiency rating requirements defined by California state laws. [ER] Softener Efficiency indicates that the softener achieves a minimum of 3,350 grains of hardness removed per pound of regenerant salt (477 grams of hardness removed per kilogram of regenerant salt), and also that it uses 5 gallons or less of regenerant water per 1,000 grains of hardness removed (18.9 liters or less of regenerant water per 64.8 grams of hardness removed). [HR] Hardness Reduction indicates that the published capacity ratings for reducing hardness have been verified. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
Point-of-Entry[1] [POE] |
CES-9100E-24[Pb] | 8 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] |
CES-9100TS E-30C[Pb] | 7.9 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] |
  [1] Product evaluated and determined to comply with efficiency rating requirements defined by California state laws. [ER] Softener Efficiency indicates that the softener achieves a minimum of 3,350 grains of hardness removed per pound of regenerant salt (477 grams of hardness removed per kilogram of regenerant salt), and also that it uses 5 gallons or less of regenerant water per 1,000 grains of hardness removed (18.9 liters or less of regenerant water per 64.8 grams of hardness removed). [HR] Hardness Reduction indicates that the published capacity ratings for reducing hardness have been verified. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI 61 health effects requirements. |
Extrepure Resin (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. | |
Unit 726, No. 56 | |
Lane 846, Xin Yu Road | |
Shanghai 200020 | |
China | |
86 21 6910 6533 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : # 2 China
COMPONENTS: Media, Cation Exchange Resin[1] |
001×10NAFG | ||||||
001×7NAFG | ||||||
001×8NAFG | ||||||
D113HFG | ||||||
  [1] Certified for the mesh sizes 16-50. |
Franklin Water Treatment Canada, Inc. | |
Unit 5 - 200 Discovery Place | |
Winnipeg, MB R2R 0P7 | |
Canada | |
204-786-1604 |
Facility : # 2 China
COMPONENTS: Tanks, Water Softener[1] |
WC817EX | ||||||
WC835EX | ||||||
WC844EX | ||||||
WC942EX | ||||||
WC948EX | ||||||
WC1035EX | ||||||
WC1044EX | ||||||
WC1047EX | ||||||
WC1054EX | ||||||
WC1248EX | ||||||
WC1252EX | ||||||
WC1354EX | ||||||
WC1465EX | ||||||
WC1465EX4 | ||||||
WC1665EX | ||||||
WC1865EX | ||||||
WC2162EX | ||||||
WC2472EX | ||||||
WC3072EX | ||||||
WC3072EXF2 | ||||||
WC3672EX | ||||||
WC3672EXF2 | ||||||
WC4272EXF2 | ||||||
WC4872EXF2 | ||||||
WC6367EXF2 | ||||||
WC6386EXF2 | ||||||
  [1] X - Color N - Natural BL - Black G - Grey |
Franklin Water Treatment Canada, Inc. | |
Unit 5 - 200 Discovery Place | |
Winnipeg, MB R2R 0P7 | |
Canada | |
204-786-1604 |
Facility : # 1 China
COMPONENTS: Tanks, Water Softener[1] [2] [3] [Pb] [POE] |
WC817EX | ||||||
WC835EX | ||||||
WC844EX | ||||||
WC918EX2 | ||||||
WC942EX | ||||||
WC948EX | ||||||
WC1035EX | ||||||
WC1044EX | ||||||
WC1047EX | ||||||
WC1054EX | ||||||
WC1248EX | ||||||
WC1252EX | ||||||
WC1354EX | ||||||
WC1465EX | ||||||
WC1465EX4 | ||||||
WC1665EX | ||||||
WC1865EX | ||||||
WC2162EX | ||||||
WC2472EX | ||||||
WC2472EXF | ||||||
WC2472EXF2 | ||||||
WC3072EX | ||||||
WC3072EXF | ||||||
WC3072EXF2 | ||||||
WC3672EX | ||||||
WC3672EXF | ||||||
WC3672EXF2 | ||||||
WC4272EXF2 | ||||||
WC4872EXF2 | ||||||
WC6367EXF2 | ||||||
WC6386EXF2 | ||||||
  [1] X - Color N - Natural BL - Black G - Grey [2] Conforms to material and structural integrity requirements. [3] The "x" in the trade name may be omitted. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
Function International Public Company Limited | |
313 Charoen Phatthana Road | |
Bangchan, Khlong Sam Wa | |
Bangkok 10510 | |
Thailand | |
66 2540 6263 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : # 1 China
COMPONENTS: Tanks, Water Softener[1] [Pb] |
FIBERTEK FRP 21X62 (4"x4") FIBERTEK LABEL | ||||||
FIBERTEK FRP 24X72 (4"x4") FIBERTEK LABEL | ||||||
FRP 10×35(2.5")GREY AQUATEK LABEL | ||||||
FRP 10×44(2.5")GREY AQUATEK LABEL | ||||||
FRP 10×54(2.5")GREY AQUATEK LABEL | ||||||
FRP 12×48(2.5")GREY AQUATEK LABEL | ||||||
FRP 12×52(2.5")GREY AQUATEK LABEL | ||||||
FRP 13×54(2.5")GREY AQUATEK LABEL | ||||||
FRP 14×65(2.5")GREY AQUATEK LABEL | ||||||
FRP 16×65(2.5")GREY AQUATEK LABEL | ||||||
FRP 18×65(4")GREY AQUATEK LABEL | ||||||
FRP 21×62(4")GREY AQUATEK LABEL | ||||||
FRP 21×62(4"×4")GREY AQUATEK LABEL | ||||||
FRP 24×72(4")GREY AQUATEK LABEL | ||||||
FRP 24×72(4"×4")GREY AQUATEK LABEL | ||||||
FRP 7×35(2.5")GREY AQUATEK LABEL | ||||||
FRP 8×35(2.5")GREY AQUATEK LABEL | ||||||
FRP 8×44(2.5")GREY AQUATEK LABEL | ||||||
HYDROMAX FRP 21X62 (4"x4") HYDROMAX LABEL | ||||||
HYDROMAX FRP 24X72 (4"x4") HYDROMAX LABEL | ||||||
STAR PURE FRP 10X35 (2.5") STAR PURE LABEL | ||||||
STAR PURE FRP 10X44 (2.5") STAR PURE LABEL | ||||||
STAR PURE FRP 10X54 (2.5") STAR PURE LABEL | ||||||
STAR PURE FRP 12X48 (2.5") STAR PURE LABEL | ||||||
STAR PURE FRP 12X52 (2.5") STAR PURE LABEL | ||||||
STAR PURE FRP 13X54 (2.5") STAR PURE LABEL | ||||||
STAR PURE FRP 14X65 (2.5") STAR PURE LABEL | ||||||
STAR PURE FRP 16X65 (2.5") STAR PURE LABEL | ||||||
STAR PURE FRP 21X62 (4"x4") STAR PURE LABEL | ||||||
STAR PURE FRP 24X72 (4"x4") STAR PURE LABEL | ||||||
STAR PURE FRP 7X35 (2.5") SC5:C20PURE LABEL | ||||||
STAR PURE FRP 8X35 (2.5") STAR PURE LABEL | ||||||
STAR PURE FRP 8X44 (2.5") STAR PURE LABEL | ||||||
TREATTON FRP 21X62 (4"x4") TREATTON LABEL | ||||||
TREATTON FRP 24X72 (4"x4") TREATTON LABEL | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to material and structural integrity requirements. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
Function International Public Company Limited | |
313 Charoen Phatthana Rd | |
Bang Chan, Khlong Sam Wa | |
Bangkok 10510 | |
Thailand | |
66 2540 6263 |
Facility : Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
COMPONENTS: Media, Cation Exchange Resin[1] [2] |
AQUATEK AQC 107 FD | ||||||
HYDROMAX HMC 107 FD | ||||||
PALL TECH PTC-107 FD | ||||||
STAR PURE SPC 107 FD | ||||||
  [1] Certified for a maximum use level of 80 g/L. [2] PALL TECH PTC-107 FD, AQUATEK AQC 107 FD, STAR PURE SPC 107 FD, and HYDROMAX HMC 107 FD are certified for the following sizes: 0.315 - 1.25 mm. |
GE Appliances, a Haier Company | |
Appliance Park | |
AP2-120 | |
Louisville, KY 40225 | |
United States | |
800-952-5039 | |
502-452-5435 |
Facility : Ripley, MS
Flow Rate | ||||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | (gpm) | Claim | ||||
Point-of-Entry[1] [Pb] [POE] |
GXMH31H[2] | 8 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
GXSF30V[2] | 7.5 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
GXSH40V[2] | 9.5 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
GXSH45V[2] | 9.5 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
GXSHC40N[2] | 9.5 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
  [1] Product also complies with NSF/ANSI 372. [2] Product evaluated and determined to comply with efficiency rating requirements defined by California state laws. [ER] Softener Efficiency indicates that the softener achieves a minimum of 3,350 grains of hardness removed per pound of regenerant salt (477 grams of hardness removed per kilogram of regenerant salt), and also that it uses 5 gallons or less of regenerant water per 1,000 grains of hardness removed (18.9 liters or less of regenerant water per 64.8 grams of hardness removed). [HR] Hardness Reduction indicates that the published capacity ratings for reducing hardness have been verified. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI 61 health effects requirements. |
General Technologies, SPC | |
2016 E Spruce Circle | |
Olathe, KS 66062 | |
United States | |
913-766-5566 |
Facility : # 1 China
COMPONENTS: Media, Cation Exchange Resin[1] |
C107DQ Strong Acid Cation Resin[2] | ||||||
C108DQ Strong Acid Cation Resin[2] | ||||||
C108UPDQ Strong Acid Cation Resin[3] | ||||||
C110DQ Strong Acid Cation Resin[2] | ||||||
C258DQ weak Acid Cation Resin[2] | ||||||
C258DQHC weak Acid Cation Resin[2] | ||||||
  [1] Certified for a maximum use level of 80 g/L. [2] C107DQ Strong Acid Cation Resin,C108DQ Strong Acid Cation Resin, C258DQHC Weak Acid Caton Resin, C258DQ Weak Acid Cation Resin are certified for the following sizes: 0.315 - 1.25 mm.C110DQ Strong Acid Cation Resin is certified for 16-50 mesh. [3] C108UPDQ Strong Acid Cation Resin is certified for the following sizes: 0.2-0.45mm |
Global Aqua Technology | |
13963 Ramona Avenue | ![]() |
Suite E | |
Chino, CA 91710 | |
United States | |
86 215 732 5533 |
Facility : 2A
COMPONENTS: Media, Cation Exchange Resin[1] [2] |
Ion S+ | ||||||
Ion XS+ | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to the material requirements only. [2] This product is Certified for a maximum use level of 625 g/L. |
Global Aqua Technology | ![]() |
13963 Ramona Avenue | |
Suite E | |
Chino, CA 91710 | |
United States | |
626-333-3336 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : 3A
COMPONENTS: Tanks, Water Softener[1] [2] [Pb] [POE] |
FLT-0610XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0612XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0613XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0617XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0618XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0629XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0635XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0713XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0717XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0719XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0724XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0730XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0735XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0740XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0744XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0813XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0813XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-0817XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0817XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-0818XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0818XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-0824XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0824XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-0830XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0830XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-0835XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0835XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-0840XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0840XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-0844XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0844XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-0847XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0913XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0916XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0917XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0917XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-0918XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0918XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-0922XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0924XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0924XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-0930XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0930XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-0932XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0935XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0935XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-0940XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0940XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-0942XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0942XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-0948XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-0948XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-1013XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1013XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-1013XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1013XX-4T25B | ||||||
FLT-1016XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1016XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-1016XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1016XX-4T25B | ||||||
FLT-1017XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1017XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-1017XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1017XX-4T25B | ||||||
FLT-1018XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1018XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-1018XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1018XX-4T25B | ||||||
FLT-1019XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1019XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-1019XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1019XX-4T25B | ||||||
FLT-1022XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1022XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-1022XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1022XX-4T25B | ||||||
FLT-1024XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1024XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-1024XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1024XX-4T25B | ||||||
FLT-1030XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1030XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-1030XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1030XX-4T25B | ||||||
FLT-1032XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1035XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1035XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-1035XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1035XX-4T25B | ||||||
FLT-1040XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1040XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-1040XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1040XX-4T25B | ||||||
FLT-1044XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1044XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-1044XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1044XX-4T25B | ||||||
FLT-1047XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1047XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-1047XX-3T | ||||||
FLT-1047XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1047XX-4T25B | ||||||
FLT-1054XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1054XX-3T | ||||||
FLT-1054XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1054XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-1054XX-4T25B | ||||||
FLT-1236XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1236XX-45T | ||||||
FLT-1242XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1242XX-45T | ||||||
FLT-1248XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1248XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1248XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-1248XX-4T25B | ||||||
FLT-1248XX-4T4B | ||||||
FLT-1252XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1252XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-1252XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1252XX-4T25B | ||||||
FLT-1252XX-4T4B | ||||||
FLT-1335XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1344XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1344XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-1344XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1344XX-4T25B | ||||||
FLT-1344XX-4T4B | ||||||
FLT-1354XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1354XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-1354XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1354XX-4T25B | ||||||
FLT-1354XX-4T4B | ||||||
FLT-1447XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1447XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-1447XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1447XX-4T25B | ||||||
FLT-1447XX-4T4B | ||||||
FLT-1452XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1452XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-1452XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1452XX-4T25B | ||||||
FLT-1452XX-4T4B | ||||||
FLT-1465XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1465XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-1465XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1465XX-4T25B | ||||||
FLT-1465XX-4T4B | ||||||
FLT-1465XX-4T25B | ||||||
FLT-1465XX-4T4B | ||||||
FLT-1628XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1628XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-1628XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1628XX-4T25B | ||||||
FLT-1628XX-4T4B | ||||||
FLT-1640XX-45T | ||||||
FLT-1652XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1652XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-1652XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1652XX-4T25B | ||||||
FLT-1652XX-4T4B | ||||||
FLT-1653XX-45T | ||||||
FLT-1655XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1665XX-25T | ||||||
FLT-1665XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-1665XX-25T25B | ||||||
FLT-1665XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1665XX-4T25B | ||||||
FLT-1665XX-4T4B | ||||||
FLT-1836XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1836XX-4T4B | ||||||
FLT-1853XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1853XX-4T4B | ||||||
FLT-1865XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-1865XX-4T4B | ||||||
FLT-2136XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-2136XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-2153XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-2153XX-4T4B | ||||||
FLT-2153XX-45T45B | ||||||
FLT-2162XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-2162XX-4T4B | ||||||
FLT-2465XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-2465XX-4T4B | ||||||
FLT-2472XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-2472XX-4T4B | ||||||
FLT-3072XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-3072XX-4T4B | ||||||
FLT-3657XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-3657XX-4T4B | ||||||
FLT-3663XX-6T6B | ||||||
FLT-3672XX-4T | ||||||
FLT-3672XX-4T4B | ||||||
FLT-2162XX-6T | ||||||
FLT-2162XX-6T6B | ||||||
FLT-2465XX-6T | ||||||
FLT-2465XX-6T6B | ||||||
FLT-2472XX-6T | ||||||
FLT-2472XX-6T6B | ||||||
FLT-3072XX-6T | ||||||
FLT-3072XX-6T6B | ||||||
FLT-3657XX-6T | ||||||
FLT-3657XX-6T6B | ||||||
FLT-3663XX-6T6B | ||||||
FLT-3672XX-6T | ||||||
FLT-3672XX-6T6B | ||||||
FLT-4251XX-6T6B | ||||||
FLT-4263XX-6T6B | ||||||
FLT-4266XX-6T6B | ||||||
FLT-4272XX-6T6B | ||||||
FLT-4872XX-6T6B | ||||||
FLT-6367XX-6T10B | ||||||
FLT-6367XX-6T6B | ||||||
FLT-6386XX-6T10B | ||||||
FLT-6386XX-6T6B | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to material and structural integrity requirements. [2] XX - FRP Tank color BL - Blue BK - Black NA - Natural [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
Global Aqua Technology | |
13963 Ramona Avenue | |
Suite E | |
Chino, CA 91710 | |
United States | |
626-333-3336 |
Facility : # 2A
COMPONENTS: Media, Cation Exchange Resin |
ION-MS+ | ||||||
ION-S+ | ||||||
ION-SB+ | ||||||
ION-XS+ | ||||||
Global Aqua Technology | |
13963 Ramona Avenue | ![]() |
Chino, CA CA 91710 | |
United States | |
626-333-3336 |
Facility : 2A
COMPONENTS: Media, Cation Exchange Resin |
ION-SPA1+ | ||||||
ION-SPA2+ | ||||||
Hankscraft Inc. | |
300 Wengel Drive | |
P.O. Box 190 | |
Reedsburg, WI 53959 | |
United States | |
608-524-4341 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : # 2 China
COMPONENTS: Valves, Water Softener[1] [POE] |
HD-FTC | ||||||
HD-SMM | ||||||
HDL-FTC | ||||||
HDL-SMM | ||||||
HL-FTC | ||||||
HL-SMM | ||||||
HL-SMM-24 | ||||||
HL-STC | ||||||
HS-FTC | ||||||
HS-SMM | ||||||
HS-SMM-24 | ||||||
HS-STC | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to material and structural integrity requirements only. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
NOTE: These components do not bear the NSF Mark. Evidence of Certification will appear on the manufacturer's literature and packaging.
Hankscraft Inc. | |
300 Wengel Drive | |
Reedsburg, WI 53959 | |
United States | |
608-524-4341 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : R China
COMPONENTS: Valves, Water Softener[1] |
RevV2[2] | ||||||
RevV3[3] | ||||||
RevV4[4] | ||||||
RevV4/41204[4] | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to material and structural integrity requirements only. [2] Certified for use with tank sizes 8 x 17 and larger. The product is Certified for a maximum use level of 0.21 units per L. [3] Certified for use with tank sizes 7 x 44 and larger. [4] Certified for use with tank sizes 10 x 54 and larger. |
Hebei Chengda Water Technology Co., Ltd. | |
N0. 19 Chuangye Rd., SME Pioneer Park | |
Zaoqiang County, Hengshui City | |
Hebei Province 053100 | |
China | |
86 318 828 7859 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : Hebei Province, China
COMPONENTS: Tanks, Water Softener[1] |
AABB-C-D[2] | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to material and structural integrity requirements. [2] AA: Diameter of Product BB: Product Height C: Top Opening Size D: Down Opening Size(If applicable) |
Hebi Higer Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. | |
Jijiashan Industrial Park | |
Hebi City, Henan Province | |
458000 | |
China | |
86 392 256 8888 |
Facility : Henan Province, China
COMPONENTS: Media, Cation Exchange Resin[1] |
C007BFG[2] | ||||||
C007CFG[3] | ||||||
C007FG[4] | ||||||
C008BFG[2] | ||||||
C008CFG[3] | ||||||
C008FG[4] | ||||||
C009FG[4] | ||||||
C010FG[4] | ||||||
C011FG[4] | ||||||
C012FG[4] | ||||||
C013FG[4] | ||||||
C016FG[4] | ||||||
  [1] Certified for a maximum use level of 800 g/L. [2] Certified for the following sizes: 0.5 - 1.25 mm [3] Certified for the following sizes: 0.45 - 1.25 mm. [4] Certified for the following sizes: 0.315 - 1.25 mm. |
Hidro-Water S.L. | |
Ctra. Chirivella-Aldaya No. 48 | |
46960 Aldaya (Valencia) | |
Spain | |
34 96 198 62 30 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : # 1 China
COMPONENTS: Media, Cation Exchange Resin[1] [2] |
  [1] Conforms to the material requirements only. [2] This product is Certified for a maximum use level of 625 g/L. |
Jiangsu Pengyu FRP Pressure Vessel Co., Ltd. | |
Qianhuang Industrial Zone | |
Qianhuang Town, Changzhou 213172 | |
China | |
86 519 8625 4615 |
Facility : Changzhou, China
COMPONENTS: Tanks, Water Softener[1] [Pb] |
Pressure vessel 1054 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 1252 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 1354 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 1465 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 1665 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 844 | ||||||
Pressure vessel 948 | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to material and structural integrity requirements. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
Jiangsu Suqing Water Treatment Engineering Group Co., Ltd. | |
No. 89 Changqing Road, Hetang | |
Changjing Town, Jiangyin, Jiangsu 214419 | |
China | |
86 510 8633 2199 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : Jiangsu, China
COMPONENTS: Media, Cation Exchange Resin |
001X10 FG | ||||||
001X10B FG | ||||||
001X16 FG | ||||||
001X4 FG | ||||||
001X7Na FG[1] [2] [3] | ||||||
001X8Na FG[1] [2] [3] | ||||||
D001Na FG[1] [2] [3] | ||||||
D113 FG[4] | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to the material requirements only. [2] This product is Certified for a maximum use level of 625 g/L. [3] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or documentation shipped with the product are Certified. [4] Certified for the following particle sizes 0.315 - 1.25 mm. |
Liter Importação e Comércio | ![]() |
234 Osvaldo Cruz Street | |
Timbo, Santa Catarina | |
89120000 | |
Brazil | |
55 47 4102 0306 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : Factory 1A
COMPONENTS: Tanks, Water Softener[1] |
Toruz 6×13, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 6×17, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 6×18, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 6×35, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 7×13, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 7×17, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 7×24, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 7×30, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 7×35, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 7×44, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 8×13, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 8×17, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 8×19, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 8×24, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 8×30, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 8×35, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 8×44, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 9×17, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 9×30, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 9×35, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 9×42, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 9×48, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 10×17, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 10×19, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 10×24, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 10×30, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 10×35, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 10×44, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 10×47, 2.6" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 10×54, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 10×54, 4" -8UN | ||||||
Toruz 12×48, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 12×52, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 13×44, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 13×54, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 13×54, 4" -8UN | ||||||
Toruz 14×47, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 14×47, 4" -8UN | ||||||
Toruz 14×52, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 14×52, 4" -8UN | ||||||
Toruz 14×65, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 14×65, 4" -8UN | ||||||
Toruz 14×65, 4"×4" -8UN | ||||||
Toruz 16×52, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 16×52, 4" -8UN | ||||||
Toruz 16×65, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
Toruz 16×65, 4" -8UN | ||||||
Toruz 16×65, 4"×4" -8UN | ||||||
Toruz 18×36, 4" -8UN | ||||||
Toruz 18×53, 4" -8UN | ||||||
Toruz 18×65, 4" -8UN | ||||||
Toruz 18×65, 4"x4" -8UN | ||||||
Toruz 21×36, 4" -8UN | ||||||
Toruz 21×53, 4" -8UN | ||||||
Toruz 21×62, 4"- 8UN | ||||||
Toruz 21×62, 4"x4" -8UN | ||||||
Toruz 24×72, 4" -8UN | ||||||
Toruz 24×72, 4"x4" -8UN | ||||||
Toruz 30×72, 4" -8UN | ||||||
Toruz 30×72, 4"x4" -8UN | ||||||
Toruz 30×72, 6"x6" FLG | ||||||
Toruz 36×72, 4" -8UN | ||||||
Toruz 36×72, 4"x4" -8UN | ||||||
Toruz 36×72, 6"x 6" FLG | ||||||
Toruz 42×72, 6"x 6" FLG | ||||||
Toruz 48×72, 6"x 6" FLG | ||||||
Toruz 63×67, 6"x 6" FLG | ||||||
Toruz 63×86, 6"x 6" FLG | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to the material and structural integrity requirements. |
Mazuma (Thailand) Co., Ltd. | |
747/96 Bangkok-Nonthaburi Road, Bangsue | |
Bangsue, Bangkok 10800 | |
Thailand | |
66 2 977 6700 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : Anhui, China
COMPONENTS: Media, Cation Exchange Resin[1] |
001x8 | ||||||
  [1] Certified for the mesh sizes 16-50. |
Ningbo Keman Environmental Technology Co., Ltd | |
Weijia Village Moushan Town | |
Yuyao City, Zhejiang Province | |
315456 | |
China | |
86 574 62497208 |
Facility : Zhejiang, China
COMPONENTS: Valves, Water Softener[1] [2] [Pb] [POE] |
ASB4 | ||||||
ASE2 | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to material and structural integrity requirements only. [2] Certified for use with tank sizes 10 x 17 and greater. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
Ningbo Zhengguang Resin Co., Ltd. | |
No. 6 Niluoshan Road | |
Ningbo Petrochemical Development Zone | |
Ningbo, Zhejiang 315204 | |
China | |
86 571 8637 2141 |
Facility : Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
COMPONENTS: Media, Cation Exchange Resin[1] |
ZGC107DQ Strong Acid Cation Resin[2] | ||||||
ZGC108DQ Strong Acid Cation Resin[2] | ||||||
ZGC108FMDQ Strong Acid Cation Resin[3] | ||||||
ZGC110DQ Strong Acid Cation Resin[2] | ||||||
ZGC258FD HC Weak Acid Cation Resin[4] | ||||||
ZGC258FD Weak Acid Cation Resin[4] | ||||||
  [1] Certified for a maximum use level of 80 g/L. [2] ZGC107DQ Strong Acid Cation Resin, ZGC110DQ Strong Acid Cation Resin, and ZGC108DQ Strong Acid Cation Resin are certified for the following sizes: 0.315 - 1.25 mm. [3] ZGC108FMDQ Strong Acid Cation Resin is certified for the following sizes: 0.2 - 0.45 mm. [4] Certified for the following sizes: 0.315 - 1.25 mm. |
Noyi Environmental Equipment Manufacturing (Beijing) Co., Ltd. | |
No.1, Block 1, Yukou Industrial Zone | |
Pinggu District | |
Beijing 101206 | |
China | |
86 106 190 2887 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : Beijing City, China
COMPONENTS: Tanks, Water Softener[1] |
6×13, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
6×17, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
6×18, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
6×35, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
7×13, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
7×17, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
7×24, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
7×30, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
7×35, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
7×44, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
8×13, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
8×17, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
8×19, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
8×24, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
8×30, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
8×35, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
8×44, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
9×17, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
9×30, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
9×35, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
9×42, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
9×48, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
10×17, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
10×19, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
10×24, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
10×30, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
10×35, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
10×44, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
10×47, 2.6" -8NPSM | ||||||
10×54, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
10×54, 4" -8UN | ||||||
12×48, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
12×52, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
13×44, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
13×44, 4" -8UN | ||||||
13×54, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
13×54, 4" -8UN | ||||||
14×47, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
14×47, 4" -8UN | ||||||
14×52, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
14×52, 4" -8UN | ||||||
14×65, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
14×65, 4" -8UN | ||||||
14×65, 4"×4"-8UN | ||||||
16×52, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
16×52, 4" -8UN | ||||||
16×65, 2.5" -8NPSM | ||||||
16×65, 4" -8UN | ||||||
18×36, 4" -8UN | ||||||
18×53, 4" -8UN | ||||||
18×65, 4" -8UN | ||||||
18×65, 4"x 4" -8UN | ||||||
21×36, 4" -8UN | ||||||
21×53, 4" -8UN | ||||||
21×62, 4" -8UN | ||||||
21×62, 4"x 4" -8UN | ||||||
24×65, 4" -8UN | ||||||
24×65, 4"x 4" -8UN | ||||||
24×72, 4" -8UN | ||||||
24×72, 4"x 4" -8UN | ||||||
30×72, 4" -8UN | ||||||
30×72, 4"x 4" -8UN | ||||||
30×72, 6"× 6"FLG | ||||||
36x72 4"-8UN | ||||||
36x72 4"x4" -8UN | ||||||
36×72, 6" x 6" FLG | ||||||
42×63, 6" x 6" FLG | ||||||
42×72, 6" x 6" FLG | ||||||
48×72, 6" x 6" FLG | ||||||
63×67, 6" x 6" FLG | ||||||
63×86, 6" x 6" FLG | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to the material and structural integrity requirements. |
Performance Water Products, Inc. | |
6902 Aragon Circle | |
Buena Park, CA 90620 | |
United States | |
800-374-6428 |
Facility : Buena Park, CA
Flow Rate | ||||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | (gpm) | Claim | ||||
Point-of-Entry [POE] |
9100TS-2.0[1] | 7.9 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] |
9100TS-4.5[1] | 11.5 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] |
  [1] Product evaluated and determined to comply with efficiency rating requirements defined by California state laws. [ER] Softener Efficiency indicates that the softener achieves a minimum of 3,350 grains of hardness removed per pound of regenerant salt (477 grams of hardness removed per kilogram of regenerant salt), and also that it uses 5 gallons or less of regenerant water per 1,000 grains of hardness removed (18.9 liters or less of regenerant water per 64.8 grams of hardness removed). [HR] Hardness Reduction indicates that the published capacity ratings for reducing hardness have been verified. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
Facility : Mukwonago, WI
Flow Rate | ||||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | (gpm) | Claim | ||||
Point-of-Entry [POE] |
9100TS-2.0[1] | 7.9 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] |
9100TS-4.5[1] | 11.5 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] |
  [1] Product evaluated and determined to comply with efficiency rating requirements defined by California state laws. [ER] Softener Efficiency indicates that the softener achieves a minimum of 3,350 grains of hardness removed per pound of regenerant salt (477 grams of hardness removed per kilogram of regenerant salt), and also that it uses 5 gallons or less of regenerant water per 1,000 grains of hardness removed (18.9 liters or less of regenerant water per 64.8 grams of hardness removed). [HR] Hardness Reduction indicates that the published capacity ratings for reducing hardness have been verified. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
Pureteck Co., Inc. | |
3410 Pomona Boulevard | |
Pomona, CA 91768 | |
United States | |
909-627-0619 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : # 3 China
Flow Rate | ||||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | (gpm) | Claim | ||||
N/A |
PMT-0613 | ||||||
PMT-0617 | ||||||
PMT-0618 | ||||||
PMT-0635 | ||||||
PMT-0713 | ||||||
PMT-0717 | ||||||
PMT-0724 | ||||||
PMT-0730 | ||||||
PMT-0735 | ||||||
PMT-0744 | ||||||
PMT-0813 | ||||||
PMT-0817 | ||||||
PMT-0819 | ||||||
PMT-0824 | ||||||
PMT-0830 | ||||||
PMT-0835 | ||||||
PMT-0844 | ||||||
PMT-0917 | ||||||
PMT-0930 | ||||||
PMT-0935 | ||||||
PMT-0942 | ||||||
PMT-0948 | ||||||
PMT-1017 | ||||||
PMT-1019 | ||||||
PMT-1024 | ||||||
PMT-1030 | ||||||
PMT-1035 | ||||||
PMT-1044 | ||||||
PMT-1047 | ||||||
PMT-1054 | ||||||
PMT-1054-4 | ||||||
PMT-1248 | ||||||
PMT-1252 | ||||||
PMT-1344 | ||||||
PMT-1344-4 | ||||||
PMT-1354 | ||||||
PMT-1354-4 | ||||||
PMT-1447 | ||||||
PMT-1447-4 | ||||||
PMT-1452 | ||||||
PMT-1452-4 | ||||||
PMT-1465 | ||||||
PMT-1465-4 | ||||||
PMT-1465-44 | ||||||
PMT-1652 | ||||||
PMT-1652-4 | ||||||
PMT-1665 | ||||||
PMT-1665-4 | ||||||
PMT-1665-44 | ||||||
PMT-1836-4 | ||||||
PMT-1853-4 | ||||||
PMT-1865-4 | ||||||
PMT-1865-44 | ||||||
PMT-2136-4 | ||||||
PMT-2153-4 | ||||||
PMT-2162-4 | ||||||
PMT-2162-44 | ||||||
PMT-2465-4 | ||||||
PMT-2465-44 | ||||||
PMT-2472-4 | ||||||
PMT-2472-44 | ||||||
PMT-3072-4 | ||||||
PMT-3072-44 | ||||||
PMT-3072-66F | ||||||
PMT-3672-4 | ||||||
PMT-3672-44 | ||||||
PMT-3672-66F | ||||||
PMT-4263-66F | ||||||
PMT-4272-66F | ||||||
PMT-4872-66F | ||||||
PMT-6367-66F | ||||||
PMT-6386-66F |
Rayned LLC | |
3231 Old Winter Garden Road | |
Orlando, FL 32805 | |
United States | |
407-536-4554 |
Facility : Beijing City, China
COMPONENTS: Tanks, Water Softener[1] |
RAY6-13, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY6-17, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY6-18, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY6-29, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY6-35, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY7-13, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY7-17, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY7-19, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY7-24, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY7-30, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY7-35, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY7-40, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY7-44, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY8-13, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY8-17, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY8-18, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY8-24, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY8-30, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY8-35, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY8-40, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY8-44, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY9-17, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY9-18, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY9-24, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY9-30, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY9-35, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY9-40, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY9-42, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY9-48, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY10-13, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY10-16, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY10-17, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY10-18, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY10-19, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY10-22, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY10-24, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY10-30, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY10-35, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY10-40, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY10-44, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY10-47, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY10-54, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY12-36, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY12-42, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY12-48, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY12-52, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY13-44, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY13-44, T-4" | ||||||
RAY13-54, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY13-54, T-4" | ||||||
RAY14-47, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY14-47, T-4" | ||||||
RAY14-52, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY14-52, T-4" | ||||||
RAY14-65, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY14-65, T-4" | ||||||
RAY16-28, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY16-28, T-4" | ||||||
RAY16-52, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY16-52, T-4" | ||||||
RAY16-65, T-2.5" | ||||||
RAY16-65, T-4" | ||||||
RAY18-36, T-4" | ||||||
RAY18-53, T-4" | ||||||
RAY18-65, T-4" | ||||||
RAY18-65, T-4"xB-4" | ||||||
RAY21-36, T-4" | ||||||
RAY21-53, T-4" | ||||||
RAY21-62, T-4" | ||||||
RAY21-62, T-4"xB-4" | ||||||
RAY24-65, T-4" | ||||||
RAY24-65, T-4"xB-4" | ||||||
RAY24-72, T-4" | ||||||
RAY24-72, T-4"xB4" | ||||||
RAY30-72, T-4" | ||||||
RAY30-72, T-4"xB-4" | ||||||
RAY16-52, T-2.5"xB-4" | ||||||
RAY16-52, T-2.5"xB-2.5" | ||||||
RAY16-65, T-2.5"xB-4" | ||||||
RAY16-65, T-2.5"xB-2.5" | ||||||
RAY16-65, T-4"xB-4" | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to the material and structural integrity requirements. |
Shengdong Technology Co., Ltd. | |
No. 88 Zhuhu Road | |
Tianchang City | |
Anhui Province 239300 | |
China | |
86 550 732 2555 |
Facility : Anhui, China
COMPONENTS: Media, Cation Exchange Resin[1] [2] |
001x7 Strong Acidic Styrene Series Cation Exchange Resin | ||||||
001x8 Strong Acidic Styrene Series Cation Exchange Resin | ||||||
  [1] Certified for the following sizes: 0.315-1.25 mm [2] Certified for a maximum use level of 950 g/L. |
Taiyuan Lanlang Technology Industrial Corp. | |
B25, No. 175, North Jiefang Road | |
Taiyuan, Shanxi | |
China | |
86 351 334 3081 |
Facility : # 1 China
COMPONENTS: Media, Cation Exchange Resin[1] [2] |
Hypermix® | ||||||
Lanlang®HyperLR | ||||||
Lanlang®TC007FG | ||||||
Lanlang®TC008FG | ||||||
Lanlang®TC008FGF | ||||||
Lanlang®TC010FG | ||||||
Lanlang®TC011FG | ||||||
Lanlang®TC012FG | ||||||
Lanlang®TC113FGD | ||||||
Lanlang®TC115FGD | ||||||
  [1] Trade names Lanlang®TC007FG, Lanlang®TC008FG, Lanlang®TC010FG, Lanlang®TC011FG, Lanlang®TC012FG, Lanlang®TC113FGD, Lanlang®TC115FGD, Hypermix®, Lanlang®HyperLR are certified for particle size 0.315-1.25 mm. Trade name Lanlang®TC008FGF is certified for particle size 0.21-0.56 mm. [2] Certified for a maximum use level of 800 g/L. |
Taiyuan Lanlang Technology Industrial Corp. | |
B25, No.175, North Jiefang Road | |
Taiyuan, Shanxi 030002 | |
China | |
86 351 334 3081 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : # 1 China
COMPONENTS: Tanks, Water Softener[1] |
Lanlang® FRP610 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP613 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP617 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP618 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP629 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP635 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP713 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP717 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP730 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP735 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP744 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP813 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP817 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP824 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP835 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP917 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP935 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP942 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP948 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP1017 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP1019 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP1024 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP1035 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP1044 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP1054 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP1054U | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP1236U | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP1248 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP1252 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP1265 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP1354 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP1354U | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP1452 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP1465 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP1665 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP1665U | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP1865 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP2069 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP2136 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP2162 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP2472 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP3072 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP3665 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP4065 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP4872 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP6079 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP6367 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP6386 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP7279 | ||||||
Lanlang® FRP8079 | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to material and structural integrity requirements. |
UAB “Chemsys” | |
Veterinarų 38, Biruliškės | |
Kaunas LT-54469 | |
Lithuania | |
370 699 53317 |
Facility : # 1 China
COMPONENTS: Media, Cation Exchange Resin[1] [2] |
PRC1010 | ||||||
PRC107 | ||||||
PRC108 | ||||||
  [1] Trade names PRC107, PRC108, and PRC1010 are Certified for particle size 0.315-1.25 mm. [2] Certified for a maximum use level of 800 g/L. |
Villarreal División Equipos, S.A. de C.V. | |
Morelos 905 Sur, Col. Centro | |
Allende, Nuevo Leon 67350 | |
Mexico | |
52 826 268 0802 |
Facility : Nei Mongol, China
COMPONENTS: Media, Cation Exchange Resin |
Water Channel Partners | |
1890 Woodlane Drive | |
Woodbury, MN 55125 | |
United States | |
800-869-2837 |
Facility : # 2 USA
COMPONENTS: Valves, Ball[Pb] [POE] |
7388589 | ||||||
Morton 7379785 | ||||||
Whirlpool WHECSV4 | ||||||
  [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
Point-of-Entry[1] [Pb] [POE] |
Ecodyne IDP30S[2] | 7.2 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] Barium Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Ecodyne IDP40S[2] | 8 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] Barium Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Ecopure EP 6130[2] | 7.3 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
Ecopure EP30[2] | 7 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
Ecopure EP31[2] | 7.2 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
Ecopure EP40[2] | 8.5 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
Ecopure EP42[2] | 8.2 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
Ecopure EPHS[2] | 8 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Barium Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Ecopure EPHY[2] | 6.5 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Barium Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Kenmore 625.383500[2] | 7.2 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
Kenmore 625.384200[2] | 7.7 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Kenmore 625.385200[2] | 8 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Kenmore 625.386200[2] | 8 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Barium Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Morton M20[2] | 6.5 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
Morton M27[2] | 6.5 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
Morton M30[2] | 7 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
Morton M34 [2] | 7.8 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
Morton M45[2] | 10 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
Morton M45C[2] | 10 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
Morton MHY[2] | 6.5 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] Barium Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction |
North Star NSC22[2] | 7.2 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
North Star NSC31[2] | 7.2 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
North Star NSC42[2] | 9.9 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
North Star NSCWC[2] | 8 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] Barium Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction |
North Star NSCWHC [2] | 8 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Barium Reduction |
North Star NST30ED[2] | 7.3 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
North Star NST45ED1[2] | 10 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
North Star NST70ED1[2] | 14 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
Rheem RHS18[1] [2] [Pb] | 7 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] Barium Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rheem RHS32[2] | 8 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Barium Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rheem RHS42[2] | 9.9 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Barium Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Rheem RHW42[2] | 9.9 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Barium Reduction Radium 226/228 Reduction |
Whirlpool WHEC46[2] | 12.5 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] |
Whirlpool WHES18[2] | 7 | Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] |
Whirlpool WHES30[2] | 7.6 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
Whirlpool WHES33[2] | 8 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
Whirlpool WHES40[2] | 7.6 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
Whirlpool WHES44[2] | 8.2 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
Whirlpool WHES48[2] | 12 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
Whirlpool WHESFC[2] | 8 | Hardness Reduction[HR] Efficiency Rated[ER] |
  [1] Product also complies with NSF/ANSI 372. [1] Product also complies with NSF/ANSI 372. [2] Product evaluated and determined to comply with efficiency rating requirements defined by California state laws. [ER] Softener Efficiency indicates that the softener achieves a minimum of 3,350 grains of hardness removed per pound of regenerant salt (477 grams of hardness removed per kilogram of regenerant salt), and also that it uses 5 gallons or less of regenerant water per 1,000 grains of hardness removed (18.9 liters or less of regenerant water per 64.8 grams of hardness removed). [HR] Hardness Reduction indicates that the published capacity ratings for reducing hardness have been verified. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
Facility : # 3 USA
COMPONENTS: Valves, Ball[Pb] [POE] |
7388589 | ||||||
Morton 7379785 | ||||||
Whirlpool WHECSV4 | ||||||
  [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [POE] Point of Entry - Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
Waterboss | |
4343 South Hamilton Road | |
Groveport, OH 43125 | |
United States | |
614-836-9422 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : Groveport, OH
Flow Rate | ||||||
Brand Name / Trade Name / Model | (gpm) | Claim | ||||
Point-of-Entry [POE] |
PRO180[1] | 8 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
PROPLUS380[1] | 9.4 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
ProSeries 50LM[1] | 8 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
ProSeries 50PS[1] | 8 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
ProSeries 51LM[1] | 8 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
ProSeries 51PS[1] | 8 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
ProSeries 51PS-B[1] | 8 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
WaterBoss 220[1] | 8 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
WaterBoss 225[1] | 8 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
WaterBoss 365[1] | 8 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Hardness Reduction[HR] Radium 226/228 Reduction |
WaterBoss 700[1] | 8 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
WaterBoss 900[1] | 7.5 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
WaterBoss 950[1] | 8 | Barium Reduction Efficiency Rated[ER] Radium 226/228 Reduction Hardness Reduction[HR] |
  [1] Product evaluated and determined to comply with efficiency rating requirements defined by California state laws. [ER] Softener Efficiency indicates that the softener achieves a minimum of 3,350 grains of hardness removed per pound of regenerant salt (477 grams of hardness removed per kilogram of regenerant salt), and also that it uses 5 gallons or less of regenerant water per 1,000 grains of hardness removed (18.9 liters or less of regenerant water per 64.8 grams of hardness removed). [HR] Hardness Reduction indicates that the published capacity ratings for reducing hardness have been verified. [POE] Product conforms to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 health effects requirements. |
Waterworld USA, Inc. | |
13550 South Gessner Rd. | |
Missouri City, TX 77489 | |
United States | |
281-933-5777 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : Shanghai, China
COMPONENTS: Tanks, Water Softener[1] [Pb] |
UTPG-0844-BK | ||||||
UTPG-0948-BK | ||||||
UTPG-1054-BK | ||||||
UTPG-1252-BK | ||||||
UTPG-1354-BK | ||||||
UTPG-1465-BK-40 | ||||||
UTPG-1665-BK-40 | ||||||
UTPG-2162-BK-40 | ||||||
  [1] Conforms to material and structural integrity requirements. [Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. |
Wave Cyber Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. | ![]() |
No. 799, Rujiadian Road, Lianshi Town | |
Nanxun District, Huzhou | |
Zhejiang Province 313009 | |
China | |
86 216 975 8588 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : Huzhou, China
COMPONENTS: Tanks, Water Softener[1] [2] [Pb] [POE] |
10x13, 2.5" ACME Inlet | ||||||
10x13, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x13, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x13, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x13, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x16, 2.5" ACME Inlet | ||||||
10x16, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x16, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x16, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x16, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x17, 2.5" ACME Inlet | ||||||
10x17, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x17, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x17, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x17, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x18, 2.5" ACME Inlet | ||||||
10x18, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x18, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x18, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x18, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x19, 2.5" ACME Inlet | ||||||
10x19, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x19, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x19, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x19, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x22, 2.5" ACME Inlet | ||||||
10x22, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x22, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x22, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x22, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x24, 2.5" ACME Inlet | ||||||
10x24, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x24, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x24, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x24, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x30, 2.5" ACME Inlet | ||||||
10x30, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x30, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x30, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x30, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x32, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x35, 2.5" ACME Inlet | ||||||
10x35, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x35, 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
10x35, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x35, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
10x35, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x35, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x35, 4" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
10x40, 2.5" ACME Inlet | ||||||
10x40, 2.5" ACME QH Tank | ||||||
10x40, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x40, 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
10x40, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x40, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
10x40, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x40, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x40, 4" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
10x44, 2.5" ACME Inlet | ||||||
10x44, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x44, 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
10x44, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x44, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
10x44, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x44, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x44, 4" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
10x47, 2.5" ACME Inlet | ||||||
10x47, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x47, 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
10x47, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x47, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
10x47, 3" Inlet | ||||||
10x47, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x47, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x47, 4" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
10x54, 2.5" ACME Inlet | ||||||
10x54, 2.5" ACME Inlet, 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
10x54, 2.5" ACME QH TFP TANK | ||||||
10x54, 2.5" ACME QH Tank | ||||||
10x54, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x54, 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
10x54, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x54, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
10x54, 3.0" Inlet | ||||||
10x54, 4" Inlet | ||||||
10x54, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
10x54, 4" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
12x36, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
12x36, 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
12x36, 4.5" Inlet | ||||||
12x42, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
12x42, 4.5" Inlet | ||||||
12x48, 2.5" ACME Inlet | ||||||
12x48, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
12x48, 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
12x48, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
12x48, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
12x48, 4" Inlet | ||||||
12x48, 4" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
12x48, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
12x48, 4" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
12x48, 4" x 4" Inlet | ||||||
12x48, 4.5" Butress Inlet | ||||||
12x52, 2.5" ACME Inlet | ||||||
12x52, 2.5" ACME Inlet, 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
12x52, 2.5" ACME QH TFP TANK | ||||||
12x52, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
12x52, 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
12x52, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
12x52, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
12x52, 4" Inlet | ||||||
12x52, 4" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
12x52, 4" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
12x52, 4" x 4" Inlet | ||||||
12x52, 4.5" Butress Inlet | ||||||
13x44, 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
13x44, 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
13x44, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet | ||||||
13x44, 2.5" x 2.5" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole | ||||||
13x44, 4" Inlet | ||||||
13x44, 4" Inlet 1.25" Dome Hole |