NSF Product and Service Listings
These NSF Official Listings are current as of Sunday, February 16, 2025 at 12:15 a.m. Eastern Time. Please contact NSF to confirm the status of any Listing, report errors, or make suggestions.
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Special Purpose Food Equipment and Devices
Special Purpose Food Equipment and Devices
Prodew, Inc. | |
1359 Gresham Road | |
Marietta, GA 30062 | |
United States | |
866-677-6339 | |
770-420-3060 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : Marietta, GA
Humidification System[1] [2] |
HCLD-P-(4)N(5)-(6)CS-(N)[3] [4] [6] [7] [8] | |
HCLD-P-(4)N(5)0(6)CD-(N)[3] [4] [6] [7] [9] | |
HCLD-S-(4)N(5)-(6)CD-(N)[3] [5] [6] [7] [9] | |
HCLD-S-(4)N(5)-(6)CS-(N)[3] [5] [6] [7] [9] | |
HDPFOG-P-(4)N(5)-1CD-(N)[3] [4] [6] [7] [9] | |
HFOG-P-(4)N(5)-(6)CD-(N)[4] [6] [7] [9] [10] | |
HFOG-P-(4)N(5)-(6)CS-(N)[4] [6] [7] [8] [10] | |
HFOG-S-(4)N(5)-(6)CD-(N)[5] [6] [7] [9] [10] | |
HFOG-S-(4)N(5)-(6)CS-(N)[5] [6] [7] [8] [10] | |
HSPRCLD-(1)-N(3) | |
HSPRFOG-(1)-N(2) | |
[1] Suffix indicates voltage. [2] (1) HCLD stands for humidity system with cloud nozzle. (2) HSPRFOG stands for humidity fog nozzle. (3) HSPRCHD stands for humidity cloud nozzle. (4) Prefix to N indicates number of nozzles. (5) Suffix after N indicates different size of orfice for nozzle. (6) Prefix to CS indicates number of compressors. [3] HCLD stands for humidity system with cloud nozzle. [4] P indicates premium option. [5] S indicates standard option. [6] N indicates nozzle. [7] C indicates compressor [8] S indicates single. [9] D indicates double. [10] HFOG stands for humidity system with fog nozzle. |
Misting System[1] [2] |
MCTRL-PRM-(1)-A-(N)[11] [12] | |
MCTRL-PRM-(1)-A-(X)-(N)[11] [12] | |
MCTRL-STD-(1)-A-(N)[11] [13] | |
MTRC-VF-(7)-(N)[14] [15] [16] | |
MTRC388-(7)-(N)[14] [15] [18] | |
MTRCOAS-(7)-(N)[14] [15] [16] [17] | |
[1] Suffix indicates voltage. [2] (1) HCLD stands for humidity system with cloud nozzle. (2) HSPRFOG stands for humidity fog nozzle. (3) HSPRCHD stands for humidity cloud nozzle. (4) Prefix to N indicates number of nozzles. (5) Suffix after N indicates different size of orfice for nozzle. (6) Prefix to CS indicates number of compressors. [11] MCTRL stands for misting control. [12] PRM indicates premium option. [13] STD indicates standard option. [14] M indicates misting. [15] TRC indicates track. [16] VF stands for versa fresh option; single nozzle head system. [17] OAS stands for Oasis option; double nozzle head system. [18] 388 stands for 388 option; single nozzle head system. |
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