NSF Product and Service Listings

These NSF Official Listings are current as of Monday, March 31, 2025 at 12:15 a.m. Eastern Time. Please contact NSF to confirm the status of any Listing, report errors, or make suggestions.

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Special Purpose Food Equipment and Devices

Deltrol Controls 
2740 South 20th Street
P.O. Box 343915 
Milwaukee, WI 53234-3915 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Milwaukee, WI


Touchless Dispense Valve

Inlet Fitting Assemblies[1]
[1] (1) Indicates tube length in inches, minimum 6 inches
    (2) Indicates fitting #1 - Garden hose thread fitting, female swivel fitting, or male
        compression fitting.
    (3) Indicates Fitting #2 - Garden hose thread fitting, female swivel fitting, or male
        compression fitting.

Liquid Dispensing Valve
  DSV10N-(1)4-(2)(3)(4)(5)[2] [3]
  DSV28N-(1)-(2)-(3)-(4)-(5)[4] [5]
  DSV28N-090-A(1)F-P(2)2[6] [Pb]
  DSVP10N-40 (1)(2)(3)(4)[2] [7]
  DSVP11 HP (1)P(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)[2] [8] [9]
  DSVP11N (1)P(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)5(8)[10]
  DSVP12N - (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)[2] [11]
  DSVP14N (1) P (2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)[10]
  DSVP14NA (1) P (2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)[10]
  DSVP40-(1)-(2)-(3)-(4)-(5)[13] [Pb]
[2] Valve is Certified for use with water only.
[3] (1) Indicates Body style:
        1 - Short Inlet
        2 - Long Inlet
    (2) Indicates Voltage:
        1 - 24 VAC 60 Hz 30 Watts
        2 - 110/120 VAC 50/60 Hz 30 Watts
        3 - 220/240 VAC 50/60 Hz 30 Watts
        8 - DC voltages
    (3) Terminal position:
        S - Straight
        U - Bent 90 degrees up
    (4) Coil bracket assembly: 1, 2, 3, or 4
    (5) Indicates Backstop type:
        A - Adjustable
        F - Fixed backstop
[4] Valve, except for "S" steam models, are certified for use with alcoholic beverages or
[5] (1) NC - Normally close
        NO - Normally open
    (2) D - Dry plunger
        W - Wet Plunger
        S - Steam
    (3) Coil voltage
        24 VAC - 024A (Rectified)
        100 VAC - 100A (Rectified)
        120VAC - 120A (Rectified)
        200VAC - 200A (Rectified)
        240VAC - 240A (Rectified)
        12VDC - 012D
        24VDC - 024D
        36VDC - 036D
        120VAC - 120S (Non-rectified)
        208VAC - 208S (Non-Rectified)
        240VAC - 240S (Non-Rectified)
    (4) Port fitting
        1/4" Barbs - B1 (for 1/4" ID Tubing)
        Compression 5/16", [8mm] - C1
        Compression 1/4" - C2
        Compression 6mm - C3
        QC 6mm - Q1
        QC 1/4 - Q2
        QC 4mm - Q4
    (5) Valve seat diameter
        Ø0.088 [2.2] - 088 (80 psi max)
        Ø0.060 [1.5] - 060 (120psi max)
        Ø0.120 [3.0] - 120 (50psi max)
[6] Suffixes denote the following:
     (1) Electrical ratings:
         07 - 12 VDC 6.5 W
         08 - 24 VDC 6.5 W
         11 - 24 VAC 50/60 Hz 7 W
         12 - 120 VAC 60 Hz- 110 VAC 50 Hz 7 W
         13 - 240 VAC 60 Hz 220 VAC 50 Hz 7 W
         14 - 34 VDC 6.5 W
         15 - 40 VDC 6.5 W
         16 - 14 VDC 6.5 W
    (2) Port size:
        6 - 3/8-19 BSP threaded inlet, barbed outlet (.100 inch diameter)
        7 - 5/8-18 threaded inlet, barbed outlet (.100 inch diameter)
        8 - barbed inlet (.140 inch diameter), 5/8-18 threaded outlet
        9 - 5/8-18 threaded inlet, barbed outlet (.140 inch diameter)
[7] Suffixes denote the following:
     (1) Coil options:
         1 - 24 VAC coil assembly
         2 - 120 VAC coil assembly
         3 - 240 VAC coil assembly
         8 - Special coil assembly
     (2) Terminal position: D - Down, S - Straight, U - Up
     (3) Mounting bracket:
         1 - No mounting bracket
         2 - Bracket welded to frame
         3 - 90° bracket with .312 diameter mounting holes
         4 - Frame legs with .219 wide x .375 long mounting holes
         5 - 90° bracket with .218 diameter mounting holes
     (4) Backstop style: A - Adjustable, F - Fixed
[8] Suffixes denote the following:
     (1) Valve type:
         12D - 12 VDC 8 watts class "F" coil
         24A - 24 VAC 50/60 Hz 5 watts class "F" coil
         24D - 24 VDC 8 watts class "F" coil
         36D - 36 VDC 8 watts class "F" coil
         100A - 100 VAC 50/60 Hz 5 watts class "F" coil
         120A - 120 VAC 50/60 Hz 5 watts class "F" coil
         200A - 200 VAC 50/60 Hz 5 watts class "F" coil
         240A - 240 VAC 50/60 Hz 5 watts class "F" coil
[9] (1) Body Style
        1 - Large Seat - 406 Diameter Orifice
        3 - Medium Seat - 320 Diameter Orifice
        4 - Medium Seat - 320 Diameter Orifice
        5 - Medium Seat - 320 Diameter Orifice
        6 - Medium Seat - 320 Diameter Orifice
        7 - Large Seat - 406 Diameter Orifice
        8 - Large Seat - 406 Diameter Orifice
        9 - Medium Seat - 302 diameter Orifice
       10 - Large Seat - 406 Diameter In-Line Ports
    (2) Vent Option
        X - No Vent
    (3) Coil Options
        1 - 24 VAC Coil Assembly for Adjustable Backstop Units
        2 - 120 VAC Coil Assembly for Adjustable Backstop Units
        3 - 240 VAC Coil Assembly for Adjustable Backstop Units
        4 - 24 VAC Coil Assembly for Fixed Backstop Units
        5 - 120 VAC Coil Assembly for Fixed Backstop Units
        6 - 240 VAC Coil Assembly for Fixed Backstop Units
        7 - Special Coil Assembly for Adjustable Backstop Units
        8 - Special Coil Assembly for Fixed Backstop Units
    (4) Designates Terminal Orientation
        U - Up
        S - Straight
        D - Down
    (5) Terminal Location relative to Side Port
        L - Left
        R - Right
        F - Front
        B - Back
    (6) Indicates Mounting Bracket
        1 - Flat Bracket
        2 - 90 degree bracket with 312 diameter mounting holes
        3 - Flat bracket with 8-32 mounting holes
        4 - Extra long 90 degree bracket with 6-32 mounting holes
        5 - Extra long 90 degree bracket with 180 diameter mounting holes
        6 - Special 90 degree bracket with 312 diameter mounting holes
        7 - 90 degree bracket with 218 diameter mounting holes
        9 - 90 degree bracket with 109 diameter mounting holes
        X - 90 degree bracket with 281 diameter mounting holes
    (7) Bracket Location relative to Side Port
        L - Left
        R - Right
        F - Front
        B - Back
    (8) Pilot Seal Material
        1 - Indicates EPDM
        2 - Indicates Vitron (FKM)
    (9) Flow Type
        Blank Space - Normally Closed
        NO - Normally Open
    (10) Designates coil frame type and coil termination type.
         No suffix or J - External "D-Frame", 0.250 Q.C. terminals
         K - Internal "D-Frame", 0.250 Q.C. terminals.
         L - Internal "D-Frame", DIN terminals
         M - Internal "D-Frame", Deutsch Connector.
         N - Internal "-Frame", Lead Wires.
[10] Suffixes denote the following:
      (1) Body style:
          1 - Large seat - .406 diameter orifice
          2 - Small seat - .222 diameter orifice
          3 - Medium seat - .302/.320 diameter orifice
          4 - Medium seat - .302/.320 diameter orifice
          5 - Medium seat - .302/.320 diameter orifice
          6 - Medium seat - .302/.320 diameter orifice
          7 - Large seat - .406 diameter orifice
          8 - Large seat - .406/.470 diameter orifice
          9 - Medium seat - .302 diameter orifice
         10 - Large seat - .406 diameter in-line ports
         14 - Large Seat - .406 Diameter, outlet - snap to lock
     (2) Vent: A - Vent (denotes vent for water only applications), S - Vent tube,
         V - Vent, X - No vent
     (3) Coil options:
         1 - 24 VAC coil assembly for adjustable backstop unit
         2 - 120 VAC coil assembly for adjustable backstop unit
         3 - 240 VAC coil assembly for adjustable backstop unit
         4 - 24 VAC coil assembly for fixed backstop unit
         5 - 120 VAC coil assembly for fixed backstop unit
         6 - 240 VAC coil assembly for fixed backstop unit
         7 - Special coil assembly for adjustable backstop unit
         8 - Special coil assembly for fixed backstop unit
     (4) Terminal position: D - Down, S - Straight, U - Up
     (5) Terminal position relative to side port: B - Back, F - Front, L - Left, R - Right
     (6) Mounting bracket:
         1 - Flat bracket
         2 - 90° bracket with .312 diameter mounting holes
         3 - Flat bracket with 8-32 mounting holes
         4 - Extra long 90° bracket with 6-32 mounting holes
         5 - Extra long 90° bracket with .180 diameter mounting holes
         6 - Special 90° bracket with .312 diameter mounting holes
         7 - 90° bracket with .218 diameter mounting holes
         9 - 90° bracket with .109 radius slots
         X - 90° bracket with .281 diameter mounting holes
     (7) Bracket location relative to side port: B - Back, F - Front, L - Left, R - Right,
         X - No orientation
     (8) Flow type:
         Blank space - Normally closed
         NO - Normally open
         J - C-Fram w/.250 Q.C. Terminal
         K - Sq. Coil w/.250 Q.C. Terminal
         L - Sq. Coil: DIN 43650 Connector
         M - Sq. Coil: Deutcsh Connector
         N - Sq. Coil: Lead Wires
[11] Suffixes denote the following:
      (1) Indicates orifice size, inlet, and outlet port style:
          1  - 0.500 in ID Seat; Inlet Q/D - Outlet B, 0.437 in
          2  - 0.500 in ID Seat; Inlet Q/D - Outlet Q/D, 0.437 in
          3  - 0.500 in ID Seat; Inlet N - Outlet B, 0.312 in
          4  - 0.500 in ID Seat; Inlet S - Outlet B, 0.312in
          5  - 0.500 in ID Seat; Inlet S - Outlet B, 0.312 in
          6  - 0.500 in ID Seat; Inlet Q/D - Outlet B, 0.312 in
          7  - 0.500 in ID Seat; Inlet N - Outlet B, 0.437 in
          8  - 0.500 in ID Seat; Inlet H - Outlet Q/D, 0.437 in
          9  - 0.452 in ID Seat; Inlet H - Outlet H, 0.587 in
          11 - 0.500 in ID SEAT; INLET Q/D - OUTLET Q/D, 0.437 in with High Flow Body Style
          12 - .500 in ID SEAT; 2 .685 O.D. INLETS - OUTLET Q/D, .437 in
          Note: B - Barbed port, H - Hose port, N - 1/4" NPTF port, Q/D = Quick disconnect
          port, S - Straight port
      (2) Body material: L - Noryl, N - Nylon, P - Polysulfone
      (3) Diaphragm material: E - EPDM, S - Silicone
      (4) Vent options: V - Vent, X - No vent
      (5) Coil Voltage: XXXYY (XXX - numerical digits for voltage, YY - 1 or 2 alphabetical
          digits describing coil construction)
[12] Suffixes denote the following:
      (1) Coil voltage:
          12D - 12 VDC 11 watts 1 minute on/1 minute off intermittent duty
          24D - 24 VDC 11 watts 1 minute on/1 minute off intermittent duty
          36D - 36 VDC 11 watts 1 minute on/1 minute off intermittent duty
          24A - 24 VAC 50/60 Hz watts 1 minute on/1 minute off intermittent duty
          24E - 24 VAC 50/60 Hz 14 watts (FWR) 1 minute on/ 1 minute off intermittent duty
          24F - 24 VDC 16 watts 1 minute on/ 1 minute off intermittent duty
         100A - 100 VAC 50/60 Hz 12 watts 1 minute on/1 minute off intermittent duty
         120A - 120 VAC 50/50 Hz 12 watts 1 minute on/1 minute off intermittent duty
         120E - 120 VAC 50/60 Hz 14 watts (FWR) 1 minute on/1 minute off intermittent duty
         200A - 200 VAC 50/60 Hz 12 watts 1 minute on/1 minute off intermittent duty
         240A - 240 VAC 50/60 Hz 12 watts 1 minute on/1 minute off intermittent duty
         240E - 240 VAC 50/60 Hz 14 watts (FWR) 1 minute on/1 minute off intermittent duty
     (2) Valve type: A - Twist-lock with flow adjuster, B - Twist-lock without flow 
         C - Snap-lock with flow adjuster, D - Snap-lock without flow adjuster
     (3) Orifice diameter: S - Small orifice (.302 diameter), M - Medium orifice
         (.330 diameter), L - Large orifice (.406 diameter)
[13] Suffixes denote the following:
      (1) Outlet type: R - Right angle barbed outlet, S - Straight barbed outlet,
          T - Threaded outlet, X - Denotes blue body.
     (2) Coil voltage:
         1 - 110/120 VAC 50/60 Hz
         2 - 220/240 VAC 50/60 Hz
         3 - 24 VAC 50/60 Hz
         4 - 24 VDC
     (3) Coil position relative to inlet:
         B - Back opposite of inlet
         F - Front in line with inlet
         L - Left of inlet
         R - Right of inlet
     (4) Flow rate: Maximum of three alphanumeric characters denoting flow rate (optional).
         Flow rate is not always stated.
     (5) Inlet bracket: Maximum of two alphanumeric characters representing bracket 
[14] Suffixes denote the following:
      (1) Outlet type: R - Barbed, T - Threaded
      (2) Coil voltage: 1 - 120, 2 - 240, 3 - 24, 4 - Other
      (3) Coil position relative to inlet: B - Back, F - Front, L - Left, R - Right
      (4) Flow: Maximum of three alphanumeric characters
      (5) Inlet Bracket: Maximum of two alphanumeric characters representing bracket
[15] Suffixes denote the following:
      (1) Outlet type: R - Right angle barbed outlet, S - Straight barbed outlet
      (2) Coil voltage:
          1 - 110/120 VAC 50/60 Hz
          2 - 220/240 VAC 50/60 Hz
          3 - 24 VAC 50/60 Hz
          4 - 24 VDC
      (3) Coil position relative to inlet: B - Back opposite of inlet,
          F - Front in line with inlet
      (4) Flow rate: Maximum of three alphanumeric characters denoting flow rate 
          (optional). Flow rate is not always stated.
      (5) Inlet bracket: Maximum of two alphanumeric characters representing bracket
[16] (1) Designates Inlet Type
         A - American Thread
         B - British Thread			
     (2) Designates Outlet Orientation
         S - Straight
     (3) Designates Outlet Type
         Q1 - 6mm quick-disconnect for tubing
         Q2 - 1/4 in. quick-disconnect fitting for tubing
         Q3 - 5/16 in. quick-disconnect fitting for tubing
         Q4 - 3/8 in. quick-disconnect fitting for tubing				
     (4) Designates Coil Voltage
         1 - 1

Liquid Dispensing Valve[17]
[17] (1) Indicates pressure rating:
         100 pis
     (2) Indicates voltage:
         024D (24VDC)
     (3) Indicates body material:
         S - stainless steel
         P - Plastic
[Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of
     <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined
     by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking
     Water Act.

Pressure Valve[18]
[18] (1) Pressure / Orifice Size
         125 - 125 psi (Pressure Orifice - 1/16 inch Dia. Exhaust Orifice - 3/32 inch Dia.)
         125 - 125 psi (Exhaust Orifice - 3/32 inch. Dia.) for DSV21N Only.
     (2) Coil / Frame Assy Type:
         F14 - 24VAC 50/60 HZ 12W HWR
         F16 - 240VAC 50/60 HZ 12W HWR
     (3) UL Insulation Class
         F - Class 155(F)
     (4) Body Material
         B - Brass
     (5) Port Size
         1 - 1/8 in. NPT Inlet and Outlet
     (6) Seal Material
         1 - Buna N

Proportional Solenoid Valve[19]
[19] (1) Coil voltage
         12VDC - 012D
         24VDC - 024D
         36VDC - 036D
     (2) Port fitting
         Barb 3/8" - B1
         Compression 5/16" [8mm] - C1
         Compression 1/4" - C2
         Compression [6mm] - C3
     (3) Valve seat diameter
         ø0.060 [1.5] - 060 (90 psi max)
         ø0.075[1.9] - 075 (65 psi max)
         ø0.090 [2.3] - 090 (40 psi max)

Proportional Valve[20]
[20] NSF Certified models begin with production date code 1109.

Facility : Binh Duong, Vietnam


Liquid Dispensing Valve
  DSV28N-(1)-(2)-(3)-(4)-(5)[1] [2]
  DSV28N-090-A(1) F-P(2) 2[3]
  DSVP17-(1)-(2)-(3)-(4)-(5)-(6)-(7)-(8)[7] [8]
  DSVP40 - (1) - (2) - (3) - (4) - (5)[9] [Pb]
  DSVP41 - (1) - (2) - (3) - (4) - (5)[10]
  DSVP42 - (1) - (2) - (3) - (4) - (5)[11]
[1] Valve, except for "S" steam models, are certified for use with alcoholic beverages or
[2] (1)	NC - Normally Close
        NO - Normally Open			
    (2)	W - Wet Plunger
        D - Dry Plunger
        S - Steam			
    (3)	Coil Voltage
        24 VAC  - 024A (Rectified)
        100 VAC - 100A (Rectified)
        120VAC  - 120A (Rectified)
        200VAC  - 200A (Rectified)
        240VAC  - 240A (Rectified)
        12VDC   - 012D
        24VDC   - 024D
        36VDC   - 036D
        120VAC  - 120S (Non-rectified)
        208VAC  - 208S (Non-Rectified)
        240VAC  - 240S (Non-Rectified)			
    (4)	Port Fitting
        QC 6mm - Q1
        QC 1/4 - Q2
        Compression 5/16", [8mm] - C1
        Compression 1/4" - C2
        Compression 6mm  - C3
        1/4" Barbs - B1 (for 1/4" ID Tubing)			
    (5)	Valve Seat Diameter
        Ø0.088 [2.2] - 088 (80 psi max)
        Ø0.060 [1.5] - 060 (120psi max)
        Ø0.120 [3.0] - 120 (50psi max)
[3] (1) Electrical Ratings Options				
        07 -  12 VDC 6.5W		
        08 - 24 VDC 6.5W
        11 - 24 VAC 50/60 Hz 7W		
        12 - 120 VAC 60 Hz- 110 VAC 50 Hz 7 W		
        13 - 240 VAC 60 Hz- 220 VAC 50 Hz 7 W	
        14 - 34 VDC 6.5W	
        15 - 40 VDC 6.5W		
        16 - 14VDC 6.5W						
    (2) Port Size Options
        6 - 3/8 - 19 BSP threaded inlet, barbed outlet (.100 inch diameter)
        7 - 5/8 - 18 threaded inlet, barbed outlet (.100 inch diameter)
        8 - Barbed inlet (.140 inch diameter) 5/8 - 18 threaded outlet				
        9 - 5/8 - 18 threaded inlet, barbed outlet (.140 inch diameter)
[4] Suffixes denote the following:
    (A) Body style:
        1  - Large seat  - .406 diameter orifice
        2  - Small seat  - .222 diameter orifice
        3  - Medium seat - .302/.320 diameter orifice
        4  - Medium seat - .302/.320 diameter orifice
        5  - Medium seat - .302/.320 diameter orifice
        6  - Medium seat - .302/.320 diameter orifice
        7  - Large seat  - .406 diameter orifice
        8  - Large seat  - .406/.470 diameter orifice
        9  - Medium seat - .302 diameter orifice
        10 - Large seat  - .406 diameter in-line ports
    (C) Vent: A - Vent (denotes vent for water only applications)
              S - Vent tube
              V - Vent
              X - No vent
    (D) Coil options:
        1 -  24 VAC coil assembly for adjustable backstop unit
        2 - 120 VAC coil assembly for adjustable backstop unit
        3 - 240 VAC coil assembly for adjustable backstop unit
        4 -  24 VAC coil assembly for fixed backstop unit
        5 - 120 VAC coil assembly for fixed backstop unit
        6 - 240 VAC coil assembly for fixed backstop unit
        7 - Special coil assembly for adjustable backstop unit
        8 - Special coil assembly for fixed backstop unit
    (E) Terminal position: 
        D - Down
        S - Straight
        U - Up    
    (F) Terminal position relative to side port: 
        B - Back
        F - Front
        L - Left
        R - Right
    (G) Mounting bracket:
        1 - Flat bracket
        2 - 90° bracket with .312 diameter mounting holes
        3 - Flat bracket with 8-32 mounting holes
        4 - Extra long 90° bracket with 6-32 mounting holes
        5 - Extra long 90° bracket with .180 diameter mounting holes
        6 - Special 90° bracket with .312 diameter mounting holes
        7 - 90° bracket with .218 diameter mounting holes
        9 - 90° bracket with .109 radius slots
        X - 90° bracket with .281 diameter mounting holes
    (H) Bracket location relative to side port: 
        B - Back
        F - Front
        L - Left
        R - Right
        X - No orientation
    (J) Flow type: 
        Blank space - Normally closed 
        NO - Normally open 
        J  - C-Fram w/.250 Q.C. Terminal 
        K  - Sq. Coil w/.250 Q.C. Terminal 
        L  - Sq. Coil: DIN 43650 Connector 
        M  - Sq. Coil: Deutcsh Connector 
        N  - Sq. Coil: Lead Wires
[5] Suffixes denote the following:
    (A) Indicates orifice size, inlet, and outlet port style:
        1 - 0.500 in ID Seat; Inlet Q/D - Outlet  B, 0.437 in 
        2 - 0.500 in ID Seat; Inlet Q/D - Outlet  Q/D, 0.437 in
        3 - 0.500 in ID Seat; Inlet N - Outlet  B, 0.312 in 	
        4 - 0.500 in ID Seat; Inlet S - Outlet  B, 0.312in 	
        5 - 0.500 in ID Seat; Inlet S - Outlet  B, 0.312 in
        6 - 0.500 in ID Seat; Inlet Q/D - Outlet  B, 0.312 in
        7 - 0.500 in ID Seat; Inlet N - Outlet  B, 0.437 in 
        8 - 0.500 in ID Seat; Inlet H - Outlet  Q/D, 0.437 in 	
        9 - 0.452 in ID Seat; Inlet H - Outlet  H, 0.587 in 	
        B   - Barbed port
        H   - Hose port
        N   - 1/4" NPTF port
        Q/D - Quick disconnect port
        S   - Straight port
    (B) Body material: 
        L - Noryl
        N - Nylon
        P - Polysulfone
    (c) Diaphragm material:
        S - Silicone
    (D) Vent options: 
        V - Vent
        X - No vent
    (E) Coil Voltage: XXXYY 
        XXX - numerical digits for voltage
        YY - 1 or 2  alphabetical digits describing coil construction)
[6] (1) Coil Voltage				
        12D - 1 2VDC, 24D - 24VDC or 36D - 36VDC 				
        11 Watts: 1 minute on/1 minute off intermittent duty				
        24F - 24VDC				
        24A - 24VAC, 100A - 100VAC, 120A - 120VAC, 200A - 200VAC or 240A - 240VAC				
        50/60 HZ 12 Watts 1 minute on / 1 minute off intermittent duty				
        24E - 24VAC, 120E - 120VAC or 240E - 240VAC				
        50/60 HZ 14 Watts (FWR) 1 minute on/1 minute off intermittent duty				
    (2) Valve Type				
        A - Twist Lock with Flow Adjuster 				
        B - Twist Lock without Flow Adjuster 				
        C - Snap-Lock with Flow Adjuster				
        D - Snap Lock without Flow Adjuster				
    (3) Orifice Diameter				
        S - Small (.302 diameter)				
        M - Medium (.330 diameter)				
        L - Large (.406 diameter)
[7] Certified for Water contact only.
[8] (1) Designates Orifice Size
        2 - 2 mm
        3 - 3 mm
        7 - 7 mm
        8 - 8 mm
        9 - 9 mm
    (2) Inlet Port Option
        G - G.25" Thread; B10 - 10 mm Barb; QC10 - 10 mm Quick Connect
    (3) Designates Outlet Port Option
        G - G.25" Thread; B10 - 10 mm Barb; QC10 - 10 mm Quick Connect
    (4) Designates Coil Type
        X  - Standard Straight .25" Q.C. Terminals
        XU - Standard Bent Up .25" Q.C. Terminals
        XD - Standard Bent Down .25" Q.C. Terminals
    (5) Designates Coil Voltage
        12D  - 12 VDC
        24D  - 24 VDC
        36D  - 36 VDC
        24A  - 24 VAC
        120A - 120 VAC
        240A - 240 VAC
    (6) Diaphragm Material
        S - Silicone
        V - Viton
    (7) Coil Frame Orientation
        I - Over Inlet
        B - Over Bracket
    (8) Coil Termination Orientation
        1 - Right of inlet (0°)
        2 - Right of inlet at angle (45°)
        3 - Over mounting bracket (90°)
        4 - Left of inlet at angle (135°)
        5 - Left of inlet (180°)
        6 - Left of inlet at angle (225°)
        7 - Over inlet (270°)
        8 - Right of inlet at angle (315°)
[9] (1) Designates Outlet Type    
        R - Right angle barbed outlet    
        T - Threaded outlet    
        S - Straight barbed outlet
        X - Denotes blue body    
    (2) Coil Voltage    
        1 - 110/120 VAC 50/60 HZ    
        2 - 220/240 VAC 50/60 HZ    
        3 - 24 VAC 50/60 HZ    
        4 - 24 VDC    
    (3) Coil position relative to inlet    
        B - Back opposite of inlet    
        L - Left of inlet    
        R - Right of inlet    
        F - Front in line with inlet    
    (4) Flow Rate    
        Maximum of three (3) alphanumeric characters denoting flow rate    
        Optional item    
        Flow rate is not always stated    
    (5) Inlet Bracket    
        Maximum of two (2) alphanumeric characters representing bracket selection
[10] (1) Designates outlet type    
         R - Right angle barbed     
         T - Right angle threaded      
     (2) Coil voltage    
         1 - 120     
         2 - 240     
         3 - 24     
         4 - Other    
     (3) Coil position relative to inlet    
         B - Back     
         L - Left     
         R - Right    
         F - Front     
     (4) Flow Rate    
         Maximum of three (3) alphanumeric characters denoting flow rate    
     (5) Inlet Bracket    
         Maximum of two (2) alphanumeric characters representing bracket selection
[11] (1) Designates outlet type    
         R - Right angle barbed outlet    
         S - Straight barbed outlet    
     (2) Coil voltage    
         1 - 110/120 VAC 50/60 HZ    
         2 - 220/240 VAC 50/60 HZ    
         3 - 24 VAC 50/60 HZ    
         4 - 24 VDC    
     (3) Coil position relative to inlet    
         B - Back opposite of inlet    
         F - Front in line with inlet    
     (4) Flow Rate    
         Maximum of three (3) alphanumeric characters denoting flow rate    
         Optional item    
         Flow rate is not always stated    
     (5) Inlet Bracket    
         Maximum of two (2) alphanumeric characters representing bracket selection
[12] (1) Designates Inlet Type
         A - American Thread
         B - British Thread				
     (2) Designates Outlet Orientation
         S - Straight				
     (3) Designates Outlet Type
         Q1 - 6mm quick-disconnect for tubing
         Q2 - 1/4 in. quick-disconnect fitting for tubing
         Q3 - 5/16 in. quick-disconnect fitting for tubing
         Q4 - 3/8 in. quick-disconnect fitting for tubing				
     (4) Designates Coil Voltage
         1 - 110/120 VAC 50/60 HZ
         2 - 220/240 VAC 50/60 HZ
         3 - 24 VAC 50/60 HZ
         4 - 24 VDC
         5 - 12 VDC				
     (5) Designates Coil Termination Orientation
         B - Terminals face away from valve inlet
         L - Terminals face to the left of valve inlet
         R - Terminals face to the right of valve inlet
         F - Terminals face towards valve inlet				
     (6) Designates Flow Rate
         Maximum of three (3) alphanumeric characters denoting flow rate Optional Item Flow
     rate is not always stated				
     (7) Designates Inlet Bracket
         Maximum of two (2) alphanumeric characters representing bracket selection
[Pb] Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of
     <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined
     by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking
     Water Act.

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Number of matching Products is 33
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