NSF Product and Service Listings

These NSF Official Listings are current as of Monday, February 10, 2025 at 12:15 a.m. Eastern Time. Please contact NSF to confirm the status of any Listing, report errors, or make suggestions.

Alert: NSF is concerned about fraudulent downloading and manipulation of website text. Always confirm this information by clicking on the below link for the most accurate information: http://info.nsf.org/Certified/PwsComponents/Listings.asp?Company=1H770&Standard=061&

Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects

NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated for Materials, Certification is only for the Water Contact Material shown in the Listing. Click here for a list of Abbreviations used in these Listings. Click here for the definitions of Water Contact Temperatures denoted in these Listings. Products certified to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 comply with the health effects criteria in NSF/ANSI/CAN 600.

Vontron Technology Co., Ltd. 
No.1518 LiYang Road
Guiyang National High-Tech Industrial 
Development Zone, Guiyang, Guizhou 
86 851 86270379
Visit this company's website

Facility : Guizhou, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Reverse Osmosis Element[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
ECO4040EWS 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
ECO4040HR 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
FR11-4040 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
FR11-8040 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
FR12-8040 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
HOR21-4040 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
HOR21-8040 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
HOR22-8040 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
HT5-4040-LP 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
HWRO-380/34G 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
LE-440-UE 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
LE-8040 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
LE-8040UE 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
LP100 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
LP11-4040 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
LP21-4040 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
LP21-8040 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
LP22-8040 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
LP400-LD 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
LP400-SP 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
LP4040-C 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
LP4040PRO 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
LP440 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
LP440-MAX 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
M-4040 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
PURO 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
PURO-I 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
PURO-II 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
PURO-LE 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
PURO-UE 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
SW11-2521 2 1/2" x 21" CLD 23 MLTPL
SW11-2540 2 1/2" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
SW11-4021 4" x 21" CLD 23 MLTPL
SW21-4040 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
SW21-8040 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
SW22-8040 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
SW2521 2 1/2" x 21" CLD 23 MLTPL
SW2540 2 1/2" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
SW4021 4" x 21" CLD 23 MLTPL
SW4040HR 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
SW4040LE 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
SW8040FR-380 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
SW8040HR-400 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
SW8040HR-440 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
SW8040LE-400 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
SW8040LE-440 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
SW8040SU-400 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
SW8040XHR-400 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
SW8040XHR-440 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
SW8040XLE-400 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
SW8040XLE-440 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
ULP100 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
ULP11-4021 4" x 21" CLD 23 MLTPL
ULP11-4040 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
ULP12-8040 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
ULP21-2521 2 1/2" x 21" CLD 23 MLTPL
ULP21-2540 2 1/2" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
ULP21-4021 4" x 21" CLD 23 MLTPL
ULP21-4040 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
ULP21-8040 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
ULP22-8040 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
ULP31-4021 4" x 21" CLD 23 MLTPL
ULP31-4040 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
ULP32-8040 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
ULP400-LD 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
ULP400-SP 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
ULP4040PRO 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
ULP440 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
ULP440-MAX 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
VHD-4038G 3.9" x 38" CLD 23 MLTPL
VHD-8040/34G 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
VNF1-2540 2 1/2" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
VNF1-4040 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
VNF1-8040 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
VNF2-2540 2 1/2" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
VNF2-4040 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
VNF2-8040 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
VNF400-SPHL 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
XLP11-4040 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
XLP11-4040-MAX 4" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL
XLP12-8040 8" x 40" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for both wet and dry elements.
[2] All elements (wet and dry) require a pre-service flush:
    Trade Name LP400-LD requires a pre-service flush at 5 gallons per minute (gpm) for 6
    hours with tap water.
    Trade Name LP440-MAX requires a pre-service flush at 5 gallons per minute (gpm) for 6
    hours with tap water.
    Trade Name ULP400-LD requires a pre-service flush at 5 gallons per minute (gpm) for 6
    hours with tap water.
    Trade Name ULP440-MAX requires a pre-service flush at 5 gallons per minute (gpm) for 6
    hours with tap water.
    Trade Name PURO-II requires a pre-service flush at 5 gallons per minute (gpm) for 6
    hours with tap water.
    Trade Name LE-8040UE requires a pre-service flush at 5 gallons per minute (gpm) for 6
    hours with tap water.
    Trade Name LE-440-UE requires a pre-service flush at 5 gallons per minute (gpm) for 6
    hours with tap water.
    Trade Name PURO-UE requires a pre-service flush at 5 gallons per minute (gpm) for 6
    hours with tap water.
    Trade Name LP400-SP requires a pre-service flush at 5 gallons per minute (gpm) for 6
    hours with tap water.
    Trade Name ULP400-SP requires a pre-service flush at 5 gallons per minute (gpm) for 6
    hours with tap water.
    Trade Name VNF400-SPHL requires a pre-service flush at 5 gallons per minute (gpm) for 6
    hours with tap water.
    Trade Name ULP4040PRO requires a pre-service flush at 0.9 gallons per minute (gpm) for 6
    hours with tap water.
    Trade Name LP4040PRO requires a pre-service flush at 1.3 gallons per minute (gpm) for 6
    hours with tap water.
    Trade Name VHD-8040/34G requires a pre-service flush at 5 gallons per minute (gpm) for 6
    hours with tap water.
    Trade Name VHD-4038G requires a pre-service flush at 5 gallons per minute (gpm) for 6
    hours with tap water.
    Trade Name HWRO-380/34G requires a pre-service flush at 5 gallons per minute (gpm) for 6
    hours with tap water.
    All other trade names: Fill the RO pressure vessel with qualified pretreated water. The
    feed water pressure shall be restricted to 50 psi and the flow rate shall be equal to 16
    GPM (gallons per minute). The rejected water and product water shall be discharged
    completely. The membrane element shall be flushed for 6 hours. No antiscalant shall be
    added in flushing.	
[3] The SW11-2521, SW11-2540, SW11-4021, ULP11-4021, ULP21-2521, ULP21-2540, ULP21-4021,
    ULP31-4021, SW40, SW2540 elements are evaluated for point-of-entry end uses.
[4] Certified for minimum flow rate of:
    LP21-4040, HT5-4040-LP, FR11-4040, 4040, SW21-4040, ULP11-4040, ULP21-4040, M-4040,
    ULP31-4040, XLP11-4040, XLP11-4040-MAX,
    SW4040HR, SW4040LE: 8,000 L/day
    FR11-8040, HOR21-8040, HOR21-4040, LP21-8040, LP22-8040, SW21-8040, SW22-8040,
    ULP12-8040, ULP21-8040, ULP22-8040, ULP32-8040,
    HOR22-8040, SW8040XHR-400, SW8040HR-400, SW8040LE-400, SW8040SU-400 and SW8040XLE-400:
    30,000 L/day
    LP400-LD, ULP400-LD, LE-8040UE, LP400-SP, ULP400-SP and VNF400-SPHL: 10,500 gal/day
    PURO-II and PURO-UE: 11,500 gal/day
    ULP440-MAX and LE-440-UE: 12,000 gal/day	
    SW8040XHR-440: 4,200 gal/day
    SW8040HR-440: 3,500 gal/day
    SW8040LE-440: 5,250 gal/day
    SW8040XLE-440: 6,300 gal/day
    LP440: 7,700 gal/day
    ULP440: 8,750 gal/day
    LE-8040: 8,400 gal/day
    XLP12-8040: 7,000 gal/day
    LP100: 1750: 1,750 gal/day
    LP11-4040: 2,100 gal/day
    ULP100: 1,960 gal/day
    VNF1-8040, VNF2-8040 and PURO-LE: 7,000 gal/day
    VNF1-4040: 1,400 gal/day
    VNF2-4040: 1,260 gal/day
    VNF1-2540: 455 gal/day
    VNF2-2540: 490 gal/day
    PURO, PURO-I and FR12-8040: 7,350 gal/day
    PURO-LE: 7,000 gal/day
    ULP4040PRO: 2,000 gal/day
    LP4040PRO: 2,800 gal/day
    LP440-MAX: 12,500 gal/day
    VHD-8040/34G: 9000 gal/day
    VHD-4038G: 2100 gal/day
    HWRO-380/34G: 9000 gal/day
    LP4040-C: 2400 gal/day
    ECO4040HR: 2200 gal/day
    ECO4040EWS: 2200 gal/day
[5] Only products bearing the NSF Mark on the product, product packaging, and/or
    documentation shipped with the product are Certified.

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