NSF Product and Service Listings

These NSF Official Listings are current as of Saturday, March 29, 2025 at 12:15 a.m. Eastern Time. Please contact NSF to confirm the status of any Listing, report errors, or make suggestions.

Alert: NSF is concerned about fraudulent downloading and manipulation of website text. Always confirm this information by clicking on the below link for the most accurate information: http://info.nsf.org/Certified/PwsComponents/Listings.asp?Company=1W780&Standard=061&

Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects

NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated for Materials, Certification is only for the Water Contact Material shown in the Listing. Click here for a list of Abbreviations used in these Listings. Click here for the definitions of Water Contact Temperatures denoted in these Listings. Products certified to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 comply with the health effects criteria in NSF/ANSI/CAN 600.

Milton Roy Company 
201 Ivyland Road
Ivyland, PA 18974 
United States 
Visit this company's website

Facility : Ivyland, PA

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
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Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Chemical Metering Pumps[1] [G]
AA [WXY]-[ZZZZZ][2] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
ADWXY-ZZZZZ[3] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
AWXY-ZZZZZ[3] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
B[WXY]-[ZZZZZ][2] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
CWP[WXY]-[ZZZZZ][2] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
C[WXY]-[ZZZZZ][2] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
DXYYXXYYY[8] [9] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
GXYYXXYYY[8] [11] 1/2" - 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
J[WXY]-[ZZZZZ][2] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
PD[WXY]-[ZZZZZ][3] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
PD[WXY]-[ZZZZZ][4] 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
P[WXY]-[ZZZZZ][2] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
SDXYYXX[8] [10] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
SGXYYXX[8] [12] 1/2" - 1" CLD 23 MLTPL
UNI-DOSE® U[WXY]-[ZZZZZ][2] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[ERBX2X-ZZZZZZZZZ][5] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[ERBX2X][7] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[ERBX3X-ZZZZZZZZZ][5] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[ERBX3X][7] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[ERBX4X-ZZZZZZZZZ][5] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[ERBX4X][7] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[LE-ZZZZZZZZZ][7] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[XRDX2X-ZZZZZZZZZ][5] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[XRDX2X][7] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[XRDX3X-ZZZZZZZZZ][5] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[XRDX3X][7] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[XRDX4X-ZZZZZZZZZ][5] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
[XRDX4X][7] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Products manufactured at this facility have serial numbers 14093868282-1 and greater.
[2] Letters W, X, and Y denote options for non-wetted components where:
    W indicates the drive control code
    X indicates the flow and pressure rating of the pump
    Y indicates the voltage code
    ZZZZZ indicates the liquid end handling assembly which can be any one of the following:
    312SI, 352SI, 362SI, 392SI, 313SI, 353SI, 363SI, 393SI, 281TT, 35TSI, 36TSI, 39TSI,
    D18AI, D58AI, D68AI, D98AI, 318SI, 358SI, 368SI, 398SI, 418SI, 458SI, 468SI, 498SI
    D10AI, D50AI, D60AI, D90AI, 410SI, 450SI, 460SI, 490SI
    415SI, 455SI, 465SI, 495SI
    217, 257, 297, 277
    419SI, 459SI, 469SI, 499SI
    Where S can be substituted with N or T and A can be substituted with H. Also, I can be
    substituted with U, P, or M.
    [The following models are not to appear in the Official Listing]
    O Metering Pumps (Similar to the P model metering pumps)
    Letters W, X denote options for non-wetted components where:
    W – indicates the drive control and voltage code (represents the W and Y of a [WXY]
    model code)
    X – flow and pressure rating of the pump
    Certified for use with the following chemicals:
    Aluminum sulfate (50%), ammonium hydroxide (29%), potassium hydroxide (45%), sodium
    hydroxide (50%), sodium silicate (100%): All models.
    ACH aluminum chlorohydrate (40%), ferric chloride (45%), hydrochloric acid (28%),
    phosphoric acid (50%), sodium bisulfite (44%), sodium fluoride
    (4%), zinc orthophosphate (100%): Model codes 0,2,3,5,7,8,T, 9
    Fluosilicic acid (100%): Model code 9
    Hydrochloric acid (38%): Model codes 2,3,5,8, T, 9
    Phosphoric acid (75%): Model codes 2,3,5,8, T
    Sodium hypochlorite (15%): Model codes 0,2,3,8, T, 9
    Sulfuric acid (25%): Model codes 0, 2, 3, 8, T
    Sulfuric acid (98.5%): Model codes 2, 3, 8, T
    Sodium fluoride and sulfuric acid are not compatible with PE tubing option.
    These products are evaluated by diluting the exposed water treatment chemical to its
    typical use level (TUL), as defined in NSF/ANSI/CAN 60.
[3] D represents digital or display
    W indicates the drive control type
    X represents the flow and pressure rating of the pump
    Y indicates the voltage code
    Z indicates the liquid end handling assembly:
    718NI, 718SI, 728NI, 728SI, 738NI, 738SI, 748NI, 748SI,
    802NI, 802SI, 812NI, 812SI, 822NI, 822SI, 832NI, 832SI, 842NI, 842SI,
    803NI, 803SI, 813NI, 813SI, 823NI, 823SI, 833NI, 833SI, 843NI, 843SI,
    808NI, 808SI, 818NI, 818SI, 828NI, 828SI, 838NI, 838SI, 848NI, 848SI,
    900NI, 900SI, 910NI, 910SI, 920NI, 920SI, 930NI, 930SI, 940NI, 940SI,
    905NI, 905SI, 915NI, 915SI, 925NI, 925SI, 935NI, 935SI, 945NI, 945SI,
    909NI, 909SI, 919NI, 919SI, 929NI, 929SI, 939NI, 939SI, 949NI, 949SI,
    900NI, 900SI, 910AI, 910HI, 920AI, 920HI, 930AI, 930HI, 940AI, 940HI,
    908NI, 908SI, 918AI, 918HI, 918NI, 918SI, 928AI, 928HI, 928NI,
    938AI, 938HI, 938NI, 938SI, 948AI, 948HI, 948NI, 948SI,
    A00NI, A00SI, A10HI, A10AI, A10NI, A10SI, 
    A08NI, A08SI, A18HI, A18AI, A18NI, A18SI, 
    A20HI, A20AI, A20NI, A20SI, A28HI, A28AI, A28NI, A28SI,
    A30HI, A30AI, A30NI, A30SI, A38HI, A38AI, A38NI, A38SI, 
    A40HI, A40AI, A40NI, A40SI, A48HI, A48AI, A48NI, A48SI.
    where "I" may be replaced with "P", "O", "U", or "X"
    Certified for use with sodium hypochlorite (12.5%), sulfuric acid (98.5%), sodium
    hydroxide (50%) and hydrochloric acid (30%) for PVC, PVDF and
    PP heads.
    Certified for use with sodium hypochlorite (12.5%), sodium hydroxide (50%) and
    hydrochloric acid (30%) for Acrylic heads.
    These products are evaluated by diluting the exposed water treatment chemical to its
    maximum use level (MUL), as defined in NSF/ANSI Standard
[4] Certified for use with 50% sodium hydroxide. These products are evaluated by diluting
    the exposed water treatment chemical to its maximum use
    level (MUL), as defined in NSF/ANSI/CAN 60.
    Digits D, W, X, and Y denote options for non-wetted components where:
    D represents digital or display
    W indicates the drive control type
    X indicates the flow and pressure rating of the pump
    Y indicates the voltage code
    Z indicates the liquid end handling assembly: 907NP, 927NP, 937NP, 947NP
[5] ERBXXX and XRDXXX represent the drive unit and may be ERBX2X, ERBX3X, ERBX4X, XRDX2X,
    XRDX3X, or XRDX4X. Different drive types have different liquid end assemblies. 
    ZZZZZZZZZ represents the following liquid end assemblies: 
    A44ACA7T1, A44ACA7M2, A44ACA2FN, A46TCN4PN, A46TCN4TN, A46TCN2FN, A74TCA7T1, A74TCA7M2,
    A44ATA7T1,A44ATA7PN,	A44ATA7M2,A44ATA2FN, A74ATA7T1, A74ATA7PN, A74ATA7M2, A74ATA2FN,
    Certified for use with: 
    Sodium hypochlorite (12.5%) 
    Hydrochloric acid [Muriatic acid] (30%)
    Sulfuric acid (98.5%) 
    Sodium hydroxide (50%) 
    A1411V1PN, A1611V1PN, V44T1N4T3, V46T1N4P4, V46T1N4T4, S1414V1PN, S1614V1PN, A44A1A7T1,
    A44A1A7M2, A44A1A2FN, A46T1N4PN, A46T1N4TN, A46T1N2FN, A46V1N2FN, A46V1N4PN. A46V1N4TN,
    A44A1A7PN, A46A1N4PN, A46A1N4TN, A46A1N2FN, A1411A1PN, A1611A1PN, V44T1N4P4
    Certified for use with:
    Sodium hydroxide (50%)
    ZZZZZZZZ is the Liquid End code, in the following order: 
    Z1 Type (May be A, V or S) 
    Z2 Head Material (May be 1 [316L]. 2 [PVC], 4 [PP] or 7 [PVDF]) 
    Z3 Size (May be 4 or 6 [Diaphragm Size]) 
    Z4 Seat (May be A [Aflas], T [PTFE], V [Viton] or 1 [316L]) 
    Z5 Ball Material (May be C [Ceramic], 1 [316L], T [PTFE] or 4 [440C])
    Z6 O-Ring (May be N [None], A [Aflas] or V [Viton])
    Z7 Fitting Material (May be 1 [316L], 2 [PVC], 4 [PP] or 7 [PVDF]) 
    Z8 Fitting Connection (May be P [NPT], B [BSP], S [Socket], T [Inch Tube],M [Metric
    Tube], F ([DN15 Female] or D [DN15 Male]) 
    Z9 Tubing Kit (May be N [None], 1, 2, 3 or 4) 
    These products are evaluated by diluting the exposed water treatment chemical to its
    typical use level (TUL), as defined in NSF/ANSI/CAN 60.
[7] [LE-ZZZZZZZZZ] are the liquid end assemblies [ERBX2X], [ERBX3X], [ERBX4X], [XRDX2X],
    [XRDX3X], and [XRDX4X] are the drive units. The drive units are only Certified for use
    with the Certified liquid end assemblies.
[8] Certified for use with:
    Aluminum sulfate (50%), ammonium hydroxide (29%), potassium hydroxide (45%), sodium
    hydroxide (50%), sodium silicate (100%) , ACH aluminum chlorohydrate (40%), ferric
    chloride (45%), hydrochloric acid (28%), phosphoric acid (50%),sodium bisulfite (44%),
    sodium fluoride (4%), zinc orthophosphate (100%), Fluosilicic acid (100%), Hydrochloric
    acid (38%), Phosphoric acid (75%), Sodium hypochlorite (15%), Sulfuric acid (25%), and
    sulfuric acid (98.5%)
    Sodium fluoride and sulfuric acid are not compatible with PE tubing option.
    These products are evaluated by diluting the exposed water treatment chemical to its
    typical use level (TUL), as defined in NSF/ANSI/CAN 60.
[9] MacRoy D
    Y: options for non-wetted components
    X: options are for wetted components
    D indicates the frame size
    X1 indicates liquid end size options (may be 2 [0.7 GPH], 4 [14.4 GPH], 7 [50 GPH], 8
    [127 GPH])
    Y1 (non-wetted material) indicates Stroking speed
    Y2 (non-wetted material) indicates motor &/or mount code
    X2 indicates liquid end options (may be 2 [PVDF], 4 [Black Polypropylene], 7 [316 SS], 8
    [PVC], A [Acrylic], P [Polymer Service], L [Slurry
    Applications], N [H2SO4 Applications])
    X3 indicates the tubing connection (may be P [NPT], T [Tubing], B [Bleed Valve NPT], C
    [Bleed Valve Tubing])
    Y3 (non-wetted material) Capacity Control
    Y4 (non-wetted material) Double Diaphragm
    Y5 (non-wetted material) Base Code
    Y6 (non-wetted material) Stroke Code
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.

[10] LMI Series SD
     Y: options for non-wetted components
     X: options are for wetted components
     SG indicates the frame size
     X1 indicates liquid end size options (may be 2 [0.18-0.7 GPH], 4 [3-14.4 GPH], 7 [13-50
     GPH], 8 [31-127 GPH])
     Y1 (non-wetted material) indicates gear ratio code
     Y2 (non-wetted material) indicates motor &/or mount code options
     X2 indicates liquid end options (may be 2 [PVDF], 7 [316 SS], 8 [PVC], P [Polymer
     Service], L [Slurry Applications], N [H2SO4 Applications])
     X3 indicates the tubing connection (may be P [NPT], T [Tubing])
[11] MacRoy G
     Y: options for non-wetted components
     X: options are for wetted components
     G indicates the frame size
     X1 indicates liquid end size options (may be 5 [106 GPH], 6 [147 GPH], 7 [300 GPH])
     Y1 (non-wetted material) indicates Stroking speed
     Y2 (non-wetted material) indicates motor &/or mount code options
     X2 indicates liquid end options (may be 2 [PVDF], 4 [Black Polypropylene], 7 [316 SS], 8
     [PVC], C [Caustic Applications], F [Fluoride Applications], A [Acrylic], P [Polymer
     Service], L [Slurry Applications], N [H2SO4 Applications])
     X3 indicates the tubing connection (may be P [NPT], T [Tubing], B [Bleed Valve NPT], C
     [Bleed Valve Tubing], Q [Solvent Weld])
     Y3 (non-wetted material) Capacity Control
     Y4 (non-wetted material) Double Diaphragm
     Y5 (non-wetted material) Base Code
     Y6 (non-wetted material) Stroke Code
[12] LMI Series SG
     Y: options for non-wetted components
     X: options are for wetted components
     SG indicates the frame size
     X1 indicates liquid end size options (may be 5 [26-106 GPH], 6 [36-147 GPH], 7 [75-300
     Y1 (non-wetted material) indicates gear ratio code
     Y2 (non-wetted material) indicates motor &/or mount code options
     X2 indicates liquid end options (may be 2 [PVDF], 1 [White Polypropylene], 7 [316 SS], 8
     [PVC], C [Caustic Applications], F [Fluoride Applications],
     P [Polymer Service], L [Slurry Applications], N [H2SO4 Applications])
     X3 indicates the tubing connection (may be P [NPT], T [Tubing])

Chemical Storage Tanks[6] [G]
LMI Tank Model No. 26350 50 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
LMI Tank Model No. 27400 35 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL
LMI Tank Model No. 27421 10 gal. CLD 23 MLTPL

[6] Certification for use with the following chemicals. These products are evaluated by
    diluting the exposed water treatment chemicals to the typical use
    level (TUL), as defined by NSF/ANSI/CAN 60.
    Chemical               %
    Aluminum Sulfate       50
    Ammonium Hydroxide     29
    Ferric Chloride        45
    Fluosilicic Acid       23
    Hydrochloric Acid      28
    Hydrochloric Acid      30
    Hydrochloric Acid      38
    Hydrogen Peroxide      50
    Phosphoric Acid        50
    Potassium Hydroxide*   45
    Potassium Permanganate 10
    Sodium Bisulfite       44
    Sodium Hydroxide*      50
    Sodium Hypochlorite    12.5
    Sodium Hypochlorite    15
    * These chemicals are not compatible with the 35-gallon tank.
    Certification does not include any tank accessories.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


Pumps - Chemical Metering
Albin Pump/KM-Series & LMI/LKM Series[13] 3/8" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL

[13] Albin Pump/KM-Series:
     - Frame Size (2 (small), 3 (medium), or 4 (large))
     B   - Power Cord (4, 5, 6, 8, or 9)
     C   - Connector (A - 1/2" NPT/BSPT)
     D   - Tube Material (A - Tygon A-80, A-87, or A-60)
     E   - Tube Detail (ID in inches)
     D1 - 0.075
     E2 - 0.093
     G1 and G2 - 0.187
     H1 and H2 - 0.25
     K1, K2, and KL - 0.375
     L1 - 0.5
     P1 - 0.75
     F   - Communications
     G  - Options (R - orientation - ports right)
     Certified for use with the following chemicals:
     Activated Carbon (100 mg/L)
     Aluminum Chloride - 50%
     Aluminum chlorohydrate - 40%
     Aluminum Chlorohydrate/Polyaluminum Chloride - 40%
     Aluminum Sodium Sulfate - 15%
     Aluminum Sulfate - 50%
     Ammonia, aqueous - 35%
     Ammonium Hydroxide - 29%
     Ammonium Sulfate - 45%
     Calcium carbonate - 65%
     Calcium Chloride - 15%
     Calcium Hydroxide - 50%
     Calcium Hypochlorite - 15%
     Calcium Thiosulfate - 30%
     Chlorine dioxide - 2%
     Copper Sulfate - 5%
     Copper Sulfate - 25%
     Deionized Water - 100%
     Dipotassium Orthophosphate - 50%
     Disodium Orthophosphate - 50%
     Ferric Chloride - 50%
     Ferric Sulfate - 60%
     Ferrous Chloride - 40%
     Ferrous Sulfate - 30%
     Fluorosilicic acid - 25%
     Hydrochloric Acid – 30%
     Magnesium Sulfate - 25%
     Poly (Diallyldimethylammonium Chloride)(pDADMAC) - 50%
     Poly Aluminum Chloride - 100%
     Polyacrylamide - 3%
     Polyaluminum Chloride - 45%
     Polyaluminum Chlorosulfate - 50%
     Polyaluminum Hydroxychlorosulfate - 75%
     Polyaluminum Silicate Sulfate - 66%
     Polyaluminum Sulfate - 50%
     Potassium Carbonate - 47%
     Potassium Chloride - 34%
     Potassium hydroxide - 45%
     Potassium Hydroxide - 50%
     Potassium Permanganate - 20%
     Potassium Tripolyphosphate - 100%
     Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate - 12%
     Sodium Aluminate - 50%
     Sodium Ascorbate - 60%
     Sodium Bicarbonate - 100%
     Sodium Bisulfate - 50%
     Sodium Carbonate - 20%
     Sodium Carbonate - 85%
     Sodium Chlorate - 100%
     Sodium Chloride - 26%
     Sodium Chlorite - 8%
     Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate - 25%
     Sodium Fluoride - 4%
     Sodium Hydroxide - 50%
     Sodium Hypochlorite – 12.5%
     Sodium Hypochlorite - 15%
     Sodium Metabisulfite - 50%
     Sodium Percarbonate - 15%
     Sodium Permanganate - 40%
     Sodium Polyphosphates - 35%
     Sodium Silicate - 100%
     Sodium Sulfite - 20%
     Sodium Trimetaphosphate - 20%
     Sodium Tripolyphosphate - 15%
     Sulfur Dioxide - 5%
     Sulfuric Acid – 98.5%
     Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate - 60%
     Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate - 7%
     Tricalcium Phosphate - 70%
     Trichloroisocyanuric Acid- 10%
     Zinc Chloride - 62%
     Zinc Orthophosphate - 100%
     Zinc Sulfate - 36%

Facility : Guangxi, China

Mechanical Devices

    Water Water
    Contact Contact
Trade Designation Size Temp Material

Pumps - Chemical Metering [G]
PD[WXY]-[ZZZZZ][2] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL
PD[WXY]-[ZZZZZ][1] 1/4" CLD 23 MLTPL
UD00 (Y) - (ZZZZZ)[2] 1/4" - 1/2" CLD 23 MLTPL

[1] Certified for use with 50% sodium hydroxide. These products are evaluated by diluting
    the exposed water treatment chemical to its maximum use
    level (MUL), as defined in NSF/ANSI Standard 60.
    Digits D, W, X, and Y denote options for non-wetted components where:
    D represents digital or display
    W indicates the drive control type
    X indicates the flow and pressure rating of the pump
    Y indicates the voltage code
    Z indicates the liquid end handling assembly: 907NP, 927NP, 937NP, 947NP
[2] D represents digital or display
    W indicates the drive control type
    X represents the flow and pressure rating of the pump Y indicates the voltage code
    Z indicates the liquid end handling assembly: 803NI, 823NI, 833NI, 843NI
    Where ''I'' may be replaced with ''P'', ''O'', ''U'', or ''X''
    Certified for use with sodium hypochlorite (12.5%), sodium hydroxide (50%) and
    hydrochloric acid (30%) for PVDF heads.
    These products are evaluated by diluting the exposed water treatment chemical to its
    maximum use level (MUL), as defined in NSF/ANSI Standard 60.
[G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for
    “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state
    laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.


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