NSF Product and Service Listings
These NSF Official Listings are current as of Monday, February 10, 2025 at 12:15 a.m. Eastern Time. Please contact NSF to confirm the status of any Listing, report errors, or make suggestions.
Alert: NSF is concerned about fraudulent downloading and manipulation of website text. Always confirm this information by clicking on the below link for the most accurate information: http://info.nsf.org/Certified/PwsComponents/Listings.asp?ProductType=Icemaker+Accessories&Standard=061&
Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects
Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects
NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated for Materials, Certification is only for the Water Contact Material shown in the Listing. Click here for a list of Abbreviations used in these Listings. Click here for the definitions of Water Contact Temperatures denoted in these Listings. Products certified to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 comply with the health effects criteria in NSF/ANSI/CAN 600.
Liebherr Hausgeräte GmbH | |
Memmingerstrasse 77-79 | |
Ochsenhausen | |
88416 | |
Germany | |
49 7352 9280 | |
Visit this company's website |
Facility : Lienz, Austria
Mechanical Plumbing Devices
Trade Designation | ||||
Icemaker Accessories |
Water Bearing System [1] [2] [G] [Q] | ||||
[1] Each water bearing system may contain one or more the following, ice-maker, water dispenser, removeable tank. [2] Water-bearing system is installed in the following appliances and marked with the NSF mark at this facility: Dispenser: ERBdi 9770 ERBdi 9771 ERBdi 9970 ERBdi 9971 ERBh 9770 EKB 9471 EKB 9671 MRB 3010 MRB 3610 MRB 3000 MRB 3600 Icemaker and water dispenser IceCenter Solution: ECBNdi 9970 ECBNdi 9971 ECBNei 9770 ECBNei 9771 ECBNei 9972 ECBNh 9972 MCB 3060 MCB 3061 MCB 3660 MCB 3661 MCB 3662 ECBN 9471 ECBN 9471 ECBN 9471 ECBN 9471 ECBN 9671 ECBN 9671 ECBN 9671 ECBN 9671 ECBN 9673 ECBN 9673 MCB 3050 MCB 3051 MCB 3650 MCB 3651 MCB 3652 MBbddi 9028 MBbddi 9528 MBsddi 9058 MBsddi 9528 MBsddi 9558 MBsdh 9558 MBsdhi 9528 MBsdhi 9558 MBtddi 9528 FDBC36S FDBHC36S KFFD 6765 edt/cs MBbddi 9556 MBbdh 9526 MBsddi 9556 MBsdh 9526 MBsdh 9526 MBsdhi 9526 MBsdhi 9556 FDBI36S FDBHI36S KFFD 6867 obsw/matt KFFD 6867 pebe/matt Icemaker: CBNes 6256 CBS 1660 CBS 1661 CBNst 8872 CBS 2092G CBNste 8872 CS 1400R-IM CS 1401R-IM CS 2090G CS 2091G CS 2092G ECBN 5066 ECBN 6156 ECBN 6256 ECBN 7870 ECBN 7870 HCB 1590G HCB 1591G ECBN 8870 HCB 2090G HCB 2091G ECBN 8872 KFNF 9959 iDE HCB 2092G ECBNe 7870 ECBNe 7871 ECBNe 8870 ECBNe 8871 ECBNe 8872 ECN 7860 HC 1580G KFN 9859 iDE re HC 1581G KFN 9859 iDE li HC 2090G HC 2091G HC 2092G EFNei 9470 EFNei 9471 EFNei 9670 EFNei 9671 EFNei 9770 EFNei 9771 EFNei 9970 EFNei 9971 EGN 9171 EFNh 9671 EGN 9271 EGN 9471 EGN 9671 MF 1861 MF 2461 MF 3061 MF 3661 MF 1851 EGN 9171 MF 2451 EGN 9271 MF 3051 EGN 9471 MF 3651 EGN 9671 MBbddi 9024 MBsddi 9024 MBsddi 9524 MBtddi 9024 Msdhi 9514 FDE36S [G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [Q] This product meets the reduced Q test statistic criteria of 1 µg for lead per Section of NSF/ANSI/CAN 61. |
Facility : Radinovo, Bulgaria
Mechanical Plumbing Devices
Trade Designation | ||||
Icemaker Accessories |
Water Bearing System [1] [2] [G] [Q] | ||||
[1] Each water bearing system may contain one or more the following, ice-maker, water dispenser, removeable tank. [2] Water-bearing system is installed in the following appliances and marked with the NSF mark at this facility: Dispenser: SRBbsc 529i SRBbsd 529i SRBstc 529i SRBstd 529i SRB5290 Icemaker and water dispenser; IceCenter Solution: CBNbmy 579i II1 CBNbst 579i II1 CBNstb 579i CBNstc 579i CBNsth 779i MBbddi 9028 MBbddi 9528 MBsddi 9058 MBsddi 9528 MBsddi 9558 MBsdh 9558 MBsdhi 9528 MBsdhi 9558 MBtddi 9528 FDBC36S FDBHC36S KFFD 6765 edt/cs MBbddi 9556 MBbdh 9526 MBsddi 9556 MBsdh 9526 MBsdh 9526 MBsdhi 9526 MBsdhi 9556 FDBI36S FDBHI36S KFFD 6867 obsw/matt KFFD 6867 pebe/matt Icemaker: SCB7760IM SCB5790IM CNsdd 776i KFN 4799 DDE edt/cs C5740IM C7540IM SBNbsh 5264 SBNsdd 526i SBNsdh 5264 SC7541IM MBbddi 9024 MBsddi 9024 MBsddi 9524 MBtddi 9024 Msdhi 9514 FDE36S [G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [Q] This product meets the reduced Q test statistic criteria of 1 µg for lead per Section of NSF/ANSI/CAN 61. |
Facility : Ochsenhausen, Germany
Mechanical Plumbing Devices
Trade Designation | ||||
Icemaker Accessories |
Water Bearing System [1] [2] [G] [Q] | ||||
[1] Each water bearing system may contain one or more the following, ice-maker, water dispenser, removeable tank. [2] Water-bearing system is installed in the following appliances and marked with the NSF mark at this facility: Dispenser: ICBci 5182 ICBdi 5182 IRBAc 5190 IRBAd 5190 IRBci 5180 IRBdi 5180 IRB5160 Icemaker and water dispenser; IceCenter Solution: ICBNci 5183 ICBNdi 5183 ICB5160IM MBbddi 9028 MBbddi 9528 MBsddi 9058 MBsddi 9528 MBsddi 9558 MBsdh 9558 MBsdhi 9528 MBsdhi 9558 MBtddi 9528 FDBC36S FDBHC36S KFFD 6765 edt/cs MBbddi 9556 MBbdh 9526 MBsddi 9556 MBsdh 9526 MBsdh 9526 MBsdhi 9526 MBsdhi 9556 FDBI36S FDBHI36S KFFD 6867 obsw/matt KFFD 6867 pebe/matt Icemaker: FNsdd 529i KFN 7795 C ICBNbsci 5173 ICBNdi 5163 ICBNdi 5163 C178KGW ICBNdi 5173 ICBNh 5173 ICBNh 5183 KFNS 7795 D KFNS 7795 D C KFN 7795 D IC5110IMPC ICNci 5173 ICNbsci 5173 IC5110IM SFNbsd 529i SFNbsh 5267 SFNbsh 5267 SFNsdd 526i SFNsdh 5267 SFNsdh 5267 SFNsdh 5267 SFNsfd 5247 SFNstd 529i 0 SF5291 SIFNAd 5188 FNS 7794 D L SIFNAd 5188 SIFNdi 5188 SIFNdi 5188 SIFNdi 5188 FNS 7774 D FNS 7774 D SIFNbsdi 5188 FNS 7794 E FNS 7794 E F178GW SIFNh 5188 SIFNh 5188 FNS 7794 E FNS 7794 E FNS 7794 E FNS 7794 E SIF5181 SWTNes 4265 SWTNes 4265 SWTNes 4265 SWTNes 4285 SWTNes 4285 MBbddi 9024 MBsddi 9024 MBsddi 9524 MBtddi 9024 Msdhi 9514 FDE36S [G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [Q] This product meets the reduced Q test statistic criteria of 1 µg for lead per Section of NSF/ANSI/CAN 61. |
Miele & Cie. KG | |
Carl-Miele-Strasse 29 | |
Gütersloh | |
33332 | |
Germany | |
49 5421 89-0 |
Facility : Lienz, Austria
Mechanical Plumbing Devices
Trade Designation | ||||
Icemaker Accessories |
Water Bearing System[1] [2] [G] [Q] | ||||
[1] Each water bearing system may contain one or more the following, ice-maker, water dispenser, removeable tank. [2] Water-bearing system is installed in the following appliances and marked with the NSF mark at this facility: Icemaker: KFNF 9959 iDE KFN 9859 iDE re KFN 9859 iDE li [G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [Q] This product meets the reduced Q test statistic criteria of 1 µg for lead per Section of NSF/ANSI/CAN 61. |
Facility : Radinovo, Bulgaria
Mechanical Plumbing Devices
Trade Designation | ||||
Icemaker Accessories |
Water Bearing System[1] [G] [Q] | ||||
[1] Water-bearing system is installed in the following appliances and marked with the NSF mark at this facility: Icemaker: KFN 4799 DDE edt/cs [G] Product is Certified to NSF/ANSI 372 and conforms with the lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. [Q] This product meets the reduced Q test statistic criteria of 1 µg for lead per Section of NSF/ANSI/CAN 61. |
Number of matching Manufacturers is 2
Number of matching Products is 5
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