NSF Product and Service Listings

These NSF Official Listings are current as of Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 12:15 a.m. Eastern Time. Please contact NSF to confirm the status of any Listing, report errors, or make suggestions.

Alert: NSF is concerned about fraudulent downloading and manipulation of website text. Always confirm this information by clicking on the below link for the most accurate information: http://info.nsf.org/Certified/PwsComponents/Listings.asp?Company=0H760&Standard=061&

Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects

NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated for Materials, Certification is only for the Water Contact Material shown in the Listing. Click here for a list of Abbreviations used in these Listings. Click here for the definitions of Water Contact Temperatures denoted in these Listings. Products certified to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 comply with the health effects criteria in NSF/ANSI/CAN 600.

Kibbutz Kfar Charuv 12932
972 6 676 1980
Visit this company's website

Facility : Kibbutz Dorot, Israel

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Series 300 1 1/2" - 40" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Facility : Kibbutz Kfar Charuv, Israel

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Backflow Preventers[G]
DC 500 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
DC 501 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
RP 500 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
RP 501 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Vacuum Breakers[G]
PVB500 1/2" - 1" D. HOT MLTPL
PVB501 1/2" - 1" D. HOT MLTPL

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Valves [G]
D-012 1" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-014 1" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-015 1" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-040 Barak 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-040 C Barak 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-040 St.St. 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-040L 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
D46 PL 2" 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-050 1" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-050 St.St 1" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-050C 1" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-052 1" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-060 HF 2" - 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-060 HF NS 2" - 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-060-C HF 2" - 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-060-C HF NS 2" - 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-060-M1 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-060-M1-SD 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-060-M1-SS 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-060-NS-M1 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-060-NS-M1-SD 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-060-NS-M1-SS 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-060-NS-SD 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-060-NS-SS 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-060-SD 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-060-SS 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-060-V-M1 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-060-V-M1-SD 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-060-V-M1-SS 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-060-V-SD 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-060-V-SS 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-062 HF 2" - 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-062 HF NS 2" - 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-065-M1 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-065-M1-SD 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-065-NS-M1 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-065-NS-M1-SD 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-065-NS-M1-SS 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-065-NS-SD 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-065-NS-SS 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-065-SD 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-065-SS 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-065-V-M1 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-065-V-M1-SD 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-065-V-M1-SS 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-065-V-SD 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-065-V-SS 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-065—M1-SS 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-070[G] 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
D-070[G] 3" - 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
D43 2" - 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
D43 NS 2" - 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
D43 PL 3" 3" CLD 23 MLTPL
D46 2" - 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
D46 NS 2" - 8" CLD 23 MLTPL
DAV-P-(X)-(Y)-(Z)-PN16[1] 1/2" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
DAV-MH Air Release and Vacuum Break Valve[2] 2" - 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
DAV-MH-SA Air Release and Vacuum Break Valve[2] 2" - 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
DAV-MS Air Release and Vacuum Break Valve[2] 2" - 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
DAV-MS-SA Air Release and Vacuum Break Valve[2] 2" - 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
K-010 1" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
K-010 St.St 1" - 4 " CLD 23 MLTPL
K-012 1" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
K-014 1" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
K-015 2" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
K-016 2" - 4" CLD 23 MLTPL
K-060 HF 2" - 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
K-060 HF NS 2" - 10" CLD 23 MLTPL
K-060 NS-SD 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
K-060 NS-SS 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
K-060 SD 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
K-060 SS 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
K-060 V-SD 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
K-060 V-SS 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
K-060-M1 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
K-060-M1-SD 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
K-060-M1-SS 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
K-060-NS-M1 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
K-060-NS-M1-SD 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
K-060-NS-M1-SS 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
K-060-V-M1 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
K-060-V-M1-SD 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
K-060-V-M1-SS 3" - 12" CLD 23 MLTPL
K-100 1" - 2" CLD 23 MLTPL
S-015 3/4" - 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
S-015-SD 3/4" - 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
S-015-SS 3/4" - 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
S-050 Segev 1/2" - 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
S-050 St.St. 1/2" - 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
S-050-C 1/2" - 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
S-052 1/2" - 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
VB-060 8" - 24" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] DAV  - Dorot Control Valve
    P    - Plastic Body & Cover
    X    - Size
           05 - 1/2" / 12 mm
           75 - 3/4" / 20 mm
           1  - 1" / 25mm
           2  - 2" / 50 mm
    Y    - Function
           A  - Automatic
           K  - Kinetic
           KA - Kinetic Automatic Combination
    Z    - Connection Standard
           BSP - British Standard Pipe
           NPT - National Pipe Thread
    PN16 - Pressure Rating (230 psi)
    Note: 2" / 50 mm available with K or KA functions only
[2] Products may have a K or KA suffix.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.

[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


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