NSF Product and Service Listings

These NSF Official Listings are current as of Saturday, March 8, 2025 at 12:15 a.m. Eastern Time. Please contact NSF to confirm the status of any Listing, report errors, or make suggestions.

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Commercial Warewashing Equipment

Racks per Hour / Dishes per Hour / Water Consumption Calculations

For informational purposes, the estimated racks per hour or dishes per hour for NSF/ANSI 3 Certified dishwashers can be calculated as follows:

Racks per Hour for Stationary Rack Dishwashers = 3600(NR) / TC

Racks per Hour for Rack Conveyor Dishwashers = (CS)(60) / RL

Dishes per Hour for Rackless Conveyor Dishwashers = (120)(CS)(CW) / PD

Water Consumption (gallons per hour) for Stationary Rack Dishwashers = (GPC)(RPH)

Water Consumption (gallons per hour) for Conveyor Dishwashers = (GPM)(60)

Where: CS = Conveyor speed measured in feet per minute
              CW = Conveyor width measured in inches
              GPC = Gallons per cycle
              GPM = Gallons per minute
              NR = Number of racks the dishwasher is designed to hold per cycle
              PD = Distance between pegs measured in inches, center to center of the peg, in the direction of conveyor travel
              RL = Length of the rack measured in feet
              RPH = Racks per hour
              TC = Total cycle time measured in seconds

The total cycle time includes wash, rinse, dwell, and load times. Load times will vary depending on the type of dishwasher. Estimated load times commonly used for specific types of dishwashers are as follows:
door type (straight thru) - 5 seconds
door type (corner) - 7 seconds
hood type - 8 seconds
front opening type - 30 seconds

Stero Co. (The) 
1758 Corporate Circle
Petaluma, CA 94954 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Lancaster, PA

      Final Rinse    
      (20 psi) Conveyor Speed  
  Model Conveyor Flow Usage (Max.) Footnotes
  Number Width gpm gph (ft/min.)  

Multiple Tank Conveyor, Hi-Temp
  ER-64 20x20  2.01   120.6   7.45   
  ER-86S 20x20  2.01   120.6   7.45   
  ER-94S 20x20  2.01   120.6   7.45   
  ER-94SC 20x20  2.01   120.6   7.45   
  SCT-108S 20x20  4.53   272   8.6   [1]
  SCT-108SC 20x20  4.53   272   8.6   [1]
  SCT-120S 20x20  5.3   318   13   [1]
  SCT-120SC 20x20  5.3   318   13   [1]
  SCT-76 20x20  4.53   272   8.6   [1]
[1] Suffix letters after the model number on standard models indicate:
    C - Corner models
    D - Built-in forced air dryers
    S - Power scrappers
    SPTC and STPCW models with suffix "PS" have built-in power scrappers.

Rackless Multiple Tank Conveyor, Hi-Temp[3]
  Four Tank STPC-(1)-(2) N/A  3.8   228   17.3   [4]
  Four Tank STPC-ER-(1)-(2) N/A  1.7   102   14   [4]
  Four Tank STPCW-(1)-(2) N/A  3.9   234   17.3   [4]
  Four Tank STPCW-ER-(1)-(2) N/A  1.7   102   14   [4]
  Three Tank STPC-(1)-(2) N/A  4.6   276   12   [4]
  Three Tank STPC-ER-(1)-(2) N/A  1.6   98   9.2   [4]
  Three Tank STPCW-(1)-(2) N/A  5.6   336   12   [4]
  Three Tank STPCW-ER-(1)-(2) N/A  0.972   58.3   9.2   [4] [6]
  Three Tank STPCW-ER-(1)-(2) N/A  1.6   98   9.2   [4]
[3] The peg spacing for rackless conveyor dishwashers is 2.5" and 3.5" by request.
[4] (1) 2-digit numerical suffix indicating the overall length of the equipment in feet and
    inches. The minimum length for the pre-wash tank is 32 inches and the minimum length for
    each wash/rinse tank is 44 inches. The overall length of the unit varies based on the
    number of tanks and the length of the loading & unloading sections. (2) Optional suffix
    D indicating built-in forced air dryers.
[6] Models with serial number 79600 and higher.

Single Tank Conveyor Chemical Sanitizing[1] [2] [7] [8] [9]
  SC-1-2-4-CSA 20x20  4.84   250   3.8   
  SC-1-2-4-CSA-LW 20x20  2   120   2.3   
  SC-1-6-4-CSA 20x20  4.84    250   3.8   
  SC-1-6-4-CSA-LW 20x20  2   120   2.3   
  SC-1-SCT-44-10-CSA 20x20  4.84   250   4.3   
  SC-1-SCT-44-CSA 20x20  4.84   250   4.3   
  SC-2-4-CSA 20x20  4.84   250   3.8   
  SC-2-4-CSA-LW 20x20  2   120   2.3   
  SC-5-2-4-CSA 20x20  4.84   250   3.8   
  SC-5-2-4-CSA-LW 20x20  2   120   2.3   
  SC-5-6-4-CSA 20x20  4.84   250   5.9   
  SC-5-6-4-CSA-LW 20x20  2   120   3.5   
  SC-6-4-CSA 20x20  4.84   250   5.9   
  SC-6-4-CSA-LW 20x20  2   120   3.5   
[1] Suffix letters after the model number on standard models indicate:
    C - Corner models
    D - Built-in forced air dryers
    S - Power scrappers
    SPTC and STPCW models with suffix "PS" have built-in power scrappers.
[2] Make-up water for wash tank is provided from final rinse source of supply. Sizing of
    water heaters should be based upon this additional demand (not to exceed 2 gpm.
[7] Unit accepted only when installed with Economics Laboratory Chlorine Injector Model
    CM-47A, Ecotemp 111, Ecotemp 130A; DuBois Hydr-A-Trol Feeder Model LT-910-038; Rykoff
    Feeder Model LTD-1001-A; U.S. Chemical Feeder Model ITC-2; Lendew Co. Ltd. Model L-1000;
    Beta Technology Model D-3300, Model D-6300; Mec-O-Matic Model 7500 C; Knight Feeder
    Model LTD 300; or Stero Peristaltic Pump.
[8] Available chlorine minimum, 50 ppm. Sanitizing agent feeder Beta Technology; PWM Model
    or stero Peristaltic Pump. Additional suffix "8" indicates straight through chemical
    sanitizing final rinse section. Additional suffix "9" indicates 90° chemical sanitizing
    final rinse section.
[9] Unit is tested and Certified as a dual sanitizing mode machine. The sanitizing mode is
    designed to be converted in the field by the manufacturer or its authorized service

Single Tank Conveyor, Hi-Temp
  ER-44 20x20  2.43   146   6.2   [10]
  ER-44-10 20x20  2.43   146   6.2   [10]
  ER-54 20x20  2.43   146   6.2   [10]
  ER-66S 20x20  2.43   146   6.2   [10]
  ER-76S 20x20  2.43   146   6.2   [10]
  ER-76SC 20x20  2.43   146   6.2   [10]
  ER-90S 20x20  2.43   146   6.2   [10]
  SC-1-2-4 20x20  5.02   301   3.8   [1] [2] [9]
  SC-1-2-4-LW 20x20  2   120   2.3   [1] [2] [9]
  SC-1-6-4 20x20  5.02   301   5.9   [1] [2] [9]
  SC-1-6-4-LW 20x20  2   120   3.5   [1] [2] [9]
  SC-2-4 20x20  5.02   301   3.8   [1] [2] [9]
  SC-2-4-LW 20x20  2   120   2.3   [1] [2] [9]
  SC-5-2-4 20x20  5.02   301   3.8   [1] [2] [9]
  SC-5-2-4-LW 20x20  2   120   2.3   [1] [2] [9]
  SC-5-6-4 20x20  5.02   301   5.9   [1] [2] [9]
  SC-5-6-4-LW 20x20  2   120   3.5   [1] [2] [9]
  SC-6-4 20x20  5.02   301   5.9   [1] [9]
  SC-6-4-LW 20x20  2   120   3.5   [1] [2] [9]
[1] Suffix letters after the model number on standard models indicate:
    C - Corner models
    D - Built-in forced air dryers
    S - Power scrappers
    SPTC and STPCW models with suffix "PS" have built-in power scrappers.
[2] Make-up water for wash tank is provided from final rinse source of supply. Sizing of
    water heaters should be based upon this additional demand (not to exceed 2 gpm.
[9] Unit is tested and Certified as a dual sanitizing mode machine. The sanitizing mode is
    designed to be converted in the field by the manufacturer or its authorized service
[10] Models with serial number 79200 and higher.

[5] (1) 2-digit numerical suffix indicating the overall length of the equipment in feet and
    inches. The minimum length for the pre-wash tank is 24 inches and the minimum length for
    each wash/rinse tank is 36 inches. The overall length if the unit varies based on the
    number of tanks and the length of the loading and unloading sections. (2) Option suffix
    D indicating built-in forced air dryers.

      Final Rinse    
      (20 psi) Conveyor Speed  
  Model Conveyor Flow Usage (Max.) Footnotes
  Number Width gpm gph (ft/min.)  

Multiple Tank Conveyor - Hot Water Sanitizing[1] [2]
  STBUW 27  7.5   447   10   
[1] Number following model designates length of unit.
[2] Engineering data pertaining to rackless conveyor machines (Model STBUW-14) also apply to
    certain variations of these models for which National Sanitation Foundation Listing
    is authorized. Such variations are limited to providing of soiled utensil. The pump
    section(s), final rinse section, conveyor width and maximum conveyor speed must remain

      Final Rinse    
      (20 psi) Operating Time  
  Model Rack Size Flow Usage (seconds) Footnotes
  Number Width gpm gph Wash Rinse Dwell  

Single Tank Chemical Sanitizing Door (Dual Sanitizing Mode Machines)
  SD3 20x20  4.4   47.4   38   10   2   [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
  SD3T 20x20  4.4   47.4   38   10   2   [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
[1] Optional tabling and shelving fully complying with NSF Standard 2 may be provided.
[2] Final rinse must contain 50 ppm minimum available chlorine.
[3] Corner model is rated 40.8 gph for hot and 46 gph for chemical sanitizing.
[4] Includes post-wash dwell (2 seconds).
[5] This unit has been tested and Certified as a combination Dishwashing/Pot, Pan & Utensil
    Washing Machine.  Please reference this model's Listing under Stationary Rack Pot, Pan
    and Utensil Washing Machines for this model's specifications for that mode of operation.
[6] Available with power vent fan option.
[7] Available with optional front loading kit rated with 33 gph for chemical sanitizing and
    30 gph hot water sanitizing.

Single Tank Door (Dual Sanitizing Mode Machines)
  SD3 20x20  4.4   42.3   38   10   9   [1] [3] [5] [8]
  SD3T 20x20  4.4   42.3   38   10   9   [1] [3] [5] [7] [8]
[1] Optional tabling and shelving fully complying with NSF Standard 2 may be provided.
[3] Corner model is rated 40.8 gph for hot and 46 gph for chemical sanitizing.
[5] This unit has been tested and Certified as a combination Dishwashing/Pot, Pan & Utensil
    Washing Machine.  Please reference this model's Listing under Stationary Rack Pot, Pan
    and Utensil Washing Machines for this model's specifications for that mode of operation.
[7] Available with optional front loading kit rated with 33 gph for chemical sanitizing and
    30 gph hot water sanitizing.
[8] Includes post-wash dwell (2 seconds) and post-rinse dwell (7 seconds).

Single Tank Stationary Rack, Hi-Temp
  U-31-A 24x28  11.2   70   120   15   0   [9] [10] [11]
  U-31-A2 24x28  22.4   140   120   15   0   [9] [10] [11]
  U-31-AC 24x28  11.2   70   120   15   0   [9] [10] [11]
[9] Suffix letters after the model number on standard models indicate:

    C - Corner models

    D - Built-in forced air dryers
    S - Power scrappers
    SPTC and STPCW models with suffix "PS" have built-in power scrappers.

[10] Unit accepted with a minimum wash temperature of 155°F.

[11] 24" x 28" rack frame required to accomodate a standard 20" x 20" rack.

      Final Rinse    
      (20 psi) Operating Time  
  Model Rack Size Flow Usage (seconds) Footnotes
  Number Width gpm gph Wash Rinse Dwell  

Single Tank Chemical Sanitizing Door (Dual Sanitizing Mode Machines)
  SD3 20x20  4.4   18.9   120   10   2   [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
  SD3T 20x20  4.4   18.9   120   10   2   [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
[1] Optional tabling and shelving fully complying with NSF Standard 2 may be provided.
[2] Corner model is rated 17.5 gph for hot and 18.2 gph for chemical sanitizing.
[3] This unit has been tested and Certified as a combination Dishwashing/Pot, Pan & Utensil
    Washing Machine.  Please reference this model's Listing under Stationary Rack
    Dishwashing Machines for this model's specifications for that mode of operation.
[4] Includes post-wash dwell (2 seconds).
[5] Final rinse must contain 50 ppm minimum available chlorine.
[6] Available with power vent fan option.
[7] Available with optional front loading kit rated with 16.1 gph for chemical sanitizing
    and 15.4 gph hot water sanitizing.

Single Tank Door (Dual Sanitizing Mode Machines)
  SD3 20x20  4.4   18.2   120   10   9   [1] [2] [3] [6] [8]
  SD3T 20x20  4.4   18.2   120   10   9   [1] [2] [3] [6] [7] [8]
[1] Optional tabling and shelving fully complying with NSF Standard 2 may be provided.
[2] Corner model is rated 17.5 gph for hot and 18.2 gph for chemical sanitizing.
[3] This unit has been tested and Certified as a combination Dishwashing/Pot, Pan & Utensil
    Washing Machine.  Please reference this model's Listing under Stationary Rack
    Dishwashing Machines for this model's specifications for that mode of operation.
[6] Available with power vent fan option.
[7] Available with optional front loading kit rated with 16.1 gph for chemical sanitizing
    and 15.4 gph hot water sanitizing.
[8] Includes post-wash dwell (4 seconds) and post-rinse dwell (5 seconds).

Single Tank Stationary Rack - Hot Water Sanitizing
  U-31-A 24x28  11.2   70   120   15   0   
  U-31-A2 24x28  22.4   140   120   15   0   
  U-31-AC 24x28  11.2   70   120   15   0   

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