NSF Product and Service Listings

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Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals - Health Effects

Brainerd Chemical Company, Inc. 
15 East 5th Street
Tulsa, OK 74103 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Danville, IL

Citric Acid[1]
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
Citric Acid 50% Solution Membrane Cleaner
Well Cleaning Aid
Citric Acid Solution Membrane Cleaner
Well Cleaning Aid

[1] This product is designed to be used off-line and flushed out prior to using the system
    for drinking water, following manufacturer's use instructions.
    The pH of the influent and effluent water should be monitored to ensure that all traces
    of the product have been removed before placing into service.

Ferric Chloride
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
Ferric Chloride Coagulation & Flocculation 250mg/L
Ferric Chloride Liquid Coagulation & Flocculation 250mg/L
Ferric Chloride Solution Coagulation & Flocculation 250mg/L
Liquid Ferric Chloride Drinking Water Grade (DWG) Coagulation & Flocculation 250mg/L

Ferric Sulfate
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
Ferric Sulfate Solution Coagulation & Flocculation 650mg/L

Hydrogen Peroxide[HP]
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
Hydrogen Peroxide Dechlorination
Disinfection & Oxidation
Hydrogen Peroxide 30% Dechlorination
Disinfection & Oxidation
Hydrogen Peroxide 32% Dechlorination
Disinfection & Oxidation
Hydrogen Peroxide 35% Dechlorination
Disinfection & Oxidation
Hydrogen Peroxide 50% Dechlorination
Disinfection & Oxidation

[HP] Use of this product shall be followed by chlorination to remove levels of hydrogen
     peroxide.  Chlorine residuals shall not exceed 4 mg/L, the EPA's proposed maximum
     residual level.

Miscellaneous Treatment Chemical
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
Terrastat 15 Reverse Osmosis Membrane Biocide 32mg/L
Terrastat 15 - OF Reverse Osmosis Membrane Biocide 32mg/L
Terrastat 15 - S Oxidant
Disinfection & Oxidation
Terrastat 15 - S Reverse Osmosis Membrane Biocide 32mg/L
Terrastat 15-OF Oxidant
Disinfection & Oxidation
Terrastat 1522-S Oxidant
Disinfection & Oxidation
Terrastat 22 Oxidant
Disinfection & Oxidation
Terrastat 22 Reverse Osmosis Membrane Biocide 29mg/L
Terrastat 22 - S Reverse Osmosis Membrane Biocide 31mg/L
Terrastat 22-S Oxidant
Disinfection & Oxidation

Miscellaneous Water Supply Products[1]
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
Terrastat 15 Membrane Cleaner
Pipe Cleaning Aid
Terrastat 15 - OF Membrane Cleaner
Pipe Cleaning Aid
Terrastat 15 - S Membrane Cleaner
Pipe Cleaning Aid
Terrastat 22 Membrane Cleaner
Pipe Cleaning Aid
Terrastat 22 - S Membrane Cleaner
Pipe Cleaning Aid

[1] This product is designed to be used off-line and flushed out prior to using the system
    for drinking water, following manufacturer's use instructions.
    The pH of the influent and effluent water should be monitored to ensure that all traces
    of the product have been removed before placing into service.

Sodium Hydroxide
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
Sodium Hydroxide 5-50% Corrosion & Scale Control
pH Adjustment

Sulfuric Acid
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
Sulfuric Acid, 5-93% Corrosion & Scale Control
pH Adjustment

[HY] The residual levels of chlorine (hypochlorite ion and hypochlorous acid), chlorine
     dioxide, chlorate ion, chloramine and disinfection by-products shall be monitored in the
     finished drinking water to ensure compliance to all applicable regulations. Also,
     reference the AWWA B300 (Hypochlorites) standard's Recommendations for the Handling and
     Storage of Hypochlorite Solutions appendix for information on preservation techniques
     for hypochlorite bleach in transit and storage.

Facility : Tulsa, OK

Citric Acid[1]
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
Citric Acid 50% Solution Well Cleaning Aid
Membrane Cleaner
Citric Acid Solution Well Cleaning Aid
Membrane Cleaner

[1] This product is designed to be used off-line and flushed out prior to using the system
    for drinking water, following the manufacturer's use instructions.  The pH of the
    influent and effluent water should be monitored to ensure that all traces of the product
    have been removed before placing into service.

Ferric Chloride
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
Ferric Chloride Coagulation & Flocculation 250mg/L
Ferric Chloride Liquid Coagulation & Flocculation 250mg/L
Ferric Chloride Solution Coagulation & Flocculation 250mg/L
Liquid Ferric Chloride Drinking Water Grade (DWG) Coagulation & Flocculation 250mg/L

Ferric Sulfate
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
Ferric Sulfate Solution Coagulation & Flocculation 650mg/L

Hydrochloric Acid
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
Hydrochloric Acid pH Adjustment 40mg/L
Muriatic Acid pH Adjustment 40mg/L

Hydrogen Peroxide[HP]
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
Hydrogen Peroxide Dechlorination
Disinfection & Oxidation
Hydrogen Peroxide 30% Disinfection & Oxidation
Hydrogen Peroxide 32% Disinfection & Oxidation
Hydrogen Peroxide 35% Disinfection & Oxidation
Hydrogen Peroxide 50% Dechlorination
Disinfection & Oxidation

[HP] Use of this product shall be followed by chlorination to remove levels of hydrogen
     peroxide.  Chlorine residuals shall not exceed 4 mg/L, the EPA's proposed maximum
     residual level.

Miscellaneous Treatment Chemical
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
Terrastat 15 - S Oxidant
Disinfection & Oxidation
Terrastat 15-OF Oxidant
Disinfection & Oxidation
Terrastat 1522-S Oxidant
Disinfection & Oxidation
Terrastat 22 Oxidant
Disinfection & Oxidation
Terrastat 22-S Oxidant
Disinfection & Oxidation

Miscellaneous Water Supply Products
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
Terrastat 15 Reverse Osmosis Membrane Biocide 32mg/L
Terrastat 15[1] Membrane Cleaner
Pipe Cleaning Aid
Terrastat 15 - OF[1] Membrane Cleaner
Pipe Cleaning Aid
Terrastat 15 - OF Reverse Osmosis Membrane Biocide 32mg/L
Terrastat 15 - S[1] Pipe Cleaning Aid
Reverse Osmosis Membrane Biocide
Membrane Cleaner
Terrastat 15 - S Reverse Osmosis Membrane Biocide 32mg/L
Terrastat 22[1] Pipe Cleaning Aid
Membrane Cleaner
Terrastat 22 Reverse Osmosis Membrane Biocide 29mg/L
Terrastat 22 - S[1] Reverse Osmosis Membrane Biocide
Membrane Cleaner
Pipe Cleaning Aid
Terrastat 22 - S Reverse Osmosis Membrane Biocide 31mg/L

[1] This product is designed to be used off-line and flushed out prior to using the system
    for drinking water, following the manufacturer's use instructions.  The pH of the
    influent and effluent water should be monitored to ensure that all traces of the product
    have been removed before placing into service.

Sodium Bisulfite[2]
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
Sodium Bisulfite, 38-42% Solution Antioxidant

[2] This product contains sulfite. Sulfites have been known to cause potentially lethal
    allergic reactions in sulfite-sensitive individuals. The maximum recommended allowable
    residual sulfite level in the finished drinking water is 100 ppb (0.1 mg/L).

Sodium Hydroxide
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
Sodium Hydroxide 5-50% Corrosion & Scale Control
pH Adjustment

Sulfuric Acid
Trade Designation Product Function Max Use
Sulfuric Acid, 5-93% pH Adjustment
Corrosion & Scale Control

NOTE: Only Listed products bearing the NSF Mark are considered NSF Certified.

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